First Year BHMS: As Per 6th Edition of Organon of Medicine

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Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

As per 6th Edition of Organon of Medicine

Aphorisms 1 to 28 of Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine,
Including foot notes
1: Physician’s Mission

F.N. - Theoretic Medicine

2 : Highest ideal of Cure

3 : Knowledge of Physician

4 : Preserver of Health

5 : Exciting ,Maintaining , fundamental cause , Physical Constitution

6 : Unprejudiced observer

F.N. Prima causa Morbi

7. Causa Occassionalis , Totality of symptoms

F.N. Indisposition

8. Restoration of Health

F.N. Hufeland’s remark - Homoeopathy can remove symptoms but the disease remains.


9 : Properties of Vital Force ; Vital force in health

10 : Material body without vital force

11 : Vital force in disease

F.N. Materia Pecans ; dynamic influence

12 : Disease due to internal derangement of Vital Force

13: Materialism in medicine

14 : Disease manifestation

15 : Affection of Vital Force

16 : Removal of dynamic cause by dynamic substance

17 : Removal of symptoms , cure , medicine

18: Totality of Symptoms

19 : How Medicines cure

20 : Drug Proving

21 : Pathogenic symptoms - Curative in medicine

22 : Antipathy

23 : Demerits of Antipathy

24 : Only Similia similibus curantur

25 : Merits of Homoeopathy

26 : Homoeopathic Law of Cure

27 : Curative power of Medicine - symptoms similar to disease

28 : Confirmation of Law of Nature

Note: There will be No Examination of Organon in First B.H.M.S

Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

As per 6th Edition of Organon of Medicine

Aphorisms 29 - 104 of Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine,
Including foot notes

