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Eko Sahputra

Mid Test Instructional Design ELT

The Title :


Background of the Problem :

Technology is now growing rapidly, especially the development of learning

technology. Electronic-based learning that is commonly use is laptops and cellphones, but in

this study researcher will focuse on the use of cell phones because almost everyone has a cell

phone including students. The use of this cellphone is not just a communication and

information tool but has almost reached all types of services needed in the 4.0 era now.

Including in the field of formal and informal education.

Conventional education limit to meetings at school will not develop the abilities and

knowledge possessed by students and also less time allocation for teacher and students. The

other side the process of delivering material is almost completely carried out in class. As a

result that the delivery of material can be late or even not delivered fully. It can make the

development of students become inhibite. To overcome these problems using E-Learning

application (sukamto, 2012:17).

Expectation According to 2013 English curriculum, the objective of teaching

speaking for the students’ of the ninth grade is that the students are expected to be able to

express the meaning in conversation, short monolog, and story correctly, fluently and

acceptably in interacting in daily life. Beside that, they are also expected to enrich vocabulary

in order to make easier in speaking. But in reality most of students skill in speaking is still
low and also the students are rarely speaking because of the lack of vocabulary. To overcome

this problem using the media is needed in effective learning. The researcher uses English

Story App (ESA) because the English Story App has a lot of story with audio by native

speaker can hone the mindset and encourage students in speaking and enriching vocabulary

so that they can communicate in English fluently.

Research Questions :

1. What are the strategies for teaching speaking skills?

2. How effective the teacher strategies in teaching speaking skill?
3. Why the strategies are important?

Theoritical orientation on your focus and sub focus :

Teaching strategies was a plan of the teacher designed learning process in achieving

learning purposes.There are many kinds of teacher strategies in their teaching, depending on

what information or skill the teacher is trying to convey. Some of the kinds of the teaching

strategies are: cooperative learning and group or pair work, role playing activities, problem

solving activities, using technology to practice learning strategies, enquiry discovery

learning, expository learning, mastery learning, and humanistic learning. Besides of that, also

there are some problems inteaching process. For example: the objective of learning is not

clear, the material of lesson is very easy or difficult for students, the material of lesson is not

systematically, there are no teaching media, students are sleepy, students are lazy to do

activity, students are always late, students disturb another student, students ask strange

question, and the classroom is dirty.

In learning activity, the teachers suggest that by helping students to say what they want or

need to say, some strategies can help to expand language. Even if the student is not perfect in
grammatical or lexical terms, in the process of using the language for communication, the student will

be exposed to language input which may result in learning. Some students do not only apply the

strategy but also give some opinions related to the teachers‟ strategies. For example, when the

teachers applied a group discussion and presentation strategies in the class, the students can give some

opinions about that strategy.

In addition, there are some reasons why the researcher wants to know about the teachers’

strategies in teaching speaking skills at English course. The researcher believed that if there is self-

confidence in speaking, there will be a good communication. Unfortunately, most of the students feel

bored to practice speaking with friends or use it in daily conversation. Therefore, a teacher must be

able to create some interesting strategies in teaching speaking skills. Strategies will help the students

train their speaking ability so that the speaking skill can be used both in teaching or learning and daily


There were some researchers who studied about strategies in teaching speaking, they are:

Syafrizal and Rohmawati (2017), Wiyaningsih and Roiasih (2018), Melendez, Zevala, and Mendez

(2014), Maulidar, Gani, and Samad (2019), Elnadeef and Abdala (2019), Mortaji (2018), Al-Sobhi

and Preece (2018), Pawlak (2018), Dewi, Kultsum, and Armadi (2016), Bakar, Noordin and Rozali

( 2019), Alikhani and Bagheridoust (2017), Muslem and Abbas (2017), Osorio, Munoz, and

Bohorquez (2018), Yegani and Jodaei (2017), Iman (2017), Marzuki, Prayogo, and Wahyudi (2016)

Sirisrimangkorn (2018), Ebrahimi, Khoshsima, Zare-Behtash and Heydarnejad (2018) and Pishkar,

Moinzadeh, and Dabaghi (2017). All of the researchers above studied about the strategies of teaching

speaking in formal school, but none of them analyzed the question in course. Considering the fact

above, the researcher is interested in analyzing the strategies used by the teachers in SMA SAINS

PLUS TAHFIDZ QUR’AN AL AMMAR. In addition, the research will also investigate the students’

perception and expectation toward the strategies used by the teachers to teach speaking.
Teaching Strategies :

1. Cooperative Activities.

According to Brown (2001), cooperative activities provide the students with

contextual and meaningful topics. It is important to relate new material with what has been

learned and experienced by students. Hence, the more students are exposed to language item

and contextually meaningful activities emphasizing on oral production, the more they are

helped to speak English.

2. Role Play and Simulations.

Role plays and simulations have many advantages. First, since they are entertaining,

they can motivate students. Second, they can increase self-confidence of timid students,

because in role play and simulation activities, they will have a different role and do not have

to speak for themselves, which means they do not have to take the same responsibility.

3. Creative Tasks.

According to Solcova (2011), creative tasks assert that students develop their fluency

best, if engages in tasks where all their concentration focuses on producing something.

