Skripsi Abdi Plus Biblio
Skripsi Abdi Plus Biblio
Skripsi Abdi Plus Biblio
English becomes the most primary language in the world. Nowdays almost
all the people around the world use it to communicate. The area of English holds
the important roles in any scope of our life. That is way English has always
Edge says that Since British trade, followed by colonial and imperial
expansion, English spread around the world. Then the military and
economic dominance of the United States of America has confirmed
English as the international language of present historical period. As a
consequence, English serves for many times many more people as a barrier
between themselves and those some fields of interest, many people in their
own countries will not be able to become doctors, for example if they
cannot learn enough English” (1993:25).
speaking ability also has a great value to be able to take part in the wider world of
work. The speaking skill is the ability to carry out formal and informal talking or
oral form. For this case, students should master several speaking components such
components make English teachers think that speaking abilty should be mastered
The techniques of teaching speaking are included dialogue, role play, telling
components, improve the students speaking skill and make the English lesson
more exciting.
In learning speaking skill, the students often find some problems. The
problem frequently found is that their native language causes them difficult to use
motivation to practice English language in daily conversation. They are also too
shy to take part in telling something to other by their own words and being afraid
speaking through storytelling because almost all children like story, it can bring
much joy and also give the students opportunities to remember the words and
understand the sentences easily. Telling stories to children can help children’s
for every child. Telling stories allows children to form their own imagination.
They have no problems with animals or objects which talked and they can identify
research findings say that this technique is effective to use in teaching speaking.
The research that relates to the researcher’s study has been done by Nurul
The last research is conducted by Rini Widiastuti (2007) with his research
satisfactory. She found that the students are mostly active and well motivated.
The difference between this research from previous research is that in this
research the researcher tries to emphasize on the usage and affects of storytelling
by using puppets in teaching vocabulary. And the last research, focuses on the the
because it can encourage students to explore their unique expressiveness and can
From the above explanation, the researcher would like to specify his
research especially teaching speaking by using visual aids. Visual aids are
available in many forms, for example: videos, pictures, tapes, music, games,
puzzles, and puppet toys. In this study, however, the researcher is interested in
teaching speaking by using videos. By using this, it is expected that the teacher
will be able to motivate them to learn and pay attention to the material, so that
storytelling in teaching speaking for the students of the fifth grade at SDN
Sindangwangi. She also wants to know the effectiveness by learners and teachers
in using it.
1. How is the usage of storytelling technique to students ability of the fifth grade
2. What are the affects of storytelling technique to students ability of the fifth
skill, procedure in using storytelling, golden rules for telling stories, responding to
research site, population and sample, technique of data collection and technique of
data analysis.
people can express their minds, ideas and thought freely and
and fluency.
a. Vocabulary
One cannot communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral and
b. Pronunciation
they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the
c. Comprehension
d. Grammar
form in appropriate ones. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct
e. Fluency
pauses and “ums” or “ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker does not
have spend a lot of time searching for the language items needed to
2) Use words and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of
6) Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses,
Speaking.html. p. 1 - 2).
current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in the
observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communication
situation (Burnkart,1998:2).
influence the others in any situation. For this reason, in teaching speaking
teaching young learners we constantly have to keep in mind the fact that
expectations, motivation level, knowledge and last but not least, different
learning styles.
possible to make the whole class find a little something to hold on to,
and how we say it. Thus clear and correct pronunciation is of vital
importance, since young learners repeat exactly what they hear. What has
been learned at an early stage is difficult to change later on. One rule that
grow, their pronunciation gets better and their awareness of the language
our teaching to give the students as much speaking time as possible (Ibid).
Not only those speaking activities below that can be applied to ESL
and EFL classroom settings, but also telling the story. Now many English
should try and learn to speak English since young ages by "interacting".
for this aim. Because it is based on real life situations that require
why storytelling method is easy to use and give a clear picture of the social
reality through the stories. By using storytelling method, students will have
and meaningful tasks that promote oral language. This can occur when
complete a task.
