Managing and Leading People 2e Sample Chapter
Managing and Leading People 2e Sample Chapter
Managing and Leading People 2e Sample Chapter
Gill Christy
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
i n t r o d uction
This chapter focuses on leaders in a business or organisational context, and views
leaders as key players in both devising and implementing organisational strategy.
It considers how existing theories and frameworks help to address the question
of what exactly makes a leader effective in a business or a working environment.
Some concepts and models clearly derive from, and apply to, other areas of human
activity such as politics, sport and warfare. The notion of leadership provides an
enduring fascination not only to academics such as psychologists and political
or social scientists, but also to journalists, biographers, authors, dramatists and
film-makers for whom it provides a rich source of material both factual and
fictional. As we shall also see, many terms and metaphors associated with the
study of leadership derive from sporting and military contexts. However, when
we enter the more usual organisational arenas businesses, public sector and
governmental organisations, non-profit-making organisations such as charities
we tend to encounter the term manager more frequently than the term leader
as the one to describe such key players. It is therefore important to start by
considering how far these two related concepts, leadership and management,
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m a n a g e m ent or leadership?
There seems to have been a certain revival of interest in the concept and
application of leadership in recent years. Two decades ago, ambitious candidates
for top-flight jobs in the world of business and public affairs might have
enrolled on programmes to become Masters of Business Administration or to
take diplomas in management studies. Today there is a burgeoning market in
postgraduate degrees such as leadership studies, or business development and
leadership. The Management Standards Centre (MSC) included the term in its
revised National Occupational Standards for Management and Leadership, and
in 2003 Investors in People UK launched its supplementary Leadership and
Management model, discussed further below. Similar thinking has also led to
the development of the CIPDs own Leadership and Management Standards,
now integral to the professional development and qualification programme.
So an initial question to consider is why there is such renewed interest in the
concept of leadership, and how this fits with traditional ideas about organisational
management. Perhaps part of the answer is to do with changing patterns of
organisational life and similar changes in social expectations within the working
Traditional organisations with strongly hierarchical structures are becoming rarer,
and newer forms of both commercial and public sector organisation tend to be
more flexible and task- or client-focused. What Handy (1976) described as matrix
organisations are generally considered to be more effective in a highly fluid
commercial or operating environment; and the shamrock style of organisation
(Handy, 1989) charts the move towards further operational flexibility. As we
discuss in Chapter 6 this type of organisational flexibility was also described by
Atkinson (1984) in his model of the flexible firm, which disaggregates different
organisational requirements and builds in a further form of organisational
flexibility by outsourcing or subcontracting a number of its activities. This kind
of articulated organisational structure works against the maintenance of strong
hierarchies based around position (or legitimate) power (Mullins, 2007), and
often requires individual managers to exercise a different form of authority
from that conferred simply by virtue of status or rank. Similarly, wider social
attitudes towards authority have changed and, as in other walks of life, people
generally expect to be consulted and involved in their work rather than simply
instructed. In some circumstances these expectations are now supported by the
law for instance, through the Information and Consultation of Employees
(ICE) Regulations of 2005 which now apply to all businesses with more than 50
employees. Together, these trends may have renewed the interest in leadership as
an important skill for those attempting to get things done through other people.
Mullins suggests that there is a close relationship between the two concepts
(management and leadership) and recognises that at least some authors and
commentators dislike attempts to separate the two (ibid). Other writers, such as
Hollingsworth someone with both military and commercial experience and
Kotter (Bloisi et al, 2003; Huczynski and Buchanan, 2007) make a very clear
distinction. Kotter describes leaders as those who set a direction, align people
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to the vision and motivate them whereas managers plan, organise, control
and resolve problems. In Hollingsworths model, leadership involves innovation,
development, a focus on people, inspiring trust, having an eye on the horizon and
doing the right things. By contrast, management is associated with administration,
maintenance, systems/structure, control, paying attention to the bottom line and
doing things right. This distinction is also reflected in the National Occupational
Standards for Management and Leadership, which appear to show a transition
between operational and/or supervisory levels of management at levels 2 and 3,
and a more strategic approach at levels 4 and 5 (Management Standards Centre,
2005). It is therefore a useful means of organising further discussion of the subject
in terms of organisational people management practice.
