Nota Bene For My Reviewers
Nota Bene For My Reviewers
Nota Bene For My Reviewers
Nota Bene for my Reviewers
• “ The homoeopathic doctrine never pretended to cure a disease by the same , the identical
power by which the disease was produced- this has been impressed upon the unreasonable
opponents often enough, but , as it seems , in vain.
• It only cures in the mode most consonant to nature, by means of a power never exactly
corresponding to , never the same as the cause of the disease , but by means of a medicine
that possesses the peculiar power of being able to produce a similar morbid state
• Cannot those persons feel the difference betwixt ‘identical’ and ‘similar’?
• Are they all ‘homopathically ‘ labouring under the same malady of stupidity ? Should not
anyone who ventures to step forward as a reviewer of the ‘spirit of the homoeopathic
medical doctrine’ have at least a rudimentary idea of the meaning of the word Homoeopathy
Perversions of Words and Sense ,Incomprehensible Palaver, which is meant to appear learned ,
abuse and theoretical sceptical shakings of the head , instead of practical demonstrations of the
contrary, seem to me to be weapons of too absurd a character to use against a fact such as
Homoeopathy is;
• They remind me of the little figures which mischievous boys make with gunpowder and set
on fire in order to tease people , the things can only fizz and splutter, but are not very
effective are on the whole very miserable affairs….
Nota Bene for my Reviewers
• By such tricks the pitiful character of which recoils on their authors,Homeopathy cannot be
blown up
• “my respectable brethren on the opposition benches, I can give you better advice about
overthrowing , if possible, this doctrine which threatens to stifle your art , that is founded on
mere assumption, and to bring ruin upon all your therapeutic lumber. listen to me!...
The doctrine appeals not only chiefly , but solely to the verdict of experience – repeat the
experiments , ‘it cries aloud , ‘ repeat them carefully and accurately and you will find the
doctrine confirmed at every step – and it does what no medical doctrine , no system of physic
, no so called therapeutics ever did or could do , it insists upon being ‘judged by the
• In a manner that the founder of homoeopathy himself shall be unable to find fault with the
minuteness of the report
• Taking care to remove all other kinds of medicinal Influences from the patient.
• “If it does not give relief speedy , mild and permanent relief – then , by a publication of the
duly – attested history of the treatment according to the principles of the homoeopathic
system strictly followed out.
• You will be able to give a public refutation of this doctrine which so seriously threatens the
old darkness . But I pray you to beware of playing false in the matter .”
Continue then to exalt the common place twaddle of your school to the very heavens with the
most fulsome praise , and to pervert and ridicule with your evil mind what your ignorance does
not pervert ; continue to calumniate , to abuse , to revile – and the unprejudiced will be able
plainly to comprehend on whose side truth lies.
Nota Bene for my Reviewers
The Improved (Homoeopathic) medical doctrine will stand out in more Prominent relief and
appear to greater advantage against the foil of this nonsense and will dispel the nocturnal
darkness of antiquated stupidities,for it teaches how to afford certain benefit in diseases.
If you really wish to do as well as the practitioners of homoeopathy , imitate the
“Homoeopathic practice rationally and honestly!”
If you do not wish this well then , harp away –we will not prevent you – harp away on your
comfortless path of blind and servile obedience in the dark midnight of fanciful systems ,
seduced hither and thither by the will – o’- the wisps of your venerated authorities , who when
you really stand in need of aid leave you in the lurch – dazzle your sight and disappear.
“And if your unfortunate practice , from which that which you intended , wished and promised ,
does not occur , accumulates within you a store of spiteful bile , which seeks to dissipate itself in
calumniating your betters –well then , continue to call the grapes up yonder , which party pride ,
confusion of intellect , weakness or indolence prevents your reaching , sour and leave them to be
gathered by more worthy persons .”
Continue if it pleases you, enviously to slander the sublime art, but know the envy gnaws in vain
at adamantine truth and only consumes the marrow of the bones of its possesses.