WOJACK Patent Office Application and Description

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,965,816 B2

Walker (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 15, 2005

(54) PFN/TRAC SYSTEM FAA UPGRADES FOR Primary Examiner-Thomas G. Black

ACCOUNTABLE REMOTE AND ROBOTICS Assistant Examiner-Ronnie Mancha
CONTROL TO STOP THE UNAUTHORIZED (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm---Irah H. Donner, Esq.;
USE OF AIRCRAFT AND TO IMPROVE Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP

(75) Inventor: Richard C. Walker, Waldorf, MD (US) This invention, a Protected Primary Focal Node PFN is a
Trusted Remote Activity Controller TRAC and mobile com-
(73) Assignee: Kline & Walker, LLC, Potomac, MD munication router platform that provides accountable
(US) remote and robotics control to transportation vehicles by
interfacing with the vehicles E/E systems. It connects each
( *) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this vehicle either on the earth's surface or near the earth's
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 surface with application specific intranets for air, sea and
U.S.C. 154(b) by 203 days. land travel, via either host commercial servers or agency
providers through wireless communication gateways and
(21) Appl. No.: 10/260,525 then further interfaces these vehicles in a larger machine
messaging matrix via wireless and IP protocols to further
(22) Filed: Oct. 1, 2002 coordinate movement assess and manage equipment use and
(65) Prior Publication Data impact on the world resources, societies infrastructure and
the environment. This filing focuses directly on PFN/TRAC
US 2003/0093187 A1 May 15, 2003 System use to augment and upgrade public safety and
security in the Airline Industry and restrict any unauthorized
Related U.S. Application Data use of an aircraft. Additionally, this application and related
(60) Provisional application No. 60/330,085, filed on Oct. 19, filings teaches the PFN/TRAC System™ use for all vehicle
2001, and provisional application No. 60/325,538, filed on
Oct. 1, 2001. platforms to increase safety and security in a free society like
the United State of America. The other related filings
(51) Int. Cl? ............................ G06F 19/00; G06F 7/00 instruct in the technology's use for robust and accountable
(52) U.S. Cl. .............................. 701/16; 701!2; 244/189 remote control for personal applications, stationary equip-
(58) Field of Search ............................ 701/3, 36, 2, 29; ment and standalone functions, and coordinates them and
180/170; 713/200 interfaces them within the communication matrix. The
TRAC controller also performs translation and repeating
(56) References Cited functions across a wide variety of communication protocols
to complete a more mobile flexible matrix or web. This
connected communication matrix of computers and humans
2003/0055541 A1 * 3/2003 Haley .......................... 701!11 provides an enhanced Human Machine Interfacing HMI
2003/0090382 A1 * 5!2003 Shear ......................... 340/574 scenario both locally and systemically in real-time for
2003/0128122 A1 * 7/2003 Reynolds ................. 340/573.1 improve equipment management and world stability.
2004/0021581 A1 * 2/2004 Weigl ......................... 340/945

* cited by examiner 46 Claims, 48 Drawing Sheets

The Wo-JACK Protocol

---->rota! Account.IJilit)• >~1ih A~oogre•si<·•

U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 1 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

FIG 1 The Wo-JACK Protocol

~otal Accountability with Aggressive



FIG 2 \Jl

First Generation Benefits ~


1 A PFN/TRAC unit
!;,ommercial Qff !he ~helf Products (COTS)= Rapid Deployment ~


• Existing automated controls with- ground links established c

• Progressive Functionality = Every Step Increases Security 'JJ.

• Greater real-time flexible responses for troubled aircraft N
• Easier to Protect Machine Controls Vs. Cock pit or Cabin.
• Increases Cockpit and Cabin Protection, Security & Management
• Coordinates Government Services for Homeland Security 0'1
Via Advanced Ground and Air--- ffuman Machine !nterfacing Oo
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 3 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 3 lA PFN/TRAC Architecture for Data


r~ II':»
~ .~~~fA\
A basic ASIC design \Vith progression & interfaces to be determined

FIG4 •

Second Generation PFN =


• SOC Consolidation and Greater System Protection '"""'
• More Affordable and Available in Smaller Aircraft Ul

• More Pilot Assist Programmed Flights and Landings 'JJ.


Eliminate JFK Jr. Limited Skill Scenario for any Pilot. 0......,

• Redundant Accountable Event Storage Locally & Remotely

• More Control Over Carryon Electronics and Materials erJ'l

• Better Occupant Identification and Emergency Management \0
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 5 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 6 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 7 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig7 The Wo-JACK Protocol

.Total Accountability with Aggressive
Remote Control

A Protected
Blue Tooth Flight Computer with
DSRC \Vireless 5-FACT-I<'IightProgmms A
Cellular Phone Software library of auto111atcd
Connection~ &
flighto and landings at
GPS Navigation §afe S ccured ]!ases

f'OJ;Ce ....--
~ '1itJ·Ita')'

Ground federal
Response System Access &
Pentagon l'echnology
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 8 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 15,2005 Sheet 9 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 15,2005 Sheet 10 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 11 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 11 la Sky Marshal TRACker Experimental Unit

Sky Marshal TRACker Unit PCMCIA multi pin
Lap top project prototype Docking Interface
Open Case
Or On
Multi Band Chipset
Memory Protected Memory !l!J
Ball Voice Recognition
Key Board interface

Ele.ctrical Components
Airfone Standard And
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 12 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 12
] b Sky Marshal TRACker Unit

Open Case And The FACT Ball

GPS Rough service -Hard and Light
Power Weight, Fire Proof Electronic Data
Cellular Storage. (PFN Black Box enhancement)
'IFf Display
Wired and Wireless Data recovery
TRAC Route•r Recv.
ByiJtid Substrate
FACT Ball Multi Band Chipset
Protected Me1nory
Voice Recognition
Key Board interface
2nd generation is a PFN/ASIC covered
with teflon
but not necessarily in a brief case
Top Half Batcery

Half Space shuttle
Encasement lPsPFNPDAs Event tile material,
Smoke or gel
Though Memory
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 13 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Figl3 rt=;m~---( Velcro mounts

Placed in multiple
locations and for

Easy I


i Inst~
I To airframe
Storage compattment
specific applications Velcro breakaway
Transport carton

Space shuttle
tile material, ~ntenna, sensors
Smoke or gel Titanium or resilient metal shell
Stand Alone
Component covered with TeflonJDay glow
Wireless data recovery
ATM/AOC Data Links storage
c------ Multi- pin breakaway
Or RFReceiver waterproof cmmector
As Minimal Beacon Battery
Part of Transmitter Roaming Motor weight
The TRACker Carryon Unit Impregnated
Processor Antenna, solar cells, sensors

Flash Application Specific

Hard dtive Rough Senice
Disk \Vritcr Event Memory
One time Writing
Continual loop
per event
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 14 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 14
lc and or Sky Marshal TRACker Unit
ASICs Reduced
SOC technology with the ASIC,
display and DSRC broad band

PFN Portable
that relays
and repeats
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 15 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

FIG 15
Sky TRACker's Circuit Architecture For Parallel
Data Routing and Processing la,lb,lcs-

Wireless interfaces and structural elements--to be determined as described

U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 16 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

o Flight~ Sit~~~~ ~®~rr~ouu~ fPCID~~

Progressive Air Security
The United States Of America

WeTh Commercial Crew

GE Boc~,

U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 17 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 17
TRAC/FACT System for Securing Movement
Trusted Remote Activity Controller
System Under Control I11dustry Standardization Effort
Hybrid Substrate ~ '-...,. Service gateway
Chip sets & SOC • _.k"__.-A.SIC- SOC progressed~- providers
:Telemetry &
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 18 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 18 FACT/TSA Airport/Port/Train Stations

Boaders/Installations Intranet Matrix
Expands and contracts on an as-needed basis (exemplary)

U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 19 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Commercial Wireless Technologies For Public Safety Users

Fig 19

Real-time surface public safety \vireless & IP interfacing for FAA/FACT Security-- 2003
Data-only /large region------------------------------------------------Wide Area Data Services
Voice and data /large region ------------------------------------------Cellular, PCS and 3G
Data /local-------------------------------------------------------- -------PANs and LANs
High-speed collaborative I At-a scene to wide-area----------------L:MDS and MMDS
Vvidespread emergency and natural disaster-------------------------8 atellite Communications
Commercial dispatch services------------------------------------------Enhanced Specialized Mobile
Evolving spectrum needs------------------------------------------------Future Public Safety Radio
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 20 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig20 Universal PFN!fRAC Multi Band

Scan Route and Translate Transceiver Interface Array
Vehicles & Equipment
Plug and Play
Communication Links and COTS Embeded ASIC
Firmware Systems On a Chlp---SOCS TRAC
Hybrid Substrate technology as determined Programming
Chipsets and standardized
Personal Locator 01 DSRC~ • Communication
DSRC routing & management.
Law Enforcement ~ ~ .
& Interactive Hwy. --4 DSRC._ 1
fc'J. f~J~~;~S~i~tJt~~f),~~~i;.~:C:.\ "----Activity control
Blue Tooth : · ,,I:g•:'-'~f~}~~~t~DH? system & H!VH
Triangulation locator ..a-o~~_ __,_ C<eedbtick Sensors OBD
Personal com~links .,..
.. _ __,.
~ :tMa~re~~gm~~~fu?

Local & Remote Memory Airfone

of Commands & ATM
PFN Aircraft,
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 21 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 22 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

v chicle sy~ten:lS
Video Audio
Dista.J."J.C:C "en~ot·

Spero Se-nsor
Steering Seuso;r:-
LocR1in'g Sy~le:rns
Br:aking Seusn:r Ill,.,,.,.,,...,.,.===~- .f:i.,..y_ se.aso:rs
Gas Pedal Sensors ,
</ Carry on
lntcrt"acc Sy:-.. Universal Buss
V:".'lr.i~hle Cun·ent
OBD sensors
Analog & Dlg.i.tal.. 1D .Sy~­
"l,;\~ice & fiihr~.r OJ:~ tics
Citrd swipe
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 23 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 23
Machine Messaging Network


Law Enforcement

Land lines
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 24 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig24 lSV lE and lP PFN Architecture for Data

Translation and Processing Functions
e Scale Inte ration

The basic ASIC - progression and interfacing to be detennined per application


FIG25 \Jl

Application specific wall structures for PFNs ~


PHYSICAL ENCLOSURES --- Insulation and sealer z0


Outer wall Inner wall Ul


I ~

Encasement can be structured erJ'l

Thickness of walls as part of the host vehicles 0'1
and materials construction to blend in \o
determined And be secluded from vision
by application 0'1
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 26 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

lE PFN attached e t controller/ routers. .

Fig 26
Secure Electronic VIDEO
Personal ID systems
Interfaced ~
With IE,
lSV & lP

U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 27 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 27

. .... .
' ..............
...... .................... ··..

Network of
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 28 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 28
The Commercial Commitment

• More Cooperation & Universal Interfacing of Products

• More Sharing of Data and Knowledge for Public Safety
• Better Coordination of Cross Environment Technologies
'"More Enhanced Security Checks & Protocols
• Better Protected Hardware and Software
• More Accountable Human and Machine Interactions
• Safer Fuels and Propulsion Systems
.. Faster communications between surface and air operations
• More Robust Remote & Automated Flight Controls
• More Robust Remote Passenger Management Options


I Fig 29
a_P_FN __ac_n_._ng~b_e_lt_w_i_ili__a~p_:a~g_er______~l

B ·-·
...-i j


a -..a-..
'-------~· a-..
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 30 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2


TV PROVIDER Reception Side .
TP Phone line connectwn to
11 1 · 14 Phone, Cable or Satellite ·rv
Com.me,-cial Web l?ag,,
i J4lex and Reflex paging protocols
12 Gov. providt~J W~b Pit!!,t with GPS sy.~. or other locating systems
LCD display or Rim paging
13 Europe -Ennies paging & GPS or locating sys
Erricson and Philips.

19 . 20
.../ ...



-~-··/ GPS
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 31 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2



1 3 Data

5 Second
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 32 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2



Motorola iDen
Sys. also Law
And Security 32
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 33 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2


FIG. 33


U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 34 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 34 TSA FACT Seamless Security

Local Regional
z fl.n,rp~tiw.,C\, ~1(\ilJPiJ: • ....... •~c....,. TSA F ,~. CT/ t. ;rnort or
a Iiiii r/11-a llll!llll!"llll~Jk&;'amlfi.llllllllllill
FACT Command
111: illll il!


Train &tation or
Boaj'der or
NORAD Jn~pection ~rmion
DOTffSA matrix of Ph..,o;.t Re'lportdt!rs
State Police
intranets has Multiple 54 Customs/ Port Authority
Wireless pathways Any Other PFN's Coa~t Guard) Navy, Army
Personal PFN
50 1
Finger print thaw -or Eye iris wniera I

PuL'3e Sensor & Gnlvank .sen. "'or~

. "RT
Belt Conlactm· for skin prkk or A
Breothalyzel' transducer l<
or Bracelet Two way paging sys.

GPS, Cellular or RF Locator

Long Rlm&,re Tr.ans:ceh·t.'r s~·s.
Shnrl Range 1'ranse.eiver s:ys N
5 Lll<:ai.Mcmor.v

},-lain Power
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 35 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Mini lPI PFNS Tracking ID technologies iliat are surgically implanted
Evolve as SOCS and are miniaturized
1 metal or with composite
Material for the encasement
2 contrasting
and a battery for the lPI PFN
pieces of metal
for the lPisb
to have body
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 36 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 36
• Develop the Nations Software Codes For FACT
• Security Cmitractors & Military (Omaha)
.. Set Up FACT Registries
• Legislate Laws, Rules, Regulations & Codes
• Fund & Back PFN!fRAC Interface Development
• Create a Collaborative Inter Agency Effort
• Call for a Unified Commercial Effort (THE ECONOMY)
• Instill Domestic Tranquility By:
"Increasing Public Safety (Security)
• Insuring Individual Rights Freedom and Respect
• Lead in Proper Citizenry
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 37 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

"Bag Sign"
Is a passenger
and baggage flow
A management
N connection through
Black the air travel
Light experience

Fig 37

FIG.38 \Jl

4-500 600
# 00 00
6 z0





AA-F 0......,


FIG39 •
Department Of Homeland Security ~







U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 40 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2




id' r-F_A_C_T_M_AN_A_G-'E-J\-,rE-NT_&_l\_·iE-_:M_O_R_Y-=,_,




ISENSING 1-- PFN' s lr------------11 ACTIVITIES


FIG41 \Jl



p I STA~T -,
u 'JJ.
N =-



c ~

T '"""'

FIG42 •




F ~
N '"""'

u 'JJ.


c ~

FIG43 •




J I z0



1 2 ~

I 'JJ.

I .....




...______ ~
1 2
I~ ...a-..

-• " 5

PFN ~ ---.t

~------------~~U"l> ~

i;-'V~ 0~




0 c
s c
D Ul
s ~


p w ~
A 00
s R

~~"~< AND CONTROL ~ erJ'l
c,<> .:o.4-'
~~ A.>"i' O"
oct~ \o
A 'Y.>-Q;-~ 0'1
~"~;-.. ~ (It
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 45 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 45
Total PFN/TRAC Transportation
Monitoring and Tracking
• Tracks real-time location of all assets
throughout shipment, in and across all
transportation modes;
+ Monitors real-time status of each
shipment, including seamless data
transfer during change of mode;
• Provides continuous accountability in a
security or tTansport matrix;
+ Identifies and communicates specific
pre-programmed sensing or reporting
of shipment status; and
• Provides pre-programmed response to
a potential threat during transportation.
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 46 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 46
Integrated System

throughout the
condition and
sensors or
reaction to movement or detection
through their connected PFN, to a
local PFN Prime Mover.
Slide 2
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 47 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Integrated System. withlPs and REID Tags interfaced
· lA or

lPs Shipment PFN

stand a I
PFNs, /~'"-;om~
Bag sign and
Bar Codes
Slide 2
U.S. Patent Nov. 15, 2005 Sheet 48 of 48 US 6,965,816 B2

Fig 48

Integrated System
/ .,

Missing Asset

The missing asset is sensed by other PFN units in the field.