For the purposes of this chapter, strategic leadership is taken to mean the
activities involved in the initial creation of an overall business or organisational
strategy, then directing and energising organisational resources towards
the achievement of that strategy. Insofar as it then relies on others to carry
out the strategy it may involve some management, but it is primarily about
business vision and mission. This means doing the right thing, creating the
differentiators which, in people terms, involves becoming an employer of choice,
an organisation which is able to encourage outstanding performance from its
workforce and thus achieve superior results. On the other hand, managerial
leadership is taken to mean activities surrounding the creation, maintenance and
development of an appropriate infrastructure for business operations, including
that which involves organising the work of other people. It means creating a
working environment that can help a business or other organisation to achieve
its objectives. In this sense management includes leadership to some degree: it is
about doing things right.
analysing the organisations environment and the changes that are expected over
the plan period
identifying and evaluating the organisations key resources: those that are
distinctive (by comparison to competitors) and those that are also important to
delivering value to customers, taxpayers or client groups
considering strategic options: ways of matching organisational resources to
particular parts (segments) of the market, looking for the approach that is
forecast to create maximum
added value for shareholders, or to achieve the most effective use of public or
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4 . 1 ac t i vi t y
Look up the following article by Sean Coughlan on the BBC business news website, http://
MBAs must drop the Machismo (28 February 2005).
This summarises some research carried out by Brunel University Business School.
What light does this research shed on the changing nature of organisational leadership
and management?
What are the implications of this research for universities and business schools who
deliver MBAs?
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Managing self
Providing direction
Facilitating change
Using resources
Achieving results.
Leadership ability can be firmly associated with the second, third and fourth of
these elements; and indeed the term working with people has replaced managing
people in a way which might indicate the reducing emphasis on formal control
and the increased need for collaboration in present-day work environments noted
The 2007 version of the CIPD Managing and Leading People Professional
Standards recognises that soft skills are just as important as technical ones, and so
these are better represented and thus reflect more fully aspects of leadership which
are essential to good management practice. Nevertheless, these functions are
qualitatively different from those required of strategic leadership which, as we have
noted, appear at the higher levels or organisations. The majority of the standards
are much more concerned with doing things right in the sense of providing an
effective structure within which people can achieve high levels of performance for
their organisation.
It is now possible to turn to some of the concepts and theories about leadership,
and to identify how well they might support the development of effective people
management, either at a strategic or at more operational level.
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Transformational leadership
Inspirational leadership.
Taking each of these approaches in turn, we can examine the general principles
and models involved, and comment on their suitability in relation to either
strategic leadership or managerial (operational) leadership. Some comments about
the implications of each model for the development of effective organisational
leaders are also included.
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4 . 2 ac t i vi t y
Research and consider the careers of some prominent business leaders, for instance Richard
Branson, the late Anita Roddick, Michael OLeary, Sir Alan Sugar or Jacqueline Gold. Can you
identify common traits? Have they always been successful?
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A free sample chapter from Managing and Leading People by Charlotte Rayner and Derek Adam-Smith
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4 . 3 ac t i vi t y
Watch the opening scene of Ridley Scotts 2000 film Gladiator. It shows the preparation for a
battle. Stop it when the first arrows are fired about 8 to 10 minutes in. Analyse Maximuss
behaviours during the pre-battle preparations using Adairs Task, Team, Individual model of
If you arent squeamish, watch the rest of the film. Then consider and analyse the different
leaders (listed below) who emerge using ideas discussed in this chapter. You might consider
situational factors, behaviours and characteristics.
