MAPEH 1: Foundation of Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health
MAPEH 1: Foundation of Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health
MAPEH 1: Foundation of Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health
What makes a teacher? Teaching is like a salad. Think about it. If you were to attend a party for any given holiday, the number of and
variations to each salad recipe that might be present for consumption could outnumber those present at the party. There are so many different ways to
teach, varying circumstances to take into account, and philosophies to apply to each classroom. And what better way to have a positive impact on the
world than to offer knowledge for consumption? The term teacher can be applied to anyone who imparts knowledge of any topic, but it is generally
more focused on those who are hired to do so (teach, n.d., n.p.). In imparting knowledge to our students, it is inevitable that we must take into
account our own personal philosophies, or pedagogies, and determine not only how we decide what our philosophies are, but also how those impact
our consumers.
General Education
Perennialists are instructors
Perennialists believ
one deems to be of
pertinence to all
people everywhere.
Physical Education
In teaching music a
textbooks in healt
traditional techniques,
education compar
do a warm-up exercise.
the internet.
topics develop a
students do use
contemporary artwork
presented in the
Instruction is organized
Pragmatism is a
around problem-solving
scientific method -
thought is to
student do a resea
describe, represent,
important concept of
activity about a sc
or mirror reality.
experiment and w
Instead, pragmatists
complicated song by
sketching techniques.
develop their
doing a practicum.
of scientific steps
philosophy around
solving a problem
concept learned
do an own researc
function of thought
is as an instrument
or tool for
prediction, action,
and problem
Focuses on a subject-matter
Idealism is a
first be lectured in
classroom and a
dialogue or a
students do a practical
brainstorming of
thing worth
student do a
the class as an
knowing. In a
collaborative work on
assessment in how
knowledge). (Ornstein,
afterwards do an assessment
be the strategy of
2003, p.99).
everlasting, the
focus is on
conscious reasoning
in the mind. Plato,
father of Idealism,
espoused this view
about 400 years BC
A subject-matter curriculum
stressing objective
A realist Health te
reality exists
students by discu
independent of the
Reality is objective,
up exercises and
unified handouts in
student earning af
ultimate reality is
values formation of
the world of
physical objects.
body/objects. Truth
is objective-what
can be observed.
Aristotle, a student
of Plato who broke
with his mentor's
idealist philosophy,
is called the father
of both Realism and
the scientific
Constructivism, a
As an activity before a
The teacher will make group The teacher will let the
perspective in
students videotap
education, is based
on experimental
learning through
of the malfunctio
to construct and
be performed in
culmination of their
system through a
learning (Educational
school year.
Philosophies in the
Classroom, pg.1).
of their lives.