Homoeopathy Learning System: Vegetable Analogues

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Homoeopathy Learning System

Vegetable analogues
Phos –Allium cepa.

Nat mur  -Ign

Cup met –Ipec

Kali sulph –Dulc

Merc –Mez

Kali mur –Puls

Plumb met –Podophyllum

Platina –Valariana

Kali iod –Phytolaca

Mag phos –Cham

Alum –Bry

Sulph –Aloes

Fer met –China

 Materia medica –Latin word

 Homoeopathic anti –toxin –Diphtherinum
 Homeopathic  anti –septic –Pyrogen
 Chronic of Acon ,Aloes -Sulph
 Makes the use of catheter unnecessary –Solidago
 Often replaces the use of catheter –Thlaspi, Sabal ser
 Eustachian catheter –Merc dulc
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 Aconite of C/c Ds –Alum

 Aconite venous capillary system –Hamamelis 

1. Never well since puberty -Puls

2. Never well since change of life -Lach
3. Never well since last miscarriage -Sulph
4. Never well since that burn –Caust 

 Acridity & Putridity -Kreos

 A/c idiocy –Hell
 C/c idiocy-Bar carb 

Well selected remedies fail to act in a/c disease –Sulph

Well selected remedies fail to act in c/c disease – Psor
Lack of vital heat in a/c Ds -Ledum
Lack of vital heat in c/c Ds – Sep

Authoritative works in mm
1)  Fragmenta de viribis medicamentorum postivis -1805 –latin -27 drugs –Leipsic –Hahnemann
2) Materia Medica Pura – 1811-1821 originally by –Hahnemann-“Reine Arznesmittellehre”6 
vol. -latin

 1st-1811,2nd-1816,3rd-1817,4th-1818,5th-1819,6th-1821
 Present edn translated by Dr.R.E.Dudgeon with annotations by Dr.Richard Hughes.
 2 vol   -1st-37 medicines ;2nd-30 medicines
 Total -67 medicines
 Medicines arranged alphabetically.2 grades –Bold[frequently occurring symps] &

3) Chronic diseases –their peculiar nature &homoeopathic cure 

 Originally 4 vol -Hahnemann

 1,2,3 vol -1828 ; 4th vol -1830
 1st –nature  & theory of c/c ds ; 2nd , 3rd,4th vol –MM part
 Present C/C Ds -2 vol -1st –theoretical & 2nd –practical parts -48 med. 

4) Guiding symptoms of our MM –by –C.Hering

 10 vol -1879-1891,410 medicines

 Dr.Hering –father of MM

5) Encyclopedia of pure MM –T.F.Allen

 12 vol   – 1874-  1039 med

 1-10 –MM ;11 &12 –index to MM /Repertory
Homoeopathy Learning System

 6) A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis –R. Hughes & J.P.Dake

  4 vol -304 medicines

 1st -1886, 2nd -1888, 3rd -1890,4th -1891 

Sources of drugs in Materia Medica

 Vegetable Kingdom
 Animal
 Mineral
 Nosodes – medicine prepared from diseased products               

Eg:- Psor,Tuber,Variolinum ,Bacill,Ambra      gr,Syphili,Diphth,Malandrinum,Lyssin,Med

,Vaccinum ,Sec cor ,Ustilago[veg nosodes] Nectrialinum –  from Ca trees 

 Sarcodes –medicine prepared from healthy secretions

    Eg :- Adren,Cholest,Pancreatinum,Thyroidinum
  Imponderabilia – medicine   ppd from immaterial objects
    Eg:-X ray, Rad brom,SOL,Mag poli ambo ,M.P.   articus ,M.P.Australis, Electricity 

Vegetable kingdom

 Compositae  -Abrot ,Arnica ,Calendula ,Cham ,Cina ,Eupat.perf ,Taraxacum – Largest

vegetable family.
 Ranunculaceae  -Acon ,Actea rac ,Helleborus ,Puls ,Ranunculus bulb ,Staphy
,Climatis ,Adonis ,Hydrastis
 Solanaceae  -Bell ,Stram ,Hyos ,Caps ,Tabacum ,Dulc
 Loganaceae  -Gels ,Nux vom , Ign ,Spig
 Umbelliferae  -Aethusa cyn ,Cicuta ,Con mac,,Hydrocotyle ,Asafoetida
 Liliaceae  -Allium cepa ,A. sativa ,Aloes ,Lil tig ,Colch,Sabadilla,Helonias
 Papaveraceae –Chel ,Opium ,Sang
 Melanthaceae  -Ver alb ,Ver virid
 Rubiaceae  -Coffea ,Cinchona ,Ipec
 Ericaceae  -Kalmia ,Ledum ,Rhodo
 Leguminaceae –Bapt ,Physostigma, Melilotus
 Beriberidaceae  -Beriberis ,Caulo, Podo
 Urticaceae  -Cann ind ,Cann sat
 Scrophularaceae –Dig ,Euphr
 Cucurbitaceae  -Bry ,Colocynth
 Anacardiaceae –Anac ,Rhus
 Coniferaceae –Sabina ,Thuja
 Smilaceae –Saras ,Trillium pend
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 Araceae –Arum tri ,Caladium

