Repertory - MCQ - 4th - BHMS - (Old, New, 2015)
Repertory - MCQ - 4th - BHMS - (Old, New, 2015)
Repertory - MCQ - 4th - BHMS - (Old, New, 2015)
No. Questions
Introduction to Repertory
1 Total number of Remedies in Bogar Boenninghausen’s Repertory
2 Total number of Remedies in Sharma’s Card Repertory
3 ________is the index of the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
4 Repertus is the past participle of ------------ word
5 The term Repertory was used before Homoeopathy in ------------
6 Repertory is a sort of ------------- or an index so basically the repertory is an index of Homoeopathic
Materia Medica.
7 Materia Medica and Repertory are ---------------- to each other.
8 Fragmenta di viribus medica mentorum positivies was published in the year-----------
9 The word Repertory has originated from—
10 Repertorium means—
11 A -------- in homoeopahty is an index of systoms of our Materia Medica with their corresponding
homeopathic medicines arranged systematically.
12 As per ------ dictionary Repertory means place for finding something, store or collection esp. of
13 Hahnemann’s scheme of arrangement of symptoms is from—
14 Repertory has complimentary relationship with-----------
15 ____is mean to an end but never an end in itself.
16 A homoeopath should have thorough knowledge of Repertory because it teaches a physician----
25 Many medicines in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica used for some specific complaints of the
disfunctioning of some organs, they are known as -----------Remedies.
26 The selection of similimum needs fair knowledge of ---
27 ___is the Repertory based on the philosophic concept of totality of symptom.
Rockstar Pandya
Options Correct
Rockstar Pandya
28 __________ is the Repertory based upon the concept of general, peculiar & particular symptoms.
29 __________ is the Repertory based upon the concept of general, peculiar & particular symptoms.
40 _____is the general repertory based on the anatomical division of the body.
48 ------ is the therapeutic guide for the selection of Similimum final authority goes to Materia Medica
49 ………… is the source of Knerr’s repertory
Rockstar Pandya
Synthetic Repertory kents comparative repertory Synthesis by Frederik All the above D
of homoeopathic materia Schroyens
medica by gay Koklenberga
Rene Docks
complete Repertory by thematic Repertory by J A both none of the above B
boger van zand vooert Mirrili
Alphabetical pocket Phatak's repertory homoeopathic medical all the above D
repertory by Glazor repertory by robin
hering's guiding Concordance Repertory of Both None of the above C
symptom-C.B Kneer MM- W Gentry
O.E Boericke's clinical A clinical repertory to Causation Bhardwaj All the above D
repertory appended to dictionary of MM - J H
hand book of HMM Clarke
Times of Remedies- Bells Diarrhoea H C Allen 's fever All the above D
W Guensey Boger Dr Jughal kishor all the above D
Dr. Patel’s Autovisual Dr. Patel’s Autovisual Both None of the above C
Homoeopathic repertory Maismatic Repertory
Le Repertoire De Kent “ The Lamnia Homoeopathic Hompath – Dr. Jawahar All the above D
Melanie” Docteur repertory Analysis system Shah, India
Georges Broussalian
Kentian – Sai MAc Radar All the above D
Homoeopathic Book
Rockstar Pandya
51 Synthetic repertory is divided into how …….. volumes.
52 In which year synthetic repertory published ……
53 Synthetic repertory is compiled from …….. sources.
54 ………means agarophobia.
55 …… is the last section in Boericke’s repertory
56 ___is the theraperutic guide for selection of similimum, final authority goes to Materia Medica?
57 A homoeopath should know the repertory because-----------
63 _______ is a Therapeutic Guide for selection of similimum final authority goes to HMM
64 ____is the requirement of Repertorisation
65 ____is the requirement of Repertorisation
66 ____is the requirement of Repertorisation
67 ____is the requirement of Repertorisation
68 There are total ----------- numbers of rubrics in the mind chapter of kent’s repertory.
69 In Kent’s Repertory, total number of sections is -------
70 Dr. Kent’s order in compiling the Repertory is ------
Rockstar Pandya
2 4 3 1 C
1982 1987 1973 1978 A
12 16 21 61 B
fear of space fear of objects fear of snakes \fear of ghost. A
Generalities Modalities Abdomen None of the above. B
It teaches one to It helps to that physician When a case is all the above D
become more particular who has not gained mismanaged by several
as to the accuracy of the thorough knowledge of factors, it points out
anamnesis & the HMM certain medicine
classification of
It may point out In a case if several Both None of Above C
hereditary tendencies peculiarities are there,
repertory is useful
Repertory Organon Philosophy Pharmacy A
Rockstar Pandya
71 In the kents Repertory much importance have been given to ----------
72 Now we are using is ------- edition of Kents repertory.
73 first edition of Kents repertory was published in year –
74 Fourth edition of Dr. Kent’s repertory was published in year. —
75 ____ Edition of Kent’s repertory has been edited and revised by Clara Louise Kent
76 Fifth edition of dr. Kents repertory was published in year.—
77 Kents reprtory,6 th American edition consists of mainly ------ chapters.
78 In the sixth edition of Kents repertory ------ no. Of remedies are listed.
79 In the sixth edition of Kents repertory symptoms related to thirst,desires.& aversion are explained under -
80 _____ Sections are there in Dr. Lippe’s repertory of materia Medica.
