To The Parents:: Interpretation of Standard Score or Development Index

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To the Parents:

The Philippines Early Childhood Development Checklist (Form 2) contains knowledge, Social – Emotional Domain P O R COMMENTS P O R COMMENTS
skills and attitudes of children 3- 5.11 years old. This may be used as a guide in knowing your child
Helps with family chores (e.g.
and consequently give appropriate care and teaching to guide their growth and development.
15. wiping tables, watering plants,
Every page contains different domains of development with their corresponding total scores: Curios about environment but
- Gross Motor Domain has 13 items - Cognitive Domain has 21 items knows when to stop asking
- Expressive Language Domain has 8 items - Self-help Domain has 27 items questions of adults.
- Fine Motor Domain has 11 items - Receptive Language Domain has 5 items
- Social-Emotional Domain has 24 items

Each item observed are recorded three time within a year:

17. Waits for turn.
1) at the start of the year,
2) at the middle of the year, and
3) at the end of the year. Asks permission to play with toy
being used by another
P – Present or the child can do the task
O – Observe or the child was observed doing the task
R – Report given by the parents/caregiver about the skill
Defends possessions with
Score: 19.
( / ) Present or child is able to do the task determination.
( - ) Skill is not present or child does not respond
(-9) No opportunity to observe the skill
Plays organized group games
Interpretation of Standard Score or Development Index 20. fairly ( e.g. Does not cheat in
order to win)
Standard Score Interpretation
Can talk about difficult feelings
69 and below Suggest significant delay in overall development 21. (e.g. Anger, sadness, and worry)
70 – 79 Suggest slight delay in overall development he experiences.
Honors a simple bargain with
80 -119 Average development
caregiver (e.g. Can play outside
only after cleaning/ finishing his
Interpretation of the Score
Watches responsibility
Scaled Scores range from 1-19 with a mean of 10 & standard deviation of 3. They are interpreted as
over younger siblings/ family
follows. 23.
Scaled Score Interpretation
69 below (1-3) Suggest significant delay in overall development
Cooperates with adults and peers
70 – 79 (4-6) Suggest slight delay in overall development in group situation to minimize
80 -119 (7-13 ) Average development quarrels and conflicts

120-129 (14-16) Suggest slightly advanced development

130 above (17-19) Suggest highly advanced development TOTAL SCORE

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