 Polygonaceae –Rheum ,Rumex
 Polygalaceae –Ratanhia
 Rutaceae –Ruta grav ,Xanthoxyllum
 Cruciferae –Thlaspi bursa ,Raphanus
 Lauraceae –Camph
 Euphorbiaceae –Crot tig ,Acalypha ind
 Myristicaceae –Nux mosch
 Lycopodiaceae –Lyc
 Thymelaceae –Mez
 Valarianaceae –Valarianum
 Verbanaceae –Agnus castus
 Sapindaceae –Aesculus
 Hypericaceae –Hyper
 Hamamelidaceae –Hamamelis
 Iridaceae –Crocus sat ,Iris vers
 Liniaceae –Coca
 Menispermiaceae –Cocculus ind
 Phytolacaceae –Phyt
 Primulaceae –Cyclamen
 Labiatae –Collins ,Teucrium
 Apocynaceae –Apocynum ,Aspidosperma
 Borraginaceae –Symphytum ,Onosm
 Lobeliaceae –Lobelia
 Caprifoliaceae –Sambucus,Vib op
 Droseraceae –Drosera
 Equisetaceae –Equis
 Verbanaceae –Agnus castus
 Violaceae –Viola tricolor.
 Aristolochiaceae –Asarum europ
 Lichen –Sticta pulm


 Bov ,Agar ,Sec cor 

Animal kingdom

 All  ‘Lac’ ppns –eg –Lac defl , Lac can ,Lac fel ,Lac vaccinum
 Moschus ,Mephites,Bufo etc……
 Crot hor –Rattle snake –Crotalidae
 Lachesis –Surukuku snake –Ophidae
 Naja –Cobra –Elapidae
 Asterias rubens –Star fish -Radiata
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 Murex –A mollusk –muricidae

 Tarentula hisp  &  -Araneidae
 Tarentula  cub
 Cantharis –Cantharidae
 Spong –Roasted sponge  

Mineral kingdom

 HgCl 2 –Merc cor

 Merc –Quick silver As2O3 –Ars –white oxide of Ars
 HgCl –Merc dulc ,Calomel Bi2O3(OH) -Bism
 Hg2I2 –Merc Iiod flavus Borax –Biborate of Soda
 HgI2 –Merc –I Tinctura acris sine Kali -Caust
 Black oxide –Merc –Hahnemann’s soluble Mercury
 HF –Flour acid
 HgSO4 –Merc sul
 distillation of wood tar -Kreos
 Al2O3 –Alum Suphuret of lime -Hep
 Sa2S3 –Ant crud –Sulphide of Antimony
 Mineral Spring water –Sanicula
 C3H5(NO2)O3 –Glon ,Nitroglycerine
 HCl –Mur acid
 Arsenite of lime –Calc ars
 Oil of Turpentine –Teribinth
 Silicic oxide –Sil
 Coal /Rock oil –Petroleum (anthracite)
 CH3COOH –Acet acid
 C7H6O2 –Benz acid
 H3PO4 –Phos acid
 C2H2O2 –Ox acid
 C6H5OH –Carb  acid
 C6H6O3 –Lact acid
 C6H2(NO2)3OH –Pic acid


 Bry –Rhus& Lach –Lyc ,Hepar, Nitr ac

 Apis –Nat mur Cham –Bell
 Calend –Hepar,Sal ac
 Carb veg –Kali carb Puls –K. mur,Sil,
 Lyc  ;;Colocynth -Merc
 Lyc –Iod Nitr ac –Ars,Calad
 Ferrum met –Cinch ,Alum
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 Mag carb –Cham

 Stan met,Sulph ac -Puls
 Dulc –Kali sulph,Bar carb
 Graph –Caust ,Hepar,Lyc
 Arn –Acon, Hyp ,Rhust
 Nux vom -Sulph
 Phos –Ars –isomorphic
 Ipec –Cup met
 Psor –Sulph ,Tuber
 Iod –Rhust,Lyc,Brom
 Caust –Carb veg ,Petros
 Petrol -Sep
 Ant crud –Squilla Aethusa –Calc carb
 Bar carb –Conium Trillium pend –Calc phos
 Hepar –Calend Thuja –Med,Sab ,Sil
 Chel –Bry,Lyc Carb an –Calc carb ,Phos
 Saras –Merc,Sep    Dros –Nux vom
 Sil –Thuja ,Sanicula
 Sep –Nat mur
 Flour ac –Coca,Sil Zinc met -Ign
 Rheum –Mag carb
 Rhust –Bry ,Calc flour
 Ars –Allium sat,Pyr,Phos,Carbveg
 Sabina –Thuja
 Allium cepa-Puls,Phos,Thuja
 Calc phos –Ruta,Trillium 


