Improving The Students' Vocabulary Achievement by Using Pictures
Improving The Students' Vocabulary Achievement by Using Pictures
Improving The Students' Vocabulary Achievement by Using Pictures
This study attempts to increase students’ vocabulary achievement
by using pictures. This study is conducted by using Classroom
Action Research. This study was conducted as the first grade
students of SMP Nurul Hasannah Medan. One class from four
classes was selected as the subject of this research. The number of
the subject of the reseearch was 38 students. The class taught by
using interview sheet and observation sheet. The quantitative data
were collected by giving multiple choice tests counting the mean of
the students. The result of the research shows that the mean of the
second cycle (77.29%) is higher than the mean of the first
cycle(72.71%) and pre test (67.14%). Based on the observation
sheet, interview sheet, questionnaire sheet and diary notes, the
students were more active and enthusiastic during the teaching and
learning process in the second cycle than in the first cycle.
Key Words: Vocabulary, Pictures
Language is used to comunicate ideas, thouhts and experiences. We can express
our ideas, thoughts or experiences if we have known the vocabulary of a language. It is
impossible for us to comunicate without mastering vocabulary of a language.
A study of language includes the four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. It is impossible that one master one of them without mastering vocabulary.
Vocabulary is one of the basic elements in achieving language skills. Students usually
have many problems in mastering English words. They have limited vocabulary to
comprehend the meaning of a text; they do not know the context of word used in the text;
they cannot recognize the meaning of each word; they are not able to hear English words
from the speakers; they cannot compose their writing task successfully; and they get
diffiqulties to state some sentences in English. Those problems cause them difficult to
communicate receptively or productively in English. So, it can be concluded that
vocabulary is the most cause of difficulty for the students.
In communication, the students need vocabulary which can support them to
produces and use meaningful sentences because vocabulary provide organ of sentence.
That’s why vocabulary is very important to be mastered. Jeremy Harmer (1991, 153)
classifies that “Then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and flesh”. For that
reason the students have to develop their vocabulary and master it in order to be able to
communicate with the other. Vocabulary is not only sign of symbol for ideas but also a
part of how to improve language skills in the target language. The more vocabulary
students learn the more ideas they should have, so they can communicate by using their
ideas more effectively. It is mentioned by Edge (1993, 27),” Knowing a lot of words in a
foreign language is very important. The more words we know, the better our chance of
understanding or making ourselves understood”.
However, students sometimes get difficulties to use or apply the vocabulary.
Teacher as facilitator in the teaching and learning process should design a learning
strategy in order to enrich students to master vocabulary effectively. Teacher needs to
teach student with their learning needs. Their difficulties in using vocabulary which have
been studied can be caused some reasons. One of the reasons could be in the media which
is used by the teacher in presenting the lesson in the classroom. That’s why the
appropriate media in delivering the lesson in the classroom should be considered.
Therefore, in teaching vocabulary, an English teacher can use several media. The
aims of using media, a variety of media in teaching are to make the lesson easy and
interesting for students to learn and understand. An English teacher must know how to
stimulate student’s curiosity and must be able to present the lesson, so that the lesson is
more interesting and relevant to the need of learning. Harmer (2003:134) Media can be
used to explain language meaning and contraction, engage students in a topic or as a basis
of whole activity.
Eanglish teacher are expected to help the students better to develop their
competence to use foreign languge, therefore teacher should have suitable media to
present the lesson to the students. This study chooses picturea as media because media
can make the students more interesting.
According to Hornby (1987:631) a picture can be painting, drawing, sketch, or
any work art. It is good to motivate students in learning foreign language. So the students
easier to memorize something by using pictures, because students do not imaginate shape
of the things.
It is observed that using pictures motivate learners to know vocabulary. Therefore
it is effective in teaching vocabulary. And the result of this teaching analysis, the writer
expects that it will be use full for the teachers English and students in learning and
teaching process especially in teaching and learning writing.
Based on the background above, it is important to formulate the problem of this
study as: “Is the students’ vocabulary achievement significantly improved if they are
tought vocabulary by using picture?”
This research is basically related to the accumulated ideas from various theories
in the area of vocabulary. The term used in this particular context are aimed at giving a
clear concept of what has been done to reach the goals of the research. Some terms used
in this study need to be clarified to avoid misunderstanding between the writer and
readers. The writer begins to clarify the terms and concepts so that the writer and the
readers have the same perception on them
English is a medium of communication which can help people to interact,
converse, and share to other people. English is as an international language that’s why it
is possible to everyone to communicate with other people around the world if someone
has an ability to use English. The ability in using English is very important to everyone.
