Purcom Unit III

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UNIT 3: Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Communication for Academic Purposes

Academic Research Writing

​ ​How many times you have been asked to report a topic in your class? How many times have you
felt that you failed to convey the information clearly?
​ ​As students and professionals, speaking to inform people is inevitable. You may be asked to
describe an event or object, explain a concept or idea, show how things work, and introduce yourself. There are
almost infinite situations and topics that you can talk about to inform others.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​LESSON I
​ ​ ​Developing and delivering an Informative Speech

​The Informative Speech
​ I​ nformative speech as the term implies, is a type of speech that aims to inform the audience and
not to advocate a cause or influence people to act and think as you want them to be. The information that you
will convey will be judged based on accuracy, completeness, clarity, and meaningfulness. Hence, it is important
to develop your skill In informative speaking; that is to achieve personal and professional success. A successful
informative speech can empower the audience through the new ideas and skills that you can impart to them. It
can also shape their perception and clarity options for action.
​ ​Before delivering your informative speech, you must ensure that your topic is significant enough
to merit a speech. You must also identify the level of information that your audience already know and the
information that they need to know about the chosen topic. Lastly, ensure that you clearly understand the
intricacies of your topic to establish credibility and confidence.

​Types of Informative Speech

1. Speech about objects
​Object refers to something that is visible, tangible and stable in form that can be experienced through
physical senses. Objects can be living or non-living. Speech organization about objects can be chronological,
spatial or topical.

​Here are some examples of speeches about objects:

• Mayon Volcano
• 3D glasses
• The poodle
• Light Rail Transit
• A Syringe

2. Speech about processes

​Process refers to sequence of actions or steps that lead to a specific product or income. Processes
may involve people- people interacting with machines, and forces of nature. Your goal in this type of
speech is for the audience to understand and/or perform the process. Generally, you need to have the
following elements when delivering this speech: input (materials), tools or forces (operate on the inputs),
sequence of steps from start to finish, output or product, and skills (Bovee, 2003).
​Speech organization about processes is chronological. You can apply the following tips when
delivering a speech about processes:
1. Give an overview about the whole process.
2. Subgroup complicated processes for better comprehension. Make sure that subgrouping is logically
arranged. For example, when demonstrating how to cook Italian spaghetti, you may group the procedure
according to ingredients and materials needed, actual cooking and garnishing.
3. Review frequently to ensure that the audience are still with you.
4. Summarize the procedure.
5. Use visual aids

Here are some examples of speeches about processes:

• How a tornado develops
• How papaya soap is made
• How to play piano
• How to cook adobo

3. Speech about people

​Speech about people is like speech about objects – except of course, they should be represented
as human beings. This type of speech allows the speaker to describe how people look like, how they act,
how they deal with life, and the like.

Here are some examples of speeches about people.

• The Sacrifices of Mother Teresa
• The Legacy of Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
• President Rodrigo Duterte: The Road to the Malacañang Palace

4. Speech about events

​An event refers to anything that happens or is happening. Speech Organization about events can
be by chronology, by cause-effect, or by category. It must be subdivided consistently and logically. Here
are some examples of speeches about events:

• Miss Universe 2018

• Recent Philippine Elections
• National SCUAA

5. Speech about issues

​An issue refers to a point or matter of discussion, dispute, and public concern. To clarify such an
issue, a speech may be delivered. The following are some of the issues that can be discussed for better
• Truancy among students
• Professional conflicts
• Sexual harassment
• Corruption in the Philippines

