Method Statement For Bored Pile at Proposed Pedestrian/Motorcycle Bridge Near Kg. Changkat Melintang (CH 230.900)

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Issued : Dec 01
UE Construction Sdn Bhd UEC/MS/MPKCM/BP/006

Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh



(CH 230.900)


Prepared by Date Reviewed by Date Approved by Date

Sheikh Faizal Mohd Fauzi B.T Tee


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Issued : Dec 01
UE Construction Sdn Bhd UEC/MS/MPKCM/BP/006

Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh











9.1 Appendix A: Bored Piling Layout and Details

9.2 Appendix B: Sonic Coring Details
9.3 Appendix C: Integrity Testing
9.4 Appendix D: Inspection and Test Plan
9.5 Appendix E: Safety Health and Environment
9.6 Appendix F: Related Forms
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Issued : Dec 01
UE Construction Sdn Bhd UEC/MS/MPKCM/BP/006

Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh


This method statement specifically describes the procedure involved in

construction of bored piles at proposed pedestrian/motorcycle bridge Near
Kg. Changkat Melintang to ensure that the works is completed in
accordance with the specification and applicable Standard Codes of
Practice and that the activities are documented. The scope of work shall
include :

a) Mobilization and delivery of piling equipment and accessories.

b) Setting out of piling points.

c) Construction of cast in-situ bored piles of 900 mm diameter. It shall be

installed by use of mechanical and/or hydraulic-powered machine and cast
with reinforced concrete.

d) Carry out sonic logging test, load test and cavity treatment.

e) Obtaining all necessary approvals from local authorities.


Materials to be used will be :

2.1 Water
Potable water shall be used in preparing the slurry suspension and

2.2 Bentonite / Polymer Slurry Suspension

During excavation of the borehole, pile shaft stability shall be maintained,
if required, by the introduction into the hole of a stable suspension
medium of bentonite or polymer drilling fluid.

2.3 Concrete
The ready mixed concrete (G40 Tremmie mix T2) for piling will be supplied
by the approved supplier, Supermix Concrete Sdn. Bhd./Classic Best Sdn
Bhd. The concrete shall be in accordance with the Specification.

2.4 Steel Reinforcement

The steel reinforcement will have both a main supplier and a back-up
supplier. The reinforcement cages for the piles shall be high tensile
deformed steel bars. They shall be delivered to site in straight lengths of
12 metres. All delivery will be accompanied by Mill Test Certificate.


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UE Construction Sdn Bhd UEC/MS/MPKCM/BP/006

Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh

3.1 Machinery/Equipment

3.1.1 The basic configuration required for the construction of 900mm diameter
bored piles are:-

a) Hydraulic Piling Rig

 1 no. of either BG22/BG30 as appropriate.

b) Service crane
 1 no. crawler crane (45t, 50t or 60t)

c) Casing vibrators (vibro hammer) and segmental casing

d) Bentonite mixing/storing plant.

e) Grout mixing and pumping mixing

f) Rock/soil auger, digging/cleaning buckets and core barrels.

3.1.2 Ancillary equipment will include :-

a) EX 200 hydraulic excavator or equivalent.

b) Lorries for removing spoil.

c) Water silos, pump, pipework, settling tank.

d) Air compressors, generator, welding set.

e) Airlift, tremie, concrete skip, jet washer.

f) Toolbox container for small tools and spares.

g) Lifting chains, slings and beams.

3.2 Manpower

Each rig will have a foreman and crew allocated. The crew will consist of rig
operator, crane operator, banksman, welder and general workers. The
foreman will be responsible for all piling supervision, who will generally
supervise the rig machine.

There is also a gang for steel reinforcement work and a gang for pile load

If grouting is required as pre-treatment or remedial action, a separate

team will be mobilised. Each drilling rig will have its own foreman and
crew consisting of an operator and general workers. The foreman will
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UE Construction Sdn Bhd UEC/MS/MPKCM/BP/006

Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh

report to a micropiling or grouting supervisor who will also take charge of

the rig machine.


4.1 Formation of Bored Hole

4.1.1 Joint survey to check the setting out of pile position from control
point by the surveyor will be carried out before commencement of
the drilling work.

4.1.2 Setting out of the first pile point and subsequent selected pile
points shall be confirmed by DRB appointed surveyor.

4.1.3 Drilling rig shall be stationed on stable ground. Steel plate shall be
provided if required.

4.1.4 The pile position set by the surveyor shall be offset in two
perpendicular directions.

(a) The boring plant will be moved to the pile point intended for
excavation. The kelly bar mounted with an auger is placed
just above the pile point.

(b) The vertically of the kelly bar should be checked by means of

a spirit level. Adjustment should be made so as to enable the
kelly bar to be as vertical as possible. Then the position of
the auger is checked against the pile point.

(c) Adjustments should be made so that the centre of the auger is

nearest to the pile point. The auger is then lowered and
boring operation commence.

(d) Reasonable care should be taken so that the pile position and
vertically are constructed within the specified tolerance i.e.
75mm and 1 in 75 respectively. Plumb bob shall be used to
check the verticality as boring is in progress.