 Apis -Rhust
 Nux vom –Zinc met
 Amm carb –Lach
 Selenium -Cinchona
 Carb veg -Kreosote
 Ranunculus –Staphy ,Sulph
 Sepia –Lach [Puls –Never altered]
 Phyt –Merc sol
 Zinc met –Cham,Nux
 Arum tr-Caladium 


 Merc sol –Sil

 Borax –Acetic ac,vinegar,wine
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 Phos -Caust
 Coffea –Caust,Canth,Cocculus,Ign
 Ign –Coffea,Nux,Tab
 Bar carb -Calc
 Dulc –Bell,Lach,Acetic ac
 Lach-Acetic ac,Carb ac
 Cinch –Dig ,Sel

Antidotes of tobacco abuse are  :

 Excessive nausea & vomiting –Ipec

 Bad effects of tobacco chewing –Ars
 For  gastric complaints  next morning after smoking –Nux vom
 Palpitation, tobacco heart ,sexual weakness –Phos
 For annoying hiccough from tobacco chewing –Ign
 Tobacco toothache –Clem , Plant
 Neuralgic affections of Rt. Side of the  face ;dyspepsia;c/c nervousness ,esp. in sedentary
occupations –Sep
 For impotence ,spasms,cold sweat from excessive smoking –Lyc
 Occipital headache & vertigo from excessive use, esp. smoking –Gels
 Tabacum  potentized (200/1000) to  relieve terrible craving when discontinuing use. 


1. Termini of nerves became so irritated & sensitive that some kind of friction was
necessary to obtain relief. –Tarentula
2. Is recommended as  a prophylactic in malarial & African  fevers.-Terebinth
3. In scrofulosis  where the best chosen remedies  fail to relieve –Theridion
4. “In rachitis,caries,necrosis ,it apparently goes to the root  of the evil & destroys the cause
5. Theridion follows well after –Calc ,Lyc
6. Phthisis florida, often effects a cure if given in the early stages of disease -Ther
7. “On blowing the nose, a pressing pain in the hollow tooth or at the side of it (Culex)”-
Boenninghausen –Thuja
8. Thuja  -    Follows well after –Med,Merc,Nit ac
9. ——- is preferable for warts on the prepuce -Cinnabaris
10. ——- to fatten the Pts. Cured with Tub.-Hydrastis
11. ——  for a/c attacks , congestive  or inflammatory , occurring in tubercular diseases-Bell
12. When Psor ,Sulph  or the best selected remedy fails to > or permanently  improve –Tub
13. Follows Psor as a constitutional remedy in hay fever ,asthma -Tub
14. For the abuse of chamomile tea- Valer
15. For pain in the heels –Agar ,Caust,Cyclam,Led,Mang,Phyt
16. Variolinum –Pus from small pox pustule
17. Often removes bad effects of excessive use of alcohol & tobacco –Ver alb
18. After Camph in cholera & cholera morbus –Ver alb
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19. After Amm carb ,Carb veg & Bov in dysmenorhea with vomiting  & purging –Ver alb
20. Should  not be given simply to ‘bring  down the pulse’ or ‘control the heart’s action’ ,but
like any other remedy for the totality of the symptoms –Ver vir
21. Is followed well by Ign ,but not by Nux, which disagrees –Zinc met
22. When the best selected remedy fails to > or permanently improve  in syphilitic affection –
23. Fissure in anus & rectum ,prolapse of rectum ; obstinate  cases with a syphilitic history –
24. Follows well after Arn , for pricking pain & soreness of periosteum  remaining after an
injury –Symphytum
25. In contusion & laceration of soft parts it vies with Calend –Sulph ac
26. Follows well after Arn with bruised pain ,livid skin & profuse sweat ; after ,Ledum in
ecchymosis –Sulph  ac
27. Ailments from brandy drinking –Sulph ac
28. ——– 1 part with  3 parts of alcohol , 10- 15 drops , 3 times daily for 3-4 days ,has been
successfully used  to subdue the craving for liquor –Hering –Sulph  ac
29. ——- should not be used before Sulph -Calc
30. Ailments from abuse of metals generally –Sulph
31. ——- is the c/c of Acon & follows  it well in pneumonia & other  a/c diseases –Sulph
32. Menorrhagia, has not well since her last miscarriage “A single dose at new moon”-Lippe
33. Acts best in goiter when given after full moon or when the moon is waning –Lippe –Iod
34. Should not be given during lying –in period ,except in high potencies –Iod
35. Will bring on the menses ,when Nat mur ,though apparently indicated ,fails –Kali carb
36. “Persons suffering from ulceration of lungs  can scarcely get well without this anti-
psoric” – Hahnemann- Kali carb
37. —– is followed well by Ars ,Phos ,Sulph in Ca & disease of a malignant tendency –Kreos
38. It follows Spig  well in heart disease -Kalm
39. After  over action, from repeated  doses of Bell in whooping cough –Stram
40. In metrorrhagia from retained placenta with characteristic delirium ,Sec often acts
promptly when ———– has failed –Stram
41. Cognates – Sulph ,Calc ,Lyc   ;  Sulph ,Saras , Sep
42. Cognates -  Puls,Colocynth ,Staph ;   Caust,Colocynth ,Staph ;   Puls,Sil,Flor ac
43. Sulph   -  Compatible – Calc,Lyc ,Puls,Saras, Sep
44. Stannum follows after —– & followed by Calc,Phos,Sil,Sulph,Tub -Caust
45. Frequently called after abuse of mercury –Sarasaparilla
46. It antidotes mental effects of over use of tobacco  ,in Pts.of sedentary habits who suffer
from over mental exertion –Sep
47. Many symps. ,esp. those of head ,heart, & pelvis are < & > by rest & exercise –Sep
48. Sep should not be alternated with —-Puls
49. —-  Frequently indicated after –Sil ,Sulph
50. Itch checked by mercurials / Sulph  often requires –Selenium
51. Follows well after Calad, Nat,Staph,Phos ac, in sexual weakness -Selenium
52. Cinnamon in pp h/ge ;it increases labour pains,controls profuse /dangerous flooding ,is
always safe ,while —— is always dangerous.— Ergot
53. Similar to Ars  ,but cold & heat are opposite –Sec cor
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54. Silicia  follows well after –calc, Graph,Hepar,Nitr ac,Phos

