Hydraulic Flow Diagram of 75 M HR Efflue

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Modified Hydraulic Flow Diagram of 75 m³/hr Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

Interstoff Apparels Ltd. (IAL)

Ferrous Sulphate Polyelectrolyte
Mixing Tank Mixing Tank
Service Water
Line from WTP HCL Dosing
Lime Mixing Lime Mixing Funnel
Tank-01 Tank-02

Effluent from Effluent from Hydrochloric

Acid (HCL)
Dyeing Section Washing Section Mixing Tank
Reservoir Tank Flash Mixing Tank
V: 19m³ HRT: 0.41hr Activated
Sand Filter Carbon Filter
V: 30m³ V: 30m³

Transfer Pump
Pump-01 Pump-02
Filter Feed
V: 20m³

Equalization Tank-01 Equalization Tank-02 Bioreactor Tank-01 Bioreactor Tank-02

V: 165m³ V: 238m³ V: 175m³ V: 215m³
HRT: 3.80hr Flocculation Tank Tube Settler-01 Tube Settler-02 Tube Settler-03 Tube Settler-04
HRT: 3.59hr HRT: 5.17hr HRT: 4.67hr V: 45m³ V: 58m³ V: 58m³ V: 45m³
V: 11m³
HRT: 0.24hr HRT: 0.98hr HRT: 1.26hr HRT: 1.26hr HRT: 0.98hr
Dual Media Filter DMF-02 Outlet Tank
(DMF-01) V: 30m³
Sludge Thickener Tank V: 20m³
Centrifugal Hydro V: 41 m³

Treated Water
to the River

Solid Sludge Pump

Sludge Sump

LEGEND: Drawing Information CLIENT:- INTERSTOFF APPARELS LTD (IAL) Hydraulic Design By:-

Hydraulic Flow Diagram Address:- Chandra Pollibiddut, Kaliakoir, Gazipur. Technical Services Department (TSD), Interstoff Apparels Ltd (IAL)
Gate Valve: Drawing Date Title: Hydraullic Flow Diagram of ETP_IAL.
11/01/2016 Drawing No.: ETP-IAL/HY.FL/001 Revision No.:- 02

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