4.1.5 During the course of boring, the following checks shall be made:-

(a) If boring encounters unstable stratum or boring hole starts

to collapse, temporary casing to depth will be installed.

(b) Where casing cannot penetrate further down, the vibro

hammer shall be used if necessary to drive the casing down.

4.1.6 If unsuitable stratum is encountered below the casing depth, one of

the following methods shall be applied to stabilise the bore hole:-

(a) Extend and install further the casing to prevent collapse.

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UE Construction Sdn Bhd UEC/MS/MPKCM/BP/006

Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh

(b) Stabilise with water if workable.

4.1.7 The drop chisel will be used if it is found that the coring cannot be
continued due to hard strata.

4.1.8 Boring will stop when the required depth is reached. Soil sample to
be taken whenever soil strata changes during the course of drilling
and shall be properly labelled.

4.1.9 All boring activity shall be accompanied by a Borelog record

(Borepile) [Form No: DRB-F-B001] which will indicate the
description and changes in the soil strata revealed during the
boring exercise.

4.1.10 After reaching the required depth, a cleaning bucket will be used to
clean up the bottom of the borehole and the cleanliness of the toe is
checked by the weigh tie to the measuring tape. A joint
measurement of the depth should be made before lowering of
reinforcement and concreting.

4.1.11 For dry borehole, each hole shall be inspected by S.E prior to the
placing of concrete in it. The inspection shall be carried out from
the ground surface in the case where the borehole diameter is less
than 750 mm. Torches or other approved means of lighting,
measuring tapes and a means of measuring verticality shall be
provided. Where the borehole diameter exceeds 750mm, adequate
equipment conforming to BS 5573 shall be provided to enable
descending into the borehole for inspection.

4.1.12 For wet boreholes, i.e holes filled with drilling fluid water, a suitable
probe shall be provided to ascertain the evenness and cleanliness
of the pile base. The water or drilling fluid in the bored hole shall be
checked for its specific gravity and sand content.

4.1.13 Soil sample shall be taken whenever soil strata changes during the
course of drilling, and shall be properly labelled.

4.2 Installation Of Steel Reinforcement Cage

4.2.1 Reinforcement to bored piles will be pre-fabricated in the

reinforcement yard and transported to the borehole for placing.

4.2.2 After fabrication by the bar benders, the helical links will be tack
welded to the main reinforcement. Laps (50D or 1.25m) are also to
be welded sufficiently so that they are intact during transportation.

4.2.3 100mm diameter round concrete spacers will be fixed to the

reinforcement to provide the 50mm cover as required to the
reinforcement against the soil during concreting.
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Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh

4.2.4 The reinforcement will be lowered to the completed borehole, prior to

concreting, by means of a service crane and to be adjusted to the
correct level.

The steel reinforcement cage drawing can be found in Appendix A.

4.3 Concreting

4.3.1 Dry hole method When the hole is practically dry, ready mix concrete shall
be discharged directly into the hole through a 1.5m length
funnel hopper. The funnel hopper shall be guided to ensure that the

concretes falls centrally to the full depth without striking
the reinforcement steel on the sides of the pile excavation,
by attaching a 10 inch pipe. The length of the pipe shall be
made to suit the borehole depth such that the free fall of
the concrete is restricted to 3m The concrete level shall be cast at least 0.5m above the
cut-off level. Casing shall be withdrawn immediately if temporary casing

is required for forming the bore hole. Concrete slump for dry hole method shall be between 100 –

4.3.2 Partially dry hole method In bore hole where water is less than 500mm and without
substantial water seepage from the side of borehole, 2
(two) bags of cement shall be dumped into the hole and
concrete shall be discharged immediately into the hole
through a funnel hopper. Method of construction shall be the dry hole method. If there is water in the bored hole, tremie pipe shall be

used for concreting.

4.3.3 Wet hole (Tremie method) In bore hole with more than 1.0 m of water and continuous
seepage to such an extent that the borehole cannot be
dewatered, tremie method shall be applied. Tremie pipe sections of minimum 150 mm diameter shall

be joined progressively until the pipe reaches the toe.
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Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh Concrete will be poured continuously until fresh concrete is

‘flushed out’. The trimmie pipe shall be dismantled progresively after

the concrete had been discharge into the pipe. Trimmie
pipe shall have at least 3m embedded in the concrete all
the time. As the trimmie pipe extends to the base of the bore hole,
a sliding plug on barrier shall be placed in the pipe to
prevent direct contact between the first change of
concrete in the trimie and the water on the drilling fluid. The concrete level shall be cast at least 1m above the cut-
off level. Casing shall be withdrawn immediately if temporary casing

is required for forming the borehole. Temporary casing shall be extracted within 2 hours of

placing concrete. Extraction of casing shall be done by
vertical lift, continually plumb and shall proceed in such a
manner as to allow continuous observations of the interior
slumping of the concrete. Concrete slump for tremie method shall be between 175 –


4.5 Proposal to treat the conditions where caving is encountered or

excess water begins seeping into bored hole during boring

4.5.1 Cavity Grouting

If any pile is affected by the presence of cavities, cavity treatment

will be conducted either before the boring works commence at the
particular pile location or after the pile has been constructed.
Details of cavity grouting are addressed in a separate method
statement (Ref: UEC/MS/RB012/CT/003).

