4 Equations
4 Equations
4 Equations
1. Entering equations
1. Start a new part on the front plane.
2. Draw a rectangle that is 1.5 inches wide and an arbitrary height.
3. Select View → Hide/Show → Dimension Names.
4. With Smart Dimensions on, dimension the height.
5. Double click on the Smart Dimension to get the Modify box:
6. In the modify box, enter an = sign and then click on the smart dimension of the width.
Set the height to 2/3 of the width by entering the equation:
In the Feature Manager tree, right click on the part name. Select Hidden Tree Items →
Hide/Show Tree Items
In the popup window, find the button at the top of the right-hand column to Show equations.
While you have this window open, look at the other features of parts that you can show or hide.
Right click on the Equations feature and select Manage Equations. Click in the text box under
Global Variables and give your variable a name. In the screen shot below, I called my variable
my_width and set its value to 4.576. Click OK and your variable will be defined.
Click on the four views in the equation manager:
o Equation view
o Sketch equation view
o Dimension view
o Ordered view
Here’s the ordered view, which shows all the variables that have been defined by you and by
Go back to your sketch and double click on the Smart Dimension of the width. In the modify
box, change the width to equal your global variable name. Enter the equal sign, =, to get started.
In the screen shot below, you can see that as soon as I started to type =m, SolidWorks prompted
with the name of my global variable.
This isn’t really what we want for the rest of the tutorial, so click the red x so that the width isn’t
3. Creating linear patterns
Suppose you want circles evenly spaced across your part.
1. Create a hole with a diameter of 0.1 inches in the upper left-hand corner of your part.
2. Create a horizontal centerline from the center of the circle to the left edge.
3. Using Smart Dimensions, dimension the center line and set its length to:
4. Select the circle and then select the Linear Sketch Pattern from the Sketch tool bar. We
will create a linear pattern feature to replicate the hole.
5. We’re going to have the holes go across the part, so Direction 1 is the X-axis, which is
the default. Set the number of instances to 2 and the spacing to 1 inch.
6. After you have entered the values, but before you click the green checkmark, your
workspace should look like:
7. Click OK.
8. To modify the linear array, right on one of the circles and select Edit Linear Pattern from
the context sensitive menu.
9. When you click OK, the circles will go off the part, but can fix that.
10. Right click on any of the circles. From the context sensitive menu, select Edit Linear
Pattern. You will now have a left hand panel that lets you change all of the parameters of
the array.
4. Hole wizard
SolidWorks has a useful command called the Hole Wizard. Extrude
the sketch from the previous section so you have a solid part. Select
Insert → Features → Hole Wizard. The left-hand panel will give
you the options for many different sizes of screws, with different
heads, and different ways of making the holes. For now, accept all
the defaults except for the screw size.