The Effect of Using Retelling Story To Improve Students Speaking Skill at Eleventh Grade of Man 1 Pasaman
The Effect of Using Retelling Story To Improve Students Speaking Skill at Eleventh Grade of Man 1 Pasaman
The Effect of Using Retelling Story To Improve Students Speaking Skill at Eleventh Grade of Man 1 Pasaman
and also speaking is the way for communication with each other and makes
clear the topic about. As we know that speaking skill is very important in
through communication that they do in their daily life and also can make
defines communication happen when the listener can give the response to the
speaker after the listener understand the message given. As we know, there
are four basic skill in english which should be mastered. One of them is
complicated task, which call for the orchestration of many different cognitive
Aidil Syah Putra, “The Correlation Between Motivation and Speaking Ability”.
Channing : Journal of English Language Education and Literature, (Vol. II No. 1 2017) p.38.
Speaking ability is a productive skill related to your mastery of a topic
fluently and presupposes not only knowledge of language feature, but also the
speaking. To improve speaking skill, there are so many ways that can use for
skill. According to Rebecca T. Isbel, she state the students enjoy and learn
from a story told. But they also have the added benefit of a model retelling
story technique that uses oral language expressively and fluency. Related to
Ani Dwi Wahyuni, “The Effectiveness of Short Movie for Teaching Speaking” (FKIP
UMP, 2016) p.6.
Rebecca T. Isbell, Supporting Languange Learning, Telling and Retelling Stories,
Learning Language and Literacy (University in Johnson City, 2002) p.28.
Based on the preliminary research by conducted obeservation and
interview English teacher (Yulfida S.Pd) on 6th May 2023 and students on 10th
learning process at classroom. The researcher did the observation during the
teaching and learning process at classroom, the first problem when the
learning process begin with explanation text material, the teacher focus on the
book while writing on the whiteboard the material that is already listed in the
book and explain it. Some students are asked to read the text in the book, at
the same time the teacher improve student pronunciation. As a result of such
researcher did the interview on 6th May 2023 with students eleven grade
different class each of their answers had the same thing, when speaking
english they were less confident. In addition, when they speak english in
interview with the English teacher (Yulfida S.pd), state that learning English
English in front of the class. Beside that, the students' limitations in mastering
vocabulary, only a few students still kept silent. On the other hand among all
students, only a few students talk to their friend in other words not listening
teacher. The teacher admitted that only some of the students could speak
English. This can be seen in the classroom where some students are only
silent when asked question and there are some students who can smoothly
version, this technique is very useful for improve students speaking ability, to
difference between before using retelling story and after using retelling story
in their speaking ability students with the title “The Effect of Using
problems that could be found by the researcher and the identified as below :
1. Lack of teacher strategies when teaching classes that only focus on book.
2. Most of students were not interested to learn about English.
the research is to find out the effect of using retelling story technique towards
1. How is the students speaking ability before taught by using retelling story
2. How is the students speaking ability after taught by using retelling story
3. Is there any significant difference between before using retelling story and
present the purpose of this research is "to find out the effect of using retelling
F. Significances of the Research
The researcher hopes that the result of this research will give some
1. For the students, the researcher hope this research to improve ability of
English pronunciation.
2. For the teacher, the researcher hopes that this will help teacher in giving
3. For the researcher, the researcher conducts the research to fulfill the
1. Speaking Skill
2. Retelling Story
1. Nature of Speaking
about some topic in discussion. Speaking is also a skill, and skill will not
listening and then telling or retelling it in their own version. The aim is to
train students speaking ability to convey idea in oral form. Apart from that,
students will also learn through the message and moral value that are told
a. Definition of Speaking
and presupposes not only knowledge of language feature, but also the
Ani Dwi Wahyuni, “The Effectiveness of Short Movie for Teaching Speaking”. (FKIP
UMP, 2016).
language. The learners need to find the most appropriate word and also the
The last expert is Kayi. She state that speaking is the process of
building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal
retell pas event namely about legend of the pas, along with feeling, idea
only producing words and sounds, but the researcher have a goal in
Waode Hamsia, “Developing Students’ Speaking Ability Through Story Completion”.