81 Following are separate sections in Kent’s final general repertory
82 ______ Number of sections is there in jost kunzlis Kent’s repertorium generale.
83 While constructing Kents repertory rubrics are modified under ---- factors.
84 _____ Is the biggest rubric out of Kent’s repertory.
85 ____ Is one of the works based on Kent’s repertory
86 Synthesis repertory is the work based on -----
Introduction to Repertory
1 The Term "Repertory" was originated from which word
2 Which Subject helps to elicit group of Remedies
3 Repertorium means ______
4 The Term "Repertory" was used before Homoeopathy in
5 Who told this "It is impossible to practice homoeopathy without the aid of repertories and the best
repertory is the fulllest"
6 Dr. B. K. Sarkar in his book, "Lectures in Homoeopathy" has described how many methods of working
out the case
7 Who told this "Every Repertory is useful, unfortunately no one is complete"
8 Repertory has complementary relationship with
9 Which is mean to an end but never an end in itself
10 Who had written a separate valuable section on the relationship of remedies?
Rockstar Pandya
physical generals mental generals concomitant modalites B
fourth fifth seventh sixth C
1877 1897 1879 1899 C
1945 Jan 1935 jan 1935 feb 1846 march B
first third fifth none of above C
1935 1945 1954 none of above D
twenty five twenty thirty seven thirty D
648 548 700 342 B
mind section stomach section abdomen section none of above B
34 37 40 none of above A
voice & smell taste & hearing heart & lungs tongue & taste A
27 37 30 34 A
sixth fourth tenth second A
Eruption Pain Discharge Itching B
Boerick's repertory Kneer's repertory Synthetic repertory Boger's Synoptic key C
Boenninghausen Jhar's repertory Kent's repertory Boerick's repertory C
Dr Barthel & Klunker Dr C.M.Boger Dr L.M. Dhavale None of above A
Dr kent repertory Dr Boerick's repertory Dr Boenninghausen none of above A
5 6 3 4 B
Rockstar Pandya
3 Phoenix Repertory was written by
Classification of Repertory
1 Repertory based on Philosophic concept are also known as
2 Repertories having no distinctive philosophy are belongs to which group
3 Who prepared the first card repertory?
4 Repertory of _____was published by Bell in 1906.
5 Autovisual Repertory was written by
6 Dr. W. D. Gentry's Repertory belongs to which group
7 The Alphabetical Repertory is
8 Repertory based on Hering's Guding Symptoms is
9 The Repertory which is written by Dr. Roger Zandvoort is
10 Jugal Kishore wrote a
Case Taking
1 Who wrote ," A well taken case is half cured"
2 Information about the Accessory Symptoms are given in which Aphorism
3 The patients who have a morbid anxiety about their health are called in Aphorism 96 as
4 In which Aphorism, Dr. Hahnemann had advised not to ask leading questions.
5 Requisites qualifications of a Homoeopathic Physician are given in which Aphorisms
6 The first requisite in taking the case is that the physician must have a case record. This instruction about
case taking was given by
7 What to you mean by Fixed General Totality
8 The cases in which patients do not have complaints between two attacks and enjoy apparent health are
9 Inquiry about the mode of living and occupation is to be considered in which Aphorism
10 Dry tongue with thirstlessness is an example of _________symptom.
1 Determinative Symptom was used by
2 "Aschoff bodies in rheumatic carditis" is an example of which type of symptom
3 Paradoxical Symptoms are also known as
4 Pathological Generals are important for prescription by _________ approach
5 Symptoms which are expected to be present in a case but remain absent are called
6 The symptoms which give a clue about the beginning of a chronic disease are
7 Common symptoms become useful when they are
8 Symptoms obtained from toxicological observations and from provings are called
Rockstar Pandya
Dr. Robin Murphy Dr. J.P.S. Bakshi Dr. Diwan Harishchandra Dr. Shrivastava B
Dr. C. M. Boger Dr. H.A. Robert Dr. Elizabeth Wright Dr. Stuart Clause C
91 92 94 95 D
Indolent Hypochondriac Prejudice Difficult B
86 87 88 89 B
83 & 98 85 & 99 86 & 100 87 & 97 A
Dr. Stuart Cluase Dr. J. T. Kent Dr. H. A. Roberts Dr. O. E. Boericke C
Changes at Physical and Symptoms with Location Both A and B None of the above A
Mental level and Sensation
Alternate Disease Local Diseases One sided diseases Intermittent Disease D
