Marthan - F. Albert Cotto Teoria Del Campo Ligando
Marthan - F. Albert Cotto Teoria Del Campo Ligando
Marthan - F. Albert Cotto Teoria Del Campo Ligando
F. Albert Cotton
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Field Theory
Cambridge, Mass.
The presentation of ligand field theory in causes, but for most undergraduate courses—and cer-
the first college chemistry course cannot be said to be tainly for the introductory course—such rigor and com-
essential. If time is limited, or if the ability of the prehensiveness are unnecessary.
students and/or their interest in chemistry as a pure
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science rather than as a branch of useful knowledge are Causes of Inner Orbital Spittings
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not well above average, I believe there are many other The possibility that the degeneracy of atomic orbitals
topics which can be more profitably discussed. There will be significantly split when an ion is placed in a
is time enough in later years of the chemistry cur- chemical environment was first suggested by Bec-
riculum for those who do elect chemistry as a major querel (1) and the problem was then examined in con-
subject to tackle this aspect of it. However, in a siderable detail by Bethe {2). Bethe’s work consists
thorough sort of course, taught to a select, science- of two parts: first, in one of the earliest applications of
oriented group of students, the subject of ligand field symmetry arguments to a chemical problem, Bethe
theory might form an interesting and stimulating part. determined the qualitative nature of the orbital split-
Certainly it is an important part of the “vocabulary” tings for various important geometries. These quali-
of modern theory which teachers should know so that tative results are correct whatever the mechanism
their presentation not be erroneously simplified at any (electrostatic, or covalent, as discussed presently)
level. It is important, however, to present it in such which brings them about. For d orbitals, in several
a way as to avoid creating false impressions about
important geometrical situations, they are as follows:
the nature of ligand-to-metal bonds; this requires of the
In both octahedral and tetrahedral surroundings, the dZVl
teacher, first, an awareness and understanding of the dzz, and dvz orbitals remain equivalent, as do dx*-yz and dzs
dangers and, second, the possession of some concrete orbitals.
ideas about how to avoid them. This article presents In square surroundings, the dzi and dvz orbitals remain equiva-
an outline of ligand field theory in its present state and lent, but the dzy, dxi~yz and dzt orbitals are not equivalent to any
at an introductory level; it suggests, partly in precept others.
and partly in example, a presentation of this subject Bethe obtained these and other results by formal,
which is primarily intended to be appropriate in the group-theoretical methods, but they can also be ob-
general chemistry course, but it also raises some points tained, or at least their correctness strongly suggested,
which will be of concern to those introducing ligand
field theory to students at any level.
“Resource Papers” is a series being prepared under the
Ligand field theory can be defined as the theory of (1) sponsorship of the Advisory Council on College Chemistry
the origins and (2) the consequences of the splitting of as one of the activities of the Teaching Aids Panel. The
inner orbitals of ions by their surroundings in chemical Advisory Council on College Chemistry (AC3) is supported
compounds. In this article we shall restrict attention by the National Science Foundation. Professor Charles C.
primarily to penultimate d orbitals, i.e., the 3d orbitals Price, of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Penna. 19104, is the chairman.
for ions of the first transition series, 4d and 5d orbitals
for ions of the second and third transition series. To a Single copy reprints of this paper are being sent to
considerable degree, it is possible to deal with the two chemistry department chairmen of every U.S. institution
offering college chemistry courses and to others on the mail-
parts of ligand field theory separately; this has the im- ing list for the ACS Newsletter. Additional single copies
portant consequence that many of the significant and will be sent free to all interested individuals who make
relatively straightforward results of d-orbital splittings, request to the Editor of the ACS Newsletter:
e.g., ligand field stabilization energies, stereochemical Professor E, L. Haenisch
preferences and, of course, spectroscopic and magnetic Department of Chemistry
Wabash College
behavior, can be discussed pragmatically without neces- Crawfordsville, Indiana 47933
sarily going very far into the inherently difficult and Multiple copy orders (in lots of. 10) can be filled if
tedious question of what causes the splittings. Of accompanied by remittance of $1,50 per unit of 10 copies.
course, a truly rigorous discussion of all the conse- Orders must be addressed to Professor Haenisch, not to the
quences of inner orbital splittings could not be given Journal of Chemical Education.
without intimately interweaving an examination of the
Figure 2. Drawings showing how the dz2 orbital consists of a d32—z2 and
a dj2_v2 orbital in equal proportions.
to the six ligands, while the dxy, dxz, and dyz orbitals
are all oriented in a second way. Specifically, all those
in the first set have each of their lobes going toward a
ligand atom, while each one in the second set has each
lobe going between ligands. Thus, we get the result
mentioned above that the dxy, dxz, and dyz orbitals are
equivalent to one another, whereas the dxi~yt and dzt Figure 5. The arrangement of four ligand atoms in a square complex in
(being made up of equal parts of the equivalent pair relation to the same Cartesian coordinate system used in Figures 1 and 2.
dzt-xdzi-„z) are different from the first three, but
equivalent to one another. dxz-yi, dzz^xZ, and dzi-yi orbitals stand in another re-
Someone ia supposed to have remarked that “group theory
lationship; namely, their lobes point to the centers
of cube faces. Hence, again, we conclude that dxv,
is just organized common sense,” which is not too great an
exaggeration. dxz, dyz form one equivalent set while dxZ^y2 and dz* form
For algebraic details, Bee Cotton and Wilkinson, page a second equivalent set.
