Vithoulkas Notes

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AURUM SULPHURATUM (4ur-s,) IRRITABILITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, NODDING OF HEAD AND SENSITIVENESS TO TOUCH MENTAL INTROVERTED AND CRITICAL towards himself and esp. towards others. Never satisfied with himselt or others, his mood is usually disagreeable. Constant state of irritation of the nervous system coupled with depression. Sadness, loathing of life, desires death. Moaning and lamenting. Argumentative. Gloomy and anxious. Anxiety of the conscience, a deep anxiety or guilt, with fear and self-doubt. ‘Aversion to company. Desire for solitude. Aversion to be touched. ‘There is an aggravation from coming into close contact with anybody. As the pathology progresses they may become irritable, irascible, or sometimes violent. Feeling of weak- mindedness and indolence with loss of initiative and dislike for doing anything, Chronic complaints that date back to prolonged grief. PHYSICAL Irritability of nervous system resulting to CONSTANT NODDING OF HEAD (suggesting paralysis agitans) and GREAT SENSITIVENESS TO TOUCH. Oversensitivity to pain. Complaints are predominantly right-sided. Parkinson's disease. Desire for open air but open air aggravates many symptoms. Cancerous affections. Ulcers. Induration of glands. Pain in bones and glands. Soreness of nasal bone. Bearing downward sensations in different parts. Congestion of blood. Violent orgasm of blood in chest and head. Paralysis of organs. ‘Staggering gait. Hysterical convulsions. Mucous secretions much increased, Pulsation in internal parts, in eye. The pulse is small, fast, inegular and weak, Swelling of affected parts; of the glands. ALOE SOCOTRINA (Aloe) INVOLUNTARY STOOL, HAEMORRHOIDS, DIARRHOEA MENTAL Dissatisfied and angry with themselves esp. when the process of digestion begins. Discontent >evening Imbectty. Aversion to mental work. Suited to indolent, weary people. ‘Active memory alternating with lassitude Cannot fook at blood ora knit, HYPOCHONDRIACAL PATIENTS. Consider lfe a burden inthe moming and inthe evening they are cheerful. Cheerful, happy, mirth in the evening. Changeable mood. PHYSICAL INVOLUNTARY STOOL ON PASSING FLATUS, resulting in shame and italy. DIARRHOEA: 5 or 6 am. driving them out of bed. Jelyike mucus in stool. Gurging betore stool. Haemorthoids: external, strangulated, congested, large, like bunch of grapes, ameliorated by cold bathing. In chronic spastic colitis pains extend from abdomen to different parts — to ectum, to thighs, from side of abdomen to the umbilicus, from the inguinal region tothe knees, from hypochoncria to chest. Pain and mucus in rectum after stool. Headache in forehead (esp. pressing), above eyes > cold applications. Cutting pain around umbilicus lying. Tearing pain in toes. Sciatica better lying down. Pain in lumbar region at night during sleep. Always feel tired and sore all over. leg, lower limbs, hip, heel as if they were short. Frequent sneezing often without coryza. Sneezing wakes him from sleep. Epistaxis alter itching. Profuse acrid discharges. Obesity with fat body but thin legs. Coldness like ice between the scapulae. Usually the face is pale but gets red on excitement. Weakness, diaithoea, vomiting and nausea during menses. Datk, cloted menses. Contracting pain in inguinal region that forces her to walk bent esp. during menses. Prolapsus of uterus, has to walk bent. "Ghost pains" in amputated limbs (All-c.). MODALITIES AGG.: on first sitting dovm, sitting while, evening, lying on back or on the right side, rubbing, evening. ‘AAMEL.: lying esp. on back, bathing, motion. ABELMOSCHUS (Abel,) MENTAL EXTREME FEAR OF POISONOUS CREATURES SUCH AS INSECTS, SPIDERS, SCORPIONS, SNAKES, FLIES ETC. Fear that samething will happen. Fear of staying alone at night. Fear with palpitation. ACETANILIDUM (Acetan.) RENAL FAILURE - DEPRESSION OF ALL FUNCTIONS. MENTAL ‘TIRED, PROSTRATION, WEARISOME. Tired expression of face. They sit down and tel you in a wearisome manner how tired, Weary and indifferent they are, PHYSICAL