Carbo Vegetabilis

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Carbon is an important constituent of each and every cell in the
human body. It maintains the vitality and integrity of all the organs and
tissues. Carbo veg. is indicated mainly in the 1st and 2nd childhood and
when the resistance of the body is low and is incapable of coping up with the
external environment.
Carbo veg. is rather an "inert" substance which is made medicinally
useful and a poweful agent of great helping value by fine trituration. Its
true latent power of helping is developed when it is sufficiently potentized.
it is a chronic, deep and long acting anti- psoric medicine which enters
deeply into life. It mainly affects the VENOUS SIDE OF THE ECONOMY
producing symptoms of IMPERFECT OXIDATION, BLUENESS,
deficient capillary circulation. It is mainly indicated in the last stage of
exhaustive diseases which result in disintegration and improper oxidation of
the tissue with 'air hunger'.
Clinical -
Acidity, Acne, Angina pectoris. Aphonia, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Carbuncle, Cancerous affection, Cholera, Constipation, Gough, Debility,
Diarrhoea, Dentition, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Disorders of Pregnancy,
Emphysema, Eructation, Epistaxis, Fevers, .Flatulence, Gangrene,
Haemorrhage, Haemorrhoids, Headache, Heart affections. Lung affection.
Measles and Mumps, Orchitis, Otorrhoea, Stomach disorders, Skin
affection, etc.
Spheres of Action-
Carbo veg. acts very particularly upon the sanguinous and nervous
system and all the vegetative process of the body. Affects vascular system,
particularly the venous side; blood and capillary, mucous membrane, gastro-
intestinal tract and lung.
Pathogenesis -
It causes sluggishness, turbidity and swelling of the parts. Everything
about the economy is sluggish, turbkl.distended and swollen. The head feels
full and the limbs feel dull and puffy. The veins are relaxed and paralysed. It
also produces vasomotor paralysis.
Constitution –
Physical make-up: Persons of advanced age, women at turn of life;
prematurely old people. Cachectic persons, young or old. The face is puffy,
bluish, pale and hippocratic with cold sweat.
Temperament: Sanguine temperament.
Relation with heat and cold:
Hot patient. Though the body is cold to touch, the patient WANTS
Miasm: It is a powerful anti-psoric remedy.
Diathesis: HAEMORRHAGIC DIATHESIS. Passive haemorrhage of black
or dark blood from every orifice of the body e.g. bleeding from lung,
bladder, uterus, stomach, ulcers, etc. resulting from weakened circulation.
Haemorrhagic tendency runs through the whole remedy.
Guiding Symptoms.
1. Exhausted vitality from loss of vital fluid.
2. The surface of the body is COLD TO TOUCH, especially from knee to
feet. The pulse is intermittent, thready and imperceptible.
3. Weak Digestion, SIMPLE FOOD DISAGREES causing excessive
flatulence; abdomen is full to bursting point especially on the upper part;
aggravation from least food and relief from eructationand on passing
flatus. It is one of Nash's Trio of tympanitic and flatulent drugs (others
being Lyco. and China).
4. In the last stage of any disease with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold
tongue, voice lost, this remedy may save a life.
DISTANCE in nearly every complaint.
6. Wants clothing loose around the abdomen (Lach. and Bovista).
7. The patient craves things which makes him sick. Old toppers crave
whisky or brandy.
8. Hoarseness aggravated in the evening (Aconite, Phos. and Rumex).
9. Symptoms of imperfect oxidation, resulting from deficient capillary
circulation, causing blueness of skin and coldness of extremities.
10. Constant sour and rancid eructation.
11. Mind. Slowness of thought and weakness of memory, dislikes
darkness and fears ghosts.
12. Ailments from. Loss of vital fluid, mercury, salt, salted meat or fish
and from abuse of quinine, especially suppressed chill and fever; bad
effects of long-ago injury, persons who have never fully recovered from
the bad effects of some previous illness.

Particulars -
Stomach –
Simplest food disagrees due to weak digestion with excessive
accumulation of gas in the stomach and intestine particularly in the
epigastric region with frequent eructation and passing of flatus.
Causation: Alcohol, wine, spoiled meat, fish, fat, salt and salted meat.
Sensation: As if the abdomen will burst open due to accumulation of
excessive gas.
Location: Especially in the upper part of the abdomen (stomach and
transverse colon). (Lower abdomen-lyco, whole abdomen-china).
Aggravation: By lying down, after eating and drinking, rich food, butter,
milk, coffee, etc.
Amelioration: From eructation and passing flatus.
Concomitants: Diarrhoea and cadaverous smelling stool with burning in the
Diarrhoea. –
It is suited to painful diarrhoea of old people. Character of stool:
Frequent, involuntary, cadaverous smelling stool followed by burning .in
rectum. Soft stool voided with difficulty.
Cholera –
Carbo veg. is very useful in the COLLAPSE STAGE of cholera.
Causation: Caused by great drain of the vitality due to profuseness of its
Character of stool:
There is frequent, involuntary cadaverous smelling stool, followed by
Look of the face: Hippocratic face: eyes are sunken, cheeks are sunken with
earthy complexion.
Look of the skin: There is deficient capillary circulation causing blueness of
skin and coldness of extremities, vital power nearly exhausted.
Sweats: There is COLD SWEAT ON the forehead with coldness of entire
Relation with fan: There is GREAT DESIRE TO BE CONSTANTLY
If Carbo veg. is given in last stage with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold
tongue, voice lost, this remedy may save a LIFE..
Respiratory Symptoms –
Causation: Low vitality and neglected pneumonia (China, Plumbum and
Character of Cough: Cough with tingling and itching in larynx causing
spasmodic cough with gagging and vomiting. Hoarseness worse in the
evening; aphonia more in the morning with rawness, soreness and burning,
wheezing and rattling of mucus in the chest.
Modality: Worse in the evening, open air, after eating and talking. Relieved
Haemorrhage –
Carbo veg. is a very important remedy for passive capillary bleeding
where there is constant oozing of dark blood, except in case of nose where
blood is brigt red.
Causation: Low vitality, weak or feeble heart wilth relaxation of blood
vessels and vaso-motor paralysis.
Location: Especially on the venous side of the economy.
Modality: Relief BY FANNING.
Concomitants: Cyanosis. Desire to be fanned continuously and form near
which gives relief.
Skin is cyanosed, cold and ecchymosed due to venous stasis. Moist
skin with hot perspiration, cold and clammy sweat, itching,, falling of hair
due to general weakness after exhausting disease.
Senile gangrene which bleeds easily and gives off foul smell.
Bedsore which bleeds easily and gives off foul smell. Varicose ulcers due to
feeble circulation with burning pain.
Carbuncle purple in appearance with burning pain which imparts offensive
smell: aggravated by heat and relieved by cold application.
Ulceration of skin and mucous membrane from injury which does not heal
readily due to relaxation of the blood vessels and feebleness of the tissue.
The ulcers give out a bloody, ichorous, acrid and thin discharge with
offensive smell.

General Modalities.
Aggravation: In the evening, in open air, from cold, from hot food, butter,
coffee, milk, warm damp weather and alcoholic drinks.
Amelioration: From eructation, from fanning rapidly and from a close
distance and by cold application.
Relations, Complementary to: China, Kali carb. and Drosera. . Antidotes:
(tamphor, Arsenic, Lachesis and Coffee. Antidoted by: Ars., Camphor,
Lach., Ferr. m.
N.B. Carbo veg. is the "Homoeopathic Last Aid".

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