93 94 95 98 B
Peculiar Uncommon Contradictory All of the above D
Dr. Garth Boericke Dr. W. A. Allen Dr. Stuart Clause Dr. J .T Kent A
Eliminative Pathognomic Diagnostic Accessory B
Accidental Recurrent Alternating Contradictory D
Dr. Boenninghausen Dr. Kent Dr. Boger Dr. Boericke C
Alternating Negative Clinical Accesory B
Basic Diagnostic Old Recent C
Absent Intense Present in a group All of the above D
Pathogenetic symptoms Pathological Symptoms Pathognomic Symptoms Pathological generals A
Rockstar Pandya
9 The symptoms which throw off all the medicines that are not needed for the patient and bring only those
medicines, which are required are
10 Common symptoms are also called as
1 In Kent’s sixth edition of repertory Remedies are graded into ---
2 Synthetic repertory by Barthel & Klunker is based on --- sources.
3 No. of remedies are listed in synthetic repertory.
4 Miasm related rubric is not observed in Kent’s sixth edition of repertory
5 An arrangement of Rubric in Kent’s Repertory is ------- with certain exception.
6 First section in Kent’s Repertory is ---------
7 Last section in Kent’s Repertory is ---------
8 Third section in Kent’s Repertory is ---------
9 Fourth section in Kent's Repertory is --------
10 Fifth section in Kent’s Repertory is ---------
11 Six section in Kent’s Repertory is ---------
12 Seventh section in Kent’s Repertory is ---------
13 Eight section in Kent’s Repertory is ---------
14 Ninth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
15 Tenth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
16 Eleventh section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
17 Twelfth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
18 Thirteenth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
19 Fourteenth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
Rockstar Pandya
Clinical Symptoms Eliminating Symptoms Common Symptoms Alternating Symptoms B
Rockstar Pandya
20 Fifteenth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
21 Sixteenth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
22 Seventeenth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
23 Eighteenth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
24 Nineteenth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
25 Twentieth section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
26 Twenty-one section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
27 Twenty-two section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
28 Twenty-three section in Kent’s Repertory is --------
29 Twenty-four section in Kent's Repertory is --------
30 Twenty-five section in Kent's Repertory is --------
31 Twenty-six section in Kent's Repertory is --------
32 Twenty-seven section in Kent's Repertory is --------
33 Twenty-eight section in Kent's Repertory is --------
34 Twenty-nine section in Kent's Repertory is -------
35 Section Thirty-one In Kent's Repertory is -------
36 Section Thirty-two In Kent's Repertory is -------
37 Section Thirty-three In Kent's Repertory is -------
38 Section Thirty-four In Kent's Repertory is -------
39 Section Thirty-five In Kent's Repertory is -------
40 Section Thirty-six In Kent's Repertory is -------
41 Dr. J. T. Kent for preparation of Repertory preceded from-
42 In regard to extension of Rubric from one point to another, one has to search in -
Rockstar Pandya
External Throat Stomach Abdomen Rectum C
External Throat Stomach Abdomen Rectum D
Stool Bladder Kidney Prostate A
Stool Bladder Kidney Prostate B
Stool Bladder Kidney Prostate C
Stool Bladder Kidney Prostate D
Urethra Urine Genitalia-Male Genitalia-Female A
Urethra Urine Genitalia-Male Genitalia-Female B
Urethra Urine Genitalia-Male Genitalia-Female C
Urethra Urine Genitalia-Male Genitalia-Female D
Larynx and Trachea Respiration Cough Expectoration A
Larynx and Trachea Respiration Cough Expectoration B
Larynx and Trachea Respiration Cough Expectoration C
Larynx and Trachea Respiration Cough Expectoration D
Chest Back Extremities Sleep A
Chest Back Extremities Sleep B
Chest Back Extremities Sleep C
Chill Fever Perspiration Skin A
Chill Fever Perspiration Skin B
Chill Fever Perspiration Skin C
Chill Fever Perspiration Skin D
General to particular Particular to general Both None of above A
Point from which a Point to which it extends Both None of above A
Certain Rubric extents.
