Optimizing Fluid Flow in Static Mixer PDF

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SUBMITTED TO:- Dr.K.S.K.Rao Patnaik
Submission date:- 17/02/2020
1.1. Overview of the Problem to Solve
This project simulates a static mixer consisting of two inlet pipes delivering water into a mixing vessel;
the water exits through an outlet pipe. A general workflow is established for analyzing the flow of fluid
into and out of a mixer. Initially, water enters through both pipes at the same rate but at different
temperatures. The first inlet has a mass flow rate that has an initial value of 1500 kg/s and a temperature
of 315 K. The second inlet also has a mass flow rate that has an initial value of 1500 kg/s, but at a
temperature of 285 K. The radius of the mixer is 2 m. Your goal in this tutorial is to understand how to
use Design Points and Design Xplorer to optimize the amount of mixing of the water when it exits the
static mixer, as measured by the distribution of the water’s temperature at the outlet.

Figure 1.1: Static Mixer with 2 Inlet Pipes and 1 Outlet Pipe

1.2. Setting Up ANSYS Workbench

Before I begin using ANSYS Workbench, I have to configure the Geometry Import option settings
for use with this project:
1. Launch ANSYS Workbench.
2. From the ANSYS Workbench menu bar, select Tools > Options. The Options configuration dialog
box appears.
3. In the Options configuration dialog box, select Geometry Import.
a. Ensure Parameters is selected and remove the "DS" from Filtering Prefixes and Suffixes.
b. Select Named Selections and remove the name "NS" from Filtering Prefixes.
c. Click OK.
1.3. Creating the Project
To create the project, I save an empty project:

1. From the ANSYS Workbench menu bar, select File > Save As and save the project as StaticMixer
DX.wbpj in the directory of your choice.
2. From Toolbox > Analysis Systems, drag the Fluid Flow (CFX) system onto the Project Schematic.

1.4. Creating the Geometry in Design Modeler

Now I can create a geometry by using Design Modeler:
1. In the Fluid Flow (CFX) system, right-click Geometry and select New Geometry.
Design Modeler starts.
2. If Design Modeler displays a dialog box for selecting the desired length unit, select Meter as the
desired length unit and click OK.
1.4.1. Creating the Solid
I create geometry in Design Modeler by creating two-dimensional sketches and extruding, revolving,
sweeping, or lofting these to add or remove material. To create the main body of the static mixer, I will
draw a sketch of a cross-section and revolve it.
1. In the Tree Outline, click ZX Plane.
Each sketch is created in a plane. By selecting ZX Plane before creating a sketch, ensure that the sketch
you are about to create is based on the ZX plane.
2. Click New Sketch on the Active Plane/Sketch toolbar, which is located above the Graphics window.
3. In the Tree Outline, click Sketch1.
4. Select the Sketching tab (below the Tree Outline) to view the available sketching toolboxes. Setting Up the Grid

before starting your sketch set up a grid on the plane in which I will draw the sketch. The grid facilitates
the precise positioning of points (when Snap is selected).
1. Click Settings (in the Sketching tab) to open the Settings toolbox.
2. Click Grid and select Show in 2D and Snap.
3. Click Major Grid Spacing and set it to 1.
4. Click Minor-Steps per Major and set it to 2.
5. To see the effect of changing Minor-Steps per Major, press and hold the right mouse button above
and to the left of the plane center in the Graphics window, then drag the mouse down and right to make a
box around the plane center. When I release the mouse button, the model is magnified to show the
selected area.
Figure 1.2: Starting of the sketch Creating the Basic Geometry

Start by creating the main body of the mixer:
1. From the Sketching tab, select the Draw toolbox.
2. Click Polyline and then create the shape shown below as follows:
a. Click the grid in the position where one of the points from the shape must be placed (it does not
matter which point, but a suggested order is given in the graphic below).
b. Click each successive point to make the shape.
If at any time you click the wrong place, right-click over the Graphics window and select back from the
shortcut menu to undo the last point selection.
c. To close the polyline after selecting the last point, right-click and select Closed End from the shortcut