6. Speech about concepts

​A concept refers to beliefs, theories, principles, and ideas. One characteristics of a concept is its
abstract state. A speech about concepts can be arranged by topics or by comparison and contrast. Here
are some examples of speeches about concepts:
• Feminism
• Financial Freedom
• Capitalism
• Leadership
​ ​Ways in Organizing Informative Speech
Chronological. If you intend to describe a process or discuss changes and developments, consider using
the chronological arrangement which involves sequencing of events or steps. The topics that may need
this approach are the following:
• How to print a document from a computer
• How to cook spaghetti
• The Life of Oprah Winfey
Spatial. If you need to organize your speech according to physical space and relationships between and
among locations, consider using a spatial arrangement which allows the audience to visualize locations,
appearance, distances, and arrangement of objects. The topics that may need this approach are the
• Asia’s best tourist spots
• Describing a newly built condominium
• Different regions in the Philippines
Categorical or Topical. If you intend to show the audience the classification of subjects, consider using
this approach which allows the audience to see how the subject is divided into subggroups or subtopics.
Through this approach is very flexible, it may also bore the audience because of the absence of actions.
The topics that may need this approach are the following:
• Types of learners
• Different branches of science
• Body systems (i.e. circulatory, digestive, respiratory)
Cause and Effect. If you intend to show reasons why a phenomenon occurred and/or what the outcomes
are, consider using the cause-and-effect approach. It allows the audience to see the causal relationship of
events. The topics that may need this approach are the following:
• Dangers of alcohol drinking
• Dangers of smoking
• Causes and effects of abortion
Comparison and Contrast. If you intend to show the differences and similarities of an event, place
person, things and other concepts and objects consider using comparison and contrast approach. It helps
the audience choose between two items being compared. The topics that may need this approach are the
• Mobile phone vs. landline
• Where to spend a vacation: Singapore or Hongkong?
• A comparison and contrast between Globe and Smart
​Additional Tips for an Effective Informative Speech
1. Use plain language. Avoid jargons, clichés, highfalutin, and legalistic terms unless it is totally
2. Relate your topic to the audience. Talk to them not at them.
3. Do not overestimate not underestimate your audience’s knowledge about the topic. Your main purpose
is to inform.
4. Use active and concrete language over abstract. Since you are writing to inform, be clear in what you
want your readers to understand.
5. Enlighten and entertain your audience simultaneously. A happy soul absorbs more information.

Write a 3-minute extemporaneous speech using the following guidelines or directions in developing it.
Choose one of the following topics:
• A scholar
• A top-notcher
• A professor
• Beauty
• Health
• Religion
• A good language teacher
• Election
• Courtship
• Marriage
• Music
• Books
I. Construct two interesting information questions about your topic.
​1. Give a general statement about it. Start by saying, “Many say that…”
​2. Give a specific statement. Start by saying “Others say that…”
​3. Give your own opinion about the topic. “In my own opinion…”
​4. Cite a quotation about your topic and mention the author. “according to….”
​5. Explain the quotation. “This means that….”
​6. Give your statement of purpose by mentioning three tips that your audience ​will
remember about your topic. For example, “Today, I am going to share with ​you three tips on how
​7. Explain each tip.
​8. Make a conclusion by repeating those three tips without the explanation.
​9. Challenge your audience by making suggestion or recommendation and ​explain why
you value the topic that you have chosen.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​LESSON II
​ ​ ​Developing and Delivering a persuasive Speech

The Persuasive Speech

​Persuasive speech has the primary purpose of influencing the attitudes or actions of the audience.
It is different from informative speech in many ways as shown in the following table (Osborn and
Osborn, 2006)
Informative Speech Persuasive Speech
Presents options Pushes for a choice among options
Speaker acts as the teacher Speaker acts as an advocate
Uses supporting materials to enlighten the Uses supporting materials to justify advice
Asks for little audience commitment Asks for strong audience commitment
Speaker’s credibility is relevant Speaker’s credibility is more important
Fewer appeals to emotions Strong appeals to emotions
High ethical obligation Higher ethical obligation
​ ​ ​Four Types of Persuasive Speech
1. Speech to Convince
​In this type of speech, no direct action is needed from the audience. Its focus is to change attitude
and perception. For example, when a president of one country asks or persuades you to believe that there
are fewer incidence of corruption in the government, he is delivering a speech to convince.
2. Speech to Actuate
​In this type of speech, an action is needed from the audience. A good example of speeches to
actuate are those of the sales agents convincing you to buy their products or politicians who ask for your
vote during the elections.
3. Speech to Inspire
​In this type of speech, the audience usually share the same beliefs and thoughts with the speaker.
Its purpose is to make the audience more enthusiastic on something. An example of this is when a team
leader motivates her/his members to never give up and continue on doing their job no matter how hard it
is. Speaking during commencement exercises, award ceremonies, and tribute have the purpose to inspire
the audience.
4. Debates and Public Argumentation
​In this type of speech, two groups of people or two individuals discuss a certain proposition; one
is “for” and the other one is ”against”. This can also be in a form of a meeting or panel with members
giving their own points of view.
​ ​ ​ ​ ​Persuasion Process
​Understanding the process of persuasion will further develop your persuasion skills. According
to William J. McGuire, persuasion, through the Information Processing Model, involves six steps:
Presentation, Attention, Comprehension, Yielding, Retention, and Behavior.
​This model assumes that the receiver in a persuasive communication is a problem solver or
information processor.

