Organon Aphorism Quick Review
Organon Aphorism Quick Review
Organon Aphorism Quick Review
Aph. No. 1 :- Physician mission Aph. No. 2 :- Ideal cure Aph. No. 3,4,5 :- Physicians qualification
Aph. No. 4 Epidemiology Application Aph. No. 5 Causes Exciting Maintaining Fundamental
Aph. No. 19-24 :- Knowledge of remedies, drug, proving & Formal derivation of law of similars
Aph. No. 20 Drug proving Aph. No. 21 Pathogenetic symptoms Curative in medicine Aph. No. 22 Contraria contraribus curanter (Antipathy)
Aph. No. 30-34 :- How medicines are stronger than natural disease
Aph. No. 31 Medicine acts unconditionally Aph. No. 32 Natural diseases affects Conditionally Aph. No. 34 Dis-similar diseases does not cure but similar diseases
Aph. No. 35 What happens when two Dissimilar diseases meetsn together Aph. No. 38 New stronger suspends The weaker one
Aph. No. 43-51 :- What happens when two similar diseases meets together
Aph. No. 44 They neither-repel, suspend Nor form complex Aph. No. 47 Lesson Aph. No. 50 Why-for cure we should Not depend upon nature Aph. No. 45 How they work
Aph. No. 70 :- Summery Aph. No. 71 :- Miniature organon (three points necessary for curing) Aph. No. 72-81 :- Classification of diseases
Aph. No. 73 Types of acute disease Aph. No. 74 Artificial chronic diseases Aph. No. 75 These are most incurable Aph. No. 78 True chronic disease
Aph. No. 76 It is only when the still Sufficiently powerful that the Injury can then be repaired,often Only after long time, if original Disease be at the same time Homoeopathically eradicated. Aph. No.79 Knowledge of syphilis, Sycosis
Aph. No. 83 Physician1. free from prejudice 2. sound senses 3. attentive Aph. No. 87 Details of Symptoms
Aph. No. 97 Recording of indolent case Aph. No. 100/101/102 Investigation of the epidemic Disease in particular
Aph. No. 98 Record only patients language Aph. No. 103 Investigation of psora
Aph. No. 104 Utility of nothing down in writing the picture of the disease for the Purpose of curing in the progress of the treatment.
Aph. No. 105 Investigation of Pathogenetic power Of medicine Aph. No. 109 Own creditDr. hahnemann Aph. No. 113 Exception Narcotic Aph. No. 117 Idiosyncrasies
Aph. No. 110 Allopathy-effect of drug on healthy person Aph. No. 114 Primary action in moderate doses Aph. No. 118 Individualization Of drug Aph. No. 122 Prove simple drug
Aph. No. 111 Aggrement with poision drug effect Aph. No. 115 Alternating action
Aph. No. 112 Primary & secondary action of drug Aph. No. 116 Prove drug on groups & not on individual Aph. No. 120 careful drug proving
Aph. No. 119 Individualizationdrug action Aph. No. 123 Method of preparation
Aph. No. 121 Drug doses for Proving Aph. No. 125 Drug proving Diet
Aph. No. 130 First dose actsRecord symptoms Aph. No. 134 Drug proving on Many person Aph. No. 138 Alteration in health during drug proving
Aph. No. 132 Drug proving of weak medicinal substance Aph. No. 136 All symptoms of drug cant be noted on one person Aph. No. 140 Literate prover Aph. No. 143 Materia medica pura Aph. No. 145 Remedy
Aph. No. 133 Through drug proving? Aph. No. 137 Comparison of large & moderate dose Aph. No. 141 Ideal proverPhysician himself
Aph. No. 135 Confirmatory reproving Aph. No. 139 Illiterate prover
Aph. No. 146 Idea about employment Of medicines to get perfect Homoeopathic cure Aph. No. 149 Chronic diseases takes Proportionate time to cure Aph. No. 152 Acute disease Selection is easy
Aph. No. 155 Appropriate dose Aph. No. 158 Homoeopathic agg. In acute disease
Aph. No. 156 Homoeopathic agg. & potency Aph. No. 159 Smaller the dose slightest the agg.
Aph. No. 157 Homoeopathic agg. & Medicinal agg. Aph. No. 160 Removal of symptoms without disturbance
Aph. No. 161 Homo.- agg. In Acute & chronic disease Aph. No. 165 Unhomoeopathic medicine
Aph. No. 172 One sided diseases & Imperfect selection of Similimum Aph. No. 176 Careful initial examination One sided diseases Aph. No. 179 Effect of medicineRecovery Aph. No. 182 Discovery of remedy
Aph. No. 177 Selection of medicine in internal one sided diseases Aph. No. 180 Appearance of accessory symptoms-natural disease Aph. No. 183 What to do
Aph. No. 181 Accessory symptoms due to medicine Aph. No. 184 Continue as previous Till complete cure
Aph. No. 185 Definition of local Maladies Aph. No. 188 MisconceptionLocal maladies
Aph. No. 192 Follow up Treatment Aph. No.196 Selection of Medicine Aph. No. 200 Internal dynamic Remedy
Aph. No.193 Local diseasesman as a whole Aph. No.197 Local diseasessyphilitic & sycotic Aph. No. 201 Effect of late Treatment
Aph. No. 194 External application Aph. No.198 Topical employment of medicines Aph. No. 202 Local maladies allopathic treatment
Aph. No. 195 Antipsoric treatment Aph. No. 199 Partial selection of similimum & local Application
Aph. No.214 Treatment of mental Diseases Aph. No. 218 Past h/o of the Patient
Aph. No. 219 Aph. No. 220 Aph. No. 221 Comparision b/w Selection of medicine Management of past & present symptom in chronic mental disease acute mental disease Aph. No. 223 When not treated with antipsorics the disease aggravation Aph. No. 224 Mental diseases of doubtful origin Aph. No. 225 Emotional diseases
Aph. No. 222 Radical treatment Of Acute mental Diseases Aph. No. 226 Treatment of emotional diseases
Aph. No. 228 Complete cure of emotional diseases-antipsorics Aph. No.230 Radical treatment of mental diseases
Aph. No. 237 Time for prescribing medicine when there is Short attack of disease Aph. No. 240 Intermittent fever & antipsoric medicine
Aph. No. 238 Repetition of same Medicine Aph. No. 241 Intermittent genus Epidemicus
Aph. No. 239 Every medicine causes different peculiar fever Aph. No. 242 Psoric intermittent fever
Aph. No. 243 Aph. No. 244 Treatment of pernicious Endemic intermittent fever intermittent fever
Aph. No. 245 Diet, regimen & Mode of employing Medicine Aph. No.249 Antidote Aph. No. 253 Signs of agg. & Amelioration
Aph. No. 252 Removal of obstacle in the way of cure Aph. No. 256 Sign of wrong similimum
Aph. No. 254 Aph. No. 255 How to identify whether Follow upit is agg. Or amel. Recordings
Aph. No. 259 Diet & regimen during treatment Aph. No. 262 Diet in acute disease
Aph. No. 264 Genuine unimpaired medicine Aph. No. 267 Medicines- indigenous Plants Aph. No. 270 Methods of dynamization
Aph. No. 275 Large dose is injurious Aph. No. 278 Potency selection
Aph. No. 284 What part of the body are susceptible To the influence of remedies