General Common Particular All of the Above D
Bold Italic Roman All of the Above A
Bold Italic Roman All of the Above B
Bold Italic Roman All of the Above C
Abhorrence Forsaken Agitation Indolence B
Mind Genitalia-Male Genitalia-Female Sleep A
Mind Head Vertigo Generalities C
Mind Chest Sleep Generalities B
Mind Head Generalities Vertigo C
Mind Sleep Dream Generalities A
Vertigo Sleep Dream Generalities A
Nose Mind Dream Generalities A
Mind Head Face Skin C
Throat External Throat Stomach Generalities A
Mind Sleep Dream Generalities A
Mind Vertigo Sleep Dream B
Eye Mind Vision Generalities A
Mind Ear Hearing Generalities B
Nose Sleep Dream Generalities A
Mind Sleep Dream Generalities A
Mind Stomach Abdomen Generalities B
Abdomen Genitalia-Female Generalities All of the Above D
Mind Vertigo Sleep Generalities B
Mind Head Face Generalities C
Generalities Extremities Skin Abdomen A
Generalities Skin Head Mind A
Generalities Sleep Skin None of above B
Chest Extremities Skin All of the Above A
Rockstar Pandya
71 Anxiety in the region of the Heart belongs to chapter------------ in Kent’s repertory
72 Whooping cough belongs to chapter------------ in Kent’s repertory.
73 Apthae of tongue belongs to chapter------------ in Kent’s repertory
74 Milky urine belongs to chapter------------ in Kent’s repertory.
75 Atrophy of testes belongs to chapter------------ in Kent’s repertory
76 In which section of Kent's Repertory "Delusion that he has every disease" Rubric is given -
78 In which section of Kent's Repertory Rubric Goiters given -
79 In which section in Kent's Repertory Rubric Appetite Ravenous,Canine, Excessive is given -
80 In which section in Kent's Repertory Restlessness, uneasiness in Abdomen is given -
81 In which section in Kent's Repertory Rumbling in Abdomen before stool is given -
82 In which section in Kent's Repertory delusion naked man is wrapped in the Bed Cloths with her is given-
1 BoenninghausensTherapeutic Pocket Book is the combination of
Rockstar Pandya
Generalities Heart Mind Chest D
Generalities Cough Chest Expectoration B
Mouth Tongue Face Skin A
Urine Kidney Bladder Urethra A
Scrotum Sexual organ Genitalia-Male None of above C
Mind Sleep And Dream Generalities Vertigo A
Throat External Throat Face Generalities B
Stomach Mind Generalities Abdomen A
Mind Sleep And Dream Abdomen Generalities C
Mind Abdomen Rectum Stool B
Mind Sleep Dream Generalities A
Introduction and Repertory part and Relationship part and Introduction and D
philosophical part and Relationship part Repertory part philosophical part
repertory part
342 746 126 591 D
Ten five Twenty one seven D
Ten five Three six. B
Mind and Intellect Parts of Body Sensation Sleep and Dream A
Mind and Intellect Parts of Body Fever Sleep and Dream B
Mind and Intellect Parts of Body Sensation Sleep and Dream C
Mind and Intellect Parts of Body Sensation Sleep and Dream D
Mind and Intellect Mind and Intellect Sensation Fever D
Mind and Intellect Parts of Body Sensation Modality D
Mind and Intellect Parts of Body Sensation Relationship D
Rockstar Pandya
14 First graded medicines in Boenninghausens Therapeutic Pocket
Book are written in ________ letters carries five marks for the
process of Repertorisation.
15 Second graded medicines in Boenninghausens Therapeutic Pocket Book are written in ________ letters
carries four marks for Repertorization.
16 Third graded medicines in Boenninghausens Therapeutic Pocket Book is written in________ letters
carries three marks for Repertorization.
17 Fourth graded medicines in Boenninghausens Therapeutic Pocket Book is written in ________ letters
carries two marks for Repertorization.
19 Fifth graded medicines in Boenninghausens Therapeutic Pocket Book is written in ________ letters
carries one mark for Repertorisation.
20 Doctrine of Grand generalization was given by -
21 Doctrine of concomitance was distinguishing feature of
22 Limited generalization is distinguishing feature of-
23 . -------- is the advantage of BTP Book.
45 According to Dr. Boenninghausen the ------------- Symptom is to the totality what the condition of
aggravation or amelioration is to the totality what the condition of aggravation or amelioration is the
single symptom.
46 Difficulties n taking up chronic case may be due to ----------------
47 A repertory of Comparative Materia Medica was published by ----------- in the year, 1854.
Rockstar Pandya
Capital Bold italic Roman A
Rockstar Pandya
48 In present edition of therapeutic pocket book first section is -------------
1 Boger Boenninghausens Repertory was written by -
2 _____ is the source of Boger Boenninghausens Characteristic Repertory.
1 --------is the facility of Card Repertory?
