Kali Group
Kali Group
Kali Group
Remedy relationship is nothing but the various relations that are shared between remedies
at many aspects, facets, dimensions, levels, phases and sectors. To fathom relations in its
depth, a homoeopathic physician must have following requisites:
The concept of similarity: degrees and levels of similarity; the qualitative aspects
of similarity. The concept of relationship is a corollary of the concept of
The knowledge of Materia Medica in its depth; perceiving the portrait in its
The conceptual understanding of data in Materia Medica vis--vis hard facts;
conceptual portrait original data-base.
iv. The knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, psychology, psychiatry,
biology, botany/ zoology, physics, chemistry etc: co-relations of concepts arriving
out of these allied faculties with Materia Medica.
v. The knowledge of logical and philosophical faculties vi) The knowledge of
miasms, susceptibility, disease etc.
Types Of Relationship
1. Analogue:
a. Something that bears an analogy to something else.
b. An organ or structure that is similar in function to one in another kind of
(organism), but is of dissimilar evolutionary origin.
c. Similar or equivalent in certain respects, close enough to be compared
(Syn. Akin, Cognate). Example: Caus., Co., Lach, Lyc, Puls are analogues
of Arg-n. Analogue relations are of many types : acute, chronic, nearest,
vegetable, chemical etc.
2. Cyclic Or Sequential:
The portrait of a disease is heterogenous, non-descript, messed-up and hence
confusing to a physician as to the selection of a single remedy. With an orderly
analysis, one can go in for a cycle of remedies in a consecutive / successive
manner. Example: A patient with abdominal colic requiring Caust Coloc Staph
in succession if the totality is not distinctly covered by a single drug.
3. Intercurrent:
If the status quo condition is maintained, the case comes to a standstill, a remedy
interpolated / interposed in between, rouses the vital force to steer the system
towards recovery. The intercurrent remedy should not necessarily be a nosode.
Examples: Tub in a case of pneumonia with delayed resolution or recurrent
pneumonia; Thyroidinum in a case of Urticaria with family h/o thyroid disorder.
4. Miasmatic:
Miasms are the morbid constitutions, which make the system vulnerable and
develop certain traits, tendencies, diathesis etc. Hence a structural fault has to be
corrected at the constitutional level with the appropriate anti-miasmatic treatment.
The miasmatic block acts as an obstacle against recovery.
The patient and the drug in Materia Medica represent Psora Sycosis Tubercle
The remedy must cover not only the manifestations but also the underlying
miasmatic state. Hence miasmatic relations are extremely important. It gives us
the assessment of layers and follow-up guidance. Example: Gels is psoric, Kali-c,
Arg-m are sycotic, Sil, Calc-sil are sycotic, Sil, Caust are psoro-sycotic, (like Sul),
or a psoro-syphilitic (like Psor) or a syphilo-sycotic (like Plb, Zinc).
Inimical / Incompatible:
Some injurious effects were observed by prescribers after the administration of
some remedies (like a complex dissimilar disease). Central structural similarity is
not achieved, instead peripheral formal similarity is only corresponded. This gives
rise to some non-desirable effects. Example: Con is inimical to Psor. Caust is
inimical to Phos.
Antidotal Relationship:
In view of intense action of the remedy being registered over the system, a
physician would like to counteract it. Clinical experience is the source of this
relationship. Example: Hep-s is the antidote to Merc, Bry antidotes Insulin.
The previous remedy has exhausted its action and it needs to be furthered /
complemented / supplemented by an appropriate remedy which is analogous but
deeper acting. Two types : acute complement of the chronic or chronic
complement of the acute.
Synonym: Remedies that follow well.
The knowledge of phase of right timing is needed for successful application of
this relationship. Example: Ars is an acute complement of Kali-c. Sil is chronic
complement of Puls. A remedy which is complementary can also act as antidote.
This is dependent on the assessment of previous remedy's action.
a) To form close relationship with larger group. b) To associate (oneself) as a
subordinate or subsidiary. Example: "I am affiliated to University of Health
Sciences, Nashik". Kali-c is affiliated to Sul (or via it) to Calc.
