Chamomilla: Materia Medica
Chamomilla: Materia Medica
Chamomilla: Materia Medica
H 2 RC 2
Holistic and Homeopathic Resource
Center and Consultancy
A.H. L. Holdijk
Matricaria Chamomilla
• Background
• flowers have an aromatic odour but a bitter taste, etheric oil is blue
in colour
• it is an energetic plant - 2 flowerings a year
• matricaria is uterus - good remedy for this organ
• used since ancient times by Asklepius, Dioscorides
• holy plant in northern Germanic cultures, bad meat washed in
Chamomilla for better odour, used for cramps
• no drug in human history used to cure diseases more than
Herbal Effects
• included in the pharmacopoeia of 26 countries, with some 4,000 tons
produced annually
• Chamomilla is a tonic; stomachic; anodyne; antispasmodic; laxative;
diaphoretic; analgesic; carminative; sedative; anti-inflammatory
• Examples: commonly used as a mild herbal sedative
• aid to digestion after heavy meals. On account of its anti-inflammatory
and anti-bacterial properties an infusion can be used as a gargle for
inflamed gums or sore throat
• chamomile actually reduces gastric acid and may inhibit development of
peptic ulcers, in particular those induced by stress and alcohol
• stimulate the regeneration of cell tissue, and promote the healing of
refractory wounds and skin ulcers
• decreases histamine and thus can help reduce the puffy / itchy eyes,
headache, and swelling of allergies.
• may cause vertigo, nervousness, stomach muscle flaccidity, and emesis
when used in excess
Repertory presence
• BEING CARRIED. Mild weather. Heat. Sweating. Cold
applications. Fasting. Warm wet weather.
Chamomilla- Particulars
• Hot and thirsty or HOT SWEAT with the PAINS. Warm sweat
on the head wetting the hair.
• Swelling or REDNESS of ONE CHEEK, paleness of the other.
yellowish green or LIENTERIC; smelling like spoiled eggs.
• Perspiration on face after eating and drinking.
• Soles of feet burning at night; puts them out of the covers.
• Twitchings, convulsions, diarrhoea DURING DENTITION.
• Dysmenorrhoea with excessive pain [despair from pain],
cold shivers, vomiting, diarrhoea and faintness.
Chamomilla- Food, Miasms,
• Food
• Aversion: Beer and smell of beer; coffee; warm drinks
• Desire: Cold drinks; bread; sour; vegetables
• Worse: Coffee; smell of beer; warm drinks; warm food
• Better: Coffee; cold food
• Miasmatic Process
• typhoid
Chamomilla- Homeopathic Clinical Indications
Intense, short effort;
Do or die;
Impatience, demanding, taking chances, recovering lost ground,
Reaching position of comfort
Grab it!, Want it all right now!
Collapsed, inactive;
Has given up the struggle
No effort
If somehow you come out of the crisis, all is fine; if you do not, you are sunk
Intense short effort needed to find rest
Typhoid Miasm
Bed is sinking
Losing position of comfort;
Sudden loss or business failure
· Dangerous, risky, urgency
Feeling of miasm:
That someone has occupied his bed, and place of comfort.
He wants to regain this position of comfort (“desires
repose”) and will try and do this (zealous, in a fiery way) by
hook or by crook.
Typhoid Miasm
Also known as the subacute miasm. Remedies in this miasm were originally used
for typhoid fever – that is high, unremitting fever often associated with prostration
from violent diarrheas or other infections. The infections are slightly less rapid in
their onset (like all our descriptions of Bryonia) than the remedies in the acute
miasm. Now we find these remedies can be useful in a variety of chronic
conditions such as colitis, Crohn’s disease, collapse states, psychosis. Patients in
this miasm who have acute or recurring psychotic breaks have good prospects from
homeopathic treatment. The patient feels himself to be in an urgent, life-
threatening situation requiring his full capacity to survive. The patient is
willing to use any means to return to a secure position: Violence, scheming,
flight, lying, etc. Willful children who demand their desires so strongly that
parent’s cave in often require remedies from this group. The patient’s goal is to
conserve every resource to combat the threat. Thus materialism and business
struggles are a strong component. The feeling is, “If I can just get through this
crisis, I have it made and I can rest.” He seeks rest and a secure position..
N.B. The following material is largely structured around Roger Morrison’s recent article (2003) on miasms,
notes from Gabriela Rieberer (Cairo, 1996), and David Littles
Compositae + Typhoid miasm