This is one of the ways to improve human resources. The developing of human
resources by mastering English will be better if it starts as early as possible.
Vocabulary is one of the basic elements in achieving language skills. Students
usually have many problems in mastering English words. They have limited vocabulary
to comprehend the meaning of a text; they do not know the context of word used in text;
they cannot recognize the meaning of each word; they are not able to hear English words
from speakers; they cannot compose their writing task successfully; and they get
diffiqulties to state some sentences in English. Because of that they must improve their
Vocabulary is the words or total words that will developed be a component
language which contains all information about meaning by using words in language. We
can say that vocabulary is the total number of words which make up a language, which is
possessed by a speaker, a writer or a languge user. Vocabulary is very important. Good
English means having a big vocabulary. If you make a grammar mistake, it may be
“wrong” but very often people will understand you anyway. But if you do not know the
exact word that you need, it is very frustrating for you and the person you are talking to.
Learning and teaching a foreign language needs a lot of patience, energy, time,
creativity and competence. The success of the teaching and learning of foreign language
skills including English is determined by a number of factors both linguistic and non
linguistic such as the students, the teacher, the methods, material and media or aids used.
In this research, the writer choose media as fasilitator in teaching. Media are any means
of communication which carry the information between the source and the receiver. The
media are called instructional media if they are used to convey the message in educational
environment. In other word, media could be defined as the carrier of massage from the
teacher to the students. On learning activity media can help the teacher in conveying the
teaching material so the students will clearly understand about the topic.
Eanglish teacher are expected to help the students better to develop their
competence to use foreign languge, therefore teacher should have suitable media to
present the lesson to the students. This study chooses picturea as media because media
can make the students more interesting.
A picture can be painting, drawing, sketch, or any work art. It is good to motivate
students in learning foreign language. So the students easier to memorize something by
using pictures, because students do not imaginate shape of the things .
Research Design
In this research, the data will be collected by quantitative and qualitative data.
Quantitative data is collecting by administrating composition text and qualitative is one
research method that is describing the situation and the event (Sugyono, 2004:4). In
collecting quantitative data, the subjective test will be conducted by the writer in order to
measure students’ ability in vocabulary.
The qualitative data is used to describe the situation during teaching process. For
gathering the qualitative data, the researcher use:
(1) Interview
The interview will be done to the English teacher in the first meeting about the
teaching process in the class, about the topic will be given in the vocabulary class, and
this step also to know about the students’ capability in vocabulary class. Interviews
provide opportunities for students to describe the situation in their own terms. It is a
reflective process that enables the interview to explore his or her experience in detail and
to reveal the many features of that experience that has an effect on the issue investigated.
(2) Questionnaire
Based on the observation sheet, the writer can manage the classroom effectively.
The writer will give enough chance for the students asking their questions or giving
comments. The writer also will motivate the students to show how their best in the
vocabulary in the class.
(4) Diary Notes
Diary notes will be written down in every meeting during conducting the
research. They will be used to describe the writer’s thoughts and feelings about teaching
learning process. The diary notes will be analyzed in order to know all the things that
contain the writer’s personal evaluation about the running class.
A collaborator will be asked to observe and evaluate all the situations during the
teaching learning process, the researcher, the students and the class in the teaching
learning process.
Before doing the research procedure, the writer administered observation and get
the license research from the school and orientation identify the basic knowledge of
students about vocabulary in the school. The procedures of data collection of the study
will be conducted within two cycles. First cycle has four meetings; second cycle has two
meetings, so there 6 meetings in the action research. Each meeting included four stage
namely planning, action, observation, and reflection.
The First Cycle
Action means the process of activity that has been done. Action is the
implementation of planning. In this step, students taught how to pictures can improve
students’ vocabulary achivement:
(1) Teacher explain about the topic. In this case the topic was public places.
(2) Teacher shows the pictures in front of the class and pronounces the words. For
example, the names of part of body by using picture. The students give the
attention for the teacher, that explains the new words
(3) Teacher instrucs for students to follow to pronounce the new vocabularies using
(4) It will be done until three times or more.
