Your Family Health History
Your Family Health History
Your Family Health History
Your family health history is important to your health. Families can share many things that can increase your risk of
getting a health condition, including:
lifestyle habits (for example, poor diet, lack of exercise or smoking).
Many health conditions develop due to a combination of factors including lifestyle choices and environmental factors,
such as sun exposure. This means that in most cases family history alone is not enough to cause a condition to develop.
Knowing that some conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers tend to ‘run in the family’ can
be a sign you are at increased risk.
If you know of these conditions you should let your doctor know so that they can help you identify things you can do to
reduce your chance of also developing the condition.
They may refer you to Genetic Services of WA where you can have tests to confirm your genetic risk and receive genetic
You can’t change your genes, but if you are aware of your family’s health history, you can reduce your risk of getting
some conditions by:
making healthy lifestyle changes
having regular check-ups and getting healthcare advice from your doctor.
Common Illnesses
Colds and Flu
Conjunctivitis ("pink eye“)
Stomach Aches
Allergies are an immune response triggered by allergens, an ordinarily harmful substance.
People with allergies have especially sensitive immune systems that react when they contact allergens.
Common allergens include:
foods (nuts, eggs, milk, soy, shellfish, wheat) pollen, mold, latex, pet dander
Because there are so many possible causes, the symptoms of allergies vary widely. Airborne allergens, like pollen and
pet dander, are likely to cause:
Eye irritation, Runny nose, Stuffy nose, Puffy, watery eyes, Sneezing
Inflamed, itchy nose and throat
Allergens that are consumed, like foods or certain medications, can cause:
Hives or skin rashes, Gastrointestinal distress (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, excessing gas, indigestion)
Tingling or swelling of the lips, face, or tongue, Itchiness, Difficulty breathing or wheezing, Fainting/ or lightheadedness
In cases of a more extreme response, called anaphylaxis, symptoms are severe and life-threatening.
The easiest and most effective way to treat allergies is to get rid of or avoid the cause. Where unavoidable, some
lifestyle changes can reduce your allergy symptoms. For example, if you are allergic to dust mites, make an effort to
keep your room clean and free of dust by frequent vacuuming, dusting, and washing of bedding.
For pollen allergies, avoid being outside when pollen counts are high and keep the windows to your room shut.
Because it is very difficult to avoid certain allergens, medication may be necessary to lessen symptoms caused by
allergens, other than food and drugs.
Antihistamines: help relieve or prevent the sneezing, itchy eyes and throat, and postnasal drip that the allergen
may cause. They are sold in many forms (i.e., pills, nasal sprays, liquids, etc.).
Decongestants: help reduce congestion in your nasal membranes by narrowing the blood vessels that supply those
membranes. They can be purchased in several forms (liquid, pill or nasal spray) and may be used with an
antihistamine or alone to treat nasal swelling related to allergies. Limit use of nasal sprays to fewer than two to
three days in a row because prolonged use can cause the nasal membrane swells, resulting in severe nasal
Anti-inflammatory agents (e.g., corticosteroid): help reduce swelling of the airways, nasal congestion and sneezing.
Typically taken as a nasal spray. Some people report that corticosteroids irritate nasal passages.
Allergy shots: recommended for serious allergy sufferers, this series of shots are administered by a healthcare
provider and contain small amounts of the allergens that cause you discomfort. The goal of allergy shots is to
enable your immune system to build better defenses against allergens.
Some allergies go away with age, but others are lifelong.
Avoid the outdoors between 5-10 a.m. and save outside activities for late afternoon or after a heavy rain, when
pollen levels are lower.
Keep windows in your living spaces closed to lower exposure to pollen.
To keep cool, use air conditioners and avoid using window and attic fans.
Wear a medical alert bracelet or other means to communicate to others about your allergy in case of a reaction.
Discuss a prescription for epinephrine (e.g., EpiPen) with your healthcare provider, if you have risk of serious
allergic reaction.
Review product labels carefully before buying or consuming any item
Know what you are eating or drinking.
UHS offers flu shots to Princeton students at a reduced cost every fall. Even though getting a flu shot will not completely
eliminate your chances of developing the flu, it will certainly reduce the risk. Each year, a new vaccine made from
inactivated (killed) influenza viruses is formulated. Since it may take the immune system time to respond to the
vaccination, the inactivated vaccine should be given 6 to 8 weeks before flu season begins in order to prevent infection
or reduce the severity of the illness.
The flu is probably only contagious during the first three days of illness, and the incubation period is 24-72 hours,
meaning you might not show symptoms for three days after contracting the virus. It is rare to catch a cold virus through
the air – most transmission occurs via hand-to-hand contact. To prevent colds, flu, and other illnesses, follow these tips:
Wash your hands often (which is good advice for keeping healthy in any situation). Keep them away from your nose,
eyes, and mouth. Use an instant hand sanitizer when you can’t wash your hands.
Get regular exercise and eat well.
Follow good sleep habits.