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Vol. 5 No. 1
(Juni 2018) p.58.
Darwissyah Irwan D, “The Effect of Retelling Story Towards Students’ Speaking
Ability”. UNINDRA Jakarta. Vol.9 No.1 (2016) p.15.
Kayi, Hayriye. 2006. “Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second
b. Types of Speaking
First is Nation and Newton. They said there are two types of speaking:
formal and informal8. In formal speaking, there are usually rules that are
language used when in situations with people who are older, in a higher
Another expert is Brown. He state classify there are six basic types
interruption until starting the question and answer time. While, Nakamura
and Valen state that in monologue, students are asked to sharing or telling
Aidil Syah Putra, “The Correlation Between Motivation and Speaking Ability”.
Channing : Journal of English Language Education and Literature, Vol. II No. 1 2017.
Markadina. “Students Pereption of English Speaking Club to Improve Speaking Skill”.
(UIN Banda Aceh, 2019) p. 9.
level, commonly this activity is in the form of oral reports, summarize,
Dialogue carry out to emphasize for a social relationship that the spreading
discussion or debating. Students are divided into several group, they asked
to find their own topics and discusses it in the classroom with the other
which has the aim of exchanging specific information, for example here is
maintaining social relationship is the forms of speaking performance such
The last expert is Brown and Abeywickrama. They said there are
assessment although grammar also takes part as the scoring criteria. What
explanation. What comes out from them is solely the information student
tasks but the interaction with the counterpart is minimal. The activity
Yenni Rahmawati & Ertin. “Developing Assessment for Speaking”. (Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, 2014) IJEE. Vol. 1. No. 2. p. 201.
In interactive the load and complexity of the sentences is the major
speakers also matter as sometimes it need more than two people in the
Also, the speaker will need to interact with the counter speakers, which
language components.
language. This is used for the students will present their story individually
based on the story given in front of the class. The researcher will adapt this
and task11.
includes articulation, emphasis and intonation. Pronunciation in English is
the word.
where the form of words can change and can be combined into sentences
of language12. Grammar is one of the ways where people can change the
lots of vocabulary can make it easier to speak. On the other hand, people
a fairly fast speaking speed and only a few pauses and "ums" or "ers".
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching Third Edition, (UK:
Longman), p.12.
These signs indicate that students do not spend much time looking for the
the other speakers speak. The students can express a language through
comprehension that they have before speaking in front of the class. If they
understand what other speakers speak, they can speak or give feedback to
others. But, if they don’t understand what the other speakers say, they can
becomes a requirement for the people if they want to speak with other
ideas. Students are given the opportunity to understand the content of the
story in groups and complete the task given by the teacher after retelling
Harris, David. 1974. Testing English as a Second Language. New York: Mc. Graw. Hill
Book Company.
grammatical form in appropriateness. The utility of grammar is also to
learn the correct way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written
when they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the
determine how sounds vary and pattern in a language. There are two
and expressively. In other words, the speaker can read, understand and
respond in a language clearly and concisely while relating meaning and
small number of pauses and “ums” or “ers”. These signs indicate that the
speaker does not have spent a lot of time searching for the language items
needed to express the message. From the ideas above, the researcher
The last expert is Hughes. He states that there are five components
In accent that is include how the learners can speak by using good
Gunaldi Masbiran, Andi Fauzi. “Speaking Skill in Using Comminity Language
Learning (CLL)”. IJIELT, Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017. p. 199.
communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral and written
and expressively. In other words, the speaker can read, understand and
capitalize on the natural link between speaking and lsitening, give students
opportunities to initiate oral communication, and encourage the
wich students’ speech matches what people actually say when they use the
target language. Fluency is the extent to which speakers use the language
ultimate goals and interests, to student need for knowledge, for status, for
achieving competence and autonomy, and for “being all that they can be”.
