Mixed Method 1

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By Mustika Ratna Pratiwi

1. Identifying, Selecting and defining the research problem

The main goal of language teaching is to enable the students to communicate with
others. Furthermore the goal of language teaching and learning English lesson for Junior
High School in KTSP 2007 is as follows:
Membina keterampilan berbahasa dan berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tertulis
untuk menghadapi perkembangan ipteks dalam menyongsong era globalisasi.
(Suparman, 2007).

Teaching and learning English in Junior High School is different from

teaching and learning English in kindergarten and elementary school viewed from
the teaching method and the materials. There are more aspects that have to be
considered. Teaching method has a close relationship to students psychology.
The teacher has to consider about the psychological aspect of the teenagers like
them when he delivers the materials. They are neither children nor adult. So, it
needs appropriate treatments and appropriate media to teach them.
The complexity of English materials in Junior High School is showed in
the structure, vocabularies and pronunciation that are more complex than those in
kindergarten and primary school. The teacher needs to know the basic competence
of Junior High School in order to make an effective teaching learning process.

The researcher chooses SMPN 1 Kaliwiro as the object of the research.

This school is used to be the researcher school, so she chooses this school in order
to get information from the teacher and the students easily. To add more
information, the researcher has done the pre research that consists of interviewing the
English teacher, interviewing the students, spreading out the questionnaire to
the students, and observing the teaching learning process in the classroom.
Based on the English teachers information the students motivation are
considered low. This condition makes the students hard to focus on the lesson
being taught. That is why their English achievement is low. The teacher informs
that the most difficult skills in English faced by the students are speaking and
listening. After observing the class, the researcher found out that the students
often make some mistakes especially when they produce oral English during the
lesson. The common mistake in producing oral English is dealing with
pronunciation. Sometimes in real communication, students often make mistakes
of pronouncing some words. The researcher concludes that students
pronunciation ability is low. Their unintelligibility pronunciation makes the
researcher thinks that they speak different language. They pronounce go [g ] as
[gu:], five [faf] as [fi:f], thing [t] as [ta] et cetera.
Based on the class observation result, the researcher finds that the teacher
uses conventional method to teach English. He also emphasizes on the reading
skill instead of listening and speaking. He only asks the students to read the
dialogue in front of the class and fixes some pronunciation mistakes made by the
students. By using this way, the teacher thinks that the students will learn English
better. In fact, the students do not show any progress in pronouncing some words.

The researcher also found that the students get some

difficulties in pronunciation. They are as follows:
1. They get difficulties in differentiating English pronunciation from Indonesian
2. They have difficulties in using falling intonation.
3. They have difficulties in following English stress patterns.
4. The students are easily bored during the lesson.

2. Specifying the Purpose and Research Questions, Objective, or Hypothesis for

A. Research Question
Based on the background of the researcher thesis, this research is focused on:
Can and to what extent cartoon films improve pronunciation ability of 8th
grades students at SMP N 1 Kaliwiro ?
What happens when cartoon films are implemented in the pronunciation
B. Objectives
Based on the formulation of the problems, the objectives of this research are:
To describe whether or not and to what extent cartoon films can improve
pronunciation ability of the eight grader students of SMPN 1 Kaliwiro in
To identify what happens when cartoon films are used as a teaching learning
media in pronunciation practice.
C. Hypothesis:
By conducting this study, The writer hopes that the result of this study will give some
benefits as
This research will enable the students to pronounce words correctly. By
watching cartoon films, the students are expected to have a better
understanding of their pronunciation.
This research is expected to motivate other English teachers to improve their
students pronunciation. Through this research, the teachers are expected to
have harder efforts to find various ways to teach English.
The result of the study will be useful for the school to provide new ways to
teach English.
The result of the study may help other researchers in clarifying the use of
cartoon films as one of media to improve the students pronunciation ability.
It enables Teacher Training and Education Faculty especially for English
Department to find out effective methods for teaching pronunciation.