(5) After presenting a number of words with the pictures that the students already
memorize and know the new vocabulary.
(6) Teacher shows some of the pictures, and ask to the students the names of the
pictures those are shown.
(7) Students mention the words from the pictures together.
(8) After that teacher gives the test to the students to measure how far the students
can memorize the new vocabularies by using pictures.
(9) Alredy gives the test,teacher gives games for the students.
The reflection relate to the process and the effects of the action. It is also the
evaluation of the action that will be done. The evaluation covers evaluating students’
vocabulary achivement scores and the result of observation which purpose to analyze the
situation and make conclusion. The result of the reflection will be used to take further
action for the next cycle.
Second Cycle
From the evaluation in cycle I, the researcher will find the students score. The
researcher will make the planning base on the difficulties of students’ vocabulary
achivement to improve their vocabulary achivement in the second cycle.
In observation, the collaborator assists the writer in conducting the action
research; the collaborator observe the students’ activity during teaching learning process.
The result of cycle II will be expected to get better than the result of cycle I. Besides that,
the cycle I wil be connected and continued to the cycle II to know and determine the
students’ value in the cycle I is true.
The Validity and Reliability of the Test
Validity is the ability of the test to measure what it is supposed to measure. There
are three types of validity according to Brown (2001:388-389) namely: content validity,
face validity and construct validity. The validity of the measurement in this research is
content validity. It is to measure the vocabulary skill that established by the test as the
representativeness which will be provided by the writer. Vocabulary material and tests
given to the students is based on the curriculum.
Test which will be given can measure the use of pictures significantly improve
the students’ vocabulary achievement.
A reliable test is consistent and dependable (Brown, 2001:386). So, reliability
refers to the consistency of the test scores or answers, how consistent they are for each
individual for one administration of an instrument to another, and from one sets of items
to another.
A test must be consistent in its measurements in order to be reliable. A test is
reliable if it will give the same result under the same condition. To obtain the reliability of
the test, Kuder Richardson Formula 21 (KR21) will be applied as follows:
Scoring of Vocabulary
The test is multiple choice tests. There are about 20 queations for each cycle. In scoring
the vocabulary test, it is determined that the ranging from 0-100 by accounting the correct
answer. The correct is given 5 while the wrong answer is given 0 and by applying this
In which:
The study apply quantitative and qualitative data. The qualitative data is analyzed
by using questionnaire sheet and observation sheets which described the improveing of
the students’ vocabulary achievement. The quantitative data is collected and analyzed by
computing the score of vocabulary test.
The mean was gotten by using this formula:
XX = ∑χ X 100 %
In which:
XX = The mean of the students’ score
∑χ = The total score
N = The number of students
The score percentage of each cycle was calculated by using this formula:
P = R x 100 %
In which: P = The percentage the students who get the score 75
R = The number of the students who get score >75
T = The number of students who do the test.
This study applied quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were
taken from the mean of the students’ score in taking multiple choices and essay test. The
Qualitative data were taken from observation sheet, interview sheet, questionnaire sheet
and diary notes. This research was conducted in one class consists of 35 students. It was
accomplished in two cycles. Every cycle consisted of four steps of action research; they
are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The first cycle including orientation test
was conducted in three meetings. The second cycle was conducting in three meetings so
there were six meetings altogether. In the last meeting of every cycle, students were given
multiple choice tests and essay test.
The quantitative data were taken from the result of multiple choice tests and
essay test which was carried out in two cycles. Improving the students’ vocabulary
achivement by using pictures can be seen from the mean of the students’ pre-test, post test
cycle I, and post test cycle II . The data shows that there is improving the students’
achievement in Vocabulary, which is using pictures. The calculation can be seen in
Appendix B.
The qualitative data were taken from the diary notes, interview, questionnaire
sheet and observation sheet. Diary note showed that the students’ interest to learn
vocabulary by using pictures kept increasing even some problem occured in the students
such as paying not good attention while they were treated. So the progress of the mark
was very low. There were two interview conducted. The first interview was one in the
first meeting, and the second one in the last meeting. The first interview sheet showed
their problem about vocabulary such as the students are difficult to memorize the words.
The second one showed their comments after media pictures were implied such as the
students are easier to memorize the words. The interview sheet can be seen in (appendix
C). The observation sheet showed that in the first cycle they were in low desire, so in the
second cycle; they were very active and serious in memorize the words by using pictures.