Get a flu shot each fall (offered to all students at a lower cost by UHS each fall)
Bacterial infection, caused by contaminated food or water
Viral infection
Parasites, which can enter the body through food or water
Food intolerance, such as the inability to digest lactose, the sugar in milk
Overuse of alcohol or laxatives
Medication, such as some antibiotics or antacids containing magnesium
Menstrual cramps
Stress or a panic attack
watery, loose stools
frequent bowel movements
cramping or pain in the abdomen, nausea, bloating
possibly fever or bloody stools, depending on the cause
Usually diarrhea will clear up on its own in a day or two, but a prolonged case may cause complications. The most
important concern is dehydration. If you have symptoms of dehydration, a fever above 102° F, bloody stools (black and
tarry), severe abdomen or rectum pain, or diarrhea lasting more than 3 days you should consult a physician. Here’s some
advice for taking care of diarrhea yourself:
Avoid foods that are milk-based, greasy, high-fiber, or very sweet because these are likely to aggravate diarrhea.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Do not eat solid food if you have signs of dehydration (thirst, light-headed, dark urine). Instead, drink about 2 cups of
clear fluids per hour (if vomiting isn’t present), such as sports drinks and broth. Water alone is not enough because your
body needs sodium and sugar to replace what it’s losing.
Avoid high sugar drinks, like apple juice, grape juice, and soda, which can pull water into the intestine and make the
diarrhea persist.
Don’t drink clear liquids exclusively for more than 24 hours.
Begin eating normal meals within 12 hours, but stick to food that is bland and won’t irritate your intestine. Some doctors
suggest the “BRAT“ diet which includes foods that are low in fiber, fat, and sugar. BRAT stands
for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast.
Use over-the-counter lactobacillus acidophilus capsules or tablets. These bacteria help maintain a healthy intestine, and
are found in yogurt with live active cultures.
Decrease level of exercise until symptoms are gone.
Over-the-counter drugs, such as Imodium A-D, should only be used if absolutely necessary because it is important to let
diarrhea flush out the bacteria or parasite that’s causing the infection.
Everyone suffers the occasional mild headache, but if you experience debilitating pain and/or abnormally frequent
headaches, you probably want to find relief. There are countless causes of headaches, which differ for each person, so
you’ll have to do some experimenting to figure out the cause of your pain. Fortunately, the vast majority of headaches
are primary headaches, not the result of underlying medical conditions. The three most common types are cluster,
tension-type, and migraine.
A cluster headache affects a specific point of the head, often the eye, and is characterized by sharp, piercing pain.
Migraine and tension-type headaches are far more common. “Tension“ headaches are now called “tension-type“
headaches because pain is not only caused by stress, but also poor posture, depression, and even sexual activity. In fact,
recent studies have shown a connection between low serotonin levels and so-called “tension“ headaches.
The cause of a headache is often elusive. Although it may seem that your head is pounding for no reason, there is always
an explanation for pain. To find out the cause of your headaches, keep a log. Write down the date and time each
headache starts and stops, the location of the pain, the nature and severity of the pain, and any factors that seem to
trigger the headaches (food, stress, menstrual cycle, medicine, etc.).
Some of the many causes of headaches:
Emotional and physical stress
Irregular sleep habits (sleeping too much or too little)
Skipping meals
Caffeine use or withdrawal
Hormonal factors, such as menstruation
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Foods with nitrates, such as hot dogs
Some medicines
Certain foods, including red wine, chocolate, aged cheeses, pickled foods, nuts, and aspartame
Changes in weather, altitude, or time zone
Just as the causes vary for each headache sufferer, so do the symptoms and severity of pain. Health professionals can
often diagnose the type of headache you suffer based on your symptoms.
Symptoms of a migraine:
pulsing or throbbing quality
begins with intense pain on one side of the head, which eventually spreads
felt on one or both sides of the head
lasts several hours
severe enough to interfere with routine activities
may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting
sometimes preceded by visual changes, such as an aura of zigzag lines or flashes of light
light and noise can make the headache worse, while sleep tends to relieve symptoms
Symptoms of a tension-type headache:
constant, dull ache
felt on both sides of the head
a feeling of squeezing or pressure
does not usually interfere with routine activities
lasts from 30 minutes to a few days
Ice pack held over the eyes or forehead
Heating pad set on low or hot shower to relax tense neck and shoulder muscles
Sleep, or at least resting in a dark room
Taking breaks from stressful situations
Regular exercise to increase endorphin levels and relax muscles. Even if you already have a headache, exercising may
relieve the pain. However, intense exercise may bring on a headache.
Occasional use of over-the-counter medicines such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin can relieve both migraine
and tension headaches. *
Prescription drugs for severe headaches
* Overuse of pain medicine can actually result in more frequent headaches. Most pain-relieving medicines used to treat
headaches can cause “analgesic rebound headaches“ if used too often.
Be aware of early symptoms so you can try to stop the headache as soon as it begins.
Don’t smoke, and if you do, quit.
Don’t skip meals.
Cut down on caffeine and alcohol (reduce caffeine intake gradually because withdrawal may cause headaches).