These units report the discovery to a PFN Primary Mover or
Relay System, which in-tum, reports the asset's location to
COMMAND & CONTROL which confirms and/or initiates
deactivation and/or recovery.
Slide 6C(2}: Infiltration Recovery
US 6,965,816 B2
1 2
PFN/TRAC SYSTEM FAA UPGRADES FOR and therefore the innovations default to the industry specific
ACCOUNTABLE REMOTE AND ROBOTICS patents and their holders for any licensing, sale or imple-
CONTROL TO STOP THE UNAUTHORIZED mentation of the technology outside the air travel air trans-
USE OF AIRCRAFT AND TO IMPROVE port industry. With that understood, this application is an
EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC 5 extension to benefit inheritance from the related patents.
SAFETY IN TRANSPORTATION This is a necessary statement for the system to be as
extensive as it has to be and to be constitutionally appro-
priate to be commercialized in the United States effectively.
This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional All must understand clearly the operational and commercial
Patent Application No. 60/325,538 filed Oct. 1, 2001 and 10 boundaries of each intellectual property filing of the PFN/
U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/330,085, filed TRAC technology: the public, government agencies, the
Oct. 19, 2001. SEC, the court system, legislators and the investor in each of
This application is related to U.S. Patent Application No. the specific corporate entities developing the technology.
60/330,088, filed Oct. 19, 2000; 60/200,872, filed May 1, It is important that the system does not develop as a
2000; 60/176,818, filed Jan. 19, 2000; 60/139,759, filed Jun. 15 commercial monopoly for communication and data messag-
15, 1999; 60/140,029, filed Jun. 18, 1998; Ser. No. 08/975, ing and mining or have any one dominating influence, but
140, filed Nov. 20, 1997; PCT Application No. PCT/US instead provide accountable interoperability with regard to
97/21516, filed Nov. 24, 1997 and 60/032,217, filed on Dec. the various industries that will be interfacing to create the
2, 1996, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference. entire system. This is done to protect the public's interest in
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 20 the technology. Its use and quality of use, as a greater public
utility technology. It is being structured to commercially
1. Field of the Invention
insure free enterprise in its continual development process
The nature and scope of this patent is to be the air travel from the contributing technologies interfaced. This is
portion of a national transportation and security matrix that addressed throughout the filing as "La technique" or the
will span the globe. This filing is an invention that is specific 25 implementation teachings of the specification to make it
to aviation air travel and air transport. It relies on prior applicable to industry.
filings to incorporate the specified technology to complete a
Federal Access Control Technology (FAC1). FACT is a With this application specific use of the invention under-
security matrix in and around the airport and gate to gate in stood by the reader, this filing and the other related filings
the skies. The other related patents are designed to other 30 will be licensed and/or sold specific to industry application
vehicle platforms for complete national transportation man- or purpose in a connected commercial structure, that will
agement and security system. Because enter modal trans- encourage cooperative networking for efficient development
portation occurs in each industry with technology overlaps and use of the PFN/TRAC system and FACT Security
this application addresses the interfaces and overlaps, but program. This is accomplished via serial numbered joint
specifically to how it relates to air travel and transport. In 35 venture agreements representative of the related patent and
commercializing the PFN/TRAC System and FACT security protected technology area defined in the joint venture agree-
program it has proven commercially necessary to develop ment and then written into a tracking program, maintained
separate corporate structures to match up with the specific by the specific company and Kline & Walker, LLC the
industries and government agencies and to create the com- current patent holder. This tracking will become part of the
plete movement management and security system termed 40 inventions accountable business practice and maintained
the PFN/TRAC system with FACT Security. FACT stands system wide with respect to all corporate entities generated
for Federal Access and Control Technology. All the related to commercialize the invention.
patent filings are specially designed and written to separate Special files held in a nationally secure location(s) (to be
commercial development to respectfully operate in a demo- determined) will be maintained by FACT Security, LLC.
cratic free society and meet constitutional guidelines for 45 Commercial arrangements via Qoint ventures) will be made
their commercialization. The separate inventive portions with FACT, LLC. For this administrative function and for all
(patent filings) are constructed specifically not to be a other related PFN/TRAC companies for any FACT technol-
monopoly, but instead an accountable workable interface to ogy that is military or high security sensitive and involves
combine present day dispersed and disparate technologies secret status for public safety and/or national security.
and systems via a coordinated network of wireless 50 2. Related Technology
communications, machine controls, data handling and The prior related patents have covered accountable auto-
human machine interfacing. mated and remote control of all vehicle platforms, equip-
This intellectual property and all inventions determined ment and machines, including human, animal tracking and
patentable, either granted or protected or inherent due to telemetry and stand alone sensing and management func-
prior related filings must defer to that related technology 55 tions as part of a great machine messaging matrix. This local
holder(s) for additional licensing if other than aviation and accountable Primary Focal Node interface was invented for
air travel related (e.g., 1E, 1P, tracker and 1SV PFN/TRAC more freedom, public safety and better management of the
units, or system and FACT program, etc.) used for terrestrial earth's resources, environment and machines, and to help
vehicles and equipment 5 miles outside of any airport and/or fulfill social/individual needs for a new economic tool to
for other operations and functions than aviation related or 60 value use and impacts.
for a FACT purpose. However, included is any standard set Due to the recent terrorist events both in New York and
for reasonable wireless contact to protect the public at the Washington, D.C., it has become imperative to step up the
airport via FACT control center operations that will monitor development of protected remote control and robotics in
and manage transport coming and going from the terminal aircraft and commercial air travel systems. The PFN/TRAC
and/or air travel and transport operations. 65 System is an ideal technical choice for this scenario as it was
This is to be clearly understood by all to rely on and created to stop and control the unauthorized use or unsafe
develop form inherited PFN/TRAC technology filed earlier use of vehicles and equipment via accountable remote
US 6,965,816 B2
3 4
control. Additionally, the technology incorporates existing through that terminal as well to the passengers vehicle and
technology as it exists in a present distributed architecture baggage leaves the system.
and coordinates and manages the essential function to stop The inventor and founders remained committed to the
and control an unwanted event and improve public safety. following:
This requires hardware, software and wet-ware (people)- 5
the procedures and protocols). The PFN TRAC system is a Due in no small part to the sad events of 9/11, Kline &
technology well grounded in a Science, Technology and Walker Remote Management System, the assignee of the
Societal approach or STS approach to be effective and PFN!TRAC System wishes to work in any collaborative
commercially acceptable for aircraft and air travel. effort with all commercial and governmental interests to safe
This invention from the first stop and control box system 10 the skies and build back the trust in the flying public. This
to restrict unauthorized use of a vehicle has addressed spirit of cooperation has always been basic to the reason for
responsible and accountable machine intelligence as a very the invention and the development of this technology to a
important equipment control option and unique quality to trusted and accepted management system first and foremost
perform remote or shared control of any vehicle or equip- by increasing public safety, individual freedom and national
ment in a free society through responsibly recording events. 15 and global security. This invention addresses environmental,
Historically, avionics has had flight recorders, processors, social and commercial uses of all equipment and resources.
flight computers wireless communications, navigational The invention is designed to account for all machines,
systems, autopilots and protective containers for electronic vehicles and equipment and their socio-economic and envi-
packaging. Even in aircraft hobbies and in the military there ronmental impact worldwide.
have been remote control or robotic drones. However, 20 "It is widely believed with the proper awareness-that
shared controls or total robotics control of an aircraft with this technology could provide, and the real-time communi-
humans on board has always struck a watershed of unac- cation this invention could help to provide-that the global
ceptability for a host of good and valid social economic inhabitants might find a way to make a life together".
reasons. And not just in the air, but on the ground as well. HopefullyJ rcw/bk.
This is where the PFN!fRAC System fits into humanities 25
present technical management needs and can be a progres- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
sive security enhancement for machine management. It can FIG. 1 This diagram of the PFN!fRAC System™ shows
harness existing technology and apply constitutional proce- one objective. The goal to control the unauthorized use of an
dures in real-times as preprogrammed protocols via local aircraft. It represents the technology and the human activi-
machine robotics and remote human/equipment control to 30 ties necessary to effectively respond to an airplane hijacking.
prevent the hijacking, thwart the hijacking, manage all FIG. 2 is a Power Point slide highlighting the important
behavior in the plane, control and lower the planes destruc- characteristics and benefits of the PFN!fRAC invention; as
tive crash potential, or safely land the plane via the PFN/ a timeless interface technology that incorporates new tech-
TRAC System including the PFN!fRAC protocols. This nology into an architecture that provides accountable
option is obtainable in a variety of modalities and progres- 35 aggressive automated and remote control via existing tech-
sions and this patent application teaches this unique tech- nologies.
nology in a variety of modalities.
FIG. 3 is an application specific integrated circuit for an
This specialized quality of socially structured technology
avionics PFN!fRAC System interface.
that coordinates disparate and distributed technologies in an
acceptable and usable architecture starting from existing 40 FIG. 4 discusses the product development differences
COTS products and consolidating an acceptable structure between first and second-generation PFN!fRAC systems.
and set of operational protocols into one management sys- FIG. 5 The initial lA PFN flight and landing software
tem is uniquely the PFNTRAC system. It in no way com- library will be for 5 selected safe bases to include emergency
petes with existing technology it merely enhance those response procedures and protocols where specialists are
technologies interfaced via a larger more acceptable 45 available to remotely control any incoming aircraft and
machine messaging matrix of mindful machinery with handle any FACT flight emergency condition.
accountable artificial intelligence. FIG. 6 An airborne emergency response team/swat team
The nine earlier prior related patent filings addressed the with medical/bio/chemical/explosive and fire, team mem-
use of the PFN Trusted Remote Activity Controller in flight bers are to catch up with the airliner and follow the flight to
and surface applications to augment the aging FAA system, 50 the air base ready to parachute from their troop carrying
as a communication control unit. PFN!fRAC in aviation has aircraft if the aircraft has an earlier termination than the safe
always been thought of as a parallel data transfer technology base.
to all the major transportation systems to get a foot hold in FIG. 7 illustrates the 2 basic technology sections; the
combining the disparate systems into one DOT management plane and the ground control system to perform PFN!fRAC
System. Therefore for aviation the car-plane invention was 55 robotics and the Remote Control via RC pilot in the center
considered a futurist application for PFN!fRAC GPS and of the figure.
timing to coordinate air highways and surface traffic move- FIG. 8 This map shows the eastern half of the United
ment in an integrated traffic management level than in States Ambient population.
airports today. However the technology has been prepared
FIG. 9 expresses the need for public awareness to the
for general aviation and to improve the choking point in 60
threat the nation faces from terrorism
today's airport management and security crisis.
Additionally, it is perfectly set up to remain isolated in early FIG. 10 displays the first aircraft router/test PFN!fRAC
generations, but improve movement and provide seamless interface platform "The TRACker".
security both on the ground and straight through the gate and FIG. 11 The la TRACker will use a quality COTS laptop
up into the air space to enhance and meet the current security 65 computer product.
needs of the Air Traffic management system and back down FIG. 12 Drawings of two products la TRACker and
to the tarmac through the gate in the destination airport and FACT Ball.
US 6,965,816 B2
5 6
FIG. 13 More description on the FACT Ball. FIG. 45 Portable networking application to keep a run-
FIG. 14 More description on 1a TRACker. ning inventory of a shipments contents and placement.
FIG. 15 The TRACker circuit. FIG. 46 Portable networking Application to keep a run-
ning inventory of a shipments contents and placement.
FIG. 16A figure stating the need for cooperation from all 5 FIG. 47 Portable networking Application to keep a run-
the stakeholders. ning inventory of a shipments contents and placement.
FIG. 17 The Trusted Remote Activity Controller. FIG. 48 Portable networking Application to keep a run-
FIG. 18 The FACT Security Program in layers. ning inventory of a shipments contents and placement.
FIG. 19 This figure shows the basic wireless communi- SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
cations being considered for the first responders. 10
PFN!TRAC technology provides the capacity to organize,
FIG. 20 illustrates a multiple receiving scan process. record, report, relay and control data and equipment from a
FIG. 21 illustrates a wireless tracking network locating a local protected control/router to create a large machine-
lost child. messaging matrix. Sharing or replacing local and standard
FIG. 22 shows two basic free wheeling terrestrial plat- 15 Human Machine Interfacing HMI with accountable auto-
forms. mated human assist controls, robotics and/or remote control
FIG. 23 Transportation machine matrix with a world of accomplishes this. Additionally, the networking of various
machines having PFN!fRAC units. wireless technologies can be interfaced via a unique routing
FIG. 24 ASIC for all the surface applications to include and translation process powered by stable current supplies
1SV for surface vehicles 1E for the stationary vehicles and 20 from the machines, vehicles and equipment they are attached
1Ps PFN for standalone and 1P for the personal PFN too.
processors. This filing and use of PFN/TRAC controllers/routers
FIG. 25 is a simple drawing showing the general approach deals with transportation and specifically avionics and air
to the PFN structure or encesement. travel. It employs other similar PFN!fRAC ASICS and
25 technology from separate applications, but specifically to
FIG. 26 The different PFNS are commercially flexible for
complete an air travel and transport management system
the various technologies and companies to interface, access
with the FACT Security program. This management and
and control any or all of the airport equipment e.g. ground
security system manages and monitors all equipment, mate-
service people, different airlines, private security
rials and personnel through the airport and gate to gate in the
contractors, local police and the TSA etc.
30 skies.
FIG. 27 is an overview of the TSA FACT 1100 command
This advanced human machine interface provides for
center for TSA at the airport.
accountable remote and automated control of all machinery
FIG. 28 discusses the need and how the PFN!fRAC interfaced and controls traffic flow and movement on and
system can help form a cooperative environment in working near the earth's surface. The PFN!fRAC units and system
with all manufacturers and industries. 35 also records and reports all use and impacts and can proac-
FIG. 29 shows a man walking on earth and his position tively stop the unauthorized use or unsafe use of vehicles,
derived from GPS Satellites. aircraft and equipment. Further auto evaluations performed
FIG. 30 illustrates the use of pager technology, specifi- by the PFN controller/router and networks interfaced can
cally 2 way paging interface in the invention. determine tampering and improper interfacing in real-time.
FIG. 31 shows cellular use in the invention. 40 Diverse interfacing and processing capability includes all
FIG. 32 shows the share ware cellular application and types of sensing, video and audio monitoring and displays,
multiple applications. keyboards, number pads, drives, identification technologies,
FIG. 33 shows the 1 P PFN belt system. card swipes, RFID memory storage, telemetry technologies,
various wireless technologies and their protocols, the elec-
FIG. 34 shows another 1P PFN Belt configuration.
45 tronic payment industry, vehicle aircraft, equipment and
FIG. 35 shows the injectable 1 PI Chip PFN for implan- machine interfaces and stand alone interfacing, processing
tation into a body. and routing.
FIG. 36 discusses the government's role in the technolo- Terminology of the Invention
gy's development. The following are basic terms and definitions used:
FIG. 37 shows the data telemetry monitored in the local 50 The PFN is a Protected Primary Focal Node (a protected
TSA FACT airport command center and the various other accountable interface connected with a controller and com-
monitoring stations. munication router). This combination is a PFN/TRAC unit
FIG. 38 FACT CHIP and soft ware functions m the TRAC stands for Trusted Remote Activity Controller and
system. termed so because it performs accountable robotics and
FIG. 39 FACT CHIP and soft ware functions m the 55 remote control. FACT stands for Federal Access Control
system. Technology. RC means Remote Control, WoJack means War
FIG. 40 FACT CHIP and soft ware functions m the ops and Jack is taken from hijacking.
system. TRUSTED for this invention means, accountable, and
acceptable by all the public (the citizenry, industry and
FIG. 41 FACT CHIP and soft ware functions m the
60 government standards). It also means to all reading this
specification interfaced equipment must be reliable. All
FIG. 42 FACT CHIP and soft ware functions m the interfaces and interfaced equipment must pass reliability
system. testing and be accountable for their specific use and service
FIG. 43 FACT CHIP and soft ware functions m the in any PFN!fRAC system. The PFN/TRAC System and all
system. 65 components must be trusted and pass industry and govern-
FIG. 44 FACT CHIP and soft ware functions m the mental standards for as a condition of accepted use and
system. performance in the PFN!fRAC System™.
US 6,965,816 B2
7 8
How the Technology Applies to Aircraft The General Robotics and Remote Control Procedures and
Of particular value right now, 1RAC technology can be Proprietary Safe Base Process
embedded into aircraft (at the design stage or after-market) The initial goal after eliminating local control is to
and perform accountable functions for the purpose of gain- stabilize the plane's flight path. This second objective is
ing control and stopping the unauthorized or unsafe use of 5 accomplished via robotics (chosen for better real-time
an aircraft. Known as the PFN!fRAC System™, the archi- responsiveness for long distance control scenarios) to fly the
tecture utilizes existing Commercial Off the Shelf COTS plane to a Safe Base via special preprogrammed and isolated
aircraft technology to create some of the first robotics flight flight paths. This control protocol PFN/TRAC System is
and remote controlled landings with an absentee pilot for secured and secluded onboard with preprogrammed soft-
these emergency scenarios. However, in a hijacking the lack
10 ware (5 preprogrammed flight plans available to the lA
of flying skill is not the only concern. The aircraft might well
PFN!TRAC processor or OEM automated flight systems if
be commandeered and deliberately used as a human guided
missile for its destructive potential like on 9/11 in the they can be secured during flight. The TRAC processor is
terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. interfaced with the essential E/E system bus to operate the
In this scenario it is necessary to restrict the local flying planes flight control surfaces (with RF back up) to guide it
controls immediately upon detection of an unauthorized 15 to the best specific emergency response Safe Base (SB). All
pilot and flight path, unless they can be authorized and available location systems and communication systems are
approved under some extenuating circumstances. interfaced with the lA PFN/1RAC processor. Additional
Basic Challenges to Accomplish the Invention in the Various controls interfaced with PFN!fRAC are to be the cabin and
Airframes cockpit air pressure controller to restrict any air exhausted
Fly by wire control conversion to exclude a local pilot on 20 from the aircraft by either routing the air through carbon
board the aircraft can be achieved far faster than those still dioxide scrubbers/converters, as well as adding fresh air
using physical links. Total hydraulic systems and hydraulic (02). The removed and compressed atmosphere is canned.
assist systems can be converted to exclude local controls This un-recyclable air or waste air is then presented to a
easier than physical link systems, but still more difficult than sensor array to detect biohazards and toxins. Once trans-
fly by wire systems. Systems and modalities for physical 25 ducers have converted any molecular substance to an elec-
lockouts on human controls and the automation of those trical signature, the signal is analyzed for recognition by the
controls is taught in prior related filings so that anyone PFN!TRAC!FACT security system software library. It is
skilled in the art (engineers) can shop up the necessary recorded and reported to the surface by any secure on board
devices to construct and protect an RC capable or robotics lAPFN!fRAC unit progressively programmed to complete
flight aircraft. 30 this function for the surface Safe Base system to prescribe
The next major hurdle is system redundancy and control the appropriate safe base response to the incoming troubled
of the dispersed isolated systems. Aircraft, because of the FACT flight. Informed decisions to determine whether to
catastrophic results of a flight control failure have duplicate terminate a FACT flight, bag it, and sterilize it or how to
systems to insure flight controls and the operations of unseal it on the ground) are essential. Also, connected to the
essential systems during flight. These systems have to be 35 ventilation system the TRAC processor controls a valve with
controlled enough to insure that the aircraft cannot be used debilitating gas (sleep gas or chloroform) that can be acti-
in an unsafe and unauthorized manner. This increases the vated from the ground or robotically. These are the worst-
challenges to complete and construct the invention for case scenarios and are termed the Wo Jack scenario or FACT
aviation. It also enhances the system options for the PFN protocol. Optimally the aircraft will be assisted in a positive
controller/router to evaluate. Evaluate and choose faster than 40 manner and landed safely with the passengers and crew
a human could to achieve good or adequate performance and spared any injury or some worse fate. But this emergency
in many cases affect more options down to the component scenario is inherently dangerous and this discussion is
level, which would be unobtainable by humans during flight. necessary.
As unique as avionics is from other electronics and During the final approach to the designated safe base
computer processing, the invention uses a PC architecture 45 landing zone the robotics flight and glide path control does
and application stack for the translation of messaging to a hand off to a Remote Control RC pilot in a surfaced based
interface flight systems and controls and protects this pro- converted flight simulator receiving secure and redundant
cess in structures termed PFNs. PFNs house the trusted essential data streams via a the PFN/TRAC protected com-
remote activity controllers or TRAC controllers and routers munication system to maintain the greatest real-time respon-
which make up a portable network. A matrix of secure, 50 siveness of the aircraft. (heightened by a guardian/profit
protected, redundant, automated controls and system man- software program-an algorithm developed using the speed
agement on the aircraft. Automated management for flight and time of data transmissions and skew the data for
assist, robotics flight, and remote controlled flight. The local projected real-time response using onboard sensing, forward
PFN!TRAC routers also interface wireless communications seeking radar and Doppler and weather radar at the base to
and transfer that data into Internet Protocols specific to the 55 enhance the RC station and on board robotics). Ideally, the
applications they are intended for and wireless protocols result will be an intelligent aircraft with an accountable
needed to transmit them. Data and commands are transmit- autopilot and Remote Control RC pilot.
ted locally between the aircraft PFNs via dedicated short Additionally, another in flight Remote control pilot would
range communications to harmonize management of flight be flying second in a pursuit aircraft and NORRAD dis-
controls, and also transmitted to the earths surface by longer 60 patched. Special training for RC pilots would have to be
range wireless (e.g. RF) interfaced in the PFNs. Local lA done of course. However in this scenario the pursuit/escort/
aircraft PFNs are likewise hardwired and dispersed to any assist aircraft would be in contact with the troubled robotics
appropriate avionics bus for flight system activity control, flight with in minutes of the FACT event take over. This
redundancy and integrity checks. There are also separate pursuit/assist flight would be able to determine control of the
applications specific to PFN combined actuators for hard to 65 aircraft and critical data while in flight. This is one imme-
secure flight controls or for legacy aircraft or special appli- diate advantage for the nations security and the flying public.
cations. There is a standing executive order to the military to defend
US 6,965,816 B2
9 10
the nation's airspace against the hostile use of a commercial a revolutionary black box technology that physical encase-
airliner. The invention provides some options to the shoot ment can also be used to house a complete PFN/TRAC unit
down scenario. if desired) with a hybrid progressive innovation of two of the
Intent and Purpose of this Filing four basic PFN/TRAC circuit designs presented to create a
This application is reliant on the former applications 5 seamless security link from the flight deck and airframe
cited, and therefore focuses explicitly on the first generation cabin through and to include the nations surface responders
products to meet immediate needs for the nation to have and air ports.
improved efficiency and security in the nations 429 airports. History of the Technology
One embodiment of the invention is a seamless security This technology is well documented for it aggressive
system termed FACT for Federal Access Control Technol- 10 remote and automated response to the unlawful and unsafe
ogy a security program of the PFN/TRAC system for use of vehicles and equipment. But it is important to
transportation and Homeland Security. All PFN/TRAC units remember that these security aspects are based first on a
are mobile communication router platforms that provide good operational management system and the invention is
accountable remote and robotics control to transportation and always will be a management system first. The inventor
vehicles and other operational and security equipment via 15 feels strongly if the world populous can manage a life
the interface with the vehicles or equipment's E/E systems together n this hydrosphere sharing the resources they need
to obtain a stable power source and additionally to control in a satisfactory manner for all the security issue would be
the attached piece of equipment. mute. So good security must start with good management of
Each vehicle and/or machine either on the earth's surface resources, space and movement. This requires knowledge, a
or near the earths surface is connected to its application 20 means to organize that knowledge, and a means to find
specific intranets for air, sea, and land travel, via either host agreement on the use of the knowledge organized and the
commercial servers or agency providers through wireless means to affect that use. This is the nature, scope and
communication gateways. These vehicles and equipment are purpose of the PFN/TRAC System. FACT security is only to
further interfaced with a larger machine messaging matrix be the enforcement arm of the people. To protect and serve
via wireless and IP protocols to further coordinate move- 25 the public will, it's safety and our national security.
ment assess and manage equipment and vehicles and their Not just individuals claiming to represent a mandate or to
use and impact on the world resources, societies infrastruc- speak for the public or have the public voice. This invention
ture and the environment. However this filing focuses provides the means to accountably poll the public on issues
directly to augment and upgrade public safety and security and should be used to give the populous more trust in their
in the Airline Industry and restrict and/or document any 30 system of government and give their representatives their
unauthorized use or unsafe use of any aircraft. It also teaches directives-that will be the real public voice.
acceptable methods to remotely manage baggage handling The following excerpt stresses this point to keep a healthy
and security equipment on the surface. social perspective. It is from the earlier related filing Ser. No.
Progressive Development 08/975,140, filed Nov. 20, 1997, and PCT Application No.
In the aircraft the first generation 1A aircraft controllers 35 PCT/US 97/21516, filed on Nov. 24, 1997.
will be shadowed with the development of the 1a and The reader is encouraged to read the other filings to get an
1bTRACker units to prototype much of the 1A ASIC overview of how the technologies and innovations are
detailed in FIG. 3. The Carryon TRACker series is to be a integrated. Further descriptions of the related teachings are
reporter interface only system with isolated devices from available and incorporated herein by reference.
actual flight control systems. TRACker is set up to support 40 The invention uniquely interfaces a network of separate
limited testing of new avionics technology in an Isolated devices and/or interfaced I C circuits together, to create a
format so that the proper analysis taking generally eight "Primary Focal Node" (PFN) (in some form on every piece
years can be systematically reduced with real flight testing of equipment in the world). This is an interactive control
with the units working separately, while a security link is center (ideally secured and protected) and connected with
maintained with Aeronautical Operations centers and used 45 many peripheral devices and sensors interfaced and that can
as a device for air marshals to keep TSA security on the be remotely controlled and monitored via this (PFN). The
surface informed on flight activities. (PFN) is able to, record and play back various data of
Additionally, this application and related filings teaches different mediums, report this data back, or communicate it
the PFN/TRAC System™ use for all vehicle platforms to with off board "Gateways" into computer networks (like
increase safety and security in a free society like the United 50 servers do on the WWW) and/or receive signals from these
State of America while retrieving and securing private data gateways/servers such as commands to restrict the unautho-
and statistical data in appropriate procedures/protocols to rized use of equipment. Or affect normal use of that vehicle/
insure the protection of individual rights. The other related equipment in relationship to its cost and/or legitimate opera-
filings instruct in the technology's use for robust and tion in society and the environment. Thereby, regulating the
accountable remote control for personal applications, sta- 55 vehicle/equipment, to a compliance level with any legal
tionary equipment and standalone functions, and coordinates parameters and/or commercial contractual agreements in
them and interfaces them within the communication matrix. real time. The invention uniquely provides the control
TRAC controller/routers perform translation and repeating device for society to fairly and accurately monitor and
functions across a wide variety of communication protocols control the impact of equipment use on the world's envi-
to complete a mobile flexible matrix or web. This connected 60 ronment and a nation's infrastructure.
communication matrix of computers and humans provides This is accomplished via hardware, hardware embedded
an enhanced Humanity Machine Interfacing HMI scenario software (firmware), software programming, peripherals
both locally and systemically in real-time for improve device and sensors on board, with wireless communication
equipment management and world stability. and locating devices. Which in turn connect with computer
This application is introduce a number of application 65 network systems to do monitoring and accounting and
specific integrated communication and control circuits to accountability business in a realistic and fair manner socially
include a special memory storage device (The Memory Ball and economically, all aspect of a transaction are re-viewable.
US 6,965,816 B2
11 12
The invention is a composite of a number unique interface technology into the personal rights of privacy. However, this
innovations to include other commercial products to develop right has always had a mathematical survival component for
a complete accounting and management system for human life to sustain itself on earth. Obvious e.g. our present
machines, vehicles and equipment use, some are described world population has doubled in the last 50 years and is
in this application and others are in related filings as other 5 projected to double in the next 40 years. Data will be
innovations. essential to good management of resources and even for
A great deal of explanation and specification is necessary survival---{)ur massing endangers activity planning and
to explain how the world's societies can utilize the total other individual freedoms).
invention as a management tool with all the application
specific innovations in an optimal manner. This discussion Sheer numbers of people and their activities in the same
10 amount of place are going to raise the world's temperature
has been based on humanities state of existence; technically,
commercially and socially and how the invention can best be and reduce our landmasses crowding the earth even more.
thought of as a complete management and economic tool for The use of the dirty machinery and greenhouse gasses pale
societies to fairly make and assess the crucial questions and as the contributor to poor atmosphere, compared to the
make the correct decisions to enjoy a healthy existence quantity of thermal heat from even the cleanest running
together. Especially, with a doubling world populous in the 15 future equipment and carbon dioxide our masses will gen-
next forty years and no increase in space. erate.
It is important to keep in mind that this invention is a Our personal biological data alone will become a barom-
versatile, composite set of innovative interfaces for existing eter to humanity's quality of life. Personal biological data
products, devices, and components to be net worked and will become important data for all of humanity to know and
span the globe. These unique embodiments of the invention 20 plan from. Privacy will be difficult and via this invention
satisfy the qualities to make it a timeless technology. Soci- replaced with amenity and individual respect via levels of
eties will still develop their own specific ways to manage secure accountable access to memory storage, with the
their lives but also be able to coordinate their choices with strictest of professional procedures, protocols and penalties
the rest of the world on environmental and economic issues for any improprieties, so as the need arises to handle specific
via nation and industry specific technologies that would no 25 personal data in statistical applications the system will be
longer be disparate. And in this process develop responsible trusted by and accountable to public. Already to day after
management and security via accurate data and accountable 911 we really do not know how to move forward with
remote control. From basic accountable machine messaging seamless security for our nation and protect these rights in
to full robotics and remote control, many unique interfaced an acceptable manner.
innovative products have been created and developed and 30 The most important portion in the MODE to carry out the
are also described and commercially detailed for develop- invention is the technology is TRUSTED.
ment in this application and the other two filings The
More important than any of the circuit design is that this
primary goal has been to provide innovative technical and
technology be TRUSTED for the unique and different way
commercial options for humanity to cost effectively govern
it has been designed to preserve our free society and govern
its technologies through a responsible, accountable and 35
technology to respect that. This understanding is not just for
informative management system, both the individual and the
the skilled in the arts, but also for all who know and use this
invention or any portion of it. All must be consulted in the
"We the people", have to and can, accept this responsi-
writing of standards, laws, rules regulations and code.
bility for their freedom and use of our free enterprise system;
and insure that our economic values are in line with our 40 Especially, programmers and code writers, they should
know their constitution and law, as they are the last before
democratic values as well as, our environmental and social
installation and implementation of any running programs.
responsibilities. Bearing theses responsibilities and respect-
Obviously, programming will be changeable and the court
ing everyone's right to freedom, and the pursuit of happiness
system will be reviewing and doing that from time to time.
is basic to United States citizenry; and also the main purpose
of the invention as well as the parameters of it's nature, and 45 But before implementation research and public deliberation
to define procedures, protocols and programming should be
scope. This technology was invented to provide information
in place. It is everybody's responsibility as citizens to review
and the means for humanity to make a healthy and happy life
the use of the technology. The technology was designed to
together not to rule over or govern another.
be an interactive gateway for the public voice to be heard so
BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE 50 this technology stays current with the society it serves.
INVENTION The FAA and avionics has always been an intricate part of
Human Machine Interfacing HMI is what the PFN/TRAC the PFN/TRAC technology transportation and mobile man-
system is all about. The technology is an invention of agement section and has been planned for in the develop-
management and security for societies to better operate and ment of this machine messaging matrix for humanity to
improve their quality of life on this planet. As a management 55 better manage it's machines with the earths environment.
tool one function is to acquire meaningful data and deliver Additionally, the PFN/TRAC System was created to provide
it to mass data handling and storage centers. The network of a stable artificial intelligence for the abnormalities experi-
PFN/TRAC units also stand ready to receive programming enced from our different individual learning curves, behav-
from these centers and act on it locally via direct connect iors or individual terms of existence through out the world.
machine controls. Considered essential to the technology's 60 The system is designed to enfranchise all and help, provision
success is the public's acceptance as a TRUSTED system. for all with fair and just management by all, while main-
For this reason it was envisioned and invented as an account- taining public safety for all. No small task indeed, so it
able technology and system so that all voices in society can requires all of us.
find justice and good reason to make a peaceful, healthy and For those of us that fear the real dangers in robotics and
prosperous life together. 65 machine intelligence, and for planners and programmers, I
In teaching this invention, the inventor has had a personal am listing a quote I used in my earlier writings to the DOT
struggle with the intrusion of this technology and other IT on collision avoidance systems and enhance Human
US 6,965,816 B2
13 14
Machine Interfacing HMI to manage driver distraction do to Number 101 is a 1 A protected PFN/TRAC unit. The
many carryon electronic devices (e.g., cellular phones). Application specific circuit is further detailed in FIG. 3.
This quote is taken from the Handbook of Robotics, 56 Number 102 is a land based remote control station. These
edition and should be integrated in any programming con- ground control units will originate from or be modeled after
struct or an operating system when writing code for any 5 existing flight training equipment and/or adaptable simula-
mindful machinery in the future. It is a good conceptual tors. These remote control (RC) stations will be linked via
basis for artificial intelligence to write constitutional code to, broad band wireless to actual flight controls and systems like
an optimum logic tree for shared Human/Machine control existing auto pilots and flight computers that intern are
scenarios and for total robotics. interfaced through the protected PFN!fRAC unit on board
10 the aircraft. The PFNs are protected and seclude or camou-
"The Three Laws of Robotics (for any Artificial flaged if need be as well as impregnable during flight. They
Intelligence) must be application specific in physical appearance and
structure and teaching for their construction can be found
1. A Robot may not injure a human being, or, through through out all the related PFN!fRAC filings with reference
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 15 details in this application for convenience. FIG. 44 shows an
2. A Robot must obey the orders given it by human beings enclosure with a multiple wall structure for rough service
except where such orders would conflict with the First and harsh environment protection. This structure will
Law. change per application meeting and becoming standard as
3. A robot must protect it's own existence so long as such part of the nature and scope of the invention.
protection does not conflict with the First or Second 20 The lower half of the figure is the ground support network
Laws." linked by wireless telephony, satellites, landlines and Inter-
Obviously a peacetime model, war, hostilities and home- net protocols.
land security will have programming applicable to that 103 is the DOD NORAD or North American (NA)
threat and those applications. (A sad human reality) But the military air CINC command center or center (S) and their
reason for the following PFN!fRAC innovations for today's 25 data bases in Colorado and across the nations at the various
air travel. air bases and special Safe Bases (SB). Their responsibility is
to scramble any pursuit or escort aircraft, and in the case of
DETAILED FIGURE DESCRIPTIONS the invention any Remote Controller assist aircraft in the
FIG. 1 is a diagram of the PFN!fRAC System™ shows 30 event that an aircraft has been hijacked and needs a pilot
one objective. The goal to control the unauthorized use of an while still in flight. First generation lAPFN!fRAC will link
aircraft. It represents the technology and the human activi- and control hardware and software to robotically fly the
ties necessary to effectively respond to in flight emergencies, plane to designated safe zones and landing bases of high
including an airplane hi-jacking. To reach this goal pilot security, there will be the capability to eliminate local flight
assist systems must advance in robotics and remote control 35 controls, there will be the capability to land the plane at
to fly and land an aircraft without a skilled pilot on board. designated safe bases via remote control flying, there will be
This application for invention provides a series progressions the ability for multiple communication with the aircraft and
to accomplish this via proper testing, While, providing continual tracking, there will be the capability to dump the
immediate management, safety and security enhancements fuel remotely and robotically. There will be a means to
to the air travel industry today. incapacitate passengers and crew, there will be real-time
audio and video to ground and escort assist aircraft with RC,
The figures and specifications coupled with the related
there will be isolation capability for cabin air, there will be
filings of PFN!fRAC technology provide guidance and
a capability to terminate the flight if the need arises.
feasible modes for those skilled in the arts of: avionics,
electronics, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, Dual use of Commercial Avionics Data Links for the U.S.
communications, system integration and component engi- 45 Air Force-Gihard
neering. This application focuses on aviation transport and This air link is being quoted to show that the civil Aviation
to meet the specific challenges to obtain this goal. It is ATM GPS system can be used by aircraft to accurately dock
important to keep in mind that feasible modalities for final their aircraft for refueling aloft. With this in mind this data
and specific designs to construct the remote control of the link can be used through a lAPFN!fRAC units or TRACker
invention will vary with respect to the diverse aircraft that 50 interface to coordinate security activities and better coordi-
exist. All airframes and modalities discussed are generally nate movement between commercial air craft and close air
used for examples. They are not meant to limit the nature support to a troubled airliner.
and scope of the invention or the capability of any compo- Military Civil Air Link
nent engineer tasking to design and construct safe and The Air Force JEFX99 Initiative 99-018 demonstrated the
functional avionics, aircraft parts and systems. 55 use of civilian avionics data links to support air opera-
It has become essential to national security to achieve tional command and control communications.
real-time accountable flight control to restrict unauthorized Terms
use of an aircraft. For this to happen, it has to be part of a Air Mobile Command AMC, Air Force Research Labs
seamless security system that is interfaced with ground (AFRL), (CNS) systems to improve air traffic management
security and part of a total air traffic management ATM 60 (ATM). This new CNS/ATM concept relies heavily on
system coordinated with the Transportation Security Agency specific avionics data links qualified to transmit air traffic
TSA. The PFN!fRAC System is such a management system control messages. This would require that the military equip
and it provides Federal Access and Control Technology or their aircraft with dual beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) data
FACT security to monitor and manage machines, materials links, and in the long term, line-of-site (LOS) data links. In
and people through the nations 429 commercial airports and 65 times of crisis means that military aircraft must operate in
2000 flights a day. The invention monitors and manages flow aeronautical mobile satellite services (AMSS). Denial of the
through the terminal and gate-to-gate in the skies. best oceanic tracks, including optimal altitudes, and certain
US 6,965,816 B2
15 16
mission critical airspace may lead to serious degradation in first sharing this data link via the technologies carryon
DOD mission accomplishment. TRACker interface platform for air to air and air to ground
In 1996, the U.S. Air Force's Electronic Systems Center security links in an isolated format and to develop further it's
(ESC) carried out a study for Headquarters Air Mobility integration into commercial airframes avionics for auto-
Command (HQ AMC) which assessed the requirements, 5 mated flight functions like robust robotics flight and close in
primarily for large transports, for operation in the new RC.
communication environment [1,2,3]. HQ AMC specified the Flight computers in some aircraft will hold the five flight
need for the communications capabilities for airlift/tanker plans that would first activate by a FACT event flag for
aircraft, and in 1997 the Air Force created a global air traffic compromised control of an aircraft and provide the best real
operations/mobility command and control (GATO/MC2) 10 time responsiveness with the flight controls, prior to escort
ICAO has recently completed the Standards and Recom- RC assist aircraft's arrival. FACT flight plan software would
mended Practices (SARPs) for an HF data link (HFDL) recognize course deviation and quarry the flight deck staff to
which will allow it to be evaluated by civil aviation authori- authorize and confirm the needed alteration and new course.
ties as an ATS data link. The Minimum Aviation Systems If the change was unjustified or if communications to a
Performance Standard (MASPS) and Minimum Operational 15 legitimate pilot could not be established with confirmations
Performance Standard (MOPS) for HFDL are also under in real-time that this same individual identified as authorized
development by the avionics industry. was indeed the one operating the aircraft; the aircraft PFN
The military, along with several airlines, are encouraging unit and surface TSA FACT command/NORAD would have
this use of HFDL as a backup BLOS data link due to the a FACT flagged event in progress and an immediate Home-
large installation cost of the Inmarsat system and since many 20 land Security code red/severe condition with an eminent
military aircraft are already equipped with HF radio systems threat status to public safety and national security. The local
for voice operation. Communications: Controller-Pilot Data 1A PFN aircraft unit on board the troubled aircraft would
Link Communication (CPDLC)---{)bviously there is much robotically take control of the flight and begin it's unsched-
more to connecting two in fight aircraft for coordinated uled automated flight to a safe base with escort assist aircraft
robotics flight and remote control but this coordinated use of 25 scrambled via NORAD/NA AIR CINC across the nation.
commercial ATM systems is an ideal modality to interface Many protocols will have to be programmed for FACT
the two. Away to introduce this for the PFN/TRAC 1A PFN management and the WoJack programming to an RC landing
aircraft units is the immediate application in the passive PFN at a safe base is just one scenario. Flight contamination or
version the TRACker as a parallel reporting system only and illness might be another reason for robotics flight to remote
have these communication links integrated into TRACker to 30 control coordinated management from an escort assist air-
explore possibility and test non flight connect actuators first craft.
while air born with sensors to evaluate real-time perfor- The 1A PFN TRAC unit will have it's own protected back
mance with out flying the plane up power or utilize any that meets the technology's pro-
Commercial military contractors ESC, and a variety of tected standard. In fact, all systems in place that can perform
commercial vendors includingARINC, Honeywell, Bremer, 35 or be brought up to PFN/TRAC standard for protected
and AlliedSignal. Section. operation and security access will be incorporated in the first
There are a number of Federal, DOD, and USAF docu- generation to perform accountable automated and robotics
ments that require military aircraft to comply in peacetime flight. The ASIC in FIG. 3 and any TRACker will be
with civil aviation requirements in civil-controlled airspace. progressively put in place and address avionics as described
In order to comply, the military is beginning to equip with 40 in the alphabetical avionics terms and definition section and
CNS/ATM data links. Manufacturers are addressing the use implemented per standards and aircraft being converted for
of civil data link systems on military aircraft by developing robotics and remote control flight.
solutions that port the civilian HFDL hardware and software The title words Wo Jack means War Operations for hi
onto circuit cards for installation into military HF radios. Jacked aircraft and it is the PFN/TRAC/FACT procedures
The addition of VDL Mode 2 and VDL Mode 3 protocols to 45 detailed in this application. Procedures to become protocols
military radios is being handled in a similar manner for VHF for human response and software programming in the event
radios. Interfaces to a commercial off-the-shelf CMU are that a commercial or private aircraft has been comman-
also being developed for military radios and for the military- deered or deemed to be operating in an unauthorized man-
specific flight management systems. In remote control ner. The basic scenarios and procedures are discussed
flying, the addition of these mandated CNS/ATM capabili- 50 throughout this specification to set the stage for a standard
ties to the USAF fleet via the ESC/GATO MC2 SPO activity with the use of the PFN/TRAC System and interface units
enables an USAF AOC capability applied to command and for these aggressive remote control scenarios. All the dis-
control issues. One such issue to day is the Remote control persed and disparate communications and mass data han-
of an air lined This link can be used with TSA Homeland dling systems are coordinated to perform accountable real-
Security and air command NORAD in close Remote Control 55 time machine and equipment control. Specific to aviation
of a troubled airliner via the PFN/TRAC units and FACT and air travel for the most part, but coordinated with all the
security system for public safety and national security for other PFN/TRAC innovations in other industries to manage
the air travel industry. movement, improve public safety and secure the nations
Since 911 an obvious necessity to coordinate air space porous boarders.
activities between commercial air liners and military aircraft 60 Computer station 104 represents the 200 FAA AOC
has now become a need to integrate flight controls for a commercial Air Operations Centers spread across the United
number of good and sound reasons to include the capability States. Some are navigational hubs east of the Mississippi
to stop the unauthorized use of an aircraft. The PFN/TRAC and some are in free flight areas west of the Mississippi
unit can be the commercial direction and implementation to where GPS allows straighter flight paths. They are all
link both civil and military avionics for cohesive and coor- 65 responsive via the various ATM providers (Air Traffic Man-
dinated real time responsiveness and local remote control of agement commercial wireless communication companies)
a troubled airliner. Initially implementation would occur by like ARINC and Boeing via their low earth orbit LEO
US 6,965,816 B2
17 18
Satellites, VHF and new broadband data links for continen- FIG. 11 with it's general purpose described in FIG. 10. This
tal flying and overseas. carry on brief case unit routes all aviation communications
The bottom mass data computer network 105 in this and data through other acceptable wireless technologies to
drawing represents the TSA for Transportation security deliver operational and security data and video to the ground
Agency's computer network. Thes TSNFACT monitoring 5 in real time to parallel to A1M air traffic management data
and management terminals will be matched to the FAAAOC provider to the Air Operations Center (AOC). It accom-
stations across the nation and interfaced with NORAD or plishes this without being connected to the aircraft.
CINC military AIR command and assist as part of the FIGS. 12 through 13 describe the consolidation and
Federal Access and control Technology's air wing of the integration of the circuit design into an ASIC that is shown
in FIG. 15 and earlier in FIG. 3 as the lA aircraft ASIC for
PFN/TRAC system for transportation management and 10
a Trusted Remote Activity Controller (TRAC) and/or router.
The final circuit design and components are determined via
Additionally, any number of mass data systems can and these Brief case carry on TRACker unit evolutions which
will have all sorts of controlled access to the FACT (Federal start by employing a Laptop in the processor to run the
Access and Control Technology) network and data will be necessary programming to complete the interfacing. Ideally
mined from all types of PFNS through out the PFN/TRAC 15 set up to handle windows programming which is acceptable
System. This will be further detailed throughout this appli- to many of the (COTS) sensor arrays and transducer soft-
cation. In FIG. 7 there will be greater detail given to the ware. Likewise a PDAcan perform this function in the same
robotics and remote control of commercial aircraft to special capacity and be used as the Air Marshal TRACker unit's
safe bases to land and handle the special conditions of a processor to interface wireless and video interfacing.
troubled flight. 20 The la TRACker does not perform remote control via
Any changes to aircraft or flight systems requires a great direct connection to the aircrafts avionics. However it is
deal of time in testing before it is allowed in regular flight capable of receiving all critical flight data via hybrid wire-
scenarios. With this understanding the invention has been less chipsets interfaced to the laptop/PDA (first generation
designed to accomplish robotics and remote control flying in TRACker unit) which is also interfaced with the public GTE
a progressive manner and teaches a progression from com- 25 airfone system or another acceptable wireless technology to
mercial off the shelf or COTS products thru specific ASICs relay critical flight data to the Transportation Security
(application specific integrated circuits) to SOC technology Agency (TSA) along with additional security telemetry such
with the necessary integration and consolidation of entire as EDS Explosion Detection sensors and cabin video and
systems to chip technology through out this filing and the audio data that is also, recovered by approved Dedicated
related applications. For this reason it is important for the 30 Short Range Communication (DSRC) another wireless
reader, examiner or reviewer to comprehend the use of interface to the TRACker unit.
existing technologies and parts and appreciate how they are This innovative prototype (The la TRACker Brief case
innovatively interface and uniquely combined for function- unit) is further detailed in this specification for those skilled
ality with present and legacy technologies to develop real in the arts. Additionally, it is a wonderful example of the
product and test platforms for future consolidated versions 35 progressive aspect of this invention. The PFN/TRAC tech-
with forward engineering for generations of enhanced pro- nology was envisioned with the capacity to self evolve from
tected and trusted PFNs to perform accountable machine the generated data. The unit and the system enhance it self
control and secure communication routing for lifetimes. by mining recovered, recorded, and reported data at three
FIG. 2 is a Power Point slide highlighting the important levels in an ongoing process to refine and re-invent the
characteristics and benefits of the PFN/TRAC invention; as 40 PFN/TRAC architecture.
a timeless interface technology that incorporates new tech- FIG. 3 Function Description for Programming
nology into an architecture that provides accountable This application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is to
aggressive automated and remote control via existing tech- interface avionics with the PFN/TRAC System of wireless
nologies; routing and computer networking on the surface. The circuit
This early bullet point figure states the advantages of the 45 design is for complete robotics and remote control of an
lA PFN/TRAC controller/router as a physically protected aircraft. This circuit is not just a simple record and report
impregnated integrated part of airframe and aircrafts elec- isolated monitoring function like another product the "la
trical bus system. However, as stated in figure one the time Tracker" a related embodiment of the invention, which is
period for any such physical connections to avionics elec- discussed later in FIGS. 13,14, and 15. It is intended to
trical buses normally take eight years. 50 interface into specific avionics flight control systems and
The PFN TRAC System was designed to function imme- data handling circuits and systems and be the functional
diately as an isolated parallel system and in sensitive situ- control component during a Federal Access and Control
ations unconnected and passive. This application was first Technology or "FACT" event.
conceived for terrestrial PFN applications, specifically for lA PFN aircraft controllers will manage back up systems
light and heavy rail transport. One immediate benefit to this 55 as well as primary flight systems on board. The benefits of
approach is that a real-time, real life test platform is created system redundancy will be incorporated for the safest of
to evaluate prototype technologies in the field. Additionally, robotics and remote control flights. In many simple and
inexpensive wireless redundant to monitor and progres- legacy aircraft the lAPFN/TRAC controller/router may the
sively manage and control operations as a backup is a only other system capable of performing redundant activi-
decided advantage when using legacy technologies and/or 60 ties. The essential flight systems will be interfaced via a
max-ed out, or over taxed systems. Plus testing can be an higher-level interface program running in the lA Aircraft
ongoing process, from beta testing to pre-production testing PFNs. Multiple lA PFN/TRAC units may well be part of
and through to include in service evaluation of components any specific aircraft's avionics and they will have intercom-
and system analysis. munications by wireless and hard-wired connections. These
Progression is built by working examples. First by inter- 65 multiple PFNs will be harmonized to insure un interrupted
facing Commercial Off The Shelf Products (COTS) in a and coordinated control of the aircraft for those authorized
functional prototype like the la TRACker unit depicted in to manage the flight aloft and on the surface.
US 6,965,816 B2
19 20
The architecture provides for translation programming Basic for Public Understanding Concerning all FACT
between disparate communication protocols for universal Activations:
emergency messaging. Additionally provided for, is the When federal access and control of a piece of equipment
necessary programming for essential E/E avionics bus sys- occurs, that piece of equipment is being operated in an
tems to be interfaced to harvest data and manage flight via 5 unauthorized or unsafe manner and any intervention is at
any on board flight computers, collision avoidance systems best designed to limit the time any particular negative
and autopilots. Or, by direct connection with activity control activity can transpire. Secondarily, exists the possibly to
components (any appropriate flight control surface actuator) augment the outcome positively via genuine human effort
via lAPFN units or actuator specific stand alone PFNs. The and the proper technical options available. It is important to
robotics and remote control performed is to be a large scale 10 remember this is only a chance to improve the safety of a
PFN/TRAC unit integration with aircraft systems. It will be particular public at risk or the public in mass. There are no
a progressive one with initial interfacing of current COTS sure safety measures for unexpected dangerous operation of
dispersed systems and components into a protected proces- equipment, especially if it is a result of intended misuse like
sor and protected actuator architecture. Future consolidation a terrorist event.
miniaturization and reduction in weight will be accom- 15 Sample Circuit Description
plished through Systems On a Chip or SOC technology. Of This figure is not to be considered specific or restrictive of
course, all versions will have to meet current standards, any PFN ASIC architecture. The technical teachings of this
rules, regulations and codes as a necessary part of FAA patent for the PFN/TRAC System are discussed in an
testing and to be in compliance with the nature and scope of alphabetical avionics acronym list later in this application
invention (the PFN/TRAC System™) as detailed in related 20 and three subsequent aviation filings. The terminology sec-
filings. tion helps organize the individual areas to progressively
In concept this ASIC gives direction to those skilled in the develop the technology via separate components and spe-
arts to plan the various control scenarios involving cific applications for the various aircraft. The accountable
hardware, software and firmware. This figure lists the basics robotics and remote controls of the invention is the bases for
to construct the aircraft controls to fly five pre-programmed 25 the operating systems purpose, both in the FACT ground
flights and Safe base landings. Enough to operate the aircraft system and in lA PFN aircraft avionics for flight manage-
with the necessary real-time flexibility to flight conditions ment systems. The various events that will fag a FACT
available equipment, with no flight personnel and to land at activation are discussed with the response and activity
one of five specified safe bases. Obviously, this scenario will controls as they apply to the named through out the appli-
not be absolutely safe but better than no pilot or the wrong 30 cation and in this section
one. Later; Flight and glide paths in programmed library The boxes on the left side of the green block are used to
data bases will exist for more airports, but FACT troubled give examples of the communication and data interfaces
flights will still land at special bases designed to protect the essential to TRAC processing and should be controlled via
public and national security, and these scenarios will never the PFNs in a FACT event. Top Box CEPT-Cellular is the
be absolutely safe). 35 commercial cellular frequencies approved for use in flight
The preprogrammed flight and landing programs can be applications like GTE's Airfone system used in the United
stored on board or up loaded to an aircraft in need for States aircraft for passengers to place calls from the aircraft.
automated assistance in returning to the surface. Possibly This system works off of LEO satellites and does not
this could of aided an in experience pilot like JFK Jr. if a interfere across the commercial surface cellular system of
PFN controlled all the automated flight controls in his 40 towers flooding ground telecommunication systems from a
aircraft and he was in communication with a ground data dispersed signal from above. Systems will be used to send
base AOC center that could have down loaded specific parallel data streams to TSA and security links with real-
programming to land at Martha's vineyard. Or had he had time flight operation's data, in the other laTRACker product
the opportunity and ability to download these programs and could be used by this lA PFN ASIC to send security
before lift off. 45 telemetry recovered by the 4th block labeled DSRC for
Due to the many onboard systems and computers in dedicated short Range communications, which may driving
present commercial avionics the PFN/TRAC System will onboard close circuit video/audio and/or other sensor array
initially and continually monitor current and future systems security applications. The 5th box blue tooth that is a
for failure by wireless interfacing and performing integrity commercial Off The Shelf DSRC system for wireless car-
checks for abnormalities and tampering. This progressive 50 ryan devices. This chipset with appropriate protocols will be
unit will be able to control any essential peripherals during interfaced as a hybrid substrate as stated to the left of these
a failure event via local programming and robotics while it basic communication inputs on the FIG. 3 block.
receives remote up loads from the surface in real-time. A PFN/TRAC unit will be capable of controlling and
Future generations will provide more system protection and using all standard carry on wireless devices and recognizing
consolidation as well as redundancy of dispersed PFN/ 55 other non interfaced transmissions via It's scan function and
TRAC units that communicate and operate in harmony. The frequency counting algorithm, that will constantly monitor
first PFN generation of aggressive robotics and remote an appropriate number of the 40 antennas that are on board
control will be thoroughly tested to insure no false activation a traditional commercial aircraft to adequately survey for an
of the system and components. This is to be the primary rogue or unauthorized transmissions.
objective for any PFN/TRAC interface component before 60 The second block on the left CNS/A & ATM The
being offered commercially-no false activations. Then, it Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance/Airborne
will be offered to the authorities and the public in general system is linked by wireless hybrid transceiver/protocol
with the understanding; that it will not falsely activate. chipsets. This configuration is displayed in other similar
However, outcomes for authorized activations during hostile figures. The above lA PFN/TRAC circuit recovers any data
aircraft takeovers or to counter for local catastrophic flight 65 generated by the aircraft. All systems carrying voice trans-
control loss in real-time are at best just another option to a missions analog or digital will have voice recognition soft-
flight in trouble with no guarantees for a safe landing. ware applied to transpose any verbal communication into
US 6,965,816 B2
21 22
digital format for transmission by other wireless protocols RFID
(e.g. airfone) interfaced and/or as text to be recognized and Mentioned above the RFID Tag technology is a short-
read at the appropriate application level in any TSA, AOC, range identification system that also can be interfaced into
ATM monitoring terminal, either locally or from remote the PFN/TRAC interface platform's to repeat or digipeat as
locations. The ATM portion of this block would be also 5 a report function to FACT and TSA terminals and deliver
another Hybrid Chipset for the Air Traffic Management data to distant remote mass data repositories. The PFN
provider like ARINC or Boeing with all the necessary would supply plug in connection for RFID transceiver
receiver, protocols, codec and translation programming to chipsets to drive their special antenna or magnetic trans-
receive this data locally in the lA PFN/TRAC unit(s) and ceiver portion of the RFID architecture. Then the EZ pass
relay this data via any number of acceptable or needed
10 tag could pass through the antenna array and be identified.
wireless technologies on board the air craft or via another
Antenna hardware could be concealed in the air fame
digital configuration and modulation within the broad band
width of the ATM service provider for the specific aircraft. passageways and compartments. The gathered data would
The TRAC controller/Router would determine the best be passed on via PFN interfaced-long distance wireless
means to transmit any needed data and how to under any technologies-either wireless telephony or other RF
circumstances. Redundant back ups on traditional frequen- 15 depending on the application. Additionally, the mined data
cies and the not so usual frequencies is all available to the from the tag's flash memory would be redundantly stored
lA PFN TRAC controller/router and the FACT/TSNCINC locally by the Primary Focal Node's Trusted Remote Activ-
North American Air command. These agencies will gener- ity Controller/Router's extended memory for accountability
ally be located with the AOC. But when not the agencies will and accounting purposes with a flagged event. Or to com-
be able to network with AOC and commercial ATM pro- 20 pared to any boarding list of known materials that was
grams in real-time. ASCPC Air Supply and Cabin Pressure checked in and tagged with RFID technology for transported
Controllers is an exemplary accessory System Under Con- to a particular aircraft that matched a specific passenger
trol or SUC to lA PFN/TRAC unit and FACT programs. or travel plans and movement for example. Or the recognition
at lease certain functions will be. The air supply to the of suspect packages being tracked by law enforcement and
cockpit and passenger cabin is to be monitored for contami- 25 was matched in the PFN processor from downloaded data
nants e.g. Bio, chemical (EDS) and physical property sensor from FACT/TSA or other agencies in the national security
arrays smoke detection, Audio/Video/Thermal/radiation matrix tracking material movements. This technology can be
sensor arrays and various transducers, which send specific used to identify and track mobile inventory for security and
signals to the lA PFN ASIC. These individual devices are for commercial applications and billing applications, etc and
operated and processed by the proper divers and programs 30 communicated in real-time via the PFN machine-messaging
installed in the lA PFN and translated by conversion inter- network.
face algorithms to format the signal for transmission to the However, to step it up a notch the use of the stand alone
surface and TSA terminals via the appropriate onboard PFN a version of the lP personal PFN will provide sensing
wireless. Some such sensing capability exist on sophisti- data of the material being moved and the state it is in and
cated aircraft already and these data streams would be 35 transmit this data to the lA PFN and other equipment and
interfaced with the PFN/TRAC units on board to harvested vehicle PFN units like the lE equipment and lSV surface
their data and enter it in to the lA PFN/TRAC units vehicle controller router which rebroadcast this data to
monitoring program and on to the TSA system and other FACT TSAcenters. These units and their ASICs are detailed
agencies via internet protocols and/or connected via direct in other drawings with the defining difference being they
wireless gateways. The FACT (IP) security matrix combines 40 have limited in power and distance and ability to handle high
national and global transportation, law enforcement and current applications, otherwise they can give the same
security Intranets. These security agencies are responsible telemetry as the equipment PFNs and more telemetry than
for continual layers of automated and human data mining the RFID technology (basically jus an ID tracking technol-
and analysis. ogy.
The 4th and 5th blocks on the left are all the short-range 45 Scanning is another interfaced technology in all the PFNs.
interface protocols DSRC or stand alone PFNs with dedi- Scanning like Bar codes and the PFN/TRAC's own Bag sign
cated short range communications, RFID radio frequency ID where the lA PFN ASIC via the proper chipsets and drivers
products like (EZ pass) and Blue tooth another short range (hybrid substrate) will recover images from personal bags,
RF technology for wireless telephones to interface with in this case of the PFN/TRAC bag sign product the passen-
some automotive telematics. 50 gers own signature which is placed on the bag by the
These are existing technologies interfaced via the PFN passenger via invisible signatures made with special markers
platform in the ASIC and would have the appropriate hybrid detected only by ultraviolet light and a hooded video scan-
chip sets interfacing these technologies to track, identify and ning device. The images are converted to a distinct digital
sense materials, equipment and people approaching and signal and are checked via a comparison handwriting algo-
entering the aircraft and the aircraft's cabin and compart- 55 rithm in the PFN to confirm Bag and passenger match and
ments. Via, these connections the lA PFN or series of lA location via video Iris or other personal ID recognition
PFS on board the aircraft and working in harmony will technology in real-time throughout the air travel/transport
identify carryon wireless devices through ESN recognition experience, through the airport and gate to gate through the
and look for equipment alerts from FACT Security and TSA skies
down loads to the local lA aircraft PFN as well as manage 60 RFID tag technology is an example of a technology that
the use or restrict any such use of the recognized cellular would be enhanced by a PFN interface. PFN/TRAC System
phone or other wireless carryon device as determined best increases RFID technology track and deliver more real time
for flight safety security by the legitimate flight crew or the data to many IP systems for monitoring and management of
lA PFN/TRAC unit. This connectivity via Blue tooth or material movement both for commercial purposes and secu-
802.11 DSRC to standard commercial cellular phones will 65 rity reasons. This technology is an excellent Commercial Off
be used as an emergency communication asset to the sur- The Shelf Technology example of COTS interfacing being
face. enhanced via the wireless PFN interface connection. The
US 6,965,816 B2
23 24
PFN!TRAC unit and System becomes a flexible security CPDLC-AP The cockpit data link and autopilot box in the
sensing matrix with these types of technologies interfaced figure are the direct and primary data inputs and flight
and is likewise enhanced in it's capacity. Additionally, much controls feed back. During a FACT event they will be SUC
more relevant data can be added to the RFID tag data during to the lA PFN or group of lA PFNs or Trusted Remote
PFN processing such as PFN GPS or fixed address and time 5 Activity controller/communication routers (this is a TRAC
and passed on to command centers and first responders dial ASIC above the terrestrial PFN!fRAC ASICs are in subse-
ups to NENA numbers or wireless gateways to IP protocols quent figures), along with any sub specific application PFN
DES/DET!fSA and homeland defense and security-if ASICs which operate any necessary dispersed actuators to
applicable as well. control flight control surfaces over any of these systems if
PFN Diverse Use Wireless Communications Use Like 10 they can not be secured from human control while the
Blue Tooth (DSRCs) aircraft is in flight.
As part of this invention's nature and scope these DSRC Avionics Translations
Systems Under Command/or SUC technologies would write It is important to remember that the system under control
interface code into their protocols to immediately transfer has to translate avionics bus activity controls in digital
PFN/FACT directives and data via any cellular service they 15 format to the PFN operating program so along with all the
were resident with in the same wireless device. These phone hybrid chip sets there will be one to synthesize protocols like
providers would be part of a priority emergency action the 429 maintenance interface does for 737 to convert from
messages EAMs network that delivered this packet data to the avionics digital signal messaging to a PC platform and
the surface IP!fSAgateways and dialups for FACT's home- windows applications for maintenance. This is not specifi-
land security matrix. The troubled aircraft would provide a 20 cally shown here in this ASIC because of the space in this
continual down load of identifiable data packets and infor- figure. But this is the type of translation programming that
mation to surface receivers or satellite in route for further will occur in the CPU with the codecs stored and conversion
data resources in real-time to critical assist agencies and for programming stored in memory.
later analysis. Special arrangements with these providers to Other figures and the other related patent applications
support secure gateways into this IP security matrix of 25 describe direct from the PFN separate actuators as well that
FACT!TSA security and other agencies would have to be are part of the technology's protected operations. The skilled
arranged and constructed. These providers would use their in the art have to construct functionally appropriate designs
existing peta mass data handling and storage systems with to meet any code and specifications known in the industry
special FACT/TSA security storage programming and for the specific airframes. Acceptance of the PFN!fRAC
storage, or they would be outfitted with special PFN!fRAC/ 30 system architecture in general must be a process by the
FACT Memory repositories to capture all local down loaded appropriate industry and government experts to test accept
data as part of a FACT equipment register system described and standardize these constructions.
in later figures and earlier related filings Many analog systems and physically controlled aircraft to
A Byproduct Advantage to Local Interfacing-System day will see its first automated fight controls via PFN!fRAC
Connected 35 unit avionics and actuator components. Actuator controls are
While the invention uses existing technologies and better covered in earlier related filings.
coordinates their use in cross environmental applications it Basically, the lA PFN and PFN!fRAC network of units
also manages the host equipment more efficiently by coor- if so needed in any particular airframe will operate to form
dinating movement of vehicles on or near the earths surface a seamless connectivity of flight controls from first existing
with the data processed. The technology does not infringe on 40 systems like the flight computer, collision avoidance
existing art, it is enhancing it by interfacing it into the systems, forward seeking radar, weather radar and any
PFN!TRAC architecture where it enjoys a wider market base autopilot controls. These systems will be interfaced and use
of applications. It is important for the reader or reviewer to to fly the plane uninterrupted and appropriately with current
keep in mind that the above wireless technologies are robotics However, in the event that the plane is not respond-
examples and this group of interfaces will change per 45 ing as it should the assist remote control pilot in an escort
aircraft and later in the terrestrial ASIC designs by applica- plane and/or the ground RC pilot in the simulator station or
tion. The invention was not design to compete with existing the lA PFN TRAC Unit onboard will be deferred to-to
technologies or infringe on prior art. It has always been control the aircraft via PFN robotics and via the network of
conceived as an interface platform to coordinate these specific PFN ASIC flight control actuator circuits. (Either
dispersed and disparate technologies and commercially 50 wireless and encrypted or wired and with encrypted com-
work with these technologies to better manage equipment mands from protected PFN robotics or remote command).
and route data for an improved the quality of life for Clock distribution. Is coordinated in each PFN by LEO
humanity. satellites or the GPS interfaced or other wireless communi-
CNSA & GPS along with CRZ cruise tracking technolo- cations with redundant systems and local clock updates to
gies are other inputs interfaced with the PFN via any 55 keep all moving and stationary objects placed in synchro-
necessary protocol chipsets. Exact flight path data will be nized time and space for movement management on and
gathered from onboard smart determination technologies near the earths surface. This will be tied into collision
and ground surveillance and communication systems and avoidance programming and be used by the FACT program
compared to preprogrammed flight plans. All in flight TSA and homeland defense/DOD to control robotics flights
changes will be verified by surface and aircraft data telem- 60 and coordinate and control movement in the air and on the
etry and unauthorized flight will be FACT flagged and ground. This clocking will be the bases for programmers to
immediately result in a Safe Base flight plan via FACT event write algorithms to account for signal trans mission times
protocols. Constant communications with the aircraft and and conditions to obtain the optimum performance for near
the order for escort and assist aircraft for any troubled FACT real-time control of any aircraft under remote control. It will
flight will be a part of this immediate response and directed 65 also provide lA PFN/TRAC unit benchmarks for prepro-
by DOD homeland air defense CINC AIR COMMAND/ grammed and timed responses performed by robotics in
NORAD. conjunction with ground controls. It is to be system wide
US 6,965,816 B2
25 26
synchronized timing and is augmented by geographic posi- For example, a suspect piece of baggage is evaluated
tion coordinates and updated by consistent redundant through the airport terminal FACT flow data base and
sources. This process is part of the FACT construct program appropriately responded to, while an aircraft circuit or new
running in the lA PFN to determine if a flight is positioned transmission is processed through the FACT FAA central
on time in the exact place and the correct altitude at a 5 registry and compared to known inventory and assigned RF
particular second in space and time. It is the electronic equipment) In this respect It can be used to counter
equipment placement police for an aircraft in the sky with a terrorism, antitheft and monitor the sale and resale or reuse
connected system partner on the ground all the way. The of aircraft and components, much as the FACT registry is
ATM and AOC as well as the TSA are linked nationwide and used for terrestrial PFN/TRAC units for automotive marine
would include the areas of free flight west of the Mississippi. 10 and rail vehicles and products. Additionally required are
Protocol Translation & CODEC specially qualified service personnel and controlled progres-
APU & APC APU Auxiliary Power Unit will be specially sive program with security clearance for all work perform,
protected for the first generation of PFNs and also for PFN as authorized service will have to be in place for service on
additional APUs or emergency power packs, which inher- any PFN/TRAC units and their responsive components
ently reside in special protected compartments for the lA 15 operating in any FACT portion of the system. Ultimately, all
PFN!TRAC unit and any FACT interface components to fly PFNs will be operating in conjunction with the FACT
the aircraft (as detailed in earlier related patents). The APC system for national security in a transportation matrix.
the auto Pilot computer is listed in this block for the initial The APU/APC are Separate Interfaces
lA PFNs to incorporate as much as possible the auto flight APC is the Autopilot Computer and it must be protected
systems with secured power supplies and increase their 20 with an uninterrupted power supply to be part of any
protection to make them impregnable. Separate maintained PFN!TRAC!FACT system so it can carry out the prepro-
power sources are inherent to PFN/TRAC system to insure grammed FACT flights. Whatever augmentation is needed to
the trusted remote activity controllers operation and essen- complete this protective task to qualify the APC for PFN/
tial for the activity components as well. These emergency TRAC technology must be made to perform to make it an
power sources are of the highest quality lithium batteries and 25 accountable robust robotics flight and remote control com-
are maintained at full power by the aircraft generators and ponent or a Trusted Remote Activity Control portion of any
the airframe's electrical bus. The charging current is regu- PFN!TRAC!FACT system. Progressive use of existing com-
lated and surge protected as well as one directional and can ponents and technology are encouraged for rapid develop-
not be shorted externally to discharge or damage the emer- ment of secured robotics and remote controlled flight, but it
gency battery or negatively affect it's normal life (detailed in 30 has to be securable and protect able to qualify or it must be
related filings). The standard self-contained PFN emergency SUC to lA PFNs on board. If employed the APC will be
battery self monitors and reports to the lA PFN the battery used to handle the 5 safe base fights initially and continually,
condition. All PFN units and flight critical components are but there will be self powered back up actuator controllers
self-powered in an emergency. All actuator PFN circuits, via dispersed PFNs operating in a harmonious matrix to
control circuits like the lA PFN ASIC or trusted remote 35 provide ultimate control to the authorized authority, even if
activity controller and any of the connectable are protected that authority is artificial intelligence (AI on board robotics
physically, and employ secured data links, wired and wire- in a lA PFN) periodically.
less with redundancy, and have individual service current Regardless, of lA PFN overrides, the autopilot must be
available locally to complete their specific tasks form autho- impregnable to unauthorized personnel during flight
rized signals. Additionally, 40 (standard to be determined and application specific).
To integrate as part of the PFN/TRAC system performing Personnel identification is accomplished via the commu-
FACT security programming, all other APUs on board must nication systems and data transfer systems interfaced with
be configured to report their condition via regular integrity the lA PFN controller. They would include smart card
checks conducted by the lA PFN unit. These regular system swipes, finger print and Iris scanning, voice recognition,
checks and PFN system data then downloads will to autho- 45 thermal sensing, blood pressure readers and even EKGs via
rized service and maintenance centers for the APUs and PFN hand sensors and finger thaws on the yoke and instrument
emergency power packs. All aircraft components essential to panel swipes as well as full biometrics transmitted via
flight and PFN/TRAC/FACT operations will have these DSRC systems or lP personal PFNS with body sensing
service integrity checks run on their performance, and these harness belts, bracelets, watch type bands, or sensing cloth-
downloads will also go to manufactures. There is a FACT 50 ing worn by the pilot and flight crew and interfaced. Indi-
system auditor/inventory program locally run on the aircraft vidual biometrics can be used to identify a capable pilot in
via the PFNs and a system wide redundant backup program real-time via automated algorithms with pre-logged personal
done nationally/globally for everything that flies in com- data in both the local monitoring program in the lA aircraft
mercial and general aviation via the FACT Registry dis- and also in theAOC(fSAcenters on the surface for real-time
cussed in FIGS. 37, 38, 39, 40. This portion of the FACT 55 comparison and response.
registry is operated by the FAA, TSA, This Robotics flight guardian program will maintain the
Preliminary FACT FAA Tracking Registry Program approved flight plan via monitoring aircraft systems and
Basically, the FACT registry tracks the use of electrically progress with respect to authorized activity and conditions
interfaced components and any equipment desired invento- and continually check the pilots condition and flight crew if
ried on the aircraft PFN file (e.g. tires type lot number) as a 60 desired. This approval process can clear any legitimate pilot
quality assurance program, and quick security and safety and provide proper access to the controls of the aircraft in
comparison check. A running program in each 1 A PFN emergencies by having all qualified personnel in the FACT
aircraft checks all known components to be on board with no registry. Local lA PFNs will be updated with this list.
alerts downloaded from FACT AOC/TSA registry during However, an alert flag will be sent to FAA FACT!TSN
pilot ACARS, during any service of components and peri- 65 NORAD/AOC where final tracking and override is main-
odically. New item recognition is flagged data and routed to tained. In absence of such an alternative the already flagged
the specific center for analysis. FACT flight will be programmed to the appropriate SB safe
US 6,965,816 B2
27 28
base via robotics and flight assist RC needed via the lAPFN CINC) and download all data that is recovered on board by
TRAC unit on board. the la PFN/TRAC unit. More than one lA PFN/TRAC unit
Most other portions of this ASIC are self explanatory to can be interfaced in the aircraft and to an aircrafts various
those skilled in the art of avionics, electrical engineering and electrical bus systems with each having a separate FACT
computer processing. However, there will be sections in this 5 ESN or electronic address and communication protocol to
specification and related filings that further define out func- coordinate any flexible master slave relation ship and to
tions performed by the specific components of this sample insure continual service via protected secure controls of the
circuit. Additionally, there are similar circuit designs that plane via the various non accessible and secluded units. All
further the reader's concept of this PFN Trusted Remote automated flight control systems will have a slave relation
Activity Controller/Router unit and it's application as a 10 ship to the lA PFN/TRAC process on board the aircraft.
primary Focal Node (PFN local connection point) to per- These systems will be subsystems or Systems Under Control
form universal accountable interfacing with stable wireless or SUC. to the PFN/TRAC units and any network. Many
connectivity and equipment control. automated controls (auto pilots, flight computers flight and
Obviously airframes, and terrestrial vehicles have differ- voice recorders sub system controllers exist in a distributed
ent electronics and disparate properties that can hinder any 15 architecture in present and legacy aircraft. These systems are
effort to coordinate them. This is one main reason for the reliable trusted and well engineered and there is no real need
Primary Focal Node (PFN controller/router) being placed as to eliminate or replace them. The first goal and basic
a receiving PC processing platform in vehicles and machines modality of the invention is to progressively create the
where they have access to stable power sources; they then PFN/TRAC System with an organized accountable interface
can perform wireless translation, and relaying or routing 20 platform via a progressive architecture to increase security
functions for the various forms of wireless communications, and pilot back up for human controls in commercial aircraft
as well as, store pertinent data locally and remotely for to improve public safety and national security. This can be
commercial billing and accountability for commands deliv- accomplished in a number of ways with all the various
ered and resulting in remote control of the machines they are aircraft.
attached too. This creates a matrix of machine messaging 25 The Properties and Qualities of the lA PFN Unit
and management that is coordinated and useable in real-time First generation PFN/TRAC units will link and control
and can also be socially and commercially acceptable. Data hardware and software to robotically fly the plane to desig-
is locally harvested/stored and/or sent on via the appropriate nated safe zones and landing bases with special security and
wireless and IP applications with encryption to the appro- support services to handle most all imaginable emergencies
priate systems terminals and application programming for 30 aloft and on the surface.
decryption and use. There will be the capability to eliminate local flight
General Function Summary of the lA PFN/TRAC/FACT controls.
ASIC Unit There will be the capability to land the plane at designated
It is important to remember that the essential controls and safe bases via remote control flying.
communications will be determined by the security 35
There will be the ability for multiple communications
agencies, the FCC and FAA and industry standards efforts.
with the aircraft and continual tracking. There will be
The remote control communications will be ded or dedicated
the capability to dump the fuel remotely and roboti-
digital channels for individual activity controls for flight
surfaces. Probably on special military (possibly DES com-
munication channels) that will be used form aircraft to 40 There will be a means to incapacitate passengers and
aircraft and for close to (SB) landing applications. (Safe crew.
bases (SB). Otherwise robotics flight will be employed to There will be real-time audio and video to ground and
maintain the highest level of real-time responsiveness for escort aircraft.
aircraft performance in relation to the real-time flying envi- There will be isolation capability for cabin air.
ronment. This is proprietary to the FACT programming and 45 There will be the capability to treat the breathable air in
this sequence of activities is part of what defines a FACT the aircraft.
event. Unless a local assist aircraft is accompanying a Because realistically the invention's development and
troubled flight, the PFN/TRAC unit will fly with robotics deployment will be varied and progressive earlier genera-
when activated to one of the 5 preprogrammed FACT flight tions retrofits and legacy aircraft will not have all the
paths that are stored in the PFN software library (or memory 50 functions desirable. Those not obtainable through hardware
storage) to the pre arranged Safe Bases (SB) determined by and software integration and interfacing will be obtained
location of the aircraft via ( GPS and/or other smart location through well-trained and security-cleared personnel until
determining technologies on board) and/or the nature of the such systems are available or as standard operations for
emergency that has been flagged as a FACT event flight (for specific aircraft. For this reason FIG. 3 is going to change
Federal Access and Control Intervention). 55 over time and for specific aircraft.
To insure absolute maximum redundancy in communica- There will be a capability to terminate the flight if the
tion from the plane to the surface, blue tooth, or 802 wireless need arises. This technology is designed to be timeless,
or any applicable DSRC interfaced will provide contact because it will evolve and become more consolidated inte-
from any and all of their air travel carryon devices that grated and protected. The ASIC translator and processor will
interface with other long range communications so that any 60 be interfaced with I C hybrid substrate chipsets for the varied
wireless device can be used by the lA PFNTRAC processor communication protocols. The chosen systems as standards
(s) and the FACT system. PFN/TRAC must have the capac- will inevitably be converted to system on a chip or SOC
ity to activate any such devices and call NENA/FACT technology and housed in cans or specialized containments
numbers in route for first responders and for direct down- that have electronic security packaging and tamper detec-
loads to the FAA homeland security's hot operations center 65 tion. Most importantly present manufacturers have direction
(e.g. Herdon Va. With TSNAOC) or flight Command Con- to move forward in cross-environmental applications via the
troller air operation center(s) (NORAD, TSA, AOC AIR PFN/TRAC system and better coordinate their product's use
US 6,965,816 B2
29 30
with others. Additionally, their markets are expanded and Industrial Applicability, Commercial Progress and Com-
their negative cross-environmental impact can be managed. ponent Review
Allowing them to freely produce their special products to an 1A PFN series) Aircraft Controllers is the first of a number
organized structure in place that is compatible to their of related aviation PFN/TRAC products with FACT Security
industry, business, and government regulatory concerns, 5 that make up this management and security invention for air
which will also improve public safety and national security. travel and transport.
The Aggressive response question for the public and Commercial efforts are underway seeking government
government-this is always done for the Trusted Remote support and assistance to include funding, aircraft, and
Activity controller/router to be trusted and accepted tech- technical transfers in an effort to partner up with major
10 aircraft manufacturers and avionics companies to develop
nology standard. It is a basic and unique element of the
the 1A PFN/TRAC unit a protected equipment control
PFN/TRAC technology. In all the patent applications the
technology. Informal discussion with Boeing's ATM people
invention address the social and constitutional issues and
pointed to a long process to physically interface the 1 A
impacts it will makes as an advanced Human Machine ASIC with commercial aircraft. This aggressive of a control
Interface Technology. The following is a major issue for the 15 system on board an aircraft has its proponent and opponents.
People of United States to understand and accept as well as But Boeing and others did not dismiss the possibility, nor the
any peoples globally that will use the invention in the need for more technical options to poor human flight control
following manner. when it is taking place. Most would rather stay focused on
Issue pilot assist systems for as long as this has the least reac-
In a hostile take over of an aircraft a disabling aerosols 20 tionary approach.
could be released into the ventilation system of an aircraft if More initial interest has been shown for the fist progres-
this is determined advantage. The 1 A PFN controller could sive stage the of the PFN/TRAC technology. The "1a
be programmed to control a responsive solenoid valve TRACker" which is a carryon brief case air marshal con-
(wired or wireless on compressed gas containers and release nection to ground security and TSAis not interfaced directly
this gas to sedate all occupants; if robotics flight and remote 25 to the aircraft's electrical system. It begins by recording and
controlled landing proved the most ideal scenario for a reporting via an isolated wireless communication system.
portion or all of the public's safety. The data recovered and This 1a TRACker laptop design and the 1b "Tracker) which
the course of action taken along with the geographic location has the same circuit design as 1A PFN/TRAC units in FIG.
and condition of the aircraft and occupants could be the 3 is also listed and defined later in this application as FIG.
determining factors in writing the software for the robotics 30 15 and considered a progressive step for the PFN/TRAC
System and FACT security system into the Aviation Indus-
flights and/or remote controlled landings as well as the
try. The 1a carryon TRACker evolutions discussed later will
human responses, and procedures taken both aloft or on the
be the first product to market. The TRACker ASIC (FIG. 15)
surface. Personal1P PFNs could monitor the known medi-
is similar to this proposed integrated 1A aircraft TRAC
cally compromised passengers and regular crew for any near 35 circuit. The 1a carryon TRACker brief case series will be
fatal results for this aggressive remote control action as well responsible for final and specific 1APFN ASIC in FIG. 3 for
as, cabin and cockpit video systems Adjustments could be the robotics flight and the remote control interface configu-
made robotically or remotely by medical staff in the TSA rations via appropriate testing in real-life passive use. This
centers or on the surface. As outlandish as it sounds even to is to be as a tool to design PFN/TRAC interface avionics for
this inventor these might be necessary options to insure the 40 retrofitting and legacy aircraft and new design as well. It is
greater public safety and national security against terrorist a perfect example of the progressive aspects of the invention
events like the 9.11.01 terrorist act. to uniquely employ existing technology and refine any
In keeping with the nature and scope of the invention, the design for future PFN/TRAC unit's ASICS and related
employment of this function and similar ones involving the accessones.
PFN/TRAC system and these FACT security system possi- 45 Regardless of this associated first commercialization the
bilities need to be known and the publics voice heard. And, 1APFN/TRAC aircraft unit will be prototyped at the earliest
not just government agencies and the public and legislative opportunity as the market is so diverse in airframes no work
branches of government, but all the public. These are rendered in this area will go unused or be fruitless. So in
decisions that can have dire consequences and first deliber- summary the invention in every aspect has industrial appli-
ated on by the public and then developed into acceptable 50 cability.
standards, standard actions, regulations, procedures and/or The (FACT) security program of in the PFN/TRAC
protocols with respect to this aspect of the invention or any System of controllers remotely controls specifically to
other public issue of the invention. Programming must counter the unauthorized or unsafe use of all equipment.
reflect how a democratic society has decided to employ the Boeing and others, TRW have shown strong interest and a
invention for public good, safety and national security. 55 willingness to help the inventor and the companies com-
The inventor suggests objective reviewers like the Ket- mercializing this invention to include "TRAC Aviation Inc."
tering Institute and their National Issues forum and Civil get into the right programs and with the correct manufac-
Liberties to objectively frames the issues and quarry the turers to develop the terrestrial sections of the invention as
public and report to the public wishes to government. The well for the nations air transport system and airports. They
hardest of issues might well be served with a public polling 60 also have strong interest and are willing to help develop the
during stand elections. With the public pulse on these issues portable PFN tracking and telemetry network provided by
incorporated before standard groups meet and/or legislative the relay function of the PFN for short-range communica-
committees take up planning and make regulations, laws, tions to longer-range communication links to maintain a
procedures and protocols; the software code writers and mobile inventory for materials and baggage in transit. Other
programmers can construct these sensitive programs of the 65 applications will be discussed latter.
invention in an acceptable and trusted manner. One that has FIG. 4 projects product development differences between
the trust of the public and can serve as invented. first and second-generation PFN/TRAC systems. Whether
US 6,965,816 B2
31 32
there is a distinct product development difference between will be staffed at these airbases as part of a regular air wing
first and second-generation 1APFN/1RAC units depends on of the North American military AIR CINC Command/or
application cost and aircraft variations. This figure discusses NORAD. There also is to be airborne Remote Control for the
some of the attributes and goals that will progressively be incoming FACT flight. The airborne RC pilot sits in a
accomplished for all aircraft, however the time frames are 5 specially outfitted fighter for RC operations. He is in direct
flexible to say the least. The distinction between different lA contact with the troubled FACT flight that is responsive to
PFN units in the different airframes will be quite drastic, his commands via the lA PFN aircraft controller on board
ultimately; the system will be miniaturized into protected the troubled airliner. It is suggested that the airborne RC
SOC technology. pilot be seated in the front seat Or have un impeded
Redundancy, trusted technology is another goal and these 10 visibility) with a high visibility TFT display below his wind
more perfect versions will be much cheaper as market screen (sun shielded) with all data from the FACT flight
volume increases and standards are defined and refined. instrument panel displayed. Additionally yoke/stick and
Mass acceptance will evolve a more universal technology rudder pedals. Ideally a fly by wire system that can be
for the management of shared controls with people and switched from the FACT aircraft to the pursuit aircraft in an
equipment. This will reduce cost for the technology by 15 emergency. Meanwhile, the other pilot in this pursuit/assist
economy of scale. Making more sophisticated controls aircraft is flying the pursuit jet as his main job. Both pilots
available for less sophisticated and light aircraft. have the means to terminate the flight and protocols for any
Another planed development for the technology is to be such decision need to be determined and put into place.
forward and backward engineered. Generally speaking sec- The decision to hand off the controls to the land based RC
ond generation systems will go from the early PFN systems 20 pilot is one that will also have to be determined by testing
that combine COTS dispersed systems and will move to and specific circumstance and then made into procedures
more centralized protected PFN architecture where com- and protocols, that are both reflexive and thoughtful where
plete PFN/TRAC protected technology will be the base they should be.
operating system and duplication and distributed compo- This branch of the nation's air defense will train for all
nents will be on for redundancy and reliability. However, 25 sorts of aircraft and there will be special RC pilots that will
standards and component designs will always be determined be assigned to bases as squadrons. Some of which are RC air
by the experts, the skilled artisans, and engineers within born pilots and others that are ground based RC pilots. Skill
industry and government. is the determining factor and cross aircraft training is a
FIG. 5 is the initial lA PFN flight and landing software necessity. With the same vigilance as NORAD staffed and
library will be for 5 selected safe bases to include emergency 30 defended the Due line during the cold war-so should it
response procedure, protocols and personnel. Specialists maintain available support aircraft flight staff and first
will be available to remotely control any incoming aircraft responder specialist at these five safe bases (and en route
and handle any FACT flight emergency. Second generation stations) to handle any airborne emergency, aircraft and
software flight and landing libraries will be developed for all circumstance. The Remote control Pilots and the 5 Safe
429 commercial airports and more and more different types 35 Bases are part of this invention's proprietary FACT flight
of aircraft to help skill deficient pilots at their controls fly procedures to be made into national air defense policy and
safely and return to the surface in a safe and controlled protocols. They are part of the PFN/TRAC system with
manner. Additionally, the nation's 8000 private and general FACT security for Air travel and transport management and
aviation airports will also have approach and landing pro- security.
grams developed as an ongoing process. There will exist the 40 There will be more details as to the technical responses at
capacity in this second generation to wirelessly upload to a the 5 safe bases in the figures to follow.
lA PFN flight controller in real time software flight pro- FIG. 6 There also may need to be more than five safe
grams. The PFN/1RAC unit operated with the appropriate bases to cover the nation. They should be placed so no flight
wireless chipsets and the system part of the FAA/AOC with in process is no more than 500 miles for a Safe Base landing
commercial ATM programs can assist and robotically land 45 or not more than an hour in the air after a FACT event has
the troubled flight. Where the pilots skills dose not match the occurred on a flight-if possible). Even though when a
flying challenge but the equipment exists on board to assist FACT event occurs the aircraft via 1 APFN robotics climes
the pilot or do the job. or descends to a special unoccupied altitude and airway on
First generation flight and landing at the 5 safe bases will a special controlled flight path with no on board control a
employ COTS software for commercial or military airliners 50 possible hour flight is still incredibly long. For this reason
with their existing automated flight, glide path assist and along with the pursuit assist aircraft launched to the troubled
advanced landing systems. Additionally these Safe Bases flight an airborne emergency response team/swat team with
will be equipped with the latest systems like Denver's medical/bio/chemical/explosive and fire team members are
automated decent and landing systems. Data links from dispatched immediately when the FACT event occurs. This
these systems will be incorporated, along with existing 55 figure shows such a C type troop carrier military aircraft. It
automated flight simulator programming to mimic real-time has assist rockets for a quick air born assent. Additionally all
flight conditions via conversion software algorithms that specialty gear would be stored on board the aircraft ready
provide the RC pilot on the ground at the safe base realist specifically for any number of responses and enough
simulation of the inbound FACT flight. This converted aircraft, personnel and equipment would be on stand by for
simulator responsive to real flight conditions at the 5 Safe 60 immediate departure to meet any specific need. Possible the
Bases will be the initial RC pilot stations and part of the first new osprey will have the bugs worked out of it and would
generation FACT Flight protocols performed by the lA provide the best service for these applications. The objective
aircraft PFNs. The lA PFNs will permit the hand off for the of these assist services are to catch up with the airliner and
RC pilot to take control from the autopilot for final landing. follow the flight to the safe base and be ready to parachute
Second generation may be completely automated with 65 from their troop carrying aircraft if the aircraft has an earlier
robotics and have the capability to land itself. Regardless the termination before the safe base. Additionally via the PFN/
RC stations will be refined and specially trained RC pilots TRAC/FACT/TSA/NORAD system, first responders on the
US 6,965,816 B2
33 34
surface would be notified via the system and could coordi- sends an immediate Emergency Action Message EAM to
nate efforts with the specialist parachuting into the scene AOC Air Command center in Herdon Va., NORAD/all
including transporting any dispersed team members to the North America military AIRCINC air defense centers and
crash site. safe bases that the aircraft is departing from it's present
The Safe Base Runway Tunnels 5 course and has a new heading to the closest or most
FIG. 7 illustrates the 2 basic technology sections; the appropriate safe base via a preprogrammed FACT flight. At
Plane and the ground control system to perform PFN!fRAC this point the pursuit and assist aircraft and personnel are
robotics and the Remote Control via RC pilot in the center scrambled and the appropriate level of Homeland security is
of the figure. increased to the appropriate level (Color code and how it
FIG. 7 Overview:
10 applies to everyone for this event to be determined).
Specifically, not just to all safe bases but throughout the
Like in FIG. 1, there are 2 basic sections to this drawing
the Plane and the ground control system interfaced via the FACT connected system servicing all of the nations trans-
PFN!TRAC robotics unit which performs the FACT func- portation means and their security agencies. Operational and
tions on board and with the Remote Control RC pilot in the specific information will be processed through the system to
center of this figure. In the lower front of the aircraft is a 15 provide the most relevant data for particular an emergency
green lock box, the lA PFN!fRAC unit. It is a protected and heightened security level. General alerts from the
interface node that cannot be compromised during flight and FACT!TSA homeland command center regarding transpor-
has the primary control over vital aircraft controls. (Any tation security and safety will be issued in real-time or near
essential flight and landing component, programming and real-time to allow for the appropriate formatting for opti-
communications). This lAPFN controller and/or any redun- 20 mum public safety responses. Other informative transporta-
dant PFN/TRAC control/routers on board are the only tion management data will be passed to public media and
command and control units in connection and responsive websites via the inventions proprietary and protected
any ground control system during a FACT event. This technology, detailed in earlier related filings.
includes ultimate control over all voice systems. PFN units Specific
can and will be duplicated and placed wherever appropriate 25 The FACT(fSAnetwork needs to be put into parallel with
throughout the aircraft. They will be secluded as well as the AOC centers nationwide as shown if FIG. 10 and
protected and interface as necessary with the aircraft's NORAD and North American air command CINC and
electrical bus in any fashion determined suitable to configured in progressive steps to achieve FACT control of
command, control all essential flight systems and security all commercial and private aircraft. Additionally these FACT
functions on board; and to back up any of those component 30 robotics flights have to be developed with military planners,
or systems to meet standards or as determined appropriate aircraft manufacturers and security contractors to include
by component and system engineers. Additionally, con- isolated DES chipset in the lA PFN controller to assure
nected to the lA PFN!fRAC unit or harmonized network of complete military supremacy of the FACT flight. The mili-
PFNs is any and all of the various antennas on board any tary are charged with homeland defense and they alone must
aircraft. PFNs scan a necessary amount of system to receive 35 have the sole capacity control and terminate a FACT event.
and count frequencies to determine any and all transmission All other agencies and authorities stand second to military
on board an aircraft. Additionally, they control all wireless control and the President's Executive Orders. Other essen-
communications to include hand held carryon devices such tial agencies like CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC pentagon, CDC,
as cellular phones, personal navigational devices, other TSA, FAA, and NTSB will be incorporated into the Home-
personal PFNs, mobile office units, personal computers, 40 land Security Matrix and connected via wireless and IP
PDAs or palm pilots. The immediate purpose for this is to be connections as indicated in this figure. Special government
able to terminate the use of these devices during critical and security contractors have to develop for the procedures
flight operations at the will of authorized flight deck per- and protocols and code written for these specific agencies to
sonnel via the PFNs, and especially, during a FACT event have accountable access to this PFN/TRAC/FACT system
robotically. Additionally, the authorized pilot and trained 45 and control matrix. All access must require agency specific
crewmembers to include sky marshals can utilize these and individual encoding with identification verification at
systems as emergency wireless links to the surface during each and every PFN or access terminal either wireless or
where they respond to wireless IP gateways and data storage hardwired to be recognized and gain access. All access will
receptacles in an emergency. be audio, video and data monitored and recorded locally as
The dominant lA aircraft PFN operating at a any given 50 well as, time and GPS or location stamped then sent and
point will be deferred to as the master controller in a control stored in regional and national FACT Security mass data
matrix that coordinates all other PFNs on board the aircraft repositories. (The special encrypted encoding to be devel-
either physically or permanently integrated and/or any car- oped and written with specific agency authorization must
ried on PFN versions for a specific purpose and flight. This comply with any control procedures and specific protocols
process will start during pilot A CARS before take off and be 55 determined by DARPA and DOD software research and
part of a running integrity program in all PFNs. All other development operations like in Omaha and/or the appropri-
PFNs and aircraft systems will be systems under control by ate military and security contractors)(TS to be considered in
the master lA PFN controller. It becomes the communica- this process are proprietary to the PFN/TRAC System
tion router and activity controller and can use any all invention and specifically the FACT Security program to
communication links to down load data to the surface, 60 manage the nations airways and transportation assets safety
including special direct and indirect communication path- and security).
ways that report to appropriate NENA numbers per geo- Things to Do
graphic location for any specific first responders and the Flight and landing program libraries for the Safe Bases
FAA!AOC!TSA!DOD/NORAD and any appropriate ATM SBs for the different airliners need to be written-Virtual RC
commercial wireless gateway provider. 65 pilots need to be trained for ground and the air pursuit
With the detection of compromised flight controls (a aircraft. Five ground RC simulator stations with RC com-
FACT event e.g. unauthorized aircraft activity) the lA PFN munication links need to be constructed at the five Safe
US 6,965,816 B2
35 36