BRADYCARDIA, ANAEMIA, HYPOTENSION, KIDNEY FAILURE. PALE, WEAK. ‘The function of heart is suppressed. Pulse can be irregular. Hypothermia. The body temperature is lower than the nermal and in general the whole organism is functioning in a very low gear. Fainting spels with cold perspiration, paleness and cyanosis. Onthostaic blood pressure, they will collapse if they get up suddenly. “The cyanosis has two peculiarities - greyish shade, grey-blue or grey-violet, mostly only visible on the peripheral parts of the body especially on the fingers and fingernals, toes, ears, and nose. Difficult respiration, Shortness of breath with rapid and shallow respiration. ‘The urine is sometimes brownish in color and may contain methemoglobin, albumin, casts, and red blood cells and hematuria, oligutia or anuria may ensue. (Common colds easily and feel totally exhausted during the course of the cold MODALITIES. AGG.: cold, becoming cold. AURUM ARSENICUM (Aur-2c) DEPRESSION WITH RESTLESSNESS ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT MENTAL, DEPRESSION WITH RESTLESSNESS, particularly ifthe time of aggravation is during the night. Loathing of lfe. Depression with suicidal thoughts and impulses. Suicidal disposition during perspiration. Sadness in the evening; from suppressed menses. ‘Angry about himself and others. he is ential of himself and constantly finds fault with others. Anger that turns inwards, becomes self-destructive. Contradiction is intolerable and will anger ther very much. Hard individual, hard with himself and others. He is hard working, precise, conscientious, but without many feelings. His mental faculties are clear, but the emotions are hardened. Malicious in his conduct wth others. Aurum arsenicum sexuality tends toward deviations, and they develop perverted desires. Sadism, etc, due to lack of feelings, Despair that he will never be well. Fear in the night na crowd; fear of death and of heart disease; fear of people, and when alone. PHYSICAL Cancerous affections, malignancies, epithelioma, caries of bone, cancer of mammae. Induration in glands; cancerous induration. Glands, the liver, etc. are hardened. Convulsions; clonic spasms with consciousness; epileptiform, hysterical convulsions. Aiter-effects of syphilis e.g. chronic headaches. Desire to lie down, but ving brings on great restlessness, and many symptoms are worse lying. Restlessness at night; anxious. Persistent catarth of bloody, purulent. offensive discharge. MODALITIES AGG: winter, during and after eating, mental exertion, cold wet weather. AMEL.: summer, ALUMINA (Atm) The patient cannot express hisherTelings. The mind is sow, dy, paralyzed. They have to make an eo to answer. Theres also ciymess and paralysis on the physical level manifesting in severe constipation, dry skin, pare sates of DRYNESS, SLOWNESS OF ALL LEVELS PROGRESSING TO A STATE OF PARALYSIS MENTAL ‘SLOWNESS, CONFUSION, DULLNESS OF MIND, Cannot express onesel, vague sae of mind. Lacko dscrimination, Answers sow. Confusion of identity, ho am "Everything seems unre ‘ime psses ery slow fr tem. Fear oAnives, pins nections. Cannot ook tao or ine, Suledal when sing ake o blood. PHYSICAL Dryness of skin and mucus membranes. ‘SEVERE CONSTIPATION. NACTMVITY OF RECTUM, even sot stool requles great straining. No urging for many days, has help chanical Nunes of sles of et, nearness of gs, unconrnated waking tei. ‘Dryness af ion Rehing without eruption, Srech una set Verio > utong owing me eyes, Yerngo win tendency fa fsa ‘Aversion and aggravation fam potatos, raving for dry food. Sutable or svete sts of onalpaon, paras, Mute Sboss, Azhees ease AGG. potatoes, cxerton taking ate. ‘AME: open wax dks, bang ‘DES: ary ood. tea, re, sarc, cot -AVERS. potatoes, oer et AURUM BROMATUM (Aur-br) DEEP DEPRESSION WITH ACNE MENTAL ENDOGENOUS DEEP DEPRESSION WITH ACNE. ‘Antisocial behavior. Feel dissatisfied with and suffocated by what they have. eats related to close contacts, estranged om society, ihdraum, eventual they do not to communicate the other sex. Eventually they became indifferent to everything, Tremendous weakness, almost