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leadership styles
Approaches to the study of leadership which analyse the differences between
leadership styles are generally focused upon the leaders attitude towards people
and the resulting behaviours which they exhibit in their day-to-day dealings with
members of the team. This generates a range of possibilities, and the resulting
classifications usually identify a range of styles, perhaps most succinctly described
by Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1973). They focused on the relative strength and
power of managers and non-managers (ie subordinates) in terms of decisionmaking. At one end of the resulting continuum is boss-centred (autocratic)
decision-making where a manager largely decides what is to be done in a specific
circumstance, and others accept and follow the decision. At the other end is joint
(or democratic) decision-making, where a manager will define a problem or
situation and then participate in the decision-making simply as a member of the
team. This model recognises the need for an understanding of the relationship
between specific managers and their teams from a basis of both leader and
follower characteristics (such as personality, relevant knowledge and experience,
sense of security, etc) and permits the inclusion of circumstantial considerations
(organisational and societal factors, etc) in the equation. In this respect it bears
considerable similarity to the contingency models discussed in the next section.
Insofar as it examines the skills and requirements for leading a team, the approach
is not prescriptive, and is an appropriate tool for analysing and identifying the
range of successful managerial leadership styles. It also offers some important
messages about the importance of flexibility in terms of managerial style. Like the
behavioural theories discussed earlier, these approaches have significant value in
terms of management development but also have similar shortcomings when it
comes to the consideration of strategic leadership.
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S1: telling provides high amounts of guidance and direction but little
supportive behaviour. This style is most appropriate for low follower readiness,
including situations where followers are unable and/or unwilling. The leader
structures the task and concentrates on step-by-step help and instruction.
S2: selling requires high amounts of both directive (task) and relationship
behaviours. This style is most appropriate for low to moderate follower
readiness, particularly when followers are willing but still not fully capable of
performing. The leader encourages more dialogue to achieve buy-in amongst
the followers.
S3: participating shows high levels of two-way communication and supportive
(relationship) behaviour but low amounts of guidance (task behaviour).
This style is most appropriate for moderate to high follower readiness in
other words situations where followers are competent but inexperienced,
or competent but demotivated. The leader should focus on discussion,
encouragement and facilitation rather than instruction.
S4: delegating involves little direction or support in other words low levels
of both task and relationship behaviours. This style is most appropriate for high
follower readiness in other words situations where managerial intervention
is largely unnecessary (unless there are significant problems) and can focus on
4. 4 t heory ta st er
For instance, a personnel assistant who is who is highly capable and confident
about carrying out selection interviews would respond well to a delegating style
of management in relation to this work. However, if they then find themselves
in changed business circumstances and need to carry out redundancy interviews
without having had much relevant experience, then a selling style of managerial
leadership might be more suitable, or possibly a telling style if the individual was
particularly resistant to carrying out the new task.
co n t i n g e n c y a p p roaches in relation
to c u ltu re
There is evidence that contingency
approaches to leadership have particular
relevance when considering intercultural situations. Kreitner, for instance,
suggests that national culture is an
important contingency and that cultural
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There seems, from Kreitners research, to be some indication that the most widely
applicable style is the participative one. It is well suited to many national cultures
but particularly those such as that of the USA and Sweden where there is limited
natural respect for hierarchy and seniority: what Hofstede would term a low
power distance culture. Nevertheless, it can be successful in a wider range of
cultures than the directive style. The latter is more specifically suited to high
power distance cultures where status automatically commands respect (Kreitner
suggests French and Indian cultures), and where subordinates will generally expect
their managers to have the answers by virtue of the expertise that has enabled
them to achieve their status. The directive style translates poorly into low power
distance cultures or those where joint regulation or co-determination is the norm
(for instance, the German one). He explains (Kreitner, 2001, p.613, emphasis in
the original), however, that:
Participative leadership is not necessarily the best style; it simply is culturally
acceptable in many different countries . . . directive leadership turned out to
be the least appropriate leadership style.