Presentation ​ ​ ​ Involves exposure to communication

Attention ​ ​ Involves attending to the message and liking it
Comprehension ​Involves learning the “what” and the “how” of the message
Yielding ​Involves attitude change
Retention ​Involves memory storage and/or argument
Behaviour ​Involves acting out of desired behavior

Tips in Dealing with a Reluctant Audience or a

“Tough Crowd”
1. Establish goodwill early in your speech.
2. Begin with points of agreement.
3. Make good eye contact but not aggressive
4. Speak with conviction.
5. Emphasize positive motives and emotions, such as fairness, safety, sympathy, love ambition, respect,
and patriotism.
6. Give emphasis on explanation rather than being argumentative.
7. Mention experts and authorities that the audience respects.
8. Do not push your audience to believe in all your arguments.
9. Compare your views with others but make sure your comparison is favourable on your side.
10. Anticipate possible questions from the audience and then supply them as you talk.
11. Never threaten the values of the audience, instead, reason out on the perspective of your listener’s
12. Demonstrate a clear and specific plan of action.
13. Be enthusiastic and sincere.

​ ​ ​Designs for a Persuasive Speech

Problem- Solution Method
​Using this model, a speaker presents a problem then proposes a solution. He/she tries to convince
that a problem exists and that the audience needs to act on it and make a change.
Step I. Persuade the audience that a problem exists. Problems may range from the easiest to the most
difficult. They may be familiar to the audience or new for them. In case your audience is not familiar to
the problem, take time or make the problem understood by them.
Step II. Persuade the Audience that your solution is the best. Tailor the speech in a way that your
proposed solution is worth their time, effort, and money.

A. Directions: Look for a partner. In pairs, think of a current social issue that will serve as your topic.
Student A will take “pro” stand and the other student will take the “con” stand.
Topic: Imposition of wearing uniform in all State Universities.
Student A: Wearing of uniform in all universities must be imposed.
Student B: Wearing of uniform in all state must not be imposed.

B. Prepare an outline for a seven-minute speech using an appropriate design as discussed follow these
steps before delivering your persuasive speech:
​1. Prepare a preliminary outline for your speech.
​2. Research on the topic that you have selected.
​3. Prepare a second draft of your outline.
​4. Confer with your classmates and/or teacher.
​5. Prepare the final outline as commented.

​ ​
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​LESSON III
​ ​ ​ ​ ​Talking that Fits the Occasion
​The test of an excellent public speaker is to challenge himself or herself to have an on-the-spot or
impromptu speech. To deliver such speech, a speaker needs to have great organizational skills, wit, and
composure. Speaking in front of people is a fearsome task, more so if you have very little time to
​We are sometimes asked to “say a few words” in an event that usually rattles us especially when
we are not used to it.

​ ​Impromptu Speech
​The feature that distinguishes impromptu from other types of speech is time. Impromptu speech
involves unrehearsed speaking with very short time for preparation.
​In fact, many of the speeches you give are impromptu. You can be asked to speak to introduce, to
thank, to inspire, to welcome, to entertain, and to congratulate. No matter what the purpose is, all entails
little time to prepare. The challenge is how you can deliver such speech effectively.

