Lec 1

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Lecture 1

Introduction to Scientific Research


➢ Course Guidelines

➢ What is Scientific Research ?

➢ Characteristics of the Scientific Research

➢ Sectors of Research

➢ Research Procedures

➢ Course Guidelines

➢ What is Scientific Research ?

➢ Characteristics of the Scientific Research

➢ Sectors of Research

➢ Research Procedures
Course Guidelines

o Course Lecture Time:

Thursday, 10:20 am – 12:00 pm

o Grading : Activities Grades

Final 75
Course Textbook
Course Labs

o Course Labs :

➢ Practical Implementations using EndNote , Overleaf.

o Course TA’s:

➢ Eng. Hala Ahmed

➢ Eng. Manar Al shahawy
Course Syllabus

Chapter 1 Introduction to Scientific Research 8

Chapter 2 Research Procedures

Chapter 3 Sampling

Chapter 4 Survey Research

Chapter 5 Qualitative Research Methods

Chapter 6 Writing Research Reports


➢ Course Guidelines

➢ What is Scientific Research ?

➢ Characteristics of the Scientific Research

➢ Sectors of Research

➢ Research Procedures
What is Scientific Research ?
What is Scientific Research ?
What is Scientific Research ?

The process of exploring the controlled and organized rules of assumptions

and hypotheses that explain the assumed relations between problem that
is observed.
What is Scientific Research ?

➢ Regardless of the origin of the idea of research, all research begins with a
basic question about a particular phenomenon or a certain assumption.

➢ For example:

➢ Why TV viewers prefer a certain program than other programs?

➢ What parts of the newspaper that are often read by individuals?

What is Scientific Research ?

➢ Designed research studies can answer these questions through good


➢ But the problem lies in the question;

➢ What kind of study?

➢ Any data collection tools are most appropriate the research problem?
What is Scientific Research ?

➢ Sometimes a group of consumers are gripped with fear, accompanied by

the desire to resist all forms of telephone communications targeted to
sales for sale.

➢ Such thinking represents a threat that could lead to the collapse of

research that uses the phone.
What is Scientific Research ?

➢ In some cases, an individual may believe something based on how much

confidence in the source.

➢ For example

Some people might think the information to be soon or a reporter or a

teacher said that this thing is right.
What is Scientific Research ?

➢ With the scientific method,

the learning process is a group of small steps and that the source
provides us with information which may be correct or incorrect, and get
to the truth through a series of objective analyses.

“The scientific method corrects itself ( Self correcting)”


➢ Course Guidelines

➢ What is Scientific Research ?

➢ Characteristics of the Scientific Research

➢ Sectors of Research

➢ Research Procedures
Characteristics of the Scientific Research

A. Scientific Research is Public

B. Objective

C. Empirical

D. Systematic and Cumulative

E. Science Relies on Predictive Forecasting

Characteristics of the Scientific Research

A. Scientific Research Is Public

➢ Scientific advancement depends on freely available information.

➢ Scientific research information must be freely communicated from one

researcher to another.
Characteristics of the Scientific Research

A. Scientific Research Is Public :

1. The researchers adhere to highest precision when publishing their

reports to include information about the sample and methods used in
their selection, measurement methods, and data collection.

2. 2. Researchers should keep notes , data and scientific material that they
used in the search, because they may be asked about some other
researchers information on some points that have not subjected to
Characteristics of the Scientific Research

B. Objective

➢ Objectivity requires that scientific research deals with facts rather than
interpretations of facts.

➢ Science rejects its own authorities if their statements are in conflict with
direct observation.

Example : Measure the attractiveness of commercials on TV.

Characteristics of the Scientific Research

C. Science is Empirical

➢ Researchers are concerned with a world that is knowable and potentially


➢ (Empiricism is derived from the Greek word for "experience").

➢ Researchers must be able to perceive and classify what they teach, they
should be far from the metaphysical explanations, and intangible events.
Characteristics of the Scientific Research

C. Science is Empirical

➢ Scientists are linking abstract terms and the physical world through direct
or indirect observations and measurement means.

➢ This is accomplished by setting the binding procedural definition as a

Characteristics of the Scientific Research

Two Types of definition

➢ Conceptual

➢ Operational / Procedural
Characteristics of the Scientific Research

D. Science is Systematic and Cumulative

➢ No single research study stands alone, nor does it rise or fall by itself.

➢ Skilled researchers used previous studies as a basis for building their


➢ The first step of scientific research review available scientific literature

relating to the subject matter.
Characteristics of the Scientific Research

E. Science Relies on Predictive Forecasting

➢ Science is concerned with relating the present to the future.

➢ In fact, scientists strive to develop theories because, for one reason, they
are useful in predicting behavior.

➢ A theory's adequacy lies in its ability to predict a phenomenon or event


➢ Course Guidelines

➢ What is Scientific Research ?

➢ Characteristics of the Scientific Research

➢ Sectors of Research

➢ Research Procedures
Sectors of Research

There exist two sectors of research:

➢ Academic Research

➢ Private Research
Sectors of Research

Academic sector research is conducted by scholars from colleges and

universities. It also generally means that the research has a theoretical or
scholarly approach.
Sectors of Research

Private sector research is conducted by nongovernmental businesses and

industries or their research consultants.

It is generally applied research; that is, the results are intended to be used in
decision-making situations.
Difference between Academic and Private research

1. Publicity of the research.

➢ Academic research is public.

➢ Most private sector research, on the other hand, generates proprietary

data: the results are considered to be the sole property of the sponsoring
agency and cannot generally be obtained by other researchers.
Difference between Academic and Private research

2. The amount of time allowed to conduct the work.

➢ Academic researchers generally do not have specific deadlines for their

research projects (except when research grants are received).

➢ Private sector researchers, however, nearly always operate under some

type of deadline. The time frame may be specified by management or by
an outside agency that requires a decision from the company or business.
Difference between Academic and Private research

3. The Cost

➢ Academic research is generally less expensive to conduct than research in

the private sector.

➢ This is not to say that academic research is "cheap" (not in many cases)

➢ Private sector research, whether it is done within a company or hired out

to a research supplier, must take such expenses into account.
Difference between Academic and Private research

4. Ability for pursuing questions

➢ Private sector researchers rarely have an opportunity to pursue research

questions in a casual manner; a decision is generally waiting to be made
on the basis of the research.
Difference between Academic and Private research

➢ Despite these differences, it is important for beginning researchers to

understand that academic research and private sector research are not
completely independent of each other.

➢ The link between the two areas is important.

Difference between Academic and Private research

➢ Although private and academic research vary in area and costs but they
are identical in methodology and statistical analyses.

➢ Course Guidelines

➢ What is Scientific Research ?

➢ Characteristics of the Scientific Research

➢ Sectors of Research

➢ Research Procedures
Research Procedures

1. Selection of problem

2. Review of existing research and theory

3. Statement of hypothesis or research question

4. Determination of appropriate methodology and research design

5. Data collection

6. Analysis and interpretation of data

7. Presentation of results

8. Replication
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