CHAPTER I - The Effectiveness of Using Chain Picture in Teaching Speaking

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A. Background of the Study

English is divided into four skills which are as follows: listening,

speaking, reading, and writing; therefore, speaking is the second skill

and has an important role in communication. Speaking is a part of daily

life that everyone should develop in subtle and detailed language 1. In

Indonesia, English as a foreign language not second language.

Speaking in a foreign language is very difficult and competence in

speaking takes a long time to develop. To speak in a foreign language

learners must master the sound system of the language, have almost

instant access to appropriate vocabulary and be able to put words

together intelligibly with minimal hesitation. In addition, they must also

understand what is being said to them, and be able to respond

appropriately to maintain amicable relations or to achieve their

communicative goals. Because speaking is done in real-time, learners’

Ali Derakhshan, Atefeh Nadi Khalili, Fatima Beheshti, English Language
and Literature Studies. Vol 6: Developing EFL Learner’s Speaking Ability, Accuracy
and Fluency (Iran : Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2016), 177.


abilities to plan, process and produce the foreign language are taxed


However learn English language, especially speaking students

must study hard to increase their knowledge by having confidence

when perform and a lot practice. It is means, speaking of foreign

language is not easy to learn. However many problems are found in

learning English as a foreign language, and the problems of speaking

English are students often feel shy or not confidence and worry about

making mistake in learning to speak.

One of the serious problems is the difficulty in speaking English. It

is because most of them seldom practice speaking this target language.

Actually they know how to speak well but they have no motivation to

increase their speaking abilities. But, the mastery of speaking skills in

English is a priority for many second-language or foreign-language

learners. Why it is become the priority? Because English is an

international language which use by all people around the world to

communicate with others.

Nevertheless, many students in junior high School lack of ability to

speak appropriately. They have difficulties in expressing ideas,

choosing words, and having confidence to speak. To reach a good and


effective result in speaking skill the teacher tries to use various

techniques to get learning process more interesting. It is expected to get

the students expression and explore the knowledge from the technique.

So that, they are more confidence and easily with their explanation in

speaking English.

The problems were found when the writer did PPLK in SMKN 1

Pandeglang. Students were lazy to speak. When they were asked to

speak, they used their first language (native language) rather than using

English. It is because they do not accustomed to use English in English

class. Meanwhile, the students’ difficulties in speaking at SMAN 5

Kota Serang are caused by Mostly, the students feel afraid of making

mistakes, nervous, and shy to express their ideas in spoken form and

they do not have self-confidence to speak English, the lacked of related

vocabularies, low ability in constructing sentences and utterances, and

also low motivation to participate in speaking activity, teachers are still

using methods that boring, do not using media and students are not

given the opportunity to speak and practice their English language


Based on the background, the writer decided to focus on

effectiveness in speaking learning process. Speaking activity in the


classroom needs varieties of media. The students can be attracted in

teaching learning process if the teacher brings good media. The teacher

should be able to choose or to create a good media and an innovative

media to attract students’ interest in learning English especially

speaking activity. The teaching media should be planned in such a way

that learning becomes interesting. It can be done by using pictures as a

real object. The use of pictures can help the teacher to teach the

meaning of pictures and to stimulate the students’ activity. The focus of

this study was to provide attractive chain pictures and to interest

students in the speaking learning process. This is because the use of the

chain pictures can assist the students to speaking English more easily

and help students to speak by a guide the picture. The use of pictures

drawn by the teacher or taken from book, newspaper, and magazine is

to facilitate the learning process.

The kind of this media is really fun and makes students enjoy the

lesson. Teaching by using chain pictures will make students enjoy and

understand more the point of the material given, moreover it will

improve students’ speaking skill as well. Based on the description

above, researchers conduct quantitative research entitled “ The

Effectiveness Of Using Chain Picture in Teaching Speaking ( An


Experimental Research at the eleventh grade students of SMA

Negeri 5 Kota Serang in academic year 2016/2017).

B. Limitation of the Problems

This research is limited to the subject and object investigated.

a. Subject. The subject of this study is the eleventh grade students of
SMA Negeri 5 Kota Serang in 2016/2017 academic year.
b. Object. The object of this research is the effect of chain pictures
towards students speaking skill.

C. Statements of the problem

Based on the background of the study above, the research problem

is can be formulated as follows:

a. How is the students’ skill in speaking at the eleventh grade

students of SMA Negeri 5 Kota Serang in 2016/2017 academic


b. How is the effectiveness of using chain pictures in teaching

speaking at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Kota

Serang in 2016/2017 academic year?


D. The Aims of the Study

According to the problem above the writer formulated the aim as


1. To know the students’ skill in speaking at the eleventh grade of

SMA Negeri 5 Kota Serang in 2016/2017 academic year.

2. To know the effectiveness of teaching speaking using chain picture

at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Kota Serang in

2016/2017 academic year.

E. Assumption and Hypothesis

1. Assumption

Based on research that has occurred with using the chain picture in

teaching speaking, the writer assume that using chain pictures in

teaching speaking will improve the students’ speaking skill at the

eleventh grade students of SMAN 5 Kota Serang. This assumption will

investigate with the experimental research by writer. The writer will

collect data about students’ speaking skill before and after treatment,

and it will be analyze by using t-test.


2. Hypothesis

The hypothesis has determined to realize the assumption of this

research is:

a. The null hypothesis (H0): there is no significant influence between

students’ taught by using chain picture without chain picture.

b. The experimental hypothesis (Ha): there is the influence between

students’ taught by using chain picture without chain picture.

F. Clarification of the Terms

Speaking is expressing thought, ideas, and feeling which use the

ability to pronounce the words to organize the words into phrases or

sentence to choose the words related to the topic. Speaking is the

process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and

nonverbal symbols, in a variety of contexts.

Teaching speaking is an activity to make students as second

language learner or foreign language learner to produce their speech so,

they can speak fluently and confident in front of people or other


Pictures are imitations of goods, animals, plants and so forth. So,

the picture is a copy of imitation or form that painted into the paper or

in other media.

G. Organization of Writing

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION consist of Background of the

Study, Limitation of the Problems, Statement of the Problem, The Aim

of the Study, Assumption and Hypothesis, Clarification of the Terms,

and the Organization of Writing.


review of speaking, teaching speaking, Role of a Teacher in the

Classroom, Teacher Roles on Teaching Speaking, Speaking Classroom

Activities, Chain Picture and Speaking Assessment.


Research Method, Place and Time of the Research, Population and

Sample Research, Research Instrument, Technique of Data Collecting,

Technique of Data Analyzing and The Scoring System.



description of data, data analysis and interpretation of data and



conclusions and suggestions that relevance to the existing problems.

The final part of this paper consists of a list of references,

attachments needed to improve the validity of the content of the thesis

and the final list biography of the author thesis.

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