What Was The Cold War?: (3) How Do These Tensions Immediately Start Forming After WW2?
What Was The Cold War?: (3) How Do These Tensions Immediately Start Forming After WW2?
What Was The Cold War?: (3) How Do These Tensions Immediately Start Forming After WW2?
United States
- Feared ________________ expansion throughout the world and the
______________________, as one country fell to communism it would
inspire others to fall to communism
- Feared the _________________________________________
- Americans saw the Soviet Union as a threat to their _______________
- From the propaganda, how did Americans think that communists would
change their way of life?
-Feared US power and influence, especially with the development of the atomic
-Saw American culture as a threat to their way of life
-Started to take over other countries so they could …
-Have a _______ from future attacks
-Access to _______________ and chance to modernize
- Spread ______________ and what they see as economic equality
-From the propaganda, why did people in the USSR view the US as a threat to their
way of life?
Task: Compare and Contrast the Yalta Conference with the Treaty of Versailles. Consider….
(1) How is the UN stronger and more effective than the League of Nations?
(2) How were the goals of both meetings the same? How were they different?
(3) Who was creating the treaties and when?
5) After the Yalta Conference, how did the two countries try to prevent the other one from gaining too much
- Soviets build an __________________ discouraging trading, communication, and the spread of
democracy between Eastern Europe and Western Europe
- US forms a policy called _______________________ where attempts were made at blocking Soviet
influence and expansion of communism by forming alliances and helping weak countries resist Soviet
*BOTH are interfering with the politics of other countries. They are using them as chess pieces to win the war.*
Name ________________________ Date __________ Per ____________ Cold War Thermometer HW
(1) Create a Cold War Thermometer by identifying actions taken by the United States and the USSR to fight
for power and influence. Placing events near the top of the thermometer means nuclear war a very real
possibility; placing events near the bottom means they did not dramatically increase tension.
(2) Skim through your textbook p. 534-553 to write 2-3 sentences summarizing the following events and
justifying where you placed them on the NUCLEAR WAR THERMOMETER.
(3) Identify Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, Warsaw Pact, brinkmanship, Korean War, Vietnam War
Cuban Missile Crisis.
Example: The Space Race was when the United States and the USSR
started dramatically investing in science so that they could create new
impressive technology that would escape the Earth’s atmosphere. By
building the first satellite, being the first man into space, and
eventually the first man to the moon, the US/USSR displayed their
power. This did not bring us close to nuclear as it was essentially a
peaceful way to earn bragging rights.