Instead of thinking of language, the students focus on making the procedure of making food

or drinks, so that the activity is to develop fluency. According to Brown (2001), it is based on

a principle that teachers bear in mind what a student needs, from language-based focus on

accuracy to message-based focus on interaction, meaning, and fluency.

4. Drilling.
Drilling, simply a fine-tuning for articulation. According to Thornbury (2005),

drilling is a strategy to improve pronunciation. Thornbury (2005) asserted, drilling yields

several benefits, allowing students to pay attention to the new materials presented by a

teacher, emphasizing words, phrases, or utterances on students’ mind, moving new items

from working memory to long term memory, and providing a means of gaining articulatory

control over language.

5. Discussions.

Group discussion is effective for speaking ability in large classrooms. Sometimes, the

students are divided by the teacher into group work. According to Ur (1991), this increases

the sheer number of learners talk going on in a limited period of time and also lowers the

inhibition of learners who are unwilling to speak in front of classroom. The group members

can be either assigned by the teacher or the students may determine it by themselves, but

groups should be rearranged in every discussion activity so that students can work with

various people and learn to be open to different ideas. Lastly, in class or group discussions,

whatever the aim is, the students should always be encouraged to ask questions, paraphrase

ideas, express support, check for clarification, and so on.

6. Brainstorming.

Brainstorming encourages students to think creatively (out of the box), encouraging

all students to share their ideas, no matter how far “out there” they may seem. On a given

topic, students can produce ideas in a limited time. Depending on the context, either

individual or group brainstorming is effective and students generate ideas quickly and freely.

The good characteristic of brainstorming is that the students are not criticized for their ideas

so students will be open to sharing new ideas. According to Armstrong (2006), brainstorming
is an invaluable process used by writers at all skill levels, regardless of their experience.

Therefore, brainstorming sessions can be a useful strategy to encourage genuine collaboration

and interaction in the classroom. Putting together a well-stated problem and careful planning

strategies can lead to meaningful idea generation and idea building which can be used in

solving problems or addressing specific course-related issues.

7. Storytelling.

Students can briefly summarize a tale or story they heard from somebody beforehand,

or they may create their own stories to tell their classmates. Story telling fosters creative

thinking. It also helps students’ express ideas, development, and ending, including the

characters and story settings. Students also can tell riddles or jokes. Novita Indah

Purwaningsih, Agus Wijayanto, Ngadiso 84 For instance, at the very beginning of each class

session, the teacher may call a few students to tell short riddles or jokes as an opening. In this

way, not only will the teacher address students’ speaking ability, but also get the attention of

the class. Stories can bring abstract principles to life by giving them concrete form. We

cannot always give students direct experience with psychological concepts, but stories might

come close. A story tends to have deeper than a simple example. A story tells about some

events - some particular individuals, and something that happens to them. According to

Schank (1990), stories should come after surprises, or expectation failures.

Methodology :

This research aims to know about teachers’ strategies in teaching speaking skill. This research

used qualitative approach. According to Moleong (1995) qualitative is a research in which the
research of the data is written and oral form and from observing people and behavior. It does not

present data and the result in form of digits and statistic but it yields the data and the result in the form

of phenomenon description Then, for the design the researcher used case study. It was because the

researcher wants to identify the strategies and teaching speaking and the areas of speaking knowledge

facilitated by teaching strategies that teacher used which are only could be presented through

description. In this research, the researcher became a key in collecting the data. Based on Ary (2010),

the human investigator is the primary instrument for the gathering and analyzing of data. It means that

the researcher do as instrument of human and she becomes the collector the data of the research in

qualitative study.

Technique of Collecting Data

For collecting the data, the researcher used interview. From the interview, she made the list of

questions to look for the main data based on the purpose of this research. In collecting the data, the

first step that the researcher did was the researcher takes the data of the first research question which

is the strategies used by the teacher in teaching speaking of ten days English acceleration program of

Billingualism SMA SAINS PLUS TAHFIDZ QUR’AN AL AMMAR through the interviews the

teachers. The next phase is data reduction. In this data reduction phase, there are living in process and

living out process. It means that the selected data are included in the needed data and it stays in the

living in data and the unselected data are included in the living out data. In this research, data

reduction was about the information those were gained from interview with English teacher and the

students of ten days English acceleration program. Some information was needed in filling the data,

but some of them were not necessary. Therefore, unimportant data were reduced by the researcher.

The data display presents the process of showing data simply in the form of words, sentences,

narrative, table, and graphic in order that the data collected is mastered by the researcher as the basic

to take appropriate conclusion. In this research, the data are displayed consist of the information about
the strategy used by the teacher in teaching speaking of ten days English acceleration program in Desa

Bahasa Sragen. Drawing conclusion is the last phase where the researcher summarized the discussion

to make the conclusion of this research. It is the last procedure of analyzing the data of this research.

After the data are displayed, a conclusion is drawn. Here, there are two kinds of conclusions those are

temporary drawing conclusion and final drawing conclusion. If the temporary conclusion is valid and

can answer the research problem, the researcher can use it as final conclusion. In the other hand, if it

is not valid, the researcher should repeat the process starting from the displaying data in order to

check whether the data displayed is in the line with the formulation of research problems or not.

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