3. Reviewing the Literature

The object of the study is using catoon in pronounciation. Pronunciation is one of

the important aspects in English, especially in oral communication. Every sound, stress
pattern, and intonation may convey meaning. The non native speakers of English who
speak English have to be very careful in pronouncing some utterances or he may create

According to Lado (1964: 70), pronunciation is the use of a sound system in

speaking and listening. Here, pronunciation is merely treated as the act that happens in
speaking and listening, Lado doesnt mention how the sounds are produced.

According to Oxford Advanced Learners English Dictionary, pronunciation is a

way in which a language or a particular word or sound is spoken. This definition has
clear information as follows:
Pronunciation is a way of producing something.
The product of this act is language or word or sound.
But it does not have any important information about how a language or a particular word
or a sound should be spoken.

Wittich and Schuller give their opinion about the advantages of using media in
teaching and learning process. It can be seen in their statement When more information
is communicated by learning media, teacher can give more attention to the uniquely
human aspect of education, understanding the need of individual students, helping them
to set and realize goals and stimulating them to use the information available from
educational media (1979: 2). The conclusion from the opinion is that media plays an
important role as teaching aids to achieve the teaching learning goals.

In selecting the appropriate media as the teaching aids, the teacher should
consider some factors. Morgan and Bowen (1982: 3), give five considerations for
selecting the media, they are:
the purpose of the lesson in relation to the scheme of work and the syllabus,
the scientific objective of the lesson,
the characteristics of the class members (age, sex, educational background, and
the reason for learning the language),
communication problems which may affect the lesson (hesitation and withdrawal
caused by shyness, anxiety, or difficulties in relationship within the group),
the design of the lesson (lesson plan), and
the available resources (visual and audio).
Generally, the kinds of media in the classroom are divided into three kinds: visual aids,
audio aids, and audio visual aids. The teaching aid used by the writer in the research is
cartoon film that belongs to audiovisual aids.

Wittich and Schuller (1962: 135) say that cartoon is pictorial representation or
caricature of a person, idea, situation that is designed to influence public opinion. While
cartoon definition stated in Oxford American Word Power Dictionary (1998) is a movie
or television program that tells a story by using moving drawings instead of real people
and places.

Cartoon films as audiovisual media have significant advantages in teaching learning

process especially in language teaching. Since it interesting and has purposive
communication as stated by Kemp (1963: 3), when such audiovisual materials as slides,
filmstrips, overhead transparencies, and motion pictures (film) are carefully prepared they
Increase understanding
Add interest to a subject
Lengthen the memory of information
Teach a skill effectively
Contribute to a desirable attitude
Stimulate people to action
Offer experiences not easily obtained in other ways
Cartoon, according to Wittich and Schuller (1953: 138), elicits great interest, builds
confidence. The humour in cartoon has great stimulate benefit, even for students with
limited ability. Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that cartoon films give
important benefits to the students, in this case building their motivation and interest in
learning English pronunciation.
4. Identifying, classifying and defining operationally the research variables
5. Selecting or Developing Research Instrument (Instrumentation)

She used four instruments to find out the problem, they are: questionnaire, interview,
observation and pre test. By knowing the problem, the researcher can gather the data that
led her to the next step that is planning the action.

6. Designing the Research Plan

After reading this final project, I can conclude that the researcher is used action research
in this research. Because the steps that the researcher done are 1) identifying the problem;
2) planning the action; 3) implementing the action; 4) observing the action; 5) reflecting
the action; and 6) revising the plan.

7. Sampling

The researcher thought that teaching Pronunciation by using films/cartoon is interesting

because Films are a comfortable, familiar medium to contemporary students that can
keep student interest in the theories and concepts under discussion. Films also are an
economical substitute for field trips and other real world visits. Films offer both cognitive
and affective experiences. The researcher also implied that cartoon films give important
benefits to the student, in this case building their motivation and interest in learning
English pronunciation.