973i It is necessary to make this breakdown of the dz* orbital Finally, it can be seen that the dxz and dyz orbitals
in order to demonstrate by the pictorial argument that dz* and both have the same relationship to the ligands set at the
dx* y* are not only different from the other three, but also are
of a square in Figure 5, that both dzt-xt and
equivalent to one another. It is to be stressed, however, that the
dzi—x* and dz2-y* orbitals have no actual existence along with the
other four, since there can be only five independent nd wave The usefulness of this way of looking at a tetrahedron, for
functions. many purposes besides the present one, is worth emphasizing.
concept of purely ionic bonding. (In fact, it does not, about 90% of which lies within a sphere whose radius
as will be seen.) Using this model, it is easy to see that is about equal to half the M—F distance in an MF„
qualitatively, an electron in an orbital whose lobes complex ion or in a MF„ salt.
point at the negatively charged ligands will have a
higher electrostatic potential energy than an electron d .2 _,2
in an orbital whose lobes point between ligands. In d,2-y2 d,2
other words, the former orbital is a less stable one and eg( dxy, dxz dyz
lies higher on an energy level diagram of the usual type '2 { —:}
than does the latter orbital. Figure 6 illustrates these T
results for the octahedral, tetrahedral and planar cases. A.o At
It should be noted that for the square environment, the dx2-y2 dz2
ordering of the orbitals is not exactly fixed by the sym- {- =1 1
metry alone, but depends in certain respects (e.g., as to dxy, dxz dy dz2
whether the d# orbital lies above or below the dxy °I9
I ’28 {------~}
orbital) on the physical details. The arrangement dxz dv
shown in Figure 6 is the one believed to be correct in {- —
the ratio of A; to A0 will be 4/9. It has also been shown are cited in the bibliography. Those in Orgel, Ballhausen,
that the absolute values of A0 (or A,) can be obtained and Cotton and Wilkinson are especially recommended.
within a factor of less than two by choosing reasonable
To more deeply buried electrons of a cation, a near neighbor
anion may come closer to appearing as a point negative charge.
values for the various parameters required. Recall in this connection a basic theorem of electrostatics, due to
However, in spite of all this sort of pragmatic success, Gauss, which states that if a test charge lies completely outside
this electrostatic model is now known to be unrealistic of any charged sphere, it experiences the same force as it would
and ultimately unsatisfactory. It has been discredited if all the charge on or in the sphere were concentrated in a point
at the center of the sphere. For the rare earth ions, calcula-
both experimentally and theoretically. The experi- tions of orbital splittings using the point charge model may there-
mental evidence against it comes from a variety of fore have somewhat more physical meaning, although there is
sources all showing that electrons which are supposed evidence (5) to show that here, too, covalence plays a role. The
to be entirely in the metal ion d orbitals, according to one important situation that comes to mind in which the point
dipole model for the surroundings of a cation may be physically
realistic is in the computation of the electrostatic effect produced
When an orbital wave function is expressed in spherical by an array of ions in a crystal which lie outside of the first co-
coordinates ip(r, 0, <t>)
R(r)Q{$)®{<t>), the radial part is the R{r). ordination shell of the cation being treated. Even for second
The parameter r measures the radial distance from the origin. nearest neighbors, however, some significant covalence effect,
The angular part of the wave function is ©(0)<f>(0) which involves or orbital overlap, evidently occurs as shown by the existence of
the direction in space from the origin and depends only upon the a contact shift (6) in the nuclear resonance frequency of l70 in
angles 0 and <£. the ion pair or “outer sphere complex.”
just described are correct. For instance, for the d6 (Sc2+ is in parentheses because it has not actually been
configuration of Co3+, data from spectra of the gaseous obtained in an ordinary chemical compound) we
ion lead to a value of about 50 kcal/mole for the pairing expect a fairly smooth variation of the bond energies
energy. For [CoF6]3~, the A0 value is only about 37 from the d° to the d10 ion for the complexes or com-
kcal/mole, while in [CO(NH3)6]3 + A0 is about 66 pounds with a particular ligand or anion. This is
kcal/mole. In agreement with these facts, [CoFe j3~ because we expect a fairly smooth variation in the
has four unpaired electrons, while [Co(NH3)6]3+ has energy of each type of orbital and hence of the over-
none. For the d6 configuration in the Fe2+ ion, the all energy of formation, provided all the orbitals are
pairing energy is about 40 kcal/mole, while the A0 either equally occupied in each case or the population
value in [Fe(NH3)«]2+ is only about 35 kcal/mole. increases uniformly. Now for all the orbitals except
Therefore [Fe(NH3)e]2+ unlike [Co(NH/jGl3+ should the