Antimonium Tartaricum
Antimonium Tartaricum
Antimonium Tartaricum
Tartar Emetic
It is due to the emetic influence of the tartarised antimony that this
medicine got its name "Tartar Emetic." Emetic is a substance which when
taken can make a person vomit. Vomiting is under the control of nerve
centre present at the base of the brain in Medulla Oblongata. This medicine
acts not only on those nerve centres, but also on the pneumogastric nerve to
produce pneumonia and bronchitis.
Clinical –
Alcoholism, Aphthae, Asphyxia neonatorum, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Chicken-pox, Cholera, Cough, Fever, Impetigo, Lung affection,
Pneumonia, Rheumatism, Tongue coated, Vomiting, Whooping cough, etc.
Spheres of action. Antim. tart, acts on respiratory organs, salivary glands,
mucous membranes, brain, nerve and skin.
Pathogenesis –
Its action on the pneumogastric nerve causes depression of respiration
and circulation and other symptoms, resembling pneumonia, bronchitis,
asthma, etc.
Nausea and vomiting are the manifestations of its influence on the
Medulla,Oblongata. While on the mucous membrane, it establishes catarrhal
inflammation and increased secretion; on the skin it causes pustular
eruption, resembling smallpox. The drug also promotes rapid waste of
Constitution –
Antim. tart, has got hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl, torpid,
phlegmatic persons. Child at birth is pale.
Miasm; Psora and Sycosis are in the background. Diathesis: Scrofulous
Guiding Symptoms.
Usually suited for diseases originating from exposure to damp basements
or cellars, and after vaccination.
There is great accumulation of mucus in air passage which cannot be
coughed out, but gives a rattling sound, popularly known as "Death
Face becomes pale, cyanosed and flushed due to circulation of
unoxydised blood, face covered with cold sweat.
Nausea,vomiting, coldness and prostration run through the whole of this
AH complaints are attended with IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE TO
SLEEP Nux. mos., Afrhusa, Gels).
There is excessive craving for apples and acids (Aloe). Desire for acids,
acid fruits and apples; cold water; strong liquors. Aversion to milk and
Vomiting in any position except when lying on right side. Vomits until
he faints, followed by drowsiness, prostration and sleepiness.
Pneumonia with jaundice (Chel.)
Bad effects of vaccination, when Thuja fails and Silicea is not indicated;
usually it produces asthma.
Pustular eruptions like small-pox is a great symptom of Ant.tart.
Mind. Confusion of head with a feeling as if he must sleep. Child will
not allow itself to be touched. Bad humour during bronchial catarrh.
Apprehension and restlessness during evening. Dread of being left alone.
Mental excitement and nervousness. The patient is frightened at night.
Vertigo on closing the eyes, when walking and flickering before the eyes,
when lifting the head. So she must lie down.
Ailments from. Anger, vexation, smallpox, after eating, vaccination,
damp, debility, debauchery.
Gastro-intestinal symptoms. Overeating, yawning and drowsiness.
Vomiting in any position except when lying on right side. The vomitus is
green, watery and frothy. Due to violent straining, there is tendency to
Tongue. Tongue is covered with thick, white pasty coat; red streaks; very
red, dry in the middle. On the tongue there are small pustules which are very
painful. In most complaints this remedy is thirstless.
There is perspiration on forehead; with coldness of surface, usually
the hands and feet are as cold as ice; thirstless or may drink little often.
Asiatic cholera. There is incessant diarrhoea and vomiting until the
patient faints. The patient has inordinate craving for apple (Aloe). Very
much sleepy after vomiting. Nausea is better and relieved after vomiting.
Vomiting in any position except when lying on nght side.
Diarrhoea and constipation alternate.
Respiratory System –
Antim. tart, is a wonderful medicine for many diseases of respiratory
tract, whether it is pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, etc., it matters little, if the
following symptoms are present. ACCUMULATION OF MUCUS IN
BRONCHI which can be heard across the entire room. the last stage of
pneumonia when the resolution takes place much more rapidly than
absorption and expectoration, so that lungs are filled with mucus and pus,
this remedy will relieve, There will be max dyspnoea and the pt. get
anguished with the Cough, Concomitants: Rapid, weak and trembling pulse.
The face becomes hippocratic and covered with beads of cold sweat. The
patient has irresistible desire to sleep. There Face becomes cyanotic, blue
and pale. Tongue is coated, pasty, thick with reddened papillae and red
edges, red streaks, very red, dry in the middle with extraordinary craving for
Asphyxia Neonatorum –
Antim. tart, is an excellent remedy for asphyxia neonatorum. It is
most useful where there is much rattling in the chest and cyanosis.
Mechanical asphyxia due to foreign body rn the larynx leading to dyspnoea.
Child at birht is pale, breathless or gasping although the cord still pulsates.
(Compare with Carbo. veg., Moschus).
Cardio-vascular system-
There may be complete cyanosis all over-due to accumulation of
deoxygenated blood as a result of congestion of lungs with mucus. In
addition, there may be great
precordial pain and anxiety attended with vomiting of mucus and bile in any
position, except when lying on right side
Skin –
Smallpox or pox-like eruptions after pustules, forming painful crusts
with itching on genitals, scrotum, anus and back, with cyanotic condition of
the face. Reddish itching ,rash all over the body. Jn case of vesicular
eruptions failing to appear and convulsion setting in dose of this remedy will
bring out the eruptions.
General modalities.
Aggravation - In damp, cold weather; lying down at night; warmth of
room, change of weather in spring.
Amelioration: Cold open air, sitting upright, expectoration, lying on right
Antidoted by China, Ipecac, Sepia, Hepar sulph. Similar to: Aconite
in croup. Aresenic in asthma. Lyco. Camphor, Iodum and Hepar in
pneumonia. Ver. alb, in nausea, vomiting and cold sweat. Follows Well:
Ipecac, Aresenic, Puis., Sepia and Sulphur. Antim tart, follows Baryta carb.