​Methods or Patterns of Organizing an Impromptu Speech

1. PREP method
Point: State your position on the topic.
Reason: State your reason for taking the position
Example: Provide an example that helps explain your reason.
Restatement of Point: Summarize and Restate your position.

P The point I wish to make is that Impromptu Speaking is an essential skill to have.
R Being able to speak effectively with little preparation is very empowering

​I can remember my sister being called to speak in front of her colleagues. At

E ​first she struggled; but because she knows some techniques in delivering an ​impromptu
speech, the struggles were turned into opportunities- opportunities to showcase her speaking skills and
wit. Now, she is more confident, ore vibrant, more alive, more willing to take risks not only in speaking
but also in whatever she does.

P When a person becomes more comfortable in speaking even with less preparation, he or she becomes
empowered and stronger.

2. Point-Support-Conclusion (PSC) Method

Point: Provide your point of view, key idea, or objective.
Support: Provide stories or examples that help prove your point.
Conclusion: End by restating your point of view or key idea and by making your call to action.

3. Past-Present-Future(PPF) Method
Point: State your Key Point
Past: Discuss what happened in the past
Future: Tell your audience about what will or could happen in the future.
Point: Summarize by restating your key point.

Delivering Functional Speeches

No matter what the situation is, we need to consider these points:
​1. Functional speeches must be brief.
​2. Functional speeches concern emotions.
​3. Functional speeches, especially the language used, must be appropriate to the situation. You
do not want a highly entertaining speech during a funeral.

Introducing a Speaker
​Generally, introducing speakers should not be longer than two minutes. Do not be a catalyst to
the boredom of the audience by enumerating the full biography of the speaker. Use the following
sequence when introducing a speaker:
1. What is the topic?
2. Why is it important to the audience?
3. Why is the speaker qualified to talk about the topic?
4. Who is the speaker?
Welcoming Attendees and Guests
​The purpose of a welcoming address is to make the participants feel comfortable. As the person
designated to welcome the quest, you stand as the representative of the organizer. Your credibility and
performance may influence how the guests perceive the whole event. Use the following tips when
welcoming the participants:
1. Limit the speech between three to five minutes.
2. Mention the organizer, the type of participants, and the important locations and facilities.
3. Start with a high note.
4. Describe some highlights of the event.

Accepting and Thanking

Use the following tips when thanking those who recognize us:

1. Keep the speech short, usually not more than two minutes.
2. Do not forget to thank the Award-giving organization
3. Do not forget to thank those who are instrumental to your success.

Wedding Wishes
​A wedding is a day of hope, love and celebration. Giving wedding wishes to the couples need not
be fancy; however, you can be creative. Here are some tips on how you can give your warm wishes to
the newlyweds:
​1. Be sincere.
​2. A love poem or quotation can be a good way to begin the speech.
​3. Speak about your personal thoughts and relate to the couples.
​4. You may use humor

Directions: Perform the Functional Speeches
Choose one (1) of the functional speeches below and make a 3 minute video recorded speech and
upload it in your FACEBOOK Account and tag me once you post it.

Functional Speeches
1. Wedding wishes
2. Accepting an award or thanking people for an award
3. Eulogy
4. Introducing a speaker
5. Welcoming attendees or participants
6. Congratulatory address
7. Inspirational address
8. Giving a tribute

​ ​ ​ ​ ​LESSON IV
​ ​ ​ ​Genres of Academic Writing

Four Common Genres in Academic Writing

​Academic writing starts when a student is assigned to gather, organize, and present thoughts and
insights about a course related subject. An essay written by a college or a high school student, and a
reaction paper made by a graduate school student are examples of academic writing.