55. Silicia  followed well by –Hepar,flour ac, Sep, Lyc
56. As a dynamic remedy for narcosis of Opium –Sang
57. After Bell in scarlatina -Sang
58. After Arn ,it hasten the curative process in the jts., after Symph , in  injuries of bones –
59. —— often quickly > itching & burning of Rhus , the vesicles drying up in a few days –
60. Rhus is best antidoted by the ——— – similimum
61. Follows Bry & Ran bulb well in pleuricy & has cured after Acon & Bry failed  -Sabadilla
62. After Hepar in furuncle; after Acon & Bry in pleuricy ,when a pressing sensation remains
in affected side impending respiration –Abrot
63. Follows well after Opium in bad effects of fright -Sambucus
64. Sabina   follows —— in codylomata & sycotic affection -Thuja
65. May be given after abuse of Magnesia, with/  without rhubarb ,if stools are sour –Rheum
66. Homoeopathic dynamic anti –septic –Pyr
67. Ailments from abuse of chamomile, quinine , mercury,tea drinking ,Sulph –Puls
68. Pts. Anaemic or chlorotic ,who have taken much iron,quinine  & tonics, even years
before -Puls
69. After Arn in traumatic affections of ovaries –Psor
70. After   Lactic ac in vomiting of pregnancy -,,
71. Sulph follows — well in mammary cancer –Psor
72. “Whether derived from purest gold or purest filth ,our gratitude for its excellent service
forbids us to inquire or care” – P.B Bell-––Psor
73.  ——– Removes bad effects of Iodine & excessive use of  table salt –Phos
74. Hahneman says: “Acts most beneficially when the Pt suffers from c/c loose stool /
diarrhea” -Phos
75. Cold air > the head & face  symps. But , those of chest ,throat & neck –Phos
76. ——acts well before or after Cinch in colliquative sweats, diarrhea ,debility :after Nux in
faiting after a meal – P hos ac
77. The skin symps are < in winter ,>in summer ; if suppressed , causes diarrhea -Petrol
78. When symps correspond , the potencies may antidote bad effects of Opium drugging –
79. “Persistent diarrhea in those Tted  with large doses  of the drug” –Lippe –Opium
80. “—— renders the intestines  so sluggish that the most active  purgatives lose their power”
–Hering -Opium
81. In Stram we have suppression ; while in —-,the secretion  is not diminished, the bladder
is full but fullness is unrecognised .-Opium
82. —–should be given on retiring / several hrs. before going to bed ; it acts best during
repose of mind &body –Nux vom
83. ——– antidotes  mercurial inhalation , lead colic , oil of turpentine ,spirituous liquors, &
esp.the effects of bad beers –Nux mosch
84. In intermittent fever —— follows Lach well when the type changes .-Nat mur
85. Probably no remedy in the MM presents  a more valuable pathogenesis in symp of the
throat / one that will better repay a careful study –Lac can
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86. For the bad effects of drunkars in people with light hair ,blue eyes ,florid
complexion ,corpulent, Lob bears the same relation that —– does to  persons of the
opposite temperament. – Nux vom
87. Bad effects of onions , bread, wine,spirituous liquors ,tobacco smoking & chewing –Lyc
88. It is rarely advisable to begin the Tt.of a c/c  disease with Lyc unless clearly indicated ,it
is better to give first another anti –psoric—Lyc
89. The burning feet of Sulph &restless fidgety legs  & feet of Zinc are both found at the
same time in —– -Med
90. Ailments from sugar, insect stings,vapors of Ars /Cu –Merc
91. For bad effects of large doses  / too frequent repetition of Merc –Mez
92. When it acts well it produces a profuse, watery diarrhea  withb  great > to the Pt. ;it is as
imp. as   Ars  in hydrothorax –Merc sulph
93. Epidemic occurring in Jan & Feb often call for –Mez
94. Cures muscular weakness following  excessive use of Opium & tobacco –Mur ac
95. In vertigo & headache be very persistent / prostration be prolonged after  Natrum ———
> -Nux
96. Should never be given during fever paroxysm –Nat mur
97. Can’t often be repeated in c/c disease without an intercurrent , called for by the symps –
Nat mur
98. Relieves ailments  resulting from abuse  of mercury , esp. if there be erythrism ;bad
effects of repeated doses of Dig –Nit  ac
99. In wounds where formerly Acon & Arn were given alternately ——  cures –Hyper
100. There are more Ign Persons in N .America than Nux vom Pts. –Hering
101. Often curative after Eugenia jam in acne –Kali brom
102. —– often cures lasciviousness  when Hyos fails – Phos
103. Follows Bell well in deafness after apoplexy –Hyos
104. Complementary to Calend in injuries to soft parts –Hepar
105.  ——–antidotes  bad effects of mercury & other metals ,iodine, iodide of potash
,cod liver oil; renders Pts.less susceptible to atm. changes & cold air –Hepar
106. Bad effects of Ign are antidoted by –Puls
107. Is followed well by Ars in influenza,chills,croup,debility,cholera infantum ;by
Ant tart in foreign bodies in larynx –Ipec
108. After Canth / Carb ac has removed the scrapings , in dysentery –Kali bich
109. After Iod in croup when hoarse  cough ,with tough membrane , general weakness 
& coldness are present;  Calc in a/c /c/c nasal catarrh –Kali bich
110. —- Follows Kali bich well in catarrhal affections & skin diseases –Ant tart
111. Unless indicated by exciting cause, is nearly always  injurious in 1st  stages of
typhoid fever -Acon
112. Rarely indicated in fevers which bring out eruption –Acon
113. Complementary to Coffea in fever sleeplessness, intolerance to pain; to Arn in
Traumatism; to Sulph  in all cases.-Acon
114. ——— Should not be given simply to control the fever , never alternated for that
purpose .If it be  a case requiring —–  will cure the case.- Acon
115. ——antidotes Carb ac.-Cider vinegar