8. Collecting Data

In this research, the writer uses techniques of collecting the qualitative and quantitative
data. The techniques of collecting data used are observation, interview, record, field note,
diaries and tests. The qualitative data in this research was collected by using some
techniques including:
a. Observation
The observer observed and took notes of all that happened before and during the
implementation of cartoon films in the classroom. There were some aspects which
were observed, namely: class situation, students behavior, teacher technique in
delivering the materials and students response when they were given the materials.
The observation was aimed to know the situation of the teaching learning process
when the media was used.
b. Interview
This technique was held at the beginning and the end of the research to know the
students and the teachers view of the teaching-learning process. The interviews
were conducted to teacher and students.
c. Document analysis
The document in this research consists of lesson plans, students worksheet,
questionnaire, teacher diaries, and field notes.
d. Record
Record was used to record students voice when they were conducting tests.
The quantitative data is collected by using tests. The tests are given two times: in the
beginning of the research and in the end of each cycle. These tests are conducted to
measure the students pronunciation ability improvement. Then the post test result is
compared to the students score before the actions are implemented.

9. Classifying and Analyzing Data

After the writer finished collecting the data, the next step is analyzing the data. As
mentioned in the previous chapter, The qualitative data is analyzed by using Constant
Comparative method, while quantitative data is analyzed using statistic descriptive
technique. The writer will not only explain the data but give some understanding and
Interpretation as well. The steps of the data analyzing are:
a. Qualitative Data
Data Reduction
a. Unit identification. First, the smallest unit that is found in the data is
identified. It must have close relationship with the research problems.
b. Having got the unit, the next step is making codification. It means that the
researcher had to code every unit in order to know where the data come from.
Data Presentation
a. Data presentation is the step to combine some information into a compact and
an achievable unit.
b. Data are presented using matrix, graph, web, and draft.
In conclusion, the writer formulates proportional statements that come from the
data. Writing conclusion is a just part of an activity from the whole configuration.
The conclusions are verified during the research. Verification is a frequent study
of the data to test data validity.

b. Quantitative Data
In this step, the researcher using a formula to analyze the data. The data is gained from
the tests. The results of the tests (pre-test and post-test) are analyzed. The data of the pre-
test and post test from audio recording are listened. It is to ensure the accuracy of the
students scores. Then, the students pre test and post test scores are presented in the form
of mean scores. The mean of the pre-test scores and post-test scores are used to analyze
the teaching learning process. It is done to compose the students pronunciation ability
before and after the implementation of the research.

10. Interpreting Data Analysis

In this study, the researcher used mixed method data since the data collected are
pronunciations, and numbers of the pre-test and post-test scores. Descriptive analytic
method is conducted by describing facts, then analyzing them and then calculating the
score of the pre-test and post-test.

11. Reporting and Evaluating Research

Based on the test result, after the actions of the research the students pronunciation
ability was improved. The analysis of the students score shows that there is an
improvement of the students pronunciation ability. The researcher also concluded that
teaching pronunciation using cartoon films as the media improves the students
pronunciation ability.

Besides analyzing the test data, the researcher also analyzed the non-test data. It includes
the teaching pre observation report, field notes, the interview notes, lesson plans,
students answer sheet and the questionnaire result.
Teaching Field Notes
The teacher made a progress by using new style teaching technique. She was
successfully activated the students. It was a good progress. Although still there
were some weaknesses, such as time distributions and some technical things.
Overall, the teaching learning process was good.
Interview Notes
The technique used by the teacher was able to make the students motivated in
learning English, especially pronunciation. They felt happy during the lesson. The
students were also able to express some expressions they never done before.
Questionnaire Result
The students admitted that they have a better understanding in English
pronunciation. They are also more motivated in learning English, especially
pronunciation. They enjoyed the lesson because they could watch cartoon film
and also could learn something from it.

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