Even in those techniques that don’t send students into ecstasy, helped
student to see how the activity will benefit them. Often students don’t
know why teacher ask student to do certain things, it usually pays to tell
meaningful contexts this theme has been played time and again. It is not
one by one to pick the right answer. It takes energy and creativity to devise
H. Douglas Brown. “Teaching by Principle An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy”. (Second Edition, 2001) p. 275-276.
In provide appropriate feedback and correction, in most EFL
linguistic feedback. In ESL situations, they may get such feedback “out
English to inject the kinds of corrective feedback that are appropriate for
the moment.
goals may naturally coincide, and the two skills can reinforce each other.
aware of. Student simply have not thought about developing their own
Another expert is Finocchiaro. She state six principles for teaching
so that they can differentiate each word and the meaning well when they
For instance the teacher can give some sentences that use the same root by
using different pattern, and then the students are expected to be curious
about the meaning which can be finding by observing, asking, and finally
Ani Dwi Wahyuni, “The Effectiveness of Short Movie for Teaching Speaking”. (FKIP
UMP, 2016). p. 7.
Meanwhile the essential of language learning through speaking is
response the question will be different too. Finocchiaro state that the way
some steps to teach speaking. First, select the material for intensive
understand the language, we also need to learn culture, gestures, and the
intonation pattern can also show the feeling of the speaker. It may express
some kinds of expression, like as show the anger, happiness, sadness, and
The last expert is Nunan. He state suggested some design
teachers should give students a chance to practice with both fluency and
using group work or pair work and limiting his talk, teachers should plan
speaking, teachers should involve speaking activities not only in class but
contexts, because they have very few opportunities to use the target
second language context is one where the target language is the language
Monika Asih. “Teaching Students’ Speaking Skill by Using Presentation, Practice and
Production (3P) Method”. IKIP PGRI Pontianak (2018). p.23.
of communication in the society. Second language learners include
matches what people actually say when they use the target language.
Fluency is the extent to which speakers use the language quickly and
their fluency and their accuracy. They cannot develop fluency if the
group work or pair work and limiting his talk. It is important for as
teacher don’t take up all the time the students could be talking. Pair work
and group work activities can be used to increase the amount of time that
learners get to speak in the target language during lessons. One further
conversation, the learners take on diverse speaking roles that are normally
Teachers should plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for
the people they are speaking with to address them with language at a level
mean? How did you reach that conclusion?” in order to prompt students to
speak more. There are several efforts that teachers can make to develop
students to talk more in class, teachers must often ask students questions
Teachers should provide written feedback like “Your presentation
was really great. It was a good job. I really appreciated your efforts in
preaparing the materials and the efficient use of your voice”. Feedback
often while they are speaking. Correction should not distract the student
from his or her speech. The main figure in the learning process is the
often happens in the learning process that when the teacher corrects the
mistakes of students who are performing in front of the class, the students'
attention and focus is diverted because the teacher too often corrects
also out class; contact parents and other people who can help. Students'
frequently, not only during the process of learning English, but teachers
must also give students assignments to practice speaking English
students are on the right track and see whether they need help while they
must be professional and have good class management skills so that the
education and learning process in the class is carried out effectively and
teaching speaking. From the existing principles, researcher will apply the
effective learning. The researcher will adapt this suitable for the
researcher's purpose.
2. Nature of Retelling Story
influence the telling of the story. In fact, storytelling emerges from the
readings of the text, which supports fluency. Naturally, retelling is its own
First is Ismail Irwan. He state retelling story is telling story that use our
own word after reading from a book, magazine or hearing from someone,
Ismail Irwan. “The Effectiveness of Retelling Story to Improve Students Vocabulary at
the Eight Year of SMPN 8 Palopo”. STAIN Palopo (2014) p.23.
Ulviana Rasni, Maemuna Muhayyang and A. Muliati, “The Use of Story’ Retelling
Technique to Develop Students’ Vocabulary at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 6 Wajo”. English
Education Department, State University of Makassar, Indonesia. Vol 1 No. 4 (2022) p.407.