116. It antidotes anaesthetic vapors; fumes of charcoal & gas ;Opium & Stram-Acetic
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117. Follows well after Cinch in H/ge ;after Dig in dropsy –Acetic acid
118. It < the symps of Arn, Bell,  lach ,Merc; esp. the  headache from Bell –Acetic acid
119. Hahnemann says “Whenever —– is chosen homoeopathically ,you must ,above
all ,observe the moral symps, & be careful that it closely resembles them; the anguish of
mind & body;the restlessness; the disquiet not to be allayed.” -Acon
120. The more profuse the flow the greater will  be the suffering –Actea racemosa
121. After Collins has improved in piles , ——- often cures –Aesculus
122. Useful after Nux & Sulph  have improved , but failed to cure piles –Aesculus
123. Calad & Selen follow well after ——–in weakness of sexual organs or impotence
–Agnus castus
124. “Efficacious when feet rubbed sore” –Dioscorides –Allium cepa
125. Allium cepa-    Compatible  before –Calc ,Sil in polypus
126. Like Sulph in many c/c diseases with abdominal plethora & congestion of portal
circulation ;develops suppressed eruptions –Aloes
127. —– is  one of the chief antidotes for lead poisoning ;painter’s colic ; ailments
from lead –Alumina
128.  ,, follows- Bry ,Lach,sulph
129. It antidotes poisoning with Rhus & stings of insects  -Amm carb
130. Often palliative in incurable cases ; very imp. as regards euthanasia –Amyl nit
131. Puerperal convulsions immediately after delivery –Amyl nit
132. Acts promptly by inhalation ;resuscitates persons sinking under anesthetics –
Amyl nit
133. Profound & repeated yawning – Amyl nit ,Kali carb
134. Crude drug chiefly palliative ;must be repeated as Pt. becomes accustomed to it; is
curative in the stronger higher potencies – Amyl nit
135. Anac follows well after – Lyc ,Puls
136. Anacardium  follows & is followed well by- Plat
137. When Ars / best selected remedies fail to > the burning pain of carbuncle /
malignant ulceration -Anthracinum
138. —— in the terrible pains of Ca , carbuncle,/ erysipelas when Ars / Anthr fail to >
139. Ant crud- follows well after –Puls,Merc ,Sulph
140. When lungs seems to fail, Pt  becomes sleepy , cough declines /ceases  ; it
supplants Ipec –Ant tart
141. For bad effects of vaccination when Thuja fails & Sil not indicated – Ant tart
142. Before Sil in dyspnea from foreign  bodies in the larynx / trachea ;Puls in
suppressed gonorrhea ; Tereb  from damp basements -
143. In spring & autumn ,when damp weather commences ,coughs of children get
worse -,,
144. Children not easily impressed when Ant tart  seems indicated in coughs require –
145. Has cured scarlatina albuminuria after  Canth, Dig, Hell. failed –Apis
146. —– has cured bad cases of general dropsy  after  Apis, Apoc, & Dig failed –
Haynes –Blatta  orientalis
147. ——— for bad effects of cauterizing with nitrate of silver –Arg nit
148. Coffea increase nervous headache-,,
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149. Boys complaints after using tobacco –Arg nit, Ars ,Ver
150. The 200 /1M potency in watery  solution as a topical application in ophthalmia
neonatarum has > when crude  silver nitrate has failed –Arg nit
151. In ailments from spirituous liquors / from charcoal vapors  -Arn ,Amm carb ,Bov
152. Arn –  follows well after –Acon ,Apis, Ham, Ipec ,Ver
153. Arnica is followed well by – Sulph ac
154. Ailments from chewing tobacco , alcoholism , sea bathing , sausage poisoning,
dissecting wounds & anthrax poison , stings of venomous insects –Ars
155. Useful  after  Hepar &  Nit ac  in dry, hoarse , croupy  cough ; after  Caust  &
156. Hepar in morning hoarseness & deafness & in scarlatina –Arum tr
157. Over sensitiveness  nerves , scratching of linen / silk ,crackling of paper is
unbearable -Asarum
158. Cold air / cold water very pleasant to the eyes ; sunshine , light, & wind
159. Aurum follows & is followed well by  ——- -Syphilinum
160. When Arn has been improperly given / too frequently rptd in typhod /typhus
161. After Bar carb ,—– will often eradicate the constitutional tendency to quinsy
162. Useful after  Colch fails in gout ; after abuse of Cop.in suppression of gonorrhea –
Benz ac
163. Enuresis after  Nitr has failed -,,
164. Benz ac –Incompatible –Wine , which <   urinary ,gouty, & rheumatic affections.
165. Borax -           ,,          -Acetic ac , wine ,vinegar
166. When Rhus seems indicated , but fails to cure , in c/c urticaria –Bov
167. —— antidotes , effects of local application of tar, suffocation from gas -Bov
168. Hard goiter cured after Iod failed -Brom
169. “The chief distinction b/w Brom  & Iod is  the former cures blue –eyed  & the
latter  the black eyed Pts” –Hering .
170. —- has cured in croup after failure of Iod ,Phos, Hepar, Spong; esp. in relapses
after Iod –Brom
171. Destroys craving for tobacco-Calad
172. Was 1st used as a tobacco antidote –Coca
173. Prevents caries of teeth –Coca
174. Follows well after Conium in lymphatic , psoric /tubercular persons –Calc ars
175. Calc acts best before –Lyc,Nux, Phos ,Sil
176.      ,,  follows  -Nitr ac, Puls, Sulph ( esp. if the pupils dilated ) ; is followed by ,
Kali bich in nasal catarrh
177. “Calc must not be used before  Nitr ac  & Sulph ;may produce unnecessary
complications”- Hahnemann
178. In children it may be often rptd , in aged people  should not be rptd ; esp. if the 1st
dose benefited , it will  usually do harm –Calc carb
179. Calc phos –acts best before – Iod, Psor, Sanic,Sulph
180. Calc Phos acts after – Ars, Iod, Tub
181. The burning pain & intolerable urging to urinate  is the red strand of this remedy
Homoeopathy Learning System