a. Discussion
reasons. The students may aim to arrive at a conclusion, share ideas about
by the teacher. In this way, the discussion points are relevant to this
purpose, so that students do not spend their time chatting with each other
b. Role Play
to the learners such as who they are and what they think or feel. Thus, the
teacher can tell the student that "You are David, you go to the doctor and
c. Simulations
simulations different than role plays is that they are more elaborate. In
d. Information Gap
student will have the information that other partner does not have and the
partners will share their information. Information gap activities serve many
partner plays an important role because the task cannot be completed if the
e. Brain Storming
effective and learners generate ideas quickly and freely. The good
f. Storytelling
somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their
g. Interviews
that they know what type of questions they can ask or what path to follow,
interviews, each student can present his or her study to the class.Moreover,
students can interview each other and "introduce" his or her partner to the
h. Story Completion
For this activity, a teacher starts to tell a story, but after a few
from the point where the previous one stopped. Each student is supposed
to add from four to ten sentences. Students can add new characters, events,
i. Reporting
magazine and, in class, they report to their friends what they find as the
most interesting news. Students can also talk about whether they have
experienced anything worth telling their friends in their daily lives before
j. Playing Cards
In this game, students should form groups of four. Each suit will
memory, and card represent best teacher. Each student in a group will
choose a card. Then, each student will write 4-5 questions about that topic
to ask the other people in the group. For example: if the topic "diamonds:
learning money" is selected, here are some possible questions: .Is money
activity that students are not allowed to prepare yes-no questions, because
k. Picture Narrating
asked to tell the story taking place in the sequential pictures by paying
l. Picture Describing
For this activity students can form groups and each group is given
a different picture. Students discuss the picture with their groups, then a
spokesperson for each group describes the picture to the whole class. This
For this activity students can work in pairs and each couple is given
two different pictures, for example, picture of boys playing football and
they get difficulties to do it. In order that they can carry out the successful
1). Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allocated
to the activity is in fact occupied by learners talk. This may be obvious, but
3). Motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak because they are
interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or they
differentiates are that KTSP give more space to the school to determine basic
situation of the school. So, the government only determined the standar of
according to school’s need and its vision and mission. Furthermore, KTSP
the standard competence. The basic competence for speaking skill in the
3. The Indicator
The learning outcome or the indicator indicates some areas that need
1. Students are able to act and tell the story in the form of oral language by
children as the teaching subjects we are teaching, such as Locke with the
idea of ‘the child as blank slate’, Piaget ‘the child as active learner’ and
Vygotsky ‘the child as social’. Locke, with his idea of the child as blank
slate, holds that children are born with great potential for learning. Their
minds may be viewed as white paper and are filled (nurtured) by the
Krough 1994:142).
1994:43). In this brief, learning will come from the real experience in the
children’s life.
social context, i.e. in a world full of other people that interest with the
stage marks the beginning of language and vocabulary and also to the
observable properties.
than adult. This might have something to do with the plasticity of the
young brain (Harmer, 2002:7). This statement confirms the critical period
is innate and that human beings are born with a set of the new language in
1. Children have their own world that is far different from that of
activities can help the internalize the language they are learning.
unless the activities are extremely engaging. They can easily get
9. Every child can learn in his or her own pace provided that they have
exposure to, engagement in, and support for the things they learn from
find it difficult when the language is broken down into pieces (e.g.
12. Children learn best when they make their own choices. They will
relate choices with their personal wants and needs and those become
16. A teacher should be a language model for the student, therefore over
19. Children are often innovative in language form but still have great
20. Children have a need for individed attented and approval from the
21. Children often learn indirectly rather than directly. That is they
rather than only focusing on the precise topic they are being taught.
sources. They need to work with their students individually and in groups
a given time period and be flexible enough to move on to the next exercise
6) states that:
things that can be used to distribute the message from sender to receiver to
stimulate the sense, mind, attention, and the students interest to build the
computer images.
demonstration material.
from what it was a few decades ago. The modern language laboratory
has between ten or twenty booths, each equipped with a tape deck,
organized in such a way that students can work on their own, can be
listening with pictures. The main advantages of video is the students not
generally motivated.
record spoken language, can be used for individual as well as for group
Locatis and Atkinson (1984) give a brief explanation on the roles of media
1. To entertain
2. To inform
3. To instruct
Media are used to take the viewer and listener from state of not
stages both in and outside the class. The teacher may say very good, good,
b. Marks and grades: When students get good grades, their motivation is
c. Reports: At the end of year some teacher write reports on their student’s
performance. Such reports should give a clear indication of how well the
students have done in the recent past and a reasonable assessment of their
future prospects.
2.4 Storytelling
across centuries and cultures (Fisher, 1985), and its instructional potential
its roots in the attempt to explain life or the mysteries of the world and
the universe to try to make sense out of things (Tway, 1985). In doing so,
the characters and themes in the stories have become cultural and often
The speech abilities needed for storytelling are essentially the same
hear the same story over and over again. Storytelling is a common human
tell a story, they use language for an extended period of time. They
to explain life or the mysteries of the world and the universe to try to make
sense out of things (Tway, 1985). In doing so, the characters and themes in
technological world, people have not changed to such a degree that the
(Livo and Rietz, 1986). Here, students are required to do most of the
talking, consider what they have read, and formulate their thoughts to
Performance Skills Journal state that there were 5 rules when telling a
story, as follows:
When you are telling a story mime and follow your words with actions
(knock on the door, walk around the room, ''go to sleep'' and other
The Tell Well Storytelling system divided into nine steps. It Based
on Jeff Gere (2002) who states that effective storytelling begins with a
b. Visualize the scenes: Who are the people in each scene? What do they
Step 2 – Mime
a. The teacher should model how to mime a story for students. Mime is
awkward and difficult for most people, but it’s important. Bad
physical movement and it enlivens the tales. Mime forces the story-
b. Have students find a private spot. Students should close their eyes
and begin to mime the story. Students should become the characters
a. The teacher should model adding sound effects to the mime. Make
noises, but not words. Explore. Some effects are loud, some are
Step 4 – Words
b. Have students pair up. Students should tell their stories with mime,
sound effects, and words. The listener will give the storyteller
c. The teacher should monitor students to ensure that they are focused
a. The teacher should model asking questions to clarify the basics such
b. The listener needs to ask questions about or retell the parts that are
this step.