2 -------- was the first person to prepare the first card repertory .
3 ------------- Repertory is the time saver than other type of repertories.
Rockstar Pandya
Mind and Sensorium Mind and Soul Mind Mind and Intellect
48 7 37 30 B
Internal cause External cause Internal and External None of above C
Mind External head Internal Head Sensorium. A
Intellect Vertigo Head None of the above D
Sensorium Mind External Head Vertigo B
Sleep Intellect Mind Sensorium C
Mind Sensation Dream Vertigo A
Extremities Mind External Head \Internal head B
Intellect Vertigo Abdomen None of the above D
Intellect Generalities Internal Head Mind D
Sensation Complaints Mind Head C
Generalities Mind Sensorium Intellect B
External Head Internal Head Complaints None of the above D
Internal Head Sensorium Complaints None of the above D
Internal head Mind Intellect feeling. B
Mind. Intellect Vertigo. None of the above A
Psora. Sycosis. Syphilis. Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis. D
Psychical Physical Both None of the above C
Traumatic Due to Exposure Both None of the above C
Mind and Intellect Parts of Body Sensation and Sleep and Dream A
Mind and Intellect Parts of Body Sensation and Sleep and Dream B
Mind and Intellect Parts of Body Sensation and Sleep and Dream C
Sleep and Dream. Fever and Circulation Aggravation and Concordance B
Sleep and Dream. Fever and Circulation Aggravation and Concordance C
Sleep and Dream. Fever and Circulation Aggravation and Concordance D
Doctrine of Complete Doctrine of Pathological Doctrine of Causation All of above D
Symptom General and Time
Rockstar Pandya
4 ------- is the Drawback of Card Repertory
5 Kishor’s Card Repertory first edition was published in the year -----
6 Kishor’s Card Repertory second edition was published in the year ----
7 Kishor’s Card Repertory third edition was published in the year ---
1 clairvoyant belongs to chapter ------------ in Bogers repertory classification odf disease from Aph No-----
Rockstar Pandya
Few numbers of few number of rubrics Blockage is inevitable All of above. D
1959 1967 1986 1996 A
1959 1967 1986 1996 B
1959 1967 1986 1996 C
False chronic disease True chronic disease Fundamental cause psora Knowledge of syphilis B
and sycosis
False chronic disease True chronic disease Knowledge of syphilis Fundamental cause psora D
and sycosis
True chronic disease Knowledge of syphilis and Fundamental cause psora Development of psora D
Individualisation Disease diagnosis Diagnosis of remedy All of above A
Sick Sicken Artificial disease Indisposition D
Dynamic Artificial FALSE Mimicking A
Acute Chronic Both None of above C
Prodromal period Progressive period Declining period All of above D
Exciting causes Maintaining causes Fundamental causes All of above A
Fixed acute miasm Recurrent acute miasm Both All of above C
Individual acute Sporadic acute diseases Epidemic acute diseases Endemic acute diseases A
Individual acute Sporadic acute diseases Epidemic acute diseases Endemic acute diseases B
Individual acute Sporadic acute diseases Epidemic acute diseases Epdemic acute diseases C
Epidemic diseases Artificial chronic diseases False chronic diseases True chronic diseases A
Rockstar Pandya
23 Medicine given in epidemic diseases on the basis of name of disease is called as
Case Taking
1 Recording of symptoms of the patient in such a way so that it becomes very easy to select the similimum
is called as -
2 .---------are sole guide for selection of similimum.
3 Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has given guide line for case taking in -
10 _______ stated if you have taken proper case your half worked is finished
11 -----------is the purpose of case taking.
Rockstar Pandya
Genus epidemicus Homoeopathic specific Both None of above A
Psora Sycosis Syphilis All of above D
True FALSE Artificial All of above D
Physicians qualification Recording of symptoms New symptoms fresh line Physicians observation D
Physicians qualification Recording of symptoms New symptoms fresh line Physicians observation D
Rockstar Pandya
24 Aph. No. 87 is dealing with -
1 writes about "The totality of symptoms means all the symptoms of the case which are capable of being
logically combined into a harmonious and consistent whole, having form, coherency and individuality.
