DR - Tejashri Thakare M.D (Hom.) : Psora - As Deficiency, Syphilis - As Degeneration & Sycosis - As Over Construction
DR - Tejashri Thakare M.D (Hom.) : Psora - As Deficiency, Syphilis - As Degeneration & Sycosis - As Over Construction
DR - Tejashri Thakare M.D (Hom.) : Psora - As Deficiency, Syphilis - As Degeneration & Sycosis - As Over Construction
by H.A. Roberts
Psora— as deficiency,
syphilis —-as degeneration
& sycosis —-as over construction.
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To study about Deficiency of to
certain elements, minerals leads
maladjustment of body’s function
and development of psoric
PSORA =Tsorat
Means groove, fault, a pollution, stigma
Deficiency cause
Functional change
no t/t
change start
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The fundamental of Psoric
miasm is hypersensitivity or
This deficiency state
destabilizes the equilibrium of
health giving rise to diseases.
Pathological state resulting from a relative or
absolute deficiency of one or more essential
nutrients is manifested in various forms of
physical and mental disorders or imbalance.
Homoeopathy advocates that when there is an
imbalance in nutritional requirement and its
supply, the deficient nutrients should be supplied
in adequate quantity through natural food
provided that the body can assimilate and absorb
the same, or by artificial supplement if the body is
too weak to absorb the natural nutrients.
In cases where the malnutrition is not
due to deficiency alone but the body’s
inability to use the available nutrients
then it is identified as error due to
miasmatic predominance. Thus
miasmatic evaluation of the underlying
error is necessary.
Hahnemann in Chronic Diseases describe
Psora as the ‘mother of all disease’ that
neither of the miasm could obtain a hold
without the presence of psora and that it was
capable of causing the maximum of
functional upset with minimum of
pathology. Deficiency can also be produced
through excessive control and this excessive
control when it is present is a function of
This results in an undue influence on
organs with a corresponding reduction in
their function and a resulting upset in the
homoeostasis in the body. Deficiency
diseases are coming as a result of lack of
certain elements in the system or the
inability to assimilate them from the food
is the great common denominator of
almost all the so called psoric condition.
Boenninghausens list of antipsoric
Agaricus ,Bovista ,Euphorbium Belladonna ,Digitalis Magnesium
Alumina ,Calcarea carb carb
Bor. ac ,Dulcamara Magnesium
Ammonium carb, Carbo
Manganum Phosphorus, Silica
animalis ,Guaiacum
Mezereum ,Phosphoric acid
Ammonium mur Carbo veg
Hepar sulph
Muriatic acid ,Platinum Strontium
Anacardium ,Causticum Iodine
Natrum carb, Rhododendron
Arsenicum alb ,Clematis, Kali
carb Natrum mur ,Sarsaparilla
Aurum, Colocynth, Kali nit Sulphuric acid
Baryta carb Nitric acid ,Senega ,Zincum
Conium ,Lycopodium Petroleum, Sepia
Sixteen of the remedies listed
belong definitely to the vegetable
group, one definitely to the
animal group; of the remaining
thirtythree remedies, comprising
the chemical elements or
inorganic substances
Deficiency is not because of want
of food but because of want of
It has been definitely established
that many of these are
absolutely essential to physical
construction. Iodine
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The following list of elements appearing
in the human body
1. Hydrogen. 3. Lithium. 6. Carbon. 7.
Nitrogen. 8. Oxygen. 9. Fluorine. 11.
Sodium. 12. Magnesium. 13. Aluminium.
14. Silicon. 15. Phosphorus. 16. Sulphur.
17. Chlorine. 19. Potassium. 20. Calcium.
22. Titanium. 25. Manganese. 26. Iron.
27. Cobalt. 28. Nickel. 29. Copper. 30.
Zinc. 32. Germanium. 33. Arsenic. 35.
Bromine. 50. Tin. 53. Iodine.
Psora can be viewed as corresponding to
Grauvogls carbonitrogenoid constitution which
is characterized by a deficiency of oxidation of
blood resulting in his interpretation of an
imbalance of nitrogen and carbon in the system.
The tissues do not absorb enough oxygen
resulting in poor metabolic function and hepatic
weakness. The essence of psora may therefore
be regarded as either a deficiency of function or
a failure of regulation of function.
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Heavy elements like lead are not present
in the body.
Elements lighter wt. than iodine are
The lighter kind occuring in living things
because these elements are relegatedto the
surface of the earth.
The heavier material remains in the
Magnesium found through out the
body .magnesium free diet causes
convulsion .
Cobalt and nickel for pancreas protect
from diabetes.
Mangnese deficiency produce sterility.
Reimman & minot (j. biological
chemistry)deficiency of manganese
produce fatty degeneration of liver.
Calcium is an essential of bony stucture
& is necessary small but
constant ,essential of the blood.
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