642 Romania Fact Sheets
642 Romania Fact Sheets
642 Romania Fact Sheets
12 938 (13.1%)
12 122 (12.3%)
Other cancers
48 551 (49.1%) Breast
12 085 (12.2%)
8 055 (8.1%)
5 135 (5.2%)
Total: 98 886
Other cancers
19 237 682
22 345 (41.5%)
Prostate Number of new cases
8 055 (14.9%)
7 607 (14.1%) 98 886
Number of deaths
Stomach Bladder
54 486
2 703 (5%) 4 141 (7.7%)
Total: 53 881
12 085 (26.9%)
260 884
Other cancers
18 762 (41.7%) Data source and methods
5 331 (11.8%) Incidence
Cervix uteri Country-specific data source: Cluj Regional Cancer
3 380 (7.5%) Registry, Timisoara Regional Cancer Registry
Method: Estimated from national mortality estimates by
modelling, using mortality:incidence ratios derived from
Corpus uteri Lung
2 355 (5.2%) 3 092 (6.9%)
cancer registry data in neighbouring countries
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Source: Globocan
Males Females
Breast 65.8
Prostate 41.5
80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80
ASR (World) per 100 000
Incidence Mortality
80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80
ASR (World) per 100 000
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