2 Repertorial totality is also called as……
3 The symptom is called as complete when it has -
4 The symptom which is associated with Chief complaint but which does not have any patho-
physiological relationship with Chief complaints is called as -
Rockstar Pandya
Physicians observation Details of symptoms Use of general Precise and special B
expression question
Physicians observation Details of symptoms Use of general Precise and special C
expression question
Physicians observation Details of symptoms Use of general Precise and special D
Precise and special Peculiar observation expression
Past treatment recording question acute disease
Recording B
Past Treatment Recording acute disease Private Question Investigation of A
Recording maintaining cause
Recording Acute. Private questions Investigation of Recording of long A
Disease Maintaining Cause sufferings
Recording Acute Private Question Investigation of Recording of Long B
Disease Maintaining Cause Suffering
Recording only patients Recording acute case is Investigation epidemic Investigation of psora C
language easy disease
Record only patients Recording acute case is Investigation - epidemic Investigation of psora D
language easy disease
Recording acute case is Investigation of epidemic Investigation of psora Usefulness of record B
easy disease writing
Recording Acute Private Question Investigation of Recording of Long A
Disease Maintaining Cause Suffering
Recording Acute Private Question Investigation of Recording of Long D
Disease Maintaining Cause Suffering
Recording Acute Hypocondriacae. Investigation of indolent Investigation of accessory D
Disease nature. symptoms
Recording of long Recording of Recording indolent case Record only patient’s B
suffering Hypochondriac patient language
Recording of long Recording of Recording indolent case Record only patients C
suffering Hypochondriac patient language
Recording of long Recording of Recording indolent case Record only patients D
suffering Hypochondriac case language
Record only patients Recording acute case is Investigation - epidemic Investigation of psora B
language easy disease
The influence of the Changed symptom image Complex diseases All of above D
modem system upon the
In proportion as the Modesty conceals the fact Pretension modifies the All of above D
pathology increases the symptom
signs and symptom
Patients get accustomed The symptoms appearing Alternating symptoms All of above D
to long sufferings periodically not narrated not narrated
Rockstar Pandya
5 The symptoms which are discoverable or felt by the patient alone, presenting no external indication is
called as -
6 The symptoms which are noted by relatives, friends or by any attendant are called as -
7 Those peculiar, unusual and distinctive symptoms which characterize the medicine or disease called as -
8 The symptoms of the Disease on which diagnosis is made they are called as -
9 The symptoms pertaining to the vital force are called as -
10 Symptom common to the medicine are called as
11 The Symptoms, which form the basis for a clinical diagnosis, are called as -
12 Source of general symptom --
13 The symptoms which do not appear in the proving of Drug; but which were observed as appearing as
well as those which were observed disappearing after the administration of the medicine in sick called as-
14 The circumstances or conditions that affect or modify a particular symptoms or the state of the patient as
a whole is called as -
15 Symptoms, which throw off all the medicines that, are not needed for the patient and bring home only,
those medicines which are required for the patient called as –
16 The Symptoms which refers to the individual as a whole are called as----
17 The Symptoms which are related to particular part of organ is called as -
18 The Symptoms which are important for making a prescription are called as -
19 Dry tongue with thirstlessness is an example of ----------- symptom
20 General symptom is greater than------------- symptoms
21 Mental general is -------------- than physical general
22 Causative emotional modality is ------------- than causative intellectual
23 The term symptom is derived from the ------------- word.
24 The Symptoms which is lacking either of location, sensation,modality, extension is called as-
25 Absence of an expected feature of the case under study is called as -
26 When two symptoms alternates with each other they are called as
27 In a case few symptoms are available which indicate merely the changes that have occurred in the
tissues and organons called as-
1 ------------------- is based upon the concept of general, peculiar & particular symptoms.
2 _______ analyzed the symptoms into -(1) General, , (2) Particular, (3)Common.
3 ----- defines symptom is the expression of disturbance in a healthy body produced by a drug or some
morbid agent.
4 ________ defines symptoms as "any evidence of disease or change from a state of health".
5 Dr. Samuel Hahnemann recognizes________ as symptoms.
6 Symptoms refer to symptoms----------.
7 Aim of doing analysis of symptoms is ----
8 Analysis of symptoms means. ---------
Rockstar Pandya
Subjective symptom Objective symptom Concomitant symptom Guiding symptom A
Rockstar Pandya
14 -------- defines symptoms as any change in the health of the body and of the mind which is felt by the
patient himself remarked by those around him and observation by physician.
15 ------- means classification of symptoms into different groups.
16 .----- means to judge or determine the worth or qualities of symptoms.
17 Symptoms of man is categorized into
18 _______ is the symptoms pertaining to the vital force or the so called mental symptoms.
19 ________ is the symptoms pertaining to the whole body, the so called general symptoms.
20 ________ are the symptoms pertaining to any part or the body; like chest, abdomen etc. or to any
particular organ like; eye, ear, nose etc.
21 ________ is uncommon symptom of man
1 _________ is the subject which deals with study of classification of diseases.