Moving more directly into the area of strategic leadership in a business context,
Clarke and Pratt (1985) and Rodrigues (1988) both consider the importance of
the stage of growth which a business has reached and suggest that this too can be
an important contingent factor with relation to the choice of strategic leadership
style. Taking a basic model of the business growth cycle such as the Boston box,
which identifies four developmental stages of an enterprise start-up, growth,
maturity and decline (see Chapter 2) these authors suggest that there are
matching styles of strategic leadership: champion, tank commander, housekeeper
and lemon-squeezer. The start-up organisation or venture needs a champion
style, a leadership style which is prepared to fight for the enterprise on a variety of
fronts, thus suggesting the need for an energetic individual with a wide variety of
technical management skills.
th e ch a m p i o n s t y l e
4.5 ca s e study
The housekeeper needs fewer entrepreneurial skills but needs to be able to achieve
more in the way of planning, cost control and the formalisation of processes
and organisational structures such as reward and training systems. The lemon-
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squeezer, who is trying to extract the best from a declining business and if possible
turn it around, needs a range of skills which are more to do with taking tough
and difficult measures as effectively as possible than fostering and encouraging
growth. Possible examples of this type of leadership might include Sir Stuart Rose
at Marks & Spencer between 2004 and 2006, and Justin King at Sainsburys in
late 20045. Such circumstances are common in business life: examples which
came to prominence at the start of 2008 include the challenges faced by the new
management of Northern Rock, and those at Tata following its purchase of the
Jaguar and Land Rover brands from Ford. Clarke and Pratt consider that most
managers have one primary style and are not necessarily suited to all stages of
business development.
The contingency approach to leadership emphasises contextual factors as an
important influence on leader success. Professor Joseph Nye, in a BBC interview
ahead of the UK publication of his book The Powers to Lead: Soft, hard, and
smart in May 2008, stressed the relationship between contextual knowledge and
leadership power, explaining that contextual knowledge helps leaders to determine
what balance they should strike between the use of what he terms hard power
(issuing commands) and soft power (the ability to attract and retain followers).
Contingency approaches remain highly relevant for the exercise of leadership in
modern organisations, having perhaps two main implications for organisational
leadership and its development. First of all, training for management and
leadership skills must include the use of tools and techniques that can enable those
in managerial and leadership positions both to identify salient circumstantial
features, and then choose the right method to match those circumstances. It might
also suggest that leadership can, and perhaps should, change hands in response to
changed circumstances if one persons skills are more appropriate than anothers,
which clearly has implications for management structures and individual
careers. It also has particular relevance for strategic leadership. Radical change
in organisational circumstances might necessitate such a significant change in
strategic direction that a leader who is firmly associated with the former strategy
may be far less able to lead in the new direction (Rajan, 2002). High-profile
examples of this phenomenon would be the changes in leadership of all three of
the main political parties in the UK since 1980.
transformational leadership
Recent literature on leadership has noted the difference between so-called
transactional forms of leadership and transformational ones. This contrast
relates back to ideas about the nature of leadership in a society which no longer
accepts authority as the basis for command. If authority and position power
(French and Raven, 1968) no longer works, what are the alternatives? One
approach is to bargain in other words to appeal to the self-interest of the
followers. So-called transactional forms of leadership rely on the leaders capacity
to negotiate appropriate follower behaviours based on legitimate rewards or
punishments, although there is, of course, an inherent assumption that the leader
has the appropriate authority to offer such rewards or administer punishments.