Bases across the nation. The Five safe bases, the air routes/ All the way through this process commercial product like
airspace have to be determined, facilities and aircraft have to the 1 a TRACker (a brief case Laptop configuration) will be
be determined, arranged, secured, out fitted/supplied, and generated tested, accepted and used as a trusted controller/
manned with trained personnel for the first to respond to a router to perform accountable remote control, robotics and
troubled fact flight. 5 communication routing via protected and secure wireless
Understanding the Extent and Impact of the Innovation and Internet protocols.
For they are to be complete air space security all Getting FACT in the Air with TRACker for Seamless
commercial, general and private aircraft have to have a 1A Security in Air Travel
PFN/TRAC controller in place with the aircraft responsive Isolated form the air operation avionics the 1a carry on
brief case TRACker unit can forego the long test period to
to the FACT Security program. This requires; all aircraft 10
be placed on an aircraft and provide critical flight data early
manufacturers, airlines, government agencies hardware soft-
to all related security personnel and systems. TRACker's
ware avionics companies to work in a collaborative manner noninvasive recovery of critical flight operations data and
and a progressive one to standardize this effort and to meet security monitoring technology processed with GPS loca-
the specific needs to construct the 1A PFN/TRAC architec- tion and time data helps immensely to plan and coordinate
ture correct for everything that flies. As part of this progres- 15 a security response that is relevant to the threat. 1a TRACker
sive process and until it is accomplished on each and every organizes translate, records locally, reports and relays data to
aircraft, human security and support operational staff will the surface. This data is mined locally by the crew and air
have to be trained specific and employed to fulfill any marshal on board with out having to converse with the flight
deficiencies to enforce the FACT option to fly and land at the deck or crew, Displayed on a personal DSRC PDAor special
desired NORAD/TSNFACT conversion safe bases. The 20 1 P PFN display unit)
bases will precede all the aircraft converted to 1A PFN Two Products for PFN/TRAC Unit Development in Air-
controllers, including the hybrid systems utilizing existing craft
COTS avionics. Initially Air Marshals, pilot and crew will TRACker is to coordinate security efforts gate to gate in
be assisted by the educated citizen/passengers. the skies with surface security/TSAand NORAD early on to
However, not all security will be manual and technically 25 develop the FACT monitoring system with present available
deficient. Part of the PFN/TRAC progressive architecture is security measures and grow the PFN/TRAC architecture.
to provide the appropriate steps to grow from, no remote and Another such versatile PFN/TRAC proprietary research and
automated controls or passive remote control only to development product is the "FACT BALL" which basically
accountable aggressive robotics, shared HMI control and gathers data and provides post analytical evaluating data in
full remote control. From the invention, this is accomplished 30 a protected storage vessel (an enhanced black box that can
in a series of PFN/TRAC System products. These products be set up to monitor anything without a lot of hard wiring-
first interface via one-way wireless reception of standard It also can perform as a driver interface platform to test
aircraft data transmissions to the surface. Additionally they equipment, monitor, recorder driver other devices (data
interface non-flight related security telemetry Audio/Video/ gathering devices and actuators). However, this unique
GPS and assorted sensor functions, remote control monitor- 35 enclosure structure can be used to house a complete 1 S
ing and testing for future PFN remote control and robotics PFN/TRAC unit (a Standalone version of the 1P Personal
flight components and systems. These initial product ASI CS PFN-these two types of PFNs are distinguished by requir-
are similar to the final PFN trusted remote activity ing self contained power sources to operate them). Both the
controller/routers for each application (e.g. 1A aircraft TRACker and the FACT Ball are precursors to the 1A PFN
PFN). At least as they are projected in the current patent 40 and they are further detailed in FIGS. 10,11,12,13,14, and
writings and teachings. 15.
Understanding the Progressive Embodiment of the Inven- Further discussion of FIG. 7 teachings disclose the
tion planned development of the 1A PFN/TRAC router unit
The reader is ask to remember that all final designs are The drawing above shows the aircraft with a more a
and must be flexible in this process to complete the nature 45 detailed description than FIG. 1 a line on the bottom of the
and scope of the invention due to the enormity of this aircraft culminating in the exemplary 1A PFN lock box, but
management and security system, which includes all the running to all the flight control surfaces is the aircraft control
nation's aircraft, vehicles, machines and equipment not to and data bus system. These are redundant and dispersed bus
mention all the personal and stand alone PFN applications as networks in many cases and as a result would all require
well. 50 interfacing (SUC) to the PFN control system on board.
This same progressive development is used for all PFNs Additionally, another wider line running through the center
in every application. The process starts by interfacing COTS of the aircraft and culminating in the 1A PFN is an antenna
electronics and computer products to determine the basic to communicate with dedicated short range communication
components and programs for any specific application. Then systems or DSRC technologies like Blue tooth, RFID, 802.2
the TRAC ASIC controller is assigned by computing 55 and many of the 5 GHZ wave links being approved for short
requirements. This to may be of COTS origin like PC 104 range broad band applications by the FCC (e.g. 5.7 GHZ
architecture Then further development and testing as router short range communication approved for DOT applications
via an interfaced plug and play hybrid chipset platform of and interactive highway applications) However, this antenna
the desired transceivers, activity controls, sensors commu- is conceptual and any and all of the forty separate antenna
nication protocols software and firmware to construct a final 60 on a normal passenger aircraft may well be interfaced with
PFN/TRAC unit as desired architecture is identified stan- the conceptual 1A PFN unit (singular as in this figure for
dardized and made more universal these ideal components clarity-but also in number of 1A PFNs for any specific
and software and systems will be constructed and burned aircraft to complete a PFN FACT matrix and perform any
into a chip as SOC technology-miniaturized integrated and and all of the communication control applications detailed in
protected in a can or appropriate encasement to meet the 65 this specification).
PFN/TRAC System Standard as determined by industry and All wireless devices carried onboard the aircraft and
government experts. integrated in the aircraft are to be controllable via the 1A
US 6,965,816 B2
37 38
PFN on board controller/router on board the aircraft. Close and deal with this absolute accountability process for access
circuit video as well as audio and all sorts of security sensor and use of the PFN/TRAC System and FACT Security
arrays are to be processed via the lA PFN and relayed to Program (no exceptions and redundantly protected). This is
surface security and air operations with time, GPS and Unit what makes it a TRUSTED architecture to gain the Public's
and aircraft identification. GPS receivers are generally part 5 Acceptance; and it is a crucial embodiment of the inven-
of any PFN architecture and this technology as well as other tion's nature and scope.
intelligent positioning technologies will be interfaced and In the bottom center of the figure surrounded by the
used to confirm aircraft positions and flight path as one PFN/TRA/FACT IP matrix is the globe showing five safe
determining factor to detect unauthorized flight and will bases across the continental United States a CDC with a
result in a programming flag triggering a FACT event and 10 nurse and soldier in the center. This represents the five
FACT robotics flight response in the lA aircraft PFN. specific air bases converted to Safe bases, (these protected
The middle of the figure names the interfaced systems that campuses should be 20-30,000 acres of protected space at
will be detailed more extensively through out this specifi- least with the highest state of the art technical and personal
cation and figures. However, from the middle of the drawing security and defense possible. Additionally, all types of
over to the right is the FACT Safe Base Remote Control 15 emergency responders should be staffed and ready to
Station receiving telemetry from the troubled FACT event respond for any FACT flight event. Much thought as to the
aircraft, the five preprogrammed FACT robotics flights and placement and construction of these safe bases have been
the escort assist aircraft, that are all activated simultaneously done and will be held as trade secrets (TS) at this point for
in a FACT event. The exact activation and scrambling of National security reasons. It is important to keep in mind
aircraft is to be determined for most proficient use of 20 that enough of the FACT flight program has been explained
equipment and personnel for each emergency and these for those skilled in the arts both in government and the
procedures are to be made into protocols taught and pro- private sector to construct a secret program like FACT and
grammed into the system where relevant. The ultimate also to claim this practice and any derived procedures and
objective is the highest public safety and national security protocols proprietary to the PFN/TRAC system and this
and the least collateral damage for any and all decisions. 25 FACT security invention regarding air travel and transport
Commercial Operation Applicability Risk Management for public safety and national security.
and Insurance for FACT Events Acronyms Repeated that Relate to FIG. 7 and FIG. 1 for
These are tough decisions at best and if proper procedures Convenience
are followed responsibly; there should be no personal The following are basic terms and definitions used for this
liabilities, even if a better methodology is determined post 30 invention: The PFN is a Protected Primary Focal Node (an
any event) (any and all persons genuinely performing in accountable controller/routing wireless interfaced unit. The
these FACT event procedures should be interified and PFN contains TRAC a Trusted Remote Activity Controller
deserve all the respect the nation can give them. Whether life to perform accountable & reliable robotics and remote
or limb is at risk they will be emotionally affected more than control. FACT stands for Federal Access and Control Tech-
most in a lifetime by even single event. The system and its 35 nology. RC=Remote Control, WoJack=Wo War ops and Jack
manufactures likewise should be indemnified if their devel- is taken from hi jacking.
opment and construction has been properly performed. TRUSTED for this invention means; reliable,
Insurance and risk management plans should be developed accountable, and acceptable to all the public. (The citizens,
and incorporated by government and the private insurance government, and commerce all the public).
companies. The PFN/TRAC/FACT system of accountable 40 Points of Implementation
reporting should provide all commercial bidders fair but Of particular value right now, TRAC technology can be
guarded access to essential data in their effort to bid for these embedded into aircraft (at the design stage the lA aircraft
granted policies. However, they must have secret clearance PFN architecture should be developed immediately so it can
facilities, personnel and policies in place to protect any perform accountable functions for the purpose of gaining
sensitive information during their evaluations even if they 45 control and stopping the unauthorized or unsafe use of our
are not privy to the most sensitive FACT program informa- newest aircraft. lA PFN development for retrofitting should
tion. be initiated immediately as well for present and legacy
FIG. 7 The lower half of the figure is the matrix of avionics and aircraft. The la TRACker with the laptop or
security computer systems and mass DATA handling and PDA processing in a brief case carryon unit should be
storage. That is made up from the PFN/TRAC system of 50 developed immediately and this inventor has discussed this
PFN controller/routers and existing mass data systems. option with Boeing already. Ideally beta testing can be done
Together, this will make up FACT security program and a in one of their test aircraft or FAA's test aircraft.
real-time real-life matrix for homeland defense and security. The lA PFN Aircraft Control Challenge
It will involve the TSA, NSA, secret service, CIA, CDC, In a hijacking the lack of flying skill is not the only
FBI, DOD, and local first responder, just to mention a few. 55 concern. The aircraft might well be commandeered and
More of the PFN network and FACT security system is deliberately used and guided for it's destructive potential
illustrated in a transportation matrix overview in FIG. 22 for (e.g. a human guided missile like the WTC and pentagon
the entire DOT network. It can and will involve all or only events). In this scenario it is necessary to restrict the local
government agencies and/or commercial industry via spe- flying controls immediately.
cific connections in real-time; and/or the public with limited 60 Major Types of Controls
access and/or total access to specific areas, and/or, no access In the above scenario, conversion of fly by wire controls
to specific areas; to be determined and processing deter- to exclude a local control on board the aircraft can be
mined for real-time and/or near real-time reporting. But one achieved far faster than those aircraft still using physical
endemic fact is that any and all access is to be totally links. Total hydraulic systems and hydraulic assist systems
identifiable, traceable and accountable, to include the nature 65 can be converted to exclude local controls easer than physi-
of the access and use and content including quantity of data cal link systems, but still more difficult than fly by wire
affected. (All protocols even top secret must be determined systems. Physical lockouts on human controls and remote
US 6,965,816 B2
39 40
control automations are workshop tasks for those skilled in During the final approach to the designated safe base
the art; and there is no minimization of the size and enormity landing zone the robotics flight and glide path control gets
of this task being inferred. However, engineers/technicians a hand off to a Remote Control RC pilot in a surfaced based
can construct a secure RC operated or robotics aircraft from converted flight simulator receiving secure and redundant
existing aircraft and aircraft avionics via the specification 5 essential data streams via a protected multiple digital control
and their knowledge base. Aircraft automation and computer channels for the greatest real-time responsiveness of aircraft.
controls are quite advanced today. One big jump is psycho- Additional control is added by a software algorithm (fuzzy
logical to TRUST an automated system with the well- logic) for a heightened and more accurate glide path; a
respected job of pilot. TRAC guarding angle function. The result is an intelligent
However, it might prove easier to protect, make operate 10 airplane with an accountable autopilot and RC pilot per-
consistently and secure a small electrical control package in forming an uneventful landing with sleeping occupants.
comparison to all insuring performance variables with Worse case scenarios being the bad guys have their own air
humans and protecting the cockpit and flight controls. (Let supply. However, their hostages will be dead weight and
it be well understood-there is no suggestion of a pilot-less un-reactive to their commands terror tactics, which in some
aircraft and the inventor would not fly on one) This is an 15 circumstances could lower collateral damage due to passen-
issue of pilot assist and options. ger's erratic movement when the plane is boarded by swat
The lA PFN TRAC aircraft package will be backed by a teams. TRAC can always change the atmosphere and revive
massive mindful machine-messaging matrix of coordinated the passengers if this proves more beneficial to a security
human and artificial intelligence to help the pilot deal with protocol.
any of today's emergencies. Pilots will be carrying guns to 20 Abhorrent RC and Robotics Options
protect their position behind the yoke. These highly skilled The lAPFN/TRAC unit will have the ability to dump any
aircraft operators are not stagecoach teamsters rocking fuel from a remote location or via preprogrammed robotics
across dusty trails at 15 to twenty miles an hour tops for a and/or accountable remote control. There may be good
few short minutes trying to lean back and shoot at hostiles reason to dump the fuel or release a treating agent into the
trying to hold up the coach. Pilots are flying sophisticated 25 fuel supply that reduces the flammable characteristics of the
machines traveling at 400 knots 30,000 feet above the fuel supply. Obviously, the lA PFN could perform many
earth's surface. undesirable functions including the ultimate destruction of
These scenarios while quite possible today would still the aircraft via remote control if this was determined the best
take eight years to get them on board functional in a public safety alternative. A proper decision tree has to be
commercial air craft with the current government and indus- 30 determined for these difficult RC choices like the Wo Jack
try approval rate. However, their development today is scenarios before emergency FACT software protocols can be
essential and necessary. The TRACker has been created as programmed, code written and in stalled in a function lA
a first step in this process as it does not interfere with the PFN controller/router unit. PFN/TRAC was created to
flight controls or interface with the aircraft. It is essential improve human life and public safety in transportation.
however to complete the remote control scenario for the 35 Software Challenges
complete invention and protocols to be understood and the Obviously, the programming cannot and will not ever be
objectives and goals to be appreciated the same throughout the PFN/TRAC system handling this
The initial goal after eliminating local control is to FACT Security program. However the PFNs will operate on
stabilize the planes flight path. This second objective is a PC platform as much as possible with windows applica-
accomplished via local robotics for better real-time respon- 40 tions for most all human interfacing components (Displays,
siveness in flying the plane a distance to a predetermined etc.). Individual PFNs will be tested and certified when
Safe Base. The TRAC processor will have five prepro- placed into service, as accessories and new programs are
grammed flight plans. TRAC is interfaced with the essential added and from time to time to insure they comply to a
E/E bus to operate the planes flight control surfaces. Addi- minimum processing speed and have their safeguards in
tional controls interfaced with PFN/TRAC are to be the 45 place to prevent over taxing the unit's capacity to be
cabin air pressure controller. TRAC can restrict any air responsive and reliable in running programs and driving
exhausted from the cabin by either routing the air through essential activity controls for safe robotics and remote
carbon dioxide scrubbers/converters. TRAC will also add control. Integrity checks and continual anti virus programs
fresh air (02-?). Removed cabin air will be compressed and will be done and down loaded from the FACT Mass data
canned. This un-recyclable air or waste air is then presented 50 centers service and maintenance divisions as well. The unit
to a sensor array to detect biohazards and toxins. Once will be isolated for service from the system and the owner
transducers have converted any molecular substance into an notified. With each unit recording its activities locally these
electrical signature, the signal is transmitted to TRAC. isolated units can be accessed and contacted by isolated
TRAC running recognition software will analyze it locally. wireless remotely and quarried in real-time by the FACT
If not identified by the local software library it is recorded 55 cyber police computer to immediately detect tampering or
and reported to the surface by any secure on board TRAC hacking event and any virus recognized and introduced to
interfaced communication if the deed frequencies are com- the unit. The physical unit will be picked up and replaced
promised. The data is to be used locally for emergency in along with the access ID perpetrator or at least the ID
flight options and on the surface for the Safe Base system to imposter scheme will be discovered.
prescribe the appropriate safe base response for the incom- 60 Governing Law on Tampering
ing troubled aircraft. Informed decisions will be made to As detailed in earlier related filings the protected PFN/
terminate flight, bag it when it is down, sterilize it, or how TRAC unit should have especially stringent laws and severe
to unseal it on the ground and deal with it). Also, connected punishment applied to anyone caught deliberately tampering
to the aircrafts ventilation system will be a TRAC controlled with a PFN unit. This is an accountable shared control
valve with debilitating gas (sleep gas or chloroform, etc.?) 65 technology with humans to perform machine activities as a
that can be activated from the ground or robotically for what whole system and deliberate and malicious destruction or
is termed a Woo Jack scenario or FACT protocol. damage to a PFN causes great risk to the public in general.
US 6,965,816 B2
41 42
It is a great assist technology for humanity and humanity for the PFN/TRAC machine management technology in air
deserves this kind of protection from anyone seeking to do travel and transportation should be completely understand-
this kind of harm to the populous via tampering with PFNs. able to the skilled artisans who will have to complete their
Software Cont. respective secret and top secret tasks and to substantiate this
All other languages and protocols will have translation 5 specification and teachings of the innovation.
algorithms developed and either have burnt in firmware in FIG. 9 FIG. 9 is a slide done for a promotional Power
plug and play chipsets to complete interfacing or have Point presentation introducing the PFN/TRAC system with
installable software and drivers for the desired accessory or FACT Security to the different government agencies after
device connected to include the various wireless protocols. 911. It was made part of this filing because the technology
Most all the major wireless manufacturers offer the experi- 10 is all about public involvement not just for security but for
menter products to construct programming for prototype the management of machines, vehicles and their movement,
projects and this will be the modality used in many cases to use and impact and how this all effects society and the
coordinate a translation processing done by the specific environment. The most important part of good management
PFNs between the present wireless protocols and machine is a safer more secure and better quality of life for all. That
messaging. Some has already been done and some is done 15 comes from knowing how to properly operate technology
in PC format and wireless protocols, (automotive can bus and operate around technology and the responsibility for
systems j1939.j1850 and the latest automotive bus-the vigilant citizenry to insure we all respect the proper use of
429-737 air bus maintenance program for avionics, etc but our technology. This slide points to the citizen's responsi-
There will be the need for real collaboration to achieve the bility to each other to protect our freedoms by working
universal translation throughout the PFN/TRAC system for 20 together.
the FACT program to really function well. It also is a call to the individual to rally and put the pre
FIG. 8 This map shows the eastern half of the United PFN/TRAC/FACT procedures and protocols to fill the gaps
States ambient population. It is easy to see how densely in protected flights until the first generation of the lA PFN
populated the country is east of the Mississippi. The arrows FACT unit is in place. Much of the early security will require
show some possible FACT flight lanes across the US where 25 vigilant observation and a willingness to get involved and
the least amount of the citizens would be affected. There are stop terrorist in any manner necessary as systems are being
no good choices for bad outcomes, but limiting the extent of developed. One such citizen step might involve the aggres-
a bad outcome begins is all of our responsibility starting with sive physical thwarting of a hijacking and assault on the
these visions and inventing and continuing with good cockpit. (And already has taken place).
planning, construction, training, implementation, 30 Information bulletins should instruct the passengers how
performance, evaluating the results, refining the products to take an aggressive option with fellow passengers and
and process and reinventing if need be. trained personnel on board. They should be educated before
This is one inventor, who is proud to be a US citizen first flying and warned of the risks of action and inaction in
and foremost and realizes this invention requires all of us at hijackings. Additionally, citizens should be educated to
our best for each other to come into being. We can and we 35 observe radical groups and report any such questionable
will achieve this technology together. We will also use it behavior to the proper authorities. In flight they should be
wisely, fairly and justly for all; in that great tradition of ready to be enlisted by the any air marshal or trained flight
freedom and democracy that the United States stands for. crewmember and work in conjunction with the data and
Operational Flight Policy service the la TRACker unit can provide to gain control and
The eastern area is still navigated by flying to hubs and as 40 maintain a stable passenger cabin and secured cockpit to
stated earlier west of the Mississippi is flown by GPS. With land the troubled aircraft at an appropriate FACT (SB).
the ATM providers becoming more proficient in aircraft Update
positioning and data transfer via 2 GHZ broad band data It is just one year from 911 and much of the public and
pipes) tracking and telemetry for a lAPFN controller router personal security measures are being implemented, however
will be more and more doable. Flights will be easer to track 45 the flying public has not returned to the skies and those that
and movement easier to manage with less fuel needed via have are traveling are being plagued by very slow terminal
direct free flight flying, rather than hub flying. This will help process to clear airport security and enter the aircraft.
to quickly ascertain a corrupted flight and control it to safe Sensing and explosives detection technology is being devel-
FACT flight lanes. The ones shown in this map are only oped slowly and government TSA personnel are also being
concepts. Population concentrations are only but one con- 50 trained very slow. Only Ij3 of TSAis staffed as of the writing
sideration to planning safe base flight paths. There are of this formal filing and baggage handling and security
prevailing winds and real-time weather and environmental sensing is uncoordinated at best in the terminal and not
conditions to consider for specific emergencies (e.g. air- capable of tracking the luggage with the passenger to the
borne bio and chemical toxins, etc) However west of the aircraft and through the next airport. All429 airports are not
Mississippi has much more space to accommodate the size 55 working with the same equipment, so they cannot interface
of a SB landing facility a fact that cannot be overlooked. data through any one system for good operational flow and
Another point is when military installations are considered, security.
they off times boarder National forest already government Answer
land and this should be considered in choosing a desirable The PFN TRAC System with FACT security can link
base for the availability of other government owned land 60 these disparate systems and personnel can be trained in a
that can be combined to provide the appropriate space and uniform manner for one architecture that can universalize
area needed. data management for disparate technology to organize the
There is more that could be detailed in this figure as to SB movement of machines, materials and people. This can be
location options, structure and certain design characteristics done for local terminals and for a national security system.
but these details are being retained as (TS) for the appro- 65 Additionally the public and be informed and educated to
priate authorities and the appropriate time as they may prove how the system works and is working in real time as well as
useful to the nation. This innovative FACT Security program what is expected from the every step through their travel
US 6,965,816 B2
43 44
experience. Then they to can help the air travel system placed in structures like the FACT ball discussed in the next
operate smoothly and safely. This will relieve a lot of public few figures for test scenarios of interfaced products. These
frustration, build their trust and improve the financial state smaller more personal applications or hand carried devices
of the commercial air travel/air transport carriers and aircraft will also be easier for the air marshals to carry and conceal
manufacturer. 5 with them on the aircraft and have complete wireless infor-
FIG. 10 The No. 10 FIG. displays the first aircraft mation form the aircraft and ground operation with no
router/test PFN/TRAC interface platform "The TRACker". passengers being wise to their activities. These units are lP
The TRACKer Units are in the form of a carry on mobile PFN units and well documented in earlier related filings and
office or brief case and operate completely independent of applications. In this application one is seen in a ground
the aircraft to provide flight telemetry and more. The Laptop 10
application in FIG. 37 (lower right) being held by a TSA
also has GPS, audio and video devices and wireless modems
officer at the airport checking baggage identity information
interfaced with the appropriate drivers and programming
and sensed data recovered through the FACT Security
protocols installed. The Laptop is running a routing program
to process data recovered from the various aircraft data program operating in the PFN/TRAC sensing system in the
inputs/security telemetry, which intern is combined and 15 terminal.
processed into data packets and protocol chosen to transmit By definition "The la TRACker" for aviation is a com-
this data by wireless to the closest dedicated surface gateway mercial off the shelf Laptop PC platform secured in a
serving the TSA computer network. This is the la Tracker carrying case with several wireless interfaces to route data
receiver router proto-typer development/service package. It through the laptop to surface security. This FACT product is
is to be a functional unit as a prototype tester to perform 20 planned to be first in commercial flight to accomplish three
basic security telemetry, and a functional parallel security goals. To create an isolated communications link to surface
link with in a year in 2500-3000 commercial aircraft as operations for mission critical data and security specific data
shown in FIG. 10. This unit will determine what flight data to create a seamless security link with airport flow
is critical from each aircraft and transmit it to the surface operations, surface law enforcement with gate to gate secu-
security as well as, provide a direct link from the surface 25 rity in the skies to continue to monitor people, equipment
security-to-security flight staff or air marshal. The flight and material, movement. The second objective is to intro-
deck can also be provided this data or it can be with held duce a redundant communication technology that can
(procedure and protocols to be determined per optimum accountably perform control functions from a protected
FACT event policy). secure architecture to assist authorized flight of an aircraft.
The second in this series of TRACker units is the lb 30 Thirdly perform testing and monitoring needed appropri-
TRACker. As exact data streams are determined the
ately to introduce future designs of accountable robotics and
interface, receiver chips and protocol chips will be supported
remote control technology in aviation. Every product is a
on a PC 104 plug and play accessory interface board.
method to the next progression of machine assist and
Additionally PC 104 mini computer architecture will be
employed to maintain the PC processor platform and win- 35 automated flight and a way to test and gain acceptance for
dows programming for HMI applications. This software the PFN/TRAC systems as a tried and true trusted technol-
programming is becoming more and more prevalent in ogy. One to be standardized in time and for a time and for
operating COTS sensors, actuators and devices with COTS specific aircraft and applications in a progressive develop-
customized PC programming available for most every appli- ment process to enhance human machine interfacing.
cation. Additionally, manufacturers are choosing this to 40 In this application a noninvasive relay function is per-
convert their OEM programming for maintenance analyzers formed by having the same multiple band wireless receiving
and windows for human machine interfacing (to drive capacity as the Aircraft and Aeronautical Operations Centers
displays). This is the ideal universal platform to convert to AOC on the surface via an inter changeable hybrid substrate
as early in the data mining process and therefore chosen for chip set for the specific aircraft (respective of the various
the local PFN processors. Finally, it is best suited for 45 ATM global communication systems commercially avail-
systems compatibility to enter the matrix of computer net- able today (BSS, ARINC, EURCOM etc). The aircrafts
works and Internet protocols worldwide. (As a general rule signals are received and processed locally via the PFN
to improve reliability for the PC platforms and MS window programmable processor, that is additionally interfaced with
products-this architecture will be tested for minimums of a second wireless technology acceptable for cross environ-
extra computing capacity to maintain proficient speeds with 50 ment use in aviation. (Possibly commercial Cellular, and/or
the highest of frequencies. Isolated programming for func- Satellite phone, or other RF technology VHF, GPS, etc.).
tions will be redundant, confirmable with memory surplus The signal is then re transmitted to wireless gateways en
and corruption and tamper detection programming to insure route located on the surface that connect with the FAA FACT
reliability and accountability. Additionally, rough service security intranet and terminals via wires data packets and IP
and EMF protection will be built in to maintain reliability 55 protocols. These signals and data are reconstituted to pro-
and accountability in each PFN and through out the PFN/ vide geographic position on calibrated maps of the aircraft
TRAC system and FACT security matrix. The lb TRACker and the location of person or materials or substances in the
units will be based and interfaced according to the ASIC aircraft during flight as well as, serve as redundant aeronau-
design in FIG. 15. There will be lC TRACkers as solid state tical operational data link to provide flight telemetry. One
proprietary constructions with IC and surface mount archi- 60 immediate benefit of TRACker is that it provides a marriage
tecture prior to this ASIC as a SOC constructions and these of security data and tactical mission data for the flight
developments will be used evolve the PFN/TRAC technol- without interfering with normal approved flight
ogy in all facets of avionics progressively. This step method communications, data links and operations for safer more
of development is to accommodate forward and backward secure focused flying. The system design is to support audio
engineered for interfacing and flexible for the diverse design 65 and video with the appropriate, bandwidth, physical
in the aircraft industry. During this process into smaller properties, drivers and programming as well as support
encasements like a PDA these lCTRACker units will be various detection transducers and sensor arrays.
US 6,965,816 B2
45 46
TRACker's Operational Characteristics for Consider- and video, etc. The transmissions are clocked with mission
ations critical Aeronautical Operations and Air Traffic data trans-
Controlled by identifiable authorized Flight Crew mem- missions for as close as possible synchronization on the
bers to include TSA air marshals will operate from a ground for real-time decision making for a compromised
protected but accessible area by authorized personnel 5 flight. On the surface trajectory and purpose can be quickly
surmised to reduce collateral damage on the surface and best
Consists of approved wireless interfaces for use in air support safety and security activities a loft. The data
aviation (COTS). received is filtered to the public for Websites to include
The Unit is not physically interfaced to aircraft's electri- airlines, and general public sites. First hand high-level data
cal system. (could be delayed during an event for security and discrimi-
Self Powered and Emergency backup power. nately provided airline executives, manufacturers, and sec-
ondary component suppliers and government agencies.
Event Data Recorder in an integrated via Memory Ball
These emergency applications can make security links to
innovation (enhanced black box technology). surface NENA Numbers like the 911 system (but special
Controlled by authorized airborne and surface security numbers) via the TRACker dial up program and GPS
(Flight crew). 15 factoring for local first responder notification tracking and
It has a Plug in chip set interfacing technologies capacity telemetry.
(for analog digital protocols via (Hybrid substrates and The chip sets in the local TRACker unit may or may not
COTS products). have the protocols and codecs to decipher and present the
Has an individual ESN and ID capacity that recognizes data in the local unit (to be determined by application). This
20 is possible but needs to be determined by airline procedures
Aircraft call sign and ESN and reports back both to
and protocols and if it is a tester unit or performing security
FACT surface security.
functions. They may just merely receive packet data and
Performs FACT auto integrity checks of interfaced elec- rebroadcast it via the wireless interfaced to gateways and
tronics and reports status to FACT registry to include landlines, cable, microwave or satellite with Internet proto-
new interfacing with component ID. 25 cols to any monitoring computer center. (Application e.g.
All component changes sent back to TSA-FACT AOC surface service stations) The how and when data is pro-
FAA NTSB FBI via Herndon Va. Mass data Center for cessed and reconstituted is to be determined by the those
handling and storage. responsible for framing the issues and those responsible for
It compares Unit configuration to data stored in the unit signing security procedures and protocols into law for a
inventory memory. 30 flexible color code to rate the nations security state. The
Local or regional data handling, storage and buffers are TRACker can be programmed to do this if this is deemed
possible for local first responders in real-time use). desirable and it can be flexible in this capacity by operating
As illustrated in FIG. 10, the ATM/AOC operations across with in desired realms via security clearance.
the nation are matched up with TSNNORAD and first There are a number of different ATM data communication
responders. TSAand NORAD can monitor what is going on 35 systems and the security link has to be universal to provide
in the aircraft via separate communications to develop consumers a free choice of products and providers. On the
public safety and national security scenarios for a troubled ground wireless gateways form all the diverse ATM com-
flight while AOC, pilots and air traffic controllers focus on munication systems and can transmit their individual flight
the flight of the aircraft. data to the appropriate AOC tracking station as they cross
This isolated data source can help authorities filter what 40 the nation and nationally via IP protocols as depicted in FIG.
the public needs to hear about a troubled flight and what 10. In time and with testing ATM communication links will
should remain FACT event proprietary information at any be used to carry needed security data as well, but they are not
given time, while flight operations stays focused on the flight approved to do this function outside AOC flight operations,
performance and all other aircraft. The PFN/TRAC system (the air operation centers network). There are also propri-
from the earliest related filings has supported a proprietary 45 etary commercial hurdles including some airline policies
data reporting and information service to public media and involved. The FACT/TSNNORAD/FIRST RESPODERS
web pages for an integrated intelligent transportation man- and FACT AIRPORT SECURITY System need to be an
agement system. This can be real-time or near real-time data isolated security matrix unto itself and away from Flight
displayed to aid in public movement, safety and national operations in the cockpit and from Air Traffic Management
security. System costs will be defrayed by accompanying 50 and operational centers on the surface. They all need to be
advertisement for this service with a priority alert and close and coordinated, but both jobs require specific and
processing for viewing special alerts or Public-Emergency dedicated skills and focus in a FACT event (hijacking etc.)
Action Messages PEAM. Additionally, via commercially The separate communication links can serve as another
supported public media messages, the wireless technologies redundancy for both operations as well. The la TRACker is
like GTE Airfone providing an encrypted download service 55 a way for on board air security to stay linked with the ground
can have their operational cost defrayed thereby providing security matrix and not be a bother to standard air opera-
lower cost or even complementary cellular phone use to tions. Proper human interface procedures first between secu-
passengers reducing the temptation or need to use personal rity and flight staff and then technical joining of these
wireless products, which are prohibited in flight and disrup- systems and personnel can come via appropriate testing
tive surface communication. 60 protocol development and programming.
The hybrid chip set modality in the TRACker receiver Critical Questions that Justify PFN/TRAC Management
portion is the same as the aircrafts standard radio frequency System and FACT Security
avionics to the surface. TRACker receives the transmissions Air Travel proficiency-where is it after 911?
locally processes data and voice to the appropriate message What is missing in commercial air travel today?
format and re broadcasts them for security purposes along 65 Answer
with other isolated security data, to include GPS sensing "Organized and efficient security" and "A plan to achieve
other sensor arrays e.g. explosion detection sensors, audio it."
US 6,965,816 B2
47 48
Critical Awareness to meet the nation's needs to implement this technology to
The question is not what security is needed--everyone improve equipment management and security. The result
knows or has an idea-that is for sure. will be one integrated system with plenty of parallel, and
The real question is: How do we use all these ideas redundant backups. Included are more secure communica-
proficiently together? 5 tions with real action plans that are both informative and
Answer robust with remote control and robotics. They will give the
new national threat color code system real protective power.
The progressive PFN!fRAC System with FACT Security
Via, proactive homeland security operating in concert with
The Qualities, Properties and Mode of Progression
the citizen and having all of the United States technical
It fills the voids and does not interrupt well designed in 10 power governmental, public and private organized and ready
place management in the process. for implementation for real-time security and defense.
It's implementation parallels technical architecture in The TRACker Unit is in a personal PFN configuration.
place. It's looks like a brief case, or a mobile office. But operates
It augments and enhances what is there and working. completely independent of the aircrafts avionics and is
In Air Travel and Transport 15 responsive to the flight decks control (if desired). It provides
It will match each technical step in air traffic management aircraft flight telemetry and more. It performs a noninvasive
with a separate security component relay function, having the same multiple band wireless
It will monitor not hinder present operations first receiver capacity as the aircraft and Aeronautical Operation
It then processes data for analysis Centers on the surface. Universal versatility is accomplished
20 by constructing the unit to accommodate plug and play
It improves equipment integration
interchangeable hybrid substrate receiver chip sets for a
Equipment controls
specific aircraft's avionics to include their various ATM
Material recognition global communication systems. Some systems commer-
Material movement cially offered today (BSS, ARINC, EURCOM etc.). Soft-
Human coordination 25 ware in TRACker would recognize the aircraft's identifiers
Identification when the unit was placed in service and then locked with an
Activities authorized code. (ESN, Call signs and any Specific elec-
All the time TRACker helps maintain a productive effi- tronic address, etc recognized). The unit would self program,
cient secure air traffic management across the nation. specific to the aircraft during pilot ACARS and repeat
This same process is continuous for airport management 30 integrity checks each time even shadowing aircraft data
and flow where PFN/TRAC terrestrial products with FACT streams in AOCs if desired. The signals are received,
security programming and functions are married to the same identified, clocked and processed locally and encrypted via
database and computer network that the la TRACker is. the processor and programming in the TRACker unit. The
Both air and terrestrial movement data is coordinated to unit is additionally interfaced with a second wireless tech-
manage secure movement on and near the earth's surface. 35 nology acceptable for use in aviation. (possibly aviation's
This filing will detail technical modalities, point out and own commercial Cellular GTE'sAirfone technology, and/or
describe the options and discuss the impact issues. For this the abandon cellular frequencies or Satellite phone technolo-
reason there cannot be final design as exact function must be gies like (Iridian), or other RF technology approved for in
determined by the public and formal review, however, the flight use today). The signal is then retransmitted to wireless
technology has to be an agreed upon standard in aviation as 40 gateways en route on the surface, either directly or by
part of the nature and scope of the invention. The technology satellite (oceanic applications) that connect with FAA/
is forgiving in that it can be reprogrammed rapidly. But Security/Eurocom ETC. (GPS determined) to be responsive
solely by authorized personnel to change procedures or in a FACT surface security intranet. Information could be in
preprogram protocols if the proper authority the public wireless data packets or streamed depending on the capacity
determines this to be proper and necessary. This should 45 of any approved isolated transmission technology, modems
include the capacity to deactivate any component, unit or and the surface equipment receiving and processing it. The
portion of the system determined unacceptable. data signals are then reconstituted in terminals (application
Continuously, explained is the component and specific specific with decryption programming (to be determined)
instruction for those skilled in the art to understand and and provide geographic position on calibrated maps and
construct the PFN structures and PFN!fRAC System™ to 50 other vital aircraft telemetry useful for public safety plan-
support the FACT Security. A separate program, but parallel ning on the surface and for an incoming troubled flight.
with FAA AOC Aeronautical Operations Centers and the Additionally, data on persons, materials, and substances in
different Air Traffic Management ATM systems. Interfaced the aircraft, sensed during the flight could be interfaced with
with the rest of the surface transportation system in a TRACker via acceptable Dedicated Short Range Com
Department Of Transportation DOT Matrix is national and 55 Links, or directly connected to a TRACker unit.
local law enforcement for Homeland Security. This DOT E.g., a Boeing-777 is used as the airframe example to
Network is detailed in earlier related filings and displays the show some specific avionics that would be interfaced and
interagency connections (IP) that are made accountable, but monitored by reception only locally via the carryon brief
does not compromise individual agency sovereignty/ case series of units.
security and in fact adds to their existing fire wall protection 60 ADF-Automatic Direction Finder
secure interagency connectivity. AFDS-Autopilot Flight Director System
The PFN!fRAC System has always been a complete
CPL-HF Digital Antenna Coupler
wireless machine-messaging network for movement man-
agement and security invented to set standards and be DME-Distance Measuring Equipment
constructed by and with standards. As the nation implements 65 GLU-Multi Mode Receiver-Global Landing System
the technology, FACT is well detailed in prior related patent HFS-HF Data Radio
applications and will be further described in this application LRA-Low Range Radio Altimeter
US 6,965,816 B2
49 50
MAT-Maintenance Access Terminal packets by a windows program like WARPS (Windows
SAT-Satellite Communication System Automated Radio Positioning System, and/or other appro-
SI-Standby Indicators priate protocols (NEMA) to transmit this data modulated
TCAS-Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System and in data packets via wireless to the appropriate surface
5 gateway providers serving the TSA FACT computer net-
TPR-Mode S Transponder
VHF-Very High Frequency Transceiver Basic concept has the laptop running the routing program
VOR-VHF Ommi-directional Range/Marker Beacon to processes data recovered from these inputs in timed data
Receiver packets into the protocol chosen to transmit this data by
WXR-Weather Radar System WXR-700X-Weather 10 wireless to the surface gateway provider serving the TSA
Radar System computer network. The Laptop will probably utilize a 56 k
The PFN/TRAC technology begins with a benign modem interfaced with the GTE Airfone or the higher
approach to interface with aircraft avionics and other critical commercial data interface provided by GTE system
operations in transportation like the nations railroads. First architecture). Air line wireless transmissions carrying
generation PFNs in these applications supply parallel redun- 15 desired flight operational data for security application will
dant data to improve public safety initially then progres- be received locally by the appropriate receiver chips inter-
sively perform additional isolated functions with new robust faced to the laptop via the special PCMCIA plug in recep-
activity controls in the field until the technology is well tacle board to receive these hybrid substrate receiver
tested and TRUSTED under real-life circumstances. Then it chipsets with their protocol firmware to process and prepare
may be either interfaced with existing systems or a hybrid 20 the data for local recovery for human review and to process
design may evolve to accommodate the most optimum it to the GTE airfone protocol for rebroadcast to the surface.
configuration via the Trusted remote activity Controller/ If the software does not exist to display this data in a PC
router. platform ideally windows application a translation or con-
Aviation alone takes an average of eight years to test and version algorithm will have to be written from the code keys
implement new technology into aircraft. The inventor hopes 25 to a windows program. How ever much of this exists at the
to safely reduce this test period for new interfaces and to service level at leas for avionics analysis.
safely find the way for more remote control and robotics Viewing FIG. 11 vertically all the laptop's com ports in
flight. Additionally, through these early carryon relay PFNs the middle of the figure can be used for any wireless by
more public safety and national security data can be har- additional modem and receiver chipset connection and inter-
vested via approved dedicated short range communications 3D facing to include existing ATM communication systems and
with the additional interfacing of transceiver chip sets in the therefore a universal PFN COTS interface that falls with in
PFN for approved wireless sensors and video systems on the nature and scope of the invention. This deign is for
board aircraft. The Primary Focal Node Trusted Remote immediate application in the troubled aviation industry and
Activity Controller/router is an ideal architecture to progres- to determine the exact interfaces and data streams desired
sively develop operator/pilot assist systems both locally and 35 for security purposes in the air. This is the purpose of the la
systemically for legacy and current technology and to for- Tracker receiver router prototype development package. It is
ward engineer future artificial intelligence in avionics and all planned to be a functional unit and be a benign prototype
other fields. tester for basic needed functions. Designed to be put into
FIG. 11 Functional and Experimental the la TRACker service with in a year from the time the program is started
Prototype 40 with some specific physical packaging and commercial use
The la TRACker will use a quality COTS laptop com- to frame the FACT reporting system in parallel to AOC
puter product with a custom multiple pin PCMCIA docking operations as shown in FIG. 10.
station (embedded modem that supports an avionics receiver This unit is to determine what flight data is critical from
ASICS, compact antenna and wireless protocol chipsets and each type of aircraft to transmit to surface security. How it
modem connection to the laptop. These first to market units 45 is to be prepared and processed transmitted delivered and/or
are commercial off the shelf Laptop PCs in a protected displayed. It is invented to be inexpensive and a rapid
carrying case with several essential wireless technologies experimental platform with the ability to universally inter-
interfaced for communications routing of aircraft data to face disparate communications and avionics messaging into
surface security and the reception of critical security data for the most widely used human interface software MS win-
display to the air marshal while in flight. Also, the Laptop 50 dows to review the data streams.
has GPS, audio and video devices and other wireless Other Interfaces Shown Right of Center in FIG. 11
modems interfaced with the appropriate drivers and The Laptop has GPS, audio and video devices and wire-
software, either through the PCMCIA multi-pin docking less modems interfaced via the appropriate drivers, proto-
station or any other data interface port connection available cols and programming.
as shown in the center section of FIG. 11. (to capture data 55 Aircraft machine messaging interfaced via the PCMCIA
from inside the aircraft). modem router plug in docking board will recover aircraft
The Laptop is running a routing program that operates data from the This unit is to determine what data is critical
above and simultaneous with the other interfaced COTS to transmit to the surface security and how it is to be
device programming. These interfaced data streams are prepared and delivered. It is invented to be inexpensive a
harvested and formatted for display via a COTS windows 60 rapid experimental platform with the ability to universally
application software via a developed routing program. How- interface disparate communications and machine messaging
ever to determine what needs to be routed and when, flexible data stream into the most widely used human interface
testing has to occur. This implementation is accomplished by software MS windows. It is designed to achieve this locally
Macro preprogram instructions like "Hot Keys" to initiate on board the aircraft via conversion software like 429
multiple simultaneous programming in the TRACker com- 65 maintenance codes to windows conversion algorithm for
puter. The data recovered from the various inputs, telemetry, analytical and diagnostic avionics system assessment and
and wireless is combined and processed into timed data alerts on the 737, that can also be sent via wireless telephony
US 6,965,816 B2
51 52
and Internet protocols to the surface in real-time for han- More on the 1b TRACker in the Brief Case or Other
dling and storage. Encasement
While initially offering safe product and a platform to The brief case can support keyboard, audio voice
evaluate new products with in less time than eight years recognition, video dedicated short range and application
period. Ultimately, 1A units will evolve to be a reliable back 5 specific wireless reception translation and/or re-transmitting
up to any or all mission critical functions. functions, sensor array interfacing either by hard wire con-
1a Tracker should be configured to use any acceptable nectable or wireless. This diagram is by no means to be
wireless communication to the surface. The feasibility considered limiting as to the nature and scope of the inven-
model uses the GTE's AirFone system already approved for tion and it's configuration. It is merely designed as a carryon
aviation applications. 1a TRACker construction includes 10 system to be in immediate support to OEM flight systems
copper shielding the unit, secured placement in an appro- and provide an isolated security link. The technology is
priate area of the plane, and approved signal transmissions progressive as desired and tested. The encasement might be
directed downward away from aircraft instrumentation. Any changed for the type of environment and various contain-
approved wireless application, that can stream data may be ments are discussed in this application and the other related
interfaced and used to make the wireless gateway connec- 15 filings.
tions to the parallel FACT/TAS security network on the Still the Same Important Characteristics as the 1a
surface completing the security links shown in FIG. 10. TRACker
FIG. 12 The left side of drawing 12 continues a brief case It is isolated from the aircraft's avionics completely and
configuration for the Carryon TRACker router unit. basically serves as a reception and relay station in parallel to
However, this version does not use a Laptop or PDA mini or 20 the standard communications and data links provided by
microcomputer, but instead uses a PC 104 minicomputer commercial companies like ARINC and Boeing and Euro-
architecture. There are many processor variations and com- com via their ATM connections with AOC. TRACker is not
puting power to application would be a major determining interfaced with the aircraft physically, nor are the 1P PFNs
factor in the choice or processors used. The circuit in FIG. PDAs or belt systems. It still performs as a benign receptive
15 would be the basic architecture to be achieved and rather 25 unit that receives translates and re transmits to the surface by
than employing the 104 architecture the circuit could be approved secondary communications like the GTE Air
constructed. Never the less the 1b programmable version phone (mentioned to prove feasibility of design not to limit
would have language and software chosen that best suits the the nature and scope of the TRACker wireless router
application from the 1a TRACker experimentation phase innovation). Additionally, these TRACkers will have the
beginning in FIG. 11. This local Tracker routing unit can be 30 capacity to test out future avionics and flight actuators in a
constructed with software code written to provide any type disconnected state without compromising flight operations
of interfacing via software processing that translates and lives (procedures and protocols to be determined for
between different avionics messaging, wireless communi- these scenarios). Most likely these testing TRACkers and
cations and standard computer languages like Java script. (FACT Ball interface controllers used for the same purpose
Data transmitted by Internet protocol will also be encrypted 35 would not be the same units performing crucial air security
as determined appropriate using PGP to DES level security links. But another TRACker that would interface with a
applied by the local Tracker routing and directing messaging component to be tested and operate it in a disconnected state
to the appropriate secure terminals or DETs for decryption from the aircraft and report back the performance in real-
and application level decoding. The units can be configured time to FAA Atlantic City, N.J. research center, service
to interface with most any electrical device to report or 40 centers and/or manufacturers performing R&D on new the
record any data generated or even send command signals if designs or analyzing failed part applications. The company
desired to automated controls. (Not avionics controls unless departments and agencies would be connected as part of
especially approved). specific purpose computer network and delivered data
Because all units router, controllers or both are interfaced directed by the local TRACker router via preprogrammed
with DSRC technologies like Blue tooth, all these campo- 45 wireless to IP gateway commands to complete the connec-
nents can communicate as a mobile portable network. The tions.
carryon routers or permanently placed units will route and The TRACKer Unit (in this) is a personal PFN in a mobile
relay data to the next generation of 1PS PFNs the personal office configuration, that operates completely independent of
or stand alone units or the DSRC 1c PDA/PFN product for the aircraft to provide flight telemetry and more. It performs
short range HMI with some use as a local remote controller. 50 a non-invasive relay function by having the same multiple
Basically, these units are reactive in application specific band wireless receiving capacity as the Aircraft and Aero-
networks via the short range communication connection nautical operations Centers on the surface via an inter-
(e.g. air travel air transport industry), however recognizable changeable hybrid substrate chip set for the specific aircraft
through the FACT Security matrix of PFN/TRAC routers (respective of the various ATM global communication sys-
nationally or globally as determined appropriate via ESN 55 tems commercially available today (BSS, ARINC, EUR-
they can be authorized in real-time or deactivated and COM etc.). The aircrafts signals are received and processed
located. The hand held FDA configurations will have various locally via a programmable processor, that is additionally
models and capacities. Some will physically connect or rely interfaced with a second wireless technology acceptable for
on DSRC/ESN recognition to interface with belts like the IP cross environment use in aviation (possibly commercial
personal PFN utility belts for airport and aircraft personnel 60 cellular and/or satellite phone, or other RF technology). The
shown in the later FIGS. 30-34 from earlier related patent signal is then re-transmitted to wireless gateways en route
filings. These will be more for display and keyboard mes- located on the surface that connect with the FAA FACT
sage functions. The 1C PFN PDA that is an extension of this security intranet and terminals via wires packet data and IP
air marshal TRACker function in FIG. 14 could range from protocols. These signals and data are reconstituted to pro-
short range communications to interfacing with many wire- 65 vide geographic position on calibrated maps of the aircraft
less technologies as a SOC architecture fully responsive in and the location of person or materials or substances in the
the PFN/TRAC system as a 1Ppersonal PFN. aircraft during flight as well as serve as redundant aeronau-
US 6,965,816 B2
53 54
tical operational data link to provide flight telemetry. One Other heat insulator materials and flame retardant mate-
immediate benefit of TRACker is that it provides a mirage rials are also within the nature and scope of the invention
of security data and tactical mission data for the flight and have been detailed in earlier filings and considered
without interfering with normal approved flight inherent to this application; such as SMOKE and Gypsom
communication, data links and operations for safer more s and even Dyper gel. However, this application is concerned
secure focused flying. with electrical conductivity and weight so these issues have
FACT Memory Ball to be addressed in any application specific choice of mate-
On the right side of the drawing is another first generation rials as well as, floatation, water proofing, special security
accountable memory product for aviation. The "Memory seal and access, data is to be stored in any standardized
Ball" or "FACT Memory ball" in this application is shown 10 format desired for application and the FACT Ball will store
as the extended event memory preserved in a special pro- private and statistical data in the appropriate protocols as
tected spherical receptacle for aviation applications. The detailed in other related filings. The Data will be encrypted
FACT Memory Ball's construction is as important an inno- and/or compressed-transparent and in any format deemed
vation in this application as any electronic component and is appropriate for the application and any technology of
and extension of the protected vessel concept for account- 15 memory storage all of which is considered with in the nature
able data and communications for remote management. The and scope of the invention and determined specific to
design is made to maintain survivable service and protect application.
event data for the FACT system to operate in the harshest of E.g., of PFN/TRAC system design for technology sharing
environments and perform analytic functions to any equip- to progressively construct invention.
ment and human failures and/or any criminal investigations. 20 This FACT Memory Ball innovation for the accountable
FACT Ball Properties PFN/TRAC controller/router is also ideal protection for
The properties are hard and light, to obtain a low inertial other rough service applications involving the packaging of
energy coefficient value when in motion (like being trans- electronics outside the aviation and air travel industry. In this
ported in an aircraft at 500 knots). Both to limit damage to respect, these other applications, like for this technologies
other objects caused by an engineered release of the ball on 25 terrestrial transportation product and PFN commercializa-
impact and also to limit internal damage to the FACT ball's tion would enjoy this product enhancement with no obliga-
components, like the event memory and beacon transmitter tion to any corporate entity that owned all or part of this
stored in side. The ball must also be capable of withstanding intellectual property filing, because this enhancement to the
high heat and radiation or EMFs generated in explosive PFN encasement relies on earlier designs and related patents
terminations of flights. The outer shell must be constructed 30 to establish the concept and need for this level of protection
of dent resistant material but resilient enough to resist for the PFN type applications, Therefore this is an example
cracking due to impact with hard and sharp objects (possibly of industry specific technology development that will be
titanium for the shell). This outer shell is to be covered or shared by the other corporate entities in their specialty areas
coated in Teflon and the internal electrical components are creating the PFN/TRAC system to support FACT Security
to be stored in a carved or molded cradle to form, fit, support 35 for the nation and the globe. For this reason, special joint
and cushion the electronic package inside. Suggested mate- venture arrangements to sell across industries will be struc-
rial to use for this application is the thermal tile developed tured for the companies owning and developing the PFN/
for the NASA' space shuttles shaped to fit the concave TRAC System to work with one another to complete the
contour of the FACT Memory Ball's interior. Additionally, system. This is indigenous and necessary to the PFN/TRAC
the internal insulation may incorporate two hemispheres- 40 system to insure the consistent progressive development of
pillow pockets of fire resistant jell that the space tile ball is the technology for FACT security and considered an
surrounded by between the FACT ball's metal shell. These embodiment of the technology-the commercial La Tech-
flexible insulating pillows also serve as shock absorbers on nique of the invention.
high impact. If though testing the jell proves to be too heavy Separation in corporate service is intended and to be
C0 2 gas pillow pocket packets will surround the fire tile 45 specific to the industry to develop the PFN/TRAC system
sphere between the outer shell. and FACT security in harmony with industry and the dif-
Internally any number of lPS PFN variations could be ferent government agencies. However commercialization,
stored inside this high impact transportation encasement. marketing and sales is to be universally open to all corpo-
The EDR Electronic Data Recorder or memory storage rations owning PFN/TRAC System technology. Special
device, power source and mini beacon location transmitter is so protocols for sales coordination and integration of PFN/
the original design purpose for the FACT memory ball as an TRAC technology development and manufacture will be put
enhancement to the Black box technology that exists today in place with appropriate corporate structure.
in aviation. The antennae is impregnated in a lamination It is important to remember that practical design and
form to be a sheet over one coat and under another of the implementation for the best human machine interface struc-
Teflon coating, which also seals the ball against moisture. ss ture per application will forever be changing and evolving
The Metal shell underneath the coating is the negative or with PFNs. But, the invention-the PFN/TRAC portable
chassis ground for the antenna and the device. For the FACT network system with FACT security program for aviation
Ball, the Teflon serves five purposes. will be the same and that all these enhancements and
First to help the ball slid out of harms way variations will be integrated and are with in the nature and
Second to be the first heat resistant shield 60 scope of this invention.
FIG. 13 The benefits to a more universal architecture for
Third to be a plastic base to impregnate the antenna into limited use applications.
Fourth to seal external seams, and access ports Other applications for TRACker use may be in private and
Fifth to mix a day glow or a light energy absorbent and general aviation, where some aircraft and operations are
radiant component so that the FACT Memory Ball can 65 technology starved restricting their use, and safe perfor-
absorb ambient light energy and release it at night to aid mance form time to time. In many cases, these are cost
searches to recover the EDR ball. related issues involving expensive avionics products in
US 6,965,816 B2
55 56
limited markets. With the PFN!fRAC System architecture allowing it to connect with equipment and systems via
expanding over so many industries and being designed and hardwire and wireless. Adapters connectors and conversion
constructed to perform accountable remote control and products will be made as inherent by products of the
robotics for all types equipment to provide trusted and invention and any such technology should be considered
reliable service. These more universal product designs will 5 proprietary and with in the nature and scope of the invention
enjoy expanded markets and reduce the cost with higher and related filings. (this would include short adapters, cable
quality and more sophisticated equipment. This positive connections and wireless connections and interfaces to
PFN/TRAC technology development will improve the include existing COTS combinations, when used for service
nation's transportation management system with greater with the invention or innovation of the invention to serve the
security and better public safety. And also result in improv- 10 inventions full purpose (to provide accountable interfacing,
ing areas of aviation where there is limited resource revenue communications/messaging and robotics and remote
to update technology. control) Application specific, and preprogrammed the
This is another reason to recognize the importance of the memory ball monitors and records relevant flagged events in
commercial PFN/TRAC embodiment to provide economy a permanent memory for safe storage. They can be con-
of scale technology for more universal use and standards to 15 structed flexible in application and size as displayed and
meet the nation's need for a more coordinated management stated in FIG. 13. Additionally, data recovery-memory
in networking a future destine to be named "The Smart storage technology with regards to the PFN/TRAC technol-
Machine Age". This design method for progressive technol- ogy is well covered throughout the related filings for every
ogy interface development is a sound economic course as type of memory storage to meet any of the many various
well. One that will benefit the people, keep the industries 20 applications that PFN/TRAC controller/routers are applied
strong, marry up well to government agencies, reduce the to, including these FACT Memory Ball configurations. They
learning curve for all machine use, continue competitive are inexpensive to add surveillance applications and record
product development and allow for rapid security access and investigative telemetry from new sensors interfaced, video
control augmentations nationwide though out all the indus- or audio as isolated security pods in the FACT system, either
tries. 25 for later data recovery or equipped to have real-time respon-
It also makes it easier to write, codes, rules, and siveness in the FACT security matrix. Additionally they can
regulations, to create standards procedures and protocols for be controlled by the Flight deck if desired.
handling personal and statistical data recovery storage. With For most applications by merely receiving data from
uniform technical architecture to apply constitutional law for aircraft wireless transmissions they are non invasive to
data recovered, Investigations can proceed with protected 30 critical flight operations. The ball's dedicated, short-range
data that is acquired, stored and used justly prior to and via beacon and separate power source, makes it responsive to
the discovery process and any legal action with account- specific search/quarry signals, as well as the capacity to send
ability for all access and action to insure equal and fair and timed signals (to conserve power), an effective distance for
just access and use. a typical search process.
Application, Placement, Qualities and Properties of the 35 Proactive FACT Ball Functions
Memory Ball FIG. 13 And with new photocell technology of reduced size and
The memory ball as stated in FIG. 12 is built light in increased power out put, the addition of photocells to
weight, with a resilient, Teflon-coated metal shell. It then regenerate beacon power when exposed to solar energy is
can reside in a breakaway Velcro sock or sack that sticks to feasible and inherent throughout all the PFN/TRAC tech-
sponge laminated adhesive on one side of the sponge and 40 nology applications as stated in related filings. These solar
glued Velcro hooks on the other side of the sponge. This cells would be impregnated into the Teflon coat and may
holds the fact ball in place in the aircraft and is in the top well be destroyed on impact or positioned away from the
right of FIG. 13. The carton to just left at the top right can sun. In this event the emergency self-contained power
hold the FACT ball as well for concealment as a normal source would be the default power source. Some positional
package and be placed into a certain area for surveillance 45 weight displacement technology that auto-motivates the
interfacing to the FACT data recovery system and additional sphere via an attached micro-servo motor and existing
sensing connected if desired. Of course it can be placed into current is an option to improve effectiveness of this regen-
the TRACker applications as an extended memory compo- erative power source (TS). This function will be employed
nent or the memory component with special protection to to auto articulate the sphere for the strongest solar source
provide accountability among other functions. It can also be 50 reception and likewise be used to position the antenna for
placed in with any other PFN application and/or be used to best signal reception via sensing current levels generated
provide protective service for other vital components. and signal strengths in any micro processor or mini com-
Additionally, teflon is prepared with a light absorbent day puter inside any given FACT memory ball. Additionally,
glow radiant color and an embedded antenna to retrieve data thermal sensors/converters in the Teflon-also impregnated
by wireless and send a beacon signal for recovery of the 55 maybe used to convert heat energy into electrical power
vessel. The Ball can receive local data transmitted from the and/or to sense harmful heat sources and activate the auto
aircraft, through either direct connection to a tracker unit (as movement function of the FACT ball. This auto-motion
shown in FIG. 13 via watertight breakaway connectable- function may be activated by the search team remotely to
(final configurations to be determined and tested). Or the visually gain a fix on the FACT Memory ball when they are
FACT Ball can be stored isolated and outfitted with a 60 in the local vicinity. This facet of FACT balls may be used
receiver/processor chipset (a SOC) and receive data via in only some applications and/or replace the jell packs space.
DSRC. However, the FACT ball structure can be made in Some other FACT Ball attributes are It; floats on liquids, fire
various sizes to accommodate anything that is determined to proof, non chaffing with other objects, low inertia value,
require this type of protection. It can also provide a safe high impact resistance and impact deflective, visible at night
environment for a complete PFN/TRAC controller/router if 65 and day, special integral seal to maintain spherical geometric
desired. With that in mind it can have long and short-range integrity, tamper resistant and detective. Advantages and
communications integrated into its electronics structure characteristics include; non-invasive to other equipment
US 6,965,816 B2
57 58
systems, application specific of very diverse and easy to If not, carry on TRACker units can provide plug, and play
install with limited skill into an aircraft. The seal is made for and program architecture to include software embedded hard
the FACT ball by having two hemispheres that are threaded. ware or firmware that can be quickly configured when
One is internal and one external that marry with a special plugged in to receive the specific air crafts broad casts (and
seal ring for tamper detection. 5 Identify this aircraft as (HOME) by identifying RF coeffi-
1RAC Aviation Inc is talking to major aircraft Manufac- cients such as proximity, strength of signal, the specific
turers about creating a line of Memory balls. TRAC Aviation aircrafts call sign or ESN or component SIN signatures if
will seek out aircraft and avionics manufacturers. existing, or any specific RF address of the aircraft and
FIG. 14 The 1b TRACker in FIG. 12 will evolve the exact retransmit the data in appropriate packets after being pro-
data streams for each airframe and appropriate TRACker 10 cessed by TRACker through a modem and data splitting
unit. With the exact data streams determined the interface, program for the Airfone protocol. The surface IP gateways
receiver and protocol chips will be supported on a PC 104 to this FACT security system will be running the application
plug and play accessory board. Additionally PC 104 mini specific Airfone software to reconstitute the data into IP
computer architecture will be employed and the PC platform packets if necessary and the specific coedecs to reconstitute
and windows programming continued. Software program- the data into a comprehendible format or usable form for
ming is becoming more and more prevalent in operating 15 automated use at the desired destinations.
COTS sensors, actuators and devices with PC COTS cus- ATM can be Linked to FAA TAS Security
tomized programming available and manufacturers choos- The Tracker allows for telemetry to the manufacturer and
ing this to convert their OEM programming to for mainte- supply liners to evaluate their product performance through
nance analysis and human machine interface applications. the regular phone system and internet. The public can be
This is the Ideal universal platform to convert data to at the 20 provided filtered data as to time and place of aircraft and
local level to enter it into the wireless security matrix with even educated and given interesting web presentations of
internet protocols worldwide. As a general rule to improve flights in progress (videos if public data release can be done
reliability in this architecture minimums of extra computing by agreement in real-time to protect the invasion of privacy).
capacity will be determined and maintained per device with The TRACker wireless interface will be used first and for
isolated programs of redundancy and enough reserve 25 most for the FACT Security system evaluation of passenger
memory available to detect corruption and stalled locked up professionally and with in constitutional guidelines.
programs. Rough service and EMF protection will be estab- However, other TRACker units could be employed to gather
lished to maintain reliability and accountability per unit public data for commercial applications and public enjoy-
application and with in the PFN!fRAC system and FACT
FIG. 15 The 1a TRACker units even though they are
security matrix 1b TRACker units will be based and inter- 30
COTS lap tops and Mini hand held computers their interface
faced on the ASIC design in FIG. 15. However their will be design and testing will attempt to create this ASIC in FIG.
1C TRACkers as solid state proprietary constructions and 15 in function at least. 1b TRACker will also try to achieve
surface mount versions as well as SOC constructions and this integration using commercial off the shelf PC 104
these developments will evolve into smaller encasements architecture and 1c TRACker will be the first proprietary
like PDAs and the Mini FACT ball structures and even 35 manufacture of the ASIC specific to airframes using surface
smaller inject able units. mount technology and protected in a can or appropriate
FIG. 14 shows a PFN PDAofwhich a 1c would be a full encasement. The second 1c 1RACker generation of the
miniaturized 1 P PFN!TRAC controller/router. This deter- refined and miniaturized circuit will be a SOC or Systems on
mination is made by having more than one wireless tech- a Chip technology of the 1c 1RACker and with the capacity
nology interfaced. For example long and short-range wire- 40 to interface direct with avionics electrical bus systems on
less. In FIG. 14 the pilot's PDAmight well be a complete 1P board and will be used in beta testing to determine the 1A
PFN device using many of the interfaces detailed in FIG. 15. PFN!TRAC aircraft unit in FIG. 3 for accountable remote
Regardless, the pilot or air marshal with their 1 PFN PDAs and robotics control of an aircraft. These miniaturized
would be able to communicate with all aspects of FACT versions could be designed to physically be placed into
security at the airport in the aircraft and on the surface via 45 avionic bus cables and secluded. The intention is that this
all the equipment PFNs communicating with this 1P PFN progressive evolution for avionics will accomplish more
PDA. All law enforcement would have this immediate synergy with terrestrial equipment controls, wireless com-
connection capacity and recognition to the FACT system. munications and computer networks.
Whether they are a customs agent, TSA, airline mechanic, a With telematics and automation in terrestrial platforms
local policemen a register policemen from another country 50 equaling avionics sophistication, the same level of reliability
their unit ESN and individual identification confirmed and accountability will be required for automated machine
would allow them to have contact with local FACT control operations and movement. This common ground will allow
and to interface with surrounding equipment. The 1P PFNs for a lot of parallel developments that can be coordinated
would be multi-access remote controllers as well of the through the PFN/1RAC System, also a praised and analyzed
surrounding equipment. Obviously these accesses and con- 55 through the system to insure more synergy between the
trols have procedures and protocols to be determined by the technologies and related industries via quicker commercial
appropriate authorities. coordination for universal interfacing. Along with security
Earlier versions and applications of 1 P PFNs and tracking movement management and coordination will be the driving
units are discussed in FIG. 21. Here the PDA applications forces. Position in space on or near the earth's surface-
may be displays and HMI system interfacing functions and 60 speed and direction are all becoming more universally
not complete PFNs like this 1c unit the pilot is using. As it determined and automatically navigated through the same
is not clear what exact configuration will best serve indi- intelligent positioning technology GPS. This technology
viduals and their job performance. For example a simple could also provide the universal timing component to syn-
LCD display plugged into a belt system like the four belts chronize all the PFN and TRACker clocks to provide the
discussed later may be the best for craftsmen like mechanics 65 portable network the means to locally and remotely deter-
or to connect to a watchband view screen. These application mine collisions and coordinate counter measures automati-
specific configurations will come in time. cally.
US 6,965,816 B2
59 60
Review of Chipset and/or Wireless/Protocol Interfacing identify and sense materials, equipment and people
The boxes on the left side of the green block are used to approaching and entering the aircraft and the aircrafts com-
give examples of the communication and data interfaces partments. Via, this connection the lA PFN or series of lA
essential to TRAC processing and should be controlled via PFS on board would work in harmony to identify the carryon
the PFNs in a FACT event. Top Box CEPT-Cellular is the 5 device (ESN recognition and look for alerts) as well as
commercial cellular frequencies approved for use in flight manage the use or restrict any such use of cellular phones
applications like the Airfone system used in the United and other wireless carryon equipment as determined best for
States. This system works off of LEO satellites and does not flight safety. As part of this invention's nature and scope
interfere across the surface cellular system of towers flood- these sue technologies and systems would write code into
ing ground systems from above. These systems will be used 10 their protocols to immediately transfer all PFN/FACT direc-
to send parallel data streams to TSA and security links on the tives via access through any cellular service that the phone
flight operations, as well as any security telemetry recovered provider is part of for emergency action messages to be
by the 4th block DSRC dedicated short Range communica- delivered into the surface IP/TSA gateways. This gives a
tions. Or the 5th box blue tooth that is DSRC for wireless continual down feed of identifiable data packets and infor-
carryon devices. This chipset with appropriate protocols will 15 mation of a troubled flight to surface receivers or satellite
be interfaced via a hybrid substrate as stated to the left of the connected to data receivers/receptacles for further data
basic inputs on the left of the block. A PFN/TRAC unit will resources in real-time and for later analysis. Special arrange-
be capable of controlling and using all standard carry on ments with these providers to support secure gateways into
wireless devices and recognizing other non interfaced trans- this IP security matrix of TSA and other agencies will have
missions via It's scan function and frequency counting 20 to be arranged and constructed.
algorithm that constantly runs monitoring an appropriate CNSA & GPS along with CRZ cruise tracking technolo-
number of the 40 antennas that are on board a traditional gies are other ASIC inputs interfaced with the necessary
commercial aircraft. The second block on the left CNS/A & protocol chipsets to the lA PFN. Exact flight path data will
ATM The Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance/ be gathered from onboard smart determination technologies
Airborne system is linked by wireless hybrid chipset dis- 25 and ground surveillance systems and compared to prepro-
played in other similar figures to the above lA PFN/TRAC grammed flight plans. All in flight changes will be verified
circuit to recover any data generated by this system. All by surface and aircraft data telemetry and unauthorized
systems that carry voice have voice recognition software flight will be flagged and immediately result in a Safe Base
applied to transpose any verbal communication into digital flight plan via FACT event protocols. Constant communi-
format for transmission by other wireless protocols (e.g. 3D cations with the aircraft and the order for escort and assist
airfone) interfaced and/or as text to be recognized at read at aircraft for the troubled FACT flight will be a part of this
the appropriate application level in any TSA monitoring immediate response and directed by DOD homeland air
terminal, either local or from remote locations. The ATM defense CINC AIR COMMAND/NORAD.
portion of this block would be also another Hybrid Chipset CPDLC-AP The cockpit data link and auto pilot are the
for the Air Traffic Management provider like ARINC or 35 direct sensory inputs and flight controls that will be sue to
Boeing with all the necessary receiver, protocols, codec and the lAPFN or group of lAPFNs or Trusted Remote Activity
translation programming to receive this data locally in the controller/communication router (this is a TRAC ASIC
lAPFN/TRAC unit(s) and relay this data via any number of above-the terrestrial PFN/TRAC ASICs are in subsequent
acceptable or needed wireless technologies on board the air figures), along with any sub specific application PFN ASICs
craft. The TRAC controller/Router would determine the best 40 which operate any necessary dispersed actuators to control
means to transmit the needed data and how under the flight control surfaces over any these systems if they can not
circumstances. ASCPC Air Supply and Cabin Pressure Con- be secured from human control while the aircraft is in flight.
trollers will be a System Under Control or SUC to TRAC The reader must remember that the system under control and
monitoring and FACT programs. or at lease certain functions Avionics Bus interfaces are inherent for activity controls
will be. The air supply to the cockpit and passenger cabin is 45 (along with any hybrid chip sets to synthesize protocols like
to be monitored for contaminants e.g. Bio, chemical (EDS) (the 429 maintenance interface for 737 to go from the
and physical property sensor arrays (Audio/Video/Thermal/ avionics signal messaging to a PC platform and windows
radiation sensors) and various transducers, which send spe- applications) and is not shown here in this ASIC because of
cific signals to the lA PFN ASIC. They are operated and the space in this figure. Other Figures and the other related
processed by proper divers and programs in the lA PFN and 50 patent applications describe the separate actuators as well
translated by conversion algorithms to format the signal for and the need for protected operations. The skilled in the art
transmission to the surface and TSA terminal via the appro- have to construct them to function appropriately and to meet
priate onboard wireless. Some such sensing capability exist any code and specifications known or the appropriate indus-
on sophisticated aircraft already and these data streams try and government experts standardize that in acceptance of
would be interfaced with the PFN/TRAC units on board to 55 the PFN/TRAC system architecture. Basically, the lA PFN
harvested their data and enter it in to the TSA system via and PFN/TRAC network of units if so needed in any
internet protocols. Or the FACT (IP) security matrix comb- particular airframe will operate to form a seamless connec-
ing national and global transportation Intranets and security tivity of flight controls form first existing systems like the
agencies for continual layers of automated and human flight computer, collision avoidance systems forward seek-
analysis. 60 ing radar, weather radar and any autopilot controls and use
The 4th and 5th blocks on the left-DSRC dedicated them to fly the plane un interrupted and appropriately with
short-range communications, RFID radio frequency ID pro- these current robotics. However, in the event that the plane
gram (EZ pass) and Blue tooth a short range RF technology is not responding as it should the assist remote control pilot
for wireless telephones to interface with some automotive in an escort plane and/or the ground RC pilot in the
telematics. These are existing technologies interfaced via the 65 simulator station or the lA PFN TRAC Unit onboard will be
PFN platform in the ASIC and would have the appropriate deferred to control PFN robotics via the network of specific
hybrid chip sets interfacing these technologies to track, ASIC actuator circuits, with either wireless and encrypted or
US 6,965,816 B2
61 62
wired and encrypted commands from protected PFN robot- accomplished via the communication systems and data
ics or remote command. transfer systems interfaced with the lA PFN controller and
Clock distribution. Is coordinated in each PFN by LEO include smart cards, finger printing Iris scanning, voice
satellites or the GPS interfaced or other wireless communi- recognition thermal sensing and blood pressure readers in
cations with redundancy locally (local clock as well that is 5 hand sensors and finger thaws on the yoke and instrument
system integrated as determined adequate and backed up panel as well as full biometrics transmitted via DSRC from
wireless synchronization) to keep all moving and stationary IP personal PFNS and body sensing harness belts or clothing
elements synchronized in their movement on and near the worn by the pilot and flight crew. A Robotics flight guardian
earth's surface. This will be tied into collision avoidance program will maintain the approved flight plan during any
programming and to be used by the FACT program TSA and 10 real-time approval process needed to clear any legitimate
homeland defense DOD to control robotics flights and pilot access to the controls of the aircraft. In absence of such
coordinate and control movement in the air and on the an alternative the already flagged FACT flight will be
ground. This clocking will be the bases for programmers to programmed to the appropriate SB safe base via robotics and
write algorithms to account for signal transmission times flight assist RC needed.
and conditions to obtain the optimum performance for near 15 The other portions of this ASIC are self explanatory to
real-time control of an aircraft with under remote control those skilled in the art of avionics, electrical engineering and
command. It will also provides lA PFN/1RAC unit bench computer processing. However, there will be sections in this
marks for preprogrammed and timed responses performed specification and related filings that further define out func-
by robotics in conjunction with ground controls It is a tions performed by this similar circuit design to further the
system wide synchronized timing and is augmented by 20 readers concept of the PFNTAC unit being a universal
geographic position. This process is part of the FACT accountable interface platform for wireless routing and
construct program running in the lA PFN to determine if a equipment control. Obviously airframes, and terrestrial
flight is positioned on time in the exact place and the correct vehicles have different electronics and disparate properties
altitude at a particular second in time. This is an electronic that can hinder them being used in a coordinated fashion.
equipment policeman for an aircraft in the sky with a 25 This is one main reason for the Primary Focal Node (PFN
connected system partner on the ground all the way. The controller router) being placed as a receiving PC processing
ATM and AOC as well as the TSA are linked nation wide platform in vehicles and machines where they also have
and would include the areas of free flight west of the stable power sources. They then can perform wireless
Mississippi. translation, the relaying and routing of various
Protocol Translation & CODEC 30 communications, as well as, store data locally for account-
APU & APC APU Auxiliary Power Unit will be specially ability and commercial billing and deliver accountable com-
protected for the first generation of PFNs and also additional mands to the machines they are attached too. This creates a
APUs or Emergency power packs will reside in special matrix of machine messaging and management that is coor-
protected compartments for the lAPFN/TRAC unit and any dinated and useable in real-time. Data is locally harvested/
FACT interface components to fly the aircraft. The APC the 35 stored and send on by the appropriate wireless and IP
auto Pilot computer is listed in this block for the initial lA applications with encryption to the appropriate systems
PFNs to incorporate as much as possible the auto flight terminals and application programming for decryption and
systems with secured power supplies and increased protec- use.
tion. Separate maintained power sources are inherent to General Function
PFN/TRAC system trusted remote activity controllers and 40 It is important to remember that the security agencies, the
essential activity components. These emergency power FCC and FAA and industry standards efforts will determine
sources are of the highest quality lithium and are maintained the essential controls and communications. The remote
at full power by the aircrafts generators and electrical bus. control communications will be ded or dedicated digital
The system self monitors batteries, their condition and channels for individual activity controls for flight surfaces
reports their condition via regular integrity checks con- 45 on special military possibly DES communications that can
ducted by the lA PFN unit and regular system checks and take place form aircraft to aircraft and for close in landing
downloads this information to service and maintenance applications at the Safe bases (SB). Otherwise robotics flight
centers. Specially qualified security service personnel per- will be employed to maintain the highest level of real-time
form all service on PFNS. Additionally, all circuits are responsiveness for aircraft performance in relation to the
monitored for their current levels. The light shaded diode 50 real-time flying environment. This is proprietary to the
symbol on the power ports is to instruct designers that power FACT programming and sequence of activities in a FACT
surge and shorting protection are required for circuit event. Unless a local assist aircraft is accompanying a
protection, to guard against, tampering and efforts to disable troubled flight, the PFN/TRAC unit will fly with robotics
or harm the unit. when activated to one of the 5 preprogrammed FACT flight
APC is the Autopilot Computer and it must be protected 55 paths that are stored in the PFN software library (or memory
with an uninterrupted power supply to be part of any storage) to the pre arranged Safe Bases (SB) determined by
PFN/TRAC/FACT system so it can carry out the prepro- location (GPS and other smart location determining tech-
grammed FACT flights. Whatever augmentation is needed to nologies on board) and/or the nature of the emergency that
complete this protective task in the prescribed manner with has flagged the flight-a FACT flight or Federal Access and
PFN/TRAC technology must be made and is required to 60 Control Intervention.
perform accountable robotics flight and remote control. The To insure absolute maximum redundancy in communica-
APC will be used to handle the 5 safe base fights initially and tion from the plane to the surface, blue tooth, or 802 wireless
continually, but there will be self powered back up actuator or any applicable DSRC will provide contact to any and all
controllers or dispersed PFNs in a harmonious matrix to carryon devices to interface all communication devices via
follow through with ultimate control. Regardless of lA PFN 65 the lAPFNTRAC processor(s) and the system. PFN/TRAC
overrides, the autopilot must be impregnable to unautho- with the capacity to activate any such devices can call
rized personnel during flight. Personnel identification is NENA/FACT numbers in route for direct or download to the
US 6,965,816 B2
63 64
FAA homeland security's hot operations center (egg. Heron Scanning and Routing Function
Va. With TSNAOC) or flight Command Controller air The Federal Access and Control Technology FACT is to
operation center(s) with (TSA, AOC AIR CINC) and down- have the ability via PFN or TRACker routers to scan for all
load all data that is recovered on board by the la PFN!fRAC sorts of electromagnetic frequencies and EM wave
unit. More than one lAPFN!fRAC unit can be interfaced in 5 propagations/transmissions or random oscillations in any
the aircraft and to it's various electrical bus systems with specific application deemed appropriate to control the air
each having a separate FACT ESN or electronic address and wave environment for public safety and national security.
communication protocol to coordinate any flexible master The use of the NASSA deep space or radio signal search for
slave relation ship to insure continual protected secure intelligent life algorithm customized to filter out known
control of the plane via the various non accessible and
10 transmissions and to look for only unauthorized or never
secluded units. All automated flight control systems will detected before RF occurrences. This programming could be
have a slave relation ship to the TRAC process on board the applied to the proprietary frequency scanning programs to
aircraft. These systems will be subsystems or Systems Under be developed and written for these PFN/TRAC unit appli-
Control or SUC. to the PFN!fRAC units and any network. cations.
And provide the needed immediate security links and man- Background Facts and Technology to Construct the Wire-
agement between movement on the earth and Flow through 15
less Interfacing:
the sky.
Wireless Technology,
All wireless like STDMA, CDMA and TDMA digital
cellular, analog wireless telephony and radio and Blue tooth Eighteen major types of wireless technologies exist, con-
or 802.11, Dedicated Short Range Communication DSRC taining a large number of subset technologies that range
wireless technologies via chip set and antenna to identify all 20 from ATM-protocol wireless based. This ATM is wireless
wireless carryon devices turn them off and record their ESN traffic routing management not Avionics These ATM. Links
and use will be a progressive development of the wireless to this system cost approximately $200,000 per data link.
transceiver circuit. The scanner, translation between Additionally, local-area network WLAN sell for $500,000
protocols, signal repeating and interface and connection per data link). Frequencies of the different technologies
structure is all part of this communication function on the 25 travel between several hundred feet (wireless LAN) and 25
left side of the FIG. 15 ASIC. Part of Tracker's experimental miles (MMDS). PFNs and TRACker will be used to provide
development is to manage personal wireless phones during a less expensive, more comprehensive, secure and stable
flight as a beta test focal routing center on board the aircraft. mobile platform to transfer data. The development of wire-
The first object is to control unattended or poorly attended less interfacing via the PFN!fRAC portable WLAN network
wireless devices during mission critical flight situations like 30 carrying a multitude of protocol interfacing programs will
take off and landings from the flight deck and as part of the create a flexible universal communication matrix or wireless
air marshal and/or crew's function to detect, be aware of and by Internet protocol. The system will always be diverse and
eliminate any unauthorized, unwanted or any unsafe trans- need planning to insure enough of the properly programmed
missions as physically feasible in flight and in real-time. PFNs or more universal PFN units are present for adequate
The TRACker unit will explore first and foremost the 35 coverage of all types of wireless. This evolving process will
development of DSRC routing to specific cellular phone always be one of forward and backward engineering,
addresses via these DSRC frequencies that might better be however, the flexible interfacing via plug, play and program
contained to limited areas and other equipment effected architecture (proprietary to the PFN/TRAC system) will aid
(with low powered signals). This is to be accomplished to immensely in this process. (costly upkeep of the system will
allow commercial wireless handsets to be utilized via the 40 be reduced by more involved in maintenance. As standards
TRACker router interface via approved broadband wireless emerge and technologies merge specific technology will be
connections to the surface and satellites during flight. Of refined and miniaturized into SOC configurations, but
course with the cooperation and approval of the commercial always with a flexible plug, play and program interface
and governmental interests e.g. cellular phone manufactur- capacity to grow and keep current the PFN!fRAC System
ers witting their ID and tracking codes to be processed to 45 and FACT security network. The FACT network via it's
Blue tooth DSRC or other DSRC platforms and government industry specific government registries must be programmed
agencies like FCC and FAA approving the design and and capable to recognize all new interfacing and system
testing, as well as organizations like the Commercial Pilots augmentation and provide a review process and integrity
Association and EINAvionics organizations specifically check both at the local interface and with system wide
condoning and writing standards for the technology' use, 50 checks and alerts to any anomalies for FACT program
procedures and protocols. flagging (public safety and national security).
Many different RF possibilities are named as they are The wireless technologies progressively to develop
approved in aviation or they are in the process of approval. TRACker units and will be the designs tools to construct any
One such example is Boeing's recently received license for specific lA PFN/TRA aircraft Controller Router.
2.GHZ satellite transmission. This technology, also could 55 Another early COTS product to track people and pack-
support a channel or side band that could serve as a security ages and materials is the RFID technology developed by
data link format for gate to gate air security for new aircraft Texas Instruments. A basic RFID system consists of three
and retrofit existing technologies e.g. Rockwell Collins components:
Avionics data links with any new transceiver, protocol An antenna or coil
chipsets (antenna) appropriate or needed. Also other ATM 60 A transceiver (with decoder)
communication providers like ARINC and Eurocom could A transponder (RF tag) electronically programmed with
have their communication protocols via hybrid chipsets unique information
plugged in and programmed into any la,b or c series The antenna emits radio signals to activate the tag and
TRACker unit on board to compete a master communication read and write data to it. Antennas are the conduits between
monitor function to progressively determine the lA PFN/ 65 the tag and the transceiver, which controls the system's data
TRAC aircraft controller/router architecture to perform acquisition and communication. Antennas are available in a
accountable, reliable remote control and robotics flight. variety of shapes and sizes; they can be built into a door-
US 6,965,816 B2
65 66
frame to receive tag data from persons or things passing snow, fog, ice, paint, crusted grime, and other visually and
through the door, or mounted on an interstate tollbooth to environmentally challenging conditions, where barcodes or
monitor traffic passing by on a freeway. The electromagnetic other optically read technologies would be useless. RFID
field produced by an antenna can be constantly present when tags can also be read in challenging circumstances at
multiple tags are expected continually. If constant interro- 5 remarkable speeds, in most cases responding in less than 100
gation is not required, the field can be activated by a sensor milliseconds. The read/write capability of an active RFID
device. system is also a significant advantage in interactive appli-
Often the antenna is packaged with the transceiver and cations such as work-in-process or maintenance tracking.
decoder to become a reader (a.k.a. interrogator), which can Though it is a costlier technology (compared with barcode),
be configured either as a handheld or a fixed-mount device. 10 RFID has become indispensable for a wide range of auto-
The reader emits radio waves in ranges of anywhere from mated data collection and identification applications that
one inch to 100 feet or more, depending upon its power would not be possible otherwise.
output and the radio frequency used (tested first for use with Developments in RFID technology continue to yield
avionics on specific aircraft. When an RFID tag passes larger memory capacities, wider reading ranges, and faster
through the electromagnetic zone, it detects the reader's 15 processing. It is highly unlikely that the technology will
activation signal. The reader decodes the data encoded in the ultimately replace barcode--even with the inevitable reduc-
tag's integrated circuit (silicon chip) and the data is passed tion in raw materials coupled with economies of scale, the
to the PFN or TRACker computer for processing. integrated circuit in an RF tag will never be as cost-effective
RFID tags come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. as a barcode label. However, RFID will continue to grow in
Animal tracking tags, inserted beneath the skin, can be as 20 its established niches where barcode or other optical tech-
small as a pencil lead in diameter and one-half inch in nologies are not effective. If some standards commonality is
length. Tags can be screw-shaped to identify trees or wooden achieved-whereby RFID equipment from different manu-
items, or credit card shaped for use in access applications. facturers can be used interchangeably-the market will very
The anti -theft hard plastic tags attached to merchandise in likely grow exponentially.
stores are RFID tags. In addition, heavy-duty 5- by 4- by 25 With the advent of more PFN/RFID interfacing either
2-inch rectangular transponders used to track intermodal transmitter antenna protocols directly supported in the PFN
containers or heavy machinery, trucks, and railroad cars for or COTS reader interfaced with PFNs the history of sensing
maintenance and tracking applications are RFID tags. an item in transport can be reported in real-time to the FACT
RFID tags are categorized as either active or passive. system and re burnt in the memory of and active Tag and
Active RFID tags are powered by an internal battery and are 30 stored locally in the PFN the tag is passing. Real-time
typically read/write, i.e., tag data can be rewritten and/or reporting and accountable history will be useful for first
modified. An active tag's memory size varies according to responders stop a FACT event and to analytical investiga-
application requirements; some systems operate with up to tions prior to and god for bid after an event has occurred (e.g.
1 MB of memory. In a typical read/write RFID work-in- terrorist act) that threatens public safety or national security.
process system, a tag might give a machine a set of 35 This technology barcode scanners the proprietary PFN/
instructions, and the machine would then report its perfor- TRAC bag sign technology will help track and recover
mance to the tag. This encoded data would then become part sensed data during transit. And the 1Ps stand-alone PFNs
of the tagged part's history. The battery-supplied power of will be able to drive active sensing internal of a container or
an active tag generally gives it a longer read range. The trade package to deliver FACT event data to other PFNs or
off is greater size, greater cost, and a limited operational life 40 communicate to a tag to insure multiple data recovery for a
(which may yield a maximum of 10 years, depending upon flagged event in transport. (e.g. Chemical or Bio toxins-to
operating temperatures and battery type). EPA CDC Customs local hazmat, police TSA homeland
Passive RFID tags operate without a separate external security FBI to be agency factored and nationally factored to
power source and obtain operating power generated from the increase or decrease security color code a long with resulting
reader. Passive tags are consequently much lighter than 45 in the appropriate response by all contacted agencies).
active tags, less expensive, and offer a virtually unlimited Further communication systems interfaced first as COTS
operational lifetime. The trade off is that they have shorter and then in more integrated architecture
read ranges than active tags and require a higher-powered Another wireless data routing possibility for a separate
reader. Read-only tags are typically passive and are pro- data link is Honeywell's Email to air craft MediaSolv,
grammed with a unique set of data (usually 32 to 128 bits) 50 MediaSolv partner and distributor Seattle Lab, and aircraft
that cannot be modified. Read-only tags most often operate supplier Honeywell (NYSE: HON) have teamed together to
as a license plate into a database, in the same way as linear provide passengers access to their messages, contacts, and
barcodes reference a database containing modifiable calendars by plugging their laptops into phone jacks at their
product-specific information. seats or just by turning on their wireless devices-including
RFID systems are also distinguished by their frequency 55 PDAs or WAP phones. Still to be approved but this broad
ranges. Low-frequency (30 KHz to 500 KHz) systems have band Data pipe to aircraft might serve well to deliver stream
short reading ranges and lower system costs. They are most video and other data from the troubled aircraft down to the
commonly used in security access, asset tracking, and ani- surface. In any event this service should be interfaced with
mal identification applications. High-frequency (850 MHz and controlled by TRACker and any future 1A PFN aircraft
to 950 MHz and 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz) systems, offering long 60 controller/router to evaluate and control messaging during a
read ranges (greater than 90 feet) and high reading speeds, FACT event.
are used for such applications as railroad car tracking and 911 proved one thing about cellular phones in air travel-
automated toll collection. However, the higher performance it was a feasible way to communicate when all other flight
of high-frequency RFID systems incurs higher system costs. communication systems were compromised by the hijackers
The significant advantage of all types of RFID systems is 65 via pilot elimination.
the noncontact, non-line-of-sight nature of the technology. The question facing cellular phone use is how should it be
Tags can be read through a variety of substances such as controlled and used so as not to interfere with normal flight
US 6,965,816 B2
67 68
operations. Additionally, there will not be a total band on Calls made 200 miles beyond the U.S. coastline run on a
Cellular phone use world wide for long-so the question is satellite system, where calls are sent to a satellite earth
how to insure the safe controlled use of this technology in station rather than a radio base station", the company said.
the airborne environment. Also taken from the Airfone commercial publications. They
As expected the PFN TRACker can be a solution for this 5 also can handle data-There would be a protective copper
problem. Allowing machines to police them selves and thus sheath for the carryon Tracker unit to fit its use. The system
reduce workload and the possibility of interference with (cost could be defrayed by ticket tax structured as is the 911
flight operations from wireless devices. First generation and NENA today. Additionally, data presented on web sights
TRACker units would have the capacity to receive cellular with advertisers can lower GTE Airfone cost for regular
transmissions (with a set of local wireless protocol data links 10 use-blue tooth local routing to identify customer ESNs and
chipset). Identify their ESN address and terminate their use route calls to the Airfone in the seat closest to the wireless
locally if they were unauthorized, or experiencing mal customer. With higher application for use in security and
functions, or in an un obtainable area in flight, or were public web sites and through airlines and aviation manufac-
detected to have interfered with any avionics systems via the turers the cost will be reduced by economy of scale for these
wireless FACT Memory Balls and resident integrity pro- 15 data link services as new business in new markets".
gram running in it's isolated format through out the airframe This technology is a chosen portion of the modality to
and communicating via approved DSRC to the authorized build a prototype of the TRACker unit that will be tested in
TRACker unit intercepting and controlling the wireless a Boeing Jet with the FAA and George Washington Univer-
transmission. sity if all parties agree on a joint effort. For this or any
One collateral value of the accountable receptive FACT 20 wireless telephony to be used to complete the wireless
Balls will be to help isolate, detect and document interfer- connection to IP connection via gateway to a TSA beta
ence from all types of electrical oscillations. To put to rest TRAC computer test center on the ground in Herdon, Va.; it
what RF propagations negatively affect flight avionics in must employ the appropriate codecs and run an appropriate
what specific aircraft. The FACT Ball receiver units config- digital data splitting program to create data packets from the
ured to sense and receive broad-spectrum EMWs noise and 25 airline recovered data to the communication protocols to
record and time it as an event with GPS in space. The Fact stream the data through the interfaced wireless IP.
Balls could be tuned and/or programmed to receive only Data Capacity Concerns
new or unusual events as well for recording and reporting First a simple system such as phase shift keying (PSK) for
purposes. More accurate determinations can be made as to it's very robust and easy to implement qualities will be used
the actual effect these signals on flight operations and 30 to test the concept with limited flight data because this
systems to help design future systems. technology has low data rates. In PSK modulation, the shape
Another Data Link is the AirCell Phone Systems to of the wave is modified in neither amplitude nor frequency,
FACT/TSA Ground Security Matrix but rather in phase. The phase can be thought of as a shift in
"Data link" currently is the hot topic in aviation circles. time. In binary phase shift keying (BPSK), the phases for the
Quite simply, the problem often cited these days is the 35 sine wave start at either 0 or V.. In BPSK modulation, only
limited availability of radio spectrum frequencies. Enter 1 bit is transmitted per cycle (called a symbol). In more
AirCell, with 50 megahertz of radio spectrum frequencies complex modulation schemes, more than 1 bit is transmitted
that were originally allocated for terrestrial communications, per symbol. The modulation scheme QPSK (quadrature
and are now also approved for AirCell equipped aircraft. phase shift keying) is similar to the BPSK. However, instead
With wide bandwidth and clear line-of-sight signals, AirCell 40 of only two separate phase states, QPSK uses four (0, Y2 V.,
is the fastest, most valuable method of delivering data to and V., and 3h V.), carrying 2 bits per symbol. Like BPSK QPSK
from your aircraft. Imagine hooking up to the internet for the is used because of its robustness. However, because it
latest NexRad weather updates, or checking on the latest modulates only 2 bits per symbol, it still is not very efficient
airport conditions and flight advisory services. Imagine for high-speed communications. Hence, higher bit rates
updating your charts and maps in real time. With AirCell, 45 require the use of significant bandwidth. Many modern fixed
you get much more than a high quality telephone ... you get microwave communication systems are based on quadrature
a total personal communications system for your aircraft." amplitude modulation (QAM). These systems have various
The TRACker™ unit would employ this approved wire- levels of complexity. Although 64-QAM is very popular in
less transceiver technology and any packet data protocol to both cable and wireless broadband products, 256-QAM is
IP conversion codec both in the TRACker™ unit and in the 50 also being tested. The higher the density in QAM, the higher
receiving ground station gateway or connected terminal to a signal-to-noise (s/n) ratio must be maintained to meet the
the FACT/TAS or ATM security system via the appropriate required bit-error rates (BERs). These are the important
dedicated gateway. (The reason for the many names and physics of the cellular products that have to be considered
technologies mentioned is to show the flexibility of the for interfacing with the shorter-range product like blue tooth
system to interface with the various wireless technologies 55 and 802.11. and the 5.7 GHZ Broadband frequencies for