Information about the new sketch, Sketch1, appears in the details view. Note that the longest straight
line (4 m long) in the diagram below is along the local X-axis (located at Y = 0 m). Revolving the Sketch
I will now create the main body of the mixer by revolving the new sketch around the local X-axis.
1. Click Revolve from the toolbar above the Graphics window.
Details of the Revolve feature are shown in the details view at the bottom left of the window.
2. Leave the name of the Revolve feature at its default value: Revolve1.
3. Click Apply in the details view under Details of Revolve1 > Geometry to select Sketch1 as the
geometry to be revolved. The Geometry specifies which sketch is to be revolved.
4. In the Details View I should see Apply and Cancel buttons next to the Axis property; if those buttons
are not displayed, double-click the word Axis.
5. In the Graphics window, click the grid line that is aligned with the local X-axis (the local X-axis,
represented by a red arrow, is parallel to the global Z-axis in this case), then click Apply in the Details
6. Leave Operation set to Add Material because you need to create a solid (which will eventually
represent a fluid region).
7. Ensure that Angle is set to 360° and leave the other settings at their defaults.
8. Click Generate to activate the Revolve operation.
You can select this from the 3D Features Toolbar, from the shortcut menu by right-clicking in the
Graphics window, or from the shortcut menu by right-clicking the Revolve1 object in the Tree Outline.
After generation, you should find that you have a solid as shown below. Create the First Inlet Pipe

To create the inlet pipes, you will create two sketches and extrude them. For clear viewing of the grid
during sketching, I will hide the previously created geometry.
1. In the Tree Outline, click the plus sign next to 1 Part, 1 Body to expand the tree structure.
2. Right-click Solid and select Hide Body.
3. Select ZX Plane in the Tree Outline.
4. Click New Sketch.
5. From the Sketching tab, select the Draw toolbox.
6. Click Circle and then create the circle shown below as follows:
a. Click and hold the left mouse button at the center of the circle.
b. While still holding the mouse button, drag the mouse to set the radius.
c. Release the mouse button.

7. Select the Dimensions toolbox, select General, click the circle in the sketch, then click near the circle
to set a dimension. In the Details View, select the check box beside D1. When prompted, rename the
parameter to in diameter and click OK. Extrude the First Side-pipe

To create the first side-pipe extrude the sketch:
1. Click Extrude from the 3D Features toolbar, located above the Graphics window.
2. In the Details View, change Direction to Reversed to reverse the direction of the extrusion (that is,
click the word Normal, then from the drop-down menu select Reversed).
3. Change Depth to 3 (meters) and press Enter to set this value.
All other settings should remain at their default values. Note that the Operation property is set to
Add Material, which indicates that material is to be added to the existing solid.
4. Click Generate to perform the extrusion.
Initially, you will not see the geometry Make the Solid Visible
To see the result of the previous operation, make the solid visible:
1. In the Tree Outline, right-click Solid and select Show Body.
2. Click and hold the middle mouse button over the middle of the Graphics window and drag the mouse
to rotate the model. The solid should be similar to the one shown below.

3. Right-click Solid and select Hide Body. Create the Second Inlet Pipe

You will create the second inlet so that the relative angle between the two inlets is controlled
parametrically, enabling you to evaluate the effects of different relative inlet angles:
1. In the Tree Outline, select ZX Plane.
2. In the toolbar click new plane.
3. In the Details View, click beside Transform 1 (RMB) and choose the axis about which you want to
rotate the inlet: Rotate about X.
4. Select the check box for the FD1, Value 1 property then, when prompted, set the name to in2Angle
and click OK.
This makes the angle of rotation of this plane a design parameter.
5. Click Generate.
6. In the Tree Outline click Plane4.
7. Create a new sketch (Sketch3) based on Plane4 by clicking New Sketch.
8. Select the Sketching tab.
9. Click Settings to open the Settings toolbox.
10. Click Grid and select Show in 2D and Snap.
11. Click Major Grid Spacing and set it to 1.
12. Click Minor-Steps per Major and set it to 2.
13. Right-click over the Graphics window and select Isometric View to put the sketch into a sensible
viewing position.
14. Zoom in, if required, to see the level of detail in the image below.
15. From the Draw Toolbox, select Circle and create a circle as shown below:

16. Select the Dimensions toolbox, click General, click the circle in the sketch, and then click near the
circle to set a dimension.
17. In the Details View, select the check box for the D1 property then, when prompted, set the name to
inDia and click OK.
18. Click Extrude.
19. In the Details View, ensure Direction is set to Normal in order to extrude in the same direction as the
plane normal.
20. Ensure that Depth is set to 3 (meters). All other settings should remain at their default values.
21. Click Generate to perform the extrusion.
22. Right-click Solid in the Tree Outline and select Show Body.
The geometry is now complete. Create Named Selections
1. In viewing mode, orient the static mixer so that you can see the inlet that has the lowest value of
(global) Y-coordinate.
You can rotate the mixer by holding down the middle-mouse button (or the mouse scroll wheel) while
moving the mouse.
2. In select mode, with Selection Filter: Model Faces (3D) active (in the toolbar), click the inlet faces to
select it, then right-click the inlet and select Named Selection.
3. In the Details View, click Apply.
4. Set Named Selection to in1.
5. Click Generate.
6. In viewing mode, orient the static mixer so that you can see the inlet that has the highest value of
(global) Y-coordinate.
7. In select mode, click the inlet face to select it, then right-click the inlet and select Named Selection.
8. In the Details View, click Apply.
9. Set Named Selection to in2.
10. Click Generate.
11. In viewing mode, orient the static mixer so that you can see the outlet (the face with the lowest value
of (global) Z-coordinate).
12. In select mode, click the outlet face to select it, then right-click the outlet and select Named Selection.
13. In the Details View, click Apply.
14. Set Named Selection to out.
15. Click Generate.
16. Click Save on the ANSYS Workbench toolbar.
1.5. Creating the Mesh
To create the mesh:
1. In the Project Schematic view, right-click the Mesh cell and select Edit. The Meshing application
2. Right-click Project > Model (A3) > Mesh and select Generate Mesh.
3. After the mesh has been produced, return to the Project Schematic, right-click the Mesh cell, and
select Update.
4. In the Meshing application, select File > Close Meshing.

1.6. Setting up the Case with CFX-Pre

Now that the mesh has been created, you can use CFX-Pre to define the simulation. To set up the case
with CFX-Pre:
1. Double-click the Setup cell. CFX-Pre appears with the mesh file loaded.
2. In CFX-Pre, create an expression named inMassFlow:
a. In the Outline tree view, expand Expressions, Functions and Variables and right-click Expression
and select Insert > Expression.
b. Give the new expression the name: inMassFlow
c. In the Definition area, type: 1500 [kg s^-1]
d. Click Apply.

3. Right-click inMassFlow in the Expressions area and select Use as Workbench Input Parameter. A
small “P” with a right-pointing arrow appears on the expression’s icon.
4. Define the characteristics of the domain:
a. Click the Outline tab.
b. Double-click Simulation > Flow Analysis 1 > Default Domain to open it for editing.
c. Configure the following setting(s):

Tab Setting Value

Basic Settings Fluid and Particle Definitions Fluid 1
Fluid and Particle Definitions
> Fluid 1 > Material
Domain Models > Pressure >
1 [atm]
Reference Pressure
Fluids Models Heat Transfer > Option Thermal Energy
d. Click OK.

5. Create the first inlet boundary:

a. From the CFX-Pre menu bar, select Insert > Boundary.
b. In the Insert Boundary dialog box, name the new boundary in1 and click OK.
c. Configure the following setting(s) of in1:
Tab Setting Value
Basic Settings Boundary Type Inlet
Location in1
Mass and Momentum > Op- Boundary De
Mass Flow Rate
tion tails
Mass Flow Rate inMassFlo
Tab Setting Value
Heat Transfer > Static Temper-
315 [K]
1. To enter this expression name into the Mass Flow Rate
field, click in the blank
field, click the Enter Expression icon that appears, right-
click in the blank
field, then select the inMassFlow expression that appears.
d. Click OK.
6. Create the second inlet boundary:
a. From the CFX-Pre menu bar, select Insert > Boundary.
b. In the Insert Boundary dialog box, name the new boundary in2 and click OK.
c. Configure the following setting(s) of in2:
Tab Setting Value
Basic Settings Boundary Type Inlet
Location in2
Mass and Momentum > Op- Boundary De
Mass Flow Rate
tion tails
Mass Flow Rate inMassFlow [1]
Heat Transfer > Static Temper-
285 [K]
1. To enter this expression name into the Mass Flow
Rate field, click in the blank
field, click the Enter Expression icon that appears,
right-click in the blank
field, then select the inMassFlow expression that
d. Click OK