1. Reaction Paper and Reflection Papers

​These writing tasks require the writer to connect something he read with his own experiences or
with other works he read or studied. The purpose is to develop ideas or concepts in depth. These feature
a student’s response or thoughts about a particular issue, composition, artwork, book film or experience.
​Reaction and reflection papers are popular genres that require careful, thoughtful, reading,
research and writing. To a freshmen college student who is expected to develop higher order thinking
skills or higher level of academic discourse, this is not simply giving the summary of various materials
or expressing feelings toward them but synthesizing, analyzing and evaluating those materials.

Common Characteristics of Reaction Paper and Reflection Paper

✓ In form or structure, it may not have a thesis or main idea, but usually has some focus more
specific than the whole text
✓ It may use paragraphs, topic sentence and/or closing sentence, an introduction and conclusion.
✓ It is personal, introspective, philosophical in nature
✓ Personal experiences and/or observations are used with less formal or conversational English.
✓ In style, it may quote from a text for the purpose of responding to the quote.
✓ For the point of view “I” is nearly always used unless otherwise specified.

Though reaction paper and reflection paper and synonymous or have many things in common,
they differ in purpose. The following show their distinct characteristics:

Reaction Paper
▪ It is also called a response paper
▪ It is more focused on the writer’s feelings on a topic
▪ It serves as an avenue for the writer to answer questions about their feelings, agreement or
disagreement, and even their evaluation of the topic.

Reflection Paper
▪ It is more focused to express what they have learned about a topic
▪ It gives the writer the opportunity to express how an article, lesson, lecture or experience
shapes their understanding.
▪ It gives way for the learners to apply their beliefs in connection to what is being reflected.

​Steps in Writing a Reaction or Reflection Paper

1. Know the purpose of your reaction/reflection paper. Are you going to evaluate a
material based on some principles, theories, concepts or models? Or are you going to give
a personal response?
2. Take down notes as you reread or review the materials.
3. Identify the main theme of the material.
4. Develop your thesis statement effectively.
5. Write major points or key impressions.
6. Support each point with evidence or proofs objectively.
7. Chart ideas/things for the easy and logical sequence.
8. Develop the body that provides context for the conclusion.
9. Make a conclusion that summarizes all the thoughts/feelings in the process.
10. Revise, edit and proofread the whole composition using the first person point of view
(I, We), unless instructed otherwise.

I. Reaction Paper: Give your reactions to following proposal by the LGBT Community:
​The LGBT Community or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community is
urging the legislative branch of the government to pass a law that would enable them to
have their public comfort rooms.

II. Reflection Paper: Should the government give in to the demand of LGBT community
to have their own comfort room?

2. Summary Paper
​This paper requires the writer to wrap up and simplify a longer text read (or
watched, or heard). This paper checks understanding of assigned reading, viewing or
listening to engage in leading discussion or presenting to the class.
​A summary shrinks a large amount of information into only the essentials. A
summary paper condenses a long piece of writing into a smaller paragraph by extracting
only the vital information. A summary use only the writer’s own words. Like the
summary’s purpose in daily conversation, the purpose of an academic summary paper or
summary document. Although shorter than the original piece of writing, a summary
should still communicate all the key points and key support. In other words, summary
paragraphs should succinct and to the point.

Characteristics of Summary Paper

✓ It encapsulates key elements of target text objectively
✓ It rarely quotes from the text
✓ It does not introduce author’s opinions about the text
✓ Needs not contain all the specific facts and figures in the original document
✓ Composed of one or two organized paragraphs from context of the context of the
✓ Uses edited academic English

Virginia Kearney (2016), describes summary as telling the main articles in your
own words. She also suggests the following steps in writing a summary paper or
summary essay.

​Steps in Writing a Summary Paper

1. Read the article, one paragraph at a time.

2. For each paragraph, underline the main idea sentence on your computer or a piece of
3. When you finish the article, read all the underline sentences.
4. In your own words, write down one sentence that conveys the main idea. Start the
sentence using the name of the author and title of the article.
5. Continue writing your summary by writing the other underlined sentences in your own
word. Remember that you need to change both the words of the sentence and all the word
6. Use transition words to link your sentences together.
7. Make sure you include the name of the author and article and use “author tags” to tell
the reader know you are talking about what the author said and not your own ideas.
8. Re-read your piece. Does it flow well? Are there too many details? Not enough? Your
summary should be as short and concise as possible.