Alimo-Metcalfe (1995) notes the findings of Rosener (1990) that the men she
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studied were more likely than the women to adopt transactional styles, and
suggests why women have tended to be more participatory (Rosener, 1990, p.124):
The fact that most women have lacked formal authority over others . . .
means that by default they have had to find other ways to accomplish their
This is contrasted with transformational leadership, which is a process by
which leaders create high levels of motivation and commitment by generating
and communicating a clear vision and, often, appealing to higher ideas and
values amongst followers. Rosener (1990, p.120) defines it as motivating others
by transforming their individual self-interest into the goals of the group and
by trying to make people feel part of the organisation. Whilst recognising
this apparent gender difference, Alimo-Metcalfe (1995) warns against too
close an association between female management styles and transformational
leadership, suggesting that even here there are gender differences in the use of
transformational techniques (such as empowerment). In her view, the female
version of transformational leadership is mainly focused on the creation of a sense
of belonging, inclusiveness and connectedness with others in the organisation
as well as its goals, whereas the same technique used by men is more focused on
separateness and autonomy in pursuing organisational aims. Thus she suggests
that a more general move within organisations to adopt such transformational
approaches is not necessarily a means by which women can expect to achieve
status and leadership positions more readily, despite an initial expectation that it
Legge (2005, Chapter 3) explains how this focus on a shared vision and personal
commitment was, in the 1980s, part of a transformational leadership style
which was characteristic of successful Japanese companies. It was re-integrated
into American management culture (which was more focused on transactional
leadership) via the work of the excellence gurus like Peters and Waterman,
or Ouchi. She charts the appeal of this style of leadership, and in particular its
association with the American dream and thus some of the soft human resource
management practices which facilitate the growth of an enterprise culture. She
also offers a critique of this essentially paternalist and unitary approach to the
management of people, which (when push comes to shove) will always prioritise
business needs over individual or workforce needs, thus perhaps laying managers
open to charges of hypocrisy when individual and corporate interests clearly do
come into conflict. These, and related, issues are discussed more fully in Chapter 5
on ethics.
These concepts are clearly relevant to many strategic situations: for example, can
an organisation that develops its own leaders respond effectively to discontinuous
external change? Also, this set of ideas helps to illuminate the process of realigning
the organisations resources described above, as well as bringing new insight to the
strategic analysis of the organisations external and internal environments.
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inspirational leadership
Finally, it is impossible to discuss questions of leadership without considering the
concept of inspirational leadership, which has regained some significant currency
in recent years. In some ways this brings us back to concepts associated with
trait theories, and in particular the characteristic usually described as charisma.
Inspirational leadership, we are told by Adair (2003) and others, is about creating
and communicating vision, having a passion and a dynamism that drives both
the leader and engages the enthusiasm and efforts of the led, even exhibiting
unconventional behaviour and performing heroic deeds (Conger, 1999). It
includes the ability to take a long-term view, to inspire trust and confidence which
unlocks talent, enabling the organisation to achieve exceptional performance.
A recent trend in the world of management training and development that
reflects this renewed attention to the highly personal nature of leadership, and
in particular strategic leadership, is found in the growing interest in emotional
intelligence as a relevant and learnable management skill.
Mullins (2007) and Legge (2005) both sound notes of caution in their
consideration of inspirational leadership and draw attention to some of its
drawbacks. Certainly it is difficult to see how charismatic leadership can be
developed effectively. This is not to deny that many business founders have been
charismatic and inspiring individuals, but their skills have often been better
described as those of the champion which, as we have seen, relies on a wide range
of business skills as well as the ability to protect and nurture a project. It is also
less than wholly evident that inspirational leadership in itself results in significant
benefits for organisational performance; in some cases it may be that the loss of
the visionary results in the dissolution of the organisation. A specific attack on the
cult of the inspirational leader was made by Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe at the HRD
2008 event, where she was reported (Evans, 2008) as saying that:
Organisations shouldnt be choosing leaders who were charismatic and
inspirational because these qualities in the hands of some people can be
lethal. People at the top who are charismatic get there through the demise
of others they emasculate everybody else along the way. This kind of
leadership can be toxic.