and avionics. And still since the 911 incident there is a lot of terrestrial interactive highway systems.
confusion on how to deal with security data needs and how Any routing program between different wireless technolo-
to deal with flight operational situations with out negatively gies will have to package data in factored packets so that
affecting each other). when then reach their IP address they can be appropriately
As mentioned earlier another possible Cell link to try out 60 integrated and reconstituted no matter how they are routed.
the TRACker™: Airfone Unlike other cell phones, the How the data is encoded also plays an important part in the
casings of so-called air phones are sealed with copper to equation. The data is usually scrambled, and a significant
keep the frequencies from interfering with cockpit controls. amount of forward error correction (FEC) data is also
In addition, the frequencies are directed to a receiver in the transmitted. Therefore, the system can recover those bits that
plane's belly and then down to specific ground radio base 65 are lost because of noise, multi-path, and interference. A
stations in North America, according to GTE Airfone, part of significant improvement in BER is achieved using FEC for
Verizon Communications. a given SNR at the receiver. These are with in the present
US 6,965,816 B2
69 70
wireless protocols of today's cellular systems. Developer into the PFN/TRAC GPS system and activate a tornado alert
kits for those skilled in the art will provide the needed data not only on every PFN device but every known wireless
to write programming code to construct proper routing device operating around the PFN and provide alphanumeric
between DSRC Broad band and long range broad band audio alerts, give directions and a count down to impact
wireless technologies interfaced in the PFN via the plug in 5 every ground zero position the storm was going to have.)
hybrid substrate chipsets and any translation programs run- The PFN/TRAC system and FACT security program is big
ning in the Trusted remote activity controller/router for brother and big mother and it has the accountability for all
Emergency Action Messaging that is translated between the activities performed. But it requires responsible citizen-
disparate protocols. This is termed a (TEAM message and ship. We the people can and must demand responsible and
just use as authorized and proper use of the technology
proprietary function of the PFN/TRAC system for FACT 10
monitoring and management capacities.
Security and first responders.
There are many freedoms in our life and with each
A wide enough broad band pipe will be needed for what freedom comes specific responsibilities. We the people want
ever data is considered essential to security services during all the freedoms so We the people have all the responsibili-
a flight. This may not be an option for these first units with ties for those freedoms (individually and not just as rights).
the frequencies available. But these units will determine all 15 The PFN/TRAC system is a wonderful tool and it can
the exact specifications to get FAA and FCC approval for the provide a wonderful quality of life for all of us, but we all
appropriate bandwidths or they will open the door for these have the responsibility to make sure it does. We and All have
security data streams through existing data links to the the Freedoms and Responsibilities. And the Responsibility
surface in an isolate and protected architecture (e.g. PFN or to maintain the freedom and freely pass it on as the greatest
TRACker unit). 20 gift to our fellow beings in what sometimes appears to be the
TEAM Messaging is for Disparate Wireless Translation most costly process of becoming a good soul. This is the best
One Translation program that will be in all PFNs and product We The People have to export and the one to provide
TRACker units is the Translation Emergency Action mes- us the greatest security.
sage or TEAM program for interfacing all the local wireless Our Responsibility is Our Insurance Policy
technologies with disparate protocols. This a universal emer- 25 Our challenge is to empower more individuals with
gency vocabulary of identifiable terms and action codes (to freedom and responsibility and replace frustration, fear and
include the national color codes applied and including DES the behavior of fanatical following. To replace the narcotic
and military levels of threat corn if appropriate). These are of ritualistic thought (blind following) with a genuine pur-
sent as distinct identifiable signals to any PFN/TRAC unit suit of happiness and a sense of well being (critical
that receives them. They are in turn rapidly converted to the 30 awareness). That allows for the healthy questions of exist-
same content message in a different wireless protocol and ence to result in awareness and answers to share life with
displayed or routed to the address requested or processed as others openly and freely.
a command function and performed as a remote control We the people have to start this with a genuine effort to
command. Also interfaced in the same PFN/TRAC understand the real fears and poor life conditions of the
controller/router is the necessary ID technologies to autho- 35 terrified and address their real and just fears as well as take
rize restricted data to the correct individual to view and just blame if we are responsible in some way. And help with
interact with the PFN unit and FACT security system. Some a positive and helping hand, not token, but real nation
will be public alert and warnings and others could be a high building with them and with them as the architects and us the
security message for a specific person. guidance and support. And with noninterference and no
Developer kits exist with programmer key codes and 40 usury or profiteering)( e.g. Afghanistan can be a start) Iraq
hybrid chip sets may also exist for messaging into alpha- looks like the next effort to make change. Can we do it and
numeric messages in displays via existing IP text protocols not for the 10% sweet oil in the world either.
for most all the wireless technologies. The TEAM Message Not to look accurately at the issues makes us blind
library is what has to be developed. These messages will not followers, and We the people are not fanatics in our pursuit
only be in text format but audible verbally as well (COTS 45 of happiness. Our way of life and use of oil is no narcotic,
text to speech algorithms exist but special ones well be used We need it correct, but I is not an obsession, We are not
from the telecommunication industry and wireless payment dependent on it like a narcotic, we could give it up tomorrow
industry and different languages by verbal request, either correct. This is the hard decision when it comes down to
preprogrammed from past use, or FACT personal contact perspective and way of life issues. The use of resources and
request and/or downloads in real-time from FACT mass data 50 provisioning of what the earth has to offer us is the real issue.
center (e.g. INS) if not enough local memory to hold all the These are the tough management decisions we are being
entire language conversion library (these translation pro- judged by those who have less. Of course we can justify our
grams should be developed by the US government State need with our rationalization and when we have comman-
Department, CIA and (echelon program). The programs deered Iraq's national prospect to generate wealth for it self
should also run voice recognition and identification via 55 and we have put the other oil producing profiteers back in
digital oscilloscope algorithms to match prerecorded voices there place in the sand box; we will make a free life with
as well as psychological profiling software programs as are Iraq-I would like to think so-How about you? Do you
used by the FBI to detect stress and deception as well as think We the People management will place another Mos-
panic and other emotions of excited human states. PFN and quito monarch in Iraq so we can suck the oil dry?
TRACker units with displays will also display a set of 60 Separate Modality-History on regular cellular phones in
universal symbols pictures (video) and color codes will be air travel; While presently commercial cellular phone use in
written from algorithms developed for all types of emer- the aircraft is prohibited in this country, it may not be always
gency messages to cover for the level of alert with the best and especially in other parts of the world. For this reason
description of any emergency and/or suggested responses or they are considered interface capable communication links
specific directions for the individual or individuals interact- 65 for the TRACker and the future aircraft interfaced lA
ing with the specific PFN. E.g. for a mass TEAM message- PFN/TRAC units These are the questionable reasons for the
It would be possible to tie in the Doppler radar projections band on cellular phone use while flying.
US 6,965,816 B2
71 72
FARS Quote: "while there is no definitive proof that Additionally, cellular providers without question will
cellular phones pose safety risks on airplanes-the devices want to enter the aircraft to serve their customers and having
should stay banned as a precautionary measure. The Federal a platform that can handle and route these calls via one
Aviation Administration's Thomas McSweeny testified that controller helps to eliminate the noise and reduce complaints
restricting the use of these devices prevents an extremely 5 both from interference on the surface and a loft and from
remote chance of a disaster from taking place. lack of service or cost.
The FCC's Engineering and Technology Chief, Dale Another commercial off the shelf interface is a cellular
Hatfield, WOIFO, also testified. Hatfield says Commission router that has been designed for boats to funnel and route
rules also prohibit cellular transmissions aboard in-flight normal cell phones interfaced with tracker but miniaturized
aircraft. That, he says, is because calls made from high The Technology is >Britany Ferries-new Inter-wave com-
altitudes keep phones on the ground from being able to use munications system-BF "has contracted with Menlo Park,
the same cellular telephone base station frequencies. Rep-
Calif.-based (Nasdaq: IWAV) to install a digital wireless
resentative James McGovern urged the FAA to promote
base station on board the ship. The station will link into a
technology, which detects emissions from inside an aircraft
cabin that could produce electromagnetic interference. VSAT (very small aperture terminal) satellite-based system
Only by Accident 15 from Geolink.
FCC Law Do Not Apply to Sprint and ATT Private-branch telephone exchanges that are fed by sat-
"The ban does not extend to Sprint PCS and AT&T ellites have been available on ships for several years, but
wireless phones because of an FCC "oversight," according Brittany Ferries said this is the first time a GSM base station
to a former FCC engineer. Sprint PCS and AT&T wireless has been installed on a cruise ship for passenger use.
phones use a different frequency than other cell phones. The 20 Passengers use their regular mobile phones on and around
oversight might imply that a user of either phone could use the ship, just as if they were using a land-based network. The
them in flight, but most, if not all, airlines adhere to FAA difference is that calls made outside the ship's cellular zone
guidelines and prohibit all mobile phones anyway. "No will be routed through a satellite
agency-not even the RTCA-has come up with definitive install an Interwave "GSM Network in a Box" system
evidence of portable electronic devices interfering with a 25 Interwave's base station, the Wavexpress, is contained in
plane's instruments. a PC tower-sized unit that weighs about 50 pounds. The
For this reason the memory ball the innovation was system uses four hardware modules: the CPU card, radio
created to capture and record EMW and time and record card, switching trunk card and the antennae connection card.
them with the rest of the aircrafts avionics performance to System Supports 16 Channels All of the modules use the
better discern the cross environmental impact of these 30 same central processor unit and switching trunk modules, as
devices. well as the same core of library applications. Each Wavex-
Other Views Globally on Cellular Use During Air Travel press can be configured to support up to 16 mobile phone
Scandinavian Airlines System will test a wireless local channels.
area network called 802.11-or Wi-Fi-Additionally, this The satellite capabilities and the GSM compact network
inventor wishes to explore with Motorola or Boeing if they 35 system will enable the Val de Loire to provide its passengers
have purchased the old iridian satellite phone technology of with a service similar to international roaming on their
LEO satellites with the acquisition of the Hughes Satellite phones, said Claude Barraud, president of Group Geolink, in
corporation-now the Boeing Satellite System BSS as a press release.
another data link to be used for this application to supply a In September, Interwave joined BT A&M, an aeronautical
parallel security link for the AOC and Boeing ATM system 40 and maritime telecommunications software producer, in a
A Possibly-the old lrridian Satellite phone system Low successful trial of a wireless communications system for
Earth Orbit satellites? Or BSS new 2 GHZ license and P&O Cruises' flagship Aurora.
satellite system. Other Cellular Applications Encroaching in to Airspace
Obviously for their to be a seamless system on the ground Wireless on aircraft: use of mobile phones is forbidden by
and in the air space the system has to provide the architec- 45 airlines because of concerns that it can interfere with an
ture to interface all the competing technologies that are aircraft's radio and navigation systems.
approved today with the flexibility to change in the future BAE, which was created in November 1999 by as a result
and to handle all the cross environmental controls need for of a merger between British Aerospace and GEC Marconi
carryon devices. With this simple fact their needs to be Electronic Systems, intends to provide safe airborne wire-
real-time policing and accountability for wireless use in 50 less connections by equipping an aircraft with an antenna
aircraft in light of all the potential benefits and dangers from that is a scale model of the radio antenna used in terrestrial
misuse and deliberate inappropriate use of these technolo- base stations
gies. For that reason alone there is the need for an electronics Air-to-ground wireless service may not be limited much
policemen over wireless use in air-travel and the TRACker longer to pilots or passengers in private aircraft. BAE
router and PFN!fRAC controller/router make perfect sense 55 Systems is now moving toward deploying a technology that
for national security and public safety in air travel and enables calls on commercial flights.
elsewhere. BAE and Scandinavian airline SAS announced in August
In-Flight Network LLC is a joint venture entity formed by they were developing an in-flight mobile phone service for
News Corporation (NYSE:NWSROK), a world leader in aircraft named Cabin Call, which uses Interwave's wireless
aviation electronics. Boeing and their avionics supply liners 60 networking technology. The airline's systems are expected
and others like ARINCs Communication Systems and Rock- to be deployed in August.
well Collins (NYSE) just to mention a few, will all be These historical and present trends in wireless technolo-
approached to help develop and construct the PFN!fRAC gies are another reason for the TRACker to manage airwave
units and TRACker units in any commercial arrangement traffic in the skies. They are also additional COTS interfac-
that can work. The primary goal of TRAC Aviation Inc is to 65 ing that can enhance routing functions via the accountable
help the United States of America and her airline industry protected TRACker unit. Industrial applicability to manage
regain the public confidence and full use. these technologies is demonstrated and TRACker technol-
US 6,965,816 B2
73 74
ogy offers characteristics and properties needed to standard- paging system. More sophisticated links could be used such
ize wireless routing, management for all applications in use as digital cellular or PCS (Personal Communication System)
around the globe. A flexible standard for different avionics or application specific wireless. Typically, a Remote Man-
and national laws via the PFN!fRAC System and FACT agement System (which may be as simple as a single page,
Security Program is programmable and scalable. 5 or as complex as a controlling PC or Server) initiates a
FIG. 16 This figure was placed into the patent directly TRAC function, such as an automated guidance control,
after 911 in keeping with the nature and scope of the slow, stop and secure sequence involving terrestrial vehicles,
invention to enlist and initiate joint cooperation from equipment and aircraft. The signal or command is received
government, industry and the general public. Still today the securely (via encryption) and decoded by the TRAC.
Air travel/transport industry is hurting immensely in light of 10 Optionally, a local display or audio speaker may provide
the terrorist acts of 911. The inventor and forming business local status of the TRAC function being executed, with
associates of TRAC Aviation Inc. is carry forth the current appropriate progress tones, voice queues or displays to
thrust for the PFN/TRAC System and FACT Security pro- provide a local operator feedback relative to the progress of
gram in aviation. This includes in roads with DOD and a the function. In performing the function, all Activity controls
major military contractor to develop this technology and to 15 are initiated by the TRAC and monitored by the TRAC from
help insure safe secure movement in military transportation start to finish. This is accomplished through feedback sen-
and commercial shipping. Additionally, TRAC Aviation Inc. sors. The TRAC may interface with plug, play and program
has met with commercial aircraft manufacturers and gov- connectable technology and drive other sensors, other wire-
ernment officials to move forward with all the innovative less communications audio and video. Sensors may be
products of the PFN!fRAC System for safer more secure air 20 electrical, mechanical, fiber optic, infrared or other tech-
travel. As FIG. 16, illustrates TRAC will maintain a com- nologies. Since the function being performed requires a high
mitment to those commercial, government and public inter- level of accountability and trust that the sequence was in fact
ests to work hard and in a cooperative manner with all to safe executed properly, every step of the process is monitored
the nation's skies and build back public trust in aviation through appropriate feedback sensors and programming to
transport. The intent of the invention is to provide the 25 attain the reliability and trust required. This positive feed-
organizational platform for all the stakeholders and for all back in the TRAC is the key feature which distinguishes the
technologies to coordinate efforts for a free, safe and secure TRAC from other electronic or software controllers; making
United States and World air travel system. it a fully "trusted" system for the task being accomplished.
A Thought from a Life with Man and Machine: Additionally, all events and status relative to the function are
Awareness 30 recorded locally in the Local Event Storage Memory. This is
Whether innovating total industries or innovating a single termed the System Function Data. The level of redundancy
company with automation and enhancing that automation in storage of System Function Data and the level of addi-
with Artificial intelligence (AI) and Information Technolo- tional feedback and checking required in order to verify the
gies (IT) via computer management; the difficulty has never Activity or function was accomplished properly, is directly
been one of equipment or technical barriers. It invariably is 35 related to verification requirements. These requirements
human machine and human interfacing that makes or breaks may be regulated and approved by local or federal law, law
an operating system. Success, performance and final out enforcement or insurance agencies, World Bank, EPA, ICC,
come of any design is a direct result of human acceptance SEC, FAA, FCC FBI, DOD, DOT, TSA, DOE or other
and willingness to work with others the design and any regulatory agencies.
improvements needed. 40 This process in aircraft is greatly complicated with a more
Before designing any technology, one has the responsi- robust three environment and diverse air fames. The avion-
bility to seriously walk in the shoes of all those affected by ics details for the TRAC processing and progression of
any innovation. And always plan for progressive system under control sue to perform robotics flight and
adjustments, that are inclusive and proficient to be accept- remote control flying and landing is addressed through this
able by all. With this said, the best invention or innovations 45 application and two others avionics. FIG. 17 is to show the
are only possibilities and direction. It always takes the skills general architecture of TRAC/FACT reporting and respon-
of leadership to empower all the stakeholders to join in a siveness. The drawing explains the properties of accountable
collaborative effort to make vision and innovation a reality robotics, remote and shared machine controls via the TRAC
and an improvement in life. design.
The PFN/TRAC invention and innovative FACT Security 50 From earlier related filings it serves several functions for
program provides feasibility and direction for good man- those skilled in the arts of electronics/wireless and computer
agement on the earth. To complete this management system networking. The figure shows a scalable technology from
and make it functional, it will require everyone in FIG. 16. local and regional wireless remote control to national and
And to develop it's use with responsibility and respect, it global IP management as a network of interfaced FACT
will require everyone in the world. 55 Intranets. Beginning, with sub set webs at each of the 429
Whether it will be a completed technical plan to operate airports that intern are connected via telecommunications,
a more secure and fulfilling life together depends on our own cable, satellite, microwave and fiber to FAA!AOC!TSA
leadership and courage and ability to change. In a life center (to be developed at air operations) in Herdon Va. A
together we are both leader and follower, which requires base for the FACT/TSAAviation intranet is created The 200
good timing and respect. Timing can be organized with good 60 AOC!TSA terminals are also linked to TSNHerdon Center
technical planning. Respect is hard learned and hard as shown in FIG. 10. And each terminal acts like a TRAC
earned-this and change we are in charge of? AWARENESS intranet in a greater portable network that is flexibly con-
rcw nected to each passing aircraft. Further, The TRAC is a mini
FIG. 17 The Trusted Remote Activity Controller provides hub for routing data and will send data packets via diverse
all local vehicle or device control and event storage relative 65 communications determined by local routing algorithms
to PFN (Primary Focal Node) operation. It interfaces to an (discussed through out the text). These software routing
RF telemetry link, which may consist of a one or two way programs are running in the local TRAC processor stored in
US 6,965,816 B2
75 76
the protected PFN interface that receives stable power from of evidence or to recover impact data on the environment.
every piece of equipment interfaced with a PFN unit and The public and their legislators will determine what, how
each unit maintains an emergency power supply for and when data can be recovered stored and used: The
(completed operations). industry standards efforts and government agencies will
These local PFN!fRAC processors and data storage 5 develop, standards, code rules and regulations, the system
receptacles are the means for a trusted accounting processes analysts and integrators, the component engineers, the pro-
and the acceptable use of remote and shared equipment grammers and code writers will final design the hardware
controls in society. Identifiable data packets (wireless/IP/ software and construct the architecture, the public will
encrypted) generated by the routing program in a TRAC unit implement it and the courts, justice department and law
are held in local in memory buffers and each buffer of every
10 enforcement (specific to application e.g. DOT(fSA) will
server in a FACT network for a time (to be determined by
professionally police operations to insure the will of the
network engineers). Standard processing and packet track-
ing for completed messages (IP) will be employed with the people is maintained in the implementation of the TRAC.
exception of data storage of transparent messaging being Examples of public monitoring include road conditions
securely stored at all levels until authorized FACT termina- via surveillance audio and/or video, bio and chemical toxins,
tion of data directives have been received to clear buffers. A 15 explosive detection and radiation etc and not just on the
secondary backup processing program at the appropriate nations highways but in every aspect of life that there is
application level use of recovered data will do a near movement (Transportation). All of which can be supported
real-time integrity check on data received via other dis- via interfaces with The TRAC unit and PFN protective
persed communications system connected. This is to be structure. The use and application still has to be prescribed
engineered to be a very robust process for confirmation. 20 as stated in the above process. This critical point is a most
All real-time remote control wireless communications are important embodiment of the technology, This self-integrity
dedicated and real-time sensitive by the synchronized clock capacity of the unit and system to detect tampering and
time locally and systemically. There is a number of devel- access and determine the impacts of that action can serve to
oped algorithms and software technologies being developed make the perpetrators accountable.
for this function and will be needed in TRAC RC processing 25 Additionally the invention and other technologies impacts
programming to determine exact position in space and time on society and societies infrastructures as well as the world's
with respect to other known objects and their movement in environment and resources can equally be evaluated. Any
specific air space. Real-time dedicated communications with injurious practices can be stopped or augmented in program-
local robust robotics are to be priority and default opera- ming downloads in near real-time. To complete this task
tional backup or failsafe aspects of TRAC technology. To be 30 monitoring and management operation must be broad and
used together with each other (exact relationship and pro- professionally accomplished with the proper respect for
gramming to be determined specific to application, by those privacy and personal injury. This cannot be over stated if this
skilled in the art). technology is to find use in a free society like the United
Processing Confirmation for Accountability states and should be applied and understood by all the
Interim progress of the sequence, activity or routing 35 stakeholder areas of interests. This is why it is threaded into
function may be optionally transmitted back to the remote the inventions specification fabric. Part of the technology of
management system through a 2-way phone, wireless, RF, or any invention is the technique to operate it and what to
paging link. This may occur as the function is executing or expect from that operation. Most invention specifications are
may be programmed to occur after completion of the far too irresponsible in this regard.
sequence, with accumulated data. 40 Data Handling and Storage
In the case of billing for service data routing will be stored Special standards efforts involving those skilled in the
locally in some cases and downloaded to wireless billing legal arts and constitutional law to frame issues for public
mass data centers in off hours depending on communications deliberation on personal and statistical data acquisition,
traffic. Or may be transmitted in real-time command string handling and storage is an intricate portion of the invention's
or headers accompanying the data packets, and directed for 45 (La Technique). As mentioned earlier, to be trusted and
operational billing programs running in the commercial accepted by society The TRAC has to be subject to review
service providers infrastructures. Additionally these prac- from it's inception and continually while in use. So will any
tices may change and will be determined by providers and process used to handle and store data. E.g. professional
their business requirement and protocols and any standards procedures need to be in place so that sensitive data for legal
efforts rules regulations or law. In any event, local, redun- 50 use recovered and disclosed E.g. discovery processes pro-
dant storage of both types of events is always contained cedures that do not compromise and keeps pristine data until
within the PFN for subsequent or simultaneous retrieval of court convenes.
event information and proof for accountability purposes. Other issues the different handling for statistical data and
The PFN enclosure and TRAC monitoring with tamper personal or private data handling.
sensors guarantee the information has not been compro- 55 Statistical data recovered without personal identifiers
mised and can be TRUSTED. These physical protections being used by the public for better public management. E.g.
and electronic protections are detailed in related PFN/TRAC a lP PFNTRAC unit a personally worn device doing bio-
filings. Other types of information to include System Func- metrics reports on an individual's heart rate at the top of a
tion Data (SFD file) may be stored in the TRAC Local Event long subway stair well via a DSRC as the individual passes
Storage Memory for analytical or investigation recoveries. 60 a lE PFN on an escalator out of service. The research
Other Data may include digital or analog data not directly program being run on cardiovascular research also asks for
related to a function being monitored and executed by a host the persons age, sex, race, nationality any weight data their
machine. But information gathered via authorized sensing sex and any known medical conditions or medications data
technologies or accessories interfaced with the PFN/TRAC stored in the lP PFN memory. However, no personal iden-
unit. 65 tifiers like name social security numbers health care or
These may be fore the purposes of evaluating and deter- insurance data or address phone numbers or email can be
mining of legal liability or be a useful tool for the collection accessed.
US 6,965,816 B2
77 78
The data recovered is to be specific to statistical research Implementation
to better plan a safe and healthier environment and warn TRAC implementation may be accomplished in many
citizens at risk of over taxing conditions from a movement ways, depending on space or funding constraints and level
task in their environment (like the stairs vs. an escalator for of integration required for the system to control and to route.
the cardiovascular compromised. The monitoring is done 5 A PC-based system may be in the form of a desktop system,
first to research real-life situations that might be hazardous laptop, palmtop (PDA), personal communication unit (PCU)
to ones health and then warn them in discrete ways of the or (PC 104) or embedded system with a dedicated DOS or
danger with general public notices and/or through a earpiece Windows based TRAC program, consisting of machine
attached to the lP PFN and delivered in an audio message language, Basic, C, C++, Visual Basic, Visual C or C++, or
to a particular person. A similar statistical data recovery for 10 other high level language which accomplishes the TRAC
automobile use and highway system evaluation may be used function through software control. Interfaces to the System
with warnings of dangers in traffic movement. Then a lE Under Control (SUC) may be accomplished through appro-
PFN driven sensor might pick up unusually high levels of priate 1!0 cards, either analog or digital, plug and play
gamma radiation and quarry all area PFNs and video chipsets with protocols in firmware or PC compatible
attached systems with and without other radiation and 15 Modems or Cellular phone interfaces (or chipset) provide
explosive sensor arrays. Employing technologies like the the interface to the Remote Management System (RMS) and
Noise an order detection technology that can detect odors at for routing options. SUC and RMS interfaces may be in the
the molecular level some 2000 times greater than a human's form of ISA, PCI, PCMCIA, VME, Compact PCI, Future
nmse. Buss, or other commercial interfaces compatible with the
In this latter case the Local FACT event programming is 20 PC-based system used. More compact and custom imple-
initiated and personal PFNs are quarried to see who is in the mentations of the TRAC may consist of dedicated state
area and what does the telemetry and video time synchro- machine controller implementations in which TRAC func-
nized images look like for the flagged radiation event being tions are executed through embedded firmware These imple-
tracked. Telemetry like, what is the intensity of the radiation mentations may incorporate multi-chip (or Hybrid) solutions
and what is the geographic position with audio video a list 25 using EPROM or EEPROM interfaced to Arithmetic Logic
of PFN/ESN and remote control assets and human interven- Units (ALU), 1!0 ports and discrete memory elements. They
tion assets like police special first responders all on one may also be microprocessor or microcomputer based. A
screen with individual screens being specifically monitored large variety of board level products are commercially
in TSA/FACT command center. Both of these scenarios are available for such an implementation. Single chip or high-
good reasons for acquiring data for public safety and 3D density implementations might consist of Field Program-
national security, but how will it be used and how can we mable Gate Array (FPGA) or Application Specific Integrated
make sure the accountability of the TRAC serves the public Circuit (ASIC) based devices and Systems On a Chip or
good to protect our freedoms and does not invade them or SOC technology. Additionally, wireless router functions and
harm us. This is the hard part to get right the human machine signal relaying (digipeating) might be accomplished with the
and human interfaces of the technology. 35 different wireless protocols in hybrid chipsets and firmware
Inventor's Suggestion on Plug and play (PC 104) interface board or 1!0 cards and
Obviously, Civil Liberties should weigh in early and as an would be developed from developer kits provided from the
on going in process through the court system. But this alone 18 most frequently used wireless telephony protocols. The
does not keep time with the real-time nature of the invention same process (developer kits) would be used by the skilled
and other IT technologies today 40 in the art to develop a universal routing software program
Other groups should be sought out and funded to put a termed (TEAM translation software) to provide flexible
permanent public review process in place to feel the publics Translation of Emergency Action Messages (or TEAM
pulse and advise lawmakers to change the use of the messages) for FACT Security communications within the
invention as conditions warrant. Groups like The Charles F. PFN/TRAC controller/router architecture.
Kettering Foundation or The National Issues Forums 45 Universal Communicator Program
Institute-NIFIG. Org with their deliberative process on This master routing/translation software package is to
national issues. Another organization is Public Agenda, they processes same content message data between disparate
to quarry the public to help determine public policy. wireless protocols via a universal library of specific emer-
Additionally, local efforts that seek to gain public opinion in gency messages and repeat them through out the PFN
shaping national and community oriented public policy need 50 system as routed. These same universal messages are to be
to be funded and put in place. Programs run by universities translated into all known human languages. This same
and community colleges like Maryland's Montgomery Col- program is to have a voice recognition algorithm to identify
lege's "Center for Community Leadership Development and languages spoken and a universal audio and video set of
Public Policy with their NIF deliberative Format and other pictures to accompany these TEAM messages.
human resource services. 55 All TRAC implementations may incorporate all
All portions of the public should weigh in together as sequencer, firmware, 1!0 and storage functions on a single
much as possible on policy implemented. The invention it device and would provide the highest level of integration
self can function to quarry the public on issues and even set and smallest size. Display, Video and Audio (Auxiliary
up issue framing data from logged comments and performs Data) for the TRAC can be in many forms and types. These
initial survey programs via unit and system programming 60 may range from analog systems, in which tape or other
and people participating in the process. E.g. One issue could magnetic media store the analog signal, to digital systems in
be what are acceptable levels of police video monitoring to which data is stored on hard disks, EEPROM or RAM. Data
provide national security?. The Reason for this question- format may be modulated through FM or AM, compressed,
Possibly to determine the correct procedures and protocols packetized or otherwise encoded for reduced bandwidth or
for PFN/TRAC/Fact programming to match the national 65 for transmission over the Internet (packet audio and video).
color codes and how to inform the public of these dimin- The vast amount of possibilities and form for the TRAC
ished rights of privacy and how they should be applied. are deliberately designed into the PFN interface and will be
US 6,965,816 B2
79 80
a continuing effort to be as inclusive as possible of all diverse and need planning to insure enough of the properly
technologies to provide versatility and universality for the programmed PFNs or more universal PFN units are present
public and the free market system. for adequate coverage of all types of wireless. The process
Hardware Implementation are to be Progressive and Flex- will always be an evolving one of forward and backward
ible 5 engineering. However, the flexible interfacing via Plug, play
Trusted Remote Activity Controller is First and program architecture at local routing interfaces
COTS Based PC-Programmable Controller (PC 104)- (proprietary to the PFN/TRAC system) will aid immensely
Custom Logic Sequencer mP (Micro processor) FPGA in this process. With more dispersed maintenance to include
(Field Programmable Gate Array) Custom Gate Array the individual public to lower industry cost. The PFN/TRAC
(ASICs) Systems On a Chip (SOC) 10 System was invented to be the machine messaging system
TRAC Features for the United States to automate all equipment controls. As
Industry Accepted and Trusted System, Uses "Industry standards emerge and technologies merge the specific tech-
Standard" Interfaces, Provides Accountability nology will be refined and miniaturized into SOC configu-
Requirements, Aggressive Remote Control Functions, It is rations.
Programmable & Modular, Scaleable, provides Level of 15 There is always to be a flexible plug, play and program
Redundancy, Event Storage, Algorithm Type is Dependent interface capacity to grow and keep current with new
on Application Accountability Requirements, Resides in technology and accommodate legacy technologies in the
PFN (PFN Provides Physical Security) Remote Manage- PFN/TRAC System and FACT security network. The FACT
ment Command Authentication, Local System Control and network via it's industry specific registries must be pro-
Event Storage, Software/Algorithms Bank/Stock Exchange 20 grammed and agency staffed and capable to recognize all
Transaction Products & Algorithms RPV (Remotely Piloted new interfacing and system augmentation and provide a
Vehicle) Technology, Security, Commercial: 128/64 bit review process and integrity check; both at the local inter-
Encryption (Web Transactions), Military: DES (Data face PFN/TRAC unit and system wide to check for alerts or
Encryption Standard) and all the FACT Program functions anomalies. Either because of FACT programming or to write
programmed in the different software protocols to operate on 25 code to flag events as FACT alerts and upload any critical
local hardware and PFN/TRAC system architecture data to all effected PFN./TRAC units for the most real-time
Interfaces preprogrammed responsiveness.
Automotive industry standardization efforts, IEEE stan- At least 18 different types of wireless are in commercial
dardization efforts, avionics standardizations efforts, rail use today. Therefore, as PFN/TRAC technology becomes
standardization efforts, marine standardization efforts, elec- 30 more mainstream, many of the applications will migrate to
tronics standardizations efforts, computer standardizations specific architectures and product interfaces The different
efforts, H-Rel connectors, actuators, sensors, signal levels types of wireless are quite unique to each other on numerous
Wireless Telephony and Data Interfaces levels, and require specific types of expertise to deploy, use,
Digital Cellular, PCS, 56K Modem, RF & Pager and maintain them in deployment.
Technology, all the approved aviation wireless technologies, 35 Like every access medium or technology, wireless has its
all marine, interactive highways all DSRC, all emergency pros and cons. The pros include these:
frequencies AlP, Airline Control Protocol, Data link layer It's much less expensive to deploy than hardwiring.
polled protocol that runs in full-duplex mode over synchro- It's much quicker to deploy-.
nous serial (V.24) lines and uses the binary-coded decimal
(BCD) character set., Airline Product Set ALPS circuit, And 40 Wireless can go in inaccessible terrain.
a communication path across a TCP connection between a It involves an inherent high degree of security, and
host reservation system and an ASCU. When MATIP encap- additional security layers can be added.
sulation is used on an ALPS circuit, it is equivalent to a Wireless provides broadband mobility,
MATIP session., ALPS Tunneling Protocol airline protocol, PFN/TRAC wireless link will be a fully featured router,
Generic term that refers to the airline reservation system 45 which means that it must provide VPN, enterprise toll
data and the protocols, such as P1024B (ALC), P1024C bypass, and MDU/MTU access services where these are not
(UTS), and MATIP, that transport the data between the present by commercial providers interfaced in the local unit
mainframe and the ASCUs., Airline X.25. to include with cross protocol routing. The fundamental
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), [RFC- elements remain relatively constant between the wireless
2131], a framework for passing configuration informa- 50 providers allowing PFN/TRAC router access to translate
tion to hosts on a TCP/IP network between the protocols retrievable at Layer 2 of the wireless
Time of Day Protocol [RFC-868], to obtain the time of protocol stack. The majority of wireless vendors access the
day wireless stack at layer 2 some at Layer 3 as well like Cisco
Systems routing. Depending on application any specific
Data or network
55 PFN/TRAC unit would have programming at least for one
Edge or access router may be both accesses layers to the stack. And somewhere in
DSP medium any specific intranet e.g. FACT/TSA airport terminal a
RF medium (coax, modulator/demodulator, antenna) PFN/TRAC unit in the relay matrix would have both access
RF management software to digi-peat messaging.
Wireless Standards Effort 60 A Data Handling Modality for Wireless PFN Machine
PFN/TRAC units will provide a less expensive, more Messaging
comprehensive, secure and stable mobile platform for the The protocol stack implemented could be based on the
development of wireless routing and interfacing with DOCSIS standards developed by the Cable Labs consor-
equipment, via the portable WLAN network created. The tium. The principal function of the wireless portions of the
system is to start Internet data packet routing at the earliest 65 TRAC unit is to transmit Internet Protocol (IP) packets
point data is generated and apply this technology universally transparently between TRAC controller/routers and the
across the wireless spectrum. The system will always remain FACT security control matrix via direct dial ups or through
US 6,965,816 B2
81 82
local intranets. Ideally, certain management functions could PGP and DES; as well as operate independently prepro-
also ride on IP to include spectrum management functions grammed and robotics functions; they can operate electronic
(for identification, addressing, accounting) and software payment industry programs and ID programs; and drive
downloading. Both ends of any wireless link are to be IP Card swipes; Explosive Detection Equipment, and all sorts
hosts on the network matrix, and they fully support standard s of transducers, sensor arrays; PFN/TRAC router functions-
IP and Logical Link Control (LLC) protocols, as defined by Network data flow to the remote management system and
the EEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee standards provide local robust broad spectrum data and communica-
wherever appropriate (for wireless telephony). The commer- tions routing
cial servers generally support the IP and Address Resolution Elements of a Total Management and Security Network
Protocol (ARP) protocols over DIX and SNAP link layer 10 Solution for Transportation
framing. Premises networks
The primary function of the wireless system is to forward (PFN Portable Network) e.g. Airports, Ports, Rail
packets. As such, data forwarding through the commercial Terminals, Installations, Borders
servers is done with transparent bridging or network layer Access networks
forwarding such as routing and IP switching. Data forward- 15
E.g. Primary Intranet FACT/FAA/TSA Terminal Com-
ing through the PFN/TRAC system could be accomplished mand Center and National Air Travel
with link layer transparent bridging based on IP. Forwarding
could be similar to [ISO!IEC10038] as per any applicable Core networks DOT/FACT/TSANational Mass Data han-
DOCSIS specifications. Both ends should then support any dling and storage matrix of intranets for air, land, sea,
spanning-tree protocols to include capability to filter 802.1 20
boarder customs, and national security agencies home-
d bridge PDUs (BPDUs) with out loops in specific intranets land security
and support for Internet Group Management Protocol Network management PFN/TRAC System and FACT
(IGMP) multicasting. FACT and special encryption appli- program
cations would be above the network layer, This transparent Billing/OSS PFN/TRAC system, electronic payment
IP capability will be bearer for higher-layer services. Addi- 25 industry, etc
tional translation programming between protocols should A fully comprehensive wireless solution must also include
run at these higher levels. Use of these services will be the issues of deployment, maintenance, legacy, migration,
transparent at the unit level unless the unit is running these and value propositions. The scope of what comprises a fully
higher applications by authorization and identification (e.g. comprehensive solution is addressed in this filing and the
DES or special TSA set as PFN/TRAC DET terminals), In 30 related filings.
addition to the transport of user data, several network FIG. 18 In FIG. 18 the FACT Security Program is to have
management and operation capabilities are supported at both layers of redundant reporting from multiple pathways that
ends of any intended messaging. are time and geographic synchronized as well as, identifiable
The Primary Focal Node access wireless architecture as a in nature, origin and communication path through out a
router allows it to serve as a hub or mini relay station serving 35 homeland defense/security matrix. The very top bock is only
other nodes (PFN/TRAC units in a WLAN or portable exemplary of the security agencies network via IP at this
network. In the above described application It is a point-to- level. The list is long to include NSC,NSA, Secret Service,
multipoint architecture in the sense that the entire bandwidth CIA and the special security responsible components of the
on the upstream and downstream is shared among all the three branches of Government Executive, Legislative and
responsive PFN/TRAC units. The protocol stack imple- 40 Judicial. (possibly a new judicial function into the proce-
mented to make all this work is based on the DOCSIS dures and protocols for an interactive accountable use of the
standards developed by the Cable Labs consortium. This one FACT security program). At This highest-level procedures,
proposed modality of routing via the PFN/TRAC controller/ will need to be determined and agreed upon to maintain the
router to construct the flexible web. balance of powers and protect the public's interest.
PFN/TRAC Unit Characteristics in FACT TSAAir Travel 45 Accountability
Network Personal and agency identifiers with traceable data telem-
They have local event memory storage in protected con- etry for system access, use and commands will be reported
tainments; report to mass data management and storage and recorded through out the entire system to include this the
centers at the airport; they can have wireless and wired highest national security FACT Command level. The access
connections; and multiple communication technologies and so to this data will be denied and transparent-system wide
protocols; and have automated radio frequency scanning and when classified Secret, Top secret and/or to include any of
translation between different wireless protocols. In addition, the appropriate terms used for classified data. Application
PFN's have back up power supplies; they provide the means viewing and access to data can be controlled via personal ID
to add electrical functions to legacy equipment; interface clearance and Data Encrypted PFN/TRAC interface Termi-
separate equipment and existing security systems into one ss nal protocol (to be determined and approved by each secu-
management system; and respond locally and to repeat rity agency for agency specific data as a data handling
messages and signals to and from each other as well as to the software directive and added to the data packets).
remote portions of the system; they provide their physical Seam
location (GPS or recoded fixed address) with the data they This message program is to provide guarded mobile and
report; and can drive audio and video equipment and other 60 flexible access to the highest level of security from almost
data recovery devices; they can operate automated robust anywhere. This program messages will be termed SEAM
actuators and equipment controls; they perform real-time messages for Security Emergency Action message. They of
remote control with accountability; they perform their own course will be transparent in the system and use compatible
integrity checks and of assets interfaced and inventory with wireless transfer and translations to maintain accurate and
them; they can perform self maintenance checks and diag- 65 complete content delivery when messages are passed
nostics; and affect repairs automatically and remotely; they through different wireless protocols. No transcribing
can detect tampering; can operate encrypted programming through the universal TEAM language libraries, here.
US 6,965,816 B2
83 84
However, there will always be real-time total access to the FACT event alerts do to Preprogramming in the individual
universal communication program if security command PFNs. They are also receiving data from FACT TSA Secu-
agencies require this to complete operations. rity command. Specific scenarios and responses have to be
Generally, the plan is for a central homeland security projected an determined in an on going process to develop
command, but this could be modular and/or transferable to 5 the most optimum and consistent results and use of the
different locations as well as the master control staff changed PFN/TRAC system and FACT Security program.
E.g. Enchelon, NORAD combined with TSA AOC and FIG. 19 This figure shows the basic wireless communi-
Emergency response Center or dispersed. Procedures and cations being considered for the first responders to have
protocols need to be determined and these protocols need to access via local lE, lSV, lPs and the TRACker units
remain top secret as well as be altered with all the necessary
10 through responsive connections with their lp lPs personal
encryption algorithms for coded commands from time to
communication interface belts or other personal PFN con-
time and done with integrity checks before activation of any
changes. (integrity check protocols will need to be deter- figurations; supported by the PFNTRAC/router architecture.
mined as well). The wireless interfaced will be available for FACT Security
TRAC/FACT is all about accountability to be trusted and functions. Incoming data to a FACT event area will be
respected by the public. National Security has to act respon- 15 supported by every working PFN/TRAC unit and have that
sible to that ideology and way of life, both, professionally data and information delivered on interfaced displays, and
and respectfully as a member of that public. With that said audio systems for the best possible human to machine
the individuals performing these tasks deserve the highest interface and control. Additionally to these wireless services
respect and appreciation in their efforts to protect the public/ would be various DSRC communication and would include
the nation. 20 in some cases infrared and laser communications for local
Freedom of Information or FOIA is a special attention LOS or line of sight machine access and control functions.
issue for the release of any data that could be used to place These applications are detailed in earlier terrestrial PFN/
judgment on the individuals serving the nation and the TRAC applications for local law enforcement tools as part
public at all levels of the FACT program. Improprieties (e.g. of the Federal Access and Control Technology.
negligence, deliberate intrusion of privacy with out cause or 25 Example Application
for personal reason will be intolerable and criminal, but risk lE PFN equipment controllers coupled with building
management studies must be conducted to determine the security systems, can make above wireless links responsive
liability/insurance issues and indemnity policy for personal with public address systems as well as mass phone and
performance for these inherent tough decisions. Additionally computer messaging system to warn civilians of impending
rational limits for damages have to be determined and 30 danger. All initiated from an early warning triggered by a
standardized for real-life accidents and unforeseen equip- flagged flight trajectory processed in an ATM/AOC system
ment failures. from a TRACker unit) Other security markers would be used
The second block termed "Customs" layer is an example as well in a FACT program (pilot/passenger panic signal and
of all the individual government agencies law enforcement video surveillance surface monitored) to determine a flight
and security departments interface Layer. The flow is inter- 35 threat and coordinate surface response from FACT/TSA
active and multidirectional throughout all the layers and all command system processing of GPS/geographic prepro-
the directions through all that is interface. However, there grammed high probability target profiling that updates
are responsibilities, procedures and protocols to be deter- homeland security colors in all HMI Display units and
mined for this interaction. communication mediums for general response and specific
The four big blocks below the second layer are the basis 40 area responses. Then local tactical command gives minute
of the TSA matrix to monitor movement and mange that by minute optimal instructions to manage emergency evacu-
movement. These intranets for the FACT Security matrix are ation procedures to the weakest link-the properly trained
only indicative of all the intranets public and private that will citizen.Qust kidding)-humanity responds remarkably well
someday be interfaced. Transportation applications have under pressure-when properly trained to use a
been chosen because the management of movement is basic 45 technology-this training is quintessential) A total response
to security to push back our borders and internally continue could include operating People Transport devices (elevators
to enforce our border policies. This is a flexible and doable and access ways) as well as fire prevention, smoke and
architecture for Homeland Security. The concept being good ventilation controls remotely and optimally to save lives.
efficient traffic management in all transportation platforms Additionally, People would be specifically trained to per-
and their choke points frees up movement (helps the 50 form virtual fire fighting from special command support
economy and provides the infrastructure to support seamless centers locally (safe position) and from remote locations.
security throughout the nation. Support and assistance through building robotics and build-
All agencies/department intranets responsive in the FACT ing occupants that were educated in Civil Defense proce-
security matrix will support a FACT registry operation dures and protocols could help immeasurably.
applicable to the to their appropriate regulatory duties. The 55 Personal PFN units with their GPS coordinates calibrated
four intranets shown in FIG. 18 are displayed here for on command center map displays as mobile assets, coupled
illustration purpose not to be considered a final inclusive with public safety radio and commercial TV coverage deliv-
design. DOT alone with FAA, NTSB AOC, etc would be just ered directly to the first responder and all area wide PFNs
some of the agencies for the AIR FACT intranet displayed will also aid immensely to coordinate the rescue effort.
in FIG. 18. All these separate agencies or responding sub set 60 Hopefully, coordinated communications in all remote com-
intranets would have message capacity to the other agencies mand centers with all the individuals responding locally can
in the other blocks. Additionally, these areas are also chosen limit the loss of life experienced by NY firefighters respond-
for their basic commercial and industrial design to be the ing to the WTC-No.l Tower.
basis of support for the hardware interface platforms (PFN/ With coordinated well informed communications and the
TRAC router unit) at the component level. 65 lessons of 911 learned, we can help protect the brave men
The local first responder bar or bottom block is part of this and women that perform so special of a public safety service
local WLAN or portable network that is receiving automated for our homeland safety and security. (Action plans that
US 6,965,816 B2
85 86
corTelate with HS color codes in response to data received intranets by IP and all intranets would up load this data to
and processed can alert everyone to work together and well their PFN assets so when a scanning PFN identified the lost
planned procedures and protocols with every citizen work- signal it would report the interrogating PFN GPS if the
ing with the first responders and coordinated equipment will signal did not provide tracking e.g. an RFID interface not
give more of us and hopefully all of us the edge we need in 5 another short range PFN.
any FACT event. Forth is locating program for non-GPS units. The scan
FIG. 20 The drawing 20 illustrates a multiple receiving process would have an algorithm that recognized time
scan process. As stated in earlier figures a multiple of reception of the same signal and strength and be able to
wireless protocols are interfaced to the TRAC processor in apply it's known position history (fixed address or GPS
a number of ways depending on the nature of the hardware 10 coordinate) with other PFNs in the WLAN and determine
and development of the technology. Basically this scan position of the non GPS asset.( automate triangulation algo-
process is the first stage of the PFN receiving wireless rithm running in the scanner program and driven by the
communications. The PFN!fRAC unit is configured with wireless receptions and frequencies counted.
the appropriate antenna to accommodate all the wireless Fifth Scanning Routing Function with FCC FACT for
interfaced and in some cases a broad-spectrum antenna for 15 System Integrity and Proper Use of the Airwaves
counting frequencies. A scan program either running in the The Federal access and control technology-specifically
transceiver circuit section (e.g. chipsets or TRAC processor FACT/FCC will need to approve this PFN/TRAC scan
section interfaced or integrated recognizes messages in a function and employ it. All PFNs or TRACker routers could
frequency band of one of the wireless interfaced in the be configured to scan for all sorts of electromagnetic fre-
PFN!TRAC unit. If the signal has a particular address not 20 quencies and EM wave propagations/transmissions or ran-
relevant to the unit ESN or ID it scans past to the next dom oscillations as a precursor and maintenance procedure
activity. to safely perform wireless access and control of communi-
One function of the scan process is for the unit to do cations and machinery to protect the public's safety and
environmental EMF and EMW surveying for security con- national security. With terrorist looking for ways to harm the
trol and management of remote control functions and to do 25 united state we have to safe and protect our remote controls
environmental research on areas to maximize and/organize and airwaves. The PFN!fRAC system is all about protection
transmissions and reception and to address health and safety and detection and this scanner function is but one electronic
issues regarding electromagnetic fields, presence intensity policemen on the job looking for unwanted and unautho-
and any PFN correlated sensed facts as to their effects. This rized transmissions.
data is to be maintained in a buffer and memory storage or 30 By design this is to be part of the FCCFACT regulatory
the TRAC PFN processor or extended memory receptacle. process and their registry program for the communication
Another function of the scan process involves a TEAM commission to review data generated by their FACT pro-
messages which could be received on one or more wireless gram when making licensing decisions or enforcing it's
technologies actively interfaced and with simultaneous sig- regulations. PFNs could deliver clear evidence of over
nal reception one is stored in a buffer for near-real-time 35 saturated areas with high noise and help the FCC delineate
review while the best signal is processed immediately. how best to license the airwaves and protect and mange this
Universal Communicator Program public asset.
This master routing/translation software package running Additional Scanning Program
in the TRAC processor but augmented by with TEAM The Technology plans to explore the use of the deep space
programming in the wireless software interfaced in any 40 radio telescope signal search program to discover intelligent
particular PFN/TRAC unit processes same content message life in space. The average public was asked to help provide
data between disparate wireless protocols via a universal processing power (PC Based software) to run the software
library of specific emergency messages and then routes or algorithms. For the PFN/TRAC system this would be reduce
repeat them to another wireless interfaced to complete the or customized with known transmissions filtered out in some
translation process in and through out the PFN system. 45 cases and only looking for unauthorized or never detected
These same universal messages are to be translated into all occurrences (or special FACT event anomalies).
known human languages as well and available to the appro- FIG. 21 FIG. 21 This Figure illustrates a wireless tracking
priate persons along with public TEAM messages. This network locating a lost child. The same process would be
same program is to have a voice recognition algorithm to used at an airport to track human movement and interface
identify languages spoken and a universal audio and video 50 directly with the machines vehicles, equipment and aircraft
set of pictures to accompany these TEAM messages. in the PFN!fRAC management matrix and seamless secu-
And be Delivered by These Interfaced Accessories rity network. All types of 1P PFNs or 1ps Standalone (totally
A third function is the portable network. Part of the FACT self powered units) communicate with the 1 E equipment,
function is to inventory interfaced components and to main- 1SV surface vehicle PFNs 1a tracker units and 1A PFN/
tain a working inventory of associated materials. In this case 55 TRAC units. The personal PFNs can be belts like the ones
the PFNs are mini repeating stations to those agency intra- used later to detail types of wireless communications and
nets in FIG. 19 support FACT registries for every electronic they can be placed on or in people, equipment, machines,
component that can be interfaced with a car, plane, boat, materials, baggage, to for a portable network to track a
train, machine or piece of equipment. This is true for 1Ps desired mass of assets traveling or being transported
standalone PFNs as well. This is the basis for the traceable 60 together or a way to follow each and every piece of material
portable network a machine messaging matrix or web that is anywhere. These self powered 1 P PFNs are generally
flexible and mobile. For example a number of materials limited is size, amount of wireless options and their respon-
could be transported across the country and their prepro- sive distance, therefore the repeating and relaying of mes-
grammed imed communications would quarry each other to saging is a major function of the system.
see if they were in the same area and recognize when the wer 65 Small low powered transceivers transponders and tech-
not and report it back direct to the FACT control center for nologies like RFID tag, are able to function through the
that intranet. This data would be re transmitted to all the repeating function of the PFN/TRAC units in each vehicle
US 6,965,816 B2
87 88
and equipment platform where there is stable current to Description of Triangulation and Miniaturized Personal
energize functions and re-energize emergency batteries to PFNS
insure a consistent reliable and redundant network function The equipment units fixed positions are known or deter-
through mass mini repeating stations or routing nodes. Not mined from interfaced GPS receivers that apply location
only for tracking and telemetry of movement but to perform 5 data and the units electronic identifiers ESN or other indus-
bidirectional accountable remote control via the machines try standard for tracking in the unit via the appropriate FACT
that hosts these PFN units. intranet and registry. The identifiers accompany any retrans-
When the personal PFN/1RAC units attached to individu- mission as well as a strength of signal received coefficient
als communicates with equipment, machines, vehicles and for processing and display via the application specific pro-
other PFNs capable of repeating emergency messages gramming in a capture window (of txt, video, audio,
through translation or repeat communication protocols and graphics, and with any warning alerts on a calibrated campus
relay messages via more powerful equipment PFNs with map and/or terminal floor plan displays in the FACT'TSA
long range communications and stable energy sources their terminal center. With a number of 1 E, 1 SV and 1RACker
limited range is given far greater reach to deliver data. The PFNS providing (strength of signal coefficients) from their
flexible mobile web allows for endless tracking and account- known locations to be factored by a triangulation algorithm
able robust remote activity control if deemed necessary. 15 running in the FACT Security program, seamless inexpen-
For an example, personal units can be designed for sive tracking of the less powerful & simplistic transmitters
criminal applications (and indeed some similar devices can be accomplished. The software would adjust through the
could operate to increase their distance through FACT real time multiple receptions to the varying strength of the
network and PFN/TRAC repeat technology. Other applica- power source in the weaker short range personal PFNS and
tions include; child tracking, medical telemetry with auto- 20 the location is determined by strength and timing of the
mated medication and/or for the criminal or criminally signal vectoring to known PFN locations with a reception
insane being transported by air transportation. Even debili- history from these specific coordinates.
tating responses in an emergency can be sent if considered The actual received signal might be a combination of a
a viable solution (These are at best near real-time though-it primary signal and several same signal echoes recovered by
would be ideal to have real-time monitoring at least) These 25 a PFN. Because the distance traveled by the original signal
units could interface through aircraft, cars, trains, a bull is shorter than the bounced signal, the time differential
dozer, a printing press or any machine using PFN/TRAC causes two signals to be received. Fixed addressed PFNs or
Unit and FACT programming allowing for the tracking with hot GPS readings would archive and compare a number
through out a national matrix of responsive PFNs. Possibly
of signals received from these minimal current 1 P PFNs or
used with illegal immigrants that may have questionable
30 COTS RFID unit (twin antennas interfaced in the portable
intentions in their visit and/or the conditionally released to
provide more freedom of movement with an improved level network matrix of PFNs). These signals are overlapped and
of public safety. (Uses to be determined legally and combined into a single one. In real life, the time between the
practically) first received signal and the last echoed signal is called the
These devices can be configured to provide Biometrics delay spread, which could be as high as 4 fASeC (not RFID).
from the individual wearing them and with scanners and 35 The echoed signal is delayed in time and reduced in power.
sensors interfaced to these units (and other PFNs) these units Both are caused by the additional distance that the bounced
could recover the same kind of data from others if the need signal traveled over the primary signal. The greater the
be (e.g. applications like nurses, doctors, EMTs, stewards, distance, the longer the delay and the lower the power of the
pilots, police and even the mechanic or service personnel for echoed signal. You might think that the longer the delay, the
ID purposes via the Biometric data transfer. 1P personal 40 better off the reception would be. However, if the delay is
units would have value for flight crews to determine healthy too long, the reception of an echoed symbol S1 and the
authorized flight staff or the medically ill when transported primary symbol S2 can also interact. Because there may be
by air, or for tracking children traveling alone, pets and/or no direct path for the incident signal in non-line-of-sight
those with diminished mental capacities. The specific intra- (LOS) environments, the primary signal may be small in
net systems could always be in contact via the matrix of 45 comparison to other secondary signals. In analog systems
equipment and 1P PFN/1RAC units. such as television, this multi path situation can actually be
Additionally these personal units if only DSRC will seen by the human eye. Sometimes there is a ghost image on
translate and relay to Cellular in on board TRACker units your television, and no matter how much you adjust the set,
and/or 1A PFN/TRAC controller/routers to link personal the image does not go away. In these analog systems, this is
body telemetry (Heart and respiration) via fabric sensors 50 an annoyance. In digital systems, it usually corrupts the data
supported by belt, bracelet and/or band mounts or implanted stream and causes loss of data or lower performance. Cor-
in a personnel to feed critical data to surface security and/or rection algorithms (fuzzy logic etc) must be put in place to
medical experts providing real-time connectivity with the compensate for the multi-path, resulting in a lower available
most up dated information to act upon. These systems will data rate. With this algorithm written in to the translation and
support ID sensing systems so that Flight crew and airport 55 routing program running in receiving PFNs the mini data
authorities and legitimate work personnel can process any packet recovered from these minimal personal PFN units or
individuals ID information or data. Either digital Iris scan/ inject able PFN SOC units can be accurate and used to locate
face scan or magnetic swipe or canvas for data via smart the exact position of the 1 P PFN transmission in comparison
card or finger print or DNA technologies. The units provide to the receiving equipment PFN (bigger PFNs with GPS)
for sensor arrays to be powered and to process their data 60 This multi -path signal propagation has it's signal strengths
back to the TRACker Unit or any other PFN/TRAC unit 1E evaluated by the program running in each equipment PFFN
1A or another 1P PFN in the machine messaging matrix receiving the signals. Each equipment PFN sends its pro-
either aloft or terrestrially through the terminal matrix and cessed position evaluation to FACT central in the airport
elsewhere via long distance dialups to special NENA data terminal in this case for the FACT system computer to final
gateways via cellular interfaces for all specific intranets. 65 process all received signals from the equipment PFNs.
This creates multiple modalities of connectivity for redun- This tracking modality is piggy backed on the data
dancy. translation and error correcting software program and can be
US 6,965,816 B2
89 90
evolutionary in the important effort to miniaturize singular to society. All the PFN!fRAC system companies will push
purpose PFNs with no GPS to minimally powered tracking to set standards in vehicle controls and advance HMI to
and telemetry units. This will enhance tracking immeasur- reduce driver workload with the DRC or protected PFN/
ably in the PFN!fRAC portable network, resulting in simple TRAC local architecture.
application specific SOC telemetry or transponders that can 5 The lSV PFN for industry will interface legacy vehicle
be concealed in or on a mobile object or garment or even electronics in much of the material handling, mobile bag-
implanted via injection or with minor surgery into an indi- gage transport for the airport facility equipment and be the
vidual and report biometrics with location from all the PFNs most sophisticated electronics on these vehicles. The other
receiving and tracking monitoring and recovering and major difference is the types of wireless technologies inter-
reporting telemetry and location to the FACT Security 10 faced. However, early on in the development of the DRC
system or managing movement of material and people via PFN and the lP PFN they will have plug and play multi-pin
the PFNTRAC System. On application for these 1 P PFNs docking to accept different wireless by installing chipset
is for mission critical flight personnel-to insure a healthy with the appropriate protocols in an accommodating trans-
authorized pilots are interfacing with the aircraft controls ceiver board (universal with an automated scan function).
monitored by ground and air security via the Isolated 15 The ASIC in all the application figures sustains the archi-
TRACker unit on board picking up the lP units signal tecture desired for routing SEAM, TEAM and EAM mes-
another 02.2 grant application). saging in all local PFNTRAC routers.
FIG. 22 This diagram shows two basic variations to The progressive integration of all the automotive telemat-
terrestrial PFNs. The lSV PFN!fRAC controller/router ics intranets begin with an IP systems connection to the
shown here for the air travel industry and the DRC PFN/ 20 larger Rail and highway TRAC/FACT(fSA registry which
TRAC unit for the automotive industry development. The intern delivers data to the highest security command layer
lSV PFN and DRC unit in the illustration is universally (center(s) in FIG. 18. DOD and DOT will be the lead
discussed for future versions of both and to better explain the agencies in development and implementation of this critical
progression and entire set of innovations applied in this national infrastructure. And they need to be funded well and
figure. As sections are discussed the progressive develop- 25 staffed with some real doers.
ment to this protected robust robotics and remote controller/ DOD/DARPA and the national security and law enforce-
router for all land vehicles will unfold. For regular automo- ment agencies will be responsible for developing the hard-
tive applications the PFN has been termed the DRC meaning ware standards and software procedures and protocols and
Driver Resource Center. DRC PFNs in cars and trucks have the writing of the operating FACT program to identify
a little different commercial progression than the industrial 30 agency/user access and for the FACT registries.
lSV PFNs (like for an airport intranet or local matrix). They DOT will be responsible for structuring the transportation
also may have different wireless technologies interfaced. FACT registries via all their departments and sub agencies
The first discussion will be about the regular automotive, like National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration
DRC PFNs first generation DRC 1. And specifically how the NHTSA and the FMC Federal Motor Carriers just to men-
regular car is going to be first interfaced into the federal 35 tion a few. It is important to mention that DOT monitors
access and control technology TSA FACT command center transportation and writes regulations specific to vehicle
at the airport. platforms. This is how the agencies and divisions are struc-
Before the 911 incident telematics in vehicles was begin- tured. These vehicle frames have different electrical/
ning to be developed through programs like GMs Onstar, electronics E/E system and bus architecture. They require
Chrysler Daimler's TeleAid and Ford's "Wingcast" program 40 different monitoring and reporting as well as law and regu-
with sprint wireless for private cars. Additionally, for a lation enforcement, so the different intranets that track theirs
number of years GPS truck tracking has been developing as assets geographically already will have their sensing and
private intranets interfacing cellular telephony and GPS in telemetry increased for TSA and homeland security imme-
some cased and other wireless location reporting technolo- diately. These intranets would also have IP connections to
gies like Lojack. And some of these networks (Intranets) are 45 the specific agencies monitoring portions of their commer-
run by major freight companies and delivery companies like cial activities e.g. EPNColorado watching for Blue smoke
Highway Masters, UPS, FEDEX, etc. The first generation from diesel trucks could receive data from the DRC PFN via
DRC PFN would interface these existing systems (PFN their interfaced vehicle sensors in the exhaust stack and this data
wireless units) and interface their wireless protocols to would then intern be routed to ICC the state police/EPN
immediately provide the network fabric and platform for the 50 hazmat officials locally where the truck was operating. This
TSA FACT command centers; at the airports, terminals, and passive reporting through the registries will be ongoing
ports, along boarders, tollbooths weigh stations and inspec- and near real-time unless a FACT event flag occurs. Then the
tion stations. This would be a direct access connection system can respond another way in emergencies-via direct
through these vehicles wireless technologies when these dial in or dial out with FACT(fSA command centers.
vehicles were in a certain range of let say an airport facility. 55 PFN/DRC units responsiveness is different during a FACT
Additionally there would be certain FACT software that event where explosives are sensed on a vehicle on an
would be downloaded to these units. (Pre-programmed or interstate that is not suppose to be carrying them.
real-time updates) In time hardware sensing in these FACT implementation and commercial development will
vehicles would be increased (EDS, etc) and the diverse types request the wireless intranets to be discussed to station one
of equipment and dispersed system architecture would 60 of their control hubs at each of the 429 airports across the
evolve into a more universal protected DR C. A primary focal nation and link them to TSNFACT command center servers.
node with a TRAC processor to support all the interfacing Or arrange for their technology to be interfaced and inte-
necessary with flexibility to be commercially viable and grated into the FACT/wireless gateway router at airports.
applicable at all times. During this progressive process the PFN!TRAC TSA FACT wireless router (WR) is illustrated
vehicle controls will become more automated with collision 65 in the bottom left corner of drawing 22. TSA/FACT with the
avoidance and driver assist systems and require accountable (WR) is to be a giant protected Primary Foal Node mass data
machine messaging and remote commands to be acceptable handling, routing and storage center for critical FACT data
US 6,965,816 B2
91 92
at the airport. A physically protected facility (Capacity and option. There are more and more collision avoidance tech-
protocols interfaced to be determined) This air terminal TSA nologies being developed and these are to be systems under
FACT hub/router transceiver unit (WR) would be vaulted control SUC to the DRC PFN. Additionally driver perfor-
and protected with a versatile docking structure to interface mance can be transferred by smart cards or data transfer
the above intranets wireless and the above telematics wire- 5 devices so that each PFN recognizes upon energizing a host
less protocols. As a base or center to link these present vehicle for authorized use (like a personal key). The new
systems directly to FACT security at the terminal to provide vehicle would be given performance parameters for the
immediate local responsiveness via the local PFN units. known driver and the driver assist programs would be there
The top third of the page is the TSNFACT airport to assist all the way up to full robotics driving in real time
terminal command center communicating with all mobile 10 for those situations that required it. Providing more freedom
objects via the various PFN/TRAC wireless interface router for the physical and mentally challenged.
functions. All the PFNs on all the above transportation Initially, PFN/TRAC programming for this function can
platforms are receiving GPS data from the above array of be initiated from the GPS commercial off the shelf products
geo-synchronized orbit satellites illustrated by the satellite in that can follow a vehicles movement now and provide vocal
the upper right corner. Additionally each PFN/TRAC circuit 15 instructions to a driver for the next change in direction. Or
clock is updated and synchronized via software (firmware) the software algorithm can be written from any number of
in the TRAC ASIC directing the use of this data received intelligent positioning technologies and their software pro-
form the GPS/NEMA data packets (or another stable wire- grams. These technologies have developer kits and PC
less time providing technology) to locally plot movement software kits to write code from to develop assist verbal
harmony for any portion of the mobile matrix of 1SV and 20 warning and base RPV programming and algorithms as
DRC PFNs. desired for these applications. The goal is total vehicle
The Figure robotics via first incorporating driver assist systems and not
No. 1 the car in the right is communicating with the little to stop human driving but to continue freedom of safe
car to the left via DSRC and specific vehicle identifiers (ESN movement for more people-people age-However, "we all
PFN DRC, etc). However, all the vehicles and people having 25 know we are perfect drivers". The level of driver assist and
PFNs are passing through a sea of communications all the robotics will be real-time variable-just for those times we
time. It is the recognition and use capacity to retrieve this just might not be perfect. Another reason is cellular phones
critical information and precipitate it's use into appropriate and driver distraction. Other existing commercial off the
movement that is unique and creates the PFN/TRAC traffic shelf technologies need a safe cross environmental interface
management system and base construct program for a TSA 30 to manage their use and the vehicle while in transit-the DRC
FACT robust security matrix. PFN is a total management system for this purpose and the
In the figure the two cars, the bus left of the terminal and progression to full vehicle robotics through assist driving
the women riding the bicycle are all part of an instantaneous technologies will increase public safety and national security
interactive portable network that performs a mixture of via insuring authorized healthy and real-time capable opera-
robotics and remote control (RC). Positioning software is 35 tors and operation of vehicles equipment, machines and
running in each PFN unit monitoring and demarking certain aircraft.
distances from other objects relative to all objects velocity Other collision avoidance data on the newer cars (e.g.
(speed and direction or signals from a stationary object proximity detectors, forward radar, and infrared night vision
via-a fixed 1E PFN beacon or beacon signal program would have their data streams processed to interface into the
running in an unattended parked vehicles DRC PFN or 1SV 40 movement management software, which will be the base
PFN). program for automated guidance of a vehicle via direct
All of the above vehicles are in communication with each connection to crucial actuators or via vehicle bus system
other and the TSA FACT local command center at the interfacing as detailed in the center section of this figure and
airport. This allows the left car's DRC to be aware of the throughout all the PFN/TRAC System filings since 1996.
cyclist No.3 and the driver is warned of the bikers location 45 If the PFN or DRC has a specific preprogrammed travel
(via IP PFN or RFID tag etc). Secondly the car would not be plan the portable network will better be able to plot and
able to turn towards the curb to park as a result of this remote direct movement both at the local PFN level and systemi-
telemetry and robotics. If any of the drivers were not paying cally from this exemplary TSA/FACT Command center at
attention and there was going to collision their car would the nation's 429 airports. DSRC frequencies have been
automatically adjust in micro seconds and warn the driver by 50 granted to the DOT by the FCC---(5.7 GHZ). Presently,
audio message or stop the car if the algorithm in the standards efforts for the use of this broadband frequency or
movement program was satisfied via rear sensors (radar) other suitable bandwidth (FCC approved and dedicated)
there was no vehicle detected closing distance from the rear. have to get underway immediately with FANAOC/TSAand
The satisfied safe condition algorithm is that at all times no the automotive electronic and avionics wireless device
two known objects can be projected by velocity to occupy 55 manufacturers for cross-environmental application
the same geo-space and time coordinates. If this state is standards, procedures and protocols. Their focus is to
factored-parameters in the software are to warn the opera- develop an agreed upon messaging and directives protocol
tor and eliminate the condition without colliding with any for optimum movement on and near the earth's surface. A
other known asset identified in the local environment. three dimensional road map and operator manual/operations
Additionally, as an advanced HMI assist system, an 60 program for terrestrial vehicle platforms on the roads and in
operational evaluation program is always running in the and out of air ports (intermodal communications and rec-
DRC to sense over steering, slow braking, slow acceleration ognition protocols to be tied into aircraft traversing the
slow reflexes, etc. and archive a personal driving history of tarmac with service vehicles-both vehicle 1SV PFN pos-
the identified authorized driver's necessary skill to operate sibly DRC loal police cruiser and aircraft TRACker unit
the vehicle proficiently. Using this assessment program the 65 need to have the proper wireless chipsets to be cross tied into
DRC automated collision avoidance programming is to their collision avoidance systems and TSAFACT's seamless
override operator control and effect the collision avoidance security for contact or near contact with any aircraft).
US 6,965,816 B2
93 94
Automated movement algorithms must process the move- In the center of the drawing a sample of the Systems
ment data universally, but specific to individual vehicle, Under Control SUC in the vehicle are illustrated to perform
time, place and surroundings in PFN/RPV programming to wireless routing, Robotics RC and RPV for the vehicle. As
remote piloted vehicles with robotics. (RPV is the major stated earlier this can be accomplished via direct connection
embodiment of the local TRAC processor, preprogrammed 5 to the DRC or via interfacing with the CAN Bus. These
robotics for reliability and responsiveness is another portion various modalities are well documented in earlier filings and
so software has to be written for this condition as well. therefore basically listed in this figure. To instruct those in
Robotics algorithms will determine the safest commands to the arts what accessories must be connected or constructed
respond, to, to include; local human, RC commands or to effect RC and robotics activity as a result of the program-
auto-determined movement alternatives. (procedures and 10 ming functions detailed for each application and to include
protocols to be determined for these preprogram situations). the progressive teachings to complete the integration for the
The satellite above also symbolizes that low earth orbit or local PFN and the PFN/TRAC system.
LEO satellites used in the PFN!fRAC system for wireless In the figure left and center on the E/E CAN Bus are the
communications and include Air Traffic Management ATM vehicle displays and alerts. They would be PFN constructed
and wireless telephony as other possible near earth commu- 15 or if OEM in place, they would be used to deliver messages,
nications interfaced in local PFNs and to link the intranets. TEAM, SEAM and/or emergency action messages for the
The vehicle platforms and airframe above the airport's general public-public service messages termed EAM
TSAFACT command center are mostly all ISV PFN specific messages).
to the airport intranet with all the appropriate wireless Data provided to the instrument panel critical to vehicle
interfaced through the PFN for TEAM messaging. Many of 20 operations would also be basic 1!0 interfaced via the vehicle
these units could be capable of SEAM messaging (to be CPU or retrieved from the bus redundantly. Driver controls
determined). would be PFN automated and/or interfaced with newer drive
Used as an example of cross environmental telemetry, the by wire technologies or connected by traditional can bus
airport police cruiser in the upper left is a good example of interfacing. Ultimately every E/E connection critical to
a vehicle applications that could and should carry a full 25 vehicle operation and/or designated or regulated by govern-
complement of wireless protocols to both function outside ment as a TSA FACT Security concern must be priority
the airport in any TSAJFACT Interactive Highway applica- routed and protected consistent with PFN/TRAC System
tion of the PFN!fRAC system and also with the TSAJFACT/ technology. If these specifications are deemed necessary an
FAA!AOC Intranet as part of seamless security. This has a result in any standards or regulation or are improved on by
dual function as well as a dual purpose. First seamless 30 any government agency or standards effort they are still
reporting is accomplished to follow a FACT event and considered to be within the nature, scope and purpose of the
second to have accountable remote management and control invention if to provide reliable accountable remote control
capability with intranet demarcation and cross- and FACT security for TSA and the Department of Home-
environmental integration. Example of purpose, a local land Security.
police pursuit that has entered the airport facility should 35 Public Safety in Driving
have immediate FACT programming responsiveness in each Items 4 and 5 in the center show wireless carryon devices
PFN with command center integration so a real time autho- into a car. These devices are a great asset to the traveler but
rized officer recognized via his lP PFN-ESN, etc. confirm- they also cause driver distraction. In earlier filings the
ing his or her personal ID then can use his/her command interfacing of these carryon units is well discussed techni-
interfaced pad or voice to activate automated gates, baggage 40 cally and also for their cross environmental impact and
handling equipment and vehicles and/or stop their unautho- causing driver distraction. For this reason they have been
rized use providing seamless security. (Procedures and pro- interfaced through the DRC PFN to have there use and
tocols to be determined) This accountable machine- vehicle operation optimized while maintaining the safest
messaging network creates a security matrix of redundant vehicle movement. The DRC can be a real-time assistant or
human and automated monitoring with real-time account- 45 auto/Co-pilot to the operator, either distracted, over taxed,
able remote control to manage safe secure and efficient tired, ill, intoxicated, or bored with driving and desiring to
movement at airports and can build public confidence in air do something else while traveling. The actuators would be
travel. attached to the activity controls listed left of number 6.
Initial Commercial Cooperation Needed Number 7 is the DRC PFN and contains the plug and play
FACT control will have a real-time placement on cali- 50 wireless interfaces to sere as a router in a specific intranet as
brated mapping displays of all moving assets on the airport well as retrieve dedicated short-range communications.
campus (monitoring procedures and response protocols to be A specific universal DSRC frequency and protocol should
determined). This will be a unique security advantage and be determined for a universal chipset connectivity through
main reason for requesting commercial cooperation in con- all PFN s and across all wireless devices to create the
structing a multiple access local wireless routing hub of all 55 portable flexible integration network of messaging
known wireless protocols at each airport. And for combining described. It must be broadband and all PFNs have to
it with the PFN!fRAC automated frequency counting scan receive it. It must be standardized or each PFN must carry
program to identify unwanted and unauthorized transmis- all the various DSRC transceiver/protocols with specific
sions in the airport vicinity. This is how TSA can be really device identifiers (ESN) and special routing instructions for
responsive via a FACT sensory and command control center 60 the receiving PFN.
at each of the 429 national commercial airport terminals. A To the center right shows all the vehicle sensing audio and
security system that is based on good efficient management video to include any infrared, laser, heat imaging data,
of vehicle movement. One, that can identify exact location distance sensors, sound, locating systems, Lojack, GPS,
time and space and directly issue remote commands for Lorenz etc. lane highway detector, DSRC beacons edge
reliable accountable interdiction by using interfaced auto- 65 sensors optical lane sensors that are; light, reflective,
mated equipment, that is locally coordinated with human magnetic, optical to video signal recovery with software
security at the air port. algorithm to follow, lines, oil discolorization or vehicle
US 6,965,816 B2
95 96
discharge during regular use on the highway. The commu- With this in mind the PFNS will run electronic payment
nications are 5.7, DOT DSRC, or they could be any DSRC industry software protocols and be physically protected and
determined necessary and having a large enough data pipe. electronically secure to be better trusted for these activities.
The earlier mentioned FACT ball or lPs stand alone data The PFN can also have the capacity to read credit cards/
orbs that supply critical highway environmental data and 5 smart cards as stated in the figure.
conditions either preprogrammed or real-time sensed to the At the airport rental cars and real time purchase of
PFN DRC, and/or COTS RFID technology used in a reverse accessories and services for those vehicles are made easy to
application-Specifically the TAGS passive and active would effect via the PFN (cellular phone service wireless IP
be imbedded into the road and placed along the road system connection for laptop computers, sending video back to
as data suppositories and deliver critical data instructions 10 home computers, receiving real time directions, best routes,
from firmware on the driving environment to the receiver activate robotics driving, etc). Card swipes in cabs receiving
antenna portion or reader of the RFID technology connected fairs rather than cash are a safer economic tool than the
to the vehicles DRC PFN. dollar bill. It makes the accounting and management of
This application of RFID technology or other such appli- assets and use of those assets respect to revenue returns
cations or technologies used and interfaced to create a 15 easier to track for the cab companies (or for all fleets). Also
portable sensing network and a data atmosphere for RC and cabs, limos, airport shuttles, light rail subways, buses, deliv-
robot Other DSRC are Blue Tooth and 802.11 DSRC to ery companies and any services entering the airport facility
deliver data, etc). have to have all their wireless intranets supported locally to
This sea of detectable data is delivered to all the PRI- the FAA/FACT command center Transceiver router. TSA
MARY FOCAL NODES PFNs for processing by TRAC, the 20 FACT command control is immediately contacted by all
TRUSTED REMOTE ACTIVITY CONTROLLER/ arriving and departing vehicles with wireless as well as, all
communication router. A PFN or PFN DRC is a machine wireless devices carried by persons via DSRC to stationary
brain-A I. artificial intelligence for mindful machinery to perimeter PFNS (either stand alone or with solar or other
perform trusted RC and robotics. power sources to include any of the application specific
As these protected and secure PFNS pass through an 25 PFNS.
atmosphere or ether of environmental information they can At the bottom left is the airport TSNFACT airport
sense and process the environment, and equipment move- command center and directly above it the wireless router
ment much like a person does when walking or driving. In WR that has the correct antennae tower and satellite recep-
time these mindful machines linked locally in a machine tion capacity to feed the TSA FACT router with all known
messaging matrix (PFN/TRAC System) will operate 30 wireless protocols interfaced. This tower receives data from
vehicles more accurately and move people and materials every know wireless transmitting and the router processes
more safely with better coordination. data to the address recognized in the data packets via special
OED Sensors I,II,III, 11850, 11939, ISO all the automo- routing protocols (COTS) or by signal recognition or iden-
tive CAN bus networks to include the latest DSRC ether tifier modulated in an analog propagation. The router is a
nets, single wire digital transmissions, fiber optics vehicle or 35 serviceable link or wireless gateway to land, lines and fiber
equipment E/E systems are all to be systems interfaced and optics to also provide rapid message delivery to all the
under control by the local PFN or DRC PFN. This is desired FACT/TSA related operations and national com-
necessary to perform TRUSTED RC, RPV and robotics, mand center and NORAD Homeland security (as
socially, commercially and governmentally with large-scale appropriate-e.g. TEAM and SEAM messages). Also
integration and accountability. 40 shown connected via the PFN/TRAC System are other
Through out the PFN filings all type of ID technologies intranets via IP connections land line and satellite. These
can be interfaced with the TRAC processors, iris scans, face other intranets may be provided data in real or near real-time
scans (video), finger scan, voice recognition ID programs, as TRAC system reporting e.g. (accounting operations will
Smart card or chip technologies, biometrics from lP per- be processed second to SEAM and TEAM messaging at the
sonal PFNs via DSRC, or the earlier RFID tags worn or 45 routing level. Some broad band and broad spectrum routing
implanted as with the PFN SOC ID and biometrics implants, is done today and protocols are becoming more universal
or non invasive DNA acquisition transducers processing and standard for wireless and cable transmissions, They still
sample cells recovered and converted into a digital signal or are not interrelated will enough to form one flexible roaming
(DAC or ADC as necessary in the sensor or the PFN), and web for all the wireless, this is what is a unique function of
the identification technology list could go on and on with 50 the PFN/TRAC system. Many are still to proprietary and
new ID technologies developed and interfaced with the application specific.
PFN/TRAC units and system for the FACT Security. CISCO systems/Motorola and Simens are some of the
Number 9 card swipes in cars and on lSV PFNs or DRCs. existing corporations that will be contacted to collaborate
Obviously as stated earlier this can be used to recover and construct the PFN/TRAC TSNFACT Command center
identity information. But it is also part of creating a new 55 wireless router through COTS interfacing and TRAC archi-
economic tool for the nation and world to develop manage- tecture with their products and others COTS routing prod-
ment and controls over the dispersed and hard to track ucts. All wireless must be known to operate legally at the
energy use by equipment using alternative power sources. airport and the automated frequency scanning program
The PFN provides a stable data recovery mechanism for running in local PFNS create a sensing fabric to eliminate
appropriate taxing for the impact of this equipment on the 60 authorized transmissions and triangulate on unauthorized
environment and societies infrastructures to include smooth propagations for analysis and investigations.
interfacing with our oil based economy now. It also allows A Responsible Modality to Achieve the Invention in
for flexible transition between the different energy sources to Every Application (La Technique)
maintain a stable economy and hopefully to help some with The progression always starts with existing COTS and
world politics (a human responsibility we all share) by 65 then continues to develop the PFN/TRAC unit and system to
providing a good socio-economic mechanism for stable support FACT security for better public safety, national
cross investment with all the energy sources. defense and Home land security and then to improve and
US 6,965,816 B2
97 98
refine the technology. Money and backing are essential for TRAC processor/router. It is a complete nervous system for
such a large undertaking. This is the reason the technology the nation, both to sense and perform motor functions
is explained with application use and impacts. Issues and use (automated activities).
have to always be at the forefront of any system or unit FIG. 24 This diagram shows the standard wireless inter-
design, programming and implementation. This is a Science s faces for all the surface applications to include 1SV for
Technology and Society (STS) utility teaching for patent. It surface vehicles 1E for the stationary vehicles and 1Ps PFN
is meant to maintain a thinking process with all the public as for standalone and 1P for the personal PFN processors. They
each skilled individual embarks on their respective task to could range from very simple tracking operations and ID
realize the impact that they are responsible for and act telemetry to extremely sophisticated robotics processing and
professionally and with respect for their fellow citizens in 10 communication routers. The ASIC in FIG. 24 is different in
the development and use of the invention. Cooperation and power sources with 1E PFN!fRAC being energized by
collaboration is sought for the development from all stake- building current transformed to computer control voltages
holders. TRAC Aviation will seek government support and and service current to drive silicon relays, motor starts and
assistance to include funding, technical expertise, and tech- high low voltage solenoids to perform remote and automated
nical transfers in an effort to partner up with major vehicle 15 activities controls on a host piece of equipment.
and equipment manufacturers to develop (vehicle PFNS). These 1 E PFN controller routers are used on stationary
FIG. 23 equipment applications in and around the airport and come
Transportation Machine Messaging Matrix from earlier related patent filings. These circuits and appli-
FIG. 23 is too taken from earlier an related patent filing cations are detailed more extensively in these earlier filings.
and shows the Transportation machine matrix with a world 20 These separate filings explain the technology and the spe-
of machines having PFN!fRAC units communicating with cific cross-environmental use for larger scale integration into
wireless intranets and being connected to a transportation a machine-messaging matrix. This discussion is deliberately
machine messaging matrix including the FAA!TSA and detailed to illustrate and isolate the Aviation intranet appli-
other networks via IP protocols and telecommunications. cations for these circuit designs.
These intranets will provide for greater equipment manage- 25 1SV PFN will have all the same wireless for in and around
ment and traffic movement as well as improve the data the airport and the milti-pin connector or interface to con-
acquisition for government agencies and their ability to nect up to the automobile CAN bus system and/or drive
monitor safe use of robotics and remote control equipment direct connections to actuators and service power control
for public safety and home land security. This invention circuits for activity controls. Power requirements are to
meets the challenge our technologies is impacting on us n 30 energize the processor and recharge the emergency power.
the century. Both here in the united States and all around the Vehicle power to be transformed ranges in DC current from
world. This system operated by a responsible public, both power supplies from 12 volts DC to 48 DC volts DC and the
those in government service and those serving in the private power is transformed to operate the PFN/TRAC processor
sector can provide greater proficient use of equipment with and electronics at computer voltages
a more rapid public safety notification system and quicker 35 The circuit concept is the same for the 1P and 1PS but the
government response to emergency situations. It can provide level of complexity varies immensely and is explained
the private sector the organizational platform to coordinate throughout the filing.
safe and profitable ways to do business and stand ready to The six squares to the left in the ASIC represent the
defend and serve the nation's needs. There can be greater interface protocols from the various wireless communica-
coordination between government agencies with tighter 40 tion technologies that are connected in a plug in hybrid
communication and understanding between industry and substrate chip set and can be changed to meet the application
government and our public at large. The invention is a specific need of any specific primary focal node PFN. This
structure to build trust and respect throughout the world to drawing is exemplary and in no way should limit the
include an individual's freedom and rights to privacy. It can reviewer or reader as to the nature and scope of the invention
be a fair and just management system for processing 45 to create any specific intranet or support local interfacing for
machine and resource use along with evaluating impacts on cross environmental communication links as a local router.
the world and humanity. Not to stop technical development This ASIC shows CAN Bus interfacing if used for automo-
but to know better what we are doing with it. The PFN/ tive to include 11850, 1939 ISO and any of the other new
TRAC system could open a new era as to how we efficiently LAN Vehicle Bus systems. Local clock time is updated by
do good and safe business. One worthy of universal global so the GPS-Satellite or communication technologies. Tamper
respect and a willingness to emulate rather than one that detection is an earlier FACT integrity check procedure
causes jealousy dislike and distain. Especially from those detailed as a security process protocol in earlier related
not well franchised in any method to improve the quality of filings. Most all is self explanatory in the circuit design. It is
their lives. If knowledge is a power for change, people are understood that systems will be consolidated via SOC
the instruments for that change. It is redundant to say it, but ss technology and this event is within the nature and scope of
it takes us all to make a good and positive difference in any the invention.
change. Decent is as important as consent in any life Many types of encryption are available today (PGP, DES,
decisions. The system provides structure and/organization to the wireless payment industry has more as well. FACT is to
gather and deliver knowledge and a public means of analysis be a security program format that code will have to be
and implementation a necessary requirement for all human- 60 written too and the types of codecs and encryption standards
ity to determine what kind of life they want together. (This for high security and commercial and private security com-
illustration is well documented and is self explanatory, but munications as well as public statistical information proto-
provides understanding of the intranet connected by the cols have to de determined legally first as well as these
system in the transportation matrix) Uniquely different from frequencies will have to be approved by FAA and FCC and
today's dispersed computer networks is the multiple mailing 65 law enforcement agencies. The technology has a multitude
of data packets sent to these dispersed intranets from the of modular configurations to support these options for most
local level that are data recovered by the individual PFN/ any discriminatory programming and data processing along
US 6,965,816 B2
99 100
with an evolutionary capacity of the technology to interface exterior wall might have a Teflon coating or special electri-
with present and legacy systems and to consolidate and cal insulator or rely on a metal chassis to make a ground
integrate, combine these linked circuits and systems into connection with a host machine.
SOC technology or systems on a Chip for future applications Rough service plastics and composites may be used for
when proven beneficial and a worthy advance after review- 5 some applications. The inner section between the two walls
ing their impact in isolated operations. Then they can be is and thermal section and will be filled with insulators like
drawn up and constructed as SOCs to reduce hardware size solid smoke the space shuttle tile material, gypsum, dyper
and weight and increases proficiency and capacity. Provid- jell or just an air space.
ing for entire systems to be less expensive and redundant to Once again the inner wall like the outer wall can be
safe air travel with multiple options. RFID radio frequency 10 constructed of whatever materials best serve survivability of
ID program (EZ pass) and Blue tooth a short range RF the electronic package and the application desired.
technology for wireless telephones to interface with some Engineers will consult standards for explosion proof and
automotive telematics. These are existing technologies inter- firebox and black box standard when configuring suitable
faced via the PFN platform in the ASIC and would have the protection for the lA aircraft PFNTRAC ASICs. All PFNs
appropriate hybrid chip sets interfacing these technologies to 15 have restricted access and physical locking as well as unique
track, identify and sense materials, equipment and people electronic locking and tamper resistant as well as tamper
approaching and entering the aircraft and the aircrafts com- detection technology built right into the encasement design
partments. Via, this connection the lA PFN or series of lA and the same is true for the electronic designs as well. These
PFS on board would work in harmony to identify the carryon devices are well documented and detailed throughout all the
device (ESN recognition and look for alerts) as well as 20 related filings.
manage the use or restrict any such use of cellular phones No design or configuration detailed in this filing or any
and other wireless carryon equipment as determined best for PFN related filing should be construed as the only protective
flight safety. As part of this invention's nature and scope embodiment or all the protective means for the invention.
these sue technologies and systems would write code into Any and all protective means to maintain reliable and
their protocols to immediately transfer all PFN/FACT direc- 25 accountable remote control and robotics falls within the
tives via access through any cellular service that the phone nature and scope of the invention.
provider is part of for emergency action messages to be FIG. 26
delivered into the surface IP/TSA gateways. This gives a These applications could involve wireless or direct con-
continual down feed of identifiable data packets and infor- nect data links to interface all the machines, equipment and
mation of a troubled flight to surface receivers or satellite 30 vehicles in a specific area. The different PFNS are commer-
connected to data receivers/receptacles for further data cially flexible for the various technologies and companies to
resources in real-time and for later analysis. Special arrange- interface, access and control any or all of the airport equip-
ments with these providers to support secure gateways into ment e.g. ground service people, different airlines, private
this IP security matrix of TSA and other agencies will have security contractors, local police, and the TSA etc. The
to be arranged and constructed. 35 individual PFNS represented in FIG. 26 recognize new
FIG. 25 FIG. 25 is a simple drawing showing the general vehicles people and materials transported as they enter their
approach to the PFN structure. There are ten separate filings geographic area via GPS, triangulation or other positioning
with descriptions of PFN protection specific to application technologies and/or other senor arrays and technologies
and innovative product and calling for those skilled in hr art interfaced e.g. RFID. The lE Routers have all the various
to use standards for the specific industry and application in 40 and relevant communication interfaces and can translate
the final design of any particular enclosure. Even in this emergency messages across the various communications
application the FACT ball is another complete description of interfaced (SEAM, TEAM PEAM and EAM messages etc.)
a specific enclosure for aviation applications. Here the and router via TSAFACT 1100 Command control center at
specific protective encasement has to take high impact and the airport to each PFN unit as part of the FACT Security
protect the even memory and electronic components. 45 Program. Each machine, vehicle or personal PFN is a broad
Generally speaking the memory storage is the most local receiver and broadcast station in the FACT security and
import part protected to analyze what the unit was doing at PFN/TRAC Management system. They have stable and
the time of any critical event or failure. However, the reliable power in redundant form with emergency battery
Primary Focal Node is a Protected primary focal note and so backup. The following outline provides prototypical
are all the actuators to perform accountable remote control 50 examples of the types of equipment and personal account-
and robotics. For this reason the electronic circuits and able wireless controllers that the TRAC Aviation Company
connections are made for robust and rough service and the will provide to air travel and aviation traffic management
coverings and encasement designs are constructed for the and security both aloft and on the surface. The product lines
same purpose. Reliability is the other major reason the are: the (la,b, c TRACker) (lA PFN Series) Aircraft
structures are made for rough service. And another is that the 55 controllers, (lE PFN Series) Equipment controllers station-
PFN/TRAC unit is made to restrict the authorized use of ary applications, (lSV PFN Series) Surface Vehicles, (1 P
equipment and vehicles to include aircraft. Therefore its PFN Series) Personal Communicator/Controllers, and the
management system has to be impregnable while a vehicle FACT™ Security program (1100 FACT-AV) Aviation Con-
is being operated. So if it is operated in an unsafe and trolled Security and Management Intranet for TSA. All
unauthorized manner the PFN can control the equipment to 60 equipment and personnel are linked in a seamless security
a safe shut down. for Homeland Security It is transportation with law enforce-
To the left in FIG. 25 the outer wall can be constructed of ment.
any material suitable for the application however must of the FIG. 27
lSV, lE, and lA PFNs will have some kind of a metal Is an overview of the TSA FACT 1100 command center.
exterior resistant to drills and sharp objects with heat resis- 65 The planes, the security cruiser, the shuttle bus and video are
tant plastics like poly suphone for antenna ports like internal all connected to application specific PFNs that can intercon-
or patch antennas that are impregnated into the unit. The nect with other assets and the FACT command and control
US 6,965,816 B2
101 102
center. This creates a flexible sensory web or network at the aiding these troubled flights. Initially there will be 5 FACT
airport and an integrated system. Additionally, many equip- Safe bases planed and they will be thoroughly guarded, but
ment and vehicle PFNS are running the automated fre- ultimately as flight and landing software libraries are devel-
quency scan technology and can identify all electronic oped guiding a trouble flight to the nearest commercial
devices in proximity and most especially identify unautho- 5 airfield may be a desirable choice to help an inexperienced
rized signal or wireless activities. This is a necessity if there pilot, like JFK Jr. If we have the capacity to operate an
is to be reliable and accountable remote control. aircraft from the airport we have to guard that control system
Frequency counting and recognizing is an important part properly. And this invention is all about flying a troubled
of FACT Security as well for example. Even the plane in the aircraft remotely and robotically to a safe landing if at all
picture TRACker unit or lA PFN is detecting movement 10
FIG. 28
around it and identifying with known ESNs etc. This would
This is the biggest challenge for the PFN!fRAC System.
include mechanics wearing PFN belts, bracelets, bands or To develop a cooperative environment for working with all
implants or RFID Tags. manufacturers and industries to construct this vast machine
Also, baggage is being sensed as well via lPs stand alone messaging matrix and make it efficient. This technology was
PFNS, RFID technology, barcode readers and the propri- 15 created to solve, the unsafe and unauthorized use of vehicles
etary bag sign technology. This data rendered by other PFNS and equipment and reduce driver distraction from cellular
is transmitted back to FACT control at the airport to follow phones and carryon wireless devices via navigational aids
and match up materials and people traveling together or interfaced with driver assist programming and remote con-
suppose to be e.g. The air craft TRACker unit discovers a trol. Virtually anything making machines and vehicles more
piece of left behind carryon luggage when a passenger 20 robotic to assist human workload in operating, equipment,
departs the air craft. Additionally much of the equipment machines, vehicles and aircraft use are to be interfaced with
having PFNs attached to them is material handling pieces of the invention the PFN!fRAC system and specifically this
equipment, tugs, and forklifts baggage elevators, conveyor innovation in air travel management with FACT security.
belts, shuttles. They too are scanning materials and luggage The main object is to coordinate and control movement on
by the added sensor array that can be interfaced with their 25 and near the earth's surface for more; safety, better security,
PFN!TRAC unit and the sensor software if not unit firmware efficient use of resources, a healthier world environment,
can run and is supported by PFN/TRAC processor. This data and more stable economy to improve the quality of life.
recovered is all part of the data assimilated in the FACT Since the recent terrorist events in New York and
command an control center and then acted on immediately Washington, eyes have been opened and American coopera-
via direct connect through the WR wireless router station in 30 tion between corporations in the aircraft industry and the
the Protected center and the individual hybrid chip sets airlines have been very responsive. But it is somewhat stifled
interfaced in the Plug and play portion of the optimal for the need of an excellent organizational plan. One that can
individual PFN transceiver to effect a response. Of course pull all of our great technologies together. This baffled state
local operators and security are notified as well. is nothing for our great nation to be ashamed of. Nor, should
Additionally, the 429 TSA FACT airport command cen- 35 there be blame thrown around at the government organiza-
ters will have alternative power both onsite diesel generators tions and agencies like the newly formed TSA or the
and battery backup as well as solar and wind where appli- fledgling homeland security program orphan for a year and
cable. The compound is to be fenced and jersey walled and jus becoming a Department with a cabinet position in the
the operations centers must be able to withstand a reasonable executive branch of government.
attack with explosives (traditional Block house or under 40 The first real step in any effort starts with architecture of
