How To Make A Video Game With CMD: 9 Steps (With Pictures)
How To Make A Video Game With CMD: 9 Steps (With Pictures)
How To Make A Video Game With CMD: 9 Steps (With Pictures)
Here is a free, easy, no-download way to make a video game. You will learn a little bit about
batch programming in the process. You'll need to supply your own story to go with this game.
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1 Anything in apostrophes can be changed, it won't affect the game - don't accidentally
type it in to the actual code.
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2 Open Notepad or any other coding programs-Geany, Notepad++, etcetera. Save the file
as ‘My Game’.bat
@echo off
title ‘My Game’
color 0A
if "%1" neq "" ( goto %1)
4 Add Colours. Now save it and run, it will come up with an error and all the different
colour combinations. Find the one you like and type it in after “color”, instead of “zz”. A
good combination is color 0A, it makes the text green and the background black.
5 Create the Menu. To create the menu get rid of pause and type in:
echo ‘1. Start’
echo ‘2. Instructions’
echo ‘3. Exit’
set /p answer=‘Type the number of your option and press enter.’
if %answer%==1 goto ‘Start_1’
if %answer%==2 goto ‘Instructions’
if %answer%==3 goto ‘Exit’
6 Creating ‘Exit’ and ‘Instructions’. To create the exit screen type in this:
echo Thanks for playing !
exit /b
Now for the instructions type in:
echo ‘Instructions’
Then write:
echo ‘Your instructions here’
As many times as you like then type:
goto Menu
7 Begin the game. Type in a scenario:
echo ‘You have run into bad guys. Their forces are:’
echo ‘3 farmers’
echo ‘You have a high chance of winning.’
set /p answer=‘Would you like to fight or run?’
if %answer%==‘Fight’ goto ‘Fight_1’
if %answer%==‘Run’ goto ‘Run_1’
Community Q&A
No. After echoing, make a space and write what you want to display in a single line.
8 0
12 7
Go on the desktop screen of your PC. There you will see a folder named as My Documents, where
you can see your game and can run it from there.
12 14
That depends what you want. C++ is for non-image based programs(they display in a cmd looking
window) adn C# is for image based programs like games. You should start with c++ tough, since c#
is more advanced. Google and download code blocks, an c++ code editor. You can find
documentation and lessons online.
8 9
A bat file is a batch file, and it runs on cmd (command prompt). You can put it on your desktop to
make it easier to test your stuff. Show more answers
I have tried every thing but the game is not working. Why is that?
How to play the game which we have made because we cannot play with text?
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Remember, whenever you want something to be seen by the player, you have to type echo in
front of it.
Play your game along the way, even if you don't have the whole thing done. It will help you to
see how what you type corresponds with what you get and detect errors.
If you need to get out during the middle of a test run of your game, type Ctrl-C.
Batch files in Windows can be put to many uses automating tasks, but writing a text game
like this is a fun way to learn how they work.
Check your batch script carefully and you will notice the wrong thing.
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