182. Acts  as well in potency as in Q ,applied locally ,&  may be administered

internally at the same time- Calend
183. ———– is almost specific for clean ,surgical cuts / lacerated wounds , to prevent
excessive suppuration -Calend
184. In all case of loss of soft  parts when union can’t be effected by means of adhesive
plaster – Calend
185. All sequelae of measles -Camph
186. —–  antidotes nearly every veg. medicine ; also tobacco, fruits containing prussic
acid , poisonous mushrooms ; should not be allowed in the sick room in its crude form –
187. “All our progress as school depends on the right view of the symps obtained by
proving with Camph &——-Opium”-Hering
188. Cina follows well in intermittent fever -Caps
189. The constricting ,burning , smarting pains differentiate from Apis & Bell -Caps
190. —— is useful after bad effects from spoiled fish & decayed veg .-Carb an
191. Want of susceptibility to well selected remedies –Carb veg,Opium ,Valar
192. The potencies are made with alcohol –Carb ac
193. Similar to labor pains of Puls , but mental condition opposite -Caulo
194. Sep , “moth patches” & reflex symps from uterine  irregularities -,,
195. ———– antidotes paralysis from lead poisoning ,bad effects of holding type in
mouth of compositors  & abuse of Merc /Sulph in scabies -Caust
196. Caust  -Incompatible –Phos, coffea,acids
197. Mental calmness contra indicate ——- – Cham
198. In cases spoiled by the use of Opium /morphine in complaints of children -Cham
199. Complementary –Bell in diseases of children ,cranial nerves ; Cham ,abd. Nerves
200. —— antidotes abuse of Bry  esp. in hepatic complaints -Chel
201. Ars ,Lyc & Sulph follow well & will often be required to complete cure -Chel
202. In pertussis after Dros has > the severe  symps –Cina
203. Has cured aphonia from exposure when Acon,Phos & Spong had failed -Cina
204. Is frequently to be thought of in children ,as an epidemic remedy ,when adults
require other drugs –Cina
205. —— sometimes cures in worm effections when Cina seems indicated ,but fails –
206. Useful in bad effects from excessive tea drinking / abuse of chamomile tea , when
h/ge results –Cinch
207. Physical exertion ,even much walking brings on abscess in some part , but
generally Rt. ear –Carb acid –R.T .Cooper
208. Small boils in any part of the body ; esp. n external auditory canal –Picric acid
209. Cinch –   Follows well – Calc phos in hydrocephaloid
210. Has cured umbilical hernia  with obstinate constipation , after Nux failed
211. When fever assumes a slow ,sneaking nervous form , with vertigo ; with
disposition to anger -Cocculus
212. Often cures dropsy after Apis & Ars fail -Colch
213. Has cured colic after Col & Nux had failed -Collinsonia
Homoeopathy Learning System

