Parts of HelloWorld Application
Parts of HelloWorld Application
Parts of HelloWorld Application
1.1.Android application
An Android application can have one application class which is instantiated as soon as the
application starts and it is the last component which is stopped during application
1.3. Context
Instances of the class android.content.Context provide the connection to the Android system which
executes the application. It also gives access to the resources of the project and the global information
about the application environment.
For example, you can check the size of the current device display via the Context.
The Context class also provides access to Android services, e.g., the alarm manager to trigger time
based events.
Activities and services extend the Context class. Therefore they can be directly used to access the
2.Android application components overview
Anactivityis the visual representation of an Android application. An Android application can have several
activities. Activities useviewsandfragmentsto create the user interface and to interact with the user. Both
elements are described in the next sections.
Abroadcast receiver(receiver) can be registered to listen to system messages and intents. A receiver gets
notified by the Android system if the specified event occurs. For example, you can register a receiver for the
event that the Android system finished the boot process. Or you can register for the event that the state of the
phone changes, e.g., someone is calling.
Aserviceperforms tasks without providing an user interface. They can communicate with other Android
components, for example, via broadcast receivers and notify the user via the notification framework in Android.
The intent itself, an Intent object, is a passive data structure holding an abstract
description of an operation to be performed.
3.Base user interface components in Android
The following description gives an overview of the most important user interface related component and parts
of an Android application.
Activities are the base for the user interface in Android.
Fragments are components which run in the context of an activity. A fragment encapsulates application code
so that it is easier to reuse them and to support devices of different size.
The following picture shows an activity calledMainActivity. On a smaller screen it shows only one fragment
and allows the user to navigate to another fragment. On a wide screen it shows those two fragments
3.3. Views and layout manager
Views are user interface widgets, e.g., buttons or text fields. Views have
attributes which can be used to configure their appearance and behavior.
The user interface for activities is typically defined via XML files (layout files).
It is possible to define layout files for different device configuration, e.g.,
based on the available width of the actual device running the application.
4.Other important Android elements
To avoid confusion with views (which are also called widgets), this text uses
the termhome screen widgets, if it speaks about widgets.
4.2.Live Wallpapers
Live wallpapersallow you to create animated backgrounds for the Android
home screen.
5. The Android manifest
The manifest also specifies additional metadata for the application, e.g., icons and the
version number of the application.
This file is read by the Android system during installation of the application. The Android
system evaluates this configuration file and determines the capabilities of the application.
All activities, services and content provider components of the application must be statically
declared in this file. Broadcast receiver can be defined statically in the manifest file or
dynamically at runtime in the application.
5.3. Permissions
The Android manifest file must also contain the required permissions for the application. For
example, if the application requires network access, it must be specified here.
13.4.Android manifest example
The following listing shows an example for a simple Android manifest file.
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:versionName="1.0" >
android:targetSdkVersion="19" />
android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
android:label="@string/title_activity_main" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
6. More details of the Android manifest
The package attribute defines the base package for the Java objects referred to in this file. If a Java
object lies within a different package, it must be declared with the full qualified package name.
Google Play requires that every Android application uses its own unique package name. Therefore it is
a good habit to use your reverse domain name here. This will avoid collisions with other Android
versionCode must be an integer. The Android Market determines whether it should perform an update
of the applications for the existing installation based on that versionCode. You typically start with "1"
and increase this value by one if you roll-out a new version of your application.
6.2. Application and components
The <application> section allows to define metadata for your application and optionally define
an explicit application class. It is also a container for declaring your Android components.
The <activity> tag defines an activity component. The name attribute points to class, which (if
not fully qualified) is relative to the package defined in the package attribute.
The intent filter part in the Android manifest file, tells the Android runtime that this activity
should be registered as a possible entry point into the application and made available in the
launcher of the Android system. The action defines that it
(android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" ) can be started and the category
android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" parameter tells the Android system to add
the activity to the launcher.
The @string/app_name value refers to resource files which contain the actual value of the
application name. The usage of a resource file makes it easy to provide different resources
(e.g., strings, colors, icons) for different devices and makes it easy to translate applications.
Similar to the <activity> tag, you can use the service, receiver and provider to declare other
Android components.
6.3. Minimum and target SDK
The uses-sdk section in the manifest allows you to specify the minSdkVersion and
targetSdkVersion version of your application.
Value Description
minSdkVersion Define the minimum version of Android your
application works on. This attribute is used as a filter
in Google Play, i.e., a user cannot install your
application on a device with a lower API level than
specified in this attribute.
Your application can declare permissions with the <permission> tag and declare that it required a
permision with the <uses-permission> tag.
The uses-configuration section in the manifest allows you to specify required input methods for your
device. For example, the following snippet would require that the device has a hardware keyboard.
<uses-configuration android:reqHardKeyboard="true"/>
The uses-feature section allows you to specify the required hardware configuration for your device. For
example, the following snippet would require that the device has a camera.