a. The teacher should model keeping the characters clear in space and in
informed, and it eliminates the need to say things like “then the bear
said . . .” The audience can see that it’s the bear speaking. The
teacher should also model voice inflections and facial and body
Example: A bear is big and slow, and his face sags. The bear speaks
slowly with a deep voice looking down on a boy to his right. The boy
is small, has big eyes, and is afraid but gutsy. He has a high voice and
speaks looking up at the bear to his left. (Have fun with this step.)
a. Practice using the eyes to hook the audience into the story.
Storytellers talk directly to the audience. When they use eye contact,
b. Challenge students to include not just what is done and said, but how
things look and feel, including colors, scents, textures, and tastes.
a. The feel of the story must be appropriate to the energy of the tale and
the teller. Consider a song. It has different speeds and feelings and an
overall mood. A well told story is told like a song. Pacing, flow, the
musical dynamics of fast and slow, loud and soft, big and small.
b. Encourage students to not just tell the story, but to surf it! Play it!
Sing it! Have fun telling it. Give the story life through you, the
different responses
i. enjoy it
Ur. P. & A. Wright (1995) also explains that the activities that can
i. dissapearing text
Cooper, 1989; Koki, 1998; Zobairi & Gulley, 1989). It is just as Wright
wrote, "Stories which rely so much on words, offer a major and constant
Indeed, some researchers have even claimed that all knowledge comes in
the form of stories (Schank & Abelson, 1995)! Although this strong
overlooked. Firstly, the motivation that comes from the use of stories can
same time help them feel confident in using the foreign language.
anxiety, and building rapport between the instructor and the students, or
the child passes randomly from one event to another, leaving out key facts
between different events. They can even implicitly recognise three of the
main features of storytelling – the location of the action in space and time,
the main plot and the final outcome. As children grow, they become
to produce them.
Their ability to follow and so enjoy stories also increases with age.
means the only reason that storytelling is useful in linguistic terms. Several
Handsbook for The English Classroom by Juan Jesus Zagro and Sagrario
these skills is listening for gist which involves listening for the main
through stories.
once so that the listener has more than one opportunity to understand
with the comprehension of the story (as with visual aids for example),
range of strategies and skills acquired over the child’s life mainly
ellipsis, etc.
storyteller and the audience and between the individual listeners. The
points during the story. For example, by asking the listeners to guess
adult in this case is the teacher and the shared context is the story.
nature of the story, the recreating of scenes and characters and the
ideas in the story mean that few other activities can encourage the
Some students say that they have no time to meet with their
atmosphere for storytelling, in other words those touches which mark and
book, but can improvise, modify words or even events in the stories,
adapt the text to suit our world and that of the learners. Feel free to speak
reading stage. One way of telling stories is simply to read them aloud or
takes place when the story is told to the class face to face when the
storyteller can use illustrations, visual aids and even mime and gesture to
the stories are told directly to the class, as this reflects how stories are
used outside the classroom. This does not rule out the use of a
told in class.
activity for everyone which in turn creates a better attitude in the learner
This chapter describes the steps of the research, including research design,
research site, population and sample, technique of data collection and technique of
analyzing data.
does not use statistic data, it is associated to hypothesis generating and developing
then comes up with a theory account for the data. The theories can explain the
that in data collection, the researcher is continually observing people, events, and
research. So, the researcher will describe the usage and affects of storytelling
The researcher saw that the teacher has only teach the students by
speaking skill. That is why the students are lack of the knowledge about
speaking skill.
research because the researcher want to know the advantages and the
techique at the fifth grade students. The researcher also was graduate
3.3.1 Population
of 25 students.
3.3.2 Sample
The samples of the research are twenty five students from the
is impossible to get result of the research. To obtain the data, the research
1. Observation Technique
the activities of the students while the process of the teaching and
learning programs.
direct contact”.
The procedures for collecting the data are doing in several steps as
materials that are the speaking skill and storytelling technique. The
4. Gave treatment
A. First Meeting
Pre-Activity: Greeting
asked the students about their experiences that happened last time.
While Activity:
Sea horse” with bilingual language and replied for about three times.
Closing Activity
B. Second Meeting
Pre-Activity : Greeting
While Activity:
Closing Activity
C. Third Meeting
Pre-Activity : Greeting
While Activity:
Closing Activity
D. Fourth Meeting
Pre-Activity : Greeting
While Activity:
a. Invited six students as master of each group to tell the story in three or
point), the Best Storytellers (15), the Good Storytellers (10) and for
individual as storyteller are the same. It was held in May 8th, 2010.
Closing Activity
a. Closed the
2. Interview
find out their mind, what they think or how they feel about something.