Given the following article on Catriona’s Journey as Miss World Philippines 2016, come
up with an effective summary.

​Catriona as Miss World Philippines 2016

Catriona Gray is the country’s fourth Miss Universe. Before winning the title, the 24-
year-old beauty queen joined the Miss World 2016. On her way to becoming Miss
Universe 2018, Catriona took the route via Miss World 2016, her first international
pageant stint. Then 22, the Filipino-Australian model was crowned Miss World
Philippines 2016 on October 2, 2016.
​She joined the competition partly to increase awareness of her personal advocacy,
Paraiso: The Bright Beginnings Project. The project was a fundraising effort, which
aimed to help build a preschool for the underprivileged children living in Smokey
Mountain, Tondo, Manila.
​Catriona represented the Philippines in Miss World 2016 that was held in Oxon
Hill, Maryland USA. She made it up to Top 5, and the crown went to Miss Puerto Rico
Stephanie Del Valle. But Catriona did not fret about her third runner-up finish.
​A few days after the Miss World 2016 pageant wrapped up on December 18 at
MGM National Harbor Inn, Catriona revealed that the experience motivated her to do
better as an individual.
​“Miss World was never just a beauty contest to me,”she began.
​“The crown represented a journey, one that grew from being an independent
endeavor to one that became more than me.”
​“A journey that rallied the support and love of my countrymen.”
​“A journey that forced me to look into myself and discover what I was made of.
​“A journey that found its heart in the children in one of the poorest slums of my
​“Yes, the crown represented a journey… until I realized that the journey could
continue and exist without it.
​“I truly believe that God always knows what’s best and I trust in his plan and
perfect timing…”

3. Analysis Paper
​Most students consider writing an analysis paper as one of the most difficult
challenge they can ever have. It must be because this kind of paper goes beyond
presentation of facts only as it requires appropriate exposition of these facts as well as
their analysis. An analysis essay, which is tantamount to textual analysis, evaluates
students’ knowledge of specific subject or a certain aspect of the subject as well as their
ability to investigate matters pertaining to the subject.

Guidelines in Writing Textual Analysis

​Writing analysis papers requires appropriate tricks that help writers continually
come up with excellent papers over time without compromising on quality. Here are steps
that every student should follow when doing an analysis paper.
• Narrowing down the topic to an appropriate subject of analysis.
Students who attempt to analyze a wide range of issues or topics may end up their
paper appearing with no direction.
• Coming up with an opinion that expresses viewpoint of the author. Once a
subject of analysis was selected, the paper should be clear what side the author
takes. Aside from bringing out opinions in the paper, it is important that the paper
presents arguments or evidences how you arrived at the conclusions.
• Gathering all useful information on the subject. It is necessary to collect details
to support the side that the author takes. First hand experiments, comparisons
documentary analysis, apart from secondary sources are essential in making an
analysis of the material.
• Writing the textual analysis with an interesting lead. Start up the paper with a
brief but interesting statement of the subject of analysis. Start with a broad
statement that narrows down to a specific theme.
• Writing the main body with facts supporting information and arguments. Use
varied resources of evidences like quotes, parodies, and other reliable sources.
• Ending up with a powerful statement. Finish with a summary of what you have
discussed in the body and have a powerful conclusion that restates your main
points. Quotations, questions, punchlines, and the like could make up an effective


Narrowing down the topic to an Topic: Mining

appropriate subject of analysis
Narrowed down topic: Mining in the Philippines
Title: Gold: The Glory or the Peril?