ground construction with concrete reinforced walls. Antenna good management. This is the PFN!fRAC System with
towers and satellite dishes are to be fenced and jersey wall FACT Security FIG. 28 states what needs to happen com-
protected and guarded. A reasonable restricted area has to be mercially to begin to correct the problems facing the coun-
put in place. The compound t include the restricted area is to try. STEP 2 is that coordinated effort to construct the
have PFN!fRAC unit driven or interfaced video and audio 45 organizational management system for the lasting type of
surveillance and detection technology with thermal and security America deserves and the world needs this inven-
infrared heat sensing, light and movement sensing and a tion can truly help America's security and economy to
state of the art electronic Id access set of systems. A well include the world economy and quality of life for a more
trained and armed defending force must maintain 24 hour stable and secure existence. It can help us address our
guard 7 days a week for ever and not become involved in any 50 individual needs and differences and properly mine and
other security functions or duties at the airport no matter distribute resources through an organizational architecture
what. There has to be two of every thing at all times Servers, and accountable machine-messaging matrix.
Memory storage displays and monitors communication FIG. 29
components and reserve equipment to insure the redundancy Shows a man walking on earth and his position derived
in case one of anything goes down. The protecting force 55 from GPS Satellites to a GPS receiver on a belt system that
should have all the necessary small arms and bio chemical is interfaced with a wireless telephony (in this case a 2 way
nuclear hazmat and protection gear and hand held stinger paging system-via a stamp computer or microcomputer or
missiles and a battery of patriot missiles and/or phalanx Motorola COTS Creat a link II product). This figure is
machine cannon should be in place with in the compound as shown to introduce the personal lP PFNs. The GPS data
well to protect against incoming radar and transmission 60 (NEMA data) is modulated into data packets and paging
tracking missiles. (This may seam a bit extreme to protect protocols and transmitted back to a monitoring program
the 429 TSA FACT command centers at the commercial displaying the man's position on a calibrated map via the
airport at this level, but this is to be a progressive process commercial paging service and protocols to a land line dial
and ultimately, these centers will house remote control up server retrieving the data packets at the application level
stations to fly FACT flights and they need to be protected at 65 deciphering them via the appropriated Paging and GPS
the highest level to insure we do not have any unauthorized programming and driving the view monitor to see a repre-
people interfering with aircraft aloft or the people who are sentative maker of the man walking on earth.
US 6,965,816 B2
103 104
FIGS. 29 through 35 are expansions on this first personal the belt system is marked for inspection as well as the person
tracking device. It has been taught in filings with different wearing it. Other identity checks to include pin codes and
RF technologies and to include cellular telephony and not video and face or iris scans through out the security matrix
just for tracking. It has been specified with event memory from time to time can be requested from TSA FACT
and local interface capacity and indeed products like the 5 Command/or as one passes through the facility wearing the
TRACker and the 1Pc PFN PDA are personal 1 P PFNs. belt.
They interface multiple wireless and perform routing func- Normal Operations
tions they have event memory storage and perform account- The real advantage is that this already in use paging
able remote control. E.g. administer medication from a technology has it's wireless power used to increase the
doctor's remote command. 10 capacity of TSA Security via the interface PFN/TRAC belt
In the next figures, personal PFNS will be detailed in and FACT sensing network of communications. Now other
depth as the relate to the airport sensing matrix and FACT readers sensors, digital cams that capture snapshots jpegs,
security network. Even this 1997 first personal PFN repeater can download to the TRAC processor and simple ID card
tracker unit could be functional at the airport. With paging swipe data can be connected to the TRAC processor and
protocols interfaced in the TSAJFACT 1100 Wireless Router 15 buffer to deliver packet data into the FACT system via
and in the individual PFNS. Of course this relies on the paging microwave frequencies to the local WR router hub at
protocols developed and implemented by the pager company the TSA Fact command center or through the 1E,SV PFNS
to process EAM SEAM TEAM and PEAM messages and with chipsets capable Additionally two way messaging
then these signals and individual identifiers would be deliv- protocols will have their higher application translated for the
ered to the matrix via the pager signal and displayed on 20 family of emergency action messages. In the lower right
FACT airport commands calibrated mapping screen. corner is a minimal PDA display that can be interfaced to
This drawing's parts are not detailed as they are detailed receive a Jpeg photo (snap shot image for a FACT security
in earlier filed applications and used here to introduce the air alert delivered to the belt buffer or to a more sophisticated
travel 1p personal PFN products. 1Pc PDAPFN.
FIG. 30 illustrates the use of pager technology specifically 25 Microwave commercial paging signals migrate through
2 way paging coupled to GPS. Motorola reflex 2 ways buildings very well and are a chosen modality to send
paging via their Creata link II technology providing a directives to preprogrammed and robotics programs running
minimal microprocessor to allow for remote activation of a in equipment and vehicle PFNs that just need an initiation
limited number of accessories interfaced via the belts elec- signal to a specific address and/or cut off signal. These 1Ps
trical bus and connectors. Other more sophisticated proces- 30 stand alone PFNs with or without any other interfaces may
sors can be interfaced with reflex II paging protocol receive there signals by this modality.
products, or Rim, and Europe's Ermies paging technologies Additionally, in the monitor display is TRACs public
in other PFN!fRAC applications. information products to help manage flow in relation to real
This figure is also from another filing and it is the time equipment operations in the airport (windows
interface belt concept focused on in the next five figures that 35 applications). TSA FACT center can release statistical
is of most importance. These commercial tracking/telemetry movement figures and screen security data for public infor-
products were created to perform accountable remote con- mation. Additionally commercial service and airline com-
trol and be accountable remote controller units. They could panies can efficiently communicate with each other and
be the last and only critical link at times for local or nearby maintain privacy as well as they provide flow traffic to the
human machine interface with controls via equipment PFNS 40 FACT security matrix that is also monitoring movement.
and vehicle PFN controller routers. These pager products functioning in normal airline and
For these 1P belt applications they have one or a multiple airport operations are given a more robust role via their
wireless technologies interfaced, however size, weight and communication capacity and PFNTRAC belt interfacing.
power requirements are always going to be considerations. FIG. 31 One initial point is that in the FACT center all
The important point is universal inclusiveness of all the 45 data and mobile assets will be displayed on the same screen
wireless technologies that exist today in the aviation and air for easy tracking, however the individual wireless intranets
travel industry. The belt interfaces allow for a plug and play could support their assets on intranet monitors and TV
combination of wireless devices and connectable to be screens as well. As is the case with the pager the belt will
interfaced via the 1P PFN TRAC processor to be responsive provide a securement and connection of the COTS cellular
in TEAM.SEAM, PEAM and EAM messages. FIG. 30 has 50 phone on the belt with data access connections to the TRAC
a 2 way pager connected to the 1 P PFN TRAC processor 17 processor. GPS is also TRAC interfaced and there is addi-
via pager data port cradle connector. Additionally, the GPS tional memory and power to interface a host of other sensors
16 would be connected to deliver time and hot geographic readers and direct connection with or the PFN equipment
coordinates. All the pagers have a data access port now. The and down load or up load data and programs as is necessary.
processor is connected or has embedded protected and 55 Displays PDAs as well as keyboard number pads, finger
secluded event storage. In fact the belts, bands, etc can be as print technologies and full digital cam can be interfaced with
complete as the ASICs in FIGS. 24, 25 and miniaturized to the belt and TRAC processor. Here again is the awesome
a SOC in the future, or as simple as a RFID passive tag, power of the cellular phone service being used at the air port
however probably at least an active tag with the power by airlines and law enforcement by simply plunging it in a
available and minimal processor and memory (if desired). 60 1 P PFN interface belt and it is recognized logged and
Additionally, concealed passive RFID Tags or FACT Chips connected to the TSAJFACT security matrix immediately.
discussed later and in earlier related filings are to be used on This drawing as well is from the earlier PFN!fRAC
each belt as a double check for tampering with the 1P PFN writings so an overview of this specific belt is given to
belt unit. These assigned electronic identities have to jive in explain its use in the PFN/TRAC System of FACT Security
the local1P PFN TRAC processor running a FACT compare 65 at the airport.
program and also in the intranet registry of known equip- In 31 this specific system is more COTS embedded. This
ment signatures on file or there is a level one FACT flag and is a cellular PCMCIA Complete modem ™ #5 interfaced on
US 6,965,816 B2
105 106
the belt 7 with a 104 microprocessor or mini computer. 6 electronic lock where a signal has to be provided from 42
with also GPS #7 unit that modulates packetized position and received from FACT command control to release or lock
data to the left monitor 1 which receives transmissions from the belt on. This to guarantee the person has been identified
the belt through total wireless at both ends. This is a before their shift and the authorized person is wearing the
mobile-to-mobile real-time transmission and can carry digi- 5 device. 36 is a perspiration sensor that can detect acidic and
tal cam images or receive them from the TSA FACT salt changes to detect alcohol and some drug/chemical use or
command Center. In the right the No. 3 monitor is a exposure. All sorts of biometric devices can be connected to
stationary application in the TSA FACT command center the belt or send their data via DSRC and even be implanted
and receiving these CDMA, TDMA STDMA and analog internally to include RFID tag technology. Sensors attached
wireless telephony via the master universal wireless router 10 to implants of course can deliver positive evidence to a
interfaced with the TSA FACT command and control center persons identity and relative health condition in real time
servers (redundant). and these applications would be used for pilots and other
Local displays on the belt can be connected directly or if mission critical operations and security personnel.
DSRC is integrated in the PDA display device and the lP On the other side of the law, criminals being transporter
PFN cellular belt the image can be delivered by wireless. 15 by public air transportation would have the belt locked on
FIG. 32 interfaces the latest cellular protocols like Nextel, before they depart from their lockup with automated medi-
and ATT uses Motorola's shareware protocols with digital cation vessels and delivery systems charged and interfaced
paging, digital 2 way radio and TDMA digital cellular with 39 the belt electrical bus (medication known not to be
ARINC and Motorola's iDen share 2 way radio function text an allergen to the prisoner) 35 is an electrode contactor
messaging and cellular phone service systems are shown on 20 either connected to the skin or % pin prick extension upon
the lP PFN belt configuration and interfaces a transceiver being energized by the TRAC processor and providing a
unit with a processor or micro computer and GPS with an Tazer type shock to the unruly prisoner provided by a
event memory and utilizes this technologies wireless capac- capacitor and the power pack (High voltage low amp (and
ity to report to TSAJFACT and deliver commands to a the prisoner' cardiac health, any history of ellipse or health
mobile asset interfaced or perform RC for lPs stand alone 25 conditions known to be life threading is known by the
units or perform remote control to a human or animal. Any authorities tracking with GPS and telemetry to include audio
wireless technology can be used to deliver data back to the and video of the transported criminal any remote controlled
FACT system in a number of ways. They can be interfaced subduing application performed locally by the attending
with the belt as earlier detailed either by hardwire con- guard or remotely would be performed to protect the public.
nectables or DSRC like blue tooth of 802.11 these modali- 30 (Protocols and procedures to be determined) This is not
ties are all detailed in the patent and protected writings of the like house arrest technologies this is a full accountable
PFN!TRAC System. And not all the numbers will be remote control PFN unit managing and following the crimi-
detailed in this figure either. nals movement anywhere and everywhere the security
Basically the Nextel products can be connected to the matrix exists All security will know where this individual
TRAC processor via their data connection port as well and 35 and have all their vitals and photo during the transport
other interfaces can be made to transfer data back to the process.
TSAJFACT Wireless routing stack at the airport or port or In a more positive application the belt system can be worn
any facility desired to support a multiplex router for the by those requiring close monitoring for compromised health
PFN/FACT System FACT Security matrix. and can have cardiac sensors interfaced and deliver telem-
This diagram is suppose to display multiple wireless 40 etry to the doctor's computer server and alert the physician
interfacing with 31 being a pager and 30 being cellular that his patient at 40,000 feet is going into ventral fibula ion
phone or DSRC and/or FM radio. All of could be carried and and needs to have the automated mediator deliver adrenalin
interfaced through the belt bus and TRAC processor. Once to jump stat the art beat and eve have a paddle pad adhered
again the PDA and keypad assembly can be interfaced and to the patients chest wall and can activate the adequate
allow the belt wearer to send DSRC signals to surrounding 45 charge to start his heart. I this case the personal PFN would
equipment and give local remote control commands. These route through the TRACker unit or 1 A PFN/TRAC con-
commands can be given audibly by the person into a troller router in the aircraft. In the airport it could be the
microphone interfaced or repeater system. Earphones can be metal detector relaying the signal or more likely the FACT
interfaced to allow the wearer to hear information privately. Center Router.
22 shows the TSAJFACT monitor simplified for illustration 50 In the best case scenario would be the implementation of
purposes. And 26 shows the upper commercial and public the lPFN belt system as a personal routing platform to all
information stack the PEAM and EAM messages where the the airport and aviation equipment routers. This means all
TSAJFACT or Department of Homeland Security public workers and regulars at the airport would wear one. Then all
filter is asking for assistance. To the left is the TSA secret transients or passengers or visitors could be if the nation was
data 55 at a high tend security level issue magnetic paper passes read
FIG. 33 shows a top and side view of the belt system and license magnetic information RFID everyone entering the
accessories that can be interfaced through the personal PFN. airport barcode them use bag sign to have their identity
33 is a special electronic lock connecting with 39 that easily fast and with readers connected to the belts keep track
transports a special digital signal randomly generated in the of people and bags in transit. The belts of course would enter
PFN to insure when the belt is applied it can not be removed 60 their recovered data with TSA FACT Command to be
with out sending a signal to FACT control. 43 is a finger transferred to TRACker and applied to the individual's
thaw print reader connected to the interface belt bus 37 destination with all the identifiers and materials Baggage in
which is connected to 42 the processor. 49 is a card scanner, transport as an accountable portable network and inventory.
smart chip reader and digital camera. 38 is the power source, Additionally, all types of scanners and detector could be
40 the wireless transceiver, 41 GPS if used, 45local memory 65 attached to these belts to detect Nitrates for EDS explosive
storage, 36 sensor array with other biometric connected detection sensors, Geiger sensors and radiation transducers
options. These are the normallP PFN utility belts. It has an for radiation detection, and bio hazards with gas spectrom-
US 6,965,816 B2
107 108
etry and resonate imaging. Additionally the nose could be out the TSA FACT security matrix across the nation. To
used. This technology detects odors 2000 times that of the include; all seaports and/or ports of entry into the country, at
humans nose and generate a digital signal that can be boarder crossings and worn by TSNCustoms/Immigration
compared to known toxins and dangerous substances in an nationalization system checkers INS (other applications than
electronic library either in the TRAC processor in the belt 5 commercial air travel and air transport require additional
and/or reported to the FACT command and control center at licensing from the intellectual property holder(s) of these
the air port or dial direct to CDC for a substance they have related application(s) patented or protected filings).
download to all FACT intranets and PFNS. This is the These units, rather than a COTS device connection would
responsiveness of the PFN/TRAC system for seamless be the ASIC constructed in a more embedded circuit board
FACT security via lP PFN lPs PFN, lE PFN lSV PFN, 10 (surface mount or event chip configuration (hybrid substrate
la,b,c TRACker unit, the lPsPFN FACT ball and the FACT and/or with SOC technology). Commercial COTS compo-
1100 command and control intranet for TSA and the Depart- nents as discussed for the other PFNs can be used as well e.g.
ment of Homeland Security. (PC 104 architecture for certain lP and lPs PFN/TRAC
Current Effort to Commercialize This Technology ASICs (or for Tracking elephants, J) As a general rule the
4. 1 P PFNS Series) Personal Communicator/Controller 15 miniaturization and reduction in weight is the progressive
Fourth of Four Aviation PFN Products with FACT Security direction for these product innovations with size and rugged
TRAC Aviation seeks government support and assistance constructing being replaced by seclusion and short range
to include; funding, technical expertise, and technical trans- position detection and data recovery. The following figure is
fers in an effort to partner up with major electronics and the reduction of the PFN/TRAC circuit to a SOC chip and
telecommunications manufacturers in developing (personal 20 insertion or surgical implantation into a person with the
PFNS), a patented and protected accountable remote control introduction of a unique power source-the human body as
and personal tracking technology. (FACT), a security control an electrolytic cell.
component of the PFN/TRAC System, performs security The types of communication interfaced have been cov-
functions through PFN belts or personally secured units. ered and would depend on the application, but the options
These miniature Trusted Remote Activity Controllers, 25 are vast. Encryption is necessary and would also be deter-
TRAC units, will be constructed as Systems on a Chip or mined by the application but the personal belt would be
SOC technology. They will be responsible for personal configured to be connected in cross-environmental applica-
security and identity checks in and around the airport facility tions for TSA/FACT applications with at least one DSRC
pertaining to human movement. Federal Access Control wireless or a universal one if and when one is chosen and
Technology (FACT) receives direct communications from 30 standardized.
personal PFNS and through aircraft (lA) PFNS, equipment DSRC for TSNFACT Standardization is a possibility-
(lE PFNS) surface vehicles (lSV PFNS), by having their not a requirement for cross environmental and cross Intranet
signals relayed from these other PFNS more powerful connectivity for DOT TSAFACT homeland security matrix
transceivers. Personal PFNS have improved communica- between the intranets of Air, Sea, Rail or Interactive
tions and confirmed tracking via the repeating capacity of 35 Highways, etc. for intermodal coverage example (seamless
this airport machine-messaging network (FACT). All PFNS security).
have a GPS component and redundantly verify location via Additionally the multi-wireless units will have a capacity
automated triangulation software in the relay and routing to direct connect to the different levels of the FACT security
process. (FACT) security is a real-time human machine matrix from local at the air port to the regional services by
interactive accountable security matrix for surface and air- 40 state or area depending on the government agency and
borne activities with real-time interagency coordination to service the PFN/TRAC/FACT unit programming is attempt-
enhanced public safety and national security as well as build ing to connect with or the Nation Homeland Security
public confidence in air travel. Command/or it could contact all simultaneously with each
FIG. 34 This original PFN figure is likewise from an computer server and terminal decrypting and ciphering the
earlier filing but displays the more universal configuration of 45 application buffers for complete real-time messaging on any
the IP personal PFNs. It shows a protective enclosure 53 receiving end.
(with an appropriate robust construction per size and weight The belt systems are not to limit the configuration of the
possibly and/or concealed in the belt or band structure) a self IP personal PFN/TRAC units They may have their compo-
contained power source 52 with a current and E/E bus nents dispersed in garments either connected by hard wire or
system that integrates the components provides a plug in 50 wireless portable mini networks with DSRC technologies
connections and additional external interfaces indicated by and daisy linked set of micro processors. All are with in the
the units upper left components like, Skin contact sensors, nature and scope of the invention to connect with the
breathalyzer, transducers, finger print ID, iris scan, pulse PFN/TRAC system and FACT security web.
sensor & galvanic sensors. As an example of belt interfacing Track a Con. COM an earlier detailed PFN/TRAC product
with the PFN/TRAC unit, this shows an individual biomet- 55 parole boar and Law enforcement intranet always interfaced
rics array and related application for guarded medical con- with FACT Security This system would allow for parolees to
ditions or for the conditionally released or guarded during be back in society, while their movements and activities
transported (the criminal). were monitored and governed by an automated computer
However, this invasive lP biometrics lP PFN application system that would track physical movement through GPS, or
is proposed for TSA FACT security and all that work at the 60 LoJack or Cellular and/or RF triangulation on a personally
nations 429 airports, all airport operations personnel, all carried device that monitors body temperature, pulse rate
flight crews, all airlines personnel, all service personnel, and provide for positive identification, e.g., fingerprint or
material handling and baggage personnel, local law eye iris evaluation The device would be controlled by the
enforcement, and commercial venders, and at all Safe Bases master controller and support local Web page access and
across the nation. To first interface all these disparate com- 65 hyper-link capability. Tactile and galvanic sensors would be
munications and then identify them continually in the AOC/ capable of detecting chemical changes in perspiration and
TSA FACT security system at the local airport and through determine the chemical equivalent for a specific person
US 6,965,816 B2
109 110
drinking and provide a specific electrical signal that is controlled military asset on a battle field or base) or used to
transmitted back to the parole center for a convict beep and locate a lost person or one requiring medical assistance or
directions to either report in or take a skin prick check or a even provide that medical assistance from a remote location
breathalyzer.(earlier belt system) Locations of area liquor via automated medicators also inserted in the body and
dispensing or known drug activities and be plugged in as 5 interfaced)
trail markers on the GPS programs to flag a convict=s Body Function Remote Control and Robotics
questionable activities or ask for the above checks or a (Cybernetics)
phone call. The PFN/TRAC unit is to give mindless machines a Brain
Prior victims of crimes that an ex-con is convicted for will or artificial intelligence and also to share activity controls in
be notified via a beep or their 1P PFN/1RAC unit that the 10 an accountable manner with humans for equipment to assist
TRACK A CON is in close proximity and the police will be them when unsafe operation is transpiring. Why then should
alerted and the conditionally released picked up for inter- it stop there? Why not have this remarkable movement
rogation. The convict will be given a reasonable distance to management system help those who do not have control
stay away from the victims. Once again the appropriate trail over their motor functions to move as the desire. (e.g. the
markers will be posted as GPS, etc. Geographic coordinates 15 paraplegic and quadriplegic) (this portion defers to the prior
and will notify authorities and victims of flagged improper healthcare and conditionally released PFN/TRAC telemetry
movements. The convict will be alerted as will and warned and remote and automated control technology filed earlier).
to report in and move out of the area. Additionally, the 1PI PFN unit sets would be constructed as a harmonious
victims can be outfitted with a mobile page and/or Track set of dispersed of SOC circuits interoperating by wireless
system warned directly of a past ex-cons close proximity. 20 and gaining their power from pacemaker type batteries or
Additionally, the victim and community can track the other power source technologies. Then they can be used to
parolee on a public system by contacting their state and local deliver a measured electrical charge to nerve bundles to
web page. Or this information could be restricted to school stimulate a radiating synaptic response and cause a propor-
offices or just police precincts (protocols and procedures to tional tetanus in the muscle for controlled contractions by
be determined) These issues and technology are well cov- 25 recognizing the amount of muscle contraction. (cybernetic
ered in prior related filings and defer to those applications robotics via local RC from the set of 1PI PFN/TRAC
for licensing outside the safe and secure commercial and components. Thereby returning controlled movement where
public Air Travel and Air Transportation industry. nerve function is absent. Via additional connected or wire-
FIG. 35 These 1PI PFN-PFN Implants and 1Pisb-Soma less inter-muscular sensor implants sending a digital signal
Battery PFNs which uses a person's body as the power 30 for processing by the local TRAC processor 1PI implant
source are subcutaneous inserted and/or injected under the running a special individual movement algorithm, initiated
skin or into soft non vital adipose or fatty areas of a person's and managed by the patient learning how to control bio-feed
or animals body. They are a miniaturization of the 1 P back tones for the desired muscle activity (to stretch and
Personal PFN circuit that is first miniaturized from COTS twist/turn walk and run. Also an audio implant for bio feed
products on a belt to a smaller version placed on a belt, band, 35 back would be implanted in the auditory canal or a hearing
bracelet and/or woven into garments and then reduced in aid style of receiver outfitted. Also, muscle fatigue sensors
size further to a SOC micro chip circuit for implantation in for lactic acid build up are required. So sensors also
to living animals. The encasement is made of high quality implanted into muscle bundles to detect the PH would be
surgical stainless steel or noble metals or coated by them that done by injection or surgery. Then this conductivity change
are known to be non allergenic and safe for internal use in 40 world provide a digital tone to the individual so that when
the body. The chassis ground current will be contact with the the muscle was fatigued prior to cramp or damaging spasm.
conductive noble metal which in turn is in contact with allow This change in conductance would be monitored and if the
the body's internal moist conductivity properties to enhance transfer of the potential energy between any over worked
the minimal signal and patch antenna. Then a personal muscle and other portion of the body could result in the
carrier of a 1 PI & 1 Pisb can just touch the chassis of 45 generation and storage of electricity in the PFN power
another host machine or PFN to complete a ground side supplies via the contrasting electrode innovation discussed
connection and deliver data in the PFN/TRAC System above a charging circuit would be real-time constructed by
matrix with the most minimal current levels (ID and GPS energizing it via the monitoring program in the TRAC
data)(person and last known location). processor (or power supply firmware). This could also
These 1PI and 1Pisb PFN versions first and foremost have 50 rapidly dissipate the toxic PH levels for the effected muscle
a DSRC dedicated short range communication wireless group as well.
connection that can normally transmit hundreds of feet or up The only problem with these cybernetic is that the
to a mile effectively to deliver a EAM (emergency action implanted individual would have to wear aluminum foil
message) to all other 1 E-1SV and 1A PFN and equipment close for when they are driving a car through a radar trap or
PFNs in the PFN/1RAC machine messaging matrix and 55 they might leap though the roof of the car by false activa-
FACT security and registry data bases. At this point local tions} just kidding, but the system would have to be well
first responders are to be notified immediately with the IP engineered to reduce the chance of casual environmental RF
notification of all relevant agencies and FACT registry data noise EMF and EMW affecting the system These application
bases (e.g. Local police and regional and national FBI specific to the Air travel air transport industry, might apply
computer networks for a lost child or person scenario as well 60 for any of the conditionally released or physically and/or
as directions and info uploaded to any local amber alert mentally compromised. As a condition of transport of dan-
system or intelligent highway system, public media, civil gerous criminals injected motor controls over the physical
alert system and web page alert. Special security applica- actions by remote control may prove necessary. A hostile act
tions include military, police, fireman, mental and medically detector may be constructed and might read adrenalin levels
at risk persons. (e.g. For military-these 1PI family of PFNs 65 and other biometrics and restrict muscle movement via
and their EAMs may be used to identify friendlies and antagonist muscle stimulation to a detected aggressive blow
combatants and release or with hold for use a remote for example. Obviously there is a number scenario that need
US 6,965,816 B2
111 112
the public to deliberate on and the inventor has stressed this over their motor functions to move as the desire. (E.g. the
already. But the possibilities are endless in controlling paraplegic and quadriplegic) (This portion defers to the prior
human activities and body functions, as well as machines. healthcare and conditionally released PFN/TRAC telemetry
This is also why the innovations are divided application and remote and automated control technology filed earlier).
specific; to keep the stakeholders and public voices appro- 5 1PI PFN unit sets would be constructed as a harmonious
priately a lined to develop a reasonable good and free set of dispersed of SOC circuits interoperating by wireless
movement management system with security. And not just a and gaining their power from pacemaker type batteries or
monopolize and dominate with a master control technology other power source technologies. Then they can be used to
that could be improperly applied by the few. That is not and deliver a measured electrical charge to nerve bundles to
cannot be a TRUSTED technology Commercial dispersion 10 stimulate a radiating synaptic response and cause a propor-
of the technology into the specific government and indus- tional tetanus in the muscle for controlled contractions by
tries companies is a necessary element and so is a coordi- recognizing the amount of muscle contraction. (Cybernetic
nated collaboration in system integration so they have to robotics via local RC from the set of 1PI PFN/TRAC
have a relationship to do business. Special structured Joint components. Thereby returning controlled movement where
venture agreements and licensing will be in place to try to 15 nerve function is absent. Via additional connected or wire-
insure this diverse property of the technology. (Total less inter-muscular sensor implants sending a digital signal
Accountability all the time must be there). for processing by the local TRAC processor 1PI implant
FIG. 36 These 1PI PFN-PFN Implants and 1Pisb-Soma running a special individual movement algorithm, initiated
Battery PFNs that uses a person's body as the power source and managed by the patient learning how to control bio-feed
are subcutaneous inserted and/or injected under the skin or 20 back tones for the desired muscle activity (to stretch and
into soft non-vital adipose or fatty areas of person's body. twist/turn walk and run. Also an audio implant for bio feed
They are a miniaturization of the 1 P Personal PFN circuit back would be implanted in the auditory canal or a hearing
that is first miniaturized from COTS products on a belt to a aid style of receiver outfitted. Also, muscle fatigue sensors
smaller version placed on a belt band, bracelet and/or woven for lactic acid build up are required. So sensors also
into garments and then into a SOC micro chip circuit for 25 implanted into muscle bundles to detect the PH would be
implantation. The encasement is made of high quality noble done by injection or surgery. Then this conductivity change
metals that are known to be non allergenic and safe for world provide a digital tone to the individual so that when
internal use in the body. The chassis ground current will be the muscle was fatigued prior to cramp or damaging spasm.
contact with the conductive noble metal which in turn is in This change in conductance would be monitored and if the
contact with allow the body's internal moist conductivity 30 transfer of the potential energy between any over worked
properties to enhance the minimal signal and patch antenna. muscle and other portion of the body could result in the
Then a personal carrier of a 1PI & 1Pisb can just touch the generation and storage of electricity in the PFN power
chassis of another host machine or PFN to complete a supplies via the contrasting electrode innovation discussed
ground side connection and deliver data in the PFN/TRAC above a charging circuit would be real-time constructed by
System matrix with the most minimal current levels (ID and 35 energizing it via the monitoring program in the TRAC
GPS data)(person and last known location). processor (or power supply firmware). This could also
These 1PI and 1Pisb PFN versions first and foremost have rapidly dissipate the toxic PH levels for the effected muscle
a DSRC dedicated short range communication wireless group as well.
connection that can normally transmit hundreds of feet or up The only problem with these cybernetic is that the
to a mile effectively to deliver a EAM (emergency action 40 implanted individual would have to wear aluminum foil
message) to all other 1 E-1SV and 1A PFN and equipment close for when they are driving a car through a radar trap or
PFNs in the PFN/TRAC machine messaging matrix and they might leap though the roof of the car by false activa-
FACT security and registry data bases. At this point local tions 1 just kidding, but the system would have to be well
first responders are to be notified immediately with the IP engineered to reduce the chance of casual environmental RF
notification of all relevant agencies and FACT registry data 45 noise EMF and EMW affecting the system These application
bases (e.g. Local police and regional and national FBI specific to the Air travel air transport industry, might apply
computer networks for a lost child or person scenario as well for any of the conditionally released or physically and/or
as directions and info uploaded to any local amber alert mentally compromised. As a condition of transport of dan-
system or intelligent highway system, public media, civil gerous criminals injected motor controls over the physical
alert system and web page alert. Special security applica- 50 actions by remote control may prove necessary. A hostile act
tions include military, police, fireman, mental and medically detector may be constructed and might read adrenalin levels
at risk persons. (E.g. For military-these 1PI family of PFNs and other biometrics and restrict muscle movement via
and their EAMs may be used to identify friendliness and antagonist muscle stimulation to a detected aggressive blow
combatants and release or with hold for use a remote for example. Obviously there is a number scenarios that
controlled military asset on a battle field or base) or used to 55 need the public to deliberate on and the inventor has stressed
locate a lost person or one requiring medical assistance or this already. But the possibilities are endless in controlling
even provide that medical assistance from a remote location human activities and body functions, as well as machines.
via automated medicators also inserted in the body and This is also why the innovations are divided application
interfaced) specific; to keep the stakeholders and public voices appro-
Body Function Remote Control and Robotics 60 priately a lined to develop a reasonable good and free
(Cybernetics) movement management system with security. And not just
The PFN/TRAC unit is to give mindless machines a Brain monopolize and dominate with a master control technology
or artificial intelligence and also to share activity controls in that could be improperly applied by the few. That is not and
an accountable manner with humans for equipment to assist cannot be a TRUSTED technology Commercial dispersion
them when unsafe operation is transpiring. Why then should 65 of the technology into the specific government and indus-
it stop there? Why not have this remarkable movement tries companies is a necessary element and so is a coordi-
management system help those who do not have control nated collaboration in system integration so they have to
US 6,965,816 B2
113 114
have a relationship to do business. Special structured Joint Mean while the suspect bag has been removed via auto-
venture agreements and licensing will be in place to try to mated discharge actuators that have placed it into a mobile
insure this diverse property of the technology. (Total robotics explosive containment chamber via RC and robot-
Accountability all the time must be there). ics. The bag is whisked away in an underground conduit to
FIG. 37 FIG. 37 is the FACT terminal display. The entire 5 a containment vault with chain-linked ceiling and rupture-
FACT event will be viewable on a wall size screen in the able membrane that empties into a containment tank
TSAJFACT Airport command center at the airport with (bladder) that intern is pumped down under vacuum. Then
separate monitors breaking up specific data to present it for robotics opens the bag and if it explodes or has toxins in it
specific handling by trained professionals. For example, all they are read by sensor arrays protected first during the
the known ID data on the suspect women's passport is 10 opening procedure and exposed after the bag is opened the
checked possibly by INS, while the FBI is running the face bladder like wise has sensor arrays to include radioactive,
scan/iris scan data and recorded smart chip data from the
Bio or chemical toxins and also the "Nose" sensing tech-
pass port against all known records for a match. The first
nology is a good choice for this application. Obviously the
database is links to terrorism because her bag lower left of
the monitor screen has triggered a flag alert as it passed an containment chamber would be closed before the bag open-
explosion detection sensor EDS connected to a PFN/1RAC 15 ing procedure was initiated.
equipment PFN on the baggage conveyor. The special Back to FIG. 37, the national alert classification is shown
ultraviolet light motorized video reader read her invisible to on the screen and the local alert level appears on the
the eye signature on her bags and pulled up her travel file computer monitor as well and in this case National Home
which was telecommunicated to all the airports on her ticket land security is at orange "high threat" and local alert with
(this process could have started overseas and all relevant 20 the bag incident has jumped to RED "Severe".
TSA FACT Security Airport intranets would have been With the women detained and all her traveling assets
pre loaded via telecommunications and IP protocols to track located quarantined within ten minutes and during TSA
her and her luggage identifiers by her projected flight plan, questioning the rest of the traveling public continues to their
traceable technologies could include; RFID this proprietary known location with no delay or in some case any knowl-
Bag sign product or a lP PFN combination of traceable 25 edge of the event.
ESNs and data sensing minimal telemetry product applica- This is all hypothetical, but the PFN/TRAC units set up an
tions. Bar code readers and tags can be interfaced and read. easy way to organize and link many disparate data gener-
The PFN PC platform is set up to run most every sensor ating technologies and isolated security devices with out a
software and drivers or to interface via the device controller lot of hard wiring. It enhances their service to provide robust
and E/E bus to recover the data for the FACT Security 30 federal access and control defense for a free traveling public.
System. Additionally, when
Once a FACT event is initiated the entire system is 1100 FACT-FANTSA Security project industrial appli-
quarried to locate all components of the suspect transport cability report
party, any persons, their separate luggage and any groups Commercial efforts are underway with government
traveling together should be identified if possible and in the 35 (DOD) in an effort to partner up with major military and
appropriate manner. In the upper left corner of FIG. 37 is the security contractors initially for national air space defense.
woman who owns the bag that triggered the PFN EDS Other efforts are underway with commercial wireless tech-
sensor on the luggage conveyor. The video cam at the airport nology providers, sensor technologies, computer/software
exit doors captured her image and is running a face scan manufacturers and system integrators to develop the appro-
algorithm and an iris scan for a positive match with the 40 priate wireless to lP interface gateways, servers and con-
luggage Travel file data recovered on her when she and her nections to construct the TSA FACT Security network for
baggage entered the Air trans port intranet. Additionally, a the nation and to write code to the determined programs,
TSA officer in the airport parking area visually sees her and FIG. 38 These regular system checks and PFN system
confirms her image on his PDNPFN or PDA display data then downloads will to authorized service and mainte-
plugged into his lP PFN utility belt and moves to detain her 45 nance centers for the APUs and PFN emergency power
with backup already on the way. Her identity was also packs. All aircraft components essential to flight and PFN/
discovered at the airport exit when she passed her travel card TRAC/FACT operations will have these service integrity
with magnetic strip or her passport smart card or chip checks run on their performance, and these downloads will
through the card reader (left center of FIG. 37). Or her RFID also go to manufactures. There is a FACT system auditor/
tag impregnated into her passport delivered her ID telemetry 50 inventory program locally run on the aircraft via the PFNs
to a RFID reader antenna in the door jam which is interfaced and a system wide redundant backup program done
with the lE PFN in the card reader or responsively con- nationally/globally for everything that flies in commercial
nected to the 1 E PFN in the automated doors for remote and general aviation via the FACT Registry discussed in
control and locking of the exit door. But in this scenario just FIGS. 38, 39, 40,41,42,43,44,45. This portion of the FACT
recorded her exit microseconds before the FACT Flag from 55 registry is operated by the FAA, TSA, Preliminary FACT
the conveyor initiated the process, so instantly searches the FAA tracking registry program. Basically, the FACT registry
loop memory storage and notifies all TSA FACT security of tracks the use of electrically interfaced components and any
her exit alerting the TSA officer to look up at the exit and equipment desired inventoried on the aircraft PFN file (e.g.
spot the women. tires type lot number) as a quality assurance program, and
If the conveyor flag hadn't gone up by the EDS sensor that 60 quick security and safety comparison check. A running
Exit procedure would have quarried the materials registry of program in each lA PFN aircraft checks all known compo-
the airport air intranet for a travel file on her anyway And if nents to be on board with no alerts downloaded from FACT
the exit telemetry indicated she was going to leave the AOC/TSA registry during pilot A CARS, during any service
airport, while here luggage was still in the terminal and in of components and periodically. New item recognition is
this case booked on flight SD333 to San Diego through from 65 flagged data and routed to the specific center for analysis.
Yemen to Heathrow and she was exiting the Kennedy For example, a suspect piece of baggage is evaluated
Airport FACT flag would have been issued at this point. through the airport terminal FACT flow data base and
US 6,965,816 B2
115 116
appropriately responded to, while an aircraft circuit or new Improved capability and speed in processors is in the major
transmission is processed through the FACT FAA central reason for maintaining a flexible pug and play capacity to
registry and compared to known inventory and assigned RF ensure flexible updating for future and legacy technology.
equipment) In this respect It can be used to counter TRAC has a modular based programming of which FACT
terrorism, antitheft and monitor the sale and resale or reuse 5 the Federal Access and control Technology plays an intricate
of aircraft and components, much as the FACT registry is and unique role in recognizing and reporting new interfac-
used for terrestrial PFN!fRAC units for automotive marine ing. These programs are run by the PFN min-computers and
and rail vehicles and products. Additionally required are they send their commands and direct the data received by the
specially qualified service personnel and controlled progres- uni buss to the appropriate data storage. Either a hard drive
sive program with security clearance for all work perform as 10 or the specially preserved non-volatile FACT memory that
authorized service will have to be in place for service on any can either be down loaded or physically removed to be used
PFN!TRAC units and their responsive components operat- in a court of law in the proper manner as determined by any
ing in any FACT portion of the system. Ultimately, all PFNs rule regulations or laws governing evidence and its
will be operate in conjunction with the FACT system for acquisition, preparation and presentation for a society. Both
national security in a transportation matrix. 15 on the left side and right side of the uni-buss are all the
This is a general flow chart of a self contained PFN interfaced controls. Accessories, personal items and elec-
TRAC/FACT management system that will be utilized by tronic possessions and alternative data communication
every piece of equipment. PFN=s may have all the listed devices. These devices are coded in the upper corners with
components or any number of them; however no mater what the initials or first letter of the words that describe their
is electrically interfaced it will have to be approved and 20 boxes as examples of connectable interfaces employing the
registered as it is activated or deactivated. The very first individual FACT Chip. This becomes more evident in FIG.
triangle at the top numbered 4--500 refers to the one and 39 where the bottom of the page supplies numerous octagon
two-way pager systems detailed in the FIGS. 4 and 5 of an stop sign shapes filled with these same initials indicating
earlier patent application detailing the pager interfaces like FACT applications and tracking. Also before leaving FIG.
reflex I and II discussed in this application. These pagers as 25 39 it is important to remember that in the ram memory of the
is true with all components will ultimately be provided mini computer the Fact ESN will be stored for all memory
FACT software to identify their activity and especially for devices and the memory will always require the processors
those technologies that are responsible for providing com- ESN or any comparable ID technology for any further or
munication data for remote control activities. The second final review by the appropriate authorities or to comply with
triangle is for cellular phone systems more sophisticated 30 any legal proceeding. It should be also understood that this
communication systems and capable of handling and deliv- universal Buss can extend outside any protected area with
ering very good data signal but narrow band Good enough the immediate electronic protected capability to recognize
for video, etc. The 3rd triangle ( )-infinity frequency refers and protect against any deliberate shorting or questionable
to any and all kinds of Radio Frequency equipment includ- interface. At the bottom of FIG. 38 the universal buss
ing DSRC The 4th triangle with the word locate can be either 35 illustrates its capability to handle power as well as in put and
cellular phone proximity tracking, GPS, Lorands, LoJack or output control transmissions. It is also important to make
part of any interactive highway control system or master clear that this involves a universal secluded antenna buss or
surface transportation net work and system receiver and/or reception will be provided for by certain types of physical
transceiver. Along with this locate system triangle the 5th structural elements in the PFN=s structure to allow for patch
triangle is a miscellaneous communication receiver and/or 40 antennas or physically small profile antenna structure to
transceiver that is responsive to light, sound or any discern- function with in any standard regulation or legally pre-
able electromagnetic wave or transmission. scribed manner.
All of these PFN communication triangles devices or FIG. 39 At the top of FIG. 39 there is a box to the left
modalities shown as upside down triangles are not shown in called the National Government Activation and Check Sys-
FIG. 39 as having a FACT chip but they would also be 45 tem. From there-there is an arrow showing a Data Base
provided with FACT software to report their activation and Connection (DEC) or a world wide web Internet connection
any specific role played in any remote controlled event as (encrypted if applicable) with the number 300 above indica-
either as a receiver and/or any type of transmitting device. tive of any local and regional network as is evident between
As is displayed in the drawing they are connected to the the left national box and the box on the right side of FIG. 38
uni-bus connector 0/1/ it could be a plug and play multi-pin 50 which is termed Local Government Activation and check
docking station for hybrid chipsets with a modem and System. These most generally are the primary sources to
transceiver circuit etc. Any interface components that con- PFN supplied data and/or to act on any SEAM, TEAM EAM
nect to the circuit are recognized by the unit and ultimately and/or PEAM messaging data received that involves
the entire FACT registry system via inventory integrity National security. However, simultaneously data is delivered
checks run locally and systemically. This first happen as the 55 to the National Homeland Security FACT command center
interfaced components connect to the PFN/TRAC if FACT fagged an event in the local PFN or at the regional
controller/router and accompanying memory storage units. level. Otherwise the data is delivered to the specific intranet
There is software with the resident FACT program to operating the specific FACT regulatory registry for
compare interfaced component electronic ID signals upon registration/activation and integrity check clearance for use
install, boot up and periodically. This local fact program can 60 of a component or piece of equipment with a FACT iden-
be updated and the TRAC is capable of storing and retriev- tifier chip or registry requirement before registration.
ing data back from its accompanying data storage. As The National Registry will be a large routing system for
detailed through out earlier related applications these PFN mass management with a FACT alert data share processing
control circuits are sophisticated mini computers with and storage protocol in each system server/computing
extremely efficient processors like the various PC 104 65 center, PC terminal and PFN/TRAC unit. All responsive
boards.(from earlier filing). The TRAC processors are levels of processing will handle data in a prescribed and
explained in all the technologies and are subject to the secured manner through the 6 transparent IP layers to the
US 6,965,816 B2
117 118
appropriate seventh FACT application layer (or hybrid and at the same time to allow nations to have a FAIR frame
higher layer to be determined) where it is transposed by the work to develop and use imported products, which are
specific agency intranet codecs and tracking software appli- needed. The PFN system can help to develop trust to insure
cations to include special encryption with agency specific an accountable answer to all of Societies legitimate concerns
message coding and personal identifiers (pin codes) for 5 first for individual survival and then to be part of a mutually
secure but accountable access to private and/or sensitive healthy co-existence with all of humanity. The Authorization
national security data to maintain professional processing Installation Registry function is to record and make avail-
and storage in every data base. This will be the same for all able by request and/or to recognize any PFN use of an
forms of communications wired and wireless as they are electrical device in conjunction with the PFN and first run a
processed through their respective communication centers to 10 compare function to any and all legally known produced,
IP gateways via the licensed wireless and IP data providers and legitimately marketed products in a legitimate sovereign
and servers, through the landlines, fiber optic cable systems locality through local and/or toll free telephony or RF or
or land cable systems from the PINS in the field to the MISC. communications technology employing isolated net-
individual databases. First for accounting and billing but work connection and/or the Internet (IP). To agency specific
most importantly to serve the and provide the management 15 intranet registries.
of the agencies Intranets FACT registries and services to the The authorization installation will require a complete
new to be formed Department of Homeland security. OEM specification and description that can be used to
The center three blocks are the technical connections and specifically identify individual devices and/or components.
primary functions of the national and local registries to Requirements to be determined by the sovereign nations.
provide the specific government service Intranets, to 20 This data will provide depreciating value levels and integrity
develop security for the nation and provide better public checks that will be beneficial in tracking use and varying
safety and build trust within the populous, as a result performance for securing public safety. Also the deprecia-
accountability, fairness and just policies and practices. This tion schedule will enjoy a diminished cost of operational tax
is a safe guard system for man and machine messaging that relevant to the products prior use and/or time of use. This
should be review able by all of society. 25 provides a use tax not a sales tax for governing structures to
As stated earlier Internet dialog and media awareness for apply to real time use. These generated fees are fair and just
mass and individual input will spawn a much more involved and help defer the revenue generated by fuel taxes to lessen
individual citizen and functional democracy. Obviously the economic need for a gallon of gas or barrel of oil. This
some critical FACT event data will be maintained at the frees the Internet to trade and free communication for
highest of security levels and may never be shared with the 30 general transactions and allows for the legitimate taxing
general public. However there should be a review process in structure for actual impact on society=s infrastructure and
place that protects the publics' interest and involves the environment by machines and the work they do.
balance of powers to determine if nation a particular issue Shaping the Economy for Greater Security
withheld is a National Security Risk. These are some of the transition mechanisms in the
Note 35 PFN/TRAC System It is to function as a economic tool to
The inventor also suggests that one man and one women provide commercial feasibility and opportunity to exploit
should be randomly chosen by the social security computer, alternative energy sources and not just continue to pay 41
per issue to serve with an Executive branch representative, cents a gallon of gas in tax to support our road system. The
legislative branch representative, a representative from the invention provides a quality of life and an opportunity for
supreme court, and the two random citizens for a total of 40 the oil-invested money to peacefully reinvest in other PFN
five. These FOIA issues forums can be called by the popu- measurable commercial energy technologies. This single
lous petitioning for it on a regular ballot during regular event would do more to bring peace to the middle east and
elections or any of the three branches calling for a FACT stop humanities 100-year wars over "who owned the oil
event issue to be disclosed and at one branch refuses to economy" (and Power). Now that would be a security
comply. Of course procedures and protocols need to be 45 system, and the best use of the invention in the mind of the
developed. Back to the Figure. inventor. And we could fly planes on hydrogen converted
The first center block is termed AUTHORIZED INSTAL- from water (H20 in real-time) and the WTC 911 event would
LATION REGISTRY. This may be a network of secured have been reduced to a crash with a splash and 10% of the
computers in different locations or it might be one system in losses.
one location (at first it will be dispersed and it might well 50 Then again we might have the same relationship with the
stay that way by the serving agencies responsive to FACT oil rich countries that help delude the minds of the 4
Homeland security but not housed under the same roof so to substitute pilots on 911 either. Security sounds better
speak. The inherent account in system allows each agency to already. There is no doubt good, fair and just management
prove their involvement and participation and yet maintain of the world's resources, and environment is the best seen-
sovereignty for the duties they were created fore. The 55 rity. And management that shares knowledge and opportu-
inventions purpose is to create a realistic functional modality nity for an improved quality of life can sell and be the best
that can create this national and local registry progressively export product we have.
and in the best configuration and to maintain a level of Back to 38 the second block is the Restricted Authoriza-
flexibility and redundancy to protect and secure and safe tion or Crime Registry. Once again this data is supplied by
public government and continual service. Specifically for 60 everyone and anyone but primarily cleared and reviewed by
the Transportation industries to insure good and safe move- the national and state or regional governing agencies main-
ment. The Actual structure of course will be part of a large taining their intranets and servers. The really great part of
standards and on going effort and civil legislative effort. this section of the system is that the private individual can
Total purpose goal: The base system is to create a national in real-time participate in a personal injury theft by tele-
directory of all products sold and re-sold in a country to 65 phony with scan data or through personal contact with law
better track their impact on economy, resources, enforcement agencies. With total accountability all parties
environment, health and infrastructure all around the world will have to face their own actions in the proper legal
US 6,965,816 B2
119 120
settings. And basically there will be no use or miss-use of retrieves their essential operational data e.g. ESN, and/or
stolen property. MIN and production Identification and seventh layer appli-
Basically, the stolen parts or components when interfaced cation security instructions in the ISO OSI networking
with a new vehicle or piece of equipments E/E system are Model. If for example a stolen audio or sound unit is
recognized by the local PFN or DRC, etc specifically mass 5 connected to the uni-buss of a vehicle. The PFN computer
contacted by the governing industry registries that are will signal or request information from the individual FACT
always uploading missing material data that is in turn down chip in the sound system (SS-ESN-F). This can either be sent
loaded in to the specific PFNS that always runs a system by isolated control hardware (wires, etc.) or by sending a
integrity check on parts inventoried or installed to the unit modulated digital signal on one of the power legs or it can
be accomplished by short range transmissions if this modal-
and/or interfaced with it. This also allows the FACT System 10
ity is employed in future wireless vehicle and equipment
a base to analyze the equipment that is being used in the
control systems to ease plug and play capability and reduce
country and be on the look out for anomies or FACT event the need for so much hard wiring. No mater the means the
Flags, for an example; the Department of Home land secu- PFN will inquire for an individual fact chip as soon as it
rity has a bus blown up do to a specific type of wireless senses current draw. If there is a change in current from a
device attached to the DRC PFN carryon device. The DRC 15 normal operational level the PFN will request and/or review
PFN protected memory recorded the DSRC blue tooth vehicle conformations for any trouble codes logged in the
program contact with the cellular device and the alphanu- charging system or any battery draws or charging problems.
meric signal sent to trigger the explosion. This recovered This is performed by a TRAC software algorithm and
data and all similar ESN devices would locate and check standard current sensing micro chips in the uni-buss and in
automatically the total ownership and recent sales along 20 the host equipment=s electrical system, which can generate
with suspected perpetrators and dispatch this information to either analog or digital signal that the PFN/processor can
first responders as well as kill the services of all suspect receive and recognize through any of the above in vehicle
wireless and retrieve them from all known locations if this communication modalities. This current sensing system is
was deemed appropriate. Additionally, manufacturers will part of an anti-tamper system of the PFN. It will give driver
be encouraged to install in their firmware an integrity 25 alerts to the abnormal draw unless an individual component
program that FACT alerts the unit if there is tampering FACT chip sends an ESN and data signal that is recognized
detected. The third center block deals with the communica- for a specific authorization or security protocol. At the very
tion capability. Ideally this will be accomplished by toll free least all components can be individually judged for their
telephony or RF nodes for the public in using the publics= current draw and reported to the display or checked against
privately owned equipment and PFN link ups as a hospitable 30 their OEM manufactured specifications (Data delivered by
commercial service with all other gained accessible service the individual FACT CHIP to increase security that a com-
options and provided free by government or public providers ponent has not been altered after manufacturing. Even a
for the tax and public interest provisions. The 4th block in individual resister chip like that used in the present vehicle
the center of FIG. 39 is the Protected Primary Focal Node or keys could be installed secluded in the board with the FACT
PFN created as a protected electrical interface platform to 35 Chip to add even greater security and integrity checks.
merge, focus all host equipment=s, accessories and While this idea is creative and new the technology to make
component=s power and control circuits into one local these combined innovation are available as electrical com-
accountable control and communication center. This PFN on ponents and any one who is skilled in the art could from
every vehicle or piece of equipment is then linked, coordi- reading this section create the necessary circuitry to com-
nated and managed with all other machine use and activities 40 plete these security tasks. All the components are listed
by a greater mass communication and management set of through out my related patent applications for the trickster
computer network systems (through RF, telephony and circuits and the security seal activation switch. The universal
nodes or gateways) either for surface (land and sea) coor- plug and play Buss as always stated will have to be a
dination and/or for aviation and for TSA and homeland standardized effort for the most optimum development. The
security all inclusive. 45 little octagon stop sign FACT chips at the Bottom f the page
However in this figure we are concerned with developing have letters on the top of the sign like AC-F which means
an understanding of the FACT software in the PFN and/or (Activity controls-function). These correspond to FIG. 38
possibly individual CHIPs that are at the bottom of the page left and right blocks. Once again all the components oper-
as octagons or (mini-stop signs). Once again these might ating in or though the PFN will have to have FACT chip
well be in the form of physical hard ware and read only firm 50 identity capability, communication processors, data storage
ware or they might be integrated software programs inter- as well as all these listed that access the uni-buss. The RFID
laced and inter-reliant on the PFN/TRAC/FACT security technology can be imbedded into a circuit board and main-
encryption both in the PFN and in the National Registry tain a component memory function for the life of the
systems. What is nice with the PFN/TRAC unit and system component reporting to the DRC PFN directly or via any
is that a multiple wireless routing translation station is 55 other device interface or other PFN or as quarried by an
coupled to computer terminal to have the same versatile RFID reader capable PFN. (These applications of RFID and
receiving and transmitting power and capacity on both ends other COTS tags and smart chips used to track component
of the network. This forgiving architecture provides the use if done for an organized theft detection of electronic
opportunity for incredible versatility interfacing of all sorts devices and parts self reporting to a computer network or
of electronic technologies and with the traceable links 60 security registry as described is considered proprietary to
reporting and recording function totally accountable a real this technology and within the nature and scope of the
deterrent for hackers. invention. (All applications outside Commercial air travel
Through out this entire drawing, FIG. 39 there is descrip- and air transport industry require additional licensing and
tive of two-way communication form the individual chips or coding for accounting and billing by the prior related PFN
FACT programs to the national government activation and 65 filings).
check process. However, the PFN gives the commands to the FIG. 46 This figure state the attributes of PFN/TRAC
individual chips via the universal plug and play buss. And intermodal monitoring and tracking. As detailed in FIG. 37
US 6,965,816 B2
121 122
for tracking persons and their baggage as well as detecting this reason The PFN/TRAC System integration provides for
their condition and contents during transit can be done for minimal tracking and telemetry to be cost effective and
materials and shipment in transit from boats to rail to trucks extensive tracking and telemetry to insure public safety and
to aircraft to trucks and delivery vehicles again. There is national security. And sometimes the more sophisticated
however, a unique set of circumstances to each of the mode 5 tracking and telemetry applications used during shipping
of transportation. As shown in FIG. 18-ground transpor- survive the transport phase and are retained as interactive
tation internets involve both rail and roadway vehicle plat- equipment PFNS for permanent use in reporting through the
forms and their special transportation machinery. These PFN/TRAC system to a specific FACT security intranet.
therefore are separate intranets. FIG. 48 is an example of the myriad of possible components
The Railroad industry like aviation does not like rapid
10 shipped and the diverse types telemetry technology inter-
change or any physical interfacing with the E/E systems
faced in the complete PFN/TRAC controller router to pro-
either on the train or to the rails. This is why the wireless
TRACker unit is also employed in the passive receive and vide the management and security matrix or web.
repeat function initially and more physically interfaced in Not just proprietary 1Ps stand alone PFN units with some
time. Firs as a redundant system and then as a continual of the most extensive sensing and remote control capability
progressive and working interface with inherent redundancy 15 interfaced and stored in the shipment component to report
and accountability. This is true for the Interactive highway position and condition of a asset in transit. But also includ-
internets that are infantile in their traffic messaging and ing existing technologies like, Texas Instruments RFID
public alerts the amber alert system of signs. technology for a little less data recovery their (active) tag
Obviously the PFN/TRAC will be much more of a and basically ID recovery their (Passive Tag) product. Also
tracking and telemetry service as Telematics in cars incor- 20 PFN interfaced are bar code readers and the proprietary Bag
porate the PFN DRC Driver resource Center and rail cars the sign technology. Mostly, interfaced by DSRC wireless to the
1SV PFNs and inter modal containers are constructed and/or prime mover PFNs or TSA/Customs/Law officer/
retrofitted with 1Ps PFN as well as components shipped in Dockworker/UPS man/Mechanics/receiving clerks/
these vehicles and containers are packaged with 1Ps and 1Ps mailroom people/baggage handlers/ticker writers/Pilots/
Soc units as well as RFID technology. 25 doctors/nurses janitors/via their 1P PFN belt or 1P PFN PDA
The PFN/TRAC system of wireless relaying supports a or another more powerful 1Ps PFN possibly solar reener-
floating network inventory function for real-time account- gized for more sophisticated stand alone repeater router
ability. When a shipment is prepared and logged into any operations to complete the flexible portable network of
intranet, to include secret or military shipment being trans- connections to locate any lost assets position and condition
ported on commercial carriers or some times on a commer- 30 in transit.
cial carriers the PFN DRC, 1 SV PFN rail1 M PFN marine Human movement is traced via by ID and surveillance
1 E stationary PFN would be receiving signals from the technologies interfaced in the same manner. This is total
passing minimal DSRC and would report these positions and movement management and seamless security for every-
telemetry via packet data to the wireless gateway for 1P thing that moves is good for airports, ports, train stations,
routing encoded in the data packet. Prior to being shipped a 35 border crossings, state road inspection stations, interactive
shipping plan would be filed in the intranet. As the separate highway systems and on and on.
components went their different paths their beacon signals or FIG. 40 This figure will detail the registry system in
quarried signal from the system would constantly provide general. At the very top of the page is a small box that says
their exact position to be compared with known shipping World Organizations. This is the present state of World
routes and practices. Alerts for misdirected transport and/or 40 affairs with the national government agencies in control of
the absence of an asset in transit would or could trigger a the data involving any and all mechanized civil and indus-
FACT alert and system wide up load of the missing 1Ps PFN trial uses of equipment and any impact data specific to
RFID tag or bar code marked package and the Air internet, national sovereignty. Ultimately the PFN TRAC system can
Sea internet Rail internet and Interactive highway to include help to develop trust and fair play in the use of the world's
Onstar etc. Would be downloaded the missing ESN or code 45 resources and equipment as well as free humanity in an
number signal for the missing shipping component. efficient manner. When humanity matures past present sur-
All the shippers like UPS, FEDEX, DHL, the motor vival fears and accompanying paranoia to address only the
carriers and major rail and fright lines and cruise lines would real fears of peaceful co-existing the PFN management
all have responsive PFNs on the vehicle Platforms and all system will serve its greatest function. However, now it is
would be responsive to PFN/TRAC lost and found registry 50 best used and developed in the individual nations to reach
for commercial search and FACT registry for criminal this point of world peace. As communication and under-
investigations and/or National security FACT events. standing is increased the natural sharing of data will take
The lost and found registry would be virtual and made up place and is already transpiring on the Internet. For the
of all the stakeholders intranets. They would be notified if a present all government agencies will serve to clear all PFN
tracer was sent out by a specific shipper or recipient and their 55 data that is earmarked for their attention through the
intranet would notify all parties of the miss shipped piece National Registry and be responsible for its dissemination
FIG. 47 PFN/TRAC provides a portable network of worldwide. The Departments of Defense and Homeland
repeating PFNs with sensor and wireless interfacing. It security will have control over all questionable data for final
performs wireless sensing and relays data as part of a federal release at the highest FACT Command level. This is to
access and control technology for national security and 60 include the National security agencies the President and (any
public safety. The PFN on each prime mover harvests data congressional national security committee advisement
continually from all the materials being carried and routes group?). (this is regularly an Executive Branch operation
data recovered to the appropriate monitoring terminals in the and function of government)
various intranets as per pre programming or remote control This is why the big black triangle ends up with National
requests. 65 Government Agencies for security. Additionally, taxation
FIGS. 48 Obviously, some shipment components are can be performed directly from every PFN(Sale and/or use
more valuable and/or sensitive than other components. For tax) for the state and National government as has been
US 6,965,816 B2
123 124
described and addressed in earlier applications. Also credits from a DRCPFN repeater in the responding police cruisers.
can be applied back to the user or citizen for any community UCR and IBRS are FBI justice department crime reporting
service performed by their equipment via the accurate programs in existence. Their forms and format would be
accounting in place. Also aid can be applied with automated as a bases for their report-operating program. The
re-education programs carried out through PFN terminals 5 data would be dispersed at the local level by the crime
for industries going through retooling wear old job skills coding already established to reduce over loading the sys-
resulted in lay offs. These attributes and commercial prod- tem. FACT event data would be proprietary and statistical
ucts and new industries are detailed in related filings. The would be assimilated in local accounting programs and
bottom of the triangle has LOCAL GOVERNMENT in big passed on in data bundles at off times.
bold letters. This is done for two reasons. First the local node 10 If all is clear the registry approval is given and transmitted
(Subset of intranets with gateways and servers will keep cost back to an approved registration program in the PFN. The
down for Registry networking. The great advantage to the component is listed as its appraised value is taxed and shown
PFN!TRAC system supporting the FACT registries is that on the display for the operator and/or owner of the host piece
the PS base of Processors and at each level allows for data of equipment. The same redundant data is sent to the
and processing to remain locally responsive from the PFN to 15 appropriate governing revenue agency intranet and a tax bill
the mass data systems to service the existing dispersed is prepared, unless the operator decides to pay in real-time
networks immediately. And second regional state and local with either a credit card or bank debit card in the card reader
government is the agencies that impact the individual in on the PFN. In which case the electronic payment is sent to
most cases. As has been detailed in earlier filings all the the cash receivables database in the Bank for the state
government agencies are now maintaining web pages and 20 treasury and National IRS if appropriate. In any event the
data phone nodes and through basic routing using ISDN and entire transaction is timed dated and the run status is added
high-speed fiber optics (Cisco routing Systems) the capa- to the inventory list of the vehicle or piece of equipment. If
bility for these agencies to process data and network effi- hard copies of the transaction are required a return E-mail
ciently is excellent. Data management for local regional and address can be sent to a home unit for printing or memory
national Data base connectivity allows for fast local dis- 25 storage or printed on location from the PFN or downloaded
crimination of data as well as provide much more data to a laptop or portable printer. If a component is flagged with
storage locally making the general availability of data in the an alert it will be accompanied with specific software
intra nets much more responsive to web information prod- commands or additional alerts depending on the severity of
ucts for the public or through the media while separating the the situation. A simple theft protocol might activate the unit
sensitive data from the local PFN and through out the 30 normally with out notifying the user and alert the appropri-
system. Below the local government registry are the FACT ate local authorities to the location of the stolen property and
Management & Memory for commercial servers. And to the then regain custody of the stolen property and inquire as to
right side the same FACT Management but provided by how the person in possession received that property. If there
public provider nodes. The difference being that individual is a Terrorist alert to a particular component as soon as the
commercial servers will be providing more fee for services 35 person installs the unit the alarms will be activated in all
from emergency service to computer down loads and the emergency responding agencies and even kill all power to
public nodes basically will be for government services the PFN and/or set off alarms and warnings.(if this proce-
FACT operations. Basically the PFN will use both systems dure and protocol are determined desirable) This depends on
commercial and public. It will do it automatically at the local the nature of the emergency and will allow for on the spot
PFN level via pre programming. An important note is that 40 real-time commands to augment any response. As men-
both these systems TRAC and FACT will provide account- tioned earlier FACT can provide a stealth eves dropping
able memory as does the PFN at the very bottom of the page, mode so that operator owner and occupants cannot tell that
which is responsible for activities performed and authenti- they are being monitored and/or recorded but this access
eating the activities. As shown and discussed in FIG. 39 via mode will require a signed judges order and his personal
landline wireless and satellite communications. 45 real-time access codes derived from a synchronized pin
FIG. 41 This is a flow chart to detail FACT software in the number generator to electronically sign the writ or search.
PFN on a host piece of equipment and also the interaction Once again any miss use or abuse will of this access activity
with agency FACT software programming in the main will be accountably recorded and encrypted locally and in
registry. For a new install the process is started by plugging remote locations and abuse should meet with the most
the component via one of the discussed interface connec- 50 serious criminal and civil penalties. This activity is for
tions. As illustrated by the second block down the PFN/ FACT Homeland Security or severe public safety threats
TRAC/FACT software recognizes the Components Fact from known dangerous criminals. Freedom of information
chip and calls a predetermined number. The call in number act will apply to any legal own of their PFN controlled
can be a commercial server or a public provided node that equipment and they will be able to down load their indi-
access the specific agency national registry (either locally 55 vidual memory that will show a complete access and use of
first or vice versa or simultaneously as detailed earlier. The their system coded with the agencies ID (local and national
right half of the page is exemplary of FACT operational as well as for commercial access) (In light of 911 these exact
software in the main registry system. This is at both the applications and use have to be review but the nature of any
national and state government registry system, which does abuse should not be minimized and the most profession use
clocked data updates to maintain uniform integrity through- 60 should always prevail.
out the system. The call received by the PFN data generated The Exception is the court/FACT-ordered stealth surveil-
from the new component check process compares the ESN lance: All normal government contact with personal or
and manufacture data to OEM supplied registry lists and private DRC PFNS or other commercial contacts must first
known crimes of stolen property entered in the registry by announce their access, to be recognized by the own/
citizens and the automated UCR and IBRS programs con- 65 occupant and agree to the open communication process or it
verting voice recognition recordings generated in the onsite must be a time of national emergency, marshal law or a
police investigation into a digital signal and text if desired crime in progress. In any event all will be recorded and
US 6,965,816 B2
125 126
accountability will be part of any process to use or not use tion Number (MIN). This technology is nearly equivalent to
the PFN record as evidence in a court of law. The exact use that used in today=s wireless systems and will incorporate
of recordings and the preceding announcements or Miranda many of the COTS encrypted security systems at the appli-
rights will be part of a legal standards effort. Also a redun- cation level. Therefore it will require little research and
dant record will be kept in a remote location either in a 5 development to implement; only modification of currently
licensed commercial FACT server or in government mass used commercial technology is needed to expand these
storage. These systems are detailed in earlier related patents. applications of ESN/encryption technology to other areas
As the spider eyes and green eye software programs. These (components, devices, equipment) interfaced through the
are the law enforcement (spider eyes) and environmental PFNs. The adoption of standards that allow multiple vendors
analysis programs (Green eyes) of the FACT Security pro- 10 to inter operate is of primary importance and should be
gram detained in earlier related patents. The Fact program pursued in appropriate standards organizations such as the
will basically be operated with the Justice Department the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), International
FBI IBSR incident base Reporting system and The UCR the Standards Organization (ISO) or others such as the Institute
Uniform Crime Reporting system and it will be part of this for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Electronic
technologies Spider Eyes system and will be totally acces- 15 Industry Association (EIA) and Consumer Electronics
sible to local law enforcement and even the general public Manufacture Association (CEMA). As well as all the indus-
through national state and local agency editing as justified try specific manufacturers and their associations e.g. for
and presentation on the web or for public media notifications Automobiles.
(PEAM and EAM messages). The PFN provides for flexible interfacing during this
However, all crime activity will be given ID=s either 20 process but agreed upon standards to further refine and
IBSR-UCR or local and all data can be retrieved from the define the variables is essential.
mass data in any discovery to make everyone accountable The importance of security in these systems cannot be
for all decisions and use of data including editing from the under emphasized. While communications privacy within
public. MS is the mass storage in the TRACS/FACT system. the PFN matrix is a concern, it pales beside the threat of
Basically this drawing is self explanatory and I have out- 25 spoofing of such systems. Digital has virtually ended spoof-
lined in writing what would be incorporated in any software ing as was experienced with analog system. And PFN
algorithm as well as how humanity will be able to legally use accountability will system hackers NEW FACT CHIP Gen-
this technology in a constitutional way. The deliberative eral purpose possible modality to prove feasibility Compo-
process with the public should be fully engaged and the nent FACT chips are a micro-controller chip and/or smart
extent of personal privacy invasion should be closely moni- 30 chip that is integrated and/or interfaced with a silicon
tored known by all and mirror The homeland Security threat switching relay in every power regulating circuit or send the
codes. Red Severe, Orange High, Yellow Elevated, Blue necessary data signal for any and every electronically con-
Guarded, and Green low. trolled piece of equipment, devices and/or commercially
Obviously what actions are warranted for which level of available circuit. The FACT system will be able to interface
threat requires further exploration with those skilled in 35 into any control circuit and restrict operation through a chip
public safety and national security and a good hard look and or software and direct all input signals to a designated
understanding by the public at large-This security portion onboard memory that is also provided time, date, location
of the technology is all about trade offs and freedoms and and the author of command (pin finger print ID or iris eye)
responsibility. With, that said this inventor joins responsibly as well as the command strings and all responses there to; be
with his fellow citizens to make the hard choices and work 40 they automated or due to human activities.
hard to minimize the negative impacts on our freedoms and The individual software will be capable through PFN
rights. interface communications to provide their stored data
FIG. 44 PFN!fRAC/FACT/ESN Operation Basic to the (firmware or flash memory to the National Registry upon a
concept of operations of the TRAC and PFN, is a unique new installations and will be able to immediately in real-
Electronic Serial Number or ESN, which maybe either 45 time report this data. Once the data is receive and processed
installed by a device at the manufacturer, or programmed at it will be checked to see if it has tripped any alert flags. If
the point of sale. Every component, device or subsystem there is no criminal or suspect security flags the registry will
within the accountability matrix (Local PFN) has an elec- record the new FACT component installation with accom-
tronic identifier and in some cases a secure electronic power panying (PFN operating inventory) to the appropriate PFN
or processor cut off for FACT function. The ESN allows 50 file in the main registry and apply the appropriate taxes and
each element within the matrix to be securely and accurately fees for the product installation. This will be accomplished
tracked, inventoried or controlled, either through a local through a publicly provided registry phone none or a
control loop or remotely, by an authorized FACT application licensed and bonded commercial server that is registered and
or agency. An example of a remote application might be periodically inspected and reviewed to have and provide a
local law enforcement personnel disabling a vehicle being 55 secure Data Base Connection or encrypted Web connection
chased by police officers. In many ESN applications, proper with the appropriate government agencies (the National
security measures would obviously need to be taken to Registry, FCC, FBI etc.). This is all part of the Trusted
prevent replication or copying of device or system ESNs for Remote Activity Controller System. This FACT program
the purposes of fraud, unauthorized control or interception will provide a secure command string and access path from
of data, or other criminal or terrorist activity. The FACT 60 the origination to any mass memory storage system that is
ESNs would also be the basis for digital encryption of search-able from the National Registry by any appropriate
information passed between the PFN device and the con- authority or agency. Some failsafe security for the system is
trolling entity (A National set of agency Intranets for a provided by the component software of FACT at the appli-
complete FACT Registry) with local network processing cation level establishing a handshake with local memory in
nodes through public communications channels such as the 65 the PFN and legitimate remote registry equipment and a
phone lines or Internet initiated in many cases wirelessly secondary integrity check from prior legitimate registry
from mobile PFNs accompanied by their Mobile Identifica- contact data. (possibly a Random code number established
US 6,965,816 B2
127 128
in the last contact with the PFN and Registry. The registry TRAC/FACT controller to activate, deactivate or specifi-
will provide all public providers and commercial servers cally control any and all components. Power can be cut off
with the alert flag data so any receiving system will be able to a specific component through the BUSS or it can instruct
to inform the PFN of national security alerts for potentially the individual component=s FACT CHIP to intercept power
dangerous devices (terrorist altered components that could 5 (power input or regulator circuit. All the electrical connec-
be used to activate explosives, chemical, or bacterial or viral tions in vehicles and equipment are need of standardization
microbes contaminants) through the commercial (PFN) and I have written to this in all my previous applications and
remote and management control systems. Of course the these are areas that will be a standardization effort in each
appropriate authorities would be alerted to any of the industry and/or application specific use of accountable
national security high-risk installation attempts in real-time. 10 remote and automated control. I have addressed how to
The immediate action could be performed by either prede- complete these functions with present hardware connections
termined automated protocols or by real-time commands firmware and software and have created some new modali-
handled directly by the appropriate authorities. Because, the ties to interface all the present devices. However as shown
exact piece of equipment can be ID by its FACT chip along in FIG. 6a the components and technologies are merging and
with all its Original Equipment Manufacture OEM=s firm- 15 this universal plug and play BUSS in the PFN is an ideal way
ware (Lot No. and any security codes, etc.) and of course this to make compatible this electrical interface platform.#4 of
would be updated by any additional or subsequent use such 16 is just pointing out that the individual component FACT
as re-sales, retrofits or re-installments. An accurate record CHIPS must provide firm ware or stored data of identity,
shall be provided with in the chips firmware or flash memory OEM data, last application, etc. to comply with any standard
and in the national registry (mass storage to be either 20 or regulation developed for a national registry or any such
provided by public government or commercial servers security system. Because FACT is a major part of the main
licensed). This process will be readily supported to provide operating system in TRAC its software is also modular and
tracking for commercial trading of legitimate products (new can be in any form or hardware application. The hardware
and used) giving government the economic taxing tool for chips and firmware modality detailed in this application
real transactions and real-time product use for new and used 25 should in no way be considered the only modality to create
devices components products and total equipment packages a nation wide security and management that is capable of
such as (cars). This will also allow for immediate component real-time control of individual components, devices, and
analysis for any criminal activity and a clear record of equipment. However, any other modality should be consid-
component ownership and use through PFN/TRAC/ ered within the nature and scope of this invention. And this
TRACS/FACT programming. TRACS/FACT programming 30 is area #6 of FIG. 16. The chip also can perform activation
will be issuing Stolen alert bulletins, and/or any security and deactivation of the component and that is what is meant
alert flag at periodic times for PFN =s to do internal integrity by saying it A must provide control.
and security tests as this information is reported or becomes Note: In the description of the FACT component in this
available. Otherwise, any device, system and/or component invention as described as a chip, does not have to be in every
will be assessed for its legitimacy and real-time use at the 35 case, It can be as firmware in a chip or software programs
time date location of installation along with the PFN ESN loaded. That way the best form of security for data man-
and whatever other data is determined to be applicable. At agement is open to each individual manufacturer=s best
this time it will be appraised and billed to the responsible options with their particular products to provide this func-
party for its use and impact on society, its infrastructure and tion so long as it is approved by any governing standards for
the environment. Obviously it is necessary to identify the 40 this use. It is obvious that a physical chip could be replaced
host piece of equipment, and, any and all components the or compromised in its firmware so additional means will be
new installation is interacting with, as well as, all interac- utilized to insure security, such as the random code exchange
tions from communication devices, control circuits, discussed above at the last legitimate contact or string of
actuators, and responsible monitors, control an or manage- contacts with the Registry allowing only appropriate one-
ment centers all of which is recorded in the PFN secure 45 way communication at the time for the PFN compare list or
memory (recording devices) for (accountability) and in at component compare list is running to validate a legitimate
least one remote mass storage facility for accountability. The registry contact or vice versa for the registry computers
primary purpose of this singular identity component chip is being accessed by a new PFN component application.
to track any and all use of the attached device and/or FIG. 45 This figure state the attributes of PFN/TRAC
component that it has been incorporated into and to report 50 intermodal monitoring and tracking. As detailed in FIG. 37
any and all data in a complete and integral fashion, as for tracking persons and their baggage as well as detecting
prescribed by any code, regulation, law, and/or standard their condition and contents during transit can be done for
decreed by any sovereign or governing authorities. Number materials and shipment in transit from boats to rail to trucks
2 in FIG. 16 is the SMART CHIPS and/or a magnetic strip to aircraft to trucks and delivery vehicles again. There is
can be provided as part of the components unit packaging 55 however, a unique set of circumstances to each of the mode
and/or a bar code so that an immediate check of the of transportation. As shown in FIG. 18-ground transpor-
component can be search either by a OCR scanner or a hand tation internets involve both rail and roadway vehicle plat-
held magnetic strip reader. With the more extensive amount forms and their special transportation machinery. These
of data handled by smart cards and chips this is another therefore are separate intranets.
inexpensive modality that will help in tracking and reporting 60 The Railroad industry like aviation does not like rapid
stolen materials. A hard or plastic card would be issued to the change or any physical interfacing with the E/E systems
purchaser of any TRACS/FACT device so that they could either on the train or to the rails. This is why the wireless
scan their stolen property data to the National Registry. TRACker unit is also employed in the passive receive and
Number 3 is the universal plug and play buss inside the repeat function initially and more physically interfaced in
PFN containment that create the electrical interface platform 65 time. Firs as a redundant system and then as a continual
for all the components. This buss will carry the appropriate progressive and working interface with inherent redundancy
power connection and control connections from the PFN/ and accountability. This is true for the Interactive highway
US 6,965,816 B2
129 130
internets that are infantile in their traffic messaging and flexible portable network connections to locate lost assets in
public alerts the amber alert system of signs. transit. Human movement traced via by ID and surveillance
Obviously the PFN/TRAC will be much more of a technologies interfaced in the same manner. This is total
tracking and telemetry service as Telematics in cars incor- movement management and seamless security for that
porate the PFN DRC Driver resource Center and rail cars the 5 movement for airports, ports, train stations, border
1SV PFNs and inter modal containers are constructed and/or crossings, state road inspection stations interactive highway
retrofitted with 1Ps PFN as well as components shipped in reporting and on and on.
these vehicles and containers are packaged with 1Ps and 1 FIG. 49 This figure illustrates the FACT security program
Ps Soc units as well as RFID technology. via PFNs locating a missing military asset from another
shipment. In this case a military shipment lost a hand held
The PFN/TRAC system of wireless relaying supports a 10
rocket launcher that had a 1ps PFN unit imbedded in it for
floating network inventory function for real-time account-
shipment. When a tandem tractor trailer carrying the
ability. When a shipment is prepared and logged into any launcher swerved to miss a stalled vehicle on an overpass the
intranet, to include secret or military shipment being trans- launcher was dislodged and ejected to the road below, where
ported on commercial carriers or some times on a commer- it landed on an open top dump truck going 60 miles an hour
cial carriers the PFN DRC, 1 SV PFN rail1 M PFN marine 15 perpendicular to the tractor trailer on the elevated road.
1 E stationary PFN would be receiving signals from the Immediately the tractor trailer DRC PFN via DSRC running
passing minimal DSRC and would report these positions and a timed radio quarry program ask by RF for a return signal
telemetry via packet data to the wireless gateway for IP from all 250 known assets in the shipment on both trailers.
routing encoded in the data packet. Prior to being shipped a Additionally do to the extreme truck movement recognized
shipping plan would be filed in the intranet. As the separate 20 in the DRC PFN of the tractor another Flag in the on board
components went their different paths their beacon signals or FACT surveillance program was satisfied for the radio
quarried signal from the system would constantly provide handshake. The DRC PFN interfaced with the vehicles E/E
their exact position to be compared with known shipping system processed a sway sensor recording the movement
routes and practices. Alerts for miss-directed transport and/ that was connected to the trucks 11939 can bus in the tractor.
or the absence of an asset in transit would or could trigger 25 The DRC tractor sent an alert signal to the driver of the
a FACT alert and system wide up load of the missing 1Ps tractor-trailer and also to the nearest TSA FACT Motor
PFN RFID tag or bar code marked package and the Air carrier telemetry center and to all appropriate personnel
internet, Sea internet Rail internet and Interactive highway instantly including the local police who are routed to the
to include Onstar etc. Would be downloaded the missing truck-traveling blow that ended up with the lost launcher.
ESN or code number signal for the missing shipping com- 30 Because the launcher signal was retrieved in the Dump
ponent trucks DRC PFN and relayed to the TSA FACT center
All the shippers like UPS, FEDEX DHL, the motor additionally the driver was notified and asked to pullover in
carriers and major rail and fright lines and cruise lines would the closest safe shoulder section on the right. This is just a
all have responsive PFNs on the vehicle Platforms and all hypothetical example of how the matrix keeps track of
would be responsive to PFN/TRAC lost and found registry 35 objects in motion even with out GPS.
for commercial search and FACT registry for criminal Avionics Acronym List and Definitions as It Relates to
investigations and/or National security FACT events. PFN/TRAC and FACT Security.
The lost and found registry would be virtual and made up The initial acronym list was taken from the "Allied Signal
of all the stakeholders intranets. They would be notified if a Terms and Definitions of Avionics" offered on the internet.
tracer was sent out by a specific shipper or recipient and their 40 It is used to key note, begin discussion and direct the
internet would notify all parties of the miss-shipped piece. specification of the PFN/TRAC System in aircraft imple-
The interfacing between internets and shippers and recipi- mentation for the DOD, FAA, Airlines and major Aircraft
ents can be made locally regionally and nationally via DSRC Manufacturers. The PFN/TRAC System by design is a living
to the multiple application specific wireless. work or work in progress. It is meant to serve as a tool to
FIG. 47 Obviously, some shipment components are more 45 address the issues, teach and improve this technology in
valuable or sensitive than other components. For this reason aircraft for optimum public safety on a continuing basis. The
The PFN/TRAC System integration provides for minimal basic invention is well defined in this application seven
tracking and telemetry to be cost effective and extensive related filings. This and three other applications specifically
tracking and telemetry to insure public safety and national deal with the specific problems facing the air travel industry
security. And sometimes the more sophisticated tracking and 50 today and for the foreseeable future. The focus is protected
telemetry applications used during shipping survive the accountable machine controls, artificial intelligence
transport phase and are retained for permanent use as a PFN (robotics), communication and data routing and system
reporting through the PFN/TRAC system to a specific FACT interfacing with an inherent concern for impacts on humans
security intranet. FIG. 48 is an example of the myriad of and the environment.
possible components shipped and the diverse types telem- 55 This list of definitions is edited to deal with aircraft
etry technology interfaced in the complete PFN/TRAC systems, ground systems and the affecting, sovereign
controller router provides forming the management and nations, their government agencies, their rules, regulations,
security matrix. Not just proprietary 1Ps stand alone PFN law, protocols and standards. The PFN/TRAC System is
units with some of the most extensive sensing and remote designed to organize and make more universal and secure
control capability but also including Texas Instruments 60 interfacing between machine systems, people and their soci-
RFID technology for a little less data recovery (active) and eties; both on the surface and near the surface of the earth to
basically ID their (Passive Tag) products and to include Bar increase public safety and to protect the environment for a
code readers interfaced and the proprietary Bag sign tech- free, respectful and peaceful world
nology. All interfaced by DSRC wireless most of the time to The Following is:
the prime mover PFN or TSA/Customs/Law officer/ 65 A 220 page white paper (manual) included with the best
Dockworker/UPS man/Mechanic 1P PFN belt or 1Ps more mode of carrying out the invention and to be used with the
sophisticated stand alone repeater router unit to complete the drawing descriptions and when viewing the figures.
US 6,965,816 B2
131 132
This portion of the specification is for those skilled in the network, interfaces, human participation, and support
art of avionics, air travel and transport to reference familiar machinery and equipment use, to include traffic flow and
terms, components and systems and better understand the security through the airport and gate to gate in the skies.
drawings and how to construct this movement management There are specific specifications to envision and construct
hardware and software interfacing and FACT security sys- 5 the invention. However, the specific technical architecture in
tern. The section, describes remote control and accountable many instances has been deliberately left open so as not to
robotics implementation via an alphabetical listing of avi- restrict component engineering and to systemically accom-
onic terms and descriptions for system integrators, code modate a with variety of aircraft and machinery in today's
writers, and component engineers to structure and base the air travel industry.
operating system's integration and interface designs for the 10
3D, 4D Three or Four Dimension
various aircraft and terrestrial systems linked. Because, of
4096 Code The octal base, four-digit code used between
the diversity of aircraft the alphabetical list of avionics and framing pulses of a reply to identify the aircraft or for
viable modalities to accomplish specific protected, auto- general use and emergency codes (XPD). XPD use and
mated and accountable FACT flights and landings will be adaptation for TRAC FACT protocols; Federal Access &
expansive, especially in this general format. But essential in 15 Control Technology FACT is a emergency communication
light of the terrorist acts of 911 and why this document and computer program used in all equipment and vehicle
follows the FAA report made in April of 2001. The PFN/ platforms and coordinates all the necessary government
TRAC System can carry the nation in the proper technical agencies in a secure Transportation matrix of transportation
direction to insure and better secure our freedom of move- intranets for surface transportation land &, sea and also air.
ment and respect our privacy in air travel. 20 Aviation in general is much more technically developed in
There will be optimum modalities and redundant systems communications and computers or telematics then land
for each aircraft. Some such systems may prove universal transportation as a general rule. With 4096 code and XPD in
across the boards and be standardized in all aircraft. Then existence, this secure communication link can be used to
there will be very individual aircraft engineering challenges fulfill the first generation FACT program in aviation. Ulti-
to accomplish the same desired FACT function for every- 25 mately many different communication protocols will be
thing that Flies. Standardization of accountable remote interfaced via the PFN/TRAC system to include cellular
control and robotics in any transportation platform is basic telephony and special encrypted FACT software communi-
to the nature and scope of the invention the PFN and The cations will be developed.
PFN/TRAC System TM. A300 Airbus Industries Model 300 Aircraft TRAC/FACT
This tool provides the means for those skilled in the art to 30 IN) 60 days FACT gen 1
assess any aircraft and airport facility along with all related A310Airbus Industries Model310Aircraft TRAC/FACT
equipment to determine the best way to construct and IN) 60 days FACT gen 1
implement the PFN/TRAC movement management system A319 Airbus Industrie Model 319 Aircraft TRAC/FACT
with FACT Security. The teachings of this patent filing and IN) 60 days FACT gen 1
related filings provide a set of options and system interfaces 35 A320 Airbus Industrie Model 320 Aircraft TRAC/FACT
to help proficiently out fit America's aircraft with a progres- IN) 60 days FACT gen 1
sive development in remote control and security. A330 Airbus Industrie Model 330 Aircraft TRAC/FACT
Additionally, the work provides DOD and the FAA the IN) 60 days FACT gen 1
system architecture to construct and implement at least 5 A340 Airbus Industrie Model 340 Aircraft TRAC/FACT
national Safe Base airports (SBs) that are coordinated with 40 IN) 60 days FACT gen 1
air to air remote control and robotics flight of compromised AAAE American Association of Airport Executives To
aircraft, and to provide final approach and surface/flight take part in the planning of the Safe Bases and the safe
control systems to locally control landings, thus providing, procedures employed in the regular commercial airports as
greater public safety and national security, both in the air and well as standard FAA operations
on the ground. 45 AAC Aeronautical Administrative Communications to be
The technology goal is to teach a progressive architecture connected to PFN/TRAC/FACT FAA/home land security
to advance accountable robotics and Remote Control (RC) central control
flight as and enhanced Humanity Machine Interfacing tech- AAL (1) American Airlines all C&D classified aircraft
nology. A Science Technology Society or STS HMI to TRAC/FACT in 60 days FACT gen 1
include ground system flight controls and management 50 (2) Above Aero Dome Level
appropriately interfaced with real-time flights. First with AAMP Advanced Architecture Micro-Processor TRAC
present technology, and then plan for future integration and processors/ASIC hybrid substrate SOC, custom
consolidation of systems to systems on a chip or SOC AAS Advanced Automation System Developed to lock
technology for the optimum circuit and system interface out local flight controls and automate protected flight con-
combinations. For this reason the PFN/TRAC architecture 55 trols for FACT robotics and RC flying and landing
or ASIC design will always provide a secure and protected AAT FAAAir Traffic Control Service to be subservient to
plug and play access capacity for future engineering con- FACT regional and national FACT Flight command center
cerns and flexible component interfacing which also is either as a hybrid for existing FAA national flight control, or
responsive, recognized and accounted for in the FACT newly created, as part of homeland security in a lager
system as change occurs. 60 transportations matrix of intranets for surface, land, sea, and
Bold face print in the following describes the relevant air traffic control and management. The installment of
combinations and teachings to construct and implement the PFN/TRA/FACT provides a more robust, accountable
PFN/TRAC/FACT system with respect to commonly known response via each aircraft compromised as an enhancement,
avionic terms and acronyms, which are defined prior in not as a replacement, to an already great aviation control
small print. The terms are used to stimulate dialog and 65 system.
understanding at the component level for skilled artisans to AATT Advanced Air Transportation Technology (NASA
engineer and construct the PFN/TRAC machine messaging Program) NASA to help develop PFN/TRAC/FACT for
US 6,965,816 B2
133 134
traditional aircraft via it's progressive and architectural Mexico and establish the handoffs needed for national
implementation of organizational structure of artificial intel- Federal control programs.
ligence technologies already being utilized in many aero- ACIPS Airfoil and Cowl Ice Protection System
space applications. ACK The control character meaning technical acknowl-
AJB Auto Brake 5 edgment of an uplink, used in an ACARS system Same
A-BPSK Aeronautical Binary Phase Shift Keying concept for the up link to FACT programs running in TRAC
ABRV Abbreviation but probably encrypted for both the surface and the on board
ABS Absolute TRAC/FACT processor to confirm a legitimate FACT mes-
Absolute The altitude of the aircraft above the terrain. sage for robotics and RC flight and landings as well as in
Altitude Also known as AGL (above ground level) Data 10 flight robust aggressive but accountable activity controls e.g.
provided by the various on-board sensors to the TRAC/ sleep gas activation for a confirmed FACT/Wojack event.
FACT processor for FACT SB flights and landings v1a ACM Air Cycle Machine connected to a sensor array to
robotics and RC piloting. detect contaminants on board and airborne Bio or chemical
AC (1) Advisory Circular HAZMAT
(2) Alternating Current 15 ACMF Airplane Condition Monitoring Function inter-
NC Aircraft faced to TRAC process/processor and FACT monitor for
ACAC Air-Cooled Air Cooler FACT event software program
ACARS Airborne Communications Addressing and ACMP Alternating Current Motor Pump
Reporting ACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring System tied to or
System ACARS 0001 to be the program differentiating 20 interfaced an protected as needed to TRAC/FACT system as
points for protocols and course of action for the FACT a SUC system to TRAC
robotics system and the PFN!fRAC/FACT procedures in the ACNSS Advanced Communication/Navigation/
aircraft and in the ground or surface management system. Surveillance
Much is detailed out in this Patent as a white paper, however System interfaced and/or integrated with the TRAC/
the inventor realizes the actual software programming and 25 FACT protected robotics and RC flying and landing systems
procedures are to be determined by many skilled profes- ACP Audio Control Panel recorded for a real-time FACT
sionals and the public as to the implementation of the event and interfaced to monitor with voice recognition
PFN!TRAC/FACT invention for robotic and Remote Con- technology a voice ID technology for the TRAC/FACT
trol RC flight with real aircraft. system to be responsive to.
ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System is to be a 30 ACR Avionics Computer Resource the whole PFN/
part of the robotics flight and RC landing system in all TRAC/FACT system is made up of the entire aircrafts ACR
application specific aircraft as sub systems and Systems with the essential systems protected and more integrated via
Under Control of the TRAC/FACT system and program. upper level ACR software FACT interfacing and processing
ACC Active Clearance Control to be under the command TRAC applications to provide enhanced and accountable
of the PFN!fRAC/FACT-FAA air command control center 35 human machine interfacing of human and machine intelli-
in a FACT event. gence both in the aircraft and on the surface insuring better
ACCC Area Control Computer Complex will be flexible public safety in flying and landing the aircraft under the most
intranets IP created by event protocols to coordinate agency trying of circumstances.
and systems in real-time through a higher application level ACS Active Control System TRAC/FACT is the ACS in
of software termed FACT for all PFN!fRAC applications in 40 a FACT/WoJack event, but active with accountability all
a large transportation matrix or secure encrypted isolated recorded with command strings in a number of Event Data
internet but capable of accessing the web and providing Recorders both in the aircraft and reported to the surface
public secure data via the WWW. buffers and mass data handling and storage facilities.
Acclrm Accelerometer as well as other velocity an speed ACU (1) Apron Control Unit to provide signals in the
sensing devices and systems will provide data locally, on 45 0001 first ON stage on the ground as a ACARS FACT
board aircraft to the TRAC/FACT program, and report data triggered event recognition and progression to deal with a
to the surface system the PFN!fRAC System running FACT WoJack or Fact event condition-to help make a decision to
software for robust remote control and robotics flying of a stay on the ground most likely-however, flight to safe base
compromised flight controlled isolated area might be a possible scenario if the
ACE (1) The control character meaning technical 50 safe transport of the threat can be assured or deemed a
Acknowledge will be certified as TRAC/FACT approved greater public safety options (e.g. a sealed for flight con-
with secret and security clearances to be the pros working on taminated aircraft) these are scenarios that all mentioned
the TRAC processor, interfaces and protected connectables organizations, government agencies, and the public have to
and actuators. weigh-in on as to acceptable policy and procedures to be
(2) Actuator Control Electronics will be protected to 55 programmed as software in robotics & RC FACT systems
perform lockdown of local controls and to automate the and protocols.
flying controls on board in unobtainable modalities while in (2) Autopilot Control Unit is to be interfaced with the
flight for humans to tamper with TRAC/FACT process and protocols and interfaced and
(3) Advanced Certification Equipment a must for all protected as an integrated system, first starting as an adap-
TRAC/FACT equipment and component applications 60 tive auto pilot with the 5 safe flight to safe zone areas and
ACI Airports Council International to help develop the SBs for possible semi-controlled landing and boarding.
GPS or geographic handoffs for the separate FACT control (3) Antenna Control Unit TRAC the process, or processor,
software and to help structure the implementation of PFN/ will have as a SUC-RF equipment in scanning activity and
TRAC/FACT technology globally. checking readiness to include any internal and external
ACI-NAAirports Council International-North America to 65 antennas and/or their controls on board the aircraft. A major
help develop the implementation of the PFN!fRAC/FACT function of the TRAC system is the capability to use all
system and technology in the United States/Canada and forms of communications in a FACT emergency to afford the
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maximum and optimum communication and data exchange recognition software and ID voice software to allow for
between the surface and the troubled aircraft for humans and hands-free commands as determined necessary for FACT
machine systems. programs and protocols. The system will support other voice
AID Analog-to-Digital and DAC digital-to-analog con- dependent technologies, interfaced cellular telephony etc.
version equipment will be part of any PFN/TRAC/FACT 5 AED Algol Extended for Design
system to incorporate and interface all the avionics provid- AEEC Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee will
ing electrical signal on board the aircraft and within the review and approve all the TRAC/FACT processes and
surface control and data management loop. using existing hardware and their interfacing as well as
ADA Computer Programming Language Standard IP pro- future generations of integrated ASICs, SOCs and hybrid
tocols and wireless protocols via firmware in chipsets/hybrid
10 substrates for TRAC processors.
substrates and electronics modalities will be incorporated in
AEP Audio Entertainment Player (interfaced and con-
the first generation of TRAC/FACT processing and protocol
application. However, the majority of interfacing will be trolled as needed by TRAC) to deliver FACT instructions to
accomplished for the specific PFN/TRAC architecture via the passengers and crew during an event and to interrupt the
