Acts and Biritish and Colonial Reactions Chart
Acts and Biritish and Colonial Reactions Chart
Acts and Biritish and Colonial Reactions Chart
British Rational
Colonist Reaction
Colonist Rational Wanted more land. Salutary neglect. Wanted to control the fur trade. Didnt want the British to have so much power. Life was cheaper over there. Safety vow-eases pressure Opportunity to start over. Didnt want to pay more. Thought it was unjust. Infringed how they could make money.
Resentment and Keep peace between the failure to comply. colonists and the Indians. Wanted to contain the colonists. Wanted to control the fur trade. Didnt want the colonists to grow and have more manufacturing. Didnt want the colonists trading with France. Violating the Navigation Acts. Stop smuggling trade. Maintaining control. Start paying off debt. Colonial money was worthless to them. Needed to pay war debts. Easy way to tax the colonies. Wanted money. Felt it was justified because it made the colonists pay for defense. Pressured by the colonists who were getting out of hand, but didnt want to lose control. Parliament wanted sovereignty over colonists. Wanted more money and more power. Pay off war debts. Wanted the British East India Trading company back on top. Didnt like the colonists selfproducing products. Needed homes for the British soldiers without having to pay or build. Thought it was justified. Furious at the people in Boston. Boston experimented with boycotts.
Sugar Act
Currency Act
Stamp Act
Viewed it as an attempt to raise taxes without approval of the colonists. Internal taxation without representation. More expensive. Didnt really fully realize. Didnt take it seriously.
Townshend Duties
Boycotts, petitions, newspaper attacks. Protest, Boston Tea Party, and boycott.
Didnt want to pay so much, and didnt like the increasing British control. Tea smugglers were losing a lot of money. Didnt want to pay more for tea. Unfair taxation. Didnt think it was fair. Werent given promised money. Colonies started unifying. Trade and business was dying and they needed it back. Economic dependence.
Tea Act
Protest in assemblies.
Coercive or Intolerable Acts- close all trade in Boston. Lexington and Concord
After the colonial arsenal. Want John Hancock and Sam Adams.