9. Symbiotic:
a. Two remedies that have some elements in common and are useful one
after the other. Potential actions of both remedies are the same. They share
the same potential action with the same result.
b. Give and take relationship (for survival). Example: The trio Am-c (Psora),
Lach (Syphilis), Rhus-t (Sycosis) and Calc-c (all three Miasms) are a
symbiotic family. Symbiotics of Kali-c. are Kali-i., Kali-n., Lach.
10. Sectorial:
Instead of similarity at total level, it is observed at certain sector(s), region(s),
location(s), organ(s), system(s), sensation(s), pathology, symptom(s) or sign(s).
Example: Expanded sensation : Apis-m, Arg-n. Keloid pathology: Graph, Sil,
11. Milder / Lesser And Deeper / Intensified Relationship:
This relationship is the derivation of the remedial functionality on the basis of
pace / depth / intensity / fury of action. Two types: Sectorial and General. Acute /
chronic and complementary / Remedies that follow well have this relationship as
the base. Basically this relationship conforms to layers.
Example: The lodides and Murs are less deep-acting than Carbs; and of the
former, lodides are more angrily acting than other two. Iods and Sulphs never
disown their parents Iodine, Sulphur.
Carb-v is a lesser Kali-c.
Asct-t is a lesser Bry, also a lesser Kali-c.
Lach is an intensified Kali-i, Belllis-p is a greater or deeper Arn.
Syph is an intensified close-up of the broader remedies Phos, Kali-i and Sul-i and
also complements them.
12. Source / Group / Family / Kingdom:
The remedies in Materia Medica are derived from various sources. On the basis of
these sources, one can formulate many relations that can serve useful in clinical
Example: Mild snakes: Card, Puls, Ust, Kali-i, Sul-ac.
Chemical snake: Am-carb.
Bry is botanical congener of Colo. Colo is a vegetable Mag-phos, Gels is a
vegetable Lach, also a vegetable and acute Kali-c.
Urt-urens, is vegetable, Apis-m, is animal (and both are acutes of) Nat-m.
13. 'Stages' Relationship:
Evolution is important attribute of remedial action. This gives rise to multiple
ways of relations of Materia Medica. Son / Father / Twin / Family, Child / Youth /
Old age, Patron / Confrere / Comrade / Friend etc. are types of this relationship.
This facilitates deeper understanding of remedies. Example: Ambr-g is old man's
Ign, a negative Puls.
Caust, and Kali-c, are twins: Kali-c goes deeper in gastro-pectoral-cardiac sphere
while Caust, does so in paralysis or neuro-muscular sphere.
Family Upbringing
Kali child may be born in a family where there is a conflict between father and mother in
terms of materialism and spiritualism. There is a ritualistic atmosphere at home, but there
is poverty. The child gradually learns the importance of money and his hoarding instinct
increases. Or the child has enjoyed the childhood well in terms of richness and protection
and suddenly there is a loss of a father or a business loss. The child experiences both
poles-richness and poverty. Early responsibility befalls on him and be becomes more
responsible. He has to fight for his bread and butter, for his family. Pragmatism then
becomes the theme. However, beneath this pragmatism lies his weakness of will which
constraints him against major achievements and his hoarding that make him selfish.
Weakness of will, dependency, insecurity masquerade as anxiety. He prefers to remain
routinist, conformist, traditional and tries to avoid taking new enterprise. He can't face the
challenges thrown to him. He becomes a shirker, an escapist. Any change in routine
where he will have standup courageously aggravates him and develops in him anxiety. If
this extends too far Kali goes to the negative side being rigid, dogmatic and very dry. It is
as if the system learns to remain grounded firmly for the sake of survival, instead facing
the harsh and complex life!
Routines, conservatism, conventionality, rigidity - all with conscientiousness make Kali a
'square' person. He clings to old concepts and firmly believes on 'old is gold'. Inflexible
he is, while acting squarely, he will not square a person and will not allow others to take
the bribe. People like Anna Hajare or Khairnar exhibit Kali personality.
Kalis are not open to modern fashions and changes in culture. Instead be carried away,
they will stick up to their beliefs and values.