3. Library Research
may use syllabus, teaching material, lesson plan, and recording interview
as the document.
this case the researcher does not need statistic data. The follows are the
the usage and affects of storyteliing technique on the students speaking ability.
order to recall, the two objectives are presented here. They are as follows:
28th, on May 5th, 8th 2010. Each meeting done for 2x40 minutes, excepted
(a). Opening
researcher came to the class, introduced with greeted and asked the
steps called The Tell Well Storytelling System: Getting Started, Mime,
(b). Presentation
fairy tale they have been told. Then the researcher allowed the students to
Then the researcher asked them other questions such as: who are
your best teachers, worst teachers, and best friends? or how your day
In the third step, the teacher gave fourty minutes to practice and
active the story. Here the researcher divided them into four groups. It
The researcher selected the story and distributed story text sheet
entitled ‘Kamal and The Sea horse’ with key words. The topic was going
holiday to the beach. The story was using bilingual language. It helped
understood the basic vocabulary for about ten minutes before memorized
the story. Here the researcher repeated new words more than once so that
momorized the sequence of events and told two to three sentences and the
next one continued until the end of the three or five minutes in
In this step the researcher took fifteen minutes to act out by using
based on Juan Jesus Zagro and Sagrario Salaberri (1995) who state that
this step helps the process of storytelling to become accepted much more
quickly than other activities which manipulate language and have no real
The students applied for saying the sentences and repeating the
The Story
[looking at the audiances directly and moved her hands to the right side],
seacreatures in it”, [She imagined the things with her hands], “Kamal went
up to the aquarium and saw a sea horse swimming around slowly inside”,
[Looking at the audiances and used physical movement to them], " You're
so small, " said Kamal. " I thought sea horses were bigger." [Using
Kamal’s voice with strong little voice and using physical movement], "
Yes, " answered the sea horse. " Those who see us in books and on
television think we are much bigger than we are, which is actually between
2 and 12 inches (4 and 30 cm) long." [Using Sea horse’s voice with soft,
cheery little voice then imagined the things], Kamal looked closer: " Your
eyes can move in every direction, can't they? “ And so you can know
what's going on all around you." [Using Kamal’s voice, she moved her
eyes every direction] " You're right," the sea horse agreed. "Allah created
our heads at right angles to our bodies.” “ No other sea creatures have this
and we can only move our heads up or down.” [Using Sea horse’s voice
and moved her head up and down], “ Actually, if other creatures had this
characteristic, they would have a problem moving their heads to the left
and right and would not be able to protect themselves from all sorts of
dangers.” “ But we do not have this problem because of the special design
of our bodies.” [Using Sea horse’s voice and moved her head to left and
students to watch and listened the story from video record and replayed
about three times. The video used the sound of water as sound effect of
(d). Recycling
pronunciation, example:
a [holiday] [resort].
in a [‘hɒlədaɪ] [rɪ’zrɔ:t].
in it.
in it.
[around] you."
[ə’raund] you."
(e) Closing
In the last step, the teacher took 5 minutes to close the meeting.
The teacher gave conclusion about the material. After, the researcher gave
a little information about the material that would be learn in the next
meeting. Then, she closed the class by saying hamdallah together and
(a). Opening
(b). Presentation
researcher continued the last topic of story about going holiday to the
story and also involved Indonesian in asking the students. For example:
Guru : Baik, anak anak, siapa diantara kalian yang masih ingat
the story?]
lembaran yang telah diberikan ibu. [ OK, read your story script
Siswa : Baik, bu. [OK, Mum] (open the story script and read it
In the third step, the researcher gave fourty five minutes to practice
Step 4 – Words
This step took ten minutes. The researcher allowed one group
(group A) at first to tell the story in front of the class for more guided
Trus me. First you should take a deep breath and say
This step took twenty minutes. Here the researcher visualized the
to students]
meggerakan kepalanya?
as possible as they can based on the story that they had been read. Here
story, such as: some students active asked questions about or retell the
Presentation was time for students to practice telling the story. Here
the researcher also allowed other groups (group B) told the story by using
mime in front of the class without any help by researcher then recorded
their performances on video. The students very excited told the story using
Here the researcher only monitoring them to ensure that they were
focused on the task. The researcher also gave the students a praise for
their focused.
keeping model keeping the characters with clear in space and in relation
to one another. As Jeff Gere (1995) belives that this is a dramatic device
to keep the audience informed, and it eliminates the need to say things.
For example based on the story like “ ....answered the sea horse”. The
students as audiences can saw that it was the sea horse speaking.
inflections and facial and body gestures to rich their imagination of the
story, as follows :
suara yang pelan dan kecil. Sedangkan kamal adalah anak laki-laki yang
[My dear students, a sea horse is small and swim slowly, and his
face seems like horse. The sea horse speaks slowly with little voice
looking at to Kamal. While, Kamal is a boy, has big eyes. He has a strong
(d). Recycling
In the fourth steps, the researcher took fifteen minutes in the end of
the lesson to give some comments. The teacher gave correction and
Comment : To use Sea horse voice you should use little voice
physical movement]
Error pronunciation : Kamal looked closer " Your [eyes] can move in
Error pronunciation : " You're right," the sea horse agreed. "Allah
and down]
(a). Opening
(b). Presentation
the same topic of story about going holiday to the beach. The researcher
Guru : “Baik, anak anak, siapa diantara kalian yang masih ingat
terlebih dahulu selama sepuluh menit.” [Good, now play it with your
In the third step, the researcher gave fourty five minutes to practice
This step took fifteen minutes. The researcher told the story by
using eye contact to them. Then the researcher asked with involved
kontak mata]
activities in which they had to imagine the senteces by using eyes contact.