<uses-feature android:name="" />
Via the installLocation attribute of your application you can specify if your application can be installed on the
external storage of the device. Use auto or preferExternal to permit this.
Warning In reality this option is rarely used, as an application installed on the external storage is stopped
once the device is connected to a computer and mounted as USB storage.
7. Resources
Android allows you to create static resources like images and XML configuration
files. This allows you to keep these resources separate from the source code of
your Android application.
The following table gives an overview of the supported resources and their
standard folder prefixes.
Table :Resources
The following listing is an example for file called values.xml in the /res/values which defines a
few String constants, a String array, a color and a dimension.
<string name="app_name">Test</string>
<string name="action_settings">Settings</string>
<string name="hello_world">Hello world!</string>
<string-array name="operationsystems">
<item>Microsoft Windows</item>
<color name="red">#ffff0000</color>
<dimen name="mymargin">10dp</dimen>
7.3. Resource qualifiers
You can also append additional qualifiers to the folder name to indicate that
the related resources should be used for special configurations. For example,
you can specify that layout file is only valid for a certain screen size.
Every resource gets an ID assigned by the Android build system. The gen
directory in an Android project contains the references file which
contains these generated values. These references are static integer values.
The Android SDK uses the camelCase notation for most of its IDs,
e.g., buttonRefresh. It is good practice to follow this approach.
Android activities define their user interface with views (widgets) and
fragments. This user interface can be defined via XML layout resource files in
the /res/layout folder or via Java code. You can also mix both approaches.
Defining layouts via XML layout files is the preferred way. This separates the
programming logic from the layout definition. It also allows the definition of
different layouts for different devices.
tools:context=".MainActivity" >
android:text="@string/hello_world" />
A layout is assigned to an activity via the setContentView() method
calls, as demonstrated in the following example code.
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
8.3. Defining IDs
If a view needs to be accessed via Java code, you have to give the view a
unique ID via the android:id attribute. To assign a new ID to a view use
the android:id attribute of the corresponding element in the layout file.
The following shows an example in which a button gets the button1 ID
assigned via the android:id="@+id/button1" parameter.
android:text="Show Preferences" >
As described in the last section Android allows you to define IDs of user interface components dynamically in
the layout files. To have one central place to define ID, you can also define them in a configuration file.
To control your IDs, you can also create a file, typically called ids.xml, in your /res/values folder and
define your IDs in this file. The following listing shows an example for such a file.
Warning : If you want to define the id in a separate file, you first need to
remove the @+id entries in your layout files, otherwise you get an error
messages that these files have already been created.
Note : While the above is good practice for real projects, the session of
ours avoid the usage of a separate id file as this setup is time consuming.
16.5. Performance considerations with layouts
The main packages for views are part of the android.view namespace for
all the base classes and android.widget for the default widgets of the
Android platform.
10. Layout Manager and ViewGroups
All layouts allow the developer to define attributes. Children can also define
attributes which may be evaluated by their parent layout.
Children can specify their desired width and height via the following attributes.
Attribute Description
android:layout_width Defines the width of the widget.
android:layout_height Defines the height of the widget.
Widgets can uses fixed sizes, e.g., with the dp definition, for example, 100dp.
While dp is a fixed size it will scale with different device configurations.
The match_parent value tells the application to maximize the widget in its parent.
The wrap_content value tells the layout to allocate the minimum amount so that
the widget is rendered correctly. The effect of these elements is demonstrated in
the following graphics.
10.4. FrameLayout
FrameLayout is a layout manager which draws all child elements on top of each
other. This allows to create nice visual effects.
10.5. LinearLayout
LinearLayout puts all its child elements into a single column or row depending
on the android:orientation attribute. Possible values for this attribute are
horizontal and vertical while horizontal is the default value.
RelativeLayout allows to position the widget relative to each other. This can be used
for complex layouts.
A simple usage for RelativeLayout is if you want to center a single component. Just
add one component to the RelativeLayout and set the android:layout_centerInParent
attribute to true. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:orientation="vertical" >
18.7. GridLayout
GridLayout was introduced with Android 4.0. This layout allows you to organize a view into a Grid.
GridLayout separates its drawing area into: rows, columns, and cells.
You can specify how many columns you want to define for each View, in which row and column it
should be placed as well as how many columns and rows it should use. If not specified, GridLayout
uses defaults, e.g., one column, one row and the position of a View depends on the order of the
declaration of the Views.
android:text="User Credentials"
android:textSize="32dip" />
android:text="User Name: " >
android:ems="10" />
android:text="Password: " ></TextView>
android:ems="8" />
android:text="Login" />
This creates a user interface similar to the following
10.8. ScrollView
The ScrollView class can be used to contain one View that might be to big to fit on one screen. In
this case ScrollView will display a scroll bar to scroll the context.
Of course this View can be a layout which can then contain other elements.
The following code shows an example layout file which uses a ScrollView.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:orientation="vertical" >
android:text="This is a header"
android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge" >