Vietnam DBQ
Vietnam DBQ
Vietnam DBQ
This question is based on the accompanying documents. It is designed to test your ability to work with historical
documents. Some of the documents have been edited for the purposes of the question. As you analyze the
documents, take into account the source of each document and any point of view that may be presented in the
Historical Context:
Since World War II, conflicts in Asia have played a major role in the Cold War. One of these conflicts arose in
Vietnam. United States involvement in this conflict was sometimes controversial. The decision to send troops to
Vietnam had a major impact on American society and on United States foreign policy.
Task: Using information from the documents and your knowledge of United States history, answer the
questions that follow each document in Part A. Your answers to the questions will help you write the Part B
essay, in which you will be asked to
Part B
Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Use evidence from at least five documents in the body of the essay. Support your response with relevant facts,
examples, and details. Include additional outside information.
Historical Context:
Since World War II, conflicts in Asia have played a major role in the Cold War. One of these conflicts arose in
Vietnam. United States involvement in this conflict was sometimes controversial. The decision to send troops to
Vietnam had a major impact on American society and on United States foreign policy.
Task: Using information from the documents and your knowledge of United States history, write an essay in which
In your essay, be sure to:
Develop all aspects of the task
Incorporate information from at least five documents
Incorporate relevant outside information
Support the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details
Use a logical and clear plan of organization, including an introduction and conclusion that are beyond a
restatement of the theme