4.5.2 If required, bentonite will be used to stabilize the existing soils

during boring works to prevent collapse or unstable soils.

4.5.3 If boring encounters unstable stratum or boring hole starts to

collapse, temporary casing to depth will be installed.
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Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh

4.6 Sonic Tubes

Upon acceptance of sonic test results, the sonic tubes shall be backfilled
with a cement water mix of appropriate composition, through the following
steps :

a) Tremie tubes (20mm poly pipe) shall be lowered.

b) Sonic tubes shall be flushed with clear water.

c) Cement mix shall be grouted from the bottom to the top until
uncontaminated grout mix comes out from other circuit.

d) Grout tubes shall be capped and protected until setting of grout


Three test cubes will be taken for each set of sonic tubes.

4.7 In-Situ Test

The test of the bored pile shall consist of either sonic coring, integrity test,
static load test or other load tests instructed or approved by S.E. Detail for
the sonic coring and integrity testing are as detailed below :

4.7.1 Sonic Coring

Sonic tubes shall be fixed to the interior of the reinforcing cage.

The sonic tubes range from 2” to 5” and shall extend from 300mm
above the concrete level to 300mm above the toe of the pile. The
number of sonic tubes per pile shall be as per specification.

The sonic tubes shall be capped during concreting. The sonic tubes
shall be flushed prior to the coring and filled with clean water.
Sonic measurement shall be conducted between each of the sonic
tubes. The sonic coring tests shall be carried out by lowering the
ultrasonic data acquisition and transmitting units to the base of
adjacent sonic tubes and raising them simultaneously, maintaining
the probes in the horizontal plane. The test data is recorded on a
data logger. Refer to Appendix B for Sonic Coring Details

4.7.2 Integrity Testing

For the integrity testing of bored piles, an instrumented hammer

shall be used to impact the top of the pile centered on the centroid.
The impact force of the hammer and the pile velocity response as a
function of time shall be measured using a geophone or velocity
transducer. The two sets of information shall be processed to yield
a mobility/frequency plot. Refer to Appendix C.

The result of the mobility/frequency plot will be interpreted to

determine the pile shaft integrity and surrounding soil conditions.
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UE Construction Sdn Bhd UEC/MS/MPKCM/BP/006

Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh

4.7.3 Load Testing

For load testing, maintained load test or other method of testing instructed
or approved by S.E will be carried out. Separate method statement will be
submitted for method of load testing instructed or approved by S.E.


On site quality control shall be carried out in accordance with the

Inspection and test plan as attached in the Appendix D to ensure that the
job is carried out to the client satisfaction.

Materials test must be conducted to ensure their conformance with the

specification requirement.


6.1 The work to be carried out in accordance with the Project Safety plan.
Particular activities requiring attention are highlighted in the Appendix E.

6.2 All machinery engaged are subject to the standard colour coding system
as required in the Site Safety Manual and all other relevant requirements.

6.3 All the works shall comply with DRB-HICOM Environmental management

6.4 Toolbox meeting will be carried out on construction area at regular

intervals to ensure compliance with the Safety Plan and familiarity with
accident and emergency procedures.

6.5 Conduct safety induction course to workers before commencement of


6.6 Provide PPE to all workers including safety helmet, safety shoe, vest, ear
protector, etc.

6.7 Provide signboards to warn workers and public of dangers associated with
construction works.

6.8 Inspect all machinery at site and ensure that it has competent certificate
and is safe to operate.
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UE Construction Sdn Bhd UEC/MS/MPKCM/BP/006

Electrified Double Track Project Between Rawang And Ipoh


7.1 A line block will be applied during piling work at abutment A1, pier P1, pier
P2 and pier P3 as the location of the abutment and piers is very near to
the track and might pose a danger to trains as well as to the track. All
KTM regulations regarding line blocks will be adhered to.

7.2 Track monitoring and rectification detail is elaborated in separate method

statement UEC/MS/MPKCM/RM/002.


Forms which shall be used for the works are:

8.1 Request For Inspection.

8.2 New Work Checklist.

8.3 Daily Job Record / Report.

8.4 Joint Measurement Sheet.

8.5 DRB-HICOM Bore Log Record (Form No: DRB-F-B001).

8.6 DRB-HICOM Reinforcement Cage Checklist (Form No: DRB-F-B002).

8.7 Tremie Concrete Record Sheet (Form No: DRB-F-B003).

All the forms are attached in Appendix F.


9.1 Appendix A: Bored Piling Layout and Details

9.2 Appendix B: Sonic Coring Details

9.3 Appendix C: Integrity Testing

9.4 Appendix D: Inspection and Test Plan

9.5 Appendix E: Safety Health and Environment

9.6 Appendix F: Related Forms

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