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The Banerji Protocols: Disease-Specific Homeopathic Medicines

for Primary Treatment of Brain Tumors

Prasanta Banerji, Pratip Banerji, Barbara Sarter

Despite advances in sophisticated technologies for cancer treatment, the

prognosis for adults diagnosed with brain tumors remains poor. Further
complicating the situation are the significant toxicities associated with
conventional treatment modalities for brain neoplasms. For these reasons,
patients with brain tumors often search for less toxic alternative or
complementary therapies. Because of great public interest in these
alternatives***, the National Cancer Institute at the direction of then-president
Clinton established the Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative
Medicine (OCCAM). This office established the Best Case Series, a mechanism
for rigorous review of clinical cases of cancer treated with alternative therapies.

In 1999, OCCAM validated the effectiveness of cancer treatment protocols

developed at the PBH Research Foundation (PBHRF) in Kolkata, India. The
“Banerji Protocols” in use at PBHRF were one of only two therapies that
successfully completed the Best Case Series [1] and OCCAM declared that
studies in collaboration with PBHRF would be a funding priority.

The Banerji Protocols use specific standardized prescriptions of homeopathic

medicines to treat all varieties and stages of cancer. These drugs consist of
ultra-dilute solutions and behave quite differently than normal solutions; the
principles of their behavior are under active research around the world[2].
Meanwhile, homeopathic medicines are widely sought and utilized clinically
throughout the world. Published in vitro research reports have explored the
mechanisms of action and cytotoxicity of the protocols used at PBHRF to treat
brain and breast cancers [3-6]. In this report we provide data collected over a
period of ten years on xxx cases treated in our Kolkata clinic for brain neoplasms.

Classical homeopathy involves an initial assessment exceeding one hour in

length, and treatments that are individualized to the patient’s personality as well
as symptoms. Therefore, there are substantial challenges in scientifically
documenting its outcomes. In our clinic in Kolkata, India, we see over one
thousand patients a day and of these at least one hundred a day are cancer
patients. Over a period of more than fifty years of clinical experiments and
observations, our experience has led to the development of standardized
disease-specific protocols for treatment of various cancers as well as all variety
of other ailments. This standardization of treatment has made it possible to
collect usable data on our clinical outcomes. We have found that often the
combination of two potentized homeopathic medicines provides special
advantages in treatment. Unlike classical homeopathy, our doses are repeated
frequently, usually daily or twice weekly for several months.

All patients with neoplasms of the brain are placed on the following daily protocol
after an initial single dose of Camphor 200C the night before:

Ruta graveolens 6C, two size #40 pills dissolved in the mouth, twice a day, morning
and evening
Calcarea phosphoricum 3X, two size #40 pills dissolved in the mouth, twice a day,
noon and night.

For patients with malignant neoplasms of the brain, the combination of Ruta
graveolens 6C combined with Calcium phosphate 3X has had a powerful and
sometimes complete curative effect on malignant neoplasms of the brain,
including glioblastoma multiforme, a cancer considered incurable and rapidly
fatal by conventional oncologists. In 1995 at the 5th International Conference of
Anticancer Research in Corfu, Greece, our treatment of brain tumors first caught
the attention of American researchers. As the only homeopathic practitioners
among 1200 physicians attending this conference, we presented 16 cases of
brain tumor regression and cure with the Ruta/Calc phos protocol[2].
Subsequently the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston invited us to
participate in lab trials exposing brain tumor cells to Ruta/Calc phos. Both in vivo
and in vitro results showed induction of survival-signaling pathways in normal
lymphocytes and induction of death-signaling pathways in brain cancer cells.
Cancer cell death was initiated by telomere erosion and completed through
mitotic catastrophe events[3]. Our work has received the attention and scrutiny of
the National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative
Medicine through its rigorous Best Case Series. After this review, our work was
specifically mentioned in funding announcements as a priority area for
investigaton. We are currently collaborating with researchers at the MD Anderson
Cancer Center and other academic units in America in ongoing studies of our
protocols for treatment of various cancers.

We recently compiled our data on brain tumor cases treated over a ten year
period and conducted Kaplan Meier survival analysis on the outcomes. Analysis
was done for all gliomas and separately for meningiomas, astrocytomas, and
glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), comparing patients who received the Banerji
Protocol exclusively with those who also had prior or concurrent conventional
therapy. We report on the results below.

For patients with astrocytomas treated exclusively with the Banerji Protocol,
mean survival time for the sample (n= 61) was 84 months. Of the patients (n=20)
who also had conventional therapy, mean survival time was 33 months (table x).
Among cases of unspecified gliomas treated with Banerji Protocol alone (n=81)
mean survival was 92 months, whereas those receiving conventional therapy
(n=11) had a mean survival of 20 months (table XX). Meningioma cases treated
with Banerji Protocol alone (n=144) had a mean survival of 105 months versus
those with concurrent conventional therapy (n=13) had a mean survival of 39
months (table xxx). Patients with GBM treated with Banerji Protocol alone (n=12)
had mean survival of 13 months, and those with concurrent conventional
treatment (n=12) had mean survival of 12 months (table iv). Statistical
significance in the differences between those receiving Banerji Protocols alone
versus those also receiving conventional therapy was present only in the
meningioma group (table v). 2-year survival rates for each of the comparison
groups are provided in table vi along with those reported for current conventional
approaches by various sources

Of special note is that 21% of the astrocytomas, 22% of gliomas, and 20% of
meningiomas went into complete remission without any surgery, chemotherapy
or radiation therapy. The majority of patients reported their clinical status as
better than before initiating treatment with Ruta/Calc Phos.