Meanwhile, the last utterance was used for giving them enough exposure
this step. Here the students applied the patterns for illustrating or
by her], “Kamal went up to the aquarium and saw a sea horse swimming
around slowly inside”, [looking at the object that illlustrated by her], etc.
The aim of using eye contact was to hook the audiences into the
story. When the students were telling the story by using eye contact, the
This step called challenging step and took ten minutes. Here the
only enough time to give them essential and provocative details of the
story. The existence of the pictures helped the students to understand the
story and to get the meaning of a certain words. So the students allowed to
use their senses to illustrate feel, taste and saw the real things, colors and
textures the objects of Sea horse and Kamal from the video. This was
based on Jeff Gere (2002) who state that challenge students to include not
just what is done and said, but how things look and feel, including colors,
scents, textures, and tastes. They should try to use three to five sensory
meaning of the story gave them imagination about the characters, setting,
and plot related to the story. This was based on Juan Jesus Zagro and
Sagrario Salaberri (1995) who state that the comprehension of the story
can also be made easier by the use of visual aids, gesture, mime and even
This step took twenty minutes. In this step the researcher invited
last group (C and D) to continue telling the same story by using character
voices and eye contact in front of the class. Then the researcher recorded
Before the story was told, the researcher giving them motivation at
the story, but surfed it! Played it! Have fun telling
Here the researcher also informed them to set their feelings and
mood before they were telling the story. The feel of the story must be
appropriate to the energy of the tale and the teller. This was based on Jeff
Gere (2002) who states that a well told story is told like a song. Pacing,
flow, the musical dynamics of fast and slow, loud and soft, big and small.
(d). Recycling
In the fourth steps, the researcher took fifteen minutes in the end of
the lesson to give some comments. The teacher gave correction and
Comment : To use Sea horse voice you should use little voice
physical movement]
Error pronunciation : Kamal looked closer " Your [eyes] can move in
Error pronunciation : " You're right," the sea horse agreed. "Allah
and down]
(e) Closing
In the last step, the teacher took 5 minutes to close the meeting.
The researcher or teacher gave conclusion about the material. After, she
gave a little information about the material that would be learn in the next
meeting. Then, she closed the class by saying hamdallah together and
(a). Opening
(b). Presentation
continued the previous topic of story about going holiday to the beach.
The researcher conducted prememory about eye contact and surfing the
Guru : “Baik, anak anak, siapa diantara kalian yang masih ingat
Siswa : Baik, Bu. [OK, Mum] (the students try to train eye
practice and activate telling the story. Here the researcher invited only six
students as the masters of each group to tell the previous story for about
(d). Recycling
Comment :To use eye contact you should focus on the object
between them.
Error pronunciation : "Yes," answer the Sea horse. Those who see us in
Correct sentence : Kamal looked closer " Your eyes can move
heads up or down.
(e). Closing
In the last step, the researcher took 5 minutes to close the meeting.The
teacher gave conclusion about the material. The researcher gave a little
information about the material that would be learn in the next meeting. Then, she
closed the class by saying hamdallah together and thanked for the students
time allocation is about 45 minutes. Some students are sit in pairs and
students activities because they also sit with their groups. The students
activity are memorizing and performing to tell the story in front of the
students present told the story in groups and oneself for the masters of the
problems. After the researcher observed the class, there were some
in speaking class because without this feeling the lesson will be failed. By
learning speaking. The students who have low capability cannot follow
Siswa : “Maaf, bu. Saya belum hafal. Saya takut jika harus
a). Performance
class. Because of this situation they are afraid if they have bad
b). Nervousness
feel that they cannot comprehend the material well and make mistakes.
c). Pronunciation
they do not recognize them yet. As a result, it often happens slip of the
For example:
Table I.2
Name: Error List
(1). Model
her hands].
The Story
[looking at the audiances directly and moved her hands to the right side],
seacreatures in it”, [She imagined the things with her hands], “Kamal went
up to the aquarium and saw a sea horse swimming around slowly inside”,
[Looking at the audiances and used physical movement to them], " You're
so small, " said Kamal. " I thought sea horses were bigger." [Using
Kamal’s voice with strong little voice and using physical movement], "
Yes, " answered the sea horse. " Those who see us in books and on
television think we are much bigger than we are, which is actually between
2 and 12 inches (4 and 30 cm) long." [Using Sea horse’s voice with soft,
Kamal looked closer: " Your eyes can move in every direction, can't they?
