CHAPTER I - The Effectiveness of Using Chain Picture in Teaching Speaking
CHAPTER I - The Effectiveness of Using Chain Picture in Teaching Speaking
CHAPTER I - The Effectiveness of Using Chain Picture in Teaching Speaking
learners must master the sound system of the language, have almost
Ali Derakhshan, Atefeh Nadi Khalili, Fatima Beheshti, English Language
and Literature Studies. Vol 6: Developing EFL Learner’s Speaking Ability, Accuracy
and Fluency (Iran : Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2016), 177.
abilities to plan, process and produce the foreign language are taxed
English are students often feel shy or not confidence and worry about
Actually they know how to speak well but they have no motivation to
the students expression and explore the knowledge from the technique.
So that, they are more confidence and easily with their explanation in
speaking English.
The problems were found when the writer did PPLK in SMKN 1
speak, they used their first language (native language) rather than using
Kota Serang are caused by Mostly, the students feel afraid of making
mistakes, nervous, and shy to express their ideas in spoken form and
using methods that boring, do not using media and students are not
teaching learning process if the teacher brings good media. The teacher
real object. The use of pictures can help the teacher to teach the
students in the speaking learning process. This is because the use of the
chain pictures can assist the students to speaking English more easily
and help students to speak by a guide the picture. The use of pictures
The kind of this media is really fun and makes students enjoy the
lesson. Teaching by using chain pictures will make students enjoy and
1. Assumption
Based on research that has occurred with using the chain picture in
collect data about students’ speaking skill before and after treatment,
2. Hypothesis
research is:
process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and
the picture is a copy of imitation or form that painted into the paper or
in other media.
G. Organization of Writing