We have found that the Ruta/Calc phos protocol achieves comparable to

superior outcomes for treatment of malignant neoplasms without any previous,
concurrent or subsequent treatment with conventional surgery, chemotherapy or
radiation therapy. These medicines have the added benefit of being free of
toxicity, inexpensive, and able to be utilized in any practice setting – meaning
even in patients’ homes. In India, homeopathic treatment is sought by millions as
their primary, exclusive form of treatment; thus, we have been able to observe
the effects of this protocol when no other concurrent treatment is in use.

The National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative

Medicine has prioritized our work at PBH Research Foundation for additional
funding. We are collaborating with researchers from several major medical
centers and universities in the US, some of whom are represented here at this
meeting and sharing their research with you. Grant proposals are under
preparation for the conduct of basic research as well as clinical trials on our
protocols for various cancers. We are also planning to enhance our electronic
research data capture system so that we can conduct prospective outcomes
monitoring and evaluation studies on site at the PBHRF, where we see hundreds
of patients daily. Our intention is to subject the Banerji Protocols to the highest
level of research rigor, with the expectation that this method of treatment will
become scientifically validated and hence available to the masses of suffering
cancer patients around the world.

These medicines are available over the counter in virtually any country. We
dispense them from our clinic pharmacy for those who are there in person. In
India, a one months’ supply of both medicines costs about $1 US. In America, it
costs about $15-20. Patients are advised to avoid strongly aromatic dietary or
topical substances such as camphor or high acid containing substances such as
tamarind. In addition, we treat the patient’s specific symptoms, if any, such as
headache, nausea, visual disturbances, seizures, paralysis, increased ICP, etc.
with specific protocols for each.

Patients are asked to adhere to the daily regimen for a minimum of one month,
then to have a follow-up consult with us. For those with rapidly aggressive
tumors, the follow-up time is shorter. We often observe a response to treatment
in terms of symptom improvement within a matter of weeks; and it is not
uncommon for us to observe in follow-up scans that a significant regression of
the tumor has occurred within a few months.

Khuda-Bukhsh AR, Khuda-Bukhsh AR: Towards understanding molecular

mechanisms of action of homeopathic drugs: an overview. Molecular
& Cellular Biochemistry 2003, 253:339-345.
2. Banerji P, Campbell DR, Banerji P, Campbell DR, Banerji P: Cancer
patients treated with the Banerji protocols utilising homoeopathic
medicine: a Best Case Series Program of the National Cancer
Institute USA. Oncology Reports 2008, 20:69-74.
3. Frenkel M, Mishra BM, Sen S, Yang P, Pawlus A, Vence L, Leblanc A,
Cohen L, Banerji P, Banerji P: Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted
remedies on breast cancer cells. International Journal of Oncology
2010, 36:395-403.
4. Es S, Kuttan G, Kc P, Kuttan R, Es S, Kuttan G, Kc P, Kuttan R: Effect of
homeopathic medicines on transplanted tumors in mice. Asian Pacific
Journal of Cancer Prevention: Apjcp 2007, 8:390-394.
5. MacLaughlin BW, Gutsmuths B, Pretner E, Jonas WB, Ives J,
Kulawardane DV, Amri H, MacLaughlin BW, Gutsmuths B, Pretner E, et al:
Effects of homeopathic preparations on human prostate cancer
growth in cellular and animal models. Integrative Cancer Therapies
2006, 5:362-372.
6. Pathak S, Multani AS, Banerji P, Pathak S, Multani AS, Banerji P, Banerji
P: Ruta 6 selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but
proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes: A novel
treatment for human brain cancer. International Journal of Oncology
2003, 23:975-982.
1. Bellavite, P., The emerging science of homeopathy: Complexity, biodynamics, and
nanopharmacology. 2 ed. 2002, Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
2. Banerji, P., Intracranial cysticercosis: an effective treatment with alternative
medicines. In Vivo, 2001. 15(2): p. 181-4.
3. Pathak, S., et al., Ruta 6 selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but
proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes: A novel treatment for
human brain cancer. International Journal of Oncology, 2003. 23(4): p. 975-82.
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4. P.C. Endlera, K. Thievesa, S. Baumgartnerb, L. Bonaminc (2009). Fundamental research models

on high dilution homeopathy—A project on the state of repetition. EuJIM 1;4: 217.

Table X. Glioma

Table GBM.

Table Astro

Table Meningioma

Test  of  equality  of  the  survival  distribu3on  func3ons  (DF  =  1):

Observed   Cri3cal   p-­‐ alph

Sta3s3c value value value a
Log-­‐rank 2.474 3.841 0.116 0
Wilcoxon 2.999 3.841 0.083 0
Tarone-­‐ 0.05
Ware 2.826 3.841 0.093 0

2 Year Survival Rates

Banerji Prtocols Conventional Treatment
Banerji alone 97 80
Banerji + CT 50 80
Banerji alone 97 76
Banerji + CT 88 76
Banerji alone 98 81
Banerji + CT 80 81
Banerji alone 86 (9 months) 56 (6 months)
Banerji + CT 86 (9 months) 56 (6 months)
Banerji + CT 50 80
Banerji alone 97 76
Banerji + CT 88 76
Banerji alone 98 81
Banerji + CT 80 81
Banerji alone 86 (9 months) 56 (6 months)
Banerji + CT 86 (9 months) 56 (6 months)

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