“ And so you can know what's going on all around you." [Using Kamal’s
voice, she moved her eyes every direction] " You're right," the sea horse
agreed. "Allah created our heads at right angles to our bodies.” “ No other
and we can only move our heads up or down.” [Using Sea horse’s voice
and moved her head up and down], “ Actually, if other creatures had this
characteristic, they would have a problem moving their heads to the left
and right and would not be able to protect themselves from all sorts of
dangers.” “ But we do not have this problem because of the special design
of our bodies.” [Using Sea horse’s voice and moved her head to left and
(2). Counselor
It means that the teacher can be a good advisor when the students
face some problems. The teacher tries to help the students to forced their
looked closer: " Your eyes can move in every direction, can't they? “ And
Guru : To visualize it, please setting your mood and tone at first
gesture to students].
the classroom situation and condition of the learners. The teacher has to
because the teacher has responsibility for all activities in the teaching
learning of English. For example, before the students get the material, she
make the lesson comfortable and safe. The teacher also can develop the
(4). Instructor
Guru : “Baik. Anak – anak. Coba lihat lembar cerita yang ada di
Siswa : Iya, Bu. [Yes, Mum] (and the teacher start to read the
(5). Evaluator
At the end of the lesson, the teacher must be able to evaluate the
For example:
form of comment and giving a mark. In her comment, she gives many
the next meeting. In addition, she also gives a mark for students
classroom. To get clear description about the student role, the researcher
explains the material. The students are expected to listen carefully and
researcher, for instance: the researcher asks them to perform telling the
is because learning a language will be more exiting if there are some media. There
are many teaching media that may be used by the English teacher in teaching
speaking such as a radio, language laboratory, video, pictures and cards, board,
and etc. Here the researcher also using video record as visual aid besides using
The researcher made and played the video about the story with full
pictures, colors, and also recorded storyteller’s voice and sound effect in order the
students will watch and listen more to the story and also they can practice telling
Parts of teaching evaluation are comments, marks and grades, and reports.
However, to evaluate the speaking skill the researcher gives some comments and
marks in the last meeting to their student’s performance. First, comments may
Hopefully, this way will increase the student’s speaking ability. Second, student
The researcher finds that the students who get score 81-100 are 12
students. The score between 61-80 are 10 students. The score between 41-60 are 3
knows that the result of teaching speaking through storyteliing is effective and
The researcher used the theory from their statement that
In this study, the researcher had interviewed some students. Interview was
Interview was held in June 9th, 2010 with the question as follows:
technique? Why?
The researcher had given some questions to fifteen students of the fifth grade
teaching speaking through storytelling can build their speaking skill and they
realling like studying speaking. Their statements can be seen from the table
kosakata pada 10
cerita tersebut? 12
This chapter contains of two parts conclusion and suggestion. The first part
presents the conclusions which are derived from the findings presented in the
previous chapter. The second part gives suggestion which is addressed to the next
5.1 Conclusion
In relation to the two major research questions which are presented earlier
There were a number of step called The Tell Well Storytelling System that
enable the students to structure their storytelling unit. The nine steps were Getting
Faces, and Placement, Eye Contact, Five Senses, Surfing the Story. In each of
step, there were a number of step that guided the students to begin storytelling
technique in teaching speaking process effectively. Those steps had the effect of
speeding the storytelling technique in speaking process as what Jeff Gere (2002)
Getting started step was used for checking out student’s understanding the
basic vocabulary and comprehension of the story. The step of mime was used for
surprise and physical movement of the story. The step of sound effect, words,
listener feedback were used for student’s comprehension of the story along the
learning processes. In this case, step of sound effect which was supported by
using video with sound, pictures and storyteller’s voice. Whereas step of words
was used for inviting the model of storytellers told the story in front of the class.
The step character voices, faces, and placement, eye contact, five senses, surfing
the story were used for student’s comprehension. Those step were proved to help
5.2 Suggestion
There are some suggestions that can be offered to the students, English
teacher, the headmaster, and the other researcher as an effort to enhance the
a.. To have a good result in speaking activities, the students need a lot of practice
in memorizing and telling the story into their daily activities with her or his
friend. They should prepare themselves especially before joining to the class,
b. They must pay attention to the lesson and teacher explain related to the
The teacher should learn how to enhance their ability in teaching English
and to establish a good atmosphere in the class, so that the students feel happy and
selective in choosing the teaching material. The teacher must be creative to apply
various techniques in teaching speaking in order that the students are interested in
learning speaking.
provide many facilities of teaching media. The headmaster should reevaluate the
To other researchers who want to conduct research with the same subject,
the researcher hopes that this research may be useful as a reference. Further study
in storytelling technique is necessary to be done. This has a lot of benefit for both
be studied for the next researchers and expectedly the wider study in this
technique and method will give much information to teacher especially for
elementary school’s teachers, so they can take sufficient and appropriate roles in
order to contribute to her/his student’s language and the tell well storytelling unit.
Fraenkel, Jack R and Wallen, Norman E. (1993). How To Design and Evaluate
Research In Education. New York: San Francisco State University
Gere, Jeff. (2002) By Word of Mouth: A Storytelling Guide for the Classroom.