214. In heart Ds complicating with haemorrhoids  consult ——— when Cac, dig &
other remedies fail -Collins
215. Rt . sided sciatica -Gnaphalium
216. The ‘Balm of Gilead’ for diseases of old maids & women during & after
climacteric –Con mac
217. Con mac is followed well by ——- in tumors of mammae with threatening
malignancy -Psor
218. Pts . requiring ——– often improve from wine / stimulants , though persons
susceptible to it can’t take alcoholic stimulants when in health –Con mac
219. Psor Pt. will not iprove while taking –Coffee
220. In Lach , skin is cold &  clammy ; in Crotalus ——– -cold & dry.
221.  —— antidotes  the direct action of Dig & increases the anxiety -Cinch
222. Often  > the constant distressing night cough in T.B -Dros
223. Hahnemann says –MM Pura –“ 1 single dose  of the 30th  potency is sufficient to
cure entirely  epidemic whooping cough. The cure takes place surely b/w 7 & 8 days.
Never give a 2nd dose immediately after  the 1st ; it would not only prevent  the good
effect of the former , but would be injurious”. -Dros
224. Eup per is followed well by –Nat mur,Sep
225. ——– is the nearest analogue , having free sweat, but pains keep Pt. quiet ; while
226. Eup has scanty sweat & pains make Pt. restless -Bry
227. Should never be given in syphilis ; always < the condition –Fer met
228. Follows well after Ars in ascites of drunkards ; after Kali carb in hip Ds ; after
229. Coffea , Staph in sensitive teeth ; after Phos ac in Diabetes ; after Spong in goiter
–Flour acid
230. After Calc in obesity of young women with large amount of unhealthy adipose
tissue ; follows Sulph well in skin affections ; after Sep in gushing leucorrhea -Graph
231. Hearing confused ,can’t tell  from what  direction the sound comes –Carb an
232. Want of breath in athletics ,shortness of breath in oldage –Coca
233. Dyspnea ,Pt. can breath only by standing –Cann sat
234. Great weakness & loss of  breath on going upstairs –Calc ,Iod ,Amm carb
235. Dyspnea can inhale ,but no power to exhale –Samb ,Med
236. Least thing coming near nose interfere with breathing –Lach
237. All irritating things –salt ,wine ,pepper etc .produces cough –Alum
238. Cough during pregnancy –Con mac ,Kali brom ,Apocynum ,Caust,Nux mosch
239. Violent cough in spasmodic paroxysms with eructations –Ambra gr
240. Laughing excites cough –Arg met ,Stan met ,Dros ,Phos
241. With every cough there escapes a vol . of pungent ,foetid air –Caps
242. Lumps of mucus fly from the mouth during cough –Chel ,Kali carb ,Badiago
243. Cough only during daytime –Euphr ,Fer met ,Staphy
244. Cough only during   night – Petroleum
245. Cough returns every winter – Psor
246. Cough deep , & hollow  like coughing in a barrel – Med
247. Cough  has a gurgling sound as if water  was poured  from the bottle –Cup met
248. Cough on going from warm to cold air –Phos [Cold to warm air –Bry ]
249. Dyspnea >lying down –Kali bich [X Ars ,Grind ,Lach ,Aral]
250. Expectoration profuse  like egg white  -Stan met
Homoeopathy Learning System