29 - How homoeopathic cure takes place

30-34 Medicine are stronger than natural diseases

30- Regulation of Dose

31 - Medicine acts unconditionally

32 - Natural diseases affects conditionally

33 - Medicines are superior than natural diseases - cure

34 - Dissimilar diseases does not cure but similar diseases

35 - What happens when two dissimilar diseases meet together

36 - Existing stronger repel the weaker

37 - Allopathy - chronic diseases remains uncure

38 - New stronger suspends the weaker one

39 - Routine examples

40 - Complex disease

41 - Natural + artificial = Complex

42 - Dissimilar diseases complicates one another

43 - 51 What happens when two similar diseases meet together

43 - Two similar diseases cure

44 - They neither repel , suspend nor form the complex

45 - How they work

46 - Examples

47 - Lesson

48 - Experience to teach

49 - Minute observation

50 - Why - for - cure we should not depend on nature

51 -Happy - go - lucky operations of the nature

52-60 Different system of medicine

52 - Homoeopathic versus allopathic medical treatment

53 - Why homoeopathy is best

54 - Allopathy - based upon guess work

55- Allopathy - temporary relief

56 - Antipathy

57 - Antipathy - examples
Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

58 - Antipathy - disadvantages

59 - Antipathy - examples of disadvantages

60 - Disadvantages of increasing potency of antipathy medicine

61-62 Ideal system of medicine

61 - Disadvantages of antipathy and advantages of homoeopathy

62- Conclusion

63 - 69 Primary and Secondary Action

63 - Initial and counter action

64 - Explanation

65 - Examples

66- Homoeopathic medicines - primary and secondary action

67 - Antipathy - primary and secondary action

F.N. Conditions where homoeopathic physician can employ antipathic methods

68 - Advantages of Homoeopathy

69 - Disadvantages of antipathy

70 - Summary of theoretical part


71 - Three points necessary for cure

72-81 Classification of Diseases

72 - Definition of acute and chronic diseases

73 - Types of acute diseases

74 - Artificial chronic diseases

F.N. Brousseau’s physiological system

75 - Incurable - artificial chronic disease

76 - Limitations of Medicine

77- Pseudo chronic disease or false or inappropriately named chronic disease

78 - True natural chronic diseases

79 - Knowledge of syphilis and sycosis

80 - Psora- fundamental cause

81 - Development of psora

82 - Individualization

83-104 Case Taking

83 - Requisite extra qualifications of physician

84 - Recording of symptoms

85- Begin a fresh line for each new symptom

86- Ask for more precise information

Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

87 - No leading questions please

88 - Use of general expressions

89 - More precise questions

90 - Observe the patient

F.N. Symptoms observed by the physician

91 - Past treatment and recording

92- Case taking in acute disease

93- Questioned privately , Obvious cause

94 - Enquiring the maintaining cause

95- Lesser accessory symptom of the patient

96 - Hypochondriac patient

97 - Indolent and modest patient

98 - Record only patients language

99 - Recording acute case is easy task

100 - Investigation of the epidemic disease

101 - Symptoms complex of epidemic disease

102 - Genus epidemicus

103 - Investigation of psora

104 - Importance of record keeping

Note: Aphorisms and other Topics (Philosophy & Psychology) of First

B.H.M.S syllabus will also be included in Second B.H.M.S. Examination
of Organon of Medicine.
Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

As per 6th Edition of Organon of Medicine

Aphorisms 105 to 291 of Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine,
Including foot notes
105 - 145 DRUG PROVING

105 : Investigation of pathogenetic power of medicine

106 : Knowledge of many medicines

107: Drug proving on sick

108 : Drug proving -healthy individual

F.N. : Albrecht Von Haller and his views on human drug proving

109 : I was the first to open up his path to healthy human drug proving , says Hahnemann

110: Toxicological symptoms observed by the others

111 : Poisonous drug effect

112 : Primary and secondary actions of drugs

113 :Narcotics in their secondary action increased susceptibility of the organisms

114 : Except narcotics all medicines in their moderate doses produce only primary action.

115 :Alternating action

116: Proving of drugs on groups and not on individual

117 : Idiosyncracy

118 : Individualisation of drug

119 : Individualisation of Drug Action

120 : Careful Drug Proving

121 : Drug doses for proving

122 : Proving of simple and well known substances

123 : Method of preparation

124 : Single , simple medicine at a time must be proved.

125 : Diet during drug proving

126 : Qualities of Prover

127 : Drug proving on both sexes

128 : Prove only potentised drug

129 : Prover should take small doses

130 : The duration of a medicine’s action after one dose

131 : Dose increasing for proving

132 : Drug proving of weak medicinal substances

Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

133 : Thorough drug proving record

134 : Different symptoms in different provers

135 : Confirmatory Reproving

136 : All symptoms of drug can’t be noted in one person

137 : Comparison of large and moderate dose in proving

138 : Alteration in health during iliterate drug proving

139 : Detail proving record by provers and physician

140 : Illiterate Prover

141 : Physician is the best Prover

F.N. : Benefits to physician by proving drugs on himself

142 : Investigation of effect of medicine

143: Compilation of true proving data

144 : Compilation of true materia medica

145 : What is remedy


146 : Judicious employment of medicine

147 : Specific remedy

148 : Modus Operandi of Homoeopathic Cure

149 : Chronic diseases take proportionately longer time for their cure

150 : Indisposition

151 : Important diseases have number of symptoms

152 : Easy selection of medicine in acute diseases

153 : PQRS symptoms and characteristic symptoms must choice for remedy selection

154 : Homoeopathic medicines cures acute diseases without much disturbance

155 - 161 DOSE

155 : Appropriate Dose

156 : Homoeopathic Aggravation and Potency

157 : Homoeopathic aggravation and medicinal aggravation

158 : Homoeopathic aggravation is good in acute disease

159 : Smaller the dose , shorter and minimum the homoeopathic aggravation

160 : Removal of symptoms in acute disease without disturbance

161 : Homoeopathic aggravation in acute and chronic disease


162 : An imperfect medicine or partially indicated medicine

163 : Appearance of accessory symptoms of medicine

Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

164 : Few symptoms which are chiefly of an uncommon , peculiar , characteristic , cure take place without much

165 : If medicine share general , vague but not characteristic symptoms , is not homoeopathic medicine to the disease.

