Mccarthyism DBQ

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Directions: Read each of the documents below and answer the questions that follow. When you have finished,
use your knowledge from the documents and other prior knowledge to write a thesis for a (hypothetical) essay
that would answer the following question. (In other words, you will analyze the documents and write a thesis
without writing the actual essay.) Write all of your answers on a separate piece of lined paper, but you may
mark up the documents; this is due by the start of class tomorrow.

Historical Context: The nations of the world were being divided in to two camps: The Communist and the
free. In 1949 Chinese Nationalist forces under Chaing Kai-Shek fell to the Communist forces of Mao Zedong.
The worlds largest country had turned red. Back home in America some felt the Truman Administration
hadnt done enough to stop the dominoes from falling. Some would even suggest a conspiracy from within the
State Department allowed such events to occur. On February 7, 1950, the Junior Senator from Wisconsin
would give a speech that would set off a national firestorm. He spoke of a list of communist sympathizers at
work creating policy in the highest levels of government. His name was Joseph McCarthy.

Essay Question: Did Joseph McCarthy create a red scare or did a red scare create
Joseph McCarthy?

Document 1

Source: Joseph McCarthy (R-WI) . Speech to the Ohio County Womens Republican Club.
February 9, 1950

Six years ago[. . .] there was within the Soviet orbit 180,000,000 people. Lined up on the
antitotalitarian side there were in the world at that time roughly 1,625,000,000 people. Today, only 6
years later, there are 800,000,000 people under the absolute domination of Soviet Russia, an increase
of over 400 percent. On our side, the figure has shrunk to around 500,000,000. In other words, in
less than 6 years the odds have changed from 9 to 1 in our favor to 8 to 5 against us. This indicates
the swiftness of the tempo of Communist victories and American defeats in the cold war. As one of
our outstanding historical figures once said, "When a great democracy is destroyed, it will not be
because of enemies from without, but rather because of enemies from within." . . .

The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because our only powerful
potential enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of
those who have been treated so well by this Nation. [ . . .] I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals
who would appear to be either card carrying members or certainly loyal to the Communist Party,
but who nevertheless are still helping to shape our foreign policy.

1. What case is Senator McCarthy making about Communists in government?

2. What does he mean by being destroyed from within?
Document 2
Source: Richard Nixon (R-CA), address to 81 Congress January 26, 1950

The great lesson which should be learned from the [Alger] Hiss case is that we are not just dealing
with espionage agents who get 30 pieces of silver to obtain the blueprint of a new weapon [. . .] but
his is a far more sinister type of activity, because it permits the enemy to guide and shape our policy

3. How does this document compare with Document 1?

4. What is the 30 pieces of silver an allusion to? Does it apply here?

Document 3

Source: Time Magazine, March 6, 1950

In a 5 hour speech he read case histories of all his exhibits, cried that 80 of them were
employed in the State Department, that one card-carrying comrade was a presidential
speechwriter. He refused to name one name. And his story was also weakened by the fact that
he had been using all kinds of differing figures for weeks: first he had said there were 205
disloyal employees in State, then 57, before settling on 80. By demanding a quorum to listen to
him, he forced a dragooning of members back to their seats for a night session for the first time
in almost five years.

Two days later the Senate voted unanimously to investigate McCarthy's charges.
Republicans hoped they might turn up another Alger Hiss case; Democrats felt that they didn't
dare stifle an inquiry and besides, they said confidently, they weren't worried.

Was there any fire at all below Joe McCarthy's smoke signals? Maryland's thorough
and careful Democratic Senator Millard E. Tydings, chairman of the investigating
committee, promised "neither a witch hunt, nor a whitewash."

5. What did the Senate agree to?

6. What has Senator Tydings promised?
Document 4
Source: Time Magazine. Letters to the Editor. November 5, 1951

Sir: Only wish we had 90 more Senators like McCarthy to hold you (TIME), and other real demagogues in line. ---
C. A. EAST Glencoe, Ala.

Sir: Having respect for TIME heightens the shock at your McCarthy piece, which, for filthy innuendo, outdoes
anything McCarthy's worst enemies have ever accused him of doing . . . You are aware that the Communists' No. 1
target in U.S. is to destroy McCarthy. WILLIAM LOEB: Publisher Union-Leader Manchester, N.H.