higher-level FACT software including special encryption for entertainment programming as needed.
accountability and secured management. Part of the soft- 15 AERA Automated En Route traffic control (Direct inter-
ware developed is an emergency translation software algo- face with TRAC) for monitoring for a FACT event like a
rithm that all communication protocols can be operated and WoJack incident and to re-program a RC flight or robotics
linked to create a flexible vast matrix of communication and FACT flight.
data messaging without compromising subsystem securities AES Aircraft Earth Station
and operations. 20 AFC (1) Automatic Frequency Compensation all auto-
ADC Air Data Computer (Direct TRAC interface) mated radio control technology to improve transmission and
ADF Automatic Direction Finder (Direct TRAC reception for the auto scan TRAC processor and the FACT
interface) communication needed during an event will be fully utilized
ADI Attitude Direction Indicator (Direct TRAC interface) in the construction of subsystems and their interfaces to
AD IRS Air Data Inertial Reference System (Direct TRAC 25 create the initial TRAC/FACT process and the ultimate
interface) ASIC or SOC system developed in the future.
ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (Direct TRAC (2) Automatic Frequency Control used for TAC/FACT
interface) performance to be optimal
ADLP Aircraft Data Link Processor (Direct TRAC AFCAS Automatic Flight Control Augmentation System
interface) 30 will be responsive to the TRAC/FACT processes or proces-
ADM Air Data Module The seven above-defined catego- sor running FACT on board the aircraft and the surface
ries are interfaced and subsystems or SUC to TRAC/FACT systems monitoring the questionable flight in progress or a
protocols. The data is used in the determination of proper FACT event and ready as a subsystem or fully integrated and
flight path and a FACT event and in the robotics flight of a protected FACT function to control the aircraft to a safe
plane in trouble. 35 Base via safe flight route by robotics immediately.
ADMS Airline Data Management System AFCEAArmed Forces Communications & Electronics
ADP Air Driven Pump Association will help develop the DES/DET and FACT
ADRAS Airplane Data Recovery and Analysis System interfaces for standard and commercial avionics and com-
ADS (1) Automatic Dependent Surveillance ADS will be munication to insure the compatibility to work responsively
preformed by TRAC/FACT process or ASIC processor as a 40 during any FACT event.
standard procedure for subsystems SUC to TRAC/FACT on AFCS Automatic Flight Control System is to be inter-
boot up and periodically. faced with the onboard TRAC/FACT process to determine a
(2) Air Data System FACT event and operate the automate FACT flights.
ADSB Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast AFD Adaptive Flight Display videoed and the electronic
TRAC/FACT subsystems and ultimately integrated and 45 signals provided the TRAC/FACT process and recorded and
interfaced and used as needed between surface and aircraft reported to the surface.
unit. AFDC Autopilot Flight Director Computer to be made
ADSEL Address Selective. A SSR system electronically part of the TRAC/FACT adaptive auto pilot for the first
arranged to address each transponder selectively. Only a generation FACT program detection and flight to SBs and
particular transponder will respond, thus obviating garbling. 50 the following landings.
ADSEL uses a mono-pulse technique to provide more AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System incorporated as
accurate bearing measurement. ADSEL is compatible with an adaptive autopilot to perform the FACT flights to the SB
DABS. (Refer to Mode S transponders.) All automated landing zones and SBs
markers and their data to be used by the TRAC process and AFEPS ACARS Front End Processing System to be
FACT software for plane verification of position and to fly 55 incorporated in the FACT 001 from ACARS segmented
the aircraft by robotics and remote control. process to monitor the take offs and initial management of
ADSP Automatic Dependent Surveillance Panel Videoed a FACT robotics flight takeover.
and recorded with the electronic signals processed in the AFIS (1) Automatic Flight Information Service
TRAC process and ultimately the TRAC ASIC and recorded (2) Airborne Flight Information System both these 2
locally and remotely 60 above terms will be incorporated as SUC to the TRAC/
ADSU (1) Automatic Dependent Surveillance Unit Any FACT system and protocols and will vary from aircraft and
such devices will be automated with TRAC/FACT software equipment involved and changes over the course of time.
and interfaced in the system to monitor for a FACT event Through the TRAC/FACT system the system will be more
and to better implement FACT protocols and programming. fully automated and diverse.
(2) Automatic Dependent Surveillance System 65 AFS Aeronautical Fixed Service will be used traditionally
AECU Audio Electronic Control Unit will be interfaced with other position and location/communication service
with the PFN/TRAC system onboard the aircraft with voice interfaced to better track and guide the aircraft.
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AFSK Audio Frequency Shift Keying will be employed, acqms1t1on, equipment management, and data storage for
recorded, and reported for accountability as it is presently humanity to better manage vehicle/equipment use and envi-
utilized, be used to carry FACT emergency translated mes- ronmental and societal impact of equipment use on the
sages from other communication protocols, and additionally infrastructure.
be decoded and provide emergency messages translated to 5 AIEM Airlines International Electronics Meeting con-
other interfaced communication links. ducted for many organizations and agencies to test, review,
NG Air-Ground continual communication links will pro- and write standards, rules, regulations, and code for TRAC
vide for dual processing and redundant storage in real-time architectural development in ASIC design, integration, and
as part of the PFN/1RAC/FACT system of accountable interfacing with existing aviation avionics.
robotics and remote control. 10 AIL Aileron automated and controlled by the TRAC
AGACS Automatic Ground-Air Communication System processor with respect to FACT programs running.
(also known as ATCSS, or DATA LINK) will be directly AIMS Aircraft Information Management System will be
interfaced as part of the TRAC/FACT first generation system an integrated function in the PFN/TRAC/FACT System and
as described directly above. If this does not exist for all TRAC has always been designed to perform this function as
aircraft, it will be created, as part of the qualifications to be 15 part of a large machine-messaging matrix and management
an accountable TRAC/FACT systems so it is inherent that system.
this AGACS would be a sub-system and SUC to TRAC and AlP Aeronautical Information Publication AlPs will be a
the automated TRAC scan function. basic medium to inform those in the arts of aviation and
AGARS Advanced General Aviation Research Simulator avionics about the characteristics of TRAC/FACT in avia-
will be used to practice FACT programs and procedures and 20 tion and to help network interface across the varied flight
design the TRAC process and ASIC processor. The options platforms and avionic architecture to get the most economic
are so numerous in wireless communications, LAN, and efficient configuration for any particular aircraft.
Ethernets, and computer interfaces in just one aircraft-let AIRCOM Digital air/ground communications services
alone the vast amount of possibilities for all the individual provided by SITA. A system similar to ACARS. All such
planes-the AGARS is a logical choice to experiment with 25 dedicated RF services will be coordinated to interface and be
the myriad possibilities. SUC to FACT. This is done because the automatic take-over
AGC Automatic Gain Control. AGC is used to maintain of the aircraft in robotics will be the highest level of secure
the output level of the receiver. This function will be a accountable encrypted function taking place in US airspace
TRAC/FACT communication control, automated in the and all communication and computations, or processing,
TRAC/FACT system, as a SUC subsystem for already 30 need to be sub-systems to a more focused control and
existing technology or for any future RF architecture management system. This is a basic characteristic of the
designed for the PFN/TRAC units. PFN/TRAC system and FACT protocols for all equipment
AGL Above Ground Level and transportation management. As stated earlier, aircraft is
AGS Air/Ground System an integrated real-time link for far ahead of surface vehicles and stationary equipment in
the FACT event aircraft, the chase assist aircraft, the surface 35 terms of equipment control, but the need for a completely
support en route command center FANhomeland security, organized management system of accountable robust con-
the surface SB RC crew, and terminal tower. trols is great and can be accomplished via the PFN/TRAC/
AHOE Air/Oil Heat Exchanger FACT machine messaging matrix of specialized intranets
AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System the electronic communication linked with wireless and IP protocols.
signal provided for the TRAC system doing processing and 40 AIR DATA Those parameters that can be derived from
running the FACT programs to determine flight deviation knowledge of the air mass surrounding the aircraft. Air Data
and correct FACT headings to SB via Safe fly zones for the is provided to the robotics flight control whether it is a
troubled aircraft. drafter autopilot, flight computer, adapted autopilot, flight
AI Alternative Interrogator will be a common practice for computer, a specifically designed ASIC, a custom processor,
the FACT program to determine a Flight course deviation 45 or any hybrid interface the TRAC/FACT processor running
via the many position, speed, and heading generating sys- FACT flight plans and FACT control technology is provided
tems SUC to the TRAC process/processor and operating in a protected state.
FACT software. Airways The standard ICAO IFR routes will be monitored
AID Altered Item Drawing. A drawing that details what by FACT surface control, and for planned flights en route,
alteration or change is made to an already existing campo- 50 for deviation. However, once a FACT event has occurred, a
nent. Examples may be shortening the shaft of dedicated team is assigned to the troubled flight and the
a variable resistor, or adding a program to a circuit card scrammed flight assist and pursuit aircraft along with the
to produce a programmed circuit card. The TRAC/ troubled aircraft is robotically flown to a safe airspace away
FACT system will generate many AID drawings for for all other air traffic and sensitive surface areas as an en
existing devices and avionics technology to create the 55 route FACT flight program to the assigned safe base. The
TRAC process construct, the ASIC, or interface exist- Safe Base is chosen by proximity and can be overridden by
ing processors and micro-circuits, as well as take the surface command, if the troubled aircraft poses a unique
form of software flow-charts to structure the higher threat that requires special handling. However, SBs and safe
FACT language or code, including encryption. There is flight zones will be designed to handle most everything.
a great deal of AID drawings in the related 7 patent 60 AIS Aeronautical Information Services will be supportive
application for the PFN/TRAC System and there will of FACT/FANhomeland security command central.
be more to structure the accountable, robust, remote AISC Aeronautical Industry Service Communication will
control and robotics necessary to operate this next be a standard method to inform the industry and personnel
generation of automated aircraft. of TRAC/FACT technology available and developed.
AIDS Aircraft Integrated Data System is to be a major 65 AIV Accumulator Isolation Valve this will be a system
function of the TRAC/FACT system in aircraft and for air used to divert hydraulic local controls pressure when a
travel, as part of a larger machine-messaging matrix for data FACT event is sensed and activated to keep the system ready
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for local controls to be reinstalled and to absorb the activa- munications control on both ends of the transmission. If
tion of such controls isolated and/or otherwise dead-headed AME proves to be a good modality to code and decode or
by the protected solenoid diversion-valve, providing hydrau- send encrypted messages/data in an efficient more secure
lic supply to the 1RAC/FACT protected auto pilot control manner, it should be used. These and other uses of AME will
valve or vein pump flying the FACT flight plan, by deliv- 5 be reviewed by FCC and the FAA as well as all
ering the appropriate hydraulic fluid to activate the flight organizations, professional associations, and government
surfaces in a hydraulically controlled aircraft. agencies required to determine the correct use of any AME
AIL Auto land frequency for FACT System use.
ALC Automatic Level Control. A circuit used to maintain AMI Airline Modifiable Information FACT reviewed
during an event and for any publication on policies and
the output of a transmitter regardless of variations in the 10
procedures provided to the public and professionals.
attenuation of the system. A sub-system to the TRAC/FACT
AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display used as
process/processor to that must be protected and unobtainable applicable for HMI with TRAC/FACT equipment and pro-
by human hands during a FACT event. gramming.
ALS Advanced Landing System to be integrated into the AMOSS Airline Maintenance and Operations Support
TRAC/FACT landing and approach with robotics-operated 15 System will have a special division with FACT-approved
or part of a RC system in a assist aircraft or on the surface and qualified technical teams. This will include technicians
as a flight station simulator at the SB. and security personnel teamed up in an unpredictable rota-
ALT (1) Airborne Link Terminal to be integrated into the tion schedule for each work schedule and/ordered service.
FACT system and monitored by the FACT homeland secu- This procedure involves the unsealing of any restricted
rity and full functions and interfacing to be determined in the 20 FACT system on an aircraft, the protected actuators sealed
development of the FAA/FACT command and control cen- processors any interfaces and connections or access to any
ter. programming or recording device or memory storage. To be
(2) Altitude determined is how and if these individuals will be provided
Altitude A continuous return across the display at a range or financed by the airlines the federal government or both.
Ring equivalent to aircraft altitude (WXR). 25 They must be trained through federal programs and pass a
ALTS Altitude Select The three lines above refer to the FBI security clearance check initially, annually, and peri-
elevation of the aircraft and all such data is relevant to flight odically as well as pass drug test and have the most
of the aircraft and is provided, protected, to the process extensive ID information on file for automated security test
FACT is running in. by the individual FACT units being serviced. Systems will
ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit 30 have fingerprint, iris, DNA, and pin-number checks for the
AM Amplitude Modulation. A signal where the carrier whole team and the service is to be videoed and viewed by
signal is varied in amplitude to encode voice or data infor- FACT surface control supervisors also on a random assign-
mation. These duel communication functions will be used in ment. All FACT personnel are to be continually passed
TRAC/FACT and scanned for as well as done with other though an alert list augmented by every security agency
frequencies to allow for the greatest amount of communi- 35 deemed appropriate to look for any known terrorists,
cation a data transferred, timed, and recorded together both criminals, or other security risks. Additionally, photo rec-
in the aircraft and surface systems. ognition (or face ID print) is to be on file for personnel
AMASS Airport Movement Area Safety System working in FACT or that are known to be suspects, as
AMC Avionics Maintenance Conference To aid in the detailed above. All forms of security can be employed and
development of the TRAC/FACT process in all existing 40 reviewed for error or improper use, to include profiling, as
avionics and legacy aircraft and help plan for the ASIC or per possible FACT event alert. Any questions are to be
future integrated SOC technology of combined systems. handled in a review process with no loss of pay but an
Especially in deciding aircraft placement of the protected interruption in the individual's capability to service or be in
TRAC/FACT processors and memory storage and the pro- proximity of FACT systems or components until cleared.
tected links leads and interfaces needed to insure the unin- 45 AMP Audio Management Panel recorded and monitored
terrupted service of FACT components during a FACT by TRAC/FACT and SUC to FACT for PA purposes.
event. And finally, AMC will assist in determining the AMPL Amplifier
proper security and training for technicians, designers, and AMS Apron Management Service will be tied into the
programmers for the 1RAC/FAC system and protocols in FACT surface system and control TRAC/FACT robotics and
aviation. so RC on the ground.
AMCP Aeronautical Mobile Communications Panel to be AMS(R)S Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Service
videoed with an audible recording, including time and dated to be used, monitored for TRAC/FACT events
records, to coordinate and review with other timed and dated AMSS (1) Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service Same
records of a FACT event data nature. Additionally, all (2) Aeronautical Mobile Satellite System Same All geo-
communications will be placed into a hierarchy of commu- ss graphic and communication links are to be accessible and
nications controlled by FACT surface-to-air communication SUC to TRAC/FACT event and the appropriate control
links, in an affected area. Capable of handling a number of systems.
communications on any given ded frequency-this is for all AMTOSS Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support
frequencies and communication links during a FACT event. System.
(Surface FACT control Master all other communication link 60 An automated data retrieval system will be incorporated
subservient subsystems or SUC to FACT control). to include TRAC/FACT systems and be responsive and
AME Amplitude Modulation Equivalent. An AM-type interfaced with FACT data storage.
signal that processes the modulated information signal and AMU Audio Management Unit SUC to TRAC/FACT
carrier frequency separately, then reconstructs the two sig- system on board.
nals to make an equivalent AM signal. Any modulation 65 AMUX Audio Multiplexer part of TRAC/FACT process
function needed to complete a FACT communication link and ASIC processing when constructed application specific
can and will be configured for FACT use by FACT com- for each aircraft.
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AJN Alphanumeric used to locate TRAC/FACT involve- AOG Aircraft On Ground
ment in this avionics list of definition. However, AJN data AOHE Air/Oil Heat Exchanger
will be used as needed for HMI coordination in TRAC/ AOPAAircraft Owners and Pilots Association an organi-
FACT programming and messaging. zation to be consulted for advice and input in the
Aneroid An evacuated and sealed capsule or bellows with 5 development, use, and application of TRAC/FACT system
a Capsule that expands or contracts in response to changes protocols and procedures.
in pressure. Any sensing technology for atmospheric pres- AOPG Aerodrome Operations Group IP connected with
sure will be used as needed and transduced with an electric TRAC/FACT aviation intranet.
signal to be processed by FACT interfaced avionics or AOR Atlantic Ocean Region to be connected in surveil-
TRAC ASICs or micro processors to determine a FACT 10 lance and tracking of aircraft traveling around and over the
event, or to fly and land the aircraft via FACT robotics and ocean to any country TRAC/FACT system with all border-
RC. ing ocean countries alerted for a FACT event ready to take
ANCAir Navigation Commission will help determine the the handoff for a FACT response in their area. If the flight
safe flight plans to the safe bases that will be programmed is in neutral air space over the ocean, an air assist crew will
software for the robotics FACT flight. They will also help to 15 be dispatched from a close pre-arranged, allied country of
determine the cafe crash and landing zones as well as the the troubled aircraft's host country and flown to the appro-
technology used to determine a FACT event as well as fly the priate pre-arranged SB. The TRAC/FACT response and
FACT aircraft and land it. policy should be directly linked to international treaties and
ANP Actual Navigation Performance will be a real-time agreements for airspace use and shared airspace and be
event in the TRAC/FACT airborne process or ASIC proces- 20 adjusted in perspective to relations between countries to
sor and in the monitoring Surface command center. provide for the most consistent application of civil law for
ANPRM Advance Notice of Public Rule Making will be any illegal act perpetrated in a FACT event. Ideally, all
done for most all TRAC/FACT implementation. However countries via the United Nations and other international
there will be secret policies and technology due to better treaty organizations will set specific rules and regulations
public safety and national security. These secret portions of 25 that are consistent for a FACT response.
the technology must have documentation AND APPROVAL NP Autopilot. A computer commanded system for con-
BY OVER SIGHT COMMITTEES AND OTHER SECU- trolling aircraft control surfaces. This device will be adapted
RITY PROTOCOLS TO RETAIN A PRIVATE STATUS. for the TRAC/FACT system by being protected from Human
ANS (1) Area Navigation System all area navigation contact in flight. The fight surfaces it controls will also be
systems will be linked for a national/FAA/homeland security 30 protected from in-flight tampering. The AlP a direct sub-
command and control center to access and provide position system of the TRAC process, or processor, will operate the
data to individual aircraft and other FACT platforms. 5 safe base flight plans on a FACT event flag. This whole
(2) Ambient Noise Sensor will record and compare nor- system has to be protected prior to any flights requiring SB
mal sounds and report unusual sounds to be reviewed for automation for security.
FACT flags in the software program; a trained human ear's 35 APAAutopilotAmplifier all such assist sub-systems to the
review. autopilot have to be protected if they can influence the
ANSI American National Standards Institute will help to performance of the flight or the aircraft. Any surface guid-
create TRAC/FACT standards, codes, rules, regulations, and ance system for auto pilot technology has to be securely
law. protected on the surface and be connected to the FANFACT
ANT Antenna protected and kept serviceable to TRAC as 40 homeland security command control center. If need be, all
much as possible. components will include surface transponders (on flight and
ANTC Advanced Networking Test Center to aid in the landing) are to have their signals monitored and protected
creation of the TRAC/FACT FAA aviation intranet for armed guard with sign replacement equipment and the
FACT command and controls-both in the aircraft and on ability to take out malfunctioning equipment. New transpon-
the surface nationally, regionally, and on the SB. 45 der equipment to be sent reconfigured FACT encrypted
AOAAngle Of Attack to be defined for aircraft boarding signal to initiate encrypted FACT location data transmis-
as per condition and current state of the aircraft-and for the sions with tracking group confirmation.
successful termination of a doomed flight. APALS Autonomous Precision Approach and Landing
AOC (1) Airport Operational Communications all SUC to System will be incorporated in the TRAC/FACT/FAA/
FACT during a FACT event. 50 homeland security command control center at each SB and
(2) Air/Oil Cooler at any air field used in a FACT event 0001 triggered
(3) Aeronautical Operational Control SUC to FACT as a emergency landing and regional mobile FACT response-a
subsystem specialized containment area at the end and side of the
(4) Airport Obstruction Chart data provided to FACT as a runway away from the terminal and of the highest security
subsystem data I and part of any flight plan 55 and containment. (Plane bags and windscreens with all the
(5) Aircraft Operational Control an accountable protected equipment to securely ventilate the aircraft and contain the
FACT robotics and RC flight and landing function-from waste air. Additionally a Bummed explosive bunker parking
the troubled aircraft via robotics and to include RC from area.
other assist air craft and surface control systems APANGPRIG ICAOAsia/PacificAir Navigation Planning
AOCC Airline Operation Control Center SUC to TRAC/ 60 and
FACT FAA command and control center Implementation Regional Group will plan their TRAC/
AODC Age of Data Clock (GPS term) The FACT pro- FACT programming and procedures for a FACT event. It is
gram will always receive the hottest GPS or location data hoped that cooperation among nations can reduce phobias
from all such systems on board. and address the real fears of unauthorized and unsafe aircraft
AODE Age of Data, Ephemeris (GPS term) All data will 65 flights and will able to coordinate their efforts.
be evaluated by TRAC for the necessary FACT event flags APE Auxiliary Power Breaker No power switching
and the GPS will be used to help synchronize all area clocks. mechanism is to be available to the in-flight passengers or
US 6,965,816 B2
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crew that services FACT reliant automated technology. ARINC Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
Automatic fuse/breaker systems with redundant backups for ARF Airline Risk Factor will be an ongoing process for
connectables/leads are integral for any TRAC/FACT system different scenarios that must be played out by investigators,
to include self-contained, completely protected, emergency researchers, engineers, insurance companies, law
power and service to actuated flight surfaces to complete the 5 enforcement, and the military prepare and become efficient
FACT flight as per direction of the FACT control center, on in use of the TRAC/FACT system for protecting life in the
the surface. system and on the ground. Complete risk assessment needs
APC (1) Autopilot Computer is to be protected and made to be done on a continuing basis.
part of the initial TRAC/FACT system and carry the pre- ARP Air Data Reference Panel videoed and data provided
programmed FACT flights. Whatever augmentation is to FACT command control and any in flight TRAC system.
needed to complete this task in the prescribed TRAC tech- ARS Automated Radar Summary chart. These are hourly-
nology requirements is the first step in providing FACT generated charts showing location and intensity of radar
flights to safe fly-handling zones and a first step in the echoes. Continually monitored in real-time with projected
implementation of robotics flight for public safety. flight pans and watched by the TRAC/FACT Command
(2) Aeronautical Public Correspondence to be open to center for a FACT event by an automated computer-tracking
suggestions and complaints on the TRAC/FACT system. An 15 program.
important characteristic of PFN/TRAC System technology ARSR Air Route Surveillance Radar to monitor all reg-
is that all TRUST it. Obviously, any management system istered flight plans for FACT events.
having this real-time control over life and death in the air ART Automatic Reserve Thrust
and on the ground will have to be open to discourse in a free ARTCC Air-Route Traffic Control Center. Approximately
society to be TRUSTED. 20 20 centers cover the air traffic routes in the United States
APEX IMA Application/Executive Software Interface using numerous radars and radio communication sets. These
The TRAC/FACT software will interface and run at the RADAR systems will be linked to the FAA/TRAC/FACT
highest level and control via software command all other command and control center to monitor flights in progress
sub-systems in a FACT event. for the FACT event and robotics flight activations.
APP Approach Control will interface data and voice 25 ARTS Automated Terminal Radar System interfaced with
commands or dialog to TRAC/FACT command center of the FACT IP system of computers locally in the SBs and for the
SB and to all homeland security system's IP connected for essential agencies nationally.
real-time coordination. ASA (1) Autoland Status Annunciator (AFDS) all auto-
APPR Approach monitored and managed by TRAC/ mated voice or audible alert activations will be recorded
FACT robotics and RC at the Safe Bases. during a FACT event.
APU Auxiliary Power Unit will be accessible in any (2) Aircraft Separation Assurance any such sensed data
so-equipped aircraft with a specially protected APU for the essential to FACT robotics flight and landing must be
FACT interfaced systems. interfaced.
APUC Auxiliary Power Unit Controller Managed as a ASCPC Air Supply and Cabin Pressure Controllers SUC
SUC system for TRAC/FACT system but not reliant and to to TRAC process and FACT programs.
put at risk, via these connections. 35 ASD Aircraft Situation Display videoed and interfaced in
AQP Avionics Qualification Procedure This procedure FACT system for RC or robotics augmentation in real-time
will be made flexible with the equation of public safety and and recorded in the aircraft and in surface systems.
national security the delineating factor. TRAC/FACT control ASDE Airport Surface Detection Equipment interfaced in
capability will be required for anything that flies. If the TRAC/FACT system for enhanced collision avoidance on
systems are not fully airworthy or poof-tested and used, they 40 the surface via FACT robotics and RC commands.
must err on the side of robotically flying the aircraft to a safe ASDL Aeronautical Satellite Data Link interfaced into
crash zone to be dealt with by the FIRST FACT teams. FACT command center.
Obviously, these flights should not take place at all and any ASECNAAgency for the Security of Aerial Navigation in
anyone on them should have to sign off that they understand Africa
these deployable conditions of flight exist and they wish to 45 and Madagascar to set up their own TRAC/FACT system
go on the flight at their own risk. Equally obvious, all aircraft and protocols.
is not going to be fully ready for robotics flight and landing ASG ARINC Signal Gateway
in the next 60 days. So these are the conditions of flight as ASI Avionics System Integration into the TRAC/FACT
a minimum requirement for FACT automation. Another system would include the automated lockout of local flying
parallel security measure is trained security for all FACT 50 controls in the aircraft.
under equipped aircraft. This is a procedure that is in place ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit the design
presently. of the TRAC processor as well as many other processors.
A-QPSK Aeronautical Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ASM (1) Airspace Management
AQS Advanced Quality System a commercial by-product (2) Auto throttle Servo Motor SUC to FACT flying and
of TRAC/FACT technology. This system will allow for 55 protocols
better coordination between surface and air transportation to ASP (1) Altitude Set Panel Videoed and interfaced data in
better serve the flying and driving public, long overdue the TRAC processors monitoring and FACT flying and
management and coordination in real-time for emergency landing and dual recording.
weather conditions, holidays, as well as more direct flying (2) Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) Systems Planning
routes. 60 for data interchange to include the PFN/TRAC system and
ARAFAAResearch and Acquisitions to help develop and upper level FACT programming.
get in place the PFN/TRAC system in the aircraft and as a ASPP Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) Systems Plan-
surface flight management system ning for data interchange Panel to include the PFN/TRAC
ARES Advanced Railroad Electronics System will be system and upper-level FACT programming.
interfaced in IP protocols via the PFN/TRAC/FACT trans- 65 A-SMGCS Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and
portation matrix of different transportation platform intra- Control Systems to include the PFN/TRAC system and
nets. upper level FACT programming.
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145 146
ASR Airport Surveillance Radar to include the PFN/ ATP (1) Acceptance Test Procedure (Air Transport) Con-
TRAC system and upper level FACT programming and firmation test of TRAC and equipment readiness.
monitoring. (2) FAA Air Traffic Rules and Procedures Service (To be
ASRS Aviation Safety Reporting System to be an programmed as needed in TRAC software.)
ongoing, progressive analysis of FACT implementation to 5 ATS (1)Autothrottle System (TRACAccess and Control)
improve application safety for each system. (2) Air Traffic Services (Connectable as needed)
ASSTC Aerospace Simulation and Systems Test Center (3) Air Turbine Starter (TRAC connected)
To help develop TRAC/FACT systems from previously ATSC Air Traffic Services Communication (DATA Con-
tested and proven technology and aid for the rapid imple- nected TRAC)
mentation of state of the art FACT systems for robotics flight 10 ATCSS Air Traffic Control Signaling System. A system to
and landing. provide information between the pilot and air traffic control
ASSV Alternate Source Selection Valve Any selection using the VHF communications transceiver in conjunction
valve for fuel or hydraulic or airflow in the aircraft has to be with data link equipment (Direct interface with TRAC).
SUC to FACT during a FACT event. ATSU ATS Unit (Interfaced)
ASTA Airport Surface Traffic Automation to be SUC to 15 ATT Attitude
FACT command control during a FACT event-either AUX Auxiliary
locally or remotely to be determined. AVIC Aviation Industries of China All foreign powers to
NT Auto throttle SUC to TRAC/FACT systems develop their own security codes and encryption for FACT
AT (1) Air Traffic SUC to FACT/FAA homeland security in their geographic area determined by the location equip-
command and control center. 20 ment interfaced with the TRAC/FACT processor onboard
(2) Air Transport subject to FACT implementation and the aircraft.
special cargo sensing and PFN/TRAC communication units. AVLAN Avionics Local Area Network (Interfaced
ATA Air Transport Association to help in designing and w/TRAC)
setting standards rules, regulations, codes, and laws for AVPAC Aviation VHF Packet Communications
FACT and TRAC system use in the industry. 25 (Interfaced w/TRAC)
ATC Air Traffic Control Ultimately handled by FACT/ AVR FAA Regulation & Certification (For TRAC)
FAA/command control center. AWOS Automated Weather Observation System. A sys-
ATCA Air Traffic Control Association to help set the tem that gathers surface weather information and transmits
tracking and handling of aircraft in and around a FACT the information this system to be interfaced with TRAC
event and to help set up the handoff of the troubled aircraft 30 system and used for aircraft in known FACT flights for
to the FACT system. computer algorithms to process in the robotics flight of the
ATCC Air Traffic Control Center to be incorporate as the aircraft.
FAA/FACT command center or at least a handoff and AVM Airborne Vibration Monitor all such data sent as an
isolated control center for each FACT event. electrical signal to the FACT process or TRAC/FACT pro-
ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System inter- 35 cessor to determine its relevance.
faced into FACT tracking and monitoring and used to follow AVOL Aerodrome Visibility Operational Level
FACT flights. AVPAC Aviation VHF Packet Communications SUC to
ATCSCC ATC System Command Center, the base devel- the TRAC/FACT system with data used for preprogrammed
opment area for FAA/FACT command and implementation. robotics, and RC flight.
Inventor note: There is no attempt to replace or eliminate 40 AVR FAA Regulation & Certification for PFN/TRAC/
existing systems only to augment them into robotics and RC FACT technology as well as develop and implement all
capability as the next best option to highly skilled and regulations.
qualified humans working with exceptionally good equip- AVSAT Collins Satellite-Based Avionics interfaced with
ment to provided the safest to date mass transportation FACT with FACT operating at the highest most secure
industry. In the spirit of looking for the best an safest in air 45 interface level. Question: How capable is Collins language
travel, TRAC/FACT is being created form COTS existing for this task with DES/DET and how much has to be
and proven air travel technology to offer more choices for developed with new code written and encryption technol-
public safety in our free and mobile society. ogy? TRAC/FACT is a progressive interface system struc-
ATCSS Air Traffic Control Signaling System. A system to tured from COTS and improved. What are the possible
provide information between the pilot and air traffic control 50 software packages that can be incorporated immediately?
using the VHF communications transceiver in conjunction AWO All Weather Operations will be interfaced with
with data link equipment. Interfaced with the TRAC/FACT TRAC/FACT system technology
system. AWOP All Weather Operations Panel videoed and inter-
ATCT Airport Traffic Control Tower faced with TRAC/FACT technology
ATE Automatic Test Equipment (A TRAC Performance 55 AWOS Automated Weather Observation System. A sys-
check protocol w/failure flag) tem that gathers surface weather information and transmits
ATIS (1) Automatic Terminal Information System the information to the pilot via VOR, Comm Freq, or
(2) Automatic Terminal Information Service telephone lines. TRAC/FACT connected and used in flight
ATIS (1) Automatic Terminal Information System augmentation of robotics flight
(2) Automatic Terminal Information Service 60 AWPG All Weather Planning Group To help set up the
ATNP Aeronautical Telecommunications Network Panel protocols and interfacing with FACT systems around the
(TRAC Accessible) globe.
ATOMS Air Traffic Operations Management System B
(control TRAC protocol) B717 Boeing Model 717 Aircraft (formerly the MD-95)
ATP (1) Acceptance Test Procedure (Air Transport) 65 (TRAC/FACT IN) 60 days FACT gen 1
(Confirmation test of TRAC) B737 Boeing Model 737 Aircraft TRAC/FACT IN) 60
(2) FAAAir Traffic Rules and Procedures Service days FACT gen 1
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B747 Boeing Model 747 Aircraft TRAC/FACT IN) 60 determined as continual monitoring and event programming
days FACT gen 1 dictates data handling. Protection for all such systems is to
B767 Boeing Model 767 Aircraft TRAC/FACT IN) 60 be application-specific for aircraft with special consideration
days FACT gen 1 to seclusion and limited access.
B767ER Boeing Model 767 Extended Range Aircraft 5 CAMI FAA Civil Aero medical Institute along with the
TRAC/FACT IN) 60 days FACT gen 1 Center for Disease Control is to be an intricate part of the
B777 Boeing Model 777 Aircraft TRAC/FACT IN) 60 WoJack (War OPS) protocol, a FACT protocol for compro-
days FACT gen 1 mised flights that have to land at safe bases due to biological
B7x7 Boeing Model 7x7 Aircraft TRAC/FACT IN) 60 or chemical contamination.
days FACT gen 1 10 CAPT Captain TRAC identification and monitor for
BA British Airways TRAC IN or part of) FACT & TRAC Competency Assessment system software algorithm (Eye
for any flying Domestically) evaluation) HMI over control reaction as a symptom of
BAP Bank Angle Protection-over speed (sensed by fatigue or diminished consciousness, head tilt, and atmo-
TRAC processor or subsystems controlled by TRAC for spheric changes in the cabin sensed by spectral analysis (or
programmed flights to safe base 15 the nose) fight crew outfitted with bio-telemetry transmitted
Bam-Corrected Pressure altitude-corrected local baro- to the TRAC processor monitoring flight crew and critically
metric pressure. Altitude (Data & connection acquired & ill passengers wearing PFN/TRAC personal units.
protected from any subsystem as needed By TRAC proces- (telemetry accomplished either wirelessly or connected.)
sor SUC) CAS (1) Computed Airspeed (interfaced with TRAC
BGI Bus Grant Inhibit. A term used in CAPS transfer bus 20 programming)
processing. (Utilized as needed to complete TRAC SUC (2) Collision Avoidance System SUC Interfaced system
system and protocols.) with TRAC)
BIST Built-in Self Test For TRAC to determine system CAT III c Operational performance Category III c. An ILS
failures and to be standardized and approved as a TRUSTED facility providing operation with no decision height limit to
system for remote and automated flight controls. 25 and along the surface of the runway and taxiways without
BITE-Equipment reliance on external visual reference. An absolute minimum
BPCU Bus Power Control Unit (Access to operate and for SAFE BASE field technology along with a ground based
maintain TRAC power requirements sustain TRAC emer- virtual RC pilot in a converted flight simulator with actual
gency power pack readiness and energize all essential TRAC troubled aircraft flight data telemetry and video imaging for
peripherals in a TRAC event.) 30 the RC pilot to flight the pilot-less aircraft to a safe landing.
c CBA Cost Benefit Analysis (Always TRAC)
CAA Civil Aviation Authority. A regulatory agency in the C-BAND The frequency range between 4000 and 8000
United Kingdom. (Test and approve TRAC and develop MHz. TRAC interfaced
national FACT command codes) All commercial aircraft CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee types
will have geographic location sensitive FACT key codes and 35 of communications/frequencies and emergency cross trans-
identification communication protocols activated by TRAC lation protocol approved by the committee
processed 1!0 data for the sovereign airspace. CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consulta-
CAAC Civil Aviation Administration of China tive TRAC approval
(situational determination of FACT protocols and use will be CDI Course Deviation Indicator SUC TRAC interface
determined by the owned and operating country of the 40 and an initial flag for the Wo Jack Protocol to sense the
aircraft.) change of control of the aircraft or determine the plane is
CAASD Center for Advanced Aviation System (to play an being used in an unauthorized manner
appropriate role in TRAC System Development) Develop- CDR Critical Design Review should incorporate all
ment (The Mitre Corp.) effected agencies and industry organizations and safety
CIA Code (1) GPS Course Acquisition Code 45 stands for all technologies interfaced in the RC program or
(2) Course-Acquisition Code SUC system to TRAC and robotics programming for the PFN/TRAC System™
used jointly with other navigational data to determine air CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information captured on
space and operate the aircraft. video for TRAC system automated flying use and record.
CAC Caution Advisory Computer (Tied into TRAC com- CDU Control Display Unit directly interfaced with TRAC
puter and running FACT command software communica- 50 Processor.
tions. CEPT Conference Europeene des Pastes et Telecommu-
CACP Cabin Area Control Panel (electrically monitored nications To approve communication interface protocols
and video recorded and reported by TRAC locally and to with (TRAC).
ground support regional IP buffers and FAA, NTSB mass CF Change Field SUC as determined necessary.
data storage unit or any other agency determined as 55 CFDIU Central Fault Display Interface Unit direct con-
necessary.) nect with TRAC processor
CAE Component Application Engineer to address TRAC CFDS Centralized Fault Display System Video and audio
& FACT System protocol configuration, interfacing, and recorded with all possible data transmitted to the surface for
deployment with forward and backward engineering con- as long as the event is occurring via any and all communi-
cerns. 60 cations available to include passenger cellular phones wire-
CAGE Commercial Avionics GPS Engine (on board lessly interfaced to the TRAC processor (like bluetooth) and
TRAC system responsive) transmitted to a preprogrammed phone address and com-
CAH Cabin Attendant Handsets all audio and video in the puter modem set-up as part of emergency protocol for
cabin and in the cockpit and storage compartments-as well cellular and wireless telephony with IP connections to FAA
as all sensed data-is recorded and reported in real-time 65 and government real-time emergency air emergency
both locally and to the ground via stream data or packetized response computers involved.
data with reception confirmation. Some data acquisition is CFIT Controlled Flight Into Terrain (As part of TRAC)
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CHI Computer Human Interface (As part of 1RAC) protocols as rapidly as possible with systems becoming
CHOL Collins High Order Language (if acceptable to be more consolidated.
used in FACT programming) CR (1) Change Request All CRs to the TRAC system
CI (1) Configuration Item require special accountable security clearance and identity
(2) Cabin Interphone is recorded with voce recognition 5 checks before the system will allow access.
technology and identity algorithm. (2) Contrast Ratio
CIDIN Common ICAO Data Interchange Network 1RAC CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agree-
interfaced. ment this is an absolute necessity for TRAC technology to
CIDS Cabin Interphone Distribution System (quarried for be put in place.
flags in TRAC boot up and monitored.
10 CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel An obvious component
CIE Commission Internationale de I Eclairag Approval
construct for protective cans packaging essential TRAC
for TRAC
CMS Cabin Management System SUC by TRAC components.
CMU Communications Management Unit is a subservient CRC (1) Cyclic Redundancy Code
SUC to TRAC with redundant connectables physical or (2) Cyclic Redundancy Check Both CRCs are to be
wireless links between the systems if they are distributed. 15 employed to insure security and reliable service in the
CNDB Customized Navigation Database interfaced with TRAC system.
TRAC. CRPA Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna As neces-
CNS/A Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance/ sary TRAC
Airborne interfaced with TRAC. CRS CourseTrac monitor
Coasted a track that is continued based on previous track. 20 CRZ Cruise
Track characteristics in the absence of surveillance data CSC Cargo System Controller Nose senses explosives,
reports (TCAS). Plus Surface track data up-loads through Biohazard, radiation, video audio weight 1RAC monitored
the 1RAC system. and warning Flag software pre-flight during and post-flight
CODEC Coder/Decoder Redundant in TRAC residuals.
CO MAC ICAO's Communications Advisory Committee 25 CSCP Cabin System Control Panel interfaced or SUC to
(To approve communications and interface protocols used TRAC
and routed through TRAC.) CSDB Commercial Standard Data Bus Connected to
COMM Communications TRAC with multiple or redundant ACCESS FOR TRAC
Compass A low-powered radio beacon, used in conjunc- AND TRAC PROTOCOLS.
tion Data queried by TRAC to confirm event activation 30 CSDS Cargo Smoke Detector System monitored by
protocols. TRAC recoded and reported event.
Locator with ILS. A compass locator has a two-letter CSEU Control Systems Electronics Unit SUC by TRAC
identification and a range of at least 15 miles. Also moni- CSMM Crash Survivable Memory Modules Redundant in
tared by TRAC and used in determining event protocol and TRAC and event reported to the surface.
robotics flying via software algorithm running in the pro- 35 CSMU Cabin System Management Unit Subservient and
cessor as well as data reported to RC Pilot for final approach event SUC to 1RAC.
and landing. CU Control Unit Either TRAC or subservient to TRAC
COMP Compressor TRAC will monitor and control the processor and protocols
compressor for cabin air pressure and be capable of stopping CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder Redundant in TRAC and
it as a SUC if determined necessary under any WoJack or 40 REPORT via versatile high-speed communication options of
FACT protocol. TRAC Routing
CPC (1) Cabin Pressure Controller TRAC will have SUC C & W Control and Warning TRAC providing as to event
here as well. TRAC/FACT protocols and Monitoring and responding to
(2) Cursor Position Control as to TRAC/FACY protocols
CPCI Computer Program Configuration Item. A CPCI 45 CWP (1) Controlled Working Position if necessary TRAC
number identifies the configuration of a computer software monitored
program. All such TRAC/FACT Config and module soft- (2) Controller Working Position (TRAC interfaced)
ware numbers will be created with the strictest of security CWS Control Wheel Steering SUC TRAC
and individuals will be aware strictly on a need-to-know D
basis. Sovereign nations should write their own code and SN 50 DARC Direct Access Radar Channel. An independent
them in a proprietary manner, unless it is determined that backup to main ATC computers. TRAC system Access
allied security is acceptable. DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
CPDLC Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications This TRAC developed by and with this agency support and
is an obvious data link for the TRAC Flight system for management
robotics or remote control flying and will provide data to the 55 Data Link A system that allows exchange of digital data
local TRAC unit on board and down to the RC station for over an RF link. ATCSS is a data link system used by the air
final robotics hand-off RC landing. First generation, two- traffic control system. A CARS is a data link system used by
step remote and auto-control protocols (Proprietary to this airline command, control and management system, using
PFN/TRAC System) vhf communication frequencies. TRAC directly connected
CPI Continuous Process Improvement TRAC evolution 60 and interfaced, to provide real-time accountable emergency
CPM Core Processor Module if not with in the TRAC control of unauthorized aircraft use.
protected system must be subservient to TRAC processor D-ATIS Digital Automatic Terminal Information System
and have redundant option to 1RAC if deemed essential in TRAC connected TRAC event master.
TRAC protocol. DBU Data Base Unit 1RAC connected any system in
CPS Cabin Pressure Sensor SUC interfaced under TRAC. 65 place presently in any part of the PFN/TRAC system can be
CPU Central Processing Unit Existing systems, if incorporated to complete the more secure and remote control
capable, can be set up to perform first generation TRAC system.
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DC10 Douglas Model DC-10 Aircraft TRAC outfitted storage at the surface via TRAC directed and interfaced
aircraft systems interfaced and subservient to TRAC communication systems.
DCE Data Communications Equipment interfaced and Demand Mode AN ACARS mode of operation in which
sue to TRAC communications may be initiated by the ground processor or
DCGF Data Conversion Gateway Function any present 5 the airborne system. Used imperatively by TRAC system
system performing communication translation between pro- DES and FACT with present security for first generation and
tocols (wireless or connected) to handle data or process higher language and code developed by defense contractors
commands can be incorporated in the TRAC protocol of a and DOD (Omaha div)
specific aircraft, made redundant by TRAC if deemed DEST Destination (any deviation from flight plan throws
a software flag in TRAC/FACT WoJack Programming
appropriate, or inexpensively duplicated across the industry 10
DEY Deviation TRAC Software Flag for any flight plan
if deemed practical, and expedient to complete TRAC PFN
Routing functions. DFA Direction Finding Antenna Date supplied to TRAC
DCMF Data Communication Management Function system for processing
(obvious TRAC/FACT interface and Protocol application. DFCS Digital Flight Control System as a consolidated
DCMS Data Communication Management System 15 part of future TRAC systems or interface as available.
(TRAC operation and Protocols locally and systemically) DFDAF Digital Flight Data Acquisition Function Con-
DCN (1) Drawing Change Notice tinual monitoring process for TRAC processor and this SUC
(2) Design Change Notice will be used in robotics or remote control flying scenario if
(3) Document Change Notice all3 of the above DCNs are it can be reasonably protected from tampering to satisfy
to have an efficient but secure review and handling on a 20 TRAC/FACT security requirements.
need-to-know basis when pertaining to TRAC components DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit. The
and interfacing--( reasonable to service needs but all identity DFDAU samples, conditions and digitizes the flight data.
clearance for access and change orders) (Secret clearances (protected and used in TRAC systems)
with respect to national security) ( depcon rating) DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder
DCP Display Control Panel video and audio recorded and 25 DFDU Digital Flight Data Unit
reported to surface in real time and per TRAC/FAACT event DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
of deemed necessary protocol 30 second loop to surface DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
buffers for data dumping if deemed unessential. DGSS Data-link Ground System Standard
DCPC Direct Controller Pilot Communication DCS is DH (1) Decision Height-all five of the above in BOLD
additionally connected to TRAC and management and use to 30 lettering are all SUC to TRAC for robotics and remote
be determined for TRAC protocols. control flying and supply the necessary data to flag a FACT
DCU Data Concentration Unit TRAC system can utilize Wo Jack response.
any DATA compression or storage system in place both in (2) Data flash Header on all FACT transmissions for
the air and on the ground if determined adequate for TRAC/ accountability and encoded for security.
FACT. 35 DI Data Interrupt A TRAC control Function if output and
DCV Directional Control Valve (possible SUC) flag in data input for on board preprogrammed TRAC
DDA Digital Differential Analyzer (utilized by TRAC) robotics for any affected sub-system or sue
DDD Dual Disk Drive Redundant systems in place can be DIAS DGPS Instrument Approach System all instrument
used and with TRAC/FACT protocol. data essential to robotics or remote control flying is provided
DDM Difference in Depth of Modulation TRAC use to be 40 to and from TRAC processor and PFN TRAC system as
determined Master in a flagged event
DDP Declarations of Design and Performance. A control DID Data Item Description part of TRAC accountability
document required by the United Kingdom Civil Aviation (encrypted for FACT headers)
Authority (CAA) for certification of avionics equipment. A DIP (1) Dual In line Package. The most common package
must for TRAC to be Trusted in the United Kingdom for 45 configuration for integrated circuits. And used in TRAC
commercial use. system or created by the necessary components to meet/
DDS Direct Digital Synthesizer SUC for TRAC or SOC TRAC redundancy requirements determined by developed
or hybrid substrate for any necessary Data recovery from protocols component engineers.
disparate protocols to TRAC system (2) Data Interrupt Program to be a TRAC monitored and
DDT Downlink Data Transfer (to TRAC surface controls 50 managed function
and storage facilities) Directed A DME operating mode that allows an FMCS to
DECCAAnavigation system widely used by shipping in select
Europe. The ground facilities consist of a master station and Mode one to five DME stations for interrogation. Data
several subservient stations interface hybrid substrate to employed by TRAC system and protection of this system a
TRAC processor or comparable technical solution for posi- 55 requirement of TRAC
tion confirmation protocols to TRAC/FACT/WoJack 1!0 DITS Data Information Transfer System used where
processor for robotics flight or remote control for location present or performed by TRAC as an up grade or second
and timing information Dedicated as determined by the generation
proper authorities for standard TRAC routes of communi- DL Data Link for all essential SUC to the TRAC proces-
cation and an emergency ded response for any communica- 60 sor
tion protocol and frequency used by TRAC/FACT processor DLC Data Link Control Display Unit video and audio
in a flagged emergency event to include a specialized cross recorded and reported per TRAC event.
communication emergency translating software algorithm to DLGF Data Load Gateway Function either performed by
make more universal and extensive essential messaging. TRAC (hybrid substrates or soc interfaces or SUC in present
DEFDARS Digital Expandable Flight Data Acquisition 65 and legacy aircraft)
And Recording System This system when present employed DLM Data Link Management Unit a part of or interfaced
in or by TRAC, with real-time reporting capability and event with TRAC
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DLODS Duct Leak and Overheat Detection monitored by DUATS Direct User Access Terminal System has
TRAC accountable access recorded in TRAC/FACT security for
DLP Data Link Processor a part of TRAC physically accountability and management control-identity check
protected or interfaced with first generation. TRAC.
DLS Data Load System interfaced with TRAC 5 Duplex A communication operation that uses the simul-
DLU Download Unit protected and connected to TRAC taneous operation, to transmit and receive equipment at two
communication routing system, when appropriate. locations. TRAC employed real-time data transfer for RC.
DMA Direct Memory Access but accountable and Dynamic RAM constructed of capacitor elements.
recorded TRAC/FACT DES Collins protocols as deter- Memory (TRAC employed, as standards require
10 Dynamic RAM constructed of capacitor elements.
DME Distance Measuring Equipment. A system that
Memory (TRAC employed, as standards require
provides distance information from a ground station to an
aircraft. Interface for FACT WoJack programming flagged RAM cells must be periodically refreshed to keep capaci-
events and for robotics flight and remote control flying via tors from discharging and losing data (see "Static RAM").
TRAC. TRAC employed application specific or in sub systems
DME/N Abbreviation for a DME normal system. 15 EADI Electronic Attitude Director Indicator TRAC robot-
DME/P Abbreviation for a DME precision system. Both ics uses DATA recovered to fly
quarried for essential data to TRAC operations EANPG European Air Navigation Planning Group con-
DMM (1) Digital Multimeter sulted and approval for TRAC
(2) Data Memory Module redundant in TRAC system EAP Engine Alert Processor monitored in the subsystems
DMS Debris Monitoring Sensor monitored recoded and 20 by TRAC
reported by TRAC if needed. EAROM Electrically Alterable ROM-possible technol-
DMU Data Management Unit (a TRAC protected ogy for FACT flight plans if can be secured from tampering.
function) EARTS En route Automated Radar Tracking System
Doppler The change in frequency observed at the receiver TRAC continual communication to surface.
Effect when the transmitter and receiver are in motion 25 EASIE Enhanced ATM and Mode S Implementation in
relative to each other. Data used by TRAC system Europe All air traffic management will be SUC to PFN/
DOTS Dynamic Ocean Tracking System Additionally, TRAC/FAC command centers in every country. They may
used and interfaced data when applicable and present to a very well be created out of existing ATM as the highest level
TRAC system of ded. Dedicated control. However it is suggested that they
Downlink The radio transmission path downward from 30 can be isolated during an event and securely staffed at all
the aircraft to the earth. This is in multitude through TRAC time 24/7, both on any region and national or international
communication routing especially in second-generation level and including final approach Safe Bases and control
units. handoffs if indifferent locations.
DPR Dual Port RAM (special to TRAC/FACT and Wo EATCHIP European ATC Harmonization and Integration
jack programming 35 Program could possibly be integrated and interfaced with
DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying reg electronics and TRAC/FACT technology and protocols in the most logical
present in TRAC system. way for this area. ATM & ATC is well established and all the
DRER Designated Radio Engineering Representative organizations, countries and professional and commercial
(FAA) to have high security clearance and part of the design associations are well represented in European politics and
review used for TRAC/FACT and Wojack in aircraft. 40 governance (European Union). The inventor is in no way
Drift Angle The angle between heading and track. It is due attempting to tell any group of people how best to set up
to the effect of wind currents. Sometimes called the crab TRAC/FACT in their homelands, only mentioning logical
angle. Computed data for remote control landing and robot- established system components that are already in place that
ics flight with TRAC. may help implement the FACT program in an efficient
DSARC Defense System Acquisition Review Cycle a 45 manner.
necessary process to update TRAC FACT and wojack from To help implement TRAC/FACT integration through
time to time. existing hardware and software in aircraft and in surface
DSB Double Side Band. An AM signal with the carrier systems in Europe-how ever FACT codes would have to be
removed. Requires the same bandwidth as the AM signal. set up per geographic for command robotics and RC sce-
Incorporated for location and communication as needed by 50 narios. These are all European questions best answered by
TRAC system. Europeans.
DSDU Data Signal Display Unit video and audio EATMS European Air Traffic Management System to be
recorded and reported in real-time flagged event stored. incorporated and set up with TRAC/FACT system technol-
DSF Display System Function-monitored by TRAC ogy.
DSNS Differential Satellite Navigation System Data 55 EC Event Criterion For FACT events and wojack have to
incorporated in TRAC programs be determined and that EC has to be written in code to be
DID (1) Data Terminal Display TRAC video able to utilize all the (1) electronic signals supplied any
DTE Data Terminal Equipment interfaced and repre- TRAC process or TRAC ASIC.
sented as need be for TRAC ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference the five above
DTU Data Transfer Unit will connect or be able to down 60 will be used in all TRAC/FACT systems and protocols in
load TRAC with proper security protocols Europe.
Dual Mode An airborne DME rt capable of processing ECAM Electronic Caution Alert Module will be moni-
DME/N reg. To TRAC ops tored by TRAC and signaled to surface for remote flight and
DME and DME/P ground station signals. Operation is in surface response.
the 65 ECEF Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed TRAC interfaced
L-band frequency range. Monitored data recovered for guidance
TRAC Ops ECP EICAS Control Panel SUC to TRAC
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ECS (1) Engineering Compiler System. An automated EEC Electronic Engine Control SUC to TRAC.
data storage system. Used for TRAC accountability func- EEPROM Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only
tion. Memory SUC to, responsive to and protected as part of
(2) Environmental Control System TRAC SUC as needed TRAC/FACT essential flight controls for uninterrupted
to manage the planes occupants and public safety. 5 flight FACT flights and landings in the aircraft.
(3) Event Criterion Subfield Coordinated or altered for EEU ELMS Electronics Unit monitored for tampering
preferred TRAC/FACT protocols. and any TRAC/FACT system must be completely operable
ECSL Left Environmental Control System Card TRAC without the normal aircraft power to energize it or it's
sub system sue essential actuators. Additionally all power in service to
charge the TRAC system FACT programs must be protected
ECSMC ECS Miscellaneous Card TRAC interfaced as 10
from power surge deliberate or incidental and/or any short-
ing of terminals. Sensing circuits for completed operations
ECSR Right Environmental Control System Card TRAC and programs to detect ineffective commands are to be an
sub system integrated part of the TRAC processors capability in robot-
ED EICAS Display monitored. ics as soon as it can be provided.
EDA Electronic Design Automation a major renovation 15 EFD Electronic Flight Display Videoed and the electronic
activity to create the automated remote control and robotics signals recorded and reported if from a FACT flight in
flight in all commercial aircraft and data routing. progress. All ground systems for TRAC/FACT should be
EDAC Error Detection and Correction (used interchange- recorded 9with delete times and memory storage size deter-
ably with EDC) Subsystem SUC to TRAC-TRAC gover- mined and standardized.
nance. 20 EFIP Electronic Flight Instrument Processor SUC to
EDC Error Detection and Correction TRAC highest level TRAC/FACT flight process either incorporated and pro-
processing. tected from local control and/or a sub system over ride by a
EDCT Expected Departure Clearance Time all scheduled ASIC TRAC/FACT processor that controls all the essential
time will be augmented by the monitoring TRAC/FACT flight controls and receives all sensed data for completed
system that downloads current cleared data to less secure 25 operations in robotics and RC commands.
systems like air line display systems-there is a more secure EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System SUC or sub
information level for every airline, but all data is monitored system to TRAC/FACT management monitoring and con-
managed and transmitted via the TRAC/FACT system net trol.
work of interrelated integrated and interfaced nodes of EFIS CP EFIS Control Panel the eight above will be
wireless gateways and NENA numbers. 30 utilized or interfaced with TRAC as appropriate for TRAC/
EDI Engine Data Interface to be SUC to TRAC/FACT FACT effectiveness.
robotics Flight and landings. EGNOS European Geostationary Overlay System inter-
EDIF Engine Data Interface Function to be SUC to faced for flight deviation detection in Europe TRAC/FACT
TRAC/FACT robotics Flight and landings. Systems.
EDIU Engine Data Interface Unit to be SUC to TRAC/ 35 EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature sensed data reported as
FACT robotics Flight and landings. relevant to TRAC process and the ground to detect fuel
EDMS Electronic Data Management System is directly contamination etc. Also, Fuel sensing in the aircraft tanks,
interfaced as part of the TRAC system in the first generation airport storage facilities and ground support trans port
and ultimately dispersed to redundant differently located vehicles to detect reactants via equipment and free standing
TRAC ASICS in any applicable aircraft. For the source 40 PFN/TRAC application specific fuel sentry units to guard
system of mass data management and storage the system against chemical agents that when heated in a jet burn could
will have En route buffers at communication ink markers for cause tainted or contaminated atmosphere in a significant
all preprogrammed flights either regular routes or the safe area of the jet s operation to cause sick ness or death on the
base flights that will have data repositories and broadband surface. Especially in takeoff and landings.
wireless communication links frequency to be determined 45 EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator TRAC
by the appropriate FCC/FAA authorities. These repositories used with sue systems for automated flight.
will be linked by land lines, satellite, microwave fiber optics EHV Electro-Hydraulic Valve SUC to TRAC/FACT sys-
as part of an isolated but fastest intranet to FACT central tems and programs and utilized to isolate local human
command and all other FACT response units necessary SBs. control and effect automated flying in hydraulically con-
The data is available in real time to all locations with 50 trolled aircraft.
specialized station monitors at each location for a FACT EIA Electronic Industries Association to help in standard-
flight and it is recorded locally in the aircraft directly below ized electronics to help universal ASICS to lessen cost for
in the position marker repository and in each FACT system each sophisticated application.
hard drive (TIME/DATED with command strings and head- EICAS Engine Indication and Crew Alert System
ers. If no FACT event occurs the data is erased to open for 55 Videoed and sub system to TRAC/FACT systems. FACT can
new space (length and time data is kept to be determined by be used to help the legitimate flight crew handle a problem
the appropriate standards group and authorities. for as long as they are able and take over the control of the
EDP (1) Electronic Data Processing the 6 above data flight as they are incapacitated. Thus, the plane to the surface
generating and handling functions will be interfaced in the safely as rapidly as possible-For normal flight
appropriate manned for efficiency and rapid application to 60 emergencies-a controlled smoke black out could be
TRAC. allowed to occur with all crew and passengers on 02 masks
(2) Engine Driven Pump with eyes closed and the aircraft landed safely using the
(3) Engineering Development Pallet to be drawn for each thick smoke to suffocate the fire but not the people on board.
TRAC/FACT system and PFN configuration for legacy EIS Engine Indication System videoed and essential elec-
aircraft and for new aircraft design. 65 trical signals for flight SUC to TRAC/FACT control.
EDU Electronic Display Unit videoed and signals sent to EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture TRAC/
TRAC system. FACT is to be EISA The PFN/TRAC system is created to
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be the standard in accountable robust robotics and RC (2) Electro Magnetic Capability TRAC processing pro-
avionics control of an aircraft for the present and long into tected from EMFs
the future. The PFN!fRAC System is meant to provide an EMER Emergency
accountable machine messaging matrix of equipment plat- EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference TRAC protected from
form specific intranets as part of a massive human machine 5 EMS Engine Management System Sub system SUC to
management interface for societies to better control equip- TRAC
ment use in harmony with the earths environment and EP (1) External Power-Charge TRAC systems-FACT
societies infrastructures to preserve human life and maintain protocol isolated from TRAC system
it's quality in a free society. Many standard efforts will EPCS Engine Propulsion Control System Sub system to
Autopilot/Flight computer/interfaced with TRAC via higher
define the specifics in hard ware soft ware and procedures, 10
software application or direct connect to TRAC processor as
protocols, codes, rules, regulations and law to be applied to
per security needs and aircraft architecture.
the use of any PFN!fRAC unit or system application. EISA ENQ Enquire
is an ongoing process designed into the inventions purpose EOT End-Of-Text
and architecture to be progressive to meet humanities needs. EP (1) External Power TRAC system has internal power
EIU EFIS/EICAS Interface Unit this interface as well as 15 for FACT protocol and normally operates on external
many other industry standard interfaces will be employed as power-however TRAC is to be protected from external
needed. power tampering to disable TRAC.
ELAN Ethernet Local Area Network will be use as (2) Engineering Project PFN!fRAC System implementa-
needed to set up internal aircraft interfaced and used for in tion in to aircraft into ground system and into secure
house computer connections in surface stations for TRAC/ 20 transportation matrix or network, EPC External Power Con-
FACT systems. tractor Secured and Protected to TRAC integrated System.
ELC Emitter Coupled Logic used and all protocols dis- EPCS Engine Propulsion Control System SUC sub sys-
cernable or translated via hybrid substrates, chipsets or tem configured for essential control functions (secured and
ASIC or SOC architecture for the TRAC/FACT process or protected as applicable).
application specific processors. 25 E-Plane The E-Plane is the plane of an antenna that
ELEC Electrical contains the electric field. The principal E-Plane also con-
ELM Extended Length Message ELM used as data tains the direction of maximum radiation. All forward look-
require for complete transmission in TRAC/FACT service. ing radar and aircraft location data deliverable to the TRAC
ELMS Electrical Load Management System monitored System or interfaced subsystems will be used at a higher
by TRAC/FACT system and FACT to control for flight as 30 level by the TRAC processor via FACT software running
protect-able or to replace this energy source. final function flight robotics or remote control.
ELS Electronic Library System a special ELS will be EPLD Electrically Programmable Logic Device
started for 5 initial TRAC/FACT robotics flight and landings EPROM Erasable Programmable ROM The 2 above
at designated Safe Bases as first library on board everything hardware components implored in subsystems and inter-
and application specific to any aircraft in US airspace. 35 faced as needed to customize present disparate human
Additionally ELS robotics flight for all air craft to roboti- dominant controls to a more secure automated system for
cally land at all airports will be an on going proprietary TRAC management protocols.
product and technology of the TRAC/FACT system and Equivalent Airspeed is a direct measure of Airspeed the
related patent and protected technology. It will be possible incompressible free stream of dynamic (EAS) pressure. It is
to up load robotics and/or RC command from anywhere to 40 CAS corrected for compressibility effects. The two above
a troubled aircraft due to a compromised pilot and safely data supplied to the robotics FACT program running and the
land the plane at the desired airport or help the deficient pilot ground support TRAC system for robotics flight and RC
where they are inept provided it is not a FACT event, e.g. landing (I) DATA
Wojack-these flight are automatically going to safe air ERP Eye Reference Point
space and contained and secured SB landings, unless oth- 45 ERSDS En Route Software and Development Support
erwise routed due to TRAC/FACT programming and pro- TRAC Data for Robotics flight and interfaced with surface
tocols form Command center. monitoring system.
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter will be augmented ERU Engine Relay Unit Sub system SUC to TRAC as
with a GPS packetized location signal NEMA etc. modu- practical and necessary
lated on there emergency beacon to be picked up by any 50 ESA European Space Agency needed approval for TRAC
surface or seaworthy PFN/TRAC unit and translate the in Europe and necessary in the development of the technical
emergency signal to the best wireless gateway and NENA changes protocols, standards and regulations, as well as
data link number for the area TRAC/FACT avionics system helping to supply the necessary satellite tracking and com-
for accurate location coordinates. As part of the data stream munication technology for the most responsive real-time
for a troubled aircraft, data will be transmitted during a crash 55 remote and robotics control over the European continent.
event for 5 sec until impact and at battery saving intervals if ESAS (1) Enhanced Situational Awareness System
the hot GPS reading is functioning. Additionally all the other (2) Electronic Situation Awareness System to be more
wireless cellular phones and navigational aids will be quar- enhanced and incorporated and interfaced with the TRAC
ried by the protected TRAC processor unit to record and system FACT protocol of Homeland Secure Transportation
report back all functioning wireless devices for debris field 60 via accountable monitoring/management aggressive remote
recognition, and to contact any survivors to aid emergency and robotics control in emergency situations.
response workers. E-Scan Electronic Scanning
EMC (1) Entertainment Multiplexer Controller interfaced ESD Electrostatic Discharge TRAC electronics must be
and used as needed as applicable in any specific aircraft especially protected form this event with surge protection on
avionic component for the initial TRAC/FACT process and 65 any ASIC or crucial IC circuit that is a sub system or
protected accordingly, but ultimately part of the TRAC/ essential SUC to TRAC Systems automated control of
FACT-ASIC. aircraft functions.
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ESDS Electrostatic Sensitive Devices. Also known as CONTROL Operations Obviously EURO-CONTROL
ESSD. Protected for all TRAC/FACT functions and proto- will be directly involved with determining the safe airways
cols. over Europe to Safe TRAC/FACT Bases.
ESID Engine and System Indication Display Usable elec- EVS Enhanced Vision Systems are to be interfaced with
tronic signal provided as necessary to TRAC controller and 5 recognition software to transduce the image to a signal for
FACT programming locally and to any ground support good (1-data) to any TRAC/FACT processor to use if this
virtual flight crew assisting and of course the RC pilot. proves beneficial to robotics flight and landing. Using a
ESIS Engine and System Indication System all electronic similar technology to video lane maintenance in collision
data provided the local robotics and remote flight crew. avoidance systems in surface applications and judging dis-
Additionally to improve and increase the distance of Remote
10 tance by size of an object in a calibrated field via a software
control Flying accuracy a special software algorithm both in
algorithm running in the real-time flight processor) (possible
the aircraft and in the surface RC flight station need to be
developed to use the forward looking weather radar or any taken form a calibrated Screen presented for enhanced pilot
pre flight path sensing equipment data or external surface or vision) whether for normal light or night vision enhanced
satellite data and adjust the RC fight stations experience to applications.
portrait real-time conditions in the distant aircraft. Future 15 Event recording device note for any data for voice/audio/
project for long distant remote control with optimum flight video or transmitted communications all elements required
control insured by robotics backup monitoring real-time for accountable memory storage must have RF beacon (FAA
condition. standard and DSRC like Bluetooth to activate any hand held
ESR Energy Storage/Control monitored SUC and used as telephony in an event (crash or impact) to narrow the search
safely available to the PFN/TRAC System 20 area and help determine debris field prior to search, rescue,
ESS (1) Electronic Switching System any essential con- and recovery operations to generate accurate maps in Real-
trols TRAC interfaced. Time. Additionally memory units will be outfitted with a
(2) Environmental Stress Screening All TRAC systems GPS receive with protected patch antenna to give one hot
must comply with the necessary requirements for impact and reading of an initial stationary detected state, if another
environmental packaging, however 25 movement is detected from this resting state-battery saving
ESSD Electro Static Sensitive Devices (see ESDS) GPS readings are delivered via any beacon or transmitting
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival monitored and adjusted function if not terminated by the appropriate authorized
by TRAC/FACT involvement. parties-Also the unit will be capable of repeating emer-
ETD Estimated Time of Departure monitored by TRAC gency communications to any other local PFNs and/or dial
System for FACT events or flags. 30 out to NENA-FAA and security group with GPS
ETI Elapsed Time Indicator coordinates-personal PFN technology minimal Processor IC
ETM Elapsed Time Measurement all timing data moni- custom Hybrid substrate in a can or simple IC micro
tored by TRAC for FACT alert flag and to prompt automated computers like stap-Standards to determine configuration
quarries of system and personnel. and use protocol.
ETMS Enhanced Traffic Management System a major 35 F
purpose for TRAC/FACT management as well as coordina- FAA (1) Federal Aviation Administration (U.S.)
tion with other TRANSPORTATION. Another purpose (2) Federal Aviation Authority to approve and implement
enhanced public safety. the PFN/TRAC System in the United States for air travel.
ETOP Extended Twin Engine Operations to be monitored FAC Flight Augmentation Computer SUC or sub system
by TRAC/FACT systems and coordinated with air speed 40 interfaced and used as available or needed to affect safe
head winds and other sensed and RF supplied data for the superior and secure control or the aircraft.
automated robotics flights to safe bases by TRAC/FACT FADEC Full Authority Digital Electronic Control a base
process or ASIC processors. technology of PFN/TRAC System hardware constructions
ETRC Expected Taxi Ramp Clearances FACT monitored and used and interfaced with as well as analog systems
for an early ACARS 0001 event FACT flag and then 45 complete the secure control technology to perform account-
controlled by TRAC/FACT command control both locally able robust robotic & remote control.
and centrally depending on the nature of the FACT event- FAF Final Approach Fix at this point or some where close
(handled locally in designated isolated area of the end of a the first generation TRAC landing for troubled aircraft
runway or cleared to fly out to a safe base for handling with performing under FACT robotics software will be contacted
specially trained FACT personnel. 50 to release controls to the ground RC flight crew for the final
ETX End-of-transmission EXT will have a FACT approach and landing-Robotics programs will run a guard-
encrypted secure signature to designate to all TRAC/FACT ian copilot soft ware use and protocol to be determined
units a legitimate signal. (The exact technique and imple- (quickly).
mentation of these unique signatures is to remain a trade 2nd generation will provide robotics software to help
secret to be disclosed to the proper security personnel at the 55 inexperienced pilot with on-board, automated equipment to
time they construct there own secret code writing for opera- reach this landing point and beyond to the pilot feel sure the
tional FACT commands for their air space can make a safe landing-programs to be up linked as well as
EUR European RC pilot help as it becomes avail able locally or virtually.
Eurocae European Organization for Civil Aviation Elec- FAI First Article Inspection. PFN TRAC will run it's own
tronics. A regulatory agency for avionics certification in 60 preflight inspection to check all systems interfaced and
Europe This agency will most definitely determine the during the flight monitor system. Pilot must clear ID check
TRAC integration process of existing avionics in legacy and log in the system highest technical identity as well as his
aircraft and help design and approve the ASICs and support filed preflight report is required-FAA-override and clear.
computer and wireless systems needed for TRAC/FACT to FAATC FAA Technical Center-to approve all TRAC
operate in European air space. 65 applications and interfaces as well as all systems interfaced
EURO-European Organization for the Safety of Air with TRAC-this center has to provide the SECRET and
Navigation. security cleared personnel to access any aviation PFN/
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TRAC umt m the aircraft and on the ground. Security decision may be done by policy and some by the technolo-
clearance and qualification is checked on a regular and gies in use at the time of any given event.
intermittent basis as a condition of this job-Homeland and FEW Fly By Wire These systems will prove far easer to
the appropriate security agencies to assist on he standards eliminate local control and divert it to the PFN/TRAC unit
and be in direct communication with these technical inspec- 5 for FACT protocols and of course all Flyby wire controls
tors with the latest security information as to threats to and their redundant systems will be SUC to the TRAC/
compromise the PFN/TRAC system for aviation. FACT program in an event like a WoJack Scenario.
FADE FAA-Airline Data Exchange Monitored/managed FCAF Flight Data Acquisition is an ongoing process for
or SUC a SUB system to the surface FAA-Homeland the TRAC system with the FACT software searching for an
event, if an event is detected robotics flight is initiated away
Security PFN/TRAC System architecture in the Transpor- 10
from all other air traffic---{)nboard sensor systems are further
tation intranet for aviation. This intranet operated as part of
quarried through TRAC processor via data communications
the Internet will have a higher level of access and control and acquisitions in a real-time with memory storage active,
during FACT conditions. During a FACT event limited the personnel are quarried and so is the surface support to
access to view or acquire data in a particular transportation decide if the criterion is met to continue a robotics flight to
intranet will be evoked with only security DET/DES or 15 the safe base or return the flight to local pilot control and the
FACT Homeland Security/agency cleared and specific to adjusted flight path and new approved flight plan.
have access to these involved data bases. Separate interac- FCC (1) Federal Communications Commission will
tive DOT intranets will monitor surface vehicles for land assign ded or Dedicated frequencies as well as DSRC
roadway, rail and seaways. The PFN/TRAC System ties all frequencies to manage all carryon devices via TRAC system
these systems together. 20 for FACT protocol. Additionally, FCC will sanction and help
FADEC Full Authority Digital Electronic Control (TRAC develop with other security agencies a universal high appli-
Protocol Master Control) cation software that can translate emergency messages
FANS Future Air Navigation System with more Direct through any wireless protocol for chipsets, hybrid substrates
GPS supported flights rather than the traditional hub flying or SOC technology for the PFN/TRAC unit to scan for
should have special designed safe air space flight plans to the 25 emergency communications process and retransmit to the
safe bases that protect surface public safety, with an emer- appropriate emergency response intranet and services via
gency response air cavalry dispatched to intercept and escort other TRAC interfaced communication protocols to act as a
a FACT/WoJack event with the air escort RC pilot. This local wireless router in a large flexible matrix or web for
team will follow and assist the troubled flight if it is forced networking better communications.
don or crashes prior to SB landing and terminate the flight 30 (2) Flight Control Computer will be part of the COTS
if this action is warranted. TRAC first generation and must be altered to have flight
Fan Marker A marker beacon used to provide identifica- control uninterrupted locally to meet TRAC/FACT
tion of positions along airways. Standard fan marker pro- specifications-and must activate as a sue system to per-
duces an elliptical-shaped pattern. A second type produces a form robotics flight. These advanced Flight systems may
dumbbell-shaped pattern. TRAC/FACT robotics will use 35 evolve as the central processing component of many PFN/
this position information data either in existing autopilot or TRAC systems in specific aircraft. This is the call of industry
flight computer systems as a SUC system to TRAC or they standards government and for system and component engi-
will use the data through direct Flight controls in the case of neers. These are workshop adjustments to better construct
second generation self contained and protected TRAC/ the TRAC/FACT component from existing technology. The
FACT System. 40 goals are clearly stated and the base modality for every step
FAR Federal Aviation Regulation will be responsible for is to increase public safety and national security while
helping to develop FACT ESNs for aircraft and components consolidating and protecting the system for isolated control
interfaced and inventoried by TRAC locally-which will and confirmed and approved access.
flag the PFN/TRAC System in real-time of any change both FCDC Flight Critical de These power bus systems should
in the aircraft and in ground control. Authorized Technicians 45 be protected as part of the flight control system sue under
will have direct personal PFN connect to answer any FAA or FACT protocol and where ever possible energized by
homeland security questions and meet any security check in TRAC/FACT system PFNs to complete any robotic or
real time. remote control commands to include DSRC wireless or
FAST Final Approach Spacing Tool this system will be wireless Ethernet interfacing for cost effective redundancy.
employed in later PFN/TRAC Systems as a general rule- 50 CODEC in these PFNs to be additionally encrypted with
first generation TRAC/FACT systems will be sent automati- FACT communication Software to thwart any undesirable
cally to the Safe Bases. As flight and landing software command communication attempts. Additionally, disregard
libraries are forth coming regular troubled flight emergen- and report any non-inventoried ESN transmission from
cies where flight skill is the only concern will be spaced known onboard interfaced equipment. All new interfacing
automatically by the Robotics system in TRAC and con- 55 must be accomplished through FACT surface security pro-
nected to FACT ground support as needed to affect a safe tocols FAA and whatever homeland security protocols
landing or help a JFK Jr. type pilot land his aircraft in deemed necessary.
overpowering conditions for their skill level. By using the FCP Flight Control Panel Video and audio monitored and
automated onboard systems to assist them where they are control functions neutralized in a FACT event e.g. WoJack
most deficient-store the corrected errors and provide to a 60 incident as soon as detected with all these controls turned
simulator experience for the pilot to practice his skills for over to TRAC/FACT control of robotics and remote control.
future flying. If the panel contains vital components Flight computer
FBL Fly By Light This system can be used for TRAC autopilot processors or control modules that can influence
robotics to control the landing in conjunction with the RC flight or critical flight systems they must be protected and
pilot so that data is being shared between the TRAC system 65 unusable to local human control.
in the plane and the TRAC/FACT RC simulator station- FD (1) Flight Director During an event-FAA position with
protocol for master controls to be determined. Some of this Horne land security team) Termination of flight decided at
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the highest level as possible for the best real-time response FLT CTRL Flight Control PFN/TRAC System TRAC
needed--decision tree needed. interface and emergency control.
(2) Final Data FLT INST Flight Instrument
FDAF Flight Data Acquisition Function a continual pro- FLW Forward Looking Wind shear Radar data interfaced
cess during a TRAC/FACT event. 5 into FACT SB Flight and landing robotics programs as well
FDAU Flight Data Acquisition Unit part ofTRAC system as reported to any RC pilot controls and any real-time fuzzy
and protected as needed to provide uninterrupted service to logic algorithm to fly the plane more responsive to actual
any FACT program running. conditions where communication lag may hinder real-time
FDB Flight Plan Data Bank a unit that could store the 5 flight.
safe base flights and landings subsystem of or sue to 10 FM Frequency Modulation
TRAC/FACT. FMA Flight Mode Annunciator Application to be deter-
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface All data mined for FACT programmed flights.
communications, be they wire wireless or light communi- FPA Flight Path Angle data to be processed by TRAC for
cations are interfaced through the TRAC system and man- coordinating real-time surface safety information and to
aged as needed. control aircraft via robotics and remote controlled flight and
FDE Fault Detection and Exclusion 15 landings.
FDEP Flight Data Entry Panel All access must be accom- FPAC Flight Path Acceleration Monitored and governed
panied by the highest personal Identity check feasible a by TRAC/FACT as need be FPC Flight Profile Comparator
TRAC protocol. a program and protected function SUC to TRAC/FACT
FDH Flight Deck Handset Same security ID required programming either as an integrated function or interfaced.
Finger thaw pulse and thermal sensor or Iris read to activate 20 FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array A processor con-
with personal smart card swipe or individually issued to figuration that TRAC may use in application specific aircraft
flight crew. needs, also a custom gate array, and the following TRAC
FDI Fault Detection and Isolation SUC to FACT program Processors cover a wide variety of hard ware configurations
analysis. for the correct ASIC in the patent and protected technology.
FDM Frequency Division Multiplex is a system where the 25 The following out of alphabetical order.
messages are transmitted over a common path by employing COTS Based list is seven such possible architectures
a different frequency band for each signal. This technology PC, Programmable Controller
can be used for the final approach or local remote control Custom
Logic Sequencer
encrypted signals to fly the plane separate channels for
mP (Micro processor)
critical controls. 30
FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access Could be a Custom Gate Array
SUC system used by TRAC in a FACT protocol if the Systems On a Chip (SOC)
Access to the transmission can be controlled and secured. FPV Flight Path Vector interfaced and protected data to
FDR Flight Data Recorder and an intricate part of the the TRAC/FACT program.
PFN/TRAC system. Presently we have the highest protec- 35 FQIS Fuel Quantity Indicating System
tion for the recordings of a flight. PFN TRAC protocols call FQPU Fuel Quantity Processor Unit SUC in TRAC
for this level of secure protection or greater for communi- system
cation routing and computer controls necessary to fly and Frequency (1) Function in 860E-5 (-005/-006) to allow
land an air craft-This is a major proprietary difference tuning 2
between what is and what this technology brings to the 40 Agile by-5 inputs from on-board FMCS/PNCS systems.
world of flying-Accountable automated flying and Channeling may be as often as every 5 seconds. The 6-wire
advanced and enhanced Human Machine Interfacing. output data is modified for input to an FMCS or PNCS.
FDRS Flight Data Recorder System Sub system to FRP Federal Radio navigation Plan
TRAC/FACT protocols or a redundant technology SUC to FSE Field Service Engineer Secret and security qualified
TRAC's function to deliver same stored data to surface 45 and approved for TRAC/FACT access.
repositories or mass data buffers transmitted to while flight FSEU Flap Slat Electronics Unit and sub systems
is in route and cleared if non event related or stored with autopilot, flight computer SUC to TRAC/FACT protected
FAA mass data and any manufacturer data base. control
FEATS Future European Air Traffic Management System FSIC ATA Flight Systems Integration Committee To help
PFN/TRAC constructed with the appropriate communica- 50 configure the various interfaces and configurations of TRAC
tion frequencies and the proper FACT encrypted software. generational employment, by setting standards and regula-
FACT software is activated by sovereign airspace deter- tions.
mined by position location technology on board and con- FW Failure Warning interfaced to TRAC via sub systems
firmed in many redundant software passes--exact protocols initially and ultimately a TRAC protected function.
for emergency TRAC/FACT scenarios like a WoJack 55 FWS Flight Warning System SUC to TRAC with appli-
event-involving numerous airspace restrictions must be cation specific TRAC response programming.
pre approve for the robotics flights prior and coordinated FWC Flight Warning Computer Sub system and SUC to
with all appropriate governments. TRAC ultimately to be a protected function of TRAC
FEC Forward Error Correction SUC for TRAC robotics processing ASAP.
flight 60 GAMA General Aviation Manufacturers Association to
FF (1) Free Flight assist standards efforts to determine progression of TRAC/
(2) Flitefone (TRAC monitored FACT protocols into each aircraft.
FGC Flight Guidance Computer Can be an integrated part GANS Government Air Navigation System a crucial
of TRAC or SUC to TRAC or finally an element of a 2nd element of the ground TRAC/FACT system with GBSTs to
generation TRAC system. 65 determine aircraft deviation either generated from the Air-
FHA Fault Hazard Analysis Interfaced process SUC to craft checks or ground generated-also monitor and track-
TRAC in g.
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GBST Ground Based Software Tool used in monitoring GNLU GNSS-based Navigation and Landing Unit data
all flights and aiding in robotics and remote control landings. used and interfaced with TRAC robotics and Remote control
GCA Ground-Controlled Approach. A system that uses where available Europe and 2nd generation.
a ground-based controller to control the approach of an GNR Global Navigation Receiver SUC system to TRAC
aircraft by transmitting instructions to the pilot This system 5 GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System Data used
will be converted to communicating directly with the 1RAC applicable to aircraft 1RAC
processor in a FACT protocol and deliver data rather than GNSSP ICAO Global Navigation Satellite System Panel
VOICe. GNSSU GNSS Unit SUC to 1RAC system when present
GCAS Ground Collision Avoidance System used as Goniometer A device that combines the two signals from
needed and developed for Robotics and RC landings. 10 two loop antennas. The goniometer (or resolver) contains
GCB Generator Circuit Breaker two fixed coils and one rotating coil. The rotating coil is
GCS Ground Clutter Suppression connected to the ADF bearing indicator needle to indicate
GCU Generator Control Unit TRAC monitor the relative bearing from the aircraft to the NDB station. The
GDLP Ground Data Link Processor interfaced or inte- mechanical position of the rotor represents the bearing of the
grated with TRAC processor GDOP Geometric Dilution Of 15 station, and the position is electrically transmitted to the
Precision. A term referring to error introduced in a GPS RMI. Used with hub flying position this data will be SUC to
calculation due to the positioning of the satellites and the TRAC and compared with GPS and other position equip-
receiver. This algorithm employed to provide the most ment on board.
accurate position data to TRAC. GOS Grade of Service
GDP Ground Delay Program 20 GPADIRS Global Positioning, Air Data, Inertial Refer-
GECAS General Electric Capital Aviation Services to ence System data processed in TRAC system to check other
help construct TRAC systems readings for error. All position and velocity data to
GEN Generator be checked by TRAC systems to determine if the flight plan
GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit is deviated from and if there is a FACT event.
GEOS Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite To provide 25 GPIB General Purpose Instrument Bus Possible connect-
location and communication Links for greater RC at a ing point for the Primary Focal Node Trusted Remote
distance nearer real-time responsiveness. Activity Controller to be attached if it can be properly
GES Ground Earth Station to provide correction GPS protected.
signal and possibly be used to retrieve data downloads from GPNS Ground Proximity Warning System sub system to
TRAC flights. 30 TRAC and delivering data to any robotics or RC flight
GG Graphics Generator employed in simulator RC station program running in the air or on the surface.
and ground support PFN/TRAC System. GPS (1) Global Positioning System (see NAVSTAR)
GH Ground Handling and Robotics the priority system in (2) Global Positioning Satellite
a FACT event GPSSU Global Positioning System Sensor Unit all of the
GHz Gigahertz minimum speed for TRAC processing 35 3 above to deliver data to the TRAC processor and FACT
GIB GNSS Integrity Broadcast program when available and needed.
GIC GPS Integrity Channel GPU Ground Power Unit
GICB Ground-Initiated Comm-B GPWC Ground Proximity Warning Computer
GIGO Garbage-In Garbage-Out GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System The 2 above
GIS Geodetric Information System 40 subsystems delivering data to the TRAC processor during a
Glide path The approach path used by an aircraft during FACT programmed flight.
an instrument landing or the portion of the glide slope that Gradient The rate at which a variable quantity increases or
intersects the localizer. The glide path does not provide decreases.
guidance completely to a touchdown point on the runway. Gray Code Special binary code used to transmit altitude
TRAC Used as applicable to landing by robotic and remote 45 data between framing pulses of a transponder reply. A cyclic
control, also a point for a handoff from robotics WLS to RC code having only one digit change at a time.
final touch down or an assist protocols for the JFK, Jr. Used in Mode C to transmit aircraft barometric altitude.
scenano. Also known as Gilham code. For all special code and
Glide slope The vertical guidance portion of an ILS protocols chip sets hybrid substrates or a running program in
system. TRAC ILS approach use for SB landing prior to RC 50 the TRAC processor will decode the necessary data for the
handoff TRC system to use this data as available and needed for the
GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System (Russian) best flight performance.
Used in the Soviet Union for TRC navigation. Ground Wave A radio wave that travels along the earth's
GLS GPS Landing System used in the TRAC/FACT surface.
programming 55 GRP Geographic Reference Point
GLU GPS Landing Unit used in TRAC Processing GS (1) Glideslope an important element to a robotics and
GM Guidance Material remote control landing.
GMC Ground Movement Control (2) Ground Speed read, determined used or generated as
GMPLS Global Multimode Precision Landing, System necessary for the 1RAC system to perform with the RC
used where available for robotics and remote controlled 60 ground support pilot to land and stop the troubled aircraft.
landing TRAC processing. GSE Ground Support Equipment Special access tools and
GMT Greenwich Mean Time. GMT is a universal time procedures ID protocols to the Primary Focal Node with the
scale based upon the mean angle of rotation of the earth Trusted Remote Activity Controller.
about its axis in relation to the sun. It is referenced to the GSP Glare Shield Panel
prime meridian that passes through Greenwich, England. 65 GSV Gray Scale Voltage(s) Readable binary code for
GND Ground altitude and barometric pressure as needed by the TRAC
GNE Gross Navigational Error processor for robotics and RC flight.
US 6,965,816 B2
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GT Greater Than protected sub system SUC to the TRAC processor running
GTA General Terms Agreement any FACT preprogrammed robotics or for RC downloads.
GTC Data Link Ground Terminal Computer TRAC/FACT HIRF High Intensity Radiated Field TRAC protected
download to a FACT/DES/DET or similar database pro- from with a mesh composite in the physical protection if
tected for mass data-special authorization to perform the 5 needed to protect against EMWs-Protection to be deter-
process and special access and accountable access protection mined by standards effort
whether it is a physical connection or special wireless HLCS High Lift Control System SUC to FACT robotics
encrypted process. flight programs either protected distributed TRAC node-
GTR General Technical Requirements For TRAC are autopilot or flight computer or a consolidated second-
10 generation PFN/TRAC system.
spelled out in this alphabetical list of avionic terms.
HLE Higher Layer Entity TRAC processor and program-
GUI Graphic/User Interface
GVE Graphics Vector Engine HLL High Level Language FACT code
GWS Graphical Weather Services same data (via HMI Human Machine Interface Enhanced by TRAC with
electronic/digital/analog signal provided the TRAC proces- accountable shared control scenarios.
sor for all three of the above. 15 HMOS High Density Metal Oxide Semiconductor All
Gyroscope A rotating device that will maintain its original electronic component technology used in TRAC construc-
plane of rotation, no matter which direction the gyroscope tion.
mount is turned. Data transduced if necessary to an electrical HOW Hand-Over Word cock pit and cabin video for
signal when not present and provided to the TRAC processor TRAC recording and RC communications and for gesture
for the Robotics flight to determine horizon and level flight 20 recognition program in TRAC also voice command recog-
reference. nition software in TRAC.
H HP High Pressure
HDBK Handbook Written to detail out the TRAC/FACT HPA High Power Amplifier
protocol in the specific aircraft. hPa hecto Pascal
HDG Heading Data delivered to the TRAC processor for 25 HPC High Pressure Compressor
flight deviation recognition function. H-Plane The H-Plane is the plane in which the magnetic
HDLC High Level Data Link Control A major function of field of the antenna lies. The H-Plane is perpendicular to the
TRAC E-Plane.
HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision HPR High Power Relay SUC to TRAC
HDP Hardware Development Plan For TRAC-is to start 30 HPSOV High Pressure Shutoff Valve SUC to TRAC
with existing air craft architecture and interface and protect HPT High Pressure Turbine
any existing hardware that can support TRAC/FACT robot- HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator. An indicator that
ics and remote control flight and landing, additionally aug- displays bearing, glide slope, distance, radio source, course
ment these systems with the necessary ASIC and local HMI and heading information. Video and Data lined appropri-
lockouts to complete these first generation and aftermarket 35 ately as to TRAC.
changes. 2nd generation HDP Forth coming. For surface HSL Heading Select Video and data linked to TRAC
systems utilize all the computer hardware systems in the HSR High Stability Reference Interfaced as needed
agencies either existing or augmented in DOT, FAA, HUD Heads Up Display TRAC connected
NHTSA, NTSB, DOD Homeland Security link w? DOJ/ HVPS High Voltage Power Supply SUC to TRAC
FBI, CIA, NSC via FACT communication and software 40 HW Hardware
protocols to create an entire secure transportation manage- HX Heat Exchanger
ment system. HYD Hydraulic
Heading The direction of an aircraft path with respect to HYDIM Hydraulic Interface Module sub system and SUC
magnetic or true north. All location equipment to determine to TRAC
true heading on the aircraft is to be quarried by TRAC/FACT 45 Hz Hertz (cycles per second)
to insure the FACT program triggers on proper event flags
in the program to take robotic control and fly the plane IACSP International Aeronautical Communications Ser-
correctly. VICe
HF High Frequency. The portion of the radio spectrum Provider
from 3 to 30 MHz. HF communication systems operates in 50 IAF Initial Approach Fix Data to TRAC/FACT programs
the 2 to 30 MHz portion of the spectrum. IAOPA International Council of Aircraft Owners and
HFDL High-Frequency Data Link All communication is Pilots A group to help determine and set Standards codes
SUC to TRAC as needed with redundancy as needed for regulations and use of TRAC/FACT with government.
reliability, ded frequencies have to be determined for the RC lAP Instrument Approach Procedure to include complete
flight and encrypted communication links, the bandwidths 55 protocol for RC and robotics landing via TRAC/FACT
have to accommodate the best handling of the determined programming at the 5 SBs for FACT events. Second and
essential data for each fact function and be translated by future generations of PFN/TRAC to complete robotics and
TRAC for redundant messaging when one communication RC landings at traditional airports of all WLS approaches.
link is compromised. lAPS Integrated Avionics Processing System incorpo-
HFS High-Frequency System 60 rated as TRAC in first generation where applicable-further
HGA High Gain Antenna protected and managed via FACT software.
HHLD Heading Hold Any change of the heading in a lAS Indicated Air Speed all data delivered to TRAC
flight plan is to be recovered by video and all information is lATA International Air Transport Association to take part
to be considered TRAC/FACT event record and report flag in the forming and implementation of standards rules regu-
status. 65 lation and law incorporated in TRAC/FACT protocols.
HIL Horizontal Integrity Limit any real-time flight data IC (1) Intercabinet used as applicable to TRAC/protocol
sensed or generated is delivered to the TRAC Processor or for security
US 6,965,816 B2
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(2) Integrated Circuit IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization IGES Standardized Graphics Exchange File
(Montreal) another group to be incorporated in determining IGV Inlet Guide Vane
the procedures and rules standards, regulation codes laws ILM Independent Landing Monitor Data interfaced as
that TRAC will be applied by and FACT programming will 5 needed to TRAC system
be coded and written for ICC lAPS Card Cage to be ILS Instrument Landing System. The system provides
constructed to meet the TRAC/FACT protection require- lateral, along course and vertical guidance to aircraft
ment for any essential processing system to perform the attempting a landing. Data provided the robotics and remote
FACT protocols un-abated. controlled landing program for FACT.
lCD (1) Installation Control Drawing for each TRAC/
10 INA Integrated Modular Avionics How TRAC software
FACT flight system for each aircraft.
will be configured and consolidated.
(2) Interface Control Drawing TRAC/FACT for each
aircraft INC Instrument Meteorological Conditions data supplied
(3) Interactive Design Center used to develop the proper as available and needed by FACT flight programming.
TRAC/FACT configurations for each aircraft type from IMPATT Impact Avalanche and Transmit Time. This type
what is COTS and what has to be interfaced and augmented 15 of Diode, when mounted in an appropriate cavity, produces
to be certified TRAC/FACT ready. microwave oscillations and amplification.
ICNIAintegrated Communications, Navigation and Iden- IMTEG ICAO ILS/MLS Transition Group Europe to take
tification Avionics an essential automation to all flying part in the standards on how TRAC/FACT will be config-
platforms for TRAC/FACT certifications, additionally this is ured and implemented in Europe.
to be a protected avionics package with an onboard inven- 20 IND Indicator all indicators will be videoed and their
tory program for an avionics FACT package deliverable by electrical signal will be transmitted to the TRAC Processor.
wireless and recorded in protected memory. This ICNIA INU Inertial Navigation Unit will provide data to TRAC
package when present will provide data to the TRAC for FACT programming.
process and/or computer running FACT robotics flight and lAS Indicated Airspeed is the speed indicated by a dif-
landing programming. 25 ferential pressure airspeed indicator which measures the
ICU Instrument Comparator Unit to be monitored by actual pressure differential in the pilot-static head. It is the
TRAC for any flagged instrument failures or possible tam- actual instrument indication for a given flight condition. This
pering event flag for FACT. electrical signal will be provided to the TRAC processor. All
IDC Indicator Display/Control videoed combined with
such reported data during a FACT event is recorded locally
data streams sent to surface system to evaluate.
30 and transmitted to the surface for redundant storage and use
Ident The action of the transponder transmitting an extra
pulse along with its identification code (at the request of a in RC piloting.
controller). Used for essential TRAC communication link, Indicated The altitude above mean sea level (uncorrected
and this Ident modality to be used by TRAC components for Altitude temperature). Used data as relevant to flight
dispersed by an accident to communicate location data operations in FACT robotics and RC piloting.
between existing operating PFN/TRAC components and 35 INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organiza-
rescuers establish-most accurate debris field for best rescue tion to be instrumental in ded dedicated frequencies proce-
and recovery. dures and protocols in using satellite communications for
IDG Integrated Drive Generator accurate positioning of aircraft in 3 dimensions and com-
IDS (1) Ice Detection System municating long distant for real-time or near real-time RC or
(2) Integrated Display System 40 robotics augmentation on board a troubled aircraft.
IEC lAPS Environmental Control Module TRAC con- 1!0 Input/Output. Refers to bidirectional data ports. As
nected and interfaced many as necessary to handle the data streams to fly the air
lED Insertion Extraction Device craft and communicate with the surface Processors will
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers to range to meet application specific needs of the aircraft
take part in the standards efforts for all TRAC hardware. 45 originally with future configurations more standardized and
IF (if) Intermediate Frequency. A frequency to which a consolidated, however more redundant and more difficult to
signal is shifted as an in-between step in the reception or defeat system integrity.
transmission of a signal. TRAC is a communication router INPH Interphone All communications are monitored by
and therefore this function is part of the TRAC scan pro- the TRAC system and voice recognition command identity
cessor for all communications interfaced with a FACT 50 capability will exist locally, however the ultimate control
priority scan recognition algorithm. Any wireless system over TRAC can rest at the surface via encrypted FACT
also on board would be a sub system or SUC to TRAC. commands if deemed appropriate and wise.
IFALPA International Federation of Airline Pilots Asso- INS Inertial Navigation System. A self-contained, dead
ciation an organization to take part in the standards, codes reckoning system that senses the acceleration along the three
and rules regulations and laws pertaining to the implemen- 55 axes of the aircraft and calculates the distance traveled from
tation of TRAC/FACT System and protocols. a reference point. Accuracy of the system decreases with
IFATCA International Federation of Air Traffic Control- respect to time. Never the less this systems electronic signals
lers 0 and data will be provided to the TRAC processor running
Associations This organization will also take part in the FACT software running an appropriate algorithm for error to
construction of protocols for TRAC/FACT software action 60 use and confirm FACT program choices and to correctly
for the robotics flight plan and the surface RC pilots han- navigate the plane and/or check flight progress on the pre
dling the final approach. register flight plan.
IFPS Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System INST Instrument All essential data provided to TRAC
This system will be access able in real-time and be part of with instrumentation videoed.
a software program comparing the flight in progress and trip 65 Intruder An altitude reporting aircraft that is being con-
both surface and air systems upon a deviation as a FACT sidered as a potential threat and that is being processed by
flagged event. the threat detection logic (TCAS). Any TCAS protocols and
US 6,965,816 B2
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tracking system as well as scramble fighter response to and transmitted to an airborne TRAC system querying
protect airspace will be incorporated into a troubled FACT accurate location for confirmation is to be available to
event like WoJack protocol, Additionally, the FACT event TRAC/FACT.
on the troubled air craft will initiate a TCAS response with ISU Initial Signal Unit All transmitted data to be feed to
special new protocols to include an RC pilot in an assist 5 TRAC/FACT system for robotics flight/glide path and
escort fighter. landing, additionally provided surface RC station and
IOC Initial Operational Capability first TRAC/FACT sys- ground support team.
tems in 120 days with 100% cooperation of government ITM Information Technology Management is the ground-
agencies/military and commercial contractors. based portion of an ADMS (see also EDMS). Immediately
used to run FACT programming and protocols.
ION Institute of Navigation 10
ITO Indium-Tin Oxide
lOR Indian Ocean Region
ITS Integrated Test System internal testing of all systems
lOT & E Initial Operational Test and Evaluation 90--120 interfaced to or as a part of a TRAC System processor must
days for TRAC/FACT deployment. run a self-test and component check on boot up and peri-
IP Intermediate Pressure odically as part of any operational algorithm. As well as be
IPB Illustrated Parts Breakdown 15 able to determine new interfaces and include reject, record
IPC (1) Intermediate Pressure Compressor and report their connection, ESN/FACT ID and/or removal
(2) Illustrated Parts Catalog locally if appropriate and to the surface ITM, ADMS, EDMS
IPD Industrial Products Division to participate and via wireless and IP connections. One important part of being
approve the configurations and help create standards rules TRUSTED is that the TRAC/FACT system in place at any
code. 20 given time can report to the proper people a system failure,
IPL Illustrated Parts List real-time reporting to authorized people and locations in the
IPT (1) Intermediate Pressure Turbine air and on the surface to be defined by proper standards
(2) Integrated Product Team (FAA) for TRAC/FACT codes rules regulation and governing agencies.
system and responsible for setting the progressive steps for ITT (1) Interstage Turbine Temperature
specific aircraft as per there application and risk to meet 25 (2) Inter-Turbine Temperature
FACT protocols. ITU International Telecommunications Union an organi-
IRP Integrated Refuel Panel all flight data provided to the zation to help determine the use of wireless systems by
Flight system of TRAC/FACT or any protected sub system TRAC/FACT and help set up the matrix of communication
performing FACT flying options for the TRAC/FACT system per geographic area
IRS Inertial Reference System data provided TRAC/ 30 with the appropriate sovereign powers and commercial
FACT system as available or needed. interests.
IRU Inertial Reference Unit data provided the FACT IV Isolation Valve This device will be an electrically
program in use and data supplied to surface management controlled solenoid valve on hydraulic assist and complete
systems. hydraulic systems to lock out local control. Full hydraulic
ISA (1) Industry Standard Architecture 35 control systems will have their delivery lines primary and
(2) International Standard Atmosphere the 2 above are a redundant from the pilot controls to their actuators blocked
conditions of TRAC/FACT System. or diverted to an absorbs ion bladder or accumulator cush-
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network to be inter- ioned with nitrogen to control pressure. This diversion must
faced or assimilated/made a part of the PFN/TRAC System take place in an unobtainable area in the aircraft during flight
and further encrypted as appropriate with FACT software 40 and the access and service must require FACT system
ISDOS Information System Design and Optimization avionics/hydraulics certification on the ground.
System ITWS Integrated Terminal Weather System FACT RC
ISLN Isolation The TRAC processor and FACT program Station connected and data transmitted to TRAC processor
must be isolated from any air born contact. or adaptive autopilot for automated landing to receive cross-
ISO (1) International Organization for Standardization 45 wind surface data, Doppler radar/down bursts etc.
(2) International Standards Organization these two above J
are absolutes for TRAC/FACT system as inherent in the JAA European Joint Airworthiness Authority to approve
architecture of TRAC. and help create the appropriate TRAC/FACT operation and
!so-Contour Refer to contour use for European airspace and the sovereign powers and
ISPA International Symposium on Precision Approach 50 publics affected.
and Instrument Landing in the future to review TRAC/FACT JAL Japan Air Lines All airlines will work with their host
robotics and RC landing with WLS data links are fed to the country's government and any foreign government they fly
TRAC system and surface RC station with a count down for into to provide the correct TRAC FACT programming as per
touch down estimate verbally for ground response team confirmed air space they are in. TRAC processors through
readiness throughout the base handling a FACT event. For 55 various communication systems and locating technologies
all teams medical/CDC, law enforcement/military will activate the appropriate program codes and international
readiness-additionally the ILS data is fed to the TRAC flight and coordination must be determined via the proper
processor or Flight controller or adapted autopilot handling named organizations and government agencies-working
robotics flight for glide path or final approach application together for the safest most optimum public safety and
specific per aircraft equipment. 60 security for all in the air and on the surface.
ISPACG Informal South Pacific ATC Coordinating Group JAR Joint Airworthiness Requirement TRAC/FACT self
all groups agencies governments and/organizations to par- test and FACT inspections should be a FAA/homeland
ticipate in the FACT structure and protocol development for security regulation and part of any airworthiness require-
their geographic area and any general applications that effect ment to fly air aircraft per airspace. Certification transmitted
all. 65 or IP connected prior entering new airspace another r
ISSS Initial Sector Suite System. All tracking or position requirement with all sovereign air space approval and ulti-
placement systems or data to be feed to the surface system mate control.
US 6,965,816 B2
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JAR-AWO Joint Airworthiness Requirements-All Categorization by Stall Speed (which determines the basis
Weather of landing or approach speed):
Operations 1RAC/FACT approved and part of, as well as
interfaced with, all necessary equipment in an air worthy and
protected state to perform robotics flight and RC flights. Aircraft Approach Category
JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor, any electronics 1.3 Times Maximum Speed
components can be used either directly or as part of a Aircraft the Stall (Circling Typical Aircraft
subsystem in the construct of a TRAC system and/or FACT Category Speed in Knots Approaches) in This Category