Adrian Furnham has also written about arrogance and egotistical leadership
behaviour using the legend of Daedalus and Icarus (Furnham, 2005). Inspirational
leadership relies on a certain degree of emotional manipulation, and so its ethical
status as a general management strategy might be open to challenge. It may
also inspire less desirable characteristics in the followers, such as a high level of
individual dependence on the approval and support of the leader; a fear of going
against the grain or groupthink; and a degree of enthusiasm for the vision which
could encourage people to act in ways which stray beyond the boundaries of what
might be considered ethical, or even legal (Conger, 2002). Inspirational leaders can
be bullies as well as visionaries, and the more powerfully they communicate their
values the less space there is for reasoned doubt or even opposition. For every
Richard Branson there might equally be a Robert Maxwell.
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4 . 6 ac t i vi t y
Locate and read the following article by Rima Manocha: Whos really number one?, People
Management, 14 October 2004, pp1415.
Analyse the comments using one or more of the theoretical frameworks for the study of
leadership discussed in this chapter.
If you are studying with a group, you might organise your own competition. Ask everyone to
present a short account like those given to People Management, and then vote.
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4 . 7 ac t i vi t y
Locate and read the following article by Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe and Margaret Bradley about a
recent research study into the link between leadership and employee engagement: Cast in a
new light, People Management, 24 January 2008, pp3841.
What appears to be the most significant dimension of leadership in this study, and why?
What are the implications of this research for organisational leadership development
initiatives for instance, the use of competency-based programmes such as the MCI?
c o n c l usion
It is clear that there is a renewed sense of the importance of good leadership
amongst those most concerned with setting standards for todays managers, be
they in business, the public services, or elsewhere. This comes from both social
and political changes, which have encouraged more individualism and less
obedience to traditional forms of authority. It also stems from the need, as Handy
predicted in 1989, for organisations to become more federal than monolithic,
and for new styles of management and leadership to emerge to suit the changed
environment, including the virtual one. It reflects a growing public interest in the
standards of behaviour of those who run businesses and direct our lives through
political decisions, and their competence to carry out the tasks entrusted to
them. In this respect it links firmly with discussion about ethical standards and
organisational practices considered elsewhere in this book.
CD19636 ch04.indd 63
A free sample chapter from Managing and Leading People by Charlotte Rayner and Derek Adam-Smith
Published by the CIPD.
Copyright CIPD 2009
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or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
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4 . 8 d i sc ussi o n qu e st io ns
1 What do you see as the significant differences between leadership and management? Must
all good managers be good leaders? Do all business leaders have to be good managers?
2 Imagine you are in charge of devising a management development programme for a large
commercial organisation. What would you include on the subject of leadership, and how
you would teach this topic? How would you do things differently if you were designing a
management development programme for a local authority? (You might like to consider
one recently developed leadership and management training programme described by
Rebecca Johnson in the 23 August 2007 issue of People Management.)
3 Think about someone you know who you would describe as a good leader, preferably in
an organisational context. What makes them good in your view? Relate this analysis to the
life-cycle stage of the organisation or part of the organisation where they work. Have they
shown leadership in a variety of different situations (growth, maturity, decline) or just one?
Would the skills and attributes you identified earlier be suitable in all contexts?
4 Are you a member or leader of a virtual team? If so, try to analyse what sorts of leadership
behaviour appear to be effective in this environment. If not, what challenges might exist
for leaders of such teams, and how could an HR specialist help to identify them? You might
like to consider if any lessons can be learned from the way in which virtual communities
such as Facebook or Second Life operate.
CD19636 ch04.indd 64
A free sample chapter from Managing and Leading People by Charlotte Rayner and Derek Adam-Smith
Published by the CIPD.
Copyright CIPD 2009
All rights reserved; no part of this excerpt may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
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explo re fu rt her
CD19636 ch04.indd 65
A free sample chapter from Managing and Leading People by Charlotte Rayner and Derek Adam-Smith
Published by the CIPD.
Copyright CIPD 2009
All rights reserved; no part of this excerpt may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting
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