7. Create the outlet boundary:

a. From the CFX-Pre menu bar, select Insert > Boundary.
b. In the Insert Boundary dialog box, name the new boundary out and click OK.
c. Configure the following setting(s) of out:
Tab Setting Value
Basic Settings Boundary Type Outlet
Location Out

Optimizing Flow in a Static Mixer

Tab Setting Value

Mass and Momentum > Op- Boundary De
Static Pressure
tion tails
Mass and Momentum > Rel-
0 [Pa]
ative Pressure
d. Click OK.
CFX-Pre and ANSYS Workbench both update automatically. The three boundary conditions are
displayed in the viewer as sets of arrows at the boundary surfaces.
Inlet boundary arrows are directed into the domain; outlet boundary arrows are directed out of the
8. Solver Control parameters control aspects of the numerical solution generation process. Set the solver
controls as follows:
a. Click Solver Control .
b. On the Basic Settings tab, set Advection Scheme > Option to Upwind.
While an upwind advection scheme is less accurate than other advection schemes, it is also more robust.
This advection scheme is suitable for obtaining an initial set of results, but in general should not be used
to obtain final results.
c. Set Convergence Control > Min. Iterations to 5.
This change is required because when the solver is restarted from a previous “converged” solution for
each design point, the solver may “think” the solution is converged after one or two iterations and halt the
solution prematurely if the default setting (1) is maintained.
d. Set Convergence Control > Fluid Timescale Control > Timescale Control to Physical
Timescale and set the physical timescale value to 2 [s].
The time scale can be calculated automatically by the solver or set manually. The Automatic option
tends to be conservative, leading to reliable, but often slow, convergence. It is often possible to accelerate
convergence by applying a time scale factor or by choosing a manual value that is more aggressive than
the Automatic option. By selecting a physical time scale, you obtain a convergence that is at least
twice as fast as the Automatic option.
e. Click OK.
CFX-Pre and ANSYS Workbench both update automatically.
9. In the Project Schematic view, right-click the Solution cell and select Update. CFX-Solver obtains a
10. When the Solution cell shows an up-to-date state, right-click the Results cell and select refresh.
When the refresh is complete, right-click the Results cell again and select edit. CFD-Post starts.
Fig: 1.8. Here is the result of Momentum and Mass shown as follows

Fig: 1.9. Here is the result of heat transfer shown as follows

Fig: 1.9. Here is the result of turbulence (KO) shown as follows

Fig: 1.9. Here is the result of Wall and Boundary Scale shown as follows
1.7. Setting the Output Parameter in CFD-Post
When CFD-Post starts, it displays the 3D Viewer and the Outline workspace.

1. On the Expressions tab, right-click Expressions > New.

2. Type OutTempRange and click OK.
3. In the Definition area:
a. Right-click Functions > CFD-Post > maxVal.
b. With the cursor between the parentheses, right-click and select Variables > Temperature.
c. Left-click after the @, then right-click and select Locations > out. That specifies the maximum
output temperature.
d. Now, complete the expression so that it appears as follows:
maxVal(Temperature)@out - minVal(Temperature)@out

e. Click Apply.

The new expression appears in the Expressions list. Note the value of the expression.
4. In the Expressions list, right-click OutTempRange and select Use as Workbench Output
A small “P” with a right-pointing arrow appears on the expression’s icon.
5. Repeat the steps above for a second expression called OutTempAve. This expression will be used to
monitor the output temperature. We expect the overall output temperature to be the average of the two
input temperatures given that the incoming mass flows are equal. Make this expression's definition:
Be sure to also set this expression to Use as Workbench Output Parameter. When you click Apply
note the value of the expression.
6. Click Save on the ANSYS Workbench toolbar to save the project.
7. In CFD-Post, select File > Close CFD-Post.

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