protocol. 10 A less than 90 knots small single engine

91 knots
JPO Joint Program Office all agencies and any essential
B 91 to 120 knots 120 knots small multi engine
flight or air travel organizational offices will be linked c 121 to 140 knots 140 knots airline jet
DET/FACT software and other unsecured IP links will be D 141 to 165 knots 164 knots large jet/military jet
E above 166 knots special military
provided generic messages from the fact system to be 15
determined as appropriate for the circumstance to provide (source: FAA, 1976, United States standards for Terminal Instrument.
information in a less secure environment to the public during
Additionally knots kts or aircraft speed will be provided
a FACT event. via an electrical signal to the TRAC processor performing
J/S Jammer to Signal Ratio FACT robotics and RC flights and landing.
JTAG Joint Test Action Group In the Chart above Categories C&D are focused on for the
most rapid deployment of FACT due to the high fuel and
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System To inertia destructive value of these aircraft to surface targets
be connected with by and for FACT protocols. when used by hostile forces or terrorists. Basically, this
K patent allows for the DOD & military to use FACT and apply
25 it with DES/DET as they see best and therefore security
KAL Korean Air Lines All airline will work with their
applications are left unstated. These systems are of the
host country's government and any foreign government they
highest security and their exact implementation will not be
fly into to provide the correct TRAC FACT programming as detailed here in this international forum. However, this
per confirmed air space they are in. TRAC processors inventor is willing to help the United States of America
through various communication systems and locating tech- 30 expand on this technology in anyway possible or needed at
nologies will activate the appropriate program codes and anytime to increase public safety, national security and
international flight and coordination must be determined via preserve freedom and democracy.
the proper named organizations and government agencies- kVA Kilovolt-ampere
working together for the safest most optimum public safety L
and security for all in the air and on the surface. 35 L Left
Key A hand-operated switching device or the act of L1 Frequency on which GPS SPS signals are transmitted,
operating such a device. A special key stroke for FACT will be incorporated into the TRAC/FACT system.
communications that are dated and coded to communicate L-Band carrier (1575.42 Mhz) Monitored and interfaced
with FACT/Homeland security to alert of FACT event and with the TRACT communication router.
transmit essential data to be set up and determined and to 40 L1011 Lockheed Model 1011 Aircraft First generation
TRAC/FACT ready in 90 days-this is a C-D category
determine who should know such communication Links-
key pads on handheld flight communicators or personal
L2 L-Band carrier (1227.6 MHz) interfaced with the
PFNS as well as DETs on the flight stations and instrument
TRAC scan and router section ASAP otherwise TRANS-
panels. 45 CEIVER a sub system or SUC to current to TRAC/FACT
KGLS Kinematic GPS Landing System used for the management.
FACT!RC robotics landing LAAS Local Area Augmentation System
KHz Kilohertz (1000 cycles per second) LAC Lineas Aereas Del Caribe (an airline) All airlines
kb/s Kilobits Per Second The fastest communications and will work with their host country's government and any
50 foreign government they fly into to provide the correct
processing is to apply to the necessary Real-time flight and
TRAC FACT programming as per confirmed air space they
landing controls with all other data transmitted in near
are in. TRAC processors through various communication
real-time always with the most critical FACT data being
systems and locating technologies will activate the appro-
handled with the highest priority. priate program codes and international flight and coordina-
KBU Keyboard Unit on all FACT/DETs throughout the 55 tion must be determined via the proper named organizations
system onboard the aircraft and in the ground support and government agencies working together for the safest
system. most optimum public safety and security for all in the air and
KPS Kilobytes Per Second, Real-time Flight controls to on the surface.
have the highest data rates. LADGPS Local Area Differential GPS All of the most
60 accurate systems for GPS will be interfaced with the air and
kts Knots. Landing knots due to inertia/size of the aircraft
surface system under TRAC/FACT control to safely deter-
is a FAA classification system and such classification system
mine FACT events and perform robotics and RC flights and
will be used to apply FACT deployment through out the landings.
aircraft industry in this paper a chart is presented of the LAN Local Area Network all such net works are to be
aircraft classifications here. 65 interfaced as needed and sue or protected sub systems to
The FAA provides the following categorizations of air- TRAC system and/or FACT protocols which ever is present
craft. in any given system
US 6,965,816 B2
175 176
LAT Latitude a coordinate important to determining flight LLPs are to take place in physically protected cans as well
deviation and in flying and landing FACT controlled flights. as have protected leads with one-way power service regu-
L-Band A radio frequency band from 390 to 1550 MHz. lated to restrict tampering and protect against current over-
Interfaced and used to perform FACT programming and load.
monitored by 1RAC RF routing and scanning. 5 LLWAS Low-Level Wind Shear Alert System This data
LCC Leadless Chip Carrier as a hardware socket provided to the RAC flight station and the TRAC processor
employed as needed, additionally any RF device is SUC to or Adaptive autopilot for robotics flight adjustment and
TRAC/FACT management and control and interfaced with landing.
the system- and if any chip mount can be used to precipitate LIM List of Materials
TRAC/FACT interfacing with the least of connectable effort
10 LMM Locator Middle Marker. An NDB that is co-located
any ware in the Aircraft to the control buss and be done in
at the same site as the 75 MHz middle marker beacon.
a secure solo manner wired or wireless it is to be used as
much as necessary. LMP Left Middle Plug. Identifies the plug on the rear
LCD Liquid Crystal Display on all components integrated connector of an avionics unit. All connectors and leads for
with the TRAC/FACT system with the displays covered to essential energy or communication Links are to be shielded
anyone other than FACT cleared Technical teams. 15 or protected.
LCP Lighting Control Panel 1RAC can control all illu- LMT Local Mean Time
mination in the aircraft for FACT protocols to limit local LNA Low Noise Amplifier
control capability to prevent unauthorized or unsafe use of LNAV Lateral Navigation is programmed in the flight
an aircraft so compromised. The FACT robotics and RC via plans for fact and processed through the 1RAC processor or
TRAC can use infrared cameras and heat sensing system 20 the Adaptive auto pilot/flight computer. Actual lateral posi-
during such an event to determine the proper illumination tion monitored throughout he various onboard position-
for an event. sensing systems.
LCSTB Low Cost Simulation Test bed all test means to LOB Left Outboard
insure the highest safety in 1RAC/FACT design construc- LOC Localizer. The lateral guidance portion of an ILS
tion deployment and use are to be employed in the most 25 system. Incorporated into TRAC/FACT programmed and
efficient manner with respect to the need for TRAC/FACT RC flights and landings.
per aircraft and support system. Lock-On The condition that exists when the DME
LD Lower Data less important data will run at slower receives reply pulses to at least 50 percent of the interroga-
computing speeds and communication protocols, however in tions. Valid distance information is then available. A tech-
a FACT event all data can be important and local and surface 30 nology used to determine plane position and used in the
software programs will evaluate data importance sensed on automated flying of the TRAC/FACT programs.
board. Human controls on the surface can prioritize this LOM Locator Outer Marker. An NDB that is co-located
process (protocols to be determined). at the same site as the 75 MHz outer marker beacon. All
LDCC Leaded Chip Carrier All systems markers used to line up aircraft for landing will be used in
LDGPS Local Area Differential Global Positioning Sat- 35 the FACT final approaches for robotics and RC coordinated
ellite used to determine FACT event and to fly the FACT landings.
flight plans and Landings. LON Longitude
LDU Lamp Driver Unit LORAN Long Range Navigation. A system using a
LED Light Emitting Diode used as needed for TRAC ground facility composed of a master station and a subser-
error recognition and general illumination in authorized 40 vient station. The airborne receiver computes the position of
servicing-work or utility lighting used to recognize per- the aircraft by using two or more received dominant-
sonnel determine their actions and to alert others to unau- subservient.
thorized work as well as distract or hinder unauthorized pairs of signals. LORAN-A operates at 1850, 1900 and
tampering by flashing/blinding or abstinence. 1950kHz. LORAN-C operates at 100kHz. LORAN A was
Leg The section of the flight between two waypoints. To 45 replaced by LORAN C in 1980.
be TRAC/FACT monitored for flight plan deviations also the LORAN C Long Range Navigation System The loran
area of a FACT flight over the least populated or sensitive system along with GPS will be used in together for FACT to
Surface areas for FACT flights to SB waypoint air space. determine a deviation and for FACT flying.
LF Low Frequency. The frequency range from 30 to 300 LOS Line Of Sight as part of the RC station one RC pilot
kHz. All communication L frequencies to be set up for 50 will maintain line of sight while another maintains an
TRAC/FACT DATA communication links and SCAN instrument approach as part of the surface team landing a
routing-actual frequency use to be determined by RF FACT flight. Additionally, RC pilots in assist escort craft
component engineers and government agencies as per phys- will maintain LOS with the FACT flight for as long as
ics characteristics and desired use. possible. Ultimately, the FACT flight can be safely landed
LGA Low Gain Antenna all necessary antennas protected 55 robotically, remotely controlled with 3 skilled pilots as a
secluded FACT inspected and TRAC/FACT tested on boot coordinated team-protocols to be determined and devel-
up and periodic auto testing as part of TRUSTED system oped.
protocol. LPC Low Pressure Compressor
LH Lufthansa LPT Low Pressure Turbine
LHP Lightning HIRF Protection TRAC/FACT campo- 60 LRA (See RALT)
nents protected for lightning strikes and static and ground LRM Line Replaceable Module ultimately PFN/TRAC
spiking to disable the system. units will be constructed as LRMs or LRUs and be placed in
LIB Left Inboard several areas along the control bus.
USN Line Impedance Stabilization Network SUC for LRRA (See RALT)
TRAC 65 LRU Line Replaceable Unit ultimately PFN/TRAC units
LLP Left Lower Plug. Identifies the plug on the rear will be constructed as LRMs or LRUs and be placed in
connector of an avionics unit. All connections including several areas along the control bus.
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LSB (1) Lower Sideband. The lower sideband is the mined as a National air guard/coast guard response or
difference in frequency between the AM carrier signal and regular military or all three of the above with local law
the modulation signal. All RF Communication On the air- enforcement and emergency response air support assisting
craft will be routed through PFN!fRAC system for total immediately until relieved all coordinated by local FAA/
Communication access. 5 FACT air space controllers handling a FACT event.
(2) Least Significant Bit MAR Managed Arrival Reservoir
LSD Least Significant Digit Marker Beacon A transmitter operating at 75 MHz that
LSI Large Scale Integration PFN!fRAC and FACT pro- provides identification of a particular position along an
gramming is LSI and will be in the form of an ASIC as time airway or on the approach to an instrument runway. The
passes. 10 marker beacon is continuously tone-modulated by a 400-Hz,
LSK Line Select Key a 1300-Hz or a 3000-Hz tone. Marker beacons along an
LTP Left Top Plug. Identifies the plug on the rear con- instrument runway provide along-course (range) guidance
nector of an avionics unit. All connectors and essential leads and designate when an aircraft should be at a certain altitude
are protected, for SUC or sub systems for TRAC System and if the aircraft is following the glide path. An audio algorithm
FACT. 15 will transduce this signal or a digital or electrical analog
Lubber Line A fixed line placed on an indicator to indicate signal with identifiable characteristics will be transmitted to
the front-to-rear axis of the aircraft. Data electronic signal the troubled aircraft overhead at the appropriate position for
provided FACT flight programs running in sub systems or in the Flight glide path algorithm to adjust the aircraft control
TRAC/FACT system. surfaces (Flaps etc.) to obtain the proper altitude and later al
LV Lower Sideband Voice recorded and controlled by 20 position for the airport approach and landing. This data is
TRACor FACT programming for FACT event. also provided the RC stations in the chase aircraft and in the
LVDT Linear Voltage Differential Transducer (used with surface support. The system used to deliver this important
aircraft control surface servos) monitored by TRAC/FACT data should be universalized or multiple technologies have
and emergency power provided by protected PFN!fRAC to be available on the ground on these safe bases. Addition-
System. 25 ally these beacons have to have the highest of surface
LVLCH Level Change monitored and Managed by protection with a vigilant monitor on any near Safe Base
TRAC/FACT programs as appropriate. wireless communications that could be misinterpreted as a
LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply avail able to TRAC marker signal SB signal should have an encrypted code
operations and also inherent in TRAC Systems. recognized by on board TRAC/FACT programming.
M 30 MASPS Minimum Aviation System Performance Stan-
m Meter dards any FACT configuration that is to be used by aircraft
m/s Meter per Second All measurements that equate to flying must meet this standard and that will probably require
movement of the aircraft will be transduced into an electrical a special customized inspection by the most skilled in
signal and provided TRAC processor or the FACT sub aviation/avionics to determine flight readiness. These first
system to be used in the determination of a FACT event and 35 generation systems will not be easy, simple or perfect, but
how to fly and land the aircraft via robotics and RC controls. they each have to improve air security and public safety as
MAC Medium Access Controller all essential controllers much as possible in each step and continue to improve until
will be incorporated for the FACT protocols as subsystems an entire safe PFN!fRAC System unit is obtained in every
or SUC to TRAC and especially a good access point that aircraft.
must be protected with restricted access or any translation 40 MAT Maintenance Access Terminal have to have FACT
processor that will allow for a higher application software to approved technicians and security surveillance over work
control the system. performed with workers wearing PFN!fRAC units with
Mach Number Mach number is the ratio of the true audio and video record/report capability in real-time.
airspeed to the speed of sound at a particular flight condition. Infrared/heat and human imaging sensing and system soft-
It is the chief criterion of airflow pattern and is usually 45 ware algorithms with ESN quarries of these personal PFNS
represented by the free-stream steady-state value. are to identify personnel with Identity check points Sync/
Mag Magnetic timed PIN codes, Iris reading finger print non invasive
Magnetic The bearing with respect to magnetic north. DNA, face print recognition, voice recognition and finger
Bearing print thaws on the PFN identity belt that the worker is
Magnetic North The direction north as determined by the 50 wearing is needed. (Proper security is available at the
earth's magnetic field. The reference direction for measure- installation and is rotated. Each PFN!fRAC/FACT compo-
ment of magnetic directions. The four above terms and nent with it's anti-tamper sensing and electronic seals can
definitions involving the heading of the aircraft using the communicate with security at any MAT and all other FAA
traditional compass will be provided as an electrical signal security checks and inspections are observed.
indicative of the instrumentation to the FACT algorithm to 55 MAWP Missed Approached Waypoint this signal is pro-
equate the true aircraft direction and heading the pilot is vided air born TRAC/FACT program and the RC pilot for
reading on the instruments. This will be determined by any effort to land the aircraft or retry or deal with the
satellite and GPS, Lorands other RF and locating devices on situation as best as possible.
board and dead reckoning to determine true intent of aircraft MB Marker Beacon all signals provided electronically to
and controlling operators and to assist the local real-time 60 the FACT program and the RC surface support.
operators in maintaining the correct course for the real-time MBE Multiple Bit Error Algorithm in FACT program-
circumstance and providing the proper air and surface ming will always be running parallel queries of multiple
support for the troubled air craft to in sure better public redundant systems to determine the most accurate data to
safety in the air and on the surface. use. Additionally, the surface flight crew is monitoring all
MAMS Military Airspace Management System will be 65 the same data and communicating with the chase RC pilot at
connected directly in a FACT event. And military bases will the long distance and the surface RC pilot for close in
be chosen and outfitted for FACT operations (to be deter- landing.
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MC Master Change any change in avionics to FACT MEA Minimum En route Altitude There is to be a high
performance must be approved recorded/logged in with all MEA for all FACT Safe Base flights as general program-
persons involved S/N etc. and inspected for proper working min g.
order by FACT inspectors prior to any flight an FAA MEC Main Equipment Center
structured security. 5 MEDLL Multi-ath Estimating Delay Lock Loop any
MCB Microwave Circuit Board all radar or FACT oper- automated flight programming is to be interfaced directly
ated systems have to be serviced by FACT cleared security with FACT programming and may be interrupted or secured
and calibration and performance of these subsystem com- and used as part of the TRAC/FACT system-1st genera-
ponents have to be checked for proper FACT working order. tion.
MCC Maintenance Control Computer has a special MEL Minimum Equipment List. The list of equipment
encrypted area for FACT service. that the FCC requires to be aboard an aircraft before flying.
MCDP Maintenance Control Display Panel video and The automated TRAC Communication scanner and router
electronic signals generated are recorded and reported as with wireless communication link DSRC should become a
determined to be a flag for a FACT System security Flag. FCC/FAA/homeland security necessity for all aircraft as
MCDU Multifunctional Control Display Unit videoed soon as possible to increase communication links with
and signals recorded/reported as needed. 15 emergency inessaging protocols to be developed for FACT
MCN Manufacturing Control Number registered in every in 90 days.
PFN/TRAC unit and component memory on board and MES Main Engine Start this electrical signal should run
traceable in the system or any other system components are a FACT system check for immediate shutdown for an
interfaced with or exchanged. FACT registration protocol non-cleared TRAC/FACT system with an alert sent to con-
for SIN ESN and OEM product and component numbers or 20 trol tower, company monitoring system and surface security
ID/lot Nos. with aircraft location ESN and audio and video on in the
MCP (1) Maintenance Control Panel FACT protocols to aircraft--engine should have FACT sensor and lead or
be determined and FACT qualified person monitoring the wireless protected to TRAC/FACT System monitoring.
panel. MF Medium Frequency. The portion of the radio spec-
(2) Mode Control Panel 25 trum from 300 kHz to 3 MHz. All communication links
MCT Max Continuous Thrust scanned by TRAC/FACT and used as determined appropri-
MCU (1) Modular Concept Unit (approximately 1/s-ATR, ate.
Airline Transport Rack) MFCP Multifunction Control Display Panel videoed and
(2) Multifunction Concept Unit recorded and reported as appropriate for function related to
MDll Boeing Model 11 Aircraft (formerly McDonnell 30 TRAC/FACT protocols.
Douglas) MFD Multifunction Display Same as above with electri-
MD90 Boeing Model 90 Aircraft (formerly McDonnell cal signal monitored.
Douglas) The above 2 aircraft to be FACT fitted with first the MFDS Multifunction Display System Same as above with
first generation with in 90 days. electrical signal monitored
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude As a general rule the 35 MDFU Multifunction Display Unit Same as above with
Descent in any FACT landing will take place at minimum electrical signal monitored.
levels needed for a gradual long slow glide path. MFM Maintenance Fault Memory made part of TRAC/
MDC Maintenance Diagnostic Computer will record and FACT system and dealt with accordingly.
report all alerts and conditional data to the TRAC/FACT MGSCU Main Gear Steering Control Unit SUC with any
system if on board the Aircraft and to the surface. If part of 40 servo motor control to TRAC or FACT management for the
a surface maintenance check the system will report all data surface collision avoidance or TRAC/FACT robotics or RC
to the TRAC/FACT system for on board records and the surface taxing.
surface FACT mass data Base for future reference attention MHD Magnetic Hard Drive used in TRAC and fully
and clearance as determined necessary and prudent. protected in any avionics as a FACT protocol.
MDCRS Meteorological Data collection and Reporting 45 MHz Megahertz (1,000,000 cycles per second)
System on the surface will provide all flight stations air born MIC Microphone. Also refers to the output signal of the
and on the surface with weather conditions applicable to Microphone. To be recorded and used with voice recognition
flight and landing. Additionally this information is provided technology in TRAC/FACT systems. Reported to the surface
to medical or HAZMAT teams and law enforcement to ready during FACT event. For entire flight after event flagged.
response for the incoming troubled aircraft application spe- 50 Micro-EARTS Microprocessor En route Automated
cific to the public safety response and current weather Radar Tracking employed in FACT determining software
conditions that can aggravate the situation. and to fly to safe Bases.
MDS Minimum Discernible Signal. The MDS is the MIDU Multi-purpose Interactive Display Unit video cap-
lowest RF signal level that can be detected as a valid signal. tured with electronic signal recorded and reported for
Has to be absolutely identified for the most radical of 55 TRAC/FACT System.
commands to be carried out in FACT programming. A MIL Military used for a fact event as determined appro-
protocol of equations for public safety and national security priate by FAA/DOT/DOD/homeland security.
are to be developed in the event all communications are MIPS Million Instructions Per Second Data delivered to
disabled. For this reason the TRAC scan and blue tooth Fact for the surface
wireless communication link with all forms of wireless 60 MLS Microwave Landing System employed by TRN
communication is stressed for TRAC/FACT System to FACT automated flights and landings.
access NENA numbers and FACT/homeland FAA master MLW Maximum Landing Weight-always the question
control to communicate the appropriate codes to the central to dump fuel and cargo will be part of FACT scenario with
control station to intercede FACT termination programs or special restricted area provided with automated signals and
other radical defense programming. 65 automated dumping actuators on tanks and storage areas that
MDT Maintenance Display Terminal videoed and release transponders to mark the debris dropped for imme-
recorded reviewed prior to final flight clearance. diate hazmat procedures.
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MM Mass Memory a PFN!fRAC/system intra net for M OSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Trans-
aviation FACT mass database mitter
MMI Man-Machine Interface TRAC/FACT enhanced MOU Memorandum Of Understanding
with accountable shared controls of aircraft. MP (1) Middle Plug. Identifies the plug position on the
MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit all 5 rear connector of an avionics unit. To be protected as well as
Tracking and positioning technology for aircraft to be pro- the lead for any avionics system crucial to the FACT
tected and controlled according to FACT protocols. performance.
Mmo The maximum Mach number at which an aircraft (2) Main Processor
has been certified to operate. Incorporated in the FACT MPEL Maximum Permissible Exposure Level MPEL for
programmed flights MMR Multi-Mode Receiver incorpo- 10 toxins bacteria or decease and radiation will be determined
rated in to TRAC/FACT scanning functions and used as part sensed by on board systems and programmed and given
of any application specific communication link for any protocols for the SB FACT flights and landings, and MPEL
applicable aircraft. rating will be determined for each approved TRAC/FACT
MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specification System approved for operation on any aircraft.
There will be a TRAC/FACT MNPS for every progressive 15 MROSE Multiple-tasking Real-time Operating System
step of the technology to be cleared to fly as time goes on Executive
and the system becomes more sophisticated and unified. MRR Manufacturing Revision Request continually put
MNT Mach Number Technique out on all aircraft for an avionics update with TRAC/FACT
MO Magneto-Optical-FAA to determine inspection for protocols.
FACT readiness and performance. 20 MS Millisecond
MOA Military Operation Area the safe bases will have a MSB Most Significant Bit
great military presence and the bases will have the highest MSCP Mobile Satellite Service Provider will be commu-
security-whether it is all military DES/DET and physically nication linked to the FAA/FACT intranet with emergency
protected is to be determined by homeland security DOD, translation messaging at the highest application level for
DOT, FAA and any level of threat. 25 wireless and GPS communication and TRAC\king.
MOCA Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude will be on MSD (1) Most Significant Digit
the floor for a good deal of the area up to the landing strip Suggested FACT mass data controls
of a SB. As time goes on other airports may be rated to (2) Mass Storage Device is set up as part of all governing
handle certain FACT protocols and have special area teams agencies with a sharing of the data. These agencies will have
with law enforcement, hazmat and medical teams available 30 their own access codes and FACT security and read only
and the MOCA in those programs might be more sensitive access as a rule-all access is recorded and placed in the
to elevation requirements in glide paths and final header of the file that is the same across all agencies. The
approaches. highest level of security can maintain the file for special
MOD (1) Modulator with encoding and encryption for eyes. Agencies with linked MSD for FACT in transportation
(2) Modification is a continual state with TRAC/FACT will have buffers a cross the nation that will have wireless
system deployment. gateways and land line connections to receive real time Data
(3) Magneto-Optical Drive from aircraft and enter that data into the system. Additional
Mode A The pulse format for an identification code gateways and buffers will be there for surface transportation
interrogation of an ATCRBS transponder. 40 and this intranet is linked at the highest level for all the
Mode B An optional mode for transponder interrogation. agencies to monitor at the highest FACT level for public
Mode C The pulse format for an altitude information safety and national security. FACT is a fully accountable
interrogation of an ATCRBS transponder. access technology that carries the strictest penalties for
Mode D An unassigned, optional transponder mode. unprofessional or corrupted use of the system and technolo-
Mode S (1) Mode Select (A transponder format to allow 45 gies no matter who the perpetrator. FACT codes allow for
discrete interrogation and data link capability). the immediate access to any computer storage system and
(2) Selective interrogation mode of SSR-FACT commu- accompany a review process with all involved parties and
nication to utilize and recognize all pulse codes for each their legal representatives in a proper agreed upon forum.
mode with programming written. Additionally the FACT Protocols and use must be constitutionally based to provide
protocol will supply headers of equipment interfaced and 50 and preserve freedom and respect for individual privacy, but
inventoried to provide the most update list of equipment as provide latitude in use for public safety and national security
part of any compromised flight either via the aircraft trans protection. The system will not be used or compromised for
ponder or the communication link to 2 way transponders or misdemeanor or simple crime prosecution and FACT trained
transceivers to store in local data repositories or buffers on professionals do all data released and destroyed. With out
the flight path or a FACT flight. 55 proper certification encrypted on the file it is the highest
MODEM Modulator/Demodulator able to handle FACT security breech and subject to high fines and imprisonment.
encryption and SUC to TRAC/FACT Every citizen has a right to request if information is held on
MOPR Minimum Operational Performance Require- them and to view that data via a proper ID protocol and
ments under the correct circumstances. All access to their file has
MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards the 60 to be decoded for there viewing and they have the right to
above two to be determined for any given TRAC/FACT request information on any data, collection process and use.
systems. The citizen can also request the file be destroyed and it is to
MORA Minimum Off-Route Altitude set by research for be reviewed by FACT for this purpose. No file should be
public safety routes and programmed in the FACT plight maintained for photo ID or any ID technology data DNA
processors either TRAC or adaptive autopilot or Flight 65 fingerprint for any regular citizen with no significant crimi-
computer systems that are protected. nal past (violent). Non-citizens are to be followed through
MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor out the computer matrix as necessary by the sovereign
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powers. However the proper respect for each individual MTI Moving Target Indicator. This type of radar display
maintained. Obviously, these are suggestions in setting up will show only moving targets. This system's data will be
the proper protocols for the use of FACT in the PFN/1RAC used in robotics flying and RC landing.
System. The inventor would like to say that it is the Freedom MTM Module Test and Maintenance for all TRAC/FACT
of the United States we want to protect for each individual 5 hard ware & software there will be certified FACT inspec-
citizen. This can only come from the greatest respect for tors and technicians to test any essential modules.
every individual and their private life. Personal activities MTMIU Module Test and Maintenance Bus Interface
should always be monitored for a need to know basis only Unit will be afforded guarded access and be used as a
in public safety and national security and not be used or possible PFN/TRAC processor connecting point to access
applied as a policing tool. In many cases the monitoring and 10 the control bus for vital FACT operations in first generations
use should be automated with the 3 laws of robotics applied. to retrofit legacy aircraft. If this proves doable this connec-
The use and access of all FACT access data should be tion will be protected and require FACT certification to enter
quarried for personal ID, application and pertain to FACT the area and perform testing or FACT augmentations.
protocols on a need to know basis. Otherwise all mass data MTTDA Mean Time To Dispatch Alert
should be FACT accessible for real-time use accompanied 15 MTTF Mean Time To Failure. A performance figure
by a review of procedure for a FACT event with enough calculated by dividing the summation of times to failure for
FACT officials available for case loads and review of use a sample of failed items by the number of failed items in the
procedures. Additionally personal data used in any mass sample. The same item failing N times constitutes N failed
data system including credit and commercial streams should items in the sample. This is different from mean time
have to be approved by the individual. Intrusions of privacy 20 between failures since no allowance is given to items that
of this commercial practice should also be stopped and have have not failed.
strict civil penalties-some automatic and others applied MTTM Mean Time To Maintenance. The arithmetic mean
through tort laws. This is necessary for the citizen to trust of the time intervals between maintenance actions.
FACT and mass data storage of a personal nature. This kind MTTMA Mean Time To Maintenance Alert
of data must receive the greatest protection and have the 25 MTTR Mean Time To Repair. A performance figure
highest respect. All such data bases should have FACT calculated by dividing the sum of the active repair elapsed
access and run in a FACT approved mode-with a special times accrued in a period on a number of designated items
FACT review of such data bases for the citizen with the by the number of these items repaired in the same period.
ability to have data sponged from these data bases and MTTUR Mean Time To Unscheduled Removal. A per-
prosecute those systems that continue to violate privacy 30 formance figure calculated by dividing the summation of
laws. times to unscheduled removal for a sample of removed items
MSG Message by the number of removed items in the sample. This is
MSI Medium Scale Integration The PFN/TRAC System different from MTBUR since no allowance is given to items
progressive integration will encompass all subsystems and that have not been removed. For the above 6 mean
interface ultimately as LSI 35 measurements-the TRAC/FACT protocol will establish a
MSL Mean Sea Level minimum time for these timed maintenance procedures to
MSP Mode S Specific Protocol to be developed and insure adequate service and optimum reliability. During all
programmed for FACT these maintenance procedures the strictest security with
MSSS Mode S Specific Services TRAC/FACT certified TRAC/FACT personnel is a standard requirement
MSU Mode Select Unit 40 and the specifics will be determined in standards efforts and
MT Minimum Time FAA/homeland security regulations. This may be flexible as
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures. A performance intelligence determines threat to a free society regardless of
figure calculated by dividing the total unit flying hours cost.
(airborne) accrued in a period of time by the number of unit MU ACARS Management Unit integrated SUC to TRAC
failures that occurred during the same time. Where total unit 45 and part of FACT
hours are available, this may be used in lieu of total unit MULT Multiplier
flying hours. A FACT file with MTBF data specific to MUS Minimum Use Specification. A generic description
equipment on board will be maintained with also a sched- by parameter and characteristics of the test equipment and
uled service file and response. resources required for testing a unit or system. A protocol
MTBR (1) Mean Time Between Removal 50 developed for FACT interfaced components and self tested
(2) Mean Time Between Repairs. A performance figure during boot up and periodic auto tests to be a trusted system
calculated by dividing the total unit flying hours accrued in by recognizing failure a TRAC characteristic.
a period by the number of unit removals (scheduled plus MUX Multiplexer FACT utilized in subsystems SUC and
unscheduled) that occurred during the same period. Same a crucial function in the TRAC ASCI C.
TRAC/FACT procedure as above. 55 N
MTBUR (1) Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removal N1 Fan speed
(2) Mean Time Between Unit Replacements. A perfor- N2 Intermediate compressor speed
mance figure calculated by dividing the total unit flying N3 High speed compressor the 3 above monitored as
hours (airborne) accrued in a period by the number of needed by 1RAC/FACT and SUCs.
unscheduled unit removals that occurred during the same 60 NACA National Air Carriers Association to take part in
period. Same TRAC FACT components as above. TRAC/FACT standards rules regulations discussions but not
MTC Maintenance Terminal Cabinet to control policy procedures protocols or requirements-
MTD Maintenance Terminal Display homeland security to make all final decisions via it's inter-
MTF Maintenance Terminal Function The 3 above will agency matrix. (To restrict lobbing ( )-additionally gov-
have TRAC/FACT protocols to be followed as to the pro- 65 ernment to aid in costly security conversions with a special
tection and service of all essential connectables and testing committee to oversee cost and network technologies to
for FACT components. reduce duplication and to much specificity-stop creating
US 6,965,816 B2
185 186
disparate systems-more universal application with less such decision. It is important to remember that TRAC/FACT
proprietary and better security. protocols will make it next to impossible for a Hijacking
NADIN National Airspace Data Interchange Network there always is the possibility any security can be defeated
NAS National Airspace System if there is a will to do so. For this reason there will always
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration 5 be the need to handle the worst of decisions a caring
The 3 terms above-to be interfaced with home land secu- humanity has to make to preservers the greatest number at
rity and the FAA direct FACT control flights with FACT risk at a given time of emergency. For this reason the
security. decisions should be understood prior to any possible need
NASPALS NAS Precision Approach and Landing System for them.
interfaced with the FACT/1RAC system for the FACT 10 N/C New installation Concept All tools to virtually expe-
landings. rience TRAC/FACT system performance or FACT protocol
NAS/TRB National Academy of Science, Transportation Scenarios should be utilized in development and for the
Research. projected combination of present separate and disparate
Board to provide development of the different PFN/ systems to construct the diverse levels of FACT develop-
TRAC System components and FACT protocols. 15 ment across the spectrum of Air craft prior to the actual
NAT North Atlantic Region construction or installation. There are design tools that can
NAT SPG North Atlantic Systems Planning Group this be used to calculate the assets and difficulties of many
group will help determine the regional application of FACT hardware combinations to determine how best to interface
and determine the areas for SBs and safe En route flight them for automated flight and landing.
plans to the safe zones. 20 NCA National Command Authority Set up with specific
NATCA National Association of Air Traffic Controllers WoJack rules as to the Threat of life for the passengers and
will be helping to develop proper handling procedures for crew, and the threat to people on the surface. Every possible
FACT flights and be an essential part of FACT implemen- scenario should be considered with safe time decision mark-
tation at the SBs. ers put in place. A protocol has to be developed and practiced
NATRSSIG ICAO North Atlantic Reduced Separation 25 to insure the best decision is made and carried out in the
Standard. proper time frames with the proper prudence and lack of
Implementation Group involved in approving TRAC/ hesitation to insure the greatest public safety under such
FACT implementation. extreme circumstances. The NCA should be an FAA or air
NATS (1) North Atlantic Track System involved in command specialist 24/7. A team of such NCAexecutives at
approving 1RAC/FACT implementation. 30 each SB and for all the En route WoJack or FACT event
(2) UK National Air Traffic Services involved in approv- flights in constant monitoring and flight management.
ing and developing TRAC/FACT implementation. TRAC with FACT protocols is designed to give the NCA
NAY Navigation executive officer all the possibilities imaginable on any
NAYAID Navigational Aid all onboard NAY aids will be given aircraft to foil a FACT event and land the aircraft at a
quarried to report to the FACT program and the RC stations 35 Safe Base for maximum public safety on board the aircraft
to be checked for FACT robotics and RC. and on the surface. As stated earlier and time permitting any
Navigation A medium holding the customized navigation. doomed flight or one that must be terminated the president
Datacard database. This technology will be used as well of the US in the US should become the acting NCA and
as ASIC SOC and hybrid substrates as application specific to additionally explain the NCA's decision to the nation if any
each aircraft. 40 such action must be taken along this command chain.
NAYSTAR The NAYSTAR global positioning system However, as stated above, there has to be a response decision
( GPS) is a system using 24 satellites, all reporting precise tree for situations not allowing the time for any such
time signals, along with location keys. Eight satellites are in president involvement. It is important to remember that even
each of three 63-degree inclined plane circular orbits at though TRAC/FACT protocols will make it next to impos-
1,000 nmi in altitude. The system is used for navigation and 45 sible for a Hijacking there always is the possibility any
determining exact position. All navigation systems will be security can be defeated-if there is a will to do so. For this
used and most especially NAYS TAR for FACT robotics and reason there will always be the need to handle the worst of
RC. decisions a caring humanity has to make to preserve the
Nautical Mile Equivalent to 6,076.1 feet, or approxi- greatest number at risk at a given time. In this case the
mately 1.15(nmi) statute miles. 50 decisions should be understood prior to any possible need
NBAA National Business Aircraft Association will have for them and the procedures well understood by those that
to have the fleet of business aircraft better protected as might have to perform them. Of course, the NCA is an
relevant to their threat. And the FAA and homeland security integrated part of the PFN/TRAC System FACT/WoJack
has to set up proper schedule for these various aircraft to be protocols for air travel/transport intranet management.
fully FACT ready and protected. 55 NCD No Computed Data TRAC scanning function during
NC Numerical Control Flights and landing s at the Safe no event has a NCA command function to allow the ener-
Bases will be handled by priority of emergency to the gizing of any phone via wireless interface to quarry passen-
greatest public safety hazard presented. One person should gers and crew on board GPS or locating systems if a FACT
function as a real-time NCA over these decisions in the event is a real concern and there is no NCD to confirm an
governing agency or intranet for FAA/homeland security 60 ongoing FACT event. All such connections are recorded and
over air travel. There needs to be a study to determine all require accountable reports for their use and action.
imaginable emergency flight scenarios and still the desig- NCR National Cash Register 1RAC systems in surface
nated NCA at any given time will have to make the case of transportation run wireless payment industry encrypted soft-
priority for each troubled flight. With time permitting the ware and the aircraft PFN will have this capability as well
President of the US should be the final NCAfor any decision 65 with card swipe systems to handle regular cards and smart
to terminate a flight. However, there has to be a response cards as well as other forms and mediums of credit payment
decision tree for situations not allowing the time for any personal ID/iris or DNA
US 6,965,816 B2
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NCS Network Coordination Station PFN/TRAC/FACT NICAEEC New Installation Concepts Subcommittee will
System is the primary NCS while any FACT event aircraft be review PFN/TRAC/FACT System and determine imple-
is passing through or near any regular flight patterns until the mentation of the progressive and flexible architecture across
aircraft is with Safe escort and in safe En route flight plan to the diverse aircraft platforms.
SB. This is coordinated handoff with standard FAA flight 5 NIS Not-In-Service is a FACT program state. The FACT
controls. However immediately the troubled flight is given program can determine as a TRUSTED system (TRAC) and
a RC and escort flight crew to in clued a surface NCA automatically lock the aircraft down for service through auto
commander flight assist RC pilot with flight termination checks or RC and the proper systems must be checked or in
capability by either of the escort aircraft a safe base surface perfect working order before the aircraft can be used. This
crew with RC flight crew for landing and the appropriate 10 includes a progressive programming to stop the unautho-
force assembling to handle the specific emergency. At the rized use or unsafe use of aircraft as per the operational state
point of hand off the FAA flights are monitored by all SBs of the aircraft. Either to stop a take off and taxi back with a
and there is an NCA overseeing all commercial and private seal and lock down mode to a special security section of the
aircraft activity in US air space the Military are put on alert air port-ideally at the end of the take off runway just to the
and intercept and assist pilots are pre scrambled to aircraft 15 side of the run way path-a security compound with a
on the tarmac. A FAA/DOD/homeland security NCA makes diverse emergency response team. If airborne FACT event
the call to ground all aircraft or pursue any FACT events due protocols apply to safe base decision tree for types of
to flight deviation or sensed problems. emergencies must be worked out and remain secret in some
ND Navigation Display. An EFIS presentation substitut- cases. (This may be the best way to keep perpetrators from
ing for the horizontal situation indicator (HSI). These instru- 20 defeating them).
ments will be videoed and any electrical signal they generate NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology will
will be used for to assist in or confirm robotics flight and fund and help develop and coordinate efforts in the United
landings. There use for such functions depend on how States and around the world.
accurate there data and how protected they can be made for N-Layer N is set for any layer name (such as link,
uninterrupted service during a FACT event. 25 network, etc.) or for the initial (e.g.-SDU mean LSDU at the
NDB (1) Non-Directional Radio Beacon. Aground station link layer). OSI model definition. TRAC will have N-Scann/
designed specifically for ADF use that operates in the hybrid substrate/for communication links and E/E bus inter-
190-to-550-kHz range. Transmits a continuous carrier. faces as IC components.
with either 400-or-1020 Hz modulation (keyed) to pro- NL Low Pressure Gas Generator RPM
vide identification. The FACT program will use all such 30 NLR Netherlands National Aerospace Laboratory to help
transmissions and all communications are to be scanned and develop TRAC/FACT systems for all aircraft it is designing,
used as applicable to robotics flight and landings and con- testing or developing.
firming the identity of an aircraft and it's location and NLT Not Less Than There will be an NTL point for
altitude during a FACT event. TRAC/FACT system goes for any flight.
(2) Navigation Data Base (as stored in FMC memory) If 35 nm Nautical Mile
capable and secure protection possible the FMC NDB will NMI Nautical Mile
be used in applicable air craft to RAM store and monitor the NMOS N-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor
5 SB flight plans via adaptive autopilots or flight computers NMT Not More Than there will also be NMT for a certain
for the first generation TRAC FACT robotics system flights. amount of deficiencies in the system as well-to be deter-
NDI Non-Developmental Item 40 mined for all aircraft and aircraft specific as well.
NEG Negative NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-
NERC UK New En Route Center This center may well tion will supply data and take part in the Safe flight and Base
serve as England's coordination center and FACT event locations.
command center for air travel/transport. This inventor is not NOC Notice Of Change-a special NOC will be issued
trying to suggest how any other foreign nations should 45 for all TRAC/FACT work with the highest of security and
TRAC/FACT protect their air space and public safety in the accountability in the planning and carrying out of any
air or on the surface. This requires these countries to make change orders.
the same tough decisions on how best to receive and handoff NO COM No Communication. ANO COM annunciation
flights into their airspace and also how to deal with a FACT indicates that a downlink message has not been acknowl-
event when it occurs, as well as handle those flights to 50 edged in an ACARS system. NO COMM is a FACT event
possibly international Safe Bases. Europe has so may sov- automatically and RC surface commands are sent out to
ereign air spaces so close together that their coordination TRAC via all TRAC interfaced communication Links and
and assistance to air and for surface protection and support the downloaded carryon personal wireless systems are auto-
will have to be determined via organizations like the Euro- matically dialed for the ground support to establish contact
pean Union and NATO and each country's National Security 55 with the air craft via passengers and crew to determine state
Agencies/military. Obviously, there are national and inter- of the flight if still air born-Command scenarios to be
national aviation agencies and/organizations that will all determined if this is a deliberate act to commandeer the air
take part in the standards, rules, regulations, code and law craft and use it in an unauthorized or unsafe fashion. Other
making for these geographic areas and events. TRAC sys- wise TRAC is to continually supply communication links in
tems will provide for accurate position of aircraft over air 60 triplicate for the coordination of air surface response to the
space during a FACT event, but coordination and prepro- safest landing of the aircraft. Due to the wireless link of
gramming and planning is essential for the optimum system TRAC to all carryon phones the TRAC scan processor will
use and public safety. be able to deliver the communication via the pilots head sets
NH High Pressure Gas Generator RPM or cabin communication Link system.
NHE Notes and Helps Editor Used in user-friendly 65 Noise Undesired random electromagnetic disturbances or
TRAC/FACT programming with assistant if determined safe spurious signals which are not part of the transmitted or
and useful. received signal. In the construction of TRAC/FACT protec-
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tion of a PFN or sub system SUC to FACT the construction 0
should provide for the protection against undesired emfs. OAC Oceanic Area Control Center will be IP and wire-
NOTAM Notice to Airmen NOTAM to all the assist and lessly linked to the PFN/TRAC/FACT system to monitor
RC crews are given at a FACT event automatically to a and help manage aircraft over the far reaches of the planet
scramble state to man their posts-At this point the system 5 covered in water. These flights will have robotics flights and
has determined what safe base and an initial protocol all flights will have robotic options ara form any severe
response for the SB chosen. Further action is based on in storms at sea and over land. Support seaworthy surface craft
flight developments and data received in the SB command will be dispatched as well as air support and air fueling for
center. troubled aircraft over the ocean. Tracking, support and
NPA Non-Precision Approach In the first generation a
10 emergency downing of aircraft will have options at sea
wide variety of disparate systems will create the possibility
including isolated island bases for troubled aircraft as a
of NPAs in the early TRAC/FACT systems. When a aircraft
is determined to be a FACT event it will fly to a SB safe fly traditional SB.
zone and the best effort to RC it to the ground will be made OAG Official Airline Guide will have a section devoted to
as one better option than allowing for unauthorized and standard operating procedures for TRAC/FACT incidents-
unsafe control. This is not perfect however necessary. As 15 still to be determined on how it will be presented to the
systems are refined for robotics landings and better suited public and skilled professionals.
for more accurate RC landings this NPA will be greatly OAT(1) Optional Auxiliary Terminal. The OAT may be in
reduced as a FACT event. Ultimately, there will be safe the form of a CRT/Keyboard device capable of interfacing
landings and skilled RC pilots for all troubled aircraft at the with other sources of data on the aircraft and supplying data
SBs and for may regular airport facilities to help the 20 to a hard copy printer. (Used in an ACARS system.) OAT
unskilled or compromised pilot handle their aircraft prop- and regular interface terminals are provided to TRAC and
erly. needed for humans to respond to FACT and other TRAC
NPDU Network Protocol Data Unit Will be programmed programming, however for them to be used with TRAC
with TRAC/FACT protocols. there human access points have to present no threat of
NPRM Notice of Public Rule Making All PFN/TRAC/ 25 disrupting TRAC/FACT programming by unauthorized and/
FACT notices will be reviewed for what information can be or unsafe commands. The HMI terminal interface cannot be
publicly disseminated for the optimum public safety and not shorted or electronically disrupt the system even if the
to compromise the purpose of the system. terminal is destroyed. All terminals have to have photo
NRP National Route Program will be augmented as recognition and internal software locally to clear access
needed to provide for the SB en route flights and be altered 30 demand the most stringent of security for any program
by the FACT command structure to insure uninterrupted change order has to be applied with total accountability.
activities during a FACT event. (2) Outside Air Temperature. The uncorrected reading of
NRZ Non-Return to Zero all instrumentation will be the outside temperature gauge. Different types of gauges
videoed and the electronic signal reported to TRAC/FACT require different correction factors to obtain static air tem-
programming for comparison algorithm and additional fault 35 perature. Corrected and valid external air temperature pro-
detection. vided to the robotics TRAC/FACT control and reported to
NSEU Neutron Single Event Upset RC pilots on the ground.
NSSL National Severe Storms Laboratory To determine OBS (1) Omnibearing Selector. A panel instrument that
with storm simulation software the effects of weather con- contains the controls and circuits to select an omni -bearing
ditions on various aircraft on a glide path in to SBs and 40 and determine the TO-FROM indication. All instrumenta-
sensing systems which will aid in real time flying. tion that is used to hold a heading or data that can be used
NTF No Trouble Found (referring to testing or checkout to recognize a flight deviation must be interfaced with the
of unit/module) NTFs NFT state must be found throughout TRAC/FACT system to determine a FACT event and if the
the TRAC/FACT program both on boot up and any periodic correct path is being followed.
system check. 45 (2) Optical Bypass Switch
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board will play a Octal Base-8 counting system. Numbers include 0,1,2,3,
continuing role in reviewing the procedures and protocols 4,5,6,7,8.
for each aircraft for TRAC/FACT and the SB procedures to ODAP Oceanic Display And Planning system. Will
seek and fund better safer utilization of TRAC/FACT. present oceanic flight data to controllers in a display that will
NVM Non-Volatile Memory will be used in event record- 50 enable better route and altitude assignments. This system is
ing an RAM for TRAC/FACT with special physical protec- SUC to TRAC/FACT systems and protocols if it is auto-
tion for both. mated with data delivered to the aircraft in real-time or as
NWA Northwest Airlines all airlines must perform appro- part of the overall surface control system.
priately to sovereign power rules regulations and laws in a ODID Operational Display and Input Development
particular established geographic area and air space and to 55 ODL (1) Optical Data Link
their host countries law and rules in the proper use of (2) Oceanic Display and Planning System
TRAC/FACT System technology. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer Will review this
NWS National Weather Service. The NWS provides a patent and white paper for applicable equipment on their
ground-based weather radar network throughout the United aircraft and interface the systems and equipment use to meet
States. The radar network operates continuously and trans- 60 the highest level of protected automation they can to per-
mits the data to the National Meteorological Center, where form FACT functions. They will advise all owners of
it correlates with other weather observations. NWS will be suggested upgrades and changes for their aircraft (to include
coordinated in a IP traditional PFN/TRAC System interface component manufacturers as well, and help arrange to do the
in the FAA/aviation intranet to provide the data electroni- necessary augmentations under the proper FAA/homeland
cally and visually to the FACT command center and the 65 security FACT procedure as possible-Government will
robotics and RC pilot stations as needed to flight the air craft subsidize as much as possible the upgrades and so should
and land it in the safest manner. insurance companies private owners clubs and/organizations
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for the individual aircraft up dates. Additionally all aircraft The ON event occurs when the aircraft has landed. The IN
owners should be allowed tax saving incentives for the event occurs when the aircraft has taxied to the ramp area.
TRAC/FACT upgrades. 0001 is also sequence keys in the FACT program providing
OEU Overhead Electronics Units for options in robotics and remote control.
Off-Block Time The time that the aircraft leaves the gate. 5 The inventor can list here possible FACT flags for robot-
OFP Operational Flight Program are on file and electronic ics and RC aircraft control-for all the ACARS events
in medium for an automated tracking of every flight in the however, understanding each aircrafts capability for the
FAA command center and Homeland security, nay deviation current FACT response to be applied is best determined and
initiates FACT interrogatories of the on board TRAC/FACT specified by the TRAC/FACT system of authorities to
include government, professional organizations and public
flight and authorized pilot in dialog. If the interrogatories in 10
safety watchdog groups. However the final secure protocol
the command center are questionable the Center can flag a
actions may be kept a secrete from the general public for
FACT event from RC. Additionally robotics programming better effectiveness in public safety-for this reason the
can flag a FACT event and the plane is on it's way to a safe inventor will not detail out here all the possibilities he
base via a safe route with communication open and the envisions but is willing to share them in the proper setting
aircraft being analyzed-with proper justification and rea- 15 and the proper time.
son a new flight plan is approved and the aircraft is allowed On-Block Time The time that the aircraft arrives at the
to go on to it's destination or other approved airport. gate. All timed data is to be monitored for FACT events.
OlD Outline Installation Drawing OPAS Overhead Panel ARINC 629 System
OIU Orientation/Introduction Unit OPEC Overhead Panel Bus Controller the 2 above lines
OLAN Onboard Local Area Network all LAN that are 20 have to be protected if they can be used to alter flight
responsible for essential flight controls are to be interfaced performance locally.
in a protected fashion to isolate protected robotics and RC OPR Once Per Revolution
controls of the TRAC/FACT system on board. OPS Operations Per Second All essential data sensed for
OM Outer Marker like all markers will provide their flight operations is SUC to TRAC/FACT processing.
position data to the TRAC/FACT processor or linked pro- 25 OPU Over speed Protection Unit is to be directly tied to
cessors (earlier generations interfaced adaptive auto-pilot or the robotics flight system and protected as the TRAC/FACT
flight computer systems protected and running FACT system if there is not a protected PFN/TRAC/FACT ASIC
programs) on board for the FACT flight and landing pro- processor on board. If there is the robotics flights will have
over speed protection and stable flight plans. Basically
grams to robotically control the air craft; or be used by the
robotic flight and local flight control lock out all happen at
RC pilots either in the pursuit assist aircraft or the RC flight 30
once triggered by a deviated flight plan to include safe
station at the SB (Converted flight simulator to land the airspeed limit flags in FACT robotics flight programs moni-
aircraft with the must current real-time data of the air craft toring any OPU or other velocity systems will flag a robotics
s position and glide path. FACT event and communication with the aircraft from
OMEGAAnavigation system that uses two high-powered FACT control central.
transmitter ground stations to broadcast a continuous wave 35 OR Operational Requirements for TRAC/FACT systems
signal. The receiver measures the range difference between will vary per aircraft, and national state of security via a
the two stations to determine position. These inherent air Public safety equation yet to be determined. Aircraft will be
navigation systems will be used with automated triangula- allowed to fly absent of all the TRAC/FACT systems so long
tion the position markers and beacon, lorands and GPS as as there threat can be neutralized via other security means.
well as other satellite tracking, Dead reckoning in a com- 40 And partial TRAC/FACT systems not fully safe for on board
bined fashion to confirm flight plans programmed into the air travelers will be allowed to fly absent added human
automated flight systems on board and registered in the security if the aircraft can be controlled to a safe crash zone
national flight control command center FACT/FAA/ at least. Of course acceptability of these limited operational
homeland security regionally tracking aircraft movement requirements starts with the air travelers willingness to fly
and nationally. A local flag in the Fact software may question 45 under these conditions and ends with FAA/FACT/Homeland
an aircraft with a diverted flight path or one recognized security approving any such limited FACT flights.
diversion from surface tracking. Either will cause an imme- OSC Order Status Report
diate robotics SB flight and real-time investigation/scramble OSI (1) Open Systems Interconnection
of assist aircraft and SB readiness as well as a national alert (2) Open System Interface used to connect with TRAC/
throughout all of FAA/homeland security. 50 FACT system monitoring but not to receive crucial security
Omni bearing The bearing indicated by a navigational FACT data.
receiver on transmissions from an omni directional radio OTH Over The Horizon
range (VOR). A standard in air avionic and navigation will OTS Organized Track System to incorporate as a TRAC/
be incorporated into FACT flights as well as GPS and the FACT IP component or be incorporated in the TRAC/FACT
above-mentioned positioning technology for robotics flight 55 control system to handle all the telemetry which is to be
RC flight and landings and to detect FACT events. These divided up into flight station monitors on the surface both
actual used systems will depend on the aircraft and FAA/ centrally and locally at the SB.
homeland security standards for each country. OVRD Override Surface FACT control center will always
OMS (1) Onboard Maintenance System-if automated have full OVRD, Because the TRAC/FACT system will
will be part of TRAC/FACT or FACT will run an auto check 60 have so many routes of communication the total command
for maintenance. and control over the flight will reside on the ground with
(2) Order Management System TRAC/FACT is the master special encoded communications that both surface and air
operation system or management system. systems recognize.
0001 OUT-OFF-ON-IN. An 0001 event is recorded as oxy Oxygen supplied as needed to sustain human life
part of the ACARS operation. The OUT event is recorded 65 during a FACT event along with other atmospheric elements
when the aircraft is clear of the gate and ready to taxi. The and compounds to control the passengers, occupants, and
OFF event occurs when the aircraft has lifted off the runway. crew.
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p different control technologies will be determined by the
PA (1) Passenger Address recorded and processed by the manufacturers system and component engineers for each air
TRAC/FACT processor voice recognition software for a craft. The goals will be the same-Locked out local flight
FACT event announcement by hijackers or crew (and controls-Protected Robotic flight systems to safe crash
reported to a voice ID software algorithm in FACT control 5 zones and/or SAFE BASE Landing Areas-robotics land-
central) with a language translator function (local) for Key- ings at the safe base areas---{)r RC landings at the SBs-
words in every language. This will trigger a FACT flight ASAP-audio and video of the aircraft interior to the
robotics response to the Safe base and an automatic lock surface support and protected Recording systems-DSRC to
down of all local flight controls. The surface is alerted and all wireless system carried on board a ded Dedicated ASIC
for TRAC/FACT processing protected and redundant. This
cabin and cockpit video and audio activated for FACT 10
is the progression. Much of the automation to fly the aircraft
surface response teams to monitor and manage the compro-
and land it is COTS and exists now, however not on all
mised aircraft, Additionally the passengers are alerted in aircraft.
their language to the event in progress. They can be given PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation to be used in TRAC/
direction from the surface over the PA and are also give FACT electronics as needed.
permission and freedom to beat the living crap out of any 15 PAR Precision Approach Radar. An X-band radar, which
perpetrator and aid the crew or sky marshal in gaining scans a limited area and is part of the ground-controlled
control of the aircraft and subduing the ignorant son of a approach system. This system to be directly interfaced into
gun. If the PAis not an optimal mode the ground support TRAC/FACT controls on the surface at SBs and transmit
team can activate passenger identified cellular phones on essential data to FACT robotics landing the plane or utilized
board and help direct a concerted effort via the camera 20 in the virtual flight image of the real-time flight simulation
surveillance as long as the cameras are operating or pre- station for the RC pilot to fly the landing safely.
senting visible data. When the video are disabled the phone PATA Polish Air Traffic Agency will aid in determining
contacts keeps the surface FACT support team in contact safe fly zones and flight patterns as well as SBs and be
with the Processor via Blue tooth wireless if need be and can trained to recognize a FACT flight. They might well have the
still provide voice communication with passengers to ascer- 25 FACT control canter in their center. These are for the
tain the nature of the threat in the troubled aircraft. Obvi- sovereign powers of the airspace to determine how and who
ously cabin and cockpit surveillance audio and video equip- shall implement TRAC/FACT for them. Understandably
ment should be installed by FACT personnel in redundancy PATA will play an essential role in this for Polish airspace.
in secret locations and operated in the most professional PAU Passenger Address Unit PA monitored by TRAC
manner at all times. 30 FACT programming for voice recognition and ID as well as
(2) Power Amplifier used as needed for TRAC/FACT to aid coordinated efforts between the aircraft occupants and
equipment operations and protected in use and from tam- surface control-as explained earlier.
pering. PAX Passenger
PAC Path Attenuation Compensation these automated PBID Post Burn-In Data TRAC/FACT System will use
flight algorithms will be used in robotics if not present in 35 this kind of firmware as it can be protected from alteration
normal instrumentation for a TRAC/FACT system to per- and FACT purpose to safely and securely control the aircraft
form a robotics flight and RC landing. by the proper authorities on the surface. This technology
PNCI Passenger Address/Cabin Interphone connected to allows for easier interfacing of presently disparate systems
the TRAC processor for FACT programming to determine a in the inevitable menagerie of first generation TRAC/FACT
FACT event on the air craft and to recorded locally and 40 systems, but must meet security protocols for it to be
reported to the surface control center and position marker effective as part of any FACT system. And not more of a use
data repositories so that all questionable dialog can be as a remote control weapon in the wrong hands. Of course
further analyzed and identified at the surface. access in servicing and security in programming (encryption
PACIS Passenger Address and Communication Inter- as well as physical and electrical protection are the critical
phone 45 issues governing any technology employed in the TRAC/
System The same as above for TRAC monitoring FACT process and ultimate protected redundant community
Paired Channels DME channels are paired with a of ASICS scattered along and integrated with the E/E bus
VORTAC or WLS frequency and are automatically selected systems by wire and wireless to perform accountable reli-
when the VORTAC or ILS frequency is selected. Most able robotics and RC Flight control coordinated with the
navigation controls have this feature. These systems of 50 appropriate and authorized desires of those in control on the
course will be incorporated into FACT flight, glide path and surface.
landing and be operated with special encrypted communi- PBX Private Branch Exchange
cation Protocols. Additionally they will be augmented to PC (1) Personal Computer all computers and systems
precipitate total robotics as available for all aircraft to return interfaced to TRAC/FACT anywhere is to have a running
safely to the ground at SBs and ultimately as a pilot aid for 55 security program to be determined if security protocols in
the deficient pilot. They will be covered and copiloted from any locale or in any IP protocol has been breeched. Total
surface controls as determined advisable and optimal. Once accountability for all interfaced components and ID for all
again the TRAC/FACT invention uses all COTS and users at the highest level of ID assurance available. Con-
progresses to more sophisticated, integrated, consolidated tinual system integrity checks for new interfacing or
and specialized systems to cover forward and backward 60 hacking, with a special response team to localize and appre-
engineering concerns for all flying aircraft. hend and detain any person or persons causing a system
PAL Programmable Array Logic this process and proces- tampering alert for full investigation of their activities and
sors where available and involved in critical flight systems system compromised. Automatically an-isolate and redun-
will be interfaced as the TRAC/FACT system as well as dant system takes over if a tamper event is detected. To
programmable field arrays, custom gate arrays, micropro- 65 handle any real-time FACT event occurring.
cessors and any other processing unit. The use replacement (2) Printed Circuit used in TRAC/FACT components or
the augmentation and the custom interfacing of all these sub systems interfaced as needed.
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P-Code The GPS precision code the most accurate of GPS units to report and perform robotics and RC control func-
signal will be employed for the TRAC/FACT system, but the tions due to meteorological events to insure the best system
FACT program will run an error correcting program and performance for the TRAC system to return a FACT flight
ground signal correction as well as a fuzzy logic program to safely to the surface.
quarry any other on board GPS receivers carried on and 5 PCM Pulse Code Modulation will be used as a digital
picking up hot GPS signals to confirm all FACT robotics transmission as needed in TRAC/FACT interfaced avionics.
commands and aircraft position analysis data. This data will PCU (1) Passenger Control Unit This will be expanded to
be recorded locally but also reported to surface control for mean the handling of technology that can help control
processing and deliberation and final decision regarding all behavior in flight like the administering of a sleep agent or
tranquilizer to allow for uninterrupted surface control of the
FACT flight options. 10
PCB Printed Circuit Board used as needed for TRAC/
(2) Power Control Unit will be SUC to TRAC/FACT
FACT systems. systems and the TRAC/FACT process or processor will be
PCC Pilot Controller Communication interfaced with protected from tampering with the power control unit. If this
TRAC/FACT process/processor and running voice recogni- system is a critical TRAC/FACT component it hast be
tion and translation software to detect a FACT event on 15 protected and have protected redundant power and control
board the aircraft. The communication will be recorded capability or as part of any TRAC system a separate power
locally as usual and made part of the TRAC/FACT protocol controlled by a protected TRAC ASIC processor has to in
with real-time reporting and the voice recorder unit must be place.
protected and un-accessible physically while the aircraft is PDC Pre-Departure Clearance requires ACARS OOI
in flight-all hand held communicators and personal PFNs 20 FACT examination readiness meaning all inventoried sys-
as well as wireless mics should be recorded in simulta- tems are checked out and downloaded to the FACT control
neously on separate digital tracks and time synchronized and center. The inventory is a stand record of readiness for this
presented to a specialist at a visual and audio monitor in the aircrafts avionics critical services tires, brakes, carryon
FACT control center. A number of specialist may be used to wireless electronics, navigational aids, personal PCs, palm
analyze to audible transmissions to determine Identity men- 25 pilots, and all E/E systems. TRAC FACT readiness to
tal state of all involved and best course of action in the air include crew and passenger ID checklist of known public
and when boarding on the ground. There are obvious types threats to society-photo recognition technology fingerprint
of people for this team however this inventor prefers to leave and DNA if Civil defense security alert high enough. Obvi-
this development and personnel determination to the appro- ously these systems will be interfaced with FACT control
priate government agencies and/organizations already 30 centers and the terminal security checks also PFN/TRAC
skilled in dealing with extreme human behavioral condi- units and system provided. Accomplished by using COTS
tions. The inventor does feel however this should be an odd and enhancing them to PFN/TRAC system level of perfor-
number team that works well together and is trained and mance.
practices all types of scenarios imaginable. All real incidents PDCU Panel Data Concentrator Unit the electronic sig-
recorded should be analyzed and used for preparation and as 35 nals provided the TRAC/FACT process as applicable.
much as possible an automated software developed to PDDI Product Definition Data Interface. Standardizes
shadow a situation and provide viable options to the team. digital descriptions of part configurations and properties
The electronic library can be used for training simulations needed for manufacturing. Used extensively to utilize cross-
and real-time responses. environmental technologies to interface with existing COTS
PCI Protocol Control Information. The N-PCI is 40 technology to create the TRAC/FACT system.
exchanged between peer network members (OSI Model) to PDF Primary Display Function
coordinate joint information. This may well serve as a basis P-DME Precision Distance Measuring Equipment used
of initial secure communication protocols for the TRAC/ for all robotics and RC flight sim programs to be processed
FACT system in air travel. It might use DES/DET for the for FACT flights landing and taxiing.
interface with the military. However, this inventor feels 45 PDN Public Data Network Data to be supplied and
these system have to interface but be kept separate for approved by TRAC/FACT IP interface and appear on the
security reasons the FACT software protocols were designed internet as an informative transportation portion or web page
for federal agencies including the military to set up their for the public to view-this function is well defined in the
accountable access to the FACT system and control in extensive previous 7 patents and protected patent filings.
real-time what they had to for public safety and National 50 PDOP Position Dilution Of Precision. A GPS term for
security. This is reflective of how the government is set up error introduced into the GPS calculations. This military
now with real-time selective and isolated marshal law skew to be eliminated or compensated for but FACT
imposed on all transportation via the TRAC/FACT machine encrypted when used in FACT systems-the most accurate
messaging matrix. It allows for immediate agency coordi- data a necessity for this application--equally the military
nation and cooperation for real-time FACT events yet pro- 55 have to feel sure it is used with national security in tact to
vides freedom of movement and operations individually for include the termination of a fact flight using this guidance
government agencies and citizens. To develop the fact for unauthorized and as a guided bomb run-however the
construct or operational software program it will require military has the ability to turn off the GPS in a grid fashion
every agency to provide a secure FACT person or team to if this is deemed a better option.
develop there secure code ID with the US Military Omaha 60 PDOS Powered Door Opening System all to be SUC to
and secret clearance contractors. This will be basis for the TRAC/FACT to allow for the boarding of a FACT flight at
matrix of intranets to create the national PFN/TRAC system. a SB with a FACT command.
PCIP Precipitation Baby the rain must fall-and TRAC/ PDR Preliminary Design Review for every TRAC/FACT
FACT systems must be protected from it and the natural system deployment.
element including contact with earth wind and fire. The 65 PDS Primary Display System videoed and signals
system must also tie all meteorological systems and auto- recorded and interfaced as needed for TRAC/FACT opera-
mated systems as well as provide freestanding PFN/TRAC tions.
US 6,965,816 B2
197 198
PDU (1) Protocol Data Unit. The N-PDU is a combination Pi tot Tube A forward facing probe attached to the outside
of the N-PCI and the N-UD or N-SDU. The N-PDU is the of the aircraft to sense the relative pressure of the aircraft
total information that is transferred between peer network moving through the atmosphere. Named for Henri Pitot who
members (OSI Model) as a unit. The PDU is a forerunner to first used this method of measuring fluid flow pressure.
TRAC communication protocol translation and message 5 Transduced for forward speed into a electronic signal and
routing and as such is to be protected and interfaced as a inputted to the TRAC processor or TRAC process for FACT
integrated TRAC/FACT component. robotics flight.
(2) Power Drive Unit-if this is a servomotor for flight PLA Power Level Angle TRAC controlled in FACT
control surfaces or critical in-flight controls it is to be program
protected and it's power leads are to be protected. PLL Phase Locked Loop
Performance Index A relative number used to compare the PM Phase Modulation
performance of different radar systems. It is calculated from PMA (1) Permanent Magnet Alternator 3 above avionics
transmitter peak power, antenna gain, pulse width, prf, interfaced and monitored by TRAC as necessary.
antenna beam width, and the receiver noise figure. Any (2) Parts Manufacturing Approval a standard process for
automated systems or algorithms to provide the best radar all TRAC/FACT components and their interfaces.
data for FACT flight and landings should be protected and 15 PMAT Portable Maintenance Access Terminal a possible
utilized. interface location for TRAC processor to E/E bus systems if
PED Portable Electronic Devices all having transmission protected in flight and secured for service for FACT proto-
receiving capability are to interface with the TRAC/FACT cols.
processor and be SUC to FACT commands deliverable in the PMC Provisional Memory Cover must meet TRAC/
PED protocol. Additionally the PFN/TRAC TRANS- 20 FACT protocols
CEIVER should be equipped with a frequency scanner and PMG Permanent Magnet Generator
locate and report any unknown RF oscillation. This also PMOS P-Type Metal Oxide Semiconductor
should be a standard PFN/TRAC free standing function PN Pseudo Noise
throughout the airfields constantly canvassing transmissions PNCS Performance Navigation Computer System
and triangulating on their location via the matrix of receiv- 25 directly interfaced with TRAC process in first generation.
ers. FACT FAA command control center locally in the PNEU Pneumatic
Tower should be monitoring these signals with an algorithm POC (1) Proof Of Concept for all TRAC/FACT
that identifies known signals and flags suspicious ones. modalities, components and interfaces are all ready in exist-
Mobil PFN/TRAC RF sensors will also have GPS to tag ence in COTS segments.
exact location when they pick up an odd ball. 30 (2) Point of Contact
Any such in-flight new signal will trigger a FACT event Polled Mode An A CARS mode of operation in which the
status with aircraft flow to safe route zone and towards SB airborne system transmits only in response to received
until the nature of the transmission can be identified. uplink messages (polls). TRAC/FACT systems will have
PET Pacific Engineering Trials as needed for TRAC/ this function from the surface command control center and
FACT approval. 35 regional En route markers for FACT downloads.
PF Power Factor POR Pacific Ocean Region will be set up for FACT TRAC
PFC Primary Flight Computer is immediately part of the handoff to the countries geographically in control of air-
first generation of TRAC/FACT and must be protected and space.
interfaced accordingly. Additionally these units and autopi- POS Position
lots will be adapted and programmed to handle the robotics 40 POS/NAV Positioning/Navigation the 2 above will be a
flights. constant monitor program to determine flight plan deviation
PFCS Primary Flight Control System TRAC/FACT is the and to control robotics flight for the TRAC processor and
PFCS in a FACT event both in the aircraft and through the FACT program.
FAA/FACT command control Center. POT Potentiometer
PFD (1) Primary Flight Display. An EFIS presentation 45 PPI Planned Position Indicator. A type of radar display
substituting for the ADI. that shows aircraft positions and airways chart on the same
(2) Primary Flight Director. display. Used in the command center and the electronic
PFE Path Following Error signal provided to the FACT program running in the TRAC
PFR Pulse Repetition Frequency. The rate at which pulses processor on board the aircraft AND RECORDED IN
are transmitted. 5o BOTH LOCATIONS.
PGA Pin Grid Array PPM (1) Pulse Position Modulation when available con-
PHY Physical Interface Device figuration algorithm in FACT software for position confir-
Phase A signal in which the phase varies (with respect to mation.
Modulation the original signal) with the amplitude of the (2) Parts Per Million a reading transduced to an electronic
modulatory signal, while the amplitude of the carrier wave 55 signal indicative of the level and identity for a contamination
remains constant. Similar to a modified frequency modu- in the cabin atmosphere.
lated signal. PPS Precise Positioning Service
PIO Processor Input/Output the 5 lines above defines P/RAT Prediction/Resolution Advisory Tool an evaluation
elements of avionics and TRAC/FACT will incorporate program to adjust operational parameters and will be used as
them as needed 60 applicable to accurately adjust automated systems to operate
PIREP Pilot Report an automated Pilot report will be filed the aircraft safely via robotics and RC in the TRAC/FACT
electronically and in the written form printed out for each System.
fact event from the onboard FACT robotics system and the PRAM Prerecorded Announcement Machine the robotics
Surface system and RC crew. system will have prerecorded announcements in the TRAC/
Pitot Pressure The sum of the static and dynamic pres- 65 FACT programs.
sures and is the total force per unit area exerted by the air on PRAIM Predictive Receiver Autonomous Integrity Moni-
the surface of a body in motion. toring standard process in the TRAC/FACT system.
US 6,965,816 B2
199 200
PRELIM Preliminary Data PSEU Proximity Sensor Electronic Unit data supplied to
PRESS Pressure TRAC processor and used as a tamper detection sensor to
Pressure The altitude measured above standard pressure quarry human activity around a TRAC sensitive component.
level. PSL/PSA Problem Statement Language/Problem State-
Altitude Based on the relationship of pressure and altitude 5 ment.
with respect to a standard atmosphere. Physical measure- Analyzer used to test software interfacing for TRAC/
ments transduced to an electrical signal for the TRAC FACT systems with OEM and COTS avionics.
processor and FACT programs to factor in their program- PSPL Preferred Standard Parts List each aircraft manu-
ming. facturer will be expected to generate PSPLs for the genera-
Preventive A resolution advisory that instructs the pilot to
10 tions of TRAC/FACT systems to update their aircraft with
avoid advisory certain deviations from current vertical rate
TRAC/FACT technology.
(TCAS). Transmitted to TRAC/FACT system as an electri-
cal signal encrypted for the FACT program to factor in for PSR Primary Surveillance Radar. The part of the ATC
robotics flight. system that determines the range and azimuth of an aircraft
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency used as needed for in a controlled air space. PSR will be employed at all SBs
TRAAC avionics. 15 and be used for the robotics glide path by up loading data to
PRI Primary the incoming troubled aircraft and providing glide path
PRM Precision Runway Monitoring part of the surface telemetry to the RC simulator to RC land the aircraft.
TRAC/FACT command control system and linked to aircraft PSS Proximity Sensor System used for all movement
performance on the surface as well as utilized by taxi applications from the micro to the macro in distance and size
programs and RC control stations. 20 of object to supply relevant data to TRAC processors
PRN Pseudo Random Noise factored out in the ground RF running vehicle operation algorithms e.g. collision avoid-
monitoring via software program. ance in the air, with the ground, on the ground and anti
PROM Programmable ROM used as needed in TRN tampering software programs.
FACT systems. PSU Passenger Service Unit.
Protocol A set of rules for the format and content of 25 PTR Production Test Requirements applied to all TRAC/
messages between communicating processes. TRAC/FACT FACT systems for the design state and aftermarket use,
will set up a higher level software interface that crosses over however some circumstances may warrant prior application
communication protocols to transfer emergency messages and use to full and complete production approval to be
universally encrypted as FACT messages via the TRAC determined by national security/public safety and risk man-
processor interfaced with a divers number of communication 3D agement officials.
chipset of different communication link protocols. This will PTSD Production Test Specification Document provided
create a large flexible machine-messaging matrix to include for all TRAC/FACT systems and protocols.
voice communication as well. PTT (1) Post, Telephone and Telegraph communication
PROX Proximity is a continual set of functions always Links via TRAC/FACT routing.
being performed by a number of software algorithms in 35 (2) Push To Talk. Also refers to the switching signal that
communications and navigation programs running as a basic enables the transmitter VOX operated in the TRAC/FACT
characteristic of the TRAC system. TRAC processors system and keyed up electronically and manually.
always provide location data via GPS systems or other PTU Power Transfer Unit interfaced monitored and con-
location systems or data to determine the location of another trolled as needed to the TRAC/FACT system.
transmission by identifying the transmission between two or 40 PVT Position, Velocity, Time an absolute data feed to the
more receiving PFNs of known location and running an TRAC system process of interfaced COTS avionics or
automated triangulation algorithm to find the location of the TRAC/FACT/ASIC input of data for flight deviation recog-
transmission. This is factored locally and systemically and nition to trigger a FACT event and also to FACT fly and land
reported and recorded for accuracy and accountability. the aircraft, via the 5 preprogrammed FACT flights and RC
PRSOV Pressure Regulating and Shutoff Valve used and 45 landings.
monitored by TRAC/FACT systems for hydraulic diversions PWM Pulse-Width Modulation to be determined for
to lock out local controls or energize certain control surface FACT software and communication link protocols if differ-
actuators or control fuel flow or sleeping agent flows or 02 ent.
level or atmospheric pressure in the cabin. PWR Power
P/RST Press To Reset 50 PwxA Pilot Weather Advisory transduced to an electrical
PRTR Printer there will be a printer connected to the signal for TRAC/FACT management and operation pro-
TRAC/FACT system to provide printouts on systems status grams to factor for robotics flight and RC.
to authorized requesters. Q
PS Power Supply for TRAC/FACT systems will be pro- QAR Quick Access Recorder all recorders to be protected
tected and available and regulated and externally 55 and require FACT access personnel to access and recover.
rechargeable, but not drainable or interruptible, during a QC Quality Control a paramount importance for any and
FACT event and capable of energizing all necessary com- all TRAC/FACT components their interfaces and con-
ponents and accessories to robotically fly the aircraft or nectables as well as security clearance in all major program-
receive RC commands from the surface and deliver data to ming and flight readiness.
fly and land the aircraft via the TRAC/FACT system. 60 QEC Quadrantral Error Corrector for position to be used
PSA Power Supply Assembly protected if a TRACFACT in flight tracking and data provided to the TRAC/FACT
main emergency system and/or SUC to TRAC/FACTsystem system.
if another avionics system on board. QFE A method of setting the altimeter to compensate for
PSDN Packet Switched Data Network incorporated and changes in barometric pressure and runway elevation. Pilot
interfaced as TRAC/FACT process or ASIC processor and 65 receives information from airfield and adjusts his altimeter
Communication Link if essential to secure safe flight and accordingly and it will read zero altitude at touchdown on
landing capability with the system protected. the runway. Atmosphere datum -29.92 inches of mercury
US 6,965,816 B2
201 202
(1,013.25 mb). This setting is used in the United States ends. Determine locations of transmission and dispatch
airspace by all aircraft above FL180. interdiction/interrogation force lb. Simultaneously TRAC/
QNH The more common method of setting the altimeter FACT communication Scan for secure communication link
to compensate for changes in barometric pressure. Pilot to FACT command control center from troubled aircraft.
receives information from airfield, adjusts his altimeter 5 FACT 2. Response (no time scenario) air to surface tracking
accordingly and the altimeter will read airfield elevation, at missile from pursuit aircraft fired on rabbit track location.
touchdown. For the above 2, the information to be sent as an And ready to take out the troubled aircraft. Either from the
electrical signal to the 1RAC processor reading barometric control command center or from the pursuit aircraft
transduced data to run an adjustment algorithm for the (training, preplanning and a guardian TRAC/FACTprogram
TRAC process to read Barometric Zero on a robotic touch 10 of options should always be running for the real-time FACT
down with real-time aircraft data supplied to RC SB station crew to try and help make the hard decisions).
helping to land the Troubled aircraft. Radar Radio Detecting And Ranging. A system that
QNE The method of setting the altimeter to the standard measures distance and bearing to an object. To be used as
and a standard for setting the Altimeter reading in the available on each air craft to provide data to the FACT
TRAC/FACT program can be termed QNET. 15 robotics and RC operations via the TRAC system to the
QOP Quality Operating Procedures to be determined for FACT components in the aircraft and on the surface.
TRAC/FACT procedures and protocols. Radar Mile The time interval (approximately 12.359
QOS Quality of Service must be of a consistent high microseconds) required for radio waves to travel one nau-
caliber for TRAC/FACT systems. tical mile and return (total of 2 nmi). This physical fact of RF
QRH Quick Reference Handbook for each area of TRAC 20 speed will be used to determine speed and positions as
technology. possible by sub systems and any primary focal node TRAC
Quadrantral Error in the relative bearing caused by the ASIC performing FACT software quarrying sensed data if
distortion of the received radio signal (rf fields) by the this development of position and speed data in this manner
structure of the aircraft. To be compensated in existing is required either as an essential modality or as a backup data
COTS sub systems or programmed into the chipsets, hybrid 25 source for the FACT tracking and guidance algorithm to
substrate, or ASIC SOC for future TRAC/FACT processors factor.
for RF protocols. Radial A line of direction going out from a VOR station
R measured as a bearing with respect to magnetic north. All
R Right directional data provided like VOR technology in equipment
RA (1) Resolution Advisory (generated by TCAS) all 30 on board any particular aircraft should be evaluated as a sub
pilot waning advisories given for collision are to be provided system to be interfaced for TRAC/FACT programming. Fact
to the robotics program running in the TRAC/FACT process/ programming should be versatile enough either through
processor for robotics flight augmentation to avoid a calli- application specific software version or if possible as a
SlOn. general operating system to run the protocols and software
(2) Radio Altimeter all altitude data generated is to be 35 needed to utilize data from various positioning and locating
provided in the form of a recognizable electrical signal to the technologies. This will require cooperation in the code
on board flight responsive TRAC/FACT system during a writing and engineers responsible for existing embedded
FACT event or to be used for FACT monitoring. In tern the systems to determine the most proficient modalities to
data is transmitted to the surface FAA/FACT command interface these disparate systems into one operating system
control and assigned RC stations both at the SB and in any 40 or most appropriate configuration for any particular avionics
pursuit assist aircraft. If the signal is generated from a available.
surface system the data is provided to the in flight TRAC/ Radome The radome is the protective cover on the aircraft
FACT unit and surface monitoring and management system nose that fits over the weather radar system antenna. The
for robotics flight program flight an RC flight coordination radome is transparent at radar frequencies. This radar will be
and control. 45 used to provide data for FACT to determine the smoothest
Rabbit Tracks Rabbit Tracks, or running rabbits, refer to flight pattern via robotics to SBs and report all such flight
the distinctive display produced by another (alien radar) augmentations and data gathered. However, additionally a
radar system transmission. Military tracking and targeting camera or video system of the highest caliber as well as
systems to detect foreign military threats need to be evalu- night vision system should be mounted in the nose and
ated to determine the need for recognition of rabbit tracks 50 sending data back to TRAC/FACT robotics and surface/ (air
and their use in a FACT scenario. To the inventor, it is assist if needed) RC control pilots for robotics flight and RC
obvious if the aircraft detects rabbit tracks or the pursuit landing as well as taxiing.
assist aircraft detects rabbit tracks within or near to the US RAI Radio Altimeter Indicator videoed with data pro-
boarders; FACT command center, en route controller and vided TRAC/FACT system by electrical signal.
surface cabin analysis team have to determine if the rabbit 55 RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
tracks are related and part of an attempt to control the TRAC/FACT auto check of essential communications to
aircraft. If the radar can tot be recognized and determined incorporate RAIM in sub systems and direct integrated
friendly and the FACT aircraft is not controlled by FACT systems.
robotics and surface RC, 1. Time permitting pinpoint rabbit RALT Radio Altimeter (also RA, RADALT, LRA,
track location and track if a moving target and dispatch 60 LRRA) used as detailed above for TRAC/FACT applica-
surface security force to apprehend persons and equipment tions.
and interrogate and report to FACT control center la. Do a RAM Random Access Memory. Generally used to
TRAC/FACT scan communication sweep from all close to describe, read, write integrated circuit memory. Used as a
the rabbit tracks PFN/TRAC units and along the projected general electronics modality. RAM back up for 5 FACT
flight path to pick up suspicious RF signals-initiate same 65 flights will exist in redundancy and be reloaded in to any sub
sweep for in the aircraft TRAC units and run a correlation system flight controls responsible for FACT flights m a
algorithm to detect same alien frequency and jam at both redundant fashion for a sensed FACT event.
US 6,965,816 B2
203 204
RAPPS Remote Area Precision Positioning System the Relative Bearing The bearing of a ground station relative
FANFACT command & control center will be able to be set to the direction the aircraft nose points, or the direction of an
up on Whitehouse multi-screen representation or Air force 1 aircraft to or from an NDB. To be used as applicable in
as a RAPPS and with more telemetry and remote control controlling TRAC/FACT flights.
during a FACT event or as desired by the President and s REL Relative
command staff he wishes present. RAPPS and FANFACT Resolution Advisory A display indication given to the
command and control will be local and National and RAPPS pilot recommending a maneuver to increase vertical sepa-
as desired can additionally be provided commercial carriers ration relative to an intruding aircraft. A resolution advisory
and other relevant viewers. is also classified as corrective or preventive. This data to be
RAS Row Address Strobe will be videoed in landing and 10 provided to TRAC system running FACT robotics flight to
used to position glide path by a video algorithm if it proves alter the aircrafts flight path for the safest un interrupted
feasible and worthwhile. flight to the safe fly zone and SB landing zone-all such
RAT RAM Air Temperature is the temperature of the air maneuvers and data causing course and altitude change
entering an air scoop inlet. It is a factor in engine perfor- relayed to SB RC simulator and monitoring stations on the
mance. This data will be processed and available via TRN 15 surface with data recorded and reported in both locations for
FACT processing to be used as needed for proper flight accountability.
performance and for the surface crew to evaluate aircraft RET (1) Rapid Exit Taxiway used for a FACT emergency
environment and total parameter of threat to and from the to the local control and containment area or provide as a take
environment as to the particular circumstances of the FACT off or landing parallel standard runway and taxi lane for
event. 20 immediate FACT flight, landing or local dealing-these
RES Ration by Schedule exist on safe bases for sure and should be built with this
R-C Resistor-Capacitor network used as applicable for consideration, however construction at standard FAA air-
TRAC/FACT process and construction. ports should be constructed or augmented in the future with
RCC Remote Charge Converter TRAC/FACT systems are this capability.
to be capable of inverting and converting current to meet any 25 (2) Reliability Evaluation Test TRAC FACT systems self
DC & AC requirements for essential subsystems and/or perform on boot up and periodically and qualified approved
accessories via a protected emergency energy system. personnel perform physically.
RCP Radio Control Panel audio/video record/report and REU Remote Electronics Unit
to be directly interfaced with TRAC and protected during a RF Radio Frequency. A general term for the range of
FACT event for uninterrupted secure surface access and 30 frequencies above 150 kHz, to the infrared region (1012
control. Hertz).
RCVR Receiver interfaced with and monitored by TRAC RFI Radio Frequency Interference The above two to be
as much as possible either physically or by wireless means. monitored and manage by the TRAC/FACT scan and rout-
Rd R-Channel used for data TRAC/FACT major Surface ing.
to air communication link to carry special encrypted data for 35 RFP Request For Proposal
FACT event. RFTP Request For Technical Proposal RFTP need to be
R & D Research and Development to go in to High gear written from each area of the PFN/TRNFACT technical
in all commercial and government labs to develop interfaces area for OEMs of aircraft and avionics to prose constructing
and connections for TRAC/FACT processing in surface the components of the system.
application and for avionics past, present and future modali- 40 RFU Radio Frequency Unit
ties for the PFN/TRAC/FACT technology. RGCSP Review of the General Concept of Separation
RDMI Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator transduced Panel
signal-used and interfaced as much as possible for TRAC/ RIB Right Inboard
FACT flight deviation monitoring and robotics flight. RIN UK Royal Institute of Navigation to help set up the
RDR Radar a major tool to determine aircraft position and 45 NAY systems used for TRAC/FACT in Europe and England.
flight the aircraft to the SB and land it safely for TRAC/ RLS (1) Remote Light Sensor used for security and other
FACT protocols, Systems to be developed and integrated for TRAC automation
traditional flight routes, SB routes and new more direct GPS (2) Reliable Link Source
route. Additionally aircraft collision avoidance RDR to be RLY Relay used in the TRA/FACT system for remote
made more usable for robotics flight. so switching.
RDSS Radio Determination Satellite Service used in the R & M Reliability and Maintainability are always impor-
positioning of aircraft as appropriate and doable. tant element for any system and paramount for public safety
RE&D Research, Engineering and Development for the and National security in TRAC/FACT.
construction of the TRAC/FACT system in hardware/ RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator signal converted to elec-
software and interfaces to construct minimum flight require- ss trical signal and used as needed for TRAC/FACT system.
ment systems in everything flying in the US in the next 180 RMP Remote Maintenance Panel
days. RMS Root Mean Square
RECAP Reliability Evaluation and Corrective Action RNAV Random Navigation/Area Navigation
Program a continual process for every TRAC/FACT system/ RNG Range
generation. 60 RNGA Range Arc
REFL Reflection-not for light but for the TRAC/FACT RNP Required Navigation Performance the above 5 lines
System. Reflection on how it is being used what make it are important radar and navigational aids to aircraft tracking
safer and what is the proper application for a free society and and each such locating system will be used as needed in the
one under attack or in some sort of danger that is alleviated TRQAC/FACT system applicable by aircraft.
via FACT applications. 65 RO Roll Out
Reflectivity Factor (Z) This is a measurement of the ROB Right Outboard
ability of a target to reflect the energy from a radar beam. ROC Rate Of Climb
US 6,965,816 B2
205 206
ROD Rate of Descent will be tracked and controlled by similar processors to use different location and communi-
TRAC/FACT robotics flight during a FACT event. cation and actuator control mechanism.
ROI Return On Investment always good business and SAA Service Access Area
should be good for TRAC/FACT implementation from gov- SAARU Secondary Attitude Air Data Reference Unit
ernment funding Insurance rebates, the airline industry. 5 SAE Society of Automotive Engineers to take part in the
ROM Read Only Memory used in TRAC/FACT systems interfacing of surface transportation intranets like On star,
as needed possibly for the safe flight boot ups. Wing Cast and Tele-aid with the aviation intranet for high
ROTHR Re-locatable Over-The-Horizon Radar used for security applications and public information and better traf-
the control of robotics and RC flights. fic management as all part of a large machine messaging
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
10 matrix-the PFN/TRAC System.
RSP Reversion Select Panel
SAl AEEC Systems Architecture and Interfaces.
RT Receiver-Transmitter (rt). Also referred to as a trans-
ceiver (see T/R). An interfaced portion of the TRAC/FACT Subcommittee to help determine standards rules regula-
scanner system. tions codes and law for TRAC/FACT.
RTA (1) Receiver Transmitter Antenna protected but SAMS Special Use Airspace Management System SAMS
efficient for TRAC/FACT communication link 15 may well be a System to start developing the FACT SB
(2) Required Time of Arrival to be monitored and updated flights zones and bases. The inventor is going to quarry
by TRAC/FACT system. government agencies and the military to locate property and
RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics to existing bases that are capable of quick conversion for SBs.
take part in determining the essential RF systems and scan SAR Search And Rescue will be changed to have a FACT
functions for TRAC/FACT. 20 response officer and crew to respond from FAA/FACT
RTF Radiotelephony to be interfaced and controlled by homeland security. Every agency like the FBI, NTSB, Coast
TRAC/FACT processor and DSRC. Guard/Military etc, area law enforcement will have FACT
RTI Real-Time Interrogate all the 1!0 and for the proper training and be directly responsive to FACT command
personnel security responses and sensed data check as part control center until released by FACT Homeland Security/
of standard operational program for TRAC/FACT system. 25 the President of The United States or the Homeland Security
RTP Reliability Test Plan to be determined for each Cabinet Member. When no threat to public safety and
TRAC/FACT system partially determined by OEMs and Homeland Security is satisfied a normal accident investiga-
government agencies. tion team or activity continues the work on the lookout and
RTO Rejected Takeoff there will be a v point or take off monitored by a FACT representative and all information
abort electrical signal marker to Fact program to know to kill 30 transmitted back to FACT center either the individual law
the flight and go to slow, stop, secure program on the ground enforcement agencies or the joint agency FACT center.
and taxi to the secure holding area. Otherwise, SAR is handled the same only with a chain of
RTP Radio Tuning Panel to be locked down and protected command, a FACT trained commander in the field who is
from local access and available and interfaced with the trained in FACT procedures and protocols from SAR as well
TRAC/FACT system. 35 and makes the call that it is safe enough for normal SAR
RTS Request To Send this communication command will personnel to proceed or whether there is a greater risk-more
be controlled by TRAC/FACT interfacing. Terrorist activities etc. The air pursuit assist teams will have
RTU Radio Tuning Unit SUC to TRAC/FACT operation. air cav helicopter teams with EMTs SWAT assault teams and
Runway The act of inadvertently crossing the runway CDC and HAZMAT skilled teams regionally scrambled by
holding. 40 FACT control center. These personnel are recruited from the
Incursion point withoutATC clearance-limited or elimi- best in their specific areas and trained in FACT procedures
nated by FACT collision guardian program running in the and protocols. To start the program Air National guard in all
TRAC unit and in the ground FACT control center both the respective services can set up the aircraft teams. SWAT
giving pilot notification and controlling the traffic pattern teams should have Police and, Military skill with trained
along the taxi ways and runways. 45 psychiatrists and emergency medical people. Each regional
RVDT Rotary Voltage Differential Transducer interfaced area should have in triplicate people speaking every lan-
and monitored by TRAC/FACT system guage known to man on pagers for a second wave helicopter
RVR Runway Visual Range enhanced by Radar and night to transport a FACT trained translator to tern up with the
vision interfaced into TRAC/FACT systems. specialists. If people are not available translation programs
RVSM Required Vertical Separation Minimums to be 50 on palmtops and lap tops with voice recognition technology
programmed in the Fact robotics programs. should be available and this automation should be available
RWM Read-Write Memory. A memory in which each cell a soon as possible.
is selected by applying appropriate electrical input signals, SARPS Standards And Recommended Practices will be
and the stored data may be either sensed at the appropriate set up for TRAC/FACT technology and it's use. Much of the
output terminal or changes in response to other electrical 55 basics are covered in this patent white paper filing. TRAC
input signals. RWM memory storage will be employed as the machine-messaging matrix is well documented through
determined by stand by applications in the TRAC/FACT out the writings and skilled personnel can finalize applica-
technology. tions of the technology to best suit the incident and their
RWYRunway understanding of the job they perform. Additionally bomb
RZ Return to Zero the term used for setting gauges- 60 squad robots and other robotics devices can be FACT
however all FACT programs will run data check programs approved or configured and interfaced to be part of any early
to constants to recalibrate their electronic programs for the SAR response entering high heat/high risk and dangerous
signal they are receiving and processing. In the TRAC/ environments and performing robotics rescue. Along with
FACT system. K-9 teams special personal PFN/TRAC units can be out
s 65 fitted with the Nose, a sensor that sniffs at 2000 times that
SA Selective Availability the TRAC/FACT program will of a human being and is able to detect molecular structure.
be written with as much SA code as possible to allow for Equipped with an electronic library of odors this sensor on
US 6,965,816 B2
207 208
all SAR FACT people personal PFNS can record orders error in encrypted commands will not allow for any error of
matched to accurate GPS coordinates at the event site all the the slightest and is to be worked out and tested extensively
time they are working and supply these detailed telemetries before approved and placed in service.
back to the FACT center on a calibrated map of the debris SC-186 RTCA Special Committee 186 (Responsible for
field or landing zone for analysis. Additionally the software 5 ADS-B technical standards) all surveillance systems radio
running in the personnel PFNS can be set to FLAG danger- and radar standards to be applied and augment for FACT
ous odors or odors to help locate passengers or crews. application by any standards effort operating or effected
Finally as a standard recommended action from the inven- commercial interests and government agencies to FAA!
tor is that all second response teams to a second FACT FACT homeland Security.
incident should be listening to FACT central and their
10 SCAT Special Category in first generation systems there
regional center where assigned staff is monitoring the first
will be a lot of SCAT and I mean literally as well as special
FACT event and issuing hazard bulletins in real-time to
counter for any planned multiple attack like 9/11, or future category TRAC/FACT configurations. The SCAT trail to
event out of a present attack-like a secondary explosive TRAC/FACT ready aircraft will need some cleaning up as
device. The FAA did well to halt all flights with the time goes on with universal consolidation and integration in
management technology available 911. Hopefully, with a 15 future aircraft automation and avionics and further retrofit-
more responsive technology like TRAC in place to perform ting. But anything that flies has to be approved into a FACT
accountable real-time robotics and remote control we can category so that the FAA/FACT command control system
continue to have the best response possible to save as many has the most control of the aircraft possible during a FACT
lives in the aircraft and on the surface for such future event. I imagine the SCAT trail to be loaded in these early
heinous acts. Emergency bulletins from FACT central of this 20 days with the scramble to interface disparate systems, so I
nature should interrupted communication links with a real- suggest an on going alphabetical FAA/FACT access web site
time buffer in each personal PFN receiving all local com- with a firewall and secure registration to include individual
munications and continuing local communications immedi- ID level to access a share ware program of hardware and soft
ately after the critical central announcements. These ware with open lines of contact communications between
announcements should be as short as possible-basically 25 manufacturers to upgrade legacy aircraft with what ever it
clear the area commands. takes to FACT ready planes in the US Skies. Government
The many organizations and agencies and the general should fund and industry compensated reasonably for this
public in each society will help create the SARPS standards collaborative effort with respect to cast loss and profit for
and roles everyone will be involved in for a FACT event and any such system update. For this to happen it requires all to
to use the PFN/TRAC System. This document is to detail 30 give a little but not to get hurt even profit in the expanding
this technology's architecture as a machine-messaging economy.
matrix of accountable robotics and remote control. TRAC is SCAT 1 Special Category 1 (approach)
created to help humanity provide a safer existence, through SCD Specification Control Drawing
the intelligent and authorized use of equipment vehicles and SCDU Satellite Control Data Unit
machines. It is designed for the long social learning curve 35 SCID Software Configuration Index Drawing The 4
and short life span we humans have on this wonderful above lines are all SCAT activities and must meet final
spinning hydrosphere. Hopefully, for all us trying, we can FACT approval. OEMs avionics manufacturers can take any
travel, live and learn with each other peacefully and respect- approach they feel will work for them-there should be a
fully for a full100 yrs each. It will require Peace, tranquility FAA/FACT assist board but not one to approve every step.
and accommodation for our differences as well as the 40 The manufacturers must build it to be TRAC/FACT ready,
intelligent use of our technology and the world's resources. and not just by this document but what is determined to be
TRAC addresses these important issues and helps organizes the FACT standard, which might well change from time to
them respectfully for our learning humanity on a global time. Additionally the 4 above lines are part of an ongoing