251. Expectoration salty –Stan met ,Kali iod ,Phos ,Sep ,Ambra
252. Expectoration bitter –Nux vom ,Puls
253. Cough < undressing –Hepar ,Rumex
254. Saliva tough , ropy  viscid & froathy in mouth  & throat with constant spitting –
Lyssin ,Hydrastis
255. Cough in single paroxysm –Calc carb
256.          ,,           2       ,,        -Merc sol ,Puls
257.          ,,           3       ,,        -Stan met,Cup met
258. Heart trubles from reflex symp. Of uterus / ovaries –Actea rac
259. Sensn as if heart is suspended by a thread –Lach ,Kali carb
260. Palpitation <least physical exertion –Iod ,Dig
261. Palpitation    <  ,,      mental    ,,        – Lith carb,Calc ars
262. Palpitation   violent while lying on Lt. side –Tab (> lying on Rt. Side) ,Lac can
263. Sensn of coldness abt . the heart –Petr, Carb an ,Nat mur ,Kali mur
264. Hypertrophy of heart from gymnastics in  growing boys  –Brom
265. Hypertrophy of heart calesthenics in young girls –Caust
266. Angina pectoris ,intense throbbing of the heart  & carotids –Bell ,Glon ,Amyl nit
267. Irritating ,dry sympathetic cough of organic heart disease –Naja , Spong
268. Pulse increases suddenly & decreases gradually below normal  -Ver virid
269. Menstrual irregularities & irritable heart –Lil tig
270. Can’t walk in uneven ground –Lil tig
271. Afraid of sharp,pointed things –Spig
272. Pin mania –Sil
273. Naturally of sweet disposition , now in the borderland of insanity –Tub
274. Can’t get asleep unless the legs are crossed –Rhod
275. Can’t sleep lying on back –Acetic acid ,Amm carb
276. Feels > while lying on back –Ars
277. C/C blue condn; every thing seems so dark;that it can grow no darker –Lac can
,Lyc ,Puls
278. “———– is chiefly successful with persons of an ardent character ; of an  irritable
, impatient temperament, disposed to anger, spite/ deception” –Hahnemann –Nux vom
279. Pain in Lt. floating ribs -Theridion
280. Aversion to sweets & ice creams –Rad. bromide
281. Aversion to sweets  – Graphites
282. Sensation of thoracic constriction  & anguish –Adrenalin
283. Thirsty in dropsy ;thirstless in fever –Acetic acid
284. Nausea > eating –Lith carb
285. Epidemic spleen diseases of cattle, horses & sheep –Anthracinum 


Abrotanum  -Southernwood  Bapt – wild indigo

Aconite –Monkshood Collinsonia –stone root
 Actea racemosa –Cimicifuga ,Black Kalm–mountain
cohoshCaulophyllum –Blue cohosh laurel                                             
        Crocus sat –saffronColch –
Homoeopathy Learning System

Meadow saffron
Actia spicata –Bane berry
Ledum –Marsh tea
Abies Canadensis –Hemlock spruceAbies Dros –sundewTaraxacum
nigra –Black spruce -dandelion
Arnica –Leoperd’s Liltig–tiger lily  Apis –poison of
bane                                                    Hyos honey bee 
Bell –Deadly night shade Rumex –yellow Rhododendron–snowrose
dock Melilotus –sweet cloverDulc –
Bitter sweet

Menyanthus –Buck bean

Cicuta –water hemlockCon mac –poison Lobelia inflata  -Indian
hemlock tobaccoApocynum ,Cann ind –
Indian Hemp
Cann sat –Hemp
Lyco –club moss /wolf’s foot; Arum triphyllum –Indian turnip
Anac –Marking nut Caladium –American arum
Nux vom –poison nutRhus–pioson oak& Ign –St .Ignatius ;
Nuxmos –nutmegSang –blood root Hyper –St. John’s wort
Staphy –stavestcreDios –Wild
Spigelia –pink root yam
 Phyt –poke rootHydrastis –orange root Physostigma –calaber bean
/golden seal Opium –poppy

Asarum europ –European snake root

China –Peruvianbark Sambucus -elder Sanicula –mineral spring water
Aethusa–fool’sparsley Petrosel-parsley Ranunculus–buttercup Agaricus
–toad stool
Calend –mariegold Podo –May apple /Veg.Bovista –puff ball
Gels–yellowjasmineStram –thorn apple Trillium–Wakerobin Sec cor –
ergot /spurred rye
Puls–windflower/anemone /weather cock Thalaspi/Capsella–
Hamam –Witch hazel shepherd’spurse Ustilago –corn
Helleborus–ChristmasroseEquis –scouring Cina–wormseed Canth – Spanish
rush flies
Cactus –night blooming cereusVeralb– Helonius–unicornplant
Whitehellebore Symph -comfrey
Ver virid –American ,, /green hellebore Theridion–orangespider Tarent
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hisp –Spanish spider

Millefolium –yarrowThuja –arbor vitae/ Caps–cayeneepepper Tarent
tree of life / white cidar cuben –Cuban ,,Tarent hisp –
Spanish spider
Saras –wild liquorice
,,  cubensis –Cuban  ,,
Spong –roasted Lachesis –Surukuku snake
poison Sulph –Brimstone
Naja –cobra Coca –Divine plant of
Incas                   Mygale –Black
Cuban spider
Asterias rubens -starfishSepia –cuttle fish Oxalic acid –sorrel acidPicric
cacid -trinitrophenol
Murex –Purple fish

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