1 PB
1 PB
1 PB
This study involved 30 students consisting of 15 students from the KEYWORDS:
Class X IIS and 15 students from the Class X MIA. Data were Hand Puppet,
collected through observation and documentation. The analysis of Media,
the research data was used descriptive quantitative methods with Speaking Ability.;
percentages. The percentage results are then consulted with keywords4;
predetermined criteria. The results show the effectiveness of hand keywords5
puppet props in learning and improving students' abilities. Also,
students become more active and motivated by the presence of ARTICLE HISTORY:
hand puppet props. Props can increase students' learning Received dd mm yyyy
motivation, thus supporting a learning atmosphere for students. Accepted dd mm yyyy
The evaluation of learning activities is generally good, as seen from
the aspects of material suitability, understanding, analysis and
synthesis, and learning intensity. This means that students can
increase their courage and ability to learn. The evaluation results in
cycle 1 increased by 30%, namely from the percentage of pre-cycle
completeness 33% to 63% in cycle 1. In comparison, the average
student test scores increased from pre-cycle 55.7 to 64.7 in cycle
1. The average understanding of the material presented by the
teacher. The results of the evaluation are in a good category, an
average of 81.7 in cycle 2 and 90% of students have complete
scores. The results of the observations also showed an increase in
student activity from 64.7 in the pre-cycle to 74.83 in the first cycle
and the average satisfactory result was 86.4 in the second cycle.
This data shows that learning with visual aids can increase
students' understanding and courage of the material so that
student learning outcomes and activities were increased
The learning method used by the teacher allows students to learn the
process (learning by process), not just learning the product (learning by
product) (Sumiati, 2008). To learn the process does not only involve
cognitive values but also includes affective and psychomotor values.
Hamzah (2009) in his book, “Learning Model”, said that the learning method
is defined as the method used by the teacher in carrying out his duties. It is
a tool to achieve certain learning goals for the learning method using certain
stages. These are the types of methods in learning English as follows.
Assignment Method
The assignment method is one of the methods used by teachers to teach
English by giving assignments that are not time-bound. As an example: The
aspect of writing, the teacher assigns students to write texts, self-identity,
and others; The aspects of reading, the teacher gives the task of students
to read the text observantly and analyze the content of the text; The aspect
of listening, the teacher gives students assignments to answer questions
from the questions that are heard either directly or using the media. The
aspect of Speaking, the teacher gives the task of students to give
storytelling, dialogue, and monologue.
Discussion Method
In learning English, the discussion method is often used because:
Democratic in nature; It is an effective way to raise problems; Enhance the
Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues 45
Lecture Method
This method is the most frequently used by teachers. In learning with a short
time and a lot of material, this lecture method is effectively used. However,
if it is not varied with other methods, students will be bored because they
seem monotonous, and students are passive. In order for the lecture to be
effective, it must be balanced with questions and answers and students are
asked to read first before the lecture so that students actively respond to
questions according to their knowledge. For learning English, this lecture
method is used to explain the content of the material, grammar/grammar
and others, especially aspects of reading and writing.
Simulation Method
Simulation can be interpreted as a way of learning by doing an artificial
behavior process (Sumiati, 2008). In learning English, the simulation
method is often used for the Speaking aspect, such as using a
sociodrama/social drama simulation, psychodrama, or role-playing.
The implementation of the action began with conducting initial
observations carried out, the aim was to find out more deeply the condition
of the schools or madrasa, as the class that will receive treatment. These
conditions included the physical condition of the class, the condition of
students, teachers, the learning process and teaching and learning activities
in the classroom as well as educational facilities and infrastructure in the
classroom. In the initial observation, the learning activities consist of 3
stages, 1) Initial Activities, 2) Core Activities, and 3) Closing.
In the initial activity in the form of apperception, students are invited to
ask questions about the material to be discussed, which ultimately relates
to the core material, while the core activities in learning mostly use the
lecture method without using any media except English textbooks. The
teacher explained more using the lecture method and monotonous dialogue
in explaining the concept so that it seems that students only get abstract
concepts, do not dare to express feelings and teaching and learning
activities are focused on the teacher. In addition, student involvement still
seems less than optimal, this can be seen from the passivity and confusion
of students in following and answering teacher questions. As for the closing
activity, students were given the task of working on questions or
evaluations. In the initial reflection through observation, several advantages
and disadvantages can be found in learning activities. These advantages
include: The learning process has been carried out in a structured and
systematic manner following the teaching design, as well as the teaching
program; The teacher conveys a lot of information about the concept of
material, dialogue using the lecture method in every learning activity.
Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues 47
In the first cycle, the attention of class X students at MA Roudlotusysyubban
to the teacher's learning or explanation was still lacking, it was proven that
the value of the student evaluation results in the first cycle of the number of
students was 30, 11 students scored above 65 (65 = KKM score), and 11
students received the value is below the KKM (Minimum Completeness
Criteria), meaning that 11 people must have their scores corrected. As for
the average grade, the score is 64.7, slightly below the KKM.
In the second cycle, the use of hand puppets has aroused enthusiasm
for learning and helps teachers in delivering subject matter, so that student
learning outcomes also increase. This can be observed from the value of
the evaluation results in the second cycle there is an increase. The
percentage of students who reached the KKM is 90%. Student activity in
cycle I was not maximized, there were still many students who relied on
other people in discussion or group work. Only students who became group
leaders and students who record the results of active discussions.
Moreover, there is one group whose all members actively participate in
solving problems, expressing their opinions. All students actively involved
in the discussion because they even work in groups but have individual
tasks for the results of the discussion. Besides that, the teaching aids
brought by students are very supportive of students in learning, so that it
Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues 49
The learning outcomes in cycle I which were still below the target showed
that the learning process was less active, and the teacher had not been able
to deliver the material optimally. Besides that, the overall behavioral aspects
of learning objectives according to Bloom (1996) which can show a picture
of learning outcomes, including cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
aspects have not emerged positively, permanently, and thoroughly.
Learning outcomes in cycle II showed progress. The use of hand puppet
props has helped students to interact directly, arouse learning motivation,
and present messages simultaneously for all students. In classroom
management, the teacher has helped students feel the freedom to do what
students want (Hall, 1981). An increase in the value of the evaluation results
shows that teachers have begun to understand that when teaching for
improvement, teachers should start with a reflection by asking themselves,
“What do children need? And how to meet the needs of children? (Kohn,
1996). As a result, 80% of the students felt that the time allocated for
50 Ani Agustiyani Maslahah
participating in the lesson was adequate. This shows that the development
of English learning by using an environment in the form of hand puppets as
a learning resource can create a conducive climate to improve the quality
of learning. This result is also supported by a good forum setting so that the
atmosphere of the learning room is so pleasant. In the aspect of mastery of
materials and methods, the facilitator stated that in terms of the suitability
of the educational background to the materials and methods used, all of
them stated that they were appropriate. In relation to the suitability aspect
of the methods and media used for successful learning according to the
indicators of success.