Simple Teapot Catia Iss 01
Simple Teapot Catia Iss 01
Simple Teapot Catia Iss 01
Catia V5 Software
How to create a simple teapot
Teapot in Catia V5
Starting CatiaV5R20
Note how the screen has changed and the icons around the edges are different.
You have just changed to the Part Design workbench. Different workbenches are
used in Catia to perform different jobs.
3. Use the description as shown below with your own Student Number and User Name.
Spaces, brackets and the correct use of CAPITAL letters are important.
Planes now
2. Click OK
Creating a Sketch
6. Now click anywhere in the screen so that the orange circle changes to white.
1. Now we are going to draw a line and split the circle in half by trimming it.
2. If you look in the bottom left-hand corner of the
screen, you will see that Catia always prompts you for
what it is expecting to happen next. This is useful
when you are learning. In this case, it wants you to
select the start point of the line. Choose the 12 oclock
position on the circle the cursor will automatically
snap to the position when you hover close to it. Note
that the co-ordinates are X=0, Y=50.
3. Select the 6 oclock
position for the end of
the line.
How to rotate
You will have to think a bit to start with but using the mouse will become second-nature!
3. Now select the circle again at about the 5 oclock position ( C).
4. Finally click on the lower half of the line (D).
The resulting geometry after trimming.
4. The resulting
solid is created from
the revolution.
Also, the sketch geometry is not fully constrained for convenience. It is good practice to
make sure every item of sketch geometry is fully constrained and that you use round
numbers wherever possible.
1. As a better alternative,
try the spline option for
creating the spout profile.
2. Click to form a series
of control points. Once
you have finished (by
double-clicking the final
point, or pressing the esc
key), the points can be
pulled around to achieve
the shape you want. This
will be the centre line of
your spout.
Splines are more artistic than a
series of joined lines and arcs.
They are harder to fully constrain
but dimensions can be added if
Now we create a sketch plane on either end of the spline so that the cross-section
profiles can be drawn. These end profiles will then be joined by following the spout
centre spline that you have just sketched.
1. Choose Plane and then the Normal to curve option.
To constrain to the end of the spline, we have to use the end point as a
reference element for the sketch.
1. Like you did before with
the very first circle, hold
Ctrl and click the end of
the spline (A) and then the
circle centre (B).
3. Change the
dimension to the
offset to 8 mm.
Strictly speaking you should dimension the major and
minor axes of the large ellipse as well as its centre
location on the sketch to fully constrain it.
1. Nearly there now. Lets make an opening in the top for where a lid
would go. Select the face shown as the sketch plane.
This is sometimes better than deleting the features, until you are certain you have the
perfect end result. You can keep several options available until you have decided.