167 : Accessory symptoms of medicine in acute disease

168 : Follow up in acute disease

169 : Appearance of two partially suitable medicine

170 : Administration of next best medicine if clearly indicated , while re-examining a case

171 : Use of anti-psoric medicines in non-venereal (Psoric) chronic diseases


172 : Imperfect selection of medicine for one-sided disease

173 : One-sided diseases are chiefly chronic in nature

174 : Classification of one-sided diseases

175 : One-sided diseases with only physical symptoms reflect incomplete case taking

176 : Careful initial examination will reveal one or two severe violent symptoms.

177 : Selection of most similar medicine on the basis of few symptoms available

178 : If few symptoms are uncommon , peculiar , striking and characteristic , the first dose of medicine will cure the case but
this incidence less frequently occur.

179 : More frequently , the medicine will cover the case only partially.

180 : Appearance of accessory symptoms of natural disease

181 : Accessory symptoms by imperfectly selected medicine

182 : Discovery of remedy for one-sided diseases

183 : Second prescription based on the new more complete group of symptoms in one-sided diseases

184 : Keep taking the case after each new remedy until recovery is complete


185 : Definition of Local Diseases

186 : Acute local diseases caused by an external injury

187 : Chronic local diseases by internal cause

188 : Misconception about local diseases

189 : Clarification of Misconception

190 : Internal Homoeopathic Medication for local diseases

191 : Confirmation through experience

192 : Formation of the complete picture of the disease and selection of medicine

193 :Administration of medicine , in local diseases arising from internal cause

194 : No external application , in local diseases arising from internal cause.

195 : Antipsoric treatment for non-venereal chronic local diseases

196-197 : Administration of truely Homoeopathic medicine both internally and externally, simultaneously
Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

198 : Administration of suitable homoeopathic medicine only externally

199 : Removal of local disease by surgery or corroding or drying agents before the selection of a homoeopathic remedy

200 : Internal dynamic remedy

201 : Local symptom , enlarged by vital force, lessens internal disease

202 : Removal of local symptoms worse the whole disease by allopathic treatment

203 : Removing the external without treating the internal is a criminal procedure

F.N. : External removal with internal administration of dissimilar medicine cannot cure but weakens the organism and serves
to add drug disease.


204 : Types of Chronic Diseases

205 : The physician will never treat the primary symptoms , but only cures the underlying miasm

206 : Identification of miasm and treatment should be done accordingly

207 : Effect of treatment taken till today

208 : Ascertain any obstacle to cure

209 : Formation of the portrait of the disease by characteristic symptoms and treated by antimiasmatic medicine .


210 : Mental diseases are one-sided disease and psoric in origin

211 : Present characteristic symptom are helpful for selection of remedy

212 : Each medicine brings change in state of mind and disposition

213 : Selection of homoeopathic remedy in such cases

214 : Mental diseases are treated in the same way as all other diseases

215 : Mental and physical diseases are same

216 : Mental diseases appearing with decline of corporeal disease which threatens to be fatal - Somato-psychic

217 : In such cases we must look to the whole phenomenon - the physical and mental

218 :Find out the past history of physical disease of patient

219 : Comparison of Past and Present symptoms

220 : Selection of anti-miasmatic medicine ( usually anti-psoric) for chronic mental diseases

221 : Mental diseases appearing suddenly as an acute disease in patients ordinary calm state due to some exciting cause .

222 : But such patients should be “freed completely” by anti-psoric treatment

223 : Mental diseases aggravated if not treated by anti-psoric

224 : Mental diseases of doubtful origin

225 : Mental diseases arising from prolonged emotional causes - psycho-somatic

226 : Treatment of emotional causes , by means o psychical remedies

227 ; Emotional diseases have psoric miasm treated by Anti-psoric medicine

228 ; Appropriate psychical behaviour towards the patient . Treated with calm and firmness , without reproaching the
Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

229 ; All external disturbances to the senses and disposition should be removed.

230 ; Homoeopathic treatment can produce rapid and striking result in cases of mental and emotional diseases.