exhaustion. ‘Dreams are vivid and often teriying, Nightmares and sleepwalk. Fainness where the paints do not ose awareness ently; they fel as if they ae leaving their boy, and such a state could be accompanied by epilepsy. PHYSICAL ‘ACNE. "Nervous affections ofan epileptiform character, migraines, right terrors, somnambulism (sleepwalk). Valvular diseases ofthe hoart and caralac hypertropry. Altacks of faniness vith coldness and feeble pulse alternating with attacks of congestion and red face with palpitations. AMBRA GRISEA (Ambr.) TIMIDITY, CONSTIPATION MENTAL TIMIDITY, BASHFULNESS. Low self-confidence. Fears the opinion of others. Tries to please everyone, cannot say ‘no. AVERSION TO PRESENCE OF STRANGERS DURING STOOL, unable to pass the stool in presence of others. Difficult to follow a conversation. Having a conversation aggravates, causes iritability, anxiety, restlessness, trembling. Ailments after embarrassment. Contusion, difficult concentration. Asks questions without waiting for an answer. Jumping from one subject to another. Difficutt to be in touch with others. State as i in a dream. ‘That is why there's anxiety in company or crowd, aversion fo company, fo presence of strangers, to smiling faces. Disgust at laughing of others. Weakness of memory, duliness, imbecility. Dwelling over past occurrences. PHYSICAL CONSTIPATION, UNABLE TO PASS STOOL IN PRESENCE OF OTHERS. ‘Symptoms are aggravated in the presence of strangers, music, excitement. Complaints from music: heat of head, cough, internal trembling, palpitation, back pain, ear pain, red face. Prematurely old. ‘Metrorthagia after stool, from passing hard stool. ‘One sided symptoms, perspiration, coldness, headache. Eructations after coughing. ‘Numbness of extremtties. ‘Symptoms come in the morning 5-9a.m. MODALITIES AGG.: lying, evening, warm milk. ‘AMEL.: cold drinks, continued motion, ACETIC ACID (Acet-ac.) PALE, THIRSTY, ANAEMIC, EMACIATED, WASTED MENTAL, ‘Sour people (esp. when the stomach is chronically affected). Anxiety about business, about his children. Delirium with distension and constipation. Delirium during fever. Ivitable during headache. Confusion of mind, dullness. PHYSICAL Profound ANAEMIA, PALE FACE, DIMINISHED APPETITE LEADING TO EMACIATION AND CACHEXIA. Emaciation esp. of face, hands and thighs. Gastritis with sour eructations, sour vomiting. Ulcerative pains in stomach, Induration of the stomach walls. Impossible to sleep on back. The stomach problems, the acidity are aggravated when lying on the back. Unquenchable thirst, for large quantities in chronic conditions, but thirstlessness in acute fever. Fever dry heat, red discoloration of face sighing. Blepharitis. Thickening of the eyelids with purulent discharge and photophobia. Pustules on margins of ds. Jerking of extremities, of muscles, esp. in sleep or on going to sleep. To the extent that they jump. Affects the testeslovaries esp. left ovary and right testes. Pain in testes crushed, bruised, cramping esp. right. < when clothing touches the testes, walking, in bed. ‘Weakness in chest, left sided < talking. Back pain < on sitting. ‘Swelling on left side of face with heat and burning. Cramping pain transversely across stomach. MODALITIES AGG.: touch, motion, bi AMMONIUM CARBONICUM (Arn-c.) CIRCULATORY AND RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS MENTAL Obstinate. Initable, unfriendly, malicious and abusive TIMID PEOPLE who remain in the background. Reserved people, SULKY. Sad, morose and dissatisfied especially in cloudy and wet weather. Difficutt retaining thoughts, concentration difficult. Absent minded. Makes mistakes in calculating, speaking, writing, uses wrong words. Wakes up startled or in a fright. Talkin their sleep, revealing their thoughts, secrets they would not express while awake. PHYSICAL ASTHMATIC RESPIRATION FROM HEART COMPLAINTS. Sensation of weakness in heart. Tumultuous, audible PALPITATIONS < motion. Patient feels prostrated; every movement produces violent almost audible palpitations, Asthma

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