SAPNote - NFe DANFE Smartform - 0001179791

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SAP Note

    1179791 - NF-e: DANFE Smartform  

Version   11     Validity: 28.10.2009 - active   Language   English

Header Data
Released On 06.11.2009 20:42:11
Release Status Released for Customer
Component XX-PROJ-BR-NFE Brazil Electronic Invoice Project
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info
Category Consulting


Your Company is implementing NF-e in Brazil, and has applied notes related to note 989115 - Nota
Fiscal Eletrônica. The functionality delivered requires a model for SMARTFORM of the DANFE
(Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica), which substitutes the Nota Fiscal Model 1/1A now
printed on "Formulário Contínuo".

This is a consulting note, delivered as an "accelerator" for NF-e projects, therefore maintenance
and adjustments are of responsibility of the project.

The DANFE layout provided by this note reflects the layout suggested by Integration Manual 2.0.2.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  Attention   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

     Valid releases

     Software Component                        Release
                                              from            to
          SAP Application
                                              602          - 602
                                              600          - 600
                                              500          - 500
                                              470          - 470

Other Terms
DANFE, Brazil, Nota Fiscal, NF-e, NFe.

Reason and Prerequisites

New functionality


Whenever a NF-e is sent to the government (XML file), and there is goods movement, a DANFE must be
printed in order to accompany the goods.

Please follow the steps below in order to upload the SMARTFORM and implement the DANFE.

     1. Development Class

     Create development class ZNFE, with Description

      "NFe - Print DANFE".
     * All new objects are assigned to package ZNFE.

     2. Data Dictionary Objects (SE11)

     2.1. Structure (SE11)

     Create the following structures:

     Name...............: ZNFEDANFE_OTHERS

     Development Class..: ZNFE
     Description........: DANFE - Others Information
     Fields List........:

    Field Name    Data Element    Data Type       Length

     FREIGHT                      NUMC             1
     UF_PLATE      REGIO
    BRAND_VOL                    CHAR             60

     Name...............: ZNFEDANFE_HEADER

     Development Class..: ZNFE
     Description........: DANFE - Header
     Fields List........:

     Field Name   Data Element      Data Type

    ISSUER       J_1BPRNFIS       (structured type)
     DESTINATION  J_1BPRNFDE       (structured type)
    CARRIER      J_1BINNAD        (structured type)
     NOTA_FISCAL  J_1BPRNFHD       (structured type)
     OTHERS       ZNFEDANFE_OTHERS (structured type)
    NFE          J_1BNFE_ACTIVE   (structured type)
    ITEM         ZNFYITEM         (table type)
    INVOICE      ZNFYINVOICE      (table type)
    TEXT1        TSFTEXT          (table type)
    TEXT2        TSFTEXT          (table type)
     OBSERV1                        STRING
     OBSERV2                        STRING

     2.2. Tables Type (SE11)

     Create Tables Type:

     Name...............: ZNFYINVOICE

     Description........: Invoice
     Line Type.....: J_1BPRNFFA
     Initial Line Number: 0
     Access : Standard Table
     Key definition: Standard key
     Key category..: Non-unique

     Name...............: ZNFYITEM

     Description........: DANFE - Item
     Line Type.....: J_1BPRNFLI
     Initial Line Number: 0
     Access : Standard Table
     Key definition: Standard key
     Key category..: Non-unique

     3. BAdI Definitions (Business Add-Ins) (SE18)

     Please, create the parameters according the attached file

     BADI.ZIP (attachments folder)

     4. Programs (SE38)

     Create the following programs:

     Name...............: ZNFE_PRINT_DANFE

     Development Class..: ZNFE
     Title..............: Nota Fiscal Printing
     Type...............: 1 - Executable Program
     Status.............: P - SAP Standard Production Program
     Application........: * - Cross-Aplication

     Type...............: I - Include Program

     Status.............: T - Test Program
     Application........: F - Financial Accounting

     Please, download the program in the attached file

     ZNFE_PRINT_DANFE.txt (attachments folder)

     Name...............: ZNFE_J_1BNFPR_PRINTINC

     Development Class..: ZNFE
     Type...............: I - Include Program
     Status.............: P - SAP Standard Production Program
     Application........: * - Cross-Aplication

     Please, download the program in the attached file

     ZNFE_J_1BNFPR_PRINTINC.txt (attachments folder)

   5. Smartforms

      Create in the transaction SMARTFORMS:


       Upload file z_nfdanfe_portrait_sap.xml or
       z_nfdanfe_portrait_sap_en.xml (if there is not
       PT language)

       Please, download the program in the attached file

       SMARTFORMS.ZIP (attachments folder)

       Style: Z_NFSTDANFE_SAP

       Upload file sfstyle-z_nfstdanfe_sap.xml or
       sfstyle-z_nfstdanfe_sap_en.xml (if there is not
       PT language)
       Please, download the program in the attached file
       SMARTFORMS.ZIP (attachments folder)

   6. Customizing
      In the transcatcion J1BJ, customizing like file
       Please, create the parameters according the attached file
       J1BJ.ZIP (attachments folder)

   7. Barcode
      Please, download document in the attached file
      BARCODE.ZIP (attachments folder)

Software Component From Rel. To Rel. And Subsequent
SAP_APPL 470 470  

500 500  

600 600  

602 602  

File Name File Size (KB) Mime Type
J1BJ.pdf 29 application/pdf
Barcode.pdf 281 application/pdf
Parallel_Phase.pdf 48 application/pdf
ZNFE_J_1BNFPR_PRINTINC.txt 4 text/plain 44 application/x-zip-compressed 1 application/x-zip-compressed
ZNFE_PRINT_DANFE.txt 48 text/plain

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