APUSH Period 4 Review

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Period 4 1800-1848

1800- Jefferson Presidential Election > Democratic-Republican

 Small farmers, anti-bank, anti-commerce

 Cut taxes
o Affect infrastructures and military
 He promotes westward settlements which will later spark the desire of Manifest Destiny
o Needs open, cheap land for this
o Eager to add more and more territory to support this idea
 Example of this is Louisiana Purchase from France under Napoleon
 Believed to be unconstitutional by Congress
 Commissions Lewis and Clark to discover this land
 Spanish Florida (1819) via dispute settlement
 Oregon territory (1846) split with Britain to keep British and American

territories evenly split

 Mexican American War (1846-1848)
 Mexico gain land from Spain after their war but there is uneven

borders and majority of the land is unsettled

 Free for all in the territories, anyone can settle there
o American and Spanish settlers broke away from Mexico in

Texas (Republic of Texas)

 Voluntarily Annexation of Texas to America
 Border dispute between America and Mexico
 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
 Indian Removal Act (1830)
o Indians are forced to migrate to the area of Oklahoma
 Completely different land from what they are used to
 Land expansion had a big impact on the Natives

1803- Renewal of war under Napoleonic France

 Rule of 1756 (British)

o If you stop trade with a nation during peace time, you can’t trade with them

during war time

 French halted sugar trade during peace time but then Napoleon will try to

trade with them, breaking the British rule

 British began taking American ships and sailors
 French also did the same thing but on a smaller scale
 Embargo of 1807
 Illegal to go to French and British ports
 Did essentially nothing in response to French and British
 Economic downturn
 Forced to sell them domestically
o Promotes Independence in economy
o Economic union between agriculture south and

manufacturing north

 Second Party System

o Democratic - Led by Andrew Jackson
 Pro-militaristic
 Anti-commerce
 Anti-bank
 Anti-Indian
 Expand suffrage
 More non-property owning males to vote
 National Republicans (from Second Party System)
o Similar to Democratic-Republicans
 Pro-bank
 Pro-industry
 Pro-commerce
 Whig Party
o Ex. Henry Clay
o Pro-industry, commercial, bank
o Morally opposed to Jacksonians and their treatment of Natives
o Inspired by Protestant morals
 Big on elimination of alcohol (find it immoral) temperance movement
 Due to Second Great Awakening
 Judicial Branch -Federal court decisions in favor of Federal government
o Marbury v. Madison (1833)
 Supreme court lead by John Marshall (federalist)
 Decided Supreme Court had the right to decide if acts of presidents

and congress are constitutional or not

o Setting judicial review
o McCullough v. Maryland (1819)
 Can a federal institutions/programs operate against the laws and policies

of the state?
 Yes, federal institutions can operate
o Says that federal government is the highest authority
o Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
 Federal government had final say on interstate commerce
 Ruled against state monopolies
 Vastly expand road systems, canals, and railroads

Whigs – Second Party System

 American system
 Morality
o Didn’t like the way Jackson removed the Natives
 Americanization (assimilation)
 Temperance movement
 Sunday school movement
 Mostly middle-class women
 Second Great Awakening (1790’s-1840’s)
o Inner spirituality
o Millonarism
 Baptists and Methodists
 Popular in west
 Shakers
 Martha Anne Lee
 Completely opposed to intercourse
 Segregate men and women
 Unitarians
 Inspired by enlightenment and rationalism
o Didn’t believe Jesus was the actually son of God

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