Pacific Recources for Education and Learning.
Klancar, Natasa Intihar. (2006). Developing Speaking Skills in the Young Learner
Classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XII, No. 11.May.2010. Skills.html. p. 1
Sudjana, Nana dan Rifai, Ahmad. Drs. (2002). Media Pengajaran. Bandung: Sinar
Baru Algensindo
Zagro, Jesus Juan and Salaberri, Sagrario. (1995). Storytelling: Handbooks for the
English Classroom.Macmillan.
CI. 06070018
CI.. 06070018
E. SULYATI, Dra.,M.Pd.
Wahyudi, Drs.
This study was conducted under the considerations that the fifth grade
speaking. One of them is storytelling technique. In this final project, the aims of
the study was to investigate the usage and affects of storytelling technique to
qualitative research. This research was held through pretest and posttest in four
groups. The population of the study was the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri
Sindangwangi. The total number of sample in this study was 25 students. The data
In solving the problems, the researcher carried out an study using s method
called t-test. The writer used two groups: experiment group and
control group. In the control group the writer used written text story, while in the
The computation result of t-test was 4.616. the critical value of t was 2.02
for α = 5% and df = 38. Because t value was higher than the critical valueof t
achievement between the students who were taught using comics and students
who were taught without comics. From the polygon frequency, it could be
suggestion to the teacher to improve the students' ability in story retelling in order
to get better result. The use of comics should be maintained frequently and
that blessed the researcher with health and tremendous power to finish this
Praise and invocation are also given to our Prophet, Muhammad SAW,
who is always hoped his intercession in the end of the world. Therefore, the
researcher would express her appreciation and sincerest thanks to those who have
2. Mrs. Rina Rosiana, Dra., M.Pd. as the first supervisor and the first
3. Mr. Wahyudi, Drs., the second supervisor and the second examiner, who
4. Special honour is dedicated for all of the lecturers who have helped her to
for her helps, and all of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri
7. The researcher’s beloved parents and all the researcher’s family who gave
their motivation and support in writing this research paper, her old brother
‘aa Utep’ thanks for support and affection, and her lovely friends: Teh
Yan & Yen, Lia ‘nathie’, thanks for your helps, support, and
Finally, one or nothing is perfect and neither is this final project. Any
The Researcher
Komponen Dasar
Pengalaman belajar
- Berbagi cerita tentang pengalaman yang menarik dari para siswa, seperti
cerita hobi, tempat menarik, keluarga, teman, dan lain-lain.
- Penilaian
Alat : Video
Sumber : Buku cerita anak.
Menceritakan sebuah cerita menggunakan mimik, gestur/ bahasa tubuh yang
melibatkan tindak tutur.
An Islamic Story
Membaca dan memahami cerita anak
Melafalkan cerita anak
Mampu bercerita dan mempraktekannya
Mengekspresikan cerita:
- “ You are so small ” said Kamal. “ I thought sea horses were bigger”
- Your eyes can move in every direction can’t they?
Bercerita (Storytelling)
A. Cerita/dongeng
B. demonstrasi
A. Kegiatan Awal
- isi cerita
- Mempraktekkan isi cerita
B. Kegiatan Inti
- Siswa tampil bercerita secara berkelompok
- Siswa tampil bercerita secara individu
C. Kegiatan Akhir
Mengucapkan isi cerita berbahasa inggris dengan fasih
1. Partisaipasi dan interaksi siswa
2. Performance siswa
Alat/ Bahan Ajar
A.Stories for thinking children
B. Audio Visual berupa rekaman video bergambar dengan efek suara
A. Test lisan (memperagakan cerita baik secara individu maupun kelompok)
Tabel 4.1
Student Score
G L 1 4 3 3 4 4 72
L 10 5 4 4 4 5 88
R L 17 4 4 4 4 4 80
P 18 4 4 4 4 4 80
O P 19 5 5 4 5 5 96
L 24 4 4 4 4 5 84
G L 5 3 3 2 3 3 56
L 6 4 4 4 4 5 84
R L 8 4 4 3 4 4 76
P 11 4 4 3 4 4 76
O L 12 3 3 2 3 3 56
P 25 4 3 3 3 4 68
G L 2 3 3 3 4 4 68
L 3 4 4 4 4 5 84
R L 4 3 3 2 3 3 56
P 14 5 4 4 4 5 88
O P 15 4 4 4 4 5 84
P 16 5 4 4 4 4 84
L 23 3 4 4 3 4 72
G L 7 4 4 4 4 5 84
L 9 3 3 3 4 4 68
R L 13 4 5 4 5 5 92
L 20 4 4 4 3 3 72
O P 21 5 5 4 5 5 96
P 22 5 5 4 5 5 96
Total Score 100 97 88 98 107 1960
The researcher finds that the students who get score 81-100 are 12
students. The score between 61-80 are 10 students. The score between 41-60 are 3
students.. It can concluded that most of the students can speak and tell the story
Students’ Achievement
Exellent 4 91 – 100
Very Good 8 81 – 90
Good 7 71 – 80
Fair 3 61 – 70
Poor 3 51 – 60
Very Poor - Less than 50
Students %
1. 4 96
2. 1 92
3. 2 88
4. 6 84
5. 2 80
6. 2 76
7. 3 72
8. 3 68
9. 3 56
Total Percentage
From this table of the percentage score about the researcher can categorize
Based on the result above and from the observation had been done by the
The researcher finds that the students who get score 81-100 are 12
students. The score between 61-80 are 10 students. The score between 41-60
are 3 students.