2 A Homoeopath should diagnose the disease because it helps -
1 Besides Repertorisation---------- is also the basis of selection of similimum
2 Besides Repertorisation----------- is also the basis of selection of similimum.
Rockstar Pandya
Dr. Kanjilal Dr. L. D. Dhawale Dr. Mahendra Singh Dr. B. K. Chakraworthy A
Dreams and menstrual Likes and dislikes Reasoning and All of above D
function understanding
Loves and hates Aggravation and Sleep and appetite All of above D
Rockstar Pandya
5 Besides Repertorisation --------------is also the basis of selection of similimum.
1 Author of Compete Repertory -
2 Complete Repertory by Roger Van Zandvoort was published by -
8 Information and cross References in complete Repertory by Roger Van Zandarvoort are taken from
1 Synthesis Repertory was written by -
2 Synthesis Repertory is based upon_____edition of Kent's Repertory.
3 Basic source of Synthesis Repertory by Fredrik Schoryens is writing's of-
4 Basic source of Synthesis Repertory of Fredrik Schroyens is writting's of-
5 Rapid Aid to Drug Aimed Research" (RADAR) includes ------above remedies.
6 Homoeopath is the software developed in
7 Homoeopath was developed by -
10 In the year -------- Glazor published the first alphabetical pocket Repertory.
11 Glazor’s alphabetical pocket Repertory consists of ------------- pages.
12 “A Repertory of Comparative Materia medica was published by ------- in the year,1854.
13 Lippe’s Repertory consists of -------- pages.
14 “Gentry’s Concordance Repertory” was published in the year ---------
15 Gentry’s Concordance Reperotry Consists of ------- volumes.
16 Repertory of -------- was published by Bell.
17 Dr. Boenninghausen has published the book repertory of antipsoric in the year---
18 Summery view of the chief sphere of operation of the antipsoric Remedies & of their characteristic
peculiarities by Dr. Boenninghausen was published in the year ----
19 An attempt at a homoeopathic thearapy of inttermittent fever by Dr. Boenninghausen was published in
the year ----
Rockstar Pandya
On the basis of On the basis of lipoid On the basis of Key Note All of above D
emanometeric findings flocculation test
Dr. D. P. Rastogi Dr. Jugal Kishore Dr. P. Sankaran Roger Van Zandvoort D
Irrhis Publishers, I.B.P.P New Delhi Roy & Company, The Hapco House, A
Netherlands Mumbai. Calcutta
1796 1896 1996 None of above C
Kent's Boenninghausens Boger’s Sankaran A
First Third Sixth All of above. D
Homoeopathic Journals Schmidt's & Chand's Kunzii's Final General All of above. D
Repertorium General Repertory
Sivaraman's Additions Boger's Additions to Kent's CCRH's corrections to All of above D
and Corrections to Repertory Boenninghausens
Kent's Repertory Repertory
P. Schmidt Repertory Kent's Repertory Boenninghausens All of above D
Stuttgart, West Cothen, East Germany Dresden, America None of the above A
Insomnia T.B Cancer Peptic Ulcer A
Purulent tuberculosis Malaria Gangrene Insomnia A
Rockstar Pandya
20 Homoeopathic diet & a complete image of disease by Dr. Boenninghausen was published in the year ----
21 Homoeopathy, a manual for the non medical public by Dr. Boenninghausen was published in ---
22 Repertory of the medicine which are not antipsoric by Dr. Boenninghausen was published in ----
23 Attempt at showing the relative kinship of homoeopathic medicine by Dr. Boenninghausen was
published in ----
24 Therapeutic manual for homoeopathic physician for the use at the sicked & in the study of materia
medica pura by Dr. Boenninghausen was published in ----
25 Brief instructions for non-physician as to the prevention and cure of cholera by Boenninghausen was
published in----
26 The 2 sides of the human body & Relationship homoeopathic studies by Dr. Boenninghausen was
published in -----
27 The homoeopathic domestic physician in brief therapeutic diagnosis by Boenninghausen was published
in the year---
28 The homoeopathic treatment of whooping cough in its various Form by Dr. Boenninghausen was
published in ----
29 The therapeutics of fevers was written by -------
30 The book keynotes & characteristics of the M.M. & M.M. of the nosodes was written by ----
31 A synoptic key to materia medica was written by---
32 Boenninghausen’s characteristics materia medica & repertory was written by—
33 _____ was the first person to compile the repertory?
