K.C. Bhanja The Homoeopathic Prescriber With Drug Pictures: Reading Excerpt

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The Homoeopathic Prescriber with Drug Pictures
Reading excerpt
The Homoeopathic Prescriber with Drug Pictures
of K.C. Bhanja
Publisher: National Homoeo - B. Jain


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Desideratum :
You want to cure the sick by the administration of
Homoeopathic remedial agents for the following reasons,
I believe :
(i) Remarkable or rather considerable cheapness of
Homoeopathic medicines.
(ii) Portability of a box containing almost all the
principal drugs frequently called for in the treatment of
common diseases.
(iii) Incredible expedition with which homoeopathic
drugs relieve and cure acute ailments.
(iv) Miraculous efficaciousness of homoeopathic treat-
ment, especially from the view-point of its reputed
potentiality in eradicating all chronic conditions that are
apt to defy all so-called rational treatment.
(v) Freedom from all technical encumbrances hinging
on a knowledge of anatony, pathology, and so forth, for
all practical purposes.
You require, eventually, such a handy book that can
teach you something of everything that is essential and
thereby enable you to treat patients with covetable success.
Yes, I know. Well then, let me present a compendious
survey of the principles and treatment pertaining to
Therapeutics. Leading indications.
Aeon.—Swelling very red and shining with burning; fever
with dry, hot skin.
Bell.—Bright redness, esp. radiating redness; much burning;
parts feel dry, hot. Decided aggravation from slight jar.
Mammary, hepatic or rather glandular abscesses.
Merc-s—Use it only in the first stage of suppura-
tion to promote discharge of pus. Suppuration slow. Pus
forms in cavities which burn and sting. Bloody pus. Pains
worse at night.
Hepar.—May be given in high potency to prevent
suppuration before the opening of an abscess, particularly
when there is throbbing. Here Hepar 200 has the effect of
either absorbing or opening an abscess (our experience).
Pus which may be bloody smells like old cheese.
Silic.—After discharge of pus has taken place, wait
for sometime and them give Silic. (say 30th) which has the
effect of healing the suppurating abscess. When an
abscess speedily points, but pus is too scanty. Very
useful when fistulous opening has formed. In chronic abscess
when discharge is tardy, long-continued.
** ** **
Arsen.—When an abscess threatens to become gangren-
ous ; great debility. Farts burn like fire.
Anth.—Terrible burning, not relieved by Arsen., though
indicated. Abscess of septum. Succession of boils Arn-m.,
Bryon.—In the beginning when the part is very red
and shining or very pale and hard, and feels heavy.
Stitching pains aggravated by slightest motion.
Lach.—After pus has formed ; parts of purplish hue ;
gangrenous. * Worse after sleep.

in paroxysms a n d sensitiveness to touch; excessive sexual

desire. Burning pains with violent bearing down after
Lack, has discharged p u s .
P a l l a d i u m . — S w e l l i n g a n d induration of right ovary.
Pain in right ovarian region relieved by pressure.
P u i s . — O v a r i t i s from suppression of menses after getting feet
wet; constant chilliness.
S t a p h . — O v a r i a n affection from masturbation or after
prolonged absence of h u s b a n d .
Ovaritis after premature labor: Sabin. With rheumatic
complications: Bryon., Phyt. Neuralgia of ovary with violent
palpitation: Naja. Neuralgia of ovary with dysmenorrhoea:
Apis. Pain in ovaries during menses: Lach.

Loss or diminution of the power of voluntary motion in
a n y p a r t of the body. Paresis means diminution of the
power of voluntary motion. Paralysis of one lateral half
of the body, usually caused by a lesion in the brain on the
opposite side, is called Hemiplegia. W h e n one half of the
b o d y taken transverlesy is paralyzed, the ailment is called
Paraplegia, which is generally caused by diseases of the spinal
marrow. Shaking palsy goes by the n a m e of Paralysis
Consult the article on Locomotor ataxia.
T h e r a p e u t i c s . Leading indications.
A e o n . — W h e n caused by exposure to cold, esp. dry, cold
winds. From violent emotions. Accompanied by a
sense of coldness, numbness, a n d more particularly tingling
in the affected p a r t .
Arg-n.—Paraplegia after debilitating cause. Staggering
gait. Walks a n d stands unsteadily, esp, when he thinks
himself unobserved. Debility in calves.
Bar-c.—Paralysis of old people with weakness of m e m o r y ,
great weakness of m i n d a n d b o d y ; the patient is childish,
condition being half imbecile. Palsy of old people. Para-
lysis-following apoplexy, in old people, w h o are childish with
loss of speech (tongue being paralyzed). *Paralysis of
Caust.—After exposure to d r y cold winds, when t h e
affection becomes chronic and after failure of Aeon, which
K.C. Bhanja
The Homoeopathic Prescriber with Drug

447 pages, hb

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