05 User Centered Design

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Human-Computer Interaction

User-Centered Design
Identify the Problem Space
Are there problems with an existing product or user experience?

● If so, what are they?

o Why do you think there are problems?
o How do you think your proposed design ideas might overcome these?
● If not, and instead are designing for a new user experience,
o how do you think your proposed design ideas support, change, or extend
current ways of doing things?
Understanding the Problem Space

Taking something for granted when it needs further investigation


Stating something to be true when it is still open to question

Use Case
3D TV Curved TV
● Assumptions ● Assumptions
o People would not mind wearing the o More flexibility for viewers to
glasses optimize the viewing angle
o Paying a lot more
● Claims ● Claims
o Really enjoy the enhanced clarity o Big families will like the new
and color detail provided by 3D display experience
● Unknows ● Unknows
o Is it actual desired living room o Is it actual desired living room
experience? experience?
Interaction Design Approaches

User Activity System Genius

Centered Centered
User Knows the best User is User Behavior is captured User set the goals of the Based on creativity and
the only guide system experience

Designer's role is User is important Structured, User only validates

to translate the but his behavior Rigorous, and the ideas generated
user needs and not their needs Holistic by the designer
goals into the and goals
system solution
Interaction Design Approaches

User Activity System Genius

Centered Centered
User Knows the best User is User Behavior is captured User set the goals of the Based on creativity and
the only guide system experience

Designer's role is User is important Structured, User only validates

to translate the but his behavior Rigorous, and the ideas generated
user needs and not their needs Holistic by the designer
goals into the and goals
system solution
User Intervention
● Involving Users in Design (Prototypes)
● Expectation Management (Disappointment = Expectation / Reality)
● Ownership

Co-Opted Newsletters
(Parttime/Fulltime, (Seminars &
Short/Long Period) Workshops)
User-Centered Design
1. Early focus on users and tasks

1 2 3
User-Centered Design
2. Empirical measurement

a. Define usability and user experience goals: Effectiveness, Efficiency,

Safety, Utility, Learnability, and Memorability
b. Continuous Evaluation
User-Centered Design
3. Iterative design


Lecture Exercise #1 [1 Point]
Design an online shop for selling
flowers using the user-centered
Who are the users?
Identifying the users is not straightforward !
Primary Users

1 are those likely to be

frequent hands-on users of
Secondary Users the system

occasional users or those 2

who use the system Tertiary Users
through an intermediary

are those affected by the
introduction of the system
or who will influence its
What do we mean by "Needs"?
• People don't necessarily know what is they need
• We need to study their characteristics and capabilities
• What they are trying to achieve?
• How they achieve it currently?
• Can we achieve that more effectively or with more enjoyable experience ?
Lecture Exercise #2 [1 Point]
Find out who are your three types of
users for your online flower store
What do we mean by "Needs"?

'un-dreamed-of' Need
People don't necessarily know what is possible

If you had asked someone in the street in the late 1990s what is needed from

If you asked someone now what is needed from clothes or glasses?

Lecture Exercise #3 [1 Point]
What could be an "un-dreamed-of' need
in you online flower store?
Lecture Exercise #4 [2 Point]
Design a traveller planner web-site.

1. What are user needs?

2. Make a list of the top user
experience and usability
goals for the system.
3. Outline the initial screen or
two for this system

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