Intan Dika Putri, Ag. Bambang Setiyadi and Burhanuddin, “Teaching Speaking Skills
Through Retelling Story Technique at Senior High School”. (FKIP Universitas Lampung. U-JET)
Vol. 9, No. 2, 2020. p.199.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that retelling
ability. Retelling story challenges the students to do what they can with
they have, with the elements that need to be considered, namely plot,
through the procedure: the teacher asks the students to read or listen the
story that provided by the teacher, the teacher divides the students in to
several groups and discussing the story, the teacher asks the students to tell
what they read or listen form the story to their group partner, last the
story: the teacher hangs different written stories with colorful papers on
the white board, the teacher asks the students to make groups of five, the
teacher asks every group take a paper from the white board, the teacher
asks them to develop a story in 15 minutes, the teacher asks them to retell
Welmi Meliza. “A Study of Students Speaking Ability Through Retelling Story of the
First Year Students at SMAN 1 Rambah Academic Year 2020/2021”. Universitas Islam Riau
(2021). p.15.
their story based on the group discussion, last the teacher gives award to
the students are asked to sit in the groups, the students make a story based
last the teacher asks the students to tell the story based on the result on
retelling story. From the existing procedures, researchers will apply the
that students can follow the learning process well. The researcher will
story technique in speaking. First is Mustafa. He state that there are some
advantages that retelling story: children enjoy retelling the tale again, this
makes learning a language easier, the narrative offers a useful setting for
Another expert is Marzuki. He state already explain about the
enjoy join the learning activity by reading, watching, and listening, the
students can practice speaking in factual life situations, the students can
organize ideas based on stories, last the students have adquate capacity to
combine the real situation with their imagination to form new stories25.
The last expert is Rebecca T. Isbel. She state already expalin about
and learn from a story told, the students have added benefit of a model that
with telling their own stories, last the students uses their imagination to
retelling story26.
the retelling story technique, students will be motivated to learn and make
it easier for them to convey what they have read. This technique is very
useful for making students more active, giving students the opportunity to
Marzuki, Prayogo. J.A, and Wahyudi, A, “Improving the EFL Learners’ Speaking
Ability through Interactive Story Telling”. Malang Dinamika Ilmu. Vol. 16 (1) 2016. p. 18.
Rebecca T. Isbell, Supporting Languange Learning, Telling and Retelling Stories,
Learning Language and Literacy (University in Johnson City, 2002) p.28.
B. Review of Related Studies
studies that relate to this research. Firstly, research was done by Welmi
Meliza, was the university from Pekanbaru who was conducted a research
with the title “A study of Students Speaking Ability Trough Retelling Story
This study is aimed to investigate whether or not the use of retelling short
story improves the students‟ speaking skill and to find out the effect size of
the improvement of students‟ speaking skill after being taught using retelling
short story of the tenth grade students of SMA. The amount of participants is
from Pekanbaru who was conducted a research with the title “The Effect of
Grade of SMAN 1 Rumbio Jaya”. This study aims to determine whether the
use of retelling stories can improve students' speaking skills and to determine
the magnitude of the effect of improving students' speaking skills after being
taught using retelling stories for class X SMA students. The form of this
from Jakarta who was conducted a research with the title “The Effectiveness
looks for significant differences using story telling in teaching speaking using
experimental and control group methods. The pre-test and post-test conducted
Welmi Meliza, “A Study of Students Speaking Ability Through Retelling Story of the
First Year Students at SMAN 1 Rambah”. (2021).
Azmi Mulya, “The Effect of Using Retelling Story A Story in Their Speaking Ability
Students at 11th Grade of SMAN 1 Rumbio Jaya”. (2021).
by the samples of the research were the students of XI MIPA 3 as the
C. Conceptual Framework
The sceme above shows the researcher conclude that there are
some principles in teaching speaking ability in retelling story. The teacher can
apply the procedure above in teaching narrative text by using retelling story
D. Hypothesis
Ho : There is no significant difference of speaking ability between before