Eventhough some of the students still found it hard to memorize the words but at last they
could master and were able to memorize the words.
From the entire test and the teaching process conducted, it was found that the
students’ score kept improving from cycle I to cycle II. The students’ score in the pre-test
was lower than the post test I, the post test I was lower than the post test II. And a student
can be said as a master students if he /she gets score up to 75. And here is a table of the
percentage of master students
Table 4.2 shows the improvement of the students’ score of the pre-test to the
second cycle. In the pre-test, there was 17.1% (6 students) who got points up to 75. In the
first cycle test was 57.1% (20 students) and in the second cycle test was 82.8% (29
students). After analyzing all the data, it was concluded that the students’ score had
improved for each student from the pre test until the post test. It was described clearly as
- There were thirtyone students who got the improvement at 5 points( AAN, AS,
NIWP, PP, RR, RA, RR, RS, SM, SR, SRC, S, T, U, YP).
- There were four students who got the improvement at 10 points( N, RK, S, WY ).
In the first cycle, the teacher didn’t prepare the material well so that the students
got unclear explanations. Moreover, the teacher couldn’t organize the classroom well.
As the reflection in the next cycle, the teacher improved her ability in teaching
vocabulary in order to motivate the students to be more interesting in the class, improved
the better teaching and learning process. From the first cycle to the second cycle, below is
the result of the students’ scores:
- There were twenty two sudents who got improvement at 5 points( DA, AS, AK,
U, YP ).
- There were five sudents who got improvement at 10 points( AAN, ANT, LDA,
MH, N ).
- There were eight students who got the same points in the first cycle to the second
cycle ( MFA, NA, RR, RA, RK, RS, S, WY).
Based on the data analysis could be concluded that all of the students got
improvement on their score. There were high improvement and also low improvement.
From the diary notes that were written up by researcher after the lesson, diary
note was used to describe writer’s thought and feelings about the teaching and learning
process. Many of students did not mastery of vocabulary. They looked very difficult and
confused to memorize the words. They have limited vocabulary to comprehend the
meaning of a text; they did not know the context of word used in the text; they cannot
recognized the meaning of each word; they were not able to hear English words from the
speakers; they cannot composed their writing task successfully; and they got diffiqulties
to state some sentences in English. But, after they learned by using media pictures, they
were not confused anymore about vocabulary, they can memorized the words easier. At
the end of research, the students were enthusiastic when the teacher asked them to make
their prediction about the vocabulary.
The interview was done in two meetings. The first meeting was in the first
meeting before the first cycle. The second meeting was in the end of the last meeting in
the second cycle. The complete interview can be seen in the appendix C.
Based on the obsevation sheet, the situation during teaching leaarning process
was better. They were more active when the teacher explain about the topic of vocabulary.
They had good response to the activities in the classroom, eventhough there were some
students who were not focus paid attention to the teacher’s explanation. The complete
observation sheet can be seen in the appendix D.
Questionnaire sheet was used to know the students opinions, perceptions, and
responds about the application of picture in teaching learning process, especially in
vocabulary. The questionnaire was made up based on liker scale. They are agreed
strongly, agreed, disagreed. There were eleven statements in questionnaire. The result of
questionnaire scores can be seen in the appendix E.
The finding of this research showed that the use of pictures significantly to
improve students’ achievement in vocabulary. It was proved by the data, that the mean of
the students in second cycle (77.29%) was higer than in the first cycle(72.71%) and also
in the pre test(67.14%).
Diary notes, interview sheet , questionnaire and observation sheet supported that
the use of media improved students’ vocabulary achievement in . It was shown by
students’ comments and attitude toward vocabulary. They were enthusiastic in each day,
the mistake became less and less. Even day by day there were active and excited to learn
during teaching and learning process.
After analyzing the data, conclusions are drawn as the follow.
The students’ vocabulary mastery was significantly improved from pre-test to
post test of first and second cycle. It means that there is an improvement toward
students’ vocabulary by using picture. This is shown by the improvement of the
mean of the students score namely the mean of the pre-test (67.14 %), the mean
of the post test of the first cycle (72.71%), and the mean of the post test of the
second cycle (77.29%).
The score continuously was improved from pre-test to the post-test of the second
cycle. Therefore, it is concluded that pictures can improve students’ vocabulary.
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