scale with the least amount of individual anxiety and social process of development and deployment of TRAC/FAC
and cultural turmoil. It manages humanities different needs, 45 technology but the crucial steps are the initial ones everyone
time and communication as a critically conscious part in all will know the process for FACT approved components and
of humanity's technology. systems when the organizational structure is in place.
SAS Situational Awareness for Safety SAS will be written SCIU Radio Altimeter Indicator Data transduced and
and structured for FACT. SUC to TRACFACT management system.
SAT Static Air Temperature is the total air temperature 50 SCMU Special Communications Management Unit will
corrected for the Mach effect. Increases in airspeed cause be exactly what each PFN/TRAC system will be and espe-
probe temperature to rise, presenting erroneous information. cially when operating FACT Event Software. However any
SAT is the outside air temperature if the aircraft could be electronic control units should be appraised for the their
brought to a stop before measuring temperatures. SAT conversion to be a PFN/TRAC/FACT unit and augmented
algorithms will be used in the subsystems for measuring air 55 and upgraded to be interfaced as COTS into the system.
temperature or run in the TRAC/FACT ASIC receiving SCPC Single Carrier Per Channel all radio modalities will
direct input data from a sensor experiencing MACH air be approved for TRAC/FACT protocols and be SUC to
resistance. TRAC/FACT.
SATCOM Satellite Communication System will be inte- SCS Single Channel Simplex. A communication system
grated for TRAC communication and location of FACT 60 that uses simplex. All radio modalities will be approved for
flights globally. TRAC/FACT protocols and be SUC to TRAC/FACT-in
SB Service Bulletin for TRAC/FACT require specific this case with a simplex interface.
encoding encrypted that has to be scanned and handled by SCSI Small Computer System Interface SCSI will be
FACT equipment and personnel with proper repair security security protected for interface at the secure levels of FACT
team dispatched for any physical repairs. 65 data and tracked in a standard IP modality for general new
SEE Single Bit Error-a certain amount of fuzzy logic or access not just stored on local hard drives but sent as system
error correction will be in the FACT software, however the reported inventory to FACT buffers or mass data handling
US 6,965,816 B2
209 210
and storage with time and date ESN or any other SIN and tions for all types of physical states that might less or be
personal ID at the time of interface and/or access and use. indicative of a FACT event or unsafe operating performance
There may be DES/DET configurations or other FACT for all jobs.
security protocols used with SCSI interfaces, serial, parallel SERNO Serial Number to accompany all transmissions
or USB or fire wire interfaces or protocols. The most 5 for the aircraft and a header of equipment serno inventoried
important is the security and the firewall to sensitive TRAC/ as safely possible for data handling of crucial commands.
FACT data systems the hardware and software can start with SEU (1) Single Event Upset Flag for TRAC.FACT pro-
present COTS systems as much as possible and be made gram
more universal consolidated and integrated. (2) Seat Electronics Unit
SCU Signal Conditioning Unit SFE Supplier Furnished Equipment
SD (1) Side Display SG Signal Generator SUC to FACT
(2) Storm Detection. It is the designation for the hourly SGPNS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
transmitter radar observations from the NWS and ARTCC used in robotics Taxiing by FACT.
SI (1) Standby Instruments
radars. Individual SDOs are combined and transmitted once
(2) Supporting Interrogator
an hour as collectives (SDUOs) over the aviation Teletype 15 SICAS Secondary Surveillance Radar Improvements and
circuits. All data related to flying conditions to be provided Collision Avoidance System
for robotics FACT controllers and RC landing stations in SICASP Secondary Surveillance Radar Improvements
electronic format. and Collision Avoidance System Panel the three radar com-
SDD Standard Disk Drive ponents to deliver flight data to TRA/FACT processor for
SDI Source Destination Identifier on all transmissions for 20 robotics flight and RC stations.
TRAC/FACT transmission and command codes as part of SID Standard Instrument Departure to be used as appli-
the software command structure. cable for future robotics for TRAC flying.
SDM Speaker Drive Module SUC to TRAC/FACT sys- Side tone The reproduction of sounds in a headset (or
tems. speaker) from the transmitter of the same communication
SDRL Supplier Data Requirements List to be determined 25 set. This allows a person to hear his/her own voice when
for TRAC/FACT components and system as a result of transmitting.
evaluating goals and this list. SIF Standard Interchange Format used as applicable and
SDU Satellite Data Unit not demeaning FACT security.
Search In this mode, the DMS scans from 0 mile to the SIGMETS Significant Meteorological Observations to be
outer range for a reply pulse pair after transmitting an 30 transduced in real-time for TRAC robotics flights and land-
interrogation pulse pair. TRAC/FACT System will provide ings.
any recovery and rescue vehicle or aircraft a calibrated SIL (1) Systems Integration Lab to determine the beset
GPS/Rf triangulation calibrated map pinpointing last known sub system integration for COTS to create FACT and
and/or most recent transmissions on a monitor to lay in the consolidate it to a ASIC or SOC on a chip.
debris monitoring sensors reply pulse and conversely this 35 (2) Service Information Letter special handling for
image is to be transmitted to FACT control central. Sensors TRAC/FACT service paper work.
for toxic substances, radiation, poison bio toxins HAZMAT Simplex A communication operation that uses only a
are to identify objects and be marked on rescuers maps and single channel for transmit and receive operations. Commu-
central command monitors. nications can take place in only one direction at a time. No
SEC Secondary 40 matter how limited a RF system appears it is to be evaluated
SED Secondary EICAS Display videoed and recorded for TRAC/FACT monitoring interfacing and management
and reported by TRAC/FACT system with possible course via universal PFN/TRAC units and their Radio scanner
of actions from monitoring and management program. process. As for aviation the simplex communication links
SEI Standby Engineer Indicator for markers and beacons should be augmented with more
SEL Select 45 comprehensive PFN/TRAC units able to receive ded return
SELCAL Selective Calling System. A system used in broad cast from overhead aircraft of packetized data and
conjunction with HF and VHF communication systems that store the data in local buffers and retransmit them to a IP
allow a ground-based radio operator to call a single aircraft gateway or connect to land lines and transmit the data back
or group of aircraft without the aircraft personnel monitoring to FAA/FACT command control center.
the ground station radio frequency. 50 SIP Single In-line Package used as needed.
Sensitivity Level Command An instruction given to the SITA Societe Internationale de Telecommunications
TCAS equipment for control of its threat volume. All such Aeronautiques This organization to be involved in setting up
above communication links for coordinated ground move- the area TRAC/FACT systems and developing standards in
ment must have a recording in the aircraft TRAC unit and in it's region.
the surface control system and during a FACT event data 55 SIU Skywave Satellite Interface Unit employed as
delivered in electronic medium for the TRAC/FACT pro- needed. A radio wave that is reflected by the ionosphere.
cessor to control the aircraft-additionally and as soon as Depending upon the state of the ionosphere, the reflected
possible any voice transmission should be run through voice radio wave may propagate along the layer of the ionosphere
recognition technology for the TRAC/FACT unit to evaluate or be reflected at some angle. It is also known as ionospheric
and respond as appropriate and confirmable to detect a 60 or indirect wave. SW/sky wave will be monitored and
FACT event and to perform robotics control. utilized as needed and as relevant to maintaining commu-
SEPC Secondary Electrical Power Contactor monitor and nication with FACT aircraft.
manage by TRAC/FACT systems as determined appropriate. SL Sensitivity Level
SEPP Stress Evaluation Prediction Program For TRAC/ S/L Sub-Level
FACT components to be determined and implemented-and 65 Slant Range The line-of-sight distance from the aircraft to
for people performing FACT operations. There is to be a DME ground station. Data linked to TRAC/FACT robotics
software algorithms to read voice and sense other indica- and RC f&l.
US 6,965,816 B2
211 212
SLEP Service Life Extension Program normal wireless communication management concerns and
SLM Standard Length Message packaged for best speed an absolute must if we are prepared to smoke an aircraft
and accuracy on the most favorable frequencies for RC in carry our fellow citizens to protect others on the surface.
the ded RF for TRAC/FACT RF system. This wireless interfacing exists for surface transportation to
SLS Side-Lobe Suppression. A system that prevents a 5 control driver distraction and to operate collision avoidance
transponder from replying to the side-lobe interrogations of systems as an operational aid to the driver for PFN/TRAC
the SSR. Replying to side-lobe interrogations would supply technology in cars. So if the phones are to have a wireless
false replies to the ATC ground station and obscure the connection to our operational programs in our cars the
aircraft location SLS employed in TRAC/FACT for the most PFNTRAC units in the planes should also control them.
accurate Tracking signal the aircraft can provide to the 10 SOIT Satellite Operational Implementation Team should
surface system, additional back up via other tracking pro- have FACT security checks.
vided to the surface FAA/FACT command control center SOP Standard Operating Procedure There will be standard
and additionally all beacons must be TRAC/FACT protected operational procedures and they should start with security as
from in flight deactivation. the first step of implementation to any Operating procedure
SLY Sync Lock Valve 15 for FACT.
SMC System Management and Communication SMC is SOS Silicon On Sapphire
the PFN/TRAC system. SPATE Special Purpose Automatic Test Equipment all
SMD Surface Mount Device used as needed. FACT TEST equipment will be SPATE an have to be logged
SMGCS Surface Movement Guidance and Control Sys- in and out and keep a record of it's use and handling locally
tems For ground robotics and collision avoidance and coor- 20 and be capable of reporting this and it's data directly to
dination with aircraft landing in a controlled fashion and TRAC/FACT mass data handling and storage. As part of
uncontrolled fashion-all telemetry entered in to the TRAC/ FACT secure handling the system will quarry the ID's of the
FACT system and presented in a usable form for humans and tech handler and the ESN of the unit and have a special a
machines to coordinate the best interaction for public safety special self test for integrity check with FACT encryption-
and smooth operation in general movement. 25 Inventor to provide an additional security element to the
SMI Standard Message Identifiers and FACT encrypted encryption security as a trade secrete when the proper time
Identifiers comes.
SMR Surface Movement Radar interfaced with the SPC Statistical Process Control-in every local command
TRAC/FACT process or processor as available. and control center a guardian FACT software program will
SMSO Space and Missile Systems Organization to review 30 run parallel at a manned station based on all the technical
FACT protocols to terminate a FACT flight by air-to-air and data recovered in real time. It will be running software
surface to air and satellite to air missile attack. Additionally, scenarios and providing probabilities and tradeoffs as well as
to research the strategic capability to partially disable an decision trees with count down markers for decisions and
aircraft and semi control a crash landing in a safe zone. And new scenarios until the event is concluded. This is from all
finally to plant with an adhesive or puncture clamp device a 35 levels A CARS-Air born-landing and ground response for
wireless PFN/TRAC unit to reestablish FACT surface con- as long as it takes. It might be decided that there should be
trol where original wireless units interfaced have been an Air Commander a different surface commander or there
damaged or compromised. might be a need to change personnel due to fatigue or some
SMT (1) Aileron/Rudder Servo Mount other reason.
(2) Elevator Servo Mount 40 Additionally all real-time recorded data will be processed
(3) Servo Mount for statistics and to create an electrical library for better
(4) Stabilizer Trim Servo Mount The 4 above lines for options from past experience and to create virtual FACT
servo controls and their mounts are to be protected for events for practice and guardian programs.
TRAC/FACT operations and inspected by FACT approved SPD Speed always monitored and factored by TRAC/
tech teams. 45 FACT for danger and deviation.
(5) Station Management-will be determined for a TAC/ SPE Seller Purchased Equipment As part of the FACT
FACT FAA/FACT control center with a chain of command program in the PFN/TRAC System there will be a national
and an odd number of people in any decision tree. Decisions registry in which all manufacturers register their products
will be pre conditioned and timed for efficiency-each local and provide a hardware or software component that provides
station will have a similar structure. For RF station man- 50 a ESN and lot No or Yin when interfaced with the TRAC
agement SMT the TRAC/FACT processor will control all processor. An inventory program on system boot up or as a
sub systems in the first generation and always manage all periodic procedure-still to be determined for aircraft-
communications on board. probably every pre-take off check) quarries all interfaced
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio will be a determining factor E/E systems to include passenger carryon devices equipped
for the RF options carried out by the sophisticated scan 55 with DSRC (blue tooth etc). Equipment removed is time and
function of the TRAC processor or first generation drafted dated by the system and it s recorded and reported to FACT
RF automated tuning equipment from existing COTS in central registry. When any thing is added the same process
aircraft. Normally there will be a number of dedicated FACT takes place. This allows for the immediate recognition of
frequencies for the system to robotically and RC fly and land stolen equipment and illegal use of that property in another
the aircraft. However the TRAC FACT protocol calls for the 60 aircraft, vehicle or equipment. It was designed to stop parts
complete control over wireless communications at all time theft in automobiles and vehicle thefts as well. Also with
on board the aircraft with the capability to FACT contact the sensors on removable mechanical parts the system asks for
surface FAA/FACT center via any usable frequency and the service personnel's ID and the LOT and SIN for the new
protocol for all devices on board. Understandably this part in stalled. If there is a crash the entire equipment
requirement may be 6 months to a year in the construction 65 inventory is down loaded to FAA/FACT control center (with
and 24-30 months before all carryon devices are interfaced. NTSB/FBI and all other proper homeland security having
It should and will be done for regular flight safety with the data in real-time) the statistical algorithms is going to
US 6,965,816 B2
213 214
kick out hi probability commonalities with all the current (2) The transmission of a specified reply format at a
data concentrated in the appropriate agencies and manufac- minimum rate without the need to be interrogated (filler
tures immediately. pulses transmitted between interrogations).
Equally important is the FACT registry was designed for [XPD]. Used as needed in any system to maintain the
national security. It tracks all electrical components and 5 optimal tracking of the aircraft during the FACT event
provides for a nations security forces to implant their (3) Spontaneous Transmission generated once per second
legitimate code identifiers to thwart the possibility of any by transponders.
wireless device being used in remote control sabotage of a SR SwissAir to set up their TRAC/FACT System as
piece of equipment. This system and process is discussed in applicable if they return.
surface transportation systems in earlier filings. Some of the 10 SRADD Software Requirements And Design Description
crucial implementations are deliberately kept as a trade to be constructed form this paper for the TRAC System and
secret at this point. FACT protocols.
Speed of Represented by the symbol c and has a value of SRAM Static Random Access Memory used as needed to
Light 2.9979250x10 meters/second or 983,571,194 feet/ construct TRAC/FACT system for each application as per
second. 15 COTS available.
SPI Special Position Identification will be issued for each SRD Systems Requirements Document to be generated
FACT triggered event in FAA/FACT command center on a individually for model and series of aircraft and for custom
calibrated map with the immediate download of flight telem- and home built aircraft. First SRD submitted by OEM
etry data and robotics flight and local control lock out. manufacturers for all commercial production aircraft to
Stations monitored, like a NASSA control with trained 20 develop their own automated local control locks out and
FACT mission staff, are scrambled from their recreational summit SRD to FAA/FACT homeland security for review.
ready room next to the command center. The second SRD submitted is for a processor system either
SPIP Designation for a transponder ident pulse. from adaptive autopilot or flight controller or flight com-
SPKR Speaker puter units with automated controls to control the flight
SPM (1) Surface Position Monitor reported to FACT 25 surfaces un-interrupted locally. The controller must use
control center with all critical signal data in a useable format onboard location sensing and guidance equipment that is
for the TRAC processor for FACT robotics programming to protected locally from in flight tampering and factor the
factor. positioning data via one of five robotics or preprogrammed
(2) Stabilizer Position Modules protected and interfaced flight plans running in the protected controller. The flight
with TRAC/FACT system for robotics flight and RC land- 30 plans conduct the aircraft along FAA/FACT determined safe
ings. traceable routes to 5 Safe Bases/controlled crash Zones for
Spoking Spoking refers to a display presentation that the proper surface response and most complete possible
radiates outward from the display origin like the spokes on response.
a wagon wheel. All displays to be videoed in the FACT The system information and design via FAA/FACT secure
control centers and in the FACT event aircraft with their data 35 handling is to be properly made available and priced feasibly
in an electrical digital form for the FACT software programs for all legally registered aircraft to be equipped properly and
to process. Data to be recorded in both locations as it is cleared to fly in US airspace under TRAC/FACT conditions.
transmitted and received and as it is reconfigured (error The first TRAC/FACT condition that must be met by all
corrected and consistent). aircraft is:
SPR Sync Phase Reversal (term used in Mode S 40 Deviation=complete robotics SB/Z flights without local
transponders) This transponder may be capable of the DATA control
link and FACT upload telemetry. If SPR can help protect If the aircraft can via proper communications and data
critical flight data exchange for robotics augmentation in recovered from the FACT event aircraft and TRAC/FACT
flight via small packetized commands or as a confirm signal tracking systems via communications to surface convince
given over other dedicated frequencies it should be set up 45 FAA/FACT command and control there is good reason for
with the proper encryption and special recognition technol- the deviation. Then the controls of the aircraft should be
ogy to function for these applications. returned with flight instructions given to return to original
SPS Standard Positioning Service all such data generated heading or alternate approved course to the registered des-
to be incorporated in the TRAC/FACT system. tination or approved new destination if FAA/FACT accept-
SQ or Sql Squelch auto squelch and RF signal fix control 50 able.
and monitor and management to be performed sue to With communications established with the troubled
TRAC/FACT operation. FACT Event aircraft and suspicion still high pursuit assist
Squall Line A squall line is a line of thunderstorms and fighters ASAP along the robotics flight path will escort the
developing thunderstorms. Read by forward searching radar, aircraft. The fighters as determined appropriate can place the
Doppler, ground and satellite systems and data provided in 55 suspect aircraft on a missile laser lock and the same is done
a concise confirmed format for robotics flight and RC from the ground with missiles or phalanx machine cannon
landing by TRAC and FACT programming. with discernable different audible sounds provided to the
Squawk Reply to interrogation signal (XPD). Prepared in FACT event Pilot via TRAC/FACT communications with
a protocols usable by TRAC/FACT programming and the air craft communication signal broadcasted from a
recorded and timed on location for FACT record 60 functional antenna location away from bunker protected
Squelch A control and/or circuit that reduces the gain in surface personnel at the SB. Any hostile action from the
response of a receiver. The squelch is used to eliminate the aircraft can result in the immediate wasting of the FACT
output noise of the receiver when a signal is not being event aircraft or some real-time disable measure discussed
received. Auto controlled by TRAC management or inter- through out the technology filings. One such system
faced sub-system. 65 employs laser light (possibly when locked on the FACT
Squitter (1) The random pulse pairs generated by the target) can transmit RC control signals to the FACT vehicle
ground station as a filler signal. or in this case air craft and shut down motors off or cut their
US 6,965,816 B2
215 216
power settings or perform other RC flight controls if radio of data or communication desired in a TRAC/FACT com-
controls are non functional. munication link application by FAA/FCC security agencies
With this FACT command control capability in place and standards efforts to determine ded regular communica-
when over the Safe Base/crash zone in as much as a glide tions. Additionally the multi-translation protocol ASIC in
path to land the robotics, preprogrammed or RC FACT 5 the TRAC system will pre pare data in appropriate data
Event aircraft A FACT command can return the flight packets for the physical characteristic of any frequency and
controls (so long as they can be re locked to the FACT Event receiver system it is transmitting to via FACT communica-
pilot to land on the extra -extra long and large runway if this tion software.
proves to be advantageous, feasible and prudent for a SSCVR Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder to be inter-
minimal robotics/RC controllable FACT flight-SB airfields 10
faced with the TRAC/FACT System and time and date
fully fire and EMT equipped will additionally a have pro-
tected access tunnel way with sealed accessible ceiling for
SSEC Static Source Error Correction data to be factored
SWAT and EMT teams to approach the FACT flight when on
the surface-The tunnel to have blinking light and audio by TRAC/FACT when available.
tone at the closest tunnel access to the plane-video moni- 15 SSFDR Solid State Flight Data Recorder incorporated and
tors in the tunnel with images from video cameras from interfaced with the TRAC/FACT system.
PFN/TRAC/FACT units along the runway. FACT control SSM Sign Status Matrix
center has all the images and the images most relevant to SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar. A radar-type system
first board or deployed surface support.-Robtics Tillies or that requires a transponder to transmit a reply signal. Used
hi lifts to bag the air craft if contaminated and protected 20 as needed by TRAC/FACT robotics and RC flight programs.
atmosphere systems for the bag and direct connect to aircraft SSSC Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier. ASSSC signal
cabin atmosphere with sensor system and compressed con- is a band of audio intelligence frequencies that have been
taminant for atmosphere extracted from the aircraft. translated to a band of radio frequencies without distortion
Additionally, protective gear for any first board individuals. of the intelligence signal. Used as beneficial to the TRAC/
Full complement of weapons and training for the first team 25 FACT system communication link.
m. SSU Subsequent Signal Unit
Note: this is a minimal system that can be accomplished STA Station the 2 lines above to be used as needed to
by protection and programming of present aircraft relatively complete the development interfacing and implementation
fast considering the nature of the threat and enormity of the for the TRAC/FACT system.
change in aircraft control and TRUST in flight management 30 STAB Stabilizer automated for TRAC/FACT
from human to machine. Standard Atmosphere Represents the mean or average
As stated by the inventor for PFN/TRAC car jack security properties of the atmosphere. At sea level static pressure is
systems; there are no real good options to very bad acts that 29.92 InHg and temperature is +15° C.
misguided people want to do. However, the first goal is to Standby Mode A DME mode that applies power to the
limit the time and space the intentionally deviant event takes 35 DME RT but the unit does not transmit.
place. This is hard, to do with people in a free society. More STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Routes
possible for the immediate future is to better manage our STARS Standard Terminal Automation Replacement Sys-
machines and technology. These first robotics and local tem
control lock outs save more lives on the ground during a Static Ports Flush-mounted openings in the skin of the
suicide hijacking and provide more time, better places to 40 aircraft fuselage used to sense static pressure.
land/control a crash with generally more options for the Static Ambient atmospheric pressure or static pressure is
people in the aircraft. Perfect solutions for imperfect behav- pressure the force per unit area exerted by the air on the
iors are tough, and even tougher to do rapidly. The TRAC/ surface of a body at rest relative to the air. The 2 above
FACT System/process is a good progression to grow terms-data recovered for external air pressure via sensing
accountable Machine/Human management of our technol- 45 to be used by the TRAC/FACT processor as needed.
ogy during these extremely dangerous human situations. Static Ram constructed of bi-stable transistor elements.
Obviously SRDs will continue to be issued for new Memory cells do not require refreshing (see "Dynamic
systems and technology updates for legacy aircraft in an RAM").
ongoing process to provide fully controlled robotics and RC Static Source Error (SSEC) A correction applied to static
landings for every aircraft. And not just at SBs, but also at 50 source pressure measurements to partly or completely cor-
any airport a pilot is experiencing difficulty in landing their rect for pressure errors, which are caused by airflow
aircraft. The point here being-you have to get the system changes. It is computed as a function of Mach and altitude
and process in place and the PFN/TRAC/FACT System is based on measured errors for a particular static system, a
architecture to organize and progressively accomplish that. software algorithm in TRAC/FACT processor to account for
And not just in aviation but also in all of transportation and 55 this.
machine use via The PFN/TRAC System machine messag- STBY Standby
ing matrix. STC (1) Sensitivity Time Control. A control circuit used
SR Service Request Special security protocol for TRAC/ in radar applications to control receiver gain with respect to
FACT System and components. time. SUC or sub system to supply data to TRAC/FACT
SRU Shop Replaceable Unit much modular and compo- 60 system.
nent repairs tracked electronically through the TRAC/FACT (2) Supplemental Type Certificate
system of registries will be done. STCA Short Term conflict Alert all alert or collision
SSE Single Sideband. An AM signal that has a reduced avoidance data is to be provided in useable input data to the
carrier, with the power applied to a single sideband. Since TRAC/FACT robotics and RC flights programs and control
the bandwidth of the information-carrying signal is reduced, 65 stations.
a better signal-to-noise ratio is obtained at the receiver. This STCM Stabilizer Trim Control Module to be SUC to
physical characteristic will be appraised for the application TRAC/FACT control
US 6,965,816 B2
217 218
STD Standard TAG AEEC Technical Advisory Group to aid in the
STP Standard Temperature and Pressure development and use of TRAC/FACT technology and Pro-
STS Stable Time Subfield tocols.
STVS Small Tower Voice Switch TAl Thermal Anti-Icing data sensed conditions data pro-
SUA Special Use Airspace there is to be declared SUA s vided in usable form for FACT robotics flight programming
routes and zones to and around safe bases for TRAC/FACT to deploy proper counter measures.
operations. Target An aircraft within the surveillance range of TCAS
SUL Yaw Damper Actuator SUC and responsive in FACT reported to TRAC/FACT command control and the TRAC/
robotics flights. FACT unit on board with robotics being SUC to surface RC
SUO (1) Aileron/Elevator/Rudder Servo station controls--control to be determined by individual
(2) Servo Actuator the above 2 lines to be made an aircraft and conditions.
intricate part of the Robotics control of an aircraft during a TAS True Airspeed always converted for accuracy and
FACT event with the controls and components protected. compared with surface calculations via GPS and any or all
Super-heterodyne Receiver A receiver in which the speed sensing technology available on the aircraft and on the
incoming RF signal is mixed to produce a lower interme- surface.
diate frequency, to be used as applicable to provide enough 15 TAT (1) Total Air Temperature. The air temperature,
frequency for the data transfer by isolated channels in a including heat, rise due to compressibility. To be equated
TRAC/FACT application. and compensated for via surface upload data and recalibra-
Suppressor A pulse used to disable L-band avionics tion software algorithm in the TRAC/FACT processor or
during the pulse transmitting period of another piece of sub-systems integrated in the earlier generations.
L-band airborne equipment. It prevents the other avionics 20 (2) True Air Temperature determined as above in the same
aboard the aircraft from being damaged or interfered with by manner recalibration software and protected temperature
the transmission and any noise associated with that trans- sensors.
mission the coordination of conflicting transmission equip- TATCA Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation to be
ment on board the aircraft alleviated by having and auto- SUC to TRAC/FACT command and control during FACT
mated preprogrammed component in TRAC/FACT that 25 event and interfaced with TRAC/FACT monitoring system
quarries for other L-band airborne equipment. And provides to search for FACT Event flags.
a suppressor pulse or times equipment use. TAU TAU is the minimum time a flight crew needs to
SUT (1) Auto throttle Servo a component protected for discern a collision threat and take evasive action. It repre-
FACT control robotics flying and RC landing when available sents the performance envelope (speed and path of aircraft)
and installed when not. 30 divided by the closure rate of any intruder aircraft (TCAS).
(2) Stabilizer Trim Servo same as above protected and TAU greatly reduced with direct data fed to both aircraft
SUC for TRAC/FACT. TRAC/FACT systems and aircraft diverted from each other
SV Space Vehicle to have PFN/TRAC units. in plenty of time as they are in continual contact and
SVC Service special security protocols for TRAC/FACT electronically aware of their relative positions robotics flight
systems and components. 35 can control or shared coordinated controls with dual human
SVO Servo protected and SUC to TRAC processor and and machine control either airborne or from the surface.
FACT protocols TBB Transfer Bus Breaker
SVT Servo Throttle used in the FACT robotics flights and TED To Be Determined a great deal of TRAC/FACT
landings system configurations and protocols by OEMS avionics
SVU Satellite Voice Unit 40 Manufacturers standards groups, Nations government agen-
S/W Software cies and the public.
SYS System the 3 lines above applicable to TRAC/FACT TBS To Be Supplied
technology and detailed though out the filings. TC Type Certificate
T TCA Terminal Control Area there is to be a special
TA Traffic Advisory issued by TRAC/FACT system and 45 Control area to be set up a way from the Terminal with high
each unit will be able to compare geographic position and security protocols and personnel to physically handle TRAC
elevation to be responsive in real-time to relevant TA events not yet air borne
information. TCAS Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System inter-
TAC (1) Test Access Control the test port on all TRAC/ faced into the TRAC/FACT system.
FACT equipment are ID access sensitive and protected so TCAS I A baseline system that provides a warning (TA)
against tampering or disturbing crucial connected TRAC/ to the flight crew of the presence of another aircraft
FACT components. (potential collision threat) within the surveillance area. No
(2) Thrust Asymmetry Compensation SUC to FACT avoidance maneuver is suggested. interfaced into the TRAC/
robotics flights. FACT system.
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation System Provides azi- ss TCAS II A collision avoidance system providing traffic
muth and distance information to an aircraft from a fixed information (within approximately 30 nmi of the aircraft) to
ground station (as opposed to DME providing only distance the flight crew, in addition to the resolution advisories (RA)
information). This data to be used by TRAC/FACT pro- (for vertical maneuvers only). A TCAS II equipped aircraft
gramming in robotics flight and landing and software code will coordinate with TCAS II equipped intruder aircraft to
written to use the data in concert with other location and 60 provide complementary maneuvers. interfaced into the
position and speed data source systems. TRAC/FACT system.
Tach Tachometer TCC Turbine Case Cooling
TACIU Test Access Control Interface Unit a special TCCC Tower Control Computer Complex interfaced into
connection and ID access process must be provided for any the TRAC/FACT system.
TACIU to be used and recognized by TRAC/FACT units and 65 TCM Technical Coordination Meeting
components as part of the security protocol in place in FACT TCS Touch Control Steering interfaced into the TRAC/
protected avionics. FACT system with local control eliminated.
US 6,965,816 B2
219 220
TCXO Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator TMU Traffic Management Unit interfaced into the TRAC/
TDLS Tower Data Link System interfaced into the FACT system.
TRAC/FACT system. TO Take Off
TDM In the Time Division Multiplex Systems a common TOC (1) Top of Climb
carrier is shared to transmit multiple messages (to multiple 5 (2) Traffic Operations Center interfaced into the TRAC/
receivers) by time-sharing the carrier between the message FACT system.
sources. interfaced into the TRAC/FACT system. (3) Transfer of Communication interfaced into the TRAC/
TDMA Time Division Multiplex Access. When multiple FACT system.
transmitters are using a single carrier to transmit to a single TOD Top Of Descent
receiver, the carrier is time shared between each of the 10 TO/FROM Indicates whether the omni bearing selected is
transmitters, so the multiple messages are not garbled at the the Indicator course to or from the VOR ground station.
receiver. interfaced into the TRAC/FACT system. TOGA Take-Off, Go-Around. Also seen as TO/GA. inter-
TDOP Time Dilution of Precision. A term used to describe faced into the TRAC/FACT system.
the error introduced by variances in the calculated time. TOR Terms of Reference
TDR Transponder interfaced into the TRAC/FACT sys- 15 Touchdown The point at which the predetermined glide
tern path interfaced into the TRAC/FACT system intercepts the
TEC Thermo-Electric Cooler runway.
TEl Text Element Identifiers interfaced into the TRAC/ TOW Time Of Week
FACT system. TP Telecommunications Processor interfaced into the
TEMP Temperature 20 TRAC/FACT system.
Temperature A sensor protruding into the air stream to TPMU Tire Pressure Monitor Unit
sense a1r. TPR Transponder interfaced into the TRAC/FACT sys-
Probe temperature. Requires correction to get static air tem.
temperature. interfaced into the TRAC/FACT system. TR Temporary Revision. A document printed on yellow
TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures interfaced into 25 paper that temporarily amends a page or pages of a com-
the TRAC/FACT system. ponent maintenance manual.
TF1 RTCA Task Force One, GNSS Transition and Imple- T/R (1) Thrust Reversers interfaced into the TRAC/FACT
mentation Strategy interfaced into the TRAC/FACT system. system.
TF2 RTCA Task Force Two, Transition to Digital Com- (2) Transceiver (see RT)
munications 30 (3) Receiver-Transmitter
TF3 RTCA Task Force Three, Free Flight Implementation TRA Temporary Reserved Airspace interfaced into the
interfaced into the TRAC/FACT system. TRAC/FACT system.
TFM Traffic Flow Management interfaced into the TRAC Terminal Radar Approach Control interfaced into
TRAC/FACT system. the TRAC/FACT system.
TFM-ART TFM Architecture and Requirements Team 35 Track (1) The actual path, over the ground, traveled by an
interfaced into the TRAC/FACT system. aircraft (navigation).
TFT Thin Film Transistor (2) In this mode the DME transmits a reduced pulse pair
TG Transmission Gate rate after acquiring lock-on (DME).
TGC Turbulence Gain Control interfaced into the TRAC/ (3) Estimated position and velocity of a single aircraft
FACT system. 40 based on correlated surveillance data reports (TCAS). inter-
Threat A target that has satisfied the threat detection logic faced into the TRAC/FACT system.
and thus requires a traffic or resolution advisor y interfaced TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control
into the TRAC/FACT system (TCAS). Proprietary Name for PFN/TRAC System™ processor
TIS Traffic Information Service interfaced into the TRAC/ TRAC Trusted Remote Activity Controller is the primary
FACT system. 45 protected communication and machine-messaging node in
TK Track Angle interfaced into the TRAC/FACT system. an aircraft. Ultimately, a protected ASIC that performs
TKE Track Angle Error accountable Robotics flight/landing and interfaces Remote
T/L Top-Level Control commands from a TRAC/FACT command center.
TLA Thrust Lever Angle interfaced into the TRAC/FACT The PFN/TRAC unit in the aircraft also interfaces with all
system. 50 wireless communications and can route communications
TLM Telemetry Word interfaced into the TRAC/FACT and data from the E/E system of the aircraft via any
system. interfaced RF protocol by a higher level software interface
TLS Target Level of Safety interfaced into the TRAC/ for emergency communication via a Translator scan pro-
FACT system. gram running as FACT software in the TRAC processor.
TMA Terminal Airspace For SBs TRAC/FACT protected. 55 Return to avionics terms
TMAC TFM Modeling and Analysis Capability. TRACS Test and Repair Control System. An automated
TMC (1) Thrust Management Computer TRAC/FACT data retrieval system. TRACS functions include: 1) provide
interfaced. the location of any given unit at any time; 2) provide an
(2) RTCA Technical Management Committee For TRAC/ efficient flow of work to and from test stations; 3) provide
FACT implementation in every commercial company and 60 quick access to quality information generated by the actual
government agency. testing process (performed by the technician); (4) provide
TMCF Thrust Management Computer Function FACT statistical and historical data regarding throughput time for
programmed. products, failure, yield rates, WIP, etc. TRACS is an excel-
TMCS Thrust Management Computer System interfaced lent system that should be incorporated and augmented to
into the TRAC/FACT system. 65 provide FACT security protocols and testing wherever it is
TMS Thrust Management System interfaced into the in use for all the avionics sub systems interfaced in a
TRAC/FACT system. TRAC/FACT system.
US 6,965,816 B2
221 222
Traffic Advisory Information given to the pilot pertaining and the entire system is to have redundancy in all critical
to the position of another aircraft in the immediate vicinity. flight functions with designated compromised system states
The information contains no suggested maneuvers. (Traffic to Flag the TRAC/FACT system as down with the TRAC
advisory airspace is 1200 feet above and below the aircraft unit securing all flight controls. Because of the diversity of
and approximately 45 seconds distant with respect to closure 5 equipment these standards of certification will be somewhat
speed of the aircraft). flexible. However, no aircraft should fly with out ultimate
[TCAS] This data provided these systems will be SUC to control from the surface and control locks and communica-
the TRAC/FACT robotics running in the aircraft and should tions and controls in working order prior take off.
be used to avoid collision in any robotics flight or RC TSM Autothrottle Servo Mount (without Clutch) this
scenano. 10 system to be controlled with the TRAC/FACT processor or
Traffic Density The number of transponder-equipped air- sub systems SUC to FACT for at least flight and landing.
craft within R nautical miles (nmi) of own aircraft, divided TSO Technical Standard Order. Every unit built with a
by px(R nmi)'h. Transponder-equipped aircraft include TSO nameplate must meet TSO requirements. TSO operat-
Mode-S and ATCRBS Mode A and Mode C, and excludes ing temperature extremes are not the same as the manufac-
own aircraft (TCAS). Density air traffic for any SB route 15 turing burn-in limits. All data is to be recorded and dated in
crash zone or SB will be determined by these different the TRA/FACT processor as critical inventory data as well
digital address transponders of area aircraft and TRAC/ as any inspections for defects or standard maintenances-
FACT command and control will clear with standard FAA this data downloaded to buffers in the TRAC/FACT com-
flight control all unessential aircraft during a FACT event mand and control center to be factored in any event per-
immediately upon an alert. 20 taining to the host aircraft.
Transceiver A receiver and transmitter combined m a TTFF Time To First Fix calculated on board unit and
single unit. reported to FAA/FACT command control/owner/airline and
Same as RT. To be SUC to TRAC/FACT unit matter of public web presentation as appropriately deter-
Transponder Avionics equipment that returns an identify- mined information for monitoring.
ing coded signal. To be linked with TRAC/FACT system and 25 TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic all electronics used as
the TRAC ASIC or sub system interfaced capable of return- applicable.
ing coded FACT signal back by other wireless systems TTR TCAS II Receiver/Transmitter Interfaced with
interfaced to TRAC/FACT command and control centers on TRAC/FACT
the surface. TTS Time To Station, an indication that displays the
TRK Track a major function of the TRAC/FACT moni- 30 amount of time for an aircraft to reach a selected DME
toring system for flight deviation. ground station while traveling at a constant speed. Obvi-
TRP (1) Mode S Transponder all data link capability via ously this system must be capable of providing data in a
transponders or RF/wireless equipment will be interface usable format for the TRAC/FACT processor or the sub
with the TRAC/FACT processor and scan communication systems SUC to TRAC would process the data for FACT
router and be capable to receive packetized data in a protocol 35 robotics. Probably a system like TTS would be along the
they can handle. FACT safe flights corridors to confirm and control the
(2) ARPA Technology Reinvestment Program robotics flight. The exact equipment requirements for the
TRR Test Rejection and Repair robotics flight might well be a series of ground stations
TRSB Time Reference Scanning Beam. The international encompassing position data ground to space weather con-
standard for MLS installations. This microwave landing 40 ditions and down loading and up loading to the aircraft from
beam should be evaluated for landing applicably equipped these local markers and the FAA/FACT command control
aircraft for the guidance on the glide path to the final center running a parallel software program to the FACT
approach and used in conjunction with the TRAC/FACT flight Event underway in the protected adapted auto pilot or
robotics software and RC preprogrammed systems to land PFN/TRAC/FACT processor. Additionally same data to
the FACT event flight absent of local cockpit controls. 45 escort assist aircraft and the flight station simulator at the
TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit uses as needed. safe base. It becomes a complete team effort with the best
True Airspeed The true velocity of the aircraft through the real-time control commanding the flight. A combination of
surrounding air mass. Data provided to the TRAC/FACT preprogrammed flying experience interfaced with real
processor or the sub systems accurately or for sub routine human skill and a speed of transmission algorithm software
algorithms to factor for accurate data for the robotics and RC 50 interface program to make the best real-time flight controls.
programming. As the aircraft nears the final SB the flight controls will be
True Altitude The exact distance above mean sea level at the highest real-time responsiveness and may prove to be
(corrected for temperature). Data provided to the TRAC/ the best way to land legacy aircraft with limited avionics
FACT processor or the sub systems accurately or for sub other that the mandatory flight controls.
routine algorithms to factor for accurate data for the robotics 55 TTY Teletypewriter recorded and interfaced as available
and RC programming. for the ultimate communications via the TRAC/FACT sys-
True Bearing The bearing of a ground station with respect tem. The software program protocol send an electronic
to true north. Data provided to the TRAC/FACT processor signal to type for TTY must be SUC to FACT programming
or the sub systems accurately or for sub routine algorithms either if it is running in the TRAC processor or some
to factor for accurate data for the robotics and RC program- 60 interface unit or as a sub system already in existence.
ming. TURB Turbulence
True North The direction of the North Pole from the Turbulence The US National Weather Service defines
observer. light turbulence as areas where wind velocity shifts are 0 to
TSA Tail Strike Assembly 19 feet per second (0 to 5.79 meters per second) and
TSE Total System Error The TRAC/FACT integrity self 65 moderate turbulence as wind velocity shifts of 19 to 35 feet
test system will provide any system failure/error/or incon- per second (5.79 to 10.67 meters per second). The above two
gruity to be discovered-it will check for backup systems terms. Sensing for turbulence in critical areas for a FACT
US 6,965,816 B2
223 224
robotics Flight should have the appropriate sensors in loca- special FACT transmission. Additionally, special tools and
tion and the national weather forecasters and FAA/FACT learns as unit load devices to install and access the PFN/
system connected with the all weather reporting satellites. TRA/FACT unit and system. Same install and uninstall
Doppler and radar in and on the surface all should be special modules for software applications.
reporting in route atmospheric conditions as close to the 5 UMT Universal Mount as much as possible but to be as
elevation that the FACT flight will be encountering prior to secure and tamper proof as possible for any TRAC/FACT
it happening for real-time flight adjustments. component, unit or interface.
TVBC Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling Unpaired A DME channel without a corresponding VOR
TVC Turbine Vane Cooling or ILS Channel frequency.
TWDL Two Way Data Link to be interfaced as much as Uplink The radio transmission path upward from the earth
possible to the on board TRAC/FACT system and SUC as to the aircraft. To be used in the precision FACT landing
much as possible to TRAC/FACT processing. with data presented to the program via sub systems in a
TWIP Terminal Weather Information for Pilots Data format useable for the program to factor and send commands
available electronically to the TRAC/FACT system to factor to the appropriate actuators to affect a proper landing. This
best robotics FACT flight from the instant the plane is includes activating landing gear servomotors or solenoids on
airborne, this is an on going condition during flight until the 15 hydraulic systems at the appropriate time for landing.
aircraft in landed. The terminal pilot data translated to an UPS Uninterruptible Power System all PFN/TRAC Sys-
electrical data stream allow for the aircraft to hot read GPS tems units have this quality as a standard component to be
and other location technology on board and plot the best a PFN/TRAC unit. However any first generation subsystems
course with known and projected flying conditions in each interfaced and carrying out FACT programming must have
individual aircraft. These FACT flights will be immediately 20 redundant and protected power systems. They are not to be
cleared by FAA flight control and handed off to FAA/FACT interrupted locally by any means.
command control with all the proper encoded signals for USAF United States Air Force or air national guard to
surface evaluation and concurrence. Basically the TRAC/ deploy members of the crew with pursuit aircraft to be a part
FACT flight computer is ready to fly the plane in a nano- of the FAA/FACT command and control process. They will
second of a FACT event and knows exactly what is around 25 be both the strong arm and the helping hand in the air. They
it and what has to do to go to the safe zone as fast as possible. will be scrambled from strategic location and scattered to
TWP Technical Work Program Special for all TRAC/ reach a trouble FACT flight within 12 minutes-7 if a
FACT components known high security risk and air cover is being flown they
TWT Traveling Wave Tube will fly escort with an assist RC pilot and they will have full
TX Transmit (see XMIT) Fact monitored and controlled. 30 capability to take the FACT EVENT aircraft out if this un
u thinkable option is the only solution for the maximum of
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter public safety and/or national security. Additionally, as part
used and SUC to TRAC/FACT system. of the unthinkable, strategically place will SAMS under the
UAL United Airlines to be equipped with TRAC/FACT FAA/FACT command structure but manned by military (to
ASAP 35 be DOD determined). A FACT event triggers a ground
UB Utility Bus Interfaced with the TRAC/FACT System, response from these SAMS/Patriot to track/monitor and lock
but the TRAC/FACT system has to be able to energize the on. If the FACT flight is on the safe base flight plan they just
essential flight and landing control component if the utility monitor the flight through their effective range area and this
bus is compromised. And the processor running FACT is a continual process to the SB Landing. FACT command
robotics has to be protected from the utility bus being 40 has the trigger. The inventor is not trying to state the type of
tampered with to disable the TRAC program. The processor ordinance to be use automated machine cannon or auto-
component if not a PFN/TRAC system unit must have it's mated anti-aircraft weapons (determined by DOD) Chase
own emergency power source to operate the FACT program- assist aircraft to have a transponder recognized by the target
ming and necessary accessories. selection process in the weapon system to differentiate them
UBI Uplink Block Identifier to be encrypted special for 45 from the troubled target FACT Event aircraft.
FACT protocols. If appropriate the Air force and military will be partici-
UCS Uniform Chromaticity Scale pating in the safe flight and landing of the troubled aircraft
UD User Data. The N-User data may also be transferred and in the construction maintenance and operation of the
between peer network members (OSI Model) as required. Safe Bases and safe crash zones protected around the Safe
The OSI and all interface gateways to be evaluated by 50 Bases. They will also supply much of the personnel to
system and application for the FACT data transfer for all IP handle special opps in boarding the aircraft as well as the
and wireless connections and gateways. A basic security best in police hostage and SWAT teamwork---(to be deter-
evaluation may be in order and would make all parties more mined by the best in these areas). Military to also provide
comfortable. However FAA/FACT homeland security can- expertise in weapon disarming from explosives to people.
not be compromised what so ever. For this reason as part of 55 The inventor retains a detailed set of writings and figures
the Homeland security teams affected agency representa- of the US-showing areas that could be used for safe fly
tives have to be provided with full and complete security zones and as safe bases to land at-they are not detailed in
clearance over sensitive agency data. this paper for a number of reasons. The inventor feels it is
UFDR Universal Flight Data Recorder to be incorporated not his place to make those statements in a possible public
in to the TRAC/FACT system and/or replaced. 60 forum-he is willing at the appropriate time to elaborate on
UHF Ultra-High Frequency. The portion of the radio his thoughts to the appropriate authorities responsible for
spectrum from 300 MHz to 3 GHz. Interfaced and used as public safety and national security.
needed with transmission formatted in an encrypted FACT USB Upper Sideband is the information-carrying band
code as used. and is the frequency produced by adding the carrier fre-
ULB Underwater Locator Beacon 65 quency and the modulating frequency. USB RF will be used
ULD Unit Load Device For software or programming to and formatted with FACT protocols to handle data and ded
be done by special FACT equipment and/or wirelessly by dedicated as needed.
US 6,965,816 B2
225 226
USGIC U.S.GPS Industry Council will be consulted and VCD (1) Voltage Controlled Device
take part in determining how to construct there equipment (2) Variable Capacitance Diode
for direct Avionics applications for TRAC/FACT procedures VCO Variable Controlled Oscillator
and protocols and to have their locating receivers owned as VDC Volts Direct Current the 4 electrical component lines
personal products be interfaced with the on board TRAC/ 5 above will be SUC to TRAC/FACT systems as their appli-
FACT unit via DSRC and any other wireless to be managed cation is critical to flight control and accountability in
while on board an aircraft and used to provide confirming real-time. Either, directly connected or by interfacing with
location data. Additionally USGIC to aid in the FACT flight controllers, sub-systems or electrical bus in the appropriate
path redundant markers to certify in real-time the validity of FACT manner to insure uninterrupted service during a
a marker that is suppose to have a stationary address as a 10 FACT event.
tamper resistant measure. VDL VHF Data Link will be used to handle audio/video
USTB Unstabilized to be sensed by TRAC/FACT pro- and large quantity of compressed digital telemetry data in to
gramming for FACT event recorded and reported with all short packets from aircraft to surface gateway & data
operating systems reporting for analysis. repositories for TRAC/FACT control command centers.
UTC Universal Coordinated Time to be used for TRAC/ 15 Priority screening for data transmitted progression will be
FACT operations and stored on board and in FACT com- controlled in real-time by the FACT event software able to
mand and control centers as usual. quarry the appropriate systems and/organize the transmis-
UUT Unit Under Test will show in a display to qualified sion. This is done in both directions and timed universally by
and identified FACT team attendants at the units and any constant satellite timing. Actual frequencies will be deter-
station terminal or control panel. System video cameras and 20 mined by industry standard efforts and FAA and FCC
infrared sensors and ID programming to quarry the persons approval and dedication.
present for TRAC/FACT clearance before displaying data. VDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision monitored and com-
Any tampering will be recorded as needed for tampering pensated by appropriate sub-systems with alert flags for out
snap shot to full video recorded locally and reported to the of acceptable parameters possible FACT trigger.
FACT command and control center for response. 25 VDR VHF Data Radio
UV Upper Sideband Voice all radio systems evaluated Vertical Speed The rate of change of pressure altitude,
formatted and SUC to FACT management. usually calibrated in hundreds of feet per minute. Trans-
UW Unique Word the use of encrypted commands and duced to a format for the TRAC/FACT program to monitor
formatting special and secure for FACT commands in each rate of clime for FACT event flags.
interfacing program. 30 VFO Variable Frequency Oscillator FACT implementa-
v tions to be determined by application and system placement.
V1 Critical engine failure velocity safe operational limits VFOP Visual Flight Rules Operations Panel Videoed and
preprogrammed into TRAC/FACT program and engine per- electronic signal stored.
formance sensed locally. VFR Visual Flight Rules To be equated as an electronic
V2 Takeoff climb velocity preprogrammed in to flight 35 signal on board the aircraft via flight cams/night vision/radar
robotics in the future for future robotics flight. Safe opera- equivalents factored by a software algorithm and configured
tional parameters for V2 for FACT monitoring for FACT as per visual flight rule requirements to be used in human
event flags. machine interface applications to create virtual flight for
real-time FACT event aircraft in simulator and monitoring
VA Volt-Amperes monitored for operational alerts by
40 screens. Also possible use for local pilot help if trusted Pilot
TRAC/FACT system and for switching to TRAC/FACT
determined. And additionally employed for Robotics via
power system.
data formatted for FACT program to manage the Flight
VAC Volts AC Monitored
controls more responsive to real-time obstacles in the flight
YAP Visual Aids Panel videoed and electronic format
recorded and reported for redundant storage.
45 REMINDER NOTE: On addressing terms. Bold face
YAPS (1) Virtual Avionics Prototyping System comments are made to define and teach the PFN/TRAC/
(2) Virtual Applications Proto typing System these two to FACT system not to further any base understanding of terms
be used in the development of the TRAC/FACT system and and acronyms listed and defined in small print. They are
components and incorporated in a proof tested form as a used to stimulate dialog and understanding to how this
virtual RC simulation pilot station operation and for total 50 machine-messaging network interfaces all machinery equip-
system practice to simulate a FACT event for crew drills. ment and vehicles for aviation with surface management and
VAU Voltage Averaging Unit to be monitored by the transportation.
TRAC/FACT system and a final regulator and fuse able link Understandably VFR rules refer to flight conditions and
protection to critical TRAC/FACT components. not normally used by automated landing systems. They refer
VBV Variable Bypass Valve controlled and monitored as 55 to pilots rather than an ILS landing. However as time goes
deemed critical to TRAC/FACT system of management. on the robotics and RC assist systems will be better able to
VCCS Voice Communication Council System electronic assist compromised pilots or limited skilled pilots (possible
translation programs and voice recognition to run in TRAC/ JFK Jr. scenario) if this proper software has been developed
FACT aircraft with universal (Eng) language. Additionally for even good and clear flying conditions. Obviously, it is
electronic data communication link timed with voice com- 60 needed for FACT event flight and landings at SB ASAP. This
munication to shadow and verify message accuracy in the paper is dedicated to employing all the elements that make
aircraft and on the surface This message protocol should be up aviation flying and conditions for FACT rather than local
part of an emergency message protocol developed for cross pilot to control and deal with in a real-time instant.
communication via different wireless protocols interfaced VHF Very High Frequency. The portion of the radio
and processed in the TRAC translation scan portion of the 65 spectrum from 30 to 300 MHz. To be used as detailed and
PFN/TRAC/FACT unit. It can be further encrypted for needed for TRAC/FACT applications with local control
FACT command controls. managed by FACT protocols.
US 6,965,816 B2
227 228
VHS Very High Speed VSL Advisory Vertical Speed Limit advisory may be
VHSIC-2 Very High Speed Integrated Circuits-phase 2 preventive or corrective (TCAS). All such conditions and
These 2 above will be employed as much as possible and be over speed scenarios to have preventative parameters stored
an ongoing work in progress and better speeds are available. in the FACT software and the system to monitor and factor
Always the fastest data speeds are given to real-time flight 5 for FACT response.
controls in processing and communications. VSM Vertical Separation Minimum for rotor wing aircraft
VIGV Variable Integral Guide Vane and for all aircraft safe position parameters for operation to
VISTA Virtual Integrated Software Test bed for Avionics be programmed in to the Fact program for flight assistance
to be used to test interfaces and sub system integration and as robotics flight becomes most reliable. Presently, for
design for new ASICs to be TRAC/FACT units in avionics. 10 normal FACT flight exaggerated minimums.
VIU Video Interface Unit will be expanded with dedi- VSV Variable Station Vane.
cated circuitry and data handling for critical FACT event VSWR Voltage-Standing Wave Ratio. The ratio of the
data. Special for cockpit applications, cabin surveillance and amplitude of the voltage (or electric field) at a voltage
TRAC/FACT systems security and aircraft integrity. Sepa- maximum to that of an adjacent voltage minimum. Vswr is
rate but equally secure Flight Cams. With less secure multi- 15 a measurement of the mismatch between the load and the
media systems for passenger entertainment. However all transmission line. To provide trouble alerts to FACT system
systems to be useable by FACT robotics and FAA/FACT with software diagnosing problematic cause e.g. tampering
homeland security. Possibly hardware Protocols like DES or service failure prompting proper response real-time auto-
and FACT software. mated augmentation to include substitution if needed and
V!L VOR/Localizer used as detailed for FACT flights and 20 personnel dispatched to further remedy the difficulty.
landing. VTO Volumetric Top-Off.
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration a TRAC FACT con- VTOL Vertical Takeoff and Landing monitored and man-
stant. aged as application specific for helicopters, pogos of old and
VLV Valve ospreys if the military implement with DED and DET most
V1M Voltmeter 25 likely.
Vmo The maximum airspeed at which an aircraft is w
certified to operate. This can be a fixed number or a function WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System (Method of
of configuration (gear, flaps, etc.) or altitude, or both. Vmo Differential GPS) to be used in the location and tracking of
to be factored in to FACT program and used as a FACT event a FACT event access via the communication link established
flag if appropriate. 30 from the airborne TRAC/FACT unit and transponders.
VNAV Vertical Navigation monitored and Managed by WADGNSS Wide Area Differential Global Navigation
FACT programming as needed. Satellite System.
VNR VHF Navigation Receiver used as needed and data WADGPS Wide Area DGPS o be used in the location and
factored into the robotics FACT flight and landing programs. tracking of a FACT event access via the communication link
Voispond A causal function that would automatically 35 established from the airborne TRAC/FACT unit and tran-
identify an aircraft by a voice recording. Voispond is not yet sponders.
implemented. To be used as detailed in this paper as a FACT WADGNSS Wide Area Differential Global Navigation
identity protocol. Satellite be used in the location and tracking of a FACT
VOR VHF Omni-directional Radio Range. A system that event access via the communication link established from
provides bearing information to an aircraft. 40 the airborne TRAC/FACT unit and transponders.
VOR/DME A system in which a VOR and DME station WAFS World Area Forecast System interfaced with
are co-located. TRAC/FACT system and data available formatted for imme-
VOR/MB VOR/marker beacon. diate application with the TRAC/FACT system command
VORTAC A system in which a VOR and a TACAN and control and regionally relevant provided to the TRAC/
station are co located. The 4 terms above are all to be used 45 FACT unit performing FACT flight.
by FACT programming as needed to best out fit each WAI Wing Anti-Ice SUC to TRAC/FACT-with FACT
avionics system per each aircraft. Ideally the best systems having sensor data for wing ice condition and deployed as
will be universally made more available for legacy aircraft. needed in the TRAC FACT flight.
VOS Velocity Of Sound WARC-92 World Administrative Radio Conference
VOX Voice Transmission Recorded and reported on the 50 (1992).
surface and throughout the aircraft. WARC-MOB World Administrative Radio Conference
VPN Vendor Part Number to be recorded and reported in for the Mobile.
the FACT registry for each aircraft that it is interfaced with. Service the 2 above to take part in as much as they are
VR Takeoff Rotation Velocity monitored and recorded. active in the determination of standard frequency and RF
VRAM Video Random Access Memory all necessary 55 protocols.
application software and drivers to be redundant in the Waypoint A position along a route of flight. Will be used
TRAC/FACT system in isolate RAM. as stated earlier in the robotics FACT flight via these
VS Vertical Speed monitored and Factored by FACT for transmissions especially formatted for processing for this
event robotics implementation. purpose both in the aircraft and via the surface matrix.
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal. 60 WCP WXR Control Panels videoed and recorded and
VSCF Variable Speed Constant Frequency to be deter- reported.
mined by application for FACT transmissions. WD Wind Direction always sensed, recorded, reported,
VSCS Voice Switching and Control System managed by and used in the Flight maintenance.
TRAC/FACT event programming and the surface control. WES Warning Electronic System interfaced into the
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator data formatted for the Fact 65 TRAC/FACT system.
program and TRAC process and recorded and reported to WEU Warning Electronic Unit interfaced into the TRAC/
surface FACT system. FACT system.
US 6,965,816 B2
229 230
WFA WXR Flat Plate Antenna interfacing improves efficiency and cost effectiveness.
WGS World Geodetic System However, any and all operating systems performing way
WGS-72 World Geodetic Survey of 1972 point location functions or aircraft tracking must be config-
WGS-84 World Geodetic System 1984 The 3 above used ure to interface with FACT or FACT will run a sub routine
as relevant for robotics flights and to determine safe flight 5 to use their formatted data. Hopefully all technologies and
paths to the SBs. commercial interest will want to interface with the TRAC/
Whisper-Shout A sequence of ATCRBS interrogations FACT System the way FAA/FACT home land security
and suppressions of varying power levels transmitted by determines best for safe secure control in the system data
TCAS equipment to reduce severity of synchronous inter- management.
ference and multi-path problems. To be used in the current 10 WRC World Radio communication Conference-
applications but the data formatted for the TRAC/FACT Conferences organization will meet to determine area stan-
system. dards and global standards in frequency and for procedures
WIP Work In Progress PFN!fRAC/FACT System to be incorporated in to computer and automated protocols
WMA WXR Antenna Pedestal & WXR Wave guide for real-time application with some uniform consistency. At
Adapter 15 least this should be the goal. As much as possible the use of
WMI WXR Indicator Mount TRAC should be uniform around the world and respectful of
WMS Wide-area Master Station will be employed in the individual rights with greater public safety in transportation.
navigation programs and communications for FACT moni- Due to national cultural/religious differences the implemen-
toring and management as need be. tation of TRAC/FACT will vary to some degree. It would be
WMT WXR Mount 20 possible for automated stored FACT programs to monitor for
WN Week Number different maybe unfair FACT Events and to use different ded
WORD Grouping of bits. Size of group varies from dedicated frequencies for conducting FACT procedures and
microprocessor to microprocessor. Will be used as appro- protocols in an airspace over a particular area. The inventor
priate in the TRAC processor/FACT programs the interface hopes through WRC and other industry organizations and
software to all necessary sub system microprocessors or 25 national government agencies cooperating that the same
controllers frequencies will be used around the world generally and that
WOW Weight On Wheels as sensed in the aircraft to be FACT procedures and protocols to determine an event and
transmitted to the TRAC/FACT processor on board and to any course of action become universal with good respect for
the TRAC/FACTsurface computers to check for abnormali- human rights as mentioned above.
ties. A section of the taxiway to be set with a scale mecha- 30 WRS Wide-area Reference Station all systems used for
nism weighing those aircraft not having weight sensor and tracking aircraft will be used as needed in the TRAC/FACT
software algorithm to determine total aircraft weight. These system by first formatting data to be synthesized and fac-
records are stored on board the aircraft and in the FACT tored by running programs and sub routines in the FACT
Mass data storage and factored by FACT programs for a operation.
FACT flag event (criterion to be determined and application 35 WRT WXR Receiver/Transmitter all such devices are to
to be determined as meaningful or discernable data per be interfaced with the TRAC/FACT system with identifiers.
aircraft type). WWW Internet World Wide Web IP connections and
Additionally, fuel and ship, store weights, Baggage plus WWW communication link in flight is part of the in flight
shipping weights and people carry on weights could be systems connected to the TRAC/FACT management system
measured and added to TAR weight value of the aircraft each 40 on board. This is a recent area of commercial infringement
receiving inspection weighed in and entered electronically on TRAC proprietary technology that should be interfaced
into the FACT system. This record used to create traveling with FACT event control during a WoJack event or any
weight profiles for aircraft type, route weights all sensitive FACT event. It is also another system that must be a sub
to time of year activities which may be used to project wear system to the TRAC process. Additionally all data on
and tear on aircraft with flight conditions recorded during all 45 aircraft location, performance and impact on the environ-
flights for early safety checks on structural components and ment should be handled by FACT and presented on public
for transportation management through out the air and web pages on the WWW. This is another proprietary func-
surface systems. tion of the PFN!fRAC system.
WP Working Paper to be a continual process, however WX Weather
this procedure needs to be put in place for the use of 50 WXI WXR Indicator
TRA/FACT documentation even in the earliest form. This WXP Weather Radar Panel
final development of the specific systems in an aircraft to be WXR Weather Radar System the 2 above all crucial
FACT worthy may need to be handled with certain security weather data timed and positioned is to be delivered via
measures in place. A FAA/FACT homeland security group useable data streams to the FACT program and the FAA/
on Technology security should determine this. Obviously, all 55 FACT command control center for monitoring and mid flight
specific code writing (encrypted) software needs the highest course corrections as well as RC landings.
security, but even for how existing COTS are used needs WYPTWaypointAltitude all way points should be moni-
some security. tored by TRAC/FACT for deviation and FACT event flag
WPT Waypoint used in TRAC/FACT flights to monitor (altitude) but used as crucial sensed events in the robotics
for an event and to manage any SB point. The type of 60 flight of the aircraft.
technology used may vary at first but the tracking function X
must be redundant both in the TRAC/FACT system in the X-BAND Channel The frequency range between 8000
aircraft and on the surface. As time passes the best combi- and 12500 MHzX-A DME channel. There are 126
nation or best technology that can be secured/protected and X-Channels for DME operation. For the first 63 channels,
provide consistent redundant and reliable service may be 65 the ground-to-air frequency is 63 MHz below the air-to-
consolidated and integrated as an ASIC-SOC for a PFN/ ground frequency. For the second 63 X-channels the ground-
TRAC/FACT set of markers. Ideally, universal use and to-air frequency is 63 MHz above the air-to-ground fre-
US 6,965,816 B2
231 232
quency. These above communications have to be completely gram must be capable of out thinking the bad guy. This
controlled from FACT command control central handling a means that all location data is used by TRAC/FACT pro-
FACT event on board the compromised aircraft. The TRAC gramming and all forms of communication. Code and sub
processor also can use all the frequencies available in its programs have to be as deeply written, as there are accessory
automated contact to the surface. However, all local com- 5 options on any specific aircraft. For example the FACT
munication switching must be locked out from local control. program must be capable of processing GPS, dead
And the aircraft monitored for any unauthorized transmis- reckoning, all the marker frequencies, Lorands, automated
sions. RF triangulation, use any location data from cellular phone
X.25 Packet Switched Data Network X.25 to be used for protocols and contact TRAC/FACT command and control
TRAC/FACT data and Communication Link for robotics 10 center via all RF equipment interfaced via wireless gate
and remote control. ways to IP internet/intranet direct connect confirm and
XCVR Transceiver interfaced into the TRAC/FACT sys- coordinate all data available. The objective is to develop a
tem on board and on the surface. mindful machine in the aircraft that moves at the speed of
XFR Transfer electricity or light from local computer generated decisions
XLTR Translator XLTR unit will be part of the TRAC 15 to surface override commands. It is suggested as an ultimate
process to scan different communication protocols and trans- security measure that FACT code and encryption always be
fer emergency messages via any communication link inter- subject to the Chief Executive's order, the president of the
faced with a TRAC system. US for the US must have total override and have the same
XM External Master security procedure as those held for nuclear weapons along
XMIT Transmit 20 with the same backup procedures.
XMTR Transmitter on board all interfaced, surrounding Special Z-Markers will be along the SB routes to SBs with
area monitored by TRAC/FACT RF scan system. physical security and electronic integrity checks through the
XPD ATC Transponder (also XPDR, XPNDR, TPR) data system. (Frequency to be determined and encrypted coor-
interfaced into the TRAC/FACT system in helping to moni- dinates as well as an integrated local GPS sealed back up to
tor flights for FACT events and to fly and land them via 25 sense any unauthorized movement of the RF unit. Ulti-
FACT robotics programs and RC flight commands. mately this should be an application specific PFN/TRAC
XPDR Transponder to be protected from in flight tam- Z-marker unit. Additionally, system integrity checks
pering and RF incorporated in creating the PFN/TRAC unit between Marker and FACT command control and security/
in aircraft. service check schedule.
y 30 Summary
Yagi Antenna An antenna with its maximum radiation The PFN/TRAC technology provides the capacity to
parallel to the long axis of its array, consisting of a driven organize, record, report, relay and control data and equip-
dipole, a parasitic dipole reflector, and one parasitic dipole ment through a large machine messaging matrix, by either
director or more. sharing or replacing local and standard Human Machine
YSAS Yaw Stability Augmentation System sub-system to 35 Interfacing HMI with accountable robotics and/or remote
TRAC/FACT. control. This patent filing deals with transportation and
YD Yaw Damper automated for TRAC/FACT flight SUC specifically avionics and air travel.
to FACT. The following are basic terms and definitions used for this
z invention: The PFN is a Protected Primary Focal Node (an
Z Refer to reflectivity factor. 40 accountable telematics interface unit and communication
ZFW Zero Fuel Weight. TRAC/FACT on board system router. The PFN contains TRAC a Trusted Remote Activity
will have the capability to dump fuel in the Hi Jack event as Controller to perform accountable & reliable robotics and
part of the first line of TRAC/FACT defense options, and to remote control. FACT stands for Federal Access and Control
dump it along a Safe fly crash zone where hazmat surface Technology. RC=Remote Control, WoJack=War ops and
teams are activated to evacuate, initiate preplanned protec- 45 Jack is taken from hi jacking. TRUSTED for this invention
tive measures and deal appropriately with such an in flight means; reliable, accountable, and Acceptable to all the
fuel dump if over land (SEA response?). Additionally, a public (the citizens, government, and commerce).
compressed flame retardant possibly C02 should be released Of particular value right now, TRAC technology can be
in the evacuated areas of the fuel tanks to suppress remain- embedded into aircraft (at the design stage or after-market)
ing fuel ignitions---(possibly some expandable flame retar- 50 and perform accountable functions for the purpose of gain-
dant gel or 02 absorbent foam as another possible tank filler ing control and stopping the unauthorized or unsafe use of
or a solvent solution that reduces fuel to be flammable) Final an aircraft. Known as the PFN/TRAC SysteMTM, the
Approach to SB controlled crash/landing zone with all flame architecture utilizes existing Commercial Off the Shelf
suppression measures employed on the ground. NOTE: (COTS) aircraft technology to create the automated controls
Absolute Emergency Fuel dump requires tanks to be erupted 55 for robotics flight and remote controlled landings absent any
in 30 sec while simultaneously filled with anti inflame ant. human (local) to pilot the aircraft.
Triggered by a confirmed collision (robotically determined However, in a hijacking the lack of flying skill is not the
by PFN/TRAC/FACT matrix or FAA/FACT command sur- only concern. The aircraft might well be commandeered and
face control center. This is a definite collision response and deliberately used and guided for it's destructive potential
the fuel dump insures flight termination with the least 60 (e.g. a human guided missile into the WTC). In this scenario
incendiary contribution to accident fires. Not a good option, it is necessary to restrict the local flying controls immedi-
hopefully not a necessary one. ately. For fly by wire controls the conversion to exclude a
Z-Marker A marker beacon, sometimes referred to as a local pilot on board the aircraft can be achieved far faster
station locator that provides positive identification to the than those aircraft still using physical links. Total hydraulic
pilot when the aircraft is passing directly over a low fre- 65 systems and hydraulic assist systems can be converted to
quency navigation aid. Z-Markers will be used on a ded exclude local controls easer than physical link systems, but
TRAC/FACT frequency. However the protected FACT pro- still more difficult than fly by wire systems. Systems and
US 6,965,816 B2
233 234
modalities for physical lockouts on human controls and the determine a federal access control technology (FACT) event
automation of those controls is taught in prior related filings condition, including a Systems Under Control (SUC) to the
so that anyone skilled in the art (engineers) can shop up the at least one lA PFN/TRAC unit, said aircraft management
necessary devices to construct a protect an RC capable or system optionally providing at least one of Remote Control
robotics flight aircraft. 5 (RC) and robotics to incrementally decrease public safely
The initial goal after eliminating local control is to risk by at least one of thwarting the unauthorized and
stabilize the planes flight path. This second objective is reducing the un-safe use and collateral damage of the
accomplished via robotics (for better real-time troubled aircraft, by locking down local human flight con-
responsiveness) in flying the plane to a Safe Base This trols and initiating a preprogrammed robotics flight plan
control protocol PFN!fRAC System is secured and secluded 10 stored in secured resident flight computer responsive to the
onboard with preprogrammed software (5 preprogrammed at least one lA PFN!fRAC unit, the at least one lA
flight plans available to TRAC processor) The TRAC pro- PFN!TRAC unit sensing and regulating cabin and flight
cessor is interfaced with the essential E/E system bus to deck compartment atmosphere, and optionally treating fuel
operate the planes flight control surfaces to guide it to the compartments and dumping unnecessary fuel prior to impact
best location emergency response specific safe base. All 15 or a FACT landing at a safe location and being responsive
available location systems and communication systems are to commands given by at least one lAPFN military RC pilot
interfaced with the TRAC processor. Additional controls in an assist or escort aircraft and accepting same from local
interfaced with PFN!fRAC are to be the cabin and cockpit RC commands after a hand off protocol to the safe base
air pressure controller to restrict any air exhausted from the remote control pilot for any final glide path RC and landing
aircraft by either routing the air through carbon dioxide 20 commands to return to the surface at a designated secure safe
scrubbers/converters, as well as adding fresh air. The base (SB) and stop at a special position, the at least one lA
removed and compressed atmosphere is canned. This PFN!TRAC unit including at least one application specific to
un-recyclable air or waste air is then presented to a sensor a FACT event flight determined by continual real-time
array to detect biohazards and toxins. Once transducers have telemetry transmitted to the surface so an optional local
converted any molecular substance to an electrical signature, 25 response includes at least one of bagging the aircraft and
the signal is analyzed for recognition by the TRAC system storing the aircraft in an isolation hanger until at least one of
software library, recorded and reported to the surface by any a biological and chemical hazard have been checked and
secure on board TRAC unit for the surface Safe Base system optionally identified and toxins when present at least one of
to prescribe the appropriate safe base response to the neutralized and further contained and further reported,
troubled landing craft. Informed decisions to determine 30 optionally via a TSNFACT Department of homeland secu-
whether to terminate it bag it, sterilize it or how to unseal it rity matrix of intranets and the Center for Disease Control
on the ground). Also, connected to the ventilation system the CDC; the at least one lA PFN/TRAC unit optionally per-
TRAC processor controls a valve with debilitating gas (sleep forming additional functionality responsively with other
gas or chloroform) that can be activated from the ground or portions of a PFN!fRAC system and terrestrial PFN units
robotically for what is termed a WoJack scenario or FACT 35 optionally via at least one of the matrix of intranets, dedi-
protocol. cated short range communications and geo/time synced
During the final approach to the designated safe base portable networks configured in real-time to connect a
landing zone the robotics flight and glide path control does specific group of responding PFNs from cross applications
a hand off to a Remote Control RC pilot in a surfaced based optionally into a FANAOC(fSAFACT security Air intranet
converted flight simulator receiving secure and redundant 40 and first responder communication loop for close in air to
essential data streams via a protected communication system ground responsiveness to clear impending crash or unsched-
with the greatest real-time responsiveness of the aircraft uled landing area via local wireless networking; and the at
heightened by a guardian software algorithm. The result is least one lA PFN!fRAC unit posting the aircraft terrestrial
an intelligent airplane with an accountable autopilot and a contact define the condition of the aircraft and or the extent
Remote Control RC pilot. 45 and nature of any debris field via surviving wireless and
Abhorrent RC Accessory Options sensing still intact and responding to determine how best to
TRAC will have the ability to dump any fuel from a manage safely the aircraft's responder's effort to assist the
remote location or as a robotics function another option that FACT event aircraft.
must be reviewed, but can be available. Obviously, the 2. An aircraft management system according to claim 1,
PFN!TRAC system could perform all these undesirable 50 wherein said at least one lA PFN!fRAC unit further com-
functions as well; including the ultimate destruction of the prises at least one of a hardware combination, interfacing,
aircraft. The proper Decision Tree protocol has to be deter- connection, augmentation and software development to
mined ahead a time by all the public for these emergency effect a FACT flight event response, optionally including a
FACT scenarios. PFN!fRAC was created to improve public protocol for at least one of hijacking of an aircraft and unsafe
safety; the quality of human life and to save lives in 55 use, and including application specific functionality for
transportation, e.g. A detected FACT/WoJack flagged event interfacing of at least one of OEM avionics, aircraft bus and
with no ground or robotics control may well result in a E/E systems, and to further include interfacing of at least one
forced destruction of the FACT event aircraft. But at least we of sensors, audio, video, digital, analog, automation,
are progressing options to save more lives through technical actuators, augmentation, and customization, providing pro-
advancement, both through better management of our equip- 60 tection to complete a protected locally and remotely auto-
ment and through an increase communication with each mated flight, optionally standardized as at least one of
other and our machines. policy, protocol, rule and rules, and made into code or
What is claimed is: implemented via government mandate with regulations, and
1. An aircraft management system including at least one law for at least one of commercial air travel transport
lA PFN!fRAC aircraft controller/router, that interfaces at 65 applications, private aviation and general aviation, and
least one of essential flight controls, existing flight controls optionally for government and military aviation via the at
and system data streams to detect a troubled aircraft and least one of RC and robotics and networking via the at least
US 6,965,816 B2
235 236
one of electronics, avionics, security, operations and man- ally from hybrid flight simulator technology and interfaced
agement innovations and accountable recording, reporting real-time data delivered from the aircraft to provide close in
and recovery innovations. real-time flying skills during approach and landing of a
3. An aircraft management system according to claims 1 troubled FACT flight responsive to the lA PFN!fRAC
or 2, further comprising a protected remote management 5 aircraft unit performing robotics serving the RC link; and an
system at least one of dispersed and centralized singular in escort assist aircraft with a second pilot, an additional RC
function and redundant for reliability and to accountably pilot to include cockpit station for controlling the troubled
perform remote control and robotics via at least one pro- plane after an automated robotics take over and in flight
tected memory storage, both locally and reported to addi- rendezvous that is accompanied by a second plane and
specialists for the FACT emergency, and accessing the
tional data storage devices, and additionally reported to a 10
aircraft in a preplanned special manner to best protect public
AOC!TSA FACT NORAD Air CINC command intranet and
safety and preserve national security.
to a TSA FACT Department of Homeland Security com- 9. An aircraft management system according to claims 1
mand center en route associated with the PFN/TRAC system or 2, further comprising at least one of medical tracking and
and FACT security program. bio sign telemetry to include robust remote control to deliver
4. An aircraft management system according to claims 1 15 automated at least one of treatment and medication via a
or 2, further comprising at least one protected Primary Focal repeater function of the at least one lA PFN/TRAC unit and
Node (PFN) and Trusted Remote Activity Controller TRACker operated by TSA/FACT security in conjunction
(TRAC) to perform at least one of accountable robotics and with TRAC FACT command and control protocols, while at
remote management, optionally as a local system and least one of the aircraft is on the surface and airborne and to
responsive to at least one accountable remote TRAC system 20 include any wireless connected or routed communication via
and comprising at least one of System On Chip (SOC) the PFN!fRAC system or via any systems interfaced there-
technology, and further including at least one cross envi- with.
ronmental application, and interfacing with the PFN/TRAC 10. An aircraft management system according to claims 1
management System and FACT terrestrial machine messag- or 2, further comprising at least one of a robust remote
ing units and intranets. 25 control and preprogrammed robotics weapons or hijack
5. An aircraft management system according to claim 4, countermeasures that incapacitate, render unconscious,
wherein the at least one lA PFN!fRAC unit interfaces into change the behavior or destroy the perpetrator by gas,
air fames via a hybrid construction of the at least one lA projectile, electrical shock, chemical substance, or other
PFN!TRAC unit and at least one stand alone self powered physical means.
PFN configured as a portable unit and designed specifically 30 11. An aircraft management system according to claims 1
to receive via a non invasive wireless receiver circuit at least or 2, further comprising at least one means for providing at
one of ATM and wireless aircraft transmitted avionics flight least one of a protected incapacitating injection of a debili-
data reported to FAA!AOC flight operations and to an tating substance, an incapacitating electrical shock
acceptable isolated wireless unit in real-time to at least one mechanism, an automated projectile mechanism embedded
TSAFACT terrestrial monitoring terminal to be located with 35 in an application specific location in the airframe or in the
AOC systems to help coordinate TSNair marshal with essential flight control human interfaces or pilot seats and
ground security and air operation, and to test more robust responsive to the at least one of the lA PFN!fRAC unit and
and aggressive implementation of accountable remote con- TRACker approved for this interface function and remotely
trol technology isolated from real-time flight controls. triggered or energized via robotics.
6. An aircraft management system according to claims 1 40 12. An aircraft management system according to claims 1
or 2, further comprising at least one DSRC wireless inter- or 2, further comprising at least one proprietary PFN!fRAC/
facing including bluetooth to be interfaced in either the at FACT protocols and teachings for the progressive interfac-
least one lA PFN!fRAC aircraft unit, the progressive air ing of hardware, software and wet ware Human implemen-
marshal unit, and a tester interface in such a manner access tations as a response structure including procedures, policies
and control all wireless, handheld or carry on devices, 45 and the development of programs, protocols and law
cellular phones, navigational aids, personal computer increasing public safety and national security while remain-
products, Laptops, PDAs and restrict their use during flight ing constitutionally structured to maintain and insure free-
and use their CDMA and TDMA or any other wireless dom of movement with a free and respectful society.
longer range or short communications and send FACT EAM 13. An aircraft management system according to claims 1
messages to the surface TSA/FACT Security intranet via the 50 or 2, further comprising automatic lock down of all local
TSAAir FACT intranet and any such translation processing flight controls when seat defense measures have been
between wireless protocols. deployed, and additionally the at least one lA PFNTRAC
7. An aircraft management system according to claims 1 System has initiated a FACT event and the aircraft flight
or 2, further comprising at least five FACT event Safe Bases controls would be under robotics safe base programming,
(SB) across the United States, to be accompanied by at least 55 with coordinates reported to the surface and escort RC pilot
five safe air space routes and programmable flight plans to in route to intercept the robotic flight for close in support and
include approach glide paths and landing software using further flight management and control.
AbS systems and PFN transponder enhancements to effect 14. An aircraft management system according to claims 1
the robotics flight and landing of aircraft and in time to or 2, further comprising a Remote Control surface based
include all aircraft. 60 Pilot to take a controlled handoff off of the FACT flight via
8. An aircraft management system according to claims 1 at least one lA PFN/TRAC robotics flight programming and
or 2, further comprising at least one Safe Base to be RC recognition capability to interface the air born assist RC
equipped with emergency medical personnel and appropri- chase pilot the surface RC pilot and any real-time error
ate equipment to handle bio-hazards, chemical toxins, correcting robotics or AI for the final approach, landing and
nuclear toxins and traditional explosives, and including at 65 parking of the aircraft.
least one of the functionality of: skilled squadrons of remote 15. An aircraft management system according to claims 1
control (RC) pilots with stations that are constructed option- or 2, further comprising a surface remote control pilot
US 6,965,816 B2
237 238
station to be more rapidly configured from existing appro- and automated medicator and sensor via lPI PFN and
priate flight simulators that receive direct flight data from the the TRACker in passive report and test mode accessory
actual troubled FACT flight aircraft and the simulator pro- interfaced with a GPS receiver/ and or number or type
vide a virtual real-time RC pilot experience due to the short of sensors;
transmission distance generally 4-5 miles or less and basi- 5 operate activity controls either via AI robotics use of data
cally for the final glide path and landing. recovered and or preprogramming or by remote and
16. An aircraft management system according to claims 1 automated command and control with or without local
or 2, further comprising a safe base 7/24 duty ready squad- human collaboration and with reliability enhanced by
ron of RC pilots qualified on various aircraft with applica- emergency/supplemental power available for com-
tion specific interface software for the compromised flight 10 pleted operations to include a multiple event storage
and specific aircraft with the, squadron made up at least one with protected limited and authorized access to FACT
of commercial companies posting employees to this duty record storage in the PFN/TRAC configuration whether
and military NORAD the North American CINC Air com- centrally configured or a dispersed configuration per-
mand supplying and staffing the squadron, with special TSA forming the functions of local networking and or
pilots. 15 responding to a larger matrix or network of intranets to
17. An aircraft management system according to claims 1 for the TSAFACT Security network for the Department
or 2, further comprising assist jets with RC pilots and troop of Homeland security.
support air first responders with specialist and squadrons and 21. A PFN/TRAC system according to claim 20, for a lE
with their location determined by DOD/NORAD/FAA/TSA equipment PFN/TRAC unit to be attached to stationary
and the Department of Homeland security with a 24/7 20 equipment and derive primary power, machine messaging
readiness to be scrambled on any TRAC/FACT flagged data, via the attachment to the equipments E/E system and
flight respective of intercept coordinates via FACT/DES in control machine activities and provide an accessory inter-
real time communications and AIR CINC/NORAD com- face platform for further interfacing either wired or wireless
mand and the pursuit aircraft closest either airborne or components to translate, route report and record messaging
surface ready. 25 and commands to remote locations.
18. An aircraft management system according to claims 1 22. A PFN/TRAC system according to claim 20, for lSV
or 2, further receiving data from the TRAC unit flagged with PFN vehicle platforms automotive, industrial and rail PFN/
a FACT emergency event like a scenario to down load TRAC unit to be attached to mobile equipment and derive
telemetry data from the troubled aircraft to prescribe specific primary power, from at least one of the vehicle E/E system
ground response at the safe bases, and to be in continual 30 and vehicle bus system and to access and process machine
flight control via the preprogrammed robotics flight for messaging data, and control machine activities as well as,
ground support and surface waning to clear any impact areas provide an accessory interface platform for further interfac-
to eliminate as much collateral damage as possible. ing and processing either wired or wireless to translate, route
19. An aircraft management system according to claims 1 report and record messaging and commands to remote
or 2, further receiving protected accountable event record- 35 locations.
ings during a FACT event both in airborne FACT Ball 23. A PFN/TRAC system according to claim 20, further
receptacles, and regionally on the surface via downloads comprising a progressive DRC PFN automotive vehicle
established to local surface repositories by geo time synced PFN/TRAC unit to interface telematics technologies and
recognition algorithm running GPS data interfaced in the at vehicle E/E systems or automotive CAN bus technology to
least one lA PFN or TRACker unit and AOC/TSA/FACT 40 connect all private and commercial vehicles to the PFN/
Security known locations preprogrammed with connectable TRAC system and develop the FACT security program for
links as part of a PFN/TRAC/TSNFACT protocol to have automobiles and commercial motor carriers and buses to
exact configurations, application and use determined for the provide seamless homeland security for everything on or
structuring and implementation of appropriate rules regula- near the earths surface via increasing the Driver Resource
tions standards requirements codes or law. 45 Center's interface and management service capability to
20. A PFN/TRAC system of controller and routers as a include carryon cellular phones and other wireless device,
series of protected local interface platforms for a multiple of and manage them in conjunction with OEM collision avoid-
wireless technologies to: ance programs and the PFN/TRAC system of movement
route/translate signals via conversion software program- management to reduce driver distraction and easy driver
ming operating at a higher level application to which 50 workload with total vehicle integration in time by providing
the disparate protocols have written code; additional capacity for accessory interfacing for either wired
route/translate message content via a universal Emer- or wireless and processed, translated, routed, reported and
gency Action Message content conversion software recorded as messaging and commands to remote locations,
library that can be transferable between any of the and in a process to become a compete and protected lSV
many different wireless protocols to specially process 55 PFN/TRAC unit.
Emergency Action Messaging, FACT EAM messages; 24. A PFN/TRAC system according to claims 1, 2 or 20,
employ a host equipments E/E system to provide a stable further comprising at least one carryon configuration of
primary power source for PFN/TRAC/FACT opera- COTS products PC software designed to determine appli-
tions and to maintain supplemental power supplies for cation specific final design for PFN/TRAC interfaces, and to
reliable service; recover locally generated data from 60 serve as a stop gap technology or an implementation filler
equipment, bodies and accessories interfaced to for the PFN/TRAC System and FACT Security program,
include, a vehicle/baggage tug lSV PFN or a car DRC wherein the TRACker first enters the system with passive
PFN, a piece of equipment a metal detector or conveyor parallel and redundant messaging and then processes more
belt via lE PFN, a person, a guard, a worker via a lP robust activity commands and control to disconnected actua-
PFN belt, bracelet, band, or impregnated in a garment 65 tors in a test and record analysis mode for safety sensitive
or a stand alone digital cam and microphone via lPs applications to include but not limited to air travel, rail road
PFN with a solar array or a injected or implanted chip applications, interactive highway systems to determine the
US 6,965,816 B2
239 240
best more permanent design and then placed into service the tags as a messenger service or archive file program by
with the proper application specific PFN/TRAC unit. interfacing the encoder section of the RFID technology with
25. A PFN/TRAC system according to claim 20, further the PFN and delivering important transport data to the tag
comprising a 1M PFN/TRAC marine platform unit to have for later recovery and use during the transport process.
all the appropriate wireless telephony DSRC and satellite 5 31. A FACT Chip apparatus comprising at least one chip
wireless in a PFN/TRAC unit interface and Bus connectable and a RFID chip is impregnated into a circuit board and
to the crafts E/E systems to control and manage the craft's delivers identification data to the PFN having a reader
operation via at least one of robotics and remote control and antenna interfaced as part of the PFN to identify the com-
be responsive in the PFN/TRAC System and FACT security ponents and then check a FACT registry for any legal status
matrix. 10 notices posted in the applicable FACT registry for the part
26. A PFN/TRAC system according to claim 20, further before interfacing it, and wherein data is stored on the RFID
including a lPs PFN equipment interface PFN/TRAC unit to tag by a PFN and if not cleared of any special encoding the
be a stand alone PFN interface and derive power from self last encoding from the previous PFN would be recognized
contained batteries and solar regeneration converted to elec- and initiate an alert through the system and back to the
trical power and perform all the same interfacing and 15 FACT registry identifying the unit as unauthorized and
wireless routing and translation functions in the PFN/TRAC possible stolen.
System FACT Security matrix of intranets for Homeland 32. A circuit that provides distinct signals as a FACT chip
security. modality and comprising a RFID and smart chip technology
27. A PFN/TRAC system according to claim 20, further including flexible interfacing in PFN/TRAC various units
including a lP PFN configured on at least one of a belt, a 20 providing a plurality of options to be utilized in the PFN/
bracelet, and a bracket, in the form of at least one of a PDA TRAC system and FACT security matrix.
and woven into garment either dispersed oft consolidated, 33. A PFN/TRAC system comprising: protective enclo-
self powered, and connect with a human via various external sures configured in an application specific manner for rough
and subcutaneous interface devices and sensors and to service and interfacing with at least one of industry
support automated remote and robotics or preprogrammed 25 standards, governing regulations and code and to protect
control function to sense body functions and deliver medi- electronic contents and the memory and to restrict unautho-
cation and record and report position and telemetry to rized access, to include identifiable access electronically and
remote intranets and to other larger PFNs in the area via electrical and electronic seals and physical restrictive access
DSRC, the unit can derive additional power, via connecting panels and locks.
with larger units physically to retrieve data and or auxiliary 30 34. A protective PFN/TRAC system comprising: an elec-
charging and solar cell hats and shoulder scabbards to do tronics protective packaging incorporating a spherical shape
mobile charging, with further interface capacity to connect constructed of at least one hard but light impact, dent, and
hand held and portable devices Keyboard, displays readers heat resistant material coated in a fluorescent friction free
sensors additional wireless devices and GPS and deliver data coating that is capable of withstanding impacts due to high
generated to the PFN/TRAC system network and FACT 35 velocity and containing at least one of: a memory storage,
security matrix to include EAM translations and message recording device, wireless communication device, a power
and signal repeating. supply, locating technology, a sensor, digital cam, audio pick
28. A PFN/TRAC system according to claim 20, further up, a visible light source, an audible alert an impregnated
including a lPI PFN reduced in size to a SOC chip version antenna, an external physical interface connector, an internal
of the PFN with a low power requirement and DSRC which 40 physical interface connector, storing any object requiring
is injected subcutaneous under the skin or surgically such protection, a heat resistant insulating material inside
implanted and provides an identifier signal and telemetry the sphere to protect the contents from further heat and
array from sensors wired or wirelessly interfaced via other impact, a tamper resistant and tamper detective seal and
mini inject able lPI devices that can operate in harmony to special threaded and heat seal.
perform an automated muscular tetanus via computerized 45 35. A PFN/TRAC system according to claims 1, 2 or 20,
synchronization to perform physical robotics or remote further comprising at least one automated portable network
controlled kinetic movement where nerve pathways are non function to cross manage intranet movement data via a
existent or functioning poorly, thus actually interfacing a lPI process that links and routes all data streams from respon-
PFN/TRAC unit as a cybernetic local Al device to further sive wireless tracking technologies into smart cell process-
integrate the technology with human biological systems and 50 ing pockets, that are geo and time synced to define at least
perform bionic movement. one given group marriage from time to time forming auto-
29. A PFN/TRAC system according to claim 28, further mated portable networks of mindful machines, smart freight
including a power source using the body as an electrolyte and HMI with people via individual lP PFN devices.
and two contrasting pieces of metal to create potential and 36. A PFN/TRAC system according to claim 35, further
applying an exterior encasement of a lPI PFN implants the 55 comprising a multiple of different PFNs from different
body can generate current for the mini PFN unit as a Soma Intranets to receive and process each other's DSRC or
Voltic cell to either energize the proprietary lPI PFNs or wireless messaging into either special coded FACT priority
minimal current RFID injectable technology. or TRAC movement management digital report packets and
30. A system for interfacing a limited range RFID passive format them in available wireless protocols for a transmis-
and active tag technology with PFN/TRAC units to first 60 sian confirmation to the appropriate intranets or another
interface reader portions of the technology and capture responding set of PFNs; and if unsuccessful, the PFN will
RDID data identifier and stored tag data and process it store the data packet in memory/buffer to remain there until
through the TRAC processor running RFID programming the unit is quarried by a specific Intranet for a lost asset, or
with a higher level converting algorithm to modulate the message disregard and delete command, as a normal TRAC
data into the appropriate wireless data packets for delivery 65 movement inventory function; and if a FACT application
via the PFN/TRAC System TSNFACT Security intranets to message continues a timed broad cast beacon signal of the
track and retrieve telemetry of materials in transit and to use data packet TSA FACT hail to connect with any of the
US 6,965,816 B2
241 242
TSAJFACT Intranets, also to include GPS, and direct request monitor and management means for monitoring and man-
activated transmissions of any FACT data packet stored as aging objects, consumption, use, to analyze and dis-
an automated monitoring program, and with a confirmed cover any misuse, abuse and unauthorized or unsafe for
transfer store the FACT data packet into the units long term any application to better insure seamless security, pub-
memory until TSAFACT Intranet sends a delete command 5 lic safety, efficient movement, freedom and account-
through out the system or the unit memory or buffer is full
ability; an instrument of the newly formed Department
and request a download sequence with any TSAFACT mass
data handling and storage facility. of Homeland Security for the real-time constitutional
37. A PFN!TRAC system according to claim 35, further application of a national threat response mechanism
that can be set into automated preprogrammed proce-
~~~~~~~~gU:o~~~~~s;~v~:!~~ea:~~i~~r::~l~~~~~~~kt~~ 10 dures and protocols for the appropriate monitoring,
linked matrix of TSAJFACT intranets and TRAC intranets, FACT network management and control to directly
where data is shared and assets can become FACT events or meet the threat level set by the national color codes;
passed back to TRAC movement management. Red Severe, Orange High, Yellow Elevated, Blue
38. A PFN/TRAC movement management system, com- Guarded, and Green low; and
prising: intranets with a TSAJFACT Homeland security 15
program running through and forming a security matrix to flag means for flagging automatically in at least one of
monitor and mange at least one of machines, vehicles TRAC and FACT programs running in PFN!fRAC
equipment, materials, structures facilities, objects, and any units or the PFN/TRAC system and changing between
other asset via a responsive FACT and TRAC connectivity cost efficient commercial PFN!fRAC standard man-
and programming and to include various Intranets and sub agement /routing of data and remote communications
intranets, and optionally not limited the PFN!fRACFACT 20 and the higher FACT level direct connections and
intranets for air travel, land rail and interactive highways, remote control commands though the PFN units con-
and sea inland waterways inner coastal and the high seas and nected in both commercial and governmental intranets.
well as ports, airports, stations and terminal and fixed
security facilities as part of any TSAFACT matrix of intra- 45. An interface of a single conductor digital transmission
nets. technology, comprising:
39. A universal Emergency Action Messaging (EAM) a TRAC/FACT and EAM machine messaging providing
system comprising: at least one system that translates emer- at least one signal propagated and coded via a portable
gency communications via a multiple of wireless and hard- or permanent PFN!fRAC processor and signal genera-
wired communication technologies in a multiple of known tor circuit interfaced or integrated and in contact with,
human languages to inform a diverse public, first responders to incorporate, the chassis of a transport vehicle or
and security personnel in at least two definable levels of shipping container's steel walls as a conductor in a
security via encryption and predetermined identification circuit to deliver the signal configured for by the PFN
requirements. to include at least a minimal lPs stand alone PFN
40. A system according to claim 39, wherein the Emer- interface supporting a sensor array inside the truck,
gency Action Messages include at least one of SEAM, container or compartment of an aircraft to monitor the
TEAM and PEAM messages. 35
contents and conditions during shipment and when
41. A system according to 40, wherein the EAM messag- contact of the metal chassis was made with another
ing programs to be deliverable by at least one of globally
PFN the transmitted signal would be received via metal
understood universal images, for local display, uniquely
deck plates, or storage racks, or bins on board ship, or
diverse but universal audible alerts and audio information to
be communicated globally, translated in a multiple of lan- 40 in a facility, or in a plane, or truck or via the metal
guages and responsive via voice recognition algorithms and hooks of a port Crain, or forks of a industrial tuck at the
or text conversion algorithms for audio, audio read, read airport or rail car on the railroads through direct contact
write, read or type displays and or keyboard or audio video such that the signal would be harvested by the new PFN
response per any HMI interface means available. TRAC unit and the appropriate TRAC/FACT intranet
42. A system according to claim 41, further comprising a 45 would be detected and routing configured by the receiv-
non-emergency use of EAM messaging developments, to ing lE equipment PFNs, 1M boat PFN, lP personal
include any software, translation, components, firmware, PFNs via hand held contact readers connected to a
hardware configurations for at least one of entertainment, person's lP PFN belt interface, or a lSV surface
commercial, social, educational use. vehicle PFN or DRC PFN prime mover transporting the
43. A FACT registry system, comprising: devices to container and any, and TSAJFACT EAM messages
maintain and monitor equipment and material via an auto- received or generated during transit would be recog-
mated software program that queries PFN!fRAC units and nized and forwarded by more direct wireless as well as,
extracts a copy or deletes data of a relevant nature and deliver local warnings from the containers PFN and
additionally records equipment interfaced for a compare list internal sensors flagging an alert to the receiving PFNs.
function of lost or missing assets and supported by a system 46. A PFN!TRAC system for wireless satellite routing to
wide down load to the PFNs via the various Intranets for lost 55 provide voice service and data communications with accom-
and found and law enforcement operations and to detect panying accounting function in the system and in the PFN
FACT events flags. unit, comprising: COTS DSP wireless telephony technology
44. A PFN!TRAC movement management system as a software/hardware developmental integration and interfac-
complete inter modal transportation management system, ing kits and including a turnkey development system that
comprising: 60 supports the industry-standard DSP's, and the PFN!fRAC
a TSNFACT security network for moving objects and unit interfacing with routing COTS products including at
provides federal access and control technology through least one of a hybrid set of accountable interface commu-
out a PFN!fRAC/FACT system, a matrix of intranets nication technologies and the PFN/TRAC technology pro-
that performs real-time auto convergence of a security gramming written application specific for wireless tele-
network encompassing government agencies and their 65 phony.
FACT modified sovereign intranets with duty specific
registries and various mass data and storage facilities; * * * * *

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