231 ; Intermittent diseases

232 : Alternating diseases and examples

233 : Typical intermittent diseases

234 : Non-febrile ( or afebrile) typical intermittent diseases

235 : Intermittent fever - sporadic and epidemic and it's treatment

236 : Appropriate time for administration of medicine

237 : Administration of medicine when there is short attack of disease

238 : Recommended dose and repetition of medicine for intermittent fever

239 : Every medicine causes different peculiar fever

240 : Persistent intermittent fever due to psora , requires anti-psoric medicine

241 : Epidemic intermittent fever - Genus epidemicus

242 : Psoric intermittent fever

243 : Individual pernicious variety intermittent fever , due to psora on the point of development

244 : Endemic intermittent fever in marshy districts


245 : Diet , regimen and mode of employing medicine

246 : In acute disease , no repetition as long as there is improvement. In chronic disease this may also be the case at times. But
this is rare. If the medicine is well selected , highly potentiated , dissolved in water , and given properly (That the degree of
each dose is changed) , a cure will result

247 : The remedy must be changed in potency each time it is given

248 : Direction for use of potentiated medicine. The directions for changing the potency each time. Aggravation comes at the
end. Even a one dram vial of alcohol with one globule that is used for olfaction must be succussed 8-10 times before each
dose. Schein symptome

249 : Any medicine that brings forth new and troublesome symptoms was not selected homeopathically (i.e. medicinal

250 : Medicinal aggravation , in urgent cases. A poorly selected medicine should be replaced by the most appropriate
homoeopathic remedy for the present disease state.

251 : Repetition of medicine , in the same potency , if first dose is not effective

252 : Detection of obstacles and removal of them , in the way of cure of chronic (psoric) diseases

253 : Signs of improvement and aggravation

254 : How to identify whether it is aggravation or amelioration

255 : Amelioration

256 : Aggravation by wrong similimum

257 : Favourite remedies - Disadvantages

258 : Never be prejudiced to any remedy

Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]


259 : Diet and regimen during treatment

260 : Investigation of obstacle in cure

261 : Regimen for chronic diseases

262 : Diet in acute diseases

263 : Diet and regimen should be desire or satisfy the patient's cravings


264 : Quality of medicines

265 : Employment of medicines to patient prepared by the physician himself

266 : Medicine from vegetable and animal kingdom

267 : Preparation of medicine from indigenous fresh plants

268 : Preparation of exotic substances

269 : Potentiation of substance

F.N. : Difference between Dilution and potentisation

270 : Method of potentisation , method of 50 - millesimal potency

271 : Knowledge of pharmacy , preparation of potentiated medicines directly from fresh plants


272 : Administration of potentised medicine

273 : Administration of only single , simple medicine at a time

274 : Advantage of single , simple medicine at a time

275 : Appropriate dose , large dose is injurious

276 : Strong dose of a homoeopathic medicine more injurious than the same dose of an unhomoeopathic medicine

277 : Homoeopathic dose given in appropriately small dose

278 : Selection of best size of dise by pure experience and accurate experience

279 : Smallest homoeopathic doses strong enough to begin a cure

280 : Gradually hightened potency of medicine until general improvement , and begin a true homoeopathic aggravation

281 : Discontinuing treatment , sign of restoration

282 : Homoeopathic aggravation produced by first dose , indicates that doses were too large

283 : Unsuitable medicine in small dose is harmful

284 : Medicine may be administered by olfaction , inhalation and through the skin

285 : Correct external application of homoeopathic medicine which is being given internally with success.


286 : Galvanism and electricity

287 : Mineral magentism

288 - 289 : Mesmerism or Animal magnetism

Soni Abhishek
Contact: +91 7359169008
Email: [email protected]

290 : Massage

291 : Bath

Note: Aphorisms and other Topics (Philosophy & Psychology) of First

B.H.M.S. and Second B.H.M.S. will also be included in Third B.H.M.S.
Examination of Organon of Medicine.

In Fourth B.H.M.S Examination all the aphorisms and other topics of

Philosophy & Psychology of First , Second and Third B.H.M.S. will be
included in addition to Philosophy chapters of Fourth B.H.M.S.

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