Coming up with an opinion that Author’s standpoint on the issue/topic.

expresses viewpoint of the author.
We are blessed with the benefits of mining but we are
alongside punished by its harms.
Gathering all useful information on Gathered information:
the subject
➢ The consequences of mining are landslides, flashfloods,
earthquakes, killing for treasure, bloody displacements,
and eventually, loos of ancestral lands and resources.
➢ Mining has jeopardized the lives of the villagers just for the
greed of money.
➢ Biodiversity has weakened from time to time
➢ Rivers are being polluted

➢ Mangrove forests and coral reefs are destroyed

➢ Agriculture is ruined and the lives of indigenous cultures
are damaged
➢ Individuals rally to repeal the mining ACT of 1995
➢ According to Sun or Star Publication, Boac, Marinduques,
Siocon, Zamboanga Del Norte, Rapu-rapu, Albay, Surigao
del Norte and other areas suffered from the perils of

Writing the textual analysis with an Lead of the paper:

interesting lead
“Sometimes we are blessed in the morning, but the
punishment comes in the afternoon”.

Writing the main body with facts, Body of the analysis paper:
supporting information and
arguments. Philippines has its vast natural resources being
strategically situated in the Southeast coast of Asia. It is
silently establishing its name as a sources of ores and
minerals in response to the calls for globalization. We are
Mining in the Philippines thus has become a culture. Like
every mining activity in the country, this brings a large
amount of income, but the consequences are still amassed.
Landslides, flashfloods, earthquakes, killing for treasure,
bloody displacements, and eventually, loss of ancestral
lands and resources because of mining, have jeopardized
the lives of the villagers just for the greed of money.
Biodiversity has weakened from time to time. Rivers are
being polluted. Mangrove forests and coral reefs are
destroyed. Agriculture is ruined and the lives of
indigenous cultures are damaged, we are ruined…

Most of the ill-fated individuals have already rallied

against the perils of mining. Their calls are: Uphold life!
Defend ,” “Stop large-scale mining and logging!” “Repeal
the mining ACT of 1995!” These calls alone can reduce
how big a deal mining has created.

Places such as Boac, Marinduque, Siocon, Zamboanga del

Norte, Rapu-rapu, Albay, Surigao del Norte and other
areas are said to have tragic experiences due to mining
according to Sun or Star Publication.
Anything adverse may just happen in the most unexpected
time. Could money then hinder the disastrous effects of
Many Filipinos have suffered and are suffering. Truly
money is hard to find nowadays, especially when there is
no formal education. Money is significant just for a single
soul to live, but what if the means of earning could take
away a large number of lives?
Many are convinced that the most threatening part of this
activity is the danger that miners endure day in and day
out. Their lives are a stake every time they work in times,
for there is the possibility of collapse in the mining site
which is one of the biggest causes of fatalities in mining
activities. That’s just a portion of the risk. What more if
we include the endangered lives outside the mines?
Wouldn’t that be a greater number?

Ending up with a powerful statement Ending:

Against all odds, we forever cling into the ideals of

education and unity despite cultural diversity. The
treasures beneath the soil of our country are no reason for
us to defy what we learned and how we live. There are
better means that we can propel our lives to a more
meaningful and more productive one not mining which
destroys the dreams of the strong-willed Filipino.
We are blessed and never be punished….


Choose a topic from the list below, then follow the steps or guidelines in developing an
analysis paper or essay. Accomplish the second column in the following matrix.

​a. National Elections: Does it really matter?

​b. Do I need to join a school org.?
​c. Urbanization: Turning farmlands into business establishments


Narrowing down the topic to Topic: ____________________________

an appropriate subject of
analysis Narrowed down topic:

Title: _____________________________

Coming up with an opinion Author’s standpoint on the issue/ topic:

that expresses viewpoint of
the author.

Gathering all useful Gathered information:

information on the subject

Writing the textual analysis Lead of the paper:

with an interesting lead
Writing the main body with Body of the analysis paper:
facts, supporting information
and arguments.

Ending up with a powerful Ending:



​The writer aims to convince the audience to agree with a point of view. Persuasive
essay writing differs from academic argument uses reason and logic to persuade its
readers while a persuasive paper may rely on other techniques such as emotion.