No Student Name Score
1. L Acep Sopian 3 3 3 3 3 60
2 L Ade Susanto 3 3 3 3 2 56
3. L Ahmad Kosasih 3 3 3 3 3 60
4. L Anggi Permana 2 1 2 2 1 24
5. L Asep Rizal 2 1 2 2 1 24
6. L Deni Kusumah 3 3 3 3 3 60
7. L Fefen Supendi 4 3 3 3 4 68
8. L Heri Suhendar 4 3 3 3 4 68
9. L Irvan Fadilla Setiawan 3 3 3 4 4 68
10. L Jaka Riansyah 4 3 3 4 4 72
11. P Julianti Nurjanah 3 3 3 3 3 60
12. L Maman 2 2 1 1 2 24
13. L Muhamad Rizki 4 4 4 3 3 72
14. P Nunung Nurhayati 4 4 3 3 3 68
15. P Pitriani 3 3 2 2 3 52
16, P Reni Yuningsih 4 3 3 3 3 64
17. L Sobari 3 3 2 2 3 52
18 P Sri Mulyanti 3 3 2 3 2 52
19. P Susan Silviani 4 4 3 4 4 76
20. L Sutisna 2 3 2 2 2 44
21. P Tati Yuliawati 4 4 4 3 3 72
22. P Wiwin Wahyuni 4 4 3 4 3 72
23. L Yan Kusdiana 3 3 2 2 2 48
24. L Yopi Yuliana 3 3 3 3 2 56
25. P Yuyun Jubaedah 3 2 3 3 2 52
Total Score 80 74 68 71 69 1496
Cukup memuaskan 41 – 60
Kurang memuaskan 21 – 40
Tidak memuaskan 0 – 20
The researcher finds that the students who get score 81-100 are 11
students. The score between 61-80 are 12 students. The score between 41-60
First of all, I praise to Allah the Almighty for the blessing and mercy given
to me during my study and in completing this final project.
I would be grateful to many people who have contributed their ideas and
time in completing my final project. I would like to express my sincere gratitude
to Dwi Anggara Asianti, S.S, and M.Pd. as my first advisor for giving me
guidance and help to finish this final project. My gratitude goes to Dra. Hj.Dwi
Rukmini, M.Pd. as my second advisor who has spent countless hours correcting
this final project in order to make it better. I also thank the examiners who have
spent their time to examine me and correct my final project.
I also would like to extent my deep thanks to the principal of SMP Negeri
2 Pemalang and all the teachers who have helped me in conducting this study.
My special thanks to all lectures of the English Department of UNNES
who have taught me since the first year of my study.
Finally, none or nothing is perfect and neither is this final project. Any
correction, comments, and critics for the improvement of this final project are
always open-heartedly welcomed.
The Writer
Before the students practiced it, the researrcher allowed them to watch the
story from video record and repeated (three times) as they listened. This gives
she asked the students to visualize each scenes on that video, for examples: Who
is the people in that scene?, Where is it take place?, How do they talk, move, and
stand?. The researcher also used some illustrations such as mime, gesture to help
their comprehension when story is told directly to them. Telling stories to children
can help children’s development and also their language. Storytelling should be
part of growing up for every child. Telling stories allows children to form their
own imagination. They have no problems with animals or objects which talked
because it can encourage students to explore their unique expressiveness and can
Kerlinger (1965:118) states that an instrument plays an important role in a
study in the sense that reliability of the instrument will influence the reliability of
the data obtained. Before collecting the data, the writer made instrument such as a
rating scale and a questionnaire.
1. Rating Scale
The writer used a rating scale as proposed by Harris to score the students'
result in speaking test. This is a 5-level rating scale. This rating scale
measures the students' speaking skills especially in pronunciation, grammar,
vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.
The rating scales for the speaking test modified from David P. Harris and
Walter Bartz can be seen as follow:
Table 1
Rating Scale
2. Questionnaire
After doing the post-test, the writer distributed questionnaire in the last
activity. The purpose was to answer the questions about the students'
achievement in receiving the material from the writer. The questions were
1. The students' interest in comics that were given by the writer during the
2. The relevance between the vocabulary offered in this research and the
vocabulary that the students often use in their daily speaking.
3. The students' mastery of the material.
4. The sustainability of the research program.
The questionnaire can be seen in appendix 13.
Providing value of graded scores is very important, since the result of the
mean is not in round figure, but decimal. The result of the questionnaire data
analysis of each issue can be classified into a range of mean below.
Table 2
Classification of graded Scores