Stop all over-the-counter medicines and herbal remedies.
Maintain a regular eating and sleeping schedule.
Exercise regularly.
Incorporate relaxation activities into your daily routine, such as meditation, yoga, stretching exercises, and massage
Improve your posture, possibly by adjusting your workstation.
Although most headaches do not signal underlying medical problems, if your headaches change in nature or location, or
become more severe, frequent, and/or intense, you should consult your health care provider.
Seek immediate medical attention if your headaches…
Become increasingly worse, and are most painful early in the morning while you are still in bed.
Occur three or more times a week.
Begin to be accompanied by nausea or vomiting.
Occur after a head injury, especially if they get worse.
Seem to be triggered by physical exertion, such as exercise, sexual activity, or coughing.
Occur along with green or brown nasal drainage and sinus pain over the cheeks or around the eyes.
Are accompanied by dizziness, difficulty speaking, vision loss, or numbness in an arm, leg, or parts of the face.
Develop suddenly, accompanied by a fever over 101°F and are not relieved by acetaminophen or aspirin, especially if
there is pain or stiffness in the neck.
Mononucleosis is an illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is spread through saliva.
The most well known symptom of “mono“ is extreme fatigue, forcing the infected person to nap frequently. If you
experience such extreme fatigue accompanied by other symptoms, such as swollen lymph glands and spleen, sore
throat, fever, loss of appetite, and muscle aches, you may want to get tested for mono. The basis for testing whether
you have mono is the presence of antibodies produced by white blood cells. Many people infected with mono don’t get
sick, or have such mild symptoms they don’t know they have it. EBV is usually in the body 30-50 days before an infected
person develops symptoms. Surprisingly, 80-95% of adults in the US have been infected by the time they’re 40, but only
about 20% know they’ve had mono.
Mono is a virus, so antibiotics won’t help. Make sure you get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods, avoid alcohol (because
your liver may be inflamed and drinking weakens immune responses), drink plenty of fluids, take aspirin or an aspirin
substitute to reduce pain and fever, gargle salt water to relieve sore throat, and avoid strenuous activity. Because your
spleen may be swollen, it is important not to engage in contact sports which could rupture your spleen. Returning to
normal activity too quickly increases your chances of relapse.
Avoiding someone with mono can be hard because infected individuals often do not show symptoms. Because the
incubation period is so long, a person can be contagious 1-2 months before showing any symptoms, and some people
don’t show symptoms at all. Even after signs of mono have disappeared, a person may still be producing the virus. A
strong immune system, maintained by healthy diet, exercise, and adequate sleep, can help you from getting ill.
Fortunately, mono is not very contagious, and is usually only passed through intimate contact, such as kissing. [top]
Intestinal Gas
It’s natural to have gas in your digestive tract, and to pass gas regularly. In fact, everyone passes gas at least 12 times a
day, which is a combination of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. The unpleasant odor of flatus
is cause by gases (e.g. hydrogen sulfide) produced by the bacteria in the large intestine. Even though it’s natural to have
gas in your digestive tract, excessive gas can cause intense, temporary pain. People who suffer discomfort from gas in
the intestine report abdominal bloating, flatulence, and jabbing pains or cramps in the abdomen. Intestinal gas can
mimic the pain associated with real illnesses, like gallbladder disease, heart disease, and appendicitis, but be aware that
it can also signal other illnesses, such as stomach flu or food poisoning.
The best treatment for gas focuses on the cause. Although there are several over-the-counter medications that advertise
gas relief, they do not work for everyone and may have side effects. Medications that have been shown to effectively
reduce gas use simethicone, a substance that helps gas be expelled through belching or passing flatus (it does not make
gas dissolve or disappear). Activated charcoal preparations may also be helpful. While these medications are good for
short-term immediate relief, the best step for long-term comfort is to find out what causes you gas.
There are two general causes of gas: swallowed air and the breakdown of undigested foods by harmless bacteria in the
large intestine. Everyone swallows air when they eat and drink, but these activities are likely to increase the amount
Eating or drinking rapidly
Drinking through a straw
Chewing gum or eating hard candy
Food triggers vary from person to person, but the types of food that seem to cause the most problems are those that
are high in fiber or lactose. Foods that may cause gas include:
Brussels sprouts
Milk products (if you lack adequate amounts of the enzyme lactase)
Carbonated beverages
Sorbitol (artificial sweetener) and fructose (found in corn syrup)
To prevent gas:
Avoid foods that trigger gas.
Avoid swallowing excess air by not chewing gum or eating hard candy.
Take digestive enzyme supplements, such as Beano (for high-fiber foods) and lactase supplements (for milk products).
Eat only small amounts of dairy products with food, if you suspect lactose intolerance.
Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of two or three larger ones.
Eat slowly, in a relaxed setting, and chew your food thoroughly.
Take a stroll after meals. Don’t sit in a slumped position or lie down after eating.
If increasing the fiber in your diet, do so gradually
Exercise to facilitate the passage of gas through the digestive tract.