​Writing a persuasive essay is likened to a lawyer arguing a case before a jury. The
writer takes a stand on an issue either “for” or “against” and builds the strongest possible
argument to win over the reader.


• Its main purpose is to convince the reader to accept a particular point of view or take a specific action
• It requires good research, awareness of the reader’s biases, and a solid understanding of both sides of the

• It demonstrates not only why the writer’s opinion is correct, but also why the opposing view is incorrect.
• Typically, the persuasive essay comprises five or six paragraphs


1. Choose a position. Think about the issue and pick the side you wish to advocate.

2. Know your audience, understand the reader’s perspective.

3. Do the research. A persuasive essay depends upon solid, convincing evidence. Don’t rely on a single
source. Pull information from multiple websites and reference materials. Speak with community experts
and teachers. Read and take notes. There is no substitute for knowledge of both sides of the issue.
4. Identify the most convincing evidence, as well as the key points for the opposing view.

5. Create an outline. Organize the evidence to build the strongest possible argument. ​
6. The introductory paragraph should have a strong “hook” that grabs the reader’s attention. Open with
unusual fact or statistic, a question or quotation, or an emphatic statement.


Read the news below on digital parenting drive. With a partner, write a three-paragraph persuasive paper
addressed to parents to support the drive.

​ ​ ​Philippines to boost digital parenting drive amid

​ ​ ​ ​ “Momo Challenge” hoax

​ ​The Philippine government has vowed to intensify its “digital parenting” drive in the
wake of a viral online “Momo Challenge” which allegedly encourages young children to commit self-
harm and suicide. The Committee for the Special Protection of Children (CSPC) convened on Friday at
the National Telecommunications (NTC) office to tackle the online challenge that experts dismissed as a
​“At present, government agencies are working together to intensify information campaigns on
digital parenting,” the committee said in a statement.

​The CSPC and the Department of Justice agreed that the government must implement more
stringent measures to ensure that the cyberspace is a safe place for the youth. Warnings about the
“Momo Challenge” swept Facebook and other social media in recent days, as parents in different parts
of the world worried about purported videos that encourage children to hurt themselves or do other
harmful tasks such as turning on stoves without telling their parents. The parental warnings were
accompanied by a disturbing image of a grinning creature with matted hair and bulging eyes.

​However, there is no evidence this is true and the myth seems to have been propagated mainly by
concerned parents via social media. The Philippine National Police said there were no complaints filed
related to the “Momo Challenge” and no evidence was found it actually existed online.

​The challenge is believed to be hoax. It’s unclear how many videos exist or to what extent they
have circulated, among children or elsewhere. Some of the videos might have been made in response to
media attention surrounding the challenge. Meanwhile, the image of the grinning creature is reportedly
from a Japanese sculpture.

Persuasive Paper

II. Group work: Prepare a short persuasive paper using the text below. Then, present it as
advertisement in Facebook. (OPTIONS: 1-2min video or blog post).
Tag your group members and your Purposive Communication Professor upon posting.

​Visit the Philippines the soonest. This country is one of the world’s best places to live. God has
given the archipelago all the ecology needed to support a great nation productive soil, impressive
tropical climate ; and abundant natural resources. It also has one of the most beautiful lands on earth for
having picturesque panoramas and natural wonders which delight and amuse both the natives and
visitors from all corners of the world. With English as its second language, the country is ranked as the
most literate country in the Far East. The cost living is affordable coupled with its abundant supplies of
goods and foods. Its people noted for their adaptability, fortitude, and resilience, not to mention their
congeniality, hospitality and generosity. Entertainment in this part of the world is available for a minimal
price twenty-four hours a day. It’s social and religious festivities are simply some of the world’s most
spectacular and celebrated occasions. No wonder tourists coming in are increasing in number each year.
Undoubtedly, this is the place or heaven you’ve been dreaming. If you have not visited the country yet,
it’s time to include it in your bucket list.

​ ​(Source: Applied English for Academic and Professional Services by Dapat, 2016)

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