34 Fragmenta De Viribus medica mentorum positivus by Dr. S. Hahnemann published in----
35 Laffitte’s “ A Homoeopathic Reprtory of Symptomatology “ was published in the year -----
36 Berridge “ Repertory of the eyes “ published in England in the yr.--------
37 Repertory of the new remedies by Dr. C. P. Hart published by Boericke & Tafel in the yr. --
38 Lippe published his famous Repertory of the more characteristic symptoms of material medica in the yr. -
39 T. F. Allen ‘s symptom register was published in the year –
40 Repertory of the modalities by Dr. Samual Worcester was published in the year ------
41 Repertory of the intermittent fever by William A. Allen was published in the year ----
42 Hering’s analytical Repertory (Symptoms of Mind) published in the year -------
43 Alphabetical Repertory if Father Muller (1st repertory in India) ------
44 Pathogenetic & clinical Repertory of the symptoms of the head by Neidhard was published in the year ---
45 Knerr’s repertory of the Hearing’s guiding symptoms was published in the year ------
46 Boger’s English translated Boenninghausens repertory of Antipsoric remedies was published in the year -
47 Clinical Repertory by P. W. Shedd published in the year -------
48 Synoptic key of the material medica by DR. C. M. Boger published in the year -----
49 Second & enlarged edition of the characteristic & Repertory by C. M. Boger published in the year ---------
50 Phatak’s Repertory was published in the year -----
51 A Materia Medica & Repertory by James Stephenson was published in the year -----
52 Kents general Repertory by Kunzli was published in the year -----
53 Synthesis Repertorium Homoeopathicum by Dr. Fredrik Shroyen was published in the year-
54 Repertory of desires & aversions by Guernsey was published in the year -------
55 Illustrated Repertory of pain in chest sides & back by Rolin R. Gregg was published in the year----
56 Repertory of modalities by Worcester was published in the year -----
57 Repertory of Haemorrhoids by Guernsey was published in the year -----
58 Repertory of Respiratory organs by Lutze was published in the year -----
59 Repertory of intermittent fever by W. A. Allen was published in the year -----
60 Repertory of cough & expectorations by Lee & Clark published in the year -----
Rockstar Pandya
1831 1841 1833 1933 C
Rockstar Pandya
61 Repertory of Digestive system by Michell was published in the year -----
62 Repertory of Rheumatism by Perkins was published in the year -----
63 Repertory of therapeutics of Respiratory System by Van Denburg was published in the year-
64 Repertory of Rheumatism by Pulford was published in the year----
65 Repertory of Eczema by C. F. Mills Paugh was published in the year----
66 Repertory of Headache by Dr. Knerr was published in the year----
67 Repertory of Appendicitis by Yingling was published in the year----
68 Repertory of Headache by Neatby Stenham was published in the year----
69 Repertory of the Labour by Yinging was published in the year----
70 Repertory of Spasms & convulsions by Holcomb was published in the year----
71 Repertory of Tongue by Dougla S. S. was published in the year -------
72 Repertory of Urinary Organs and Prostate Gland by A. R. Morgan was published in the year -----
73 Repertory of Back by Wilsey was published in the year -----
74 A Clinical Repertory to the dictionary of Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke was published in the
year ------
75 Repertory of the Uterine Therapeutics by Milton was published in the year ---
76 Repertory by P. F. Curie was published in the year ------
77 Repertory of part of Rau’s special pathology was published in the year ----
78 Repertory by Boericke was published in the year -------
79 Repertory of Respiratory Diseases by Nash was published in the year -------
80 Clarke’s Clinical Repertory was published in the year -------
81 Repertory of Mastitis by W. J. Guernsey was published in the year -------
82 Repertory of Throat by W. J. Guernsey was published in the year -------
83 Shed’s Clinical Repertory was published in the year -------
84 Boger’s Repertory of Time and Moon Phases was published in the year ------
85 Repertory of Rheumatic Remedies by DR. H. A. Robert was published in the year ----
86 In the year 1937 ------ prepared a Repertory known as “sensation as if.”
87 J. W. Ward’s Dictionary of Sensation as if (two volumes) was published in the year ----
88 Dr. Margaret Tyler published Punched Card Repertory in the year --------
89 Wech & Housten published punched card Repertory in the year ---------
90 Dr. Field’s Gigantic Card Repertory was published in the year -----------
91 Dr. Boger’s Card Repertory was published in the year -----------
92 Dr. J. G. Weiss and Dr. R.H. Farley published Spindle Repertory in the year ----
93 Dr. P. Sankarn’s Card Repertory published in the year -------
94 Kishor’s Card Repertory was published in the year -------
Rockstar Pandya
1891 1892 1893 1894 B
1891 1892 1893 1894 D
1891 1892 1893 1894 D
1891 1892 1893 1894 D
1891 1892 1893 1894 D
1891 1892 1893 1894 D
1891 1892 1893 1894 D
1891 1892 1893 1894 D
1891 1892 1893 1894 D
1895 1896 1897 1898 A
1895 1896 1897 1898 B
1899 1900 1901 1902 A
1899 1900 1901 1902 B
1901 1902 1903 1904 D
Rockstar Pandya