Sir: While McCarthy is the worst sort of demagogue, many people listen when he yells, screams and sputters, because
they are afraid. In addition to the persecution of many innocent people by this man, the greater danger lies, as you point
out, in that those who should be eliminated from public life as being unfit or subversive, can now defend themselves by
stating that it is merely another McCarthy smear ... I am sure that when Joe started on his anti- Communist ravings, he
had no idea that he would create the tremendous interest that he has. Once he had commenced his campaign for
personal publicity, he became carried away with it ALBERT L. REISENFELD Cleveland

Sir: Cancel my subscription . . . RALPH WAYNE New York City

7. What is the opinion of the letter writers of Time Magazine and Joseph McCarthy?
8. Are all letter writers in agreement?
Document 5

Source: President Harry S Truman (D). Response to McCarthy. Interview March 30, 1950

In 1947 I instituted a loyalty program for Government employees, and that loyalty procedure program was
set up in such a way that the rights of individuals were respected. In a survey of the 2,200,000 employees at
that time, I think there were some 205something like thatwho left the service. I dont knowa great
many of them left of their own accord.. An infinitesimal part of 1 percent. We will get the figures for you.
The Republicans have been trying vainly to find an issue on which to make a bid for the control of the
Congress for next year. They tried statism. They tried welfare state. They tried socialism. And there are
a certain number of members of the Republican Party who are trying to dig up that old malodorous dead
horse called isolationism. And in order to do that, they are perfectly willing to sabotage the bipartisan
foreign policy of the United States. And this fiasco which has been going on in the Senate is the very best
asset that the Kremlin could have in the operation of the cold war. And that is what I mean when I say that
McCarthys antics are the best asset that the Kremlin can have.

9. What is President Trumans response to the charges of McCarthy?

10. What does Truman mean that McCarthys antics are the best asset that the Kremlin can
Document 6

Source: Herb Block. October 31, 1947

11. What is the cartoonists opinion of the HUAC hearings?

12. How does this cartoon relate to McCarthys activities?
Document 7

Source: Ronald Reagan. Actor. Testimony to the House Un-American Activities

Committee. October 23-24, 1947

Sir, the first time that this word Communist was ever injected into any of the meetings concerning
the strike was at a meeting in Chicago with Mr. William Hutchinson, president of the carpenters
union, who were on strike at the time. He asked the Screen Actors Guild to submit terms to Mr.
(Richard) Walsh, for Walsh to give in in the settling of this strike, and he told us to tell Mr. Walsh
that if he would give in on these terms he in turn would break run this Sorrell and the other
commies outI am quoting himand break it up. I might add that Mr. Walsh and Mr. Sorrell were
running the strike for Mr. Hutchinson in Hollywood.

13. How does Mr. Reagan connect Communists to the strike?

Document 8

Source: U.S. Statutes at Large, 81st Cong., II Sess., Chp. 1024, p. 987-1031 , 1950

To protect the United States against certain un-American and subversive activities by requiring registration of
Communist organizations, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress
assembled, That this Act may be cited as the ''Internal Security Act of 1950''.
As a result of evidence adduced before various committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, the
Congress hereby finds that-
(1) There exists a world Communist movement which, in its origins, its development, and its present practice,
is a world-wide revolutionary movement whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other groups
(governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and any other means deemed necessary, to
establish a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in the countries throughout the world through the medium of a
world-wide Communist organization.

(6) The Communist action organizations so established and utilized in various countries, acting under such
control, direction, and discipline, endeavor to carry out the objectives of the world Communist movement by
bringing about the overthrow of existing governments by any available means, including force if necessary, and
setting up Communist totalitarian dictatorships which will be subservient to the most powerful existing
Communist totalitarian dictatorship. Although such organizations usually designate themselves as political
parties, they are in fact constituent elements of the world-wide Communist movement and promote the
objectives of such movement by conspiratorial and coercive tactics, instead of through the democratic
processes of a free elective system or through the freedom-preserving means employed by a political party
which operates as an agency by which people govern themselves.

14. What is Congress view of the Communists in the world?

15. According to his document, how do Communists in the world hurt the United States?
Document 9
Source: 1951 Grandview Heights High School Yearbook

16. Why would this advertisement be in a high school year book?

Document 10
Source: Woman and child watch McCarthy on TV. c. 1951

17. Based on this photo, how might McCarthy be viewed by average Americans?

Document 11

Source: Senate Censure of Senator McCarthy. December 2, 1954

Resolved, That the Senator from Wisconsin, Mr. McCarthy, failed to cooperate with the Subcommittee on
Privileges and Elections of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration in clearing up matters referred
to that subcommittee which concerned his conduct as a Senator and affected the honor of the Senate and,
instead, repeatedly abused the subcommittee and its members who were trying to carry out assigned duties,
thereby obstructing the constitutional processes of the Senate, and that this conduct of the Senator from
Wisconsin, Mr. McCarthy, is contrary to senatorial traditions and is hereby condemned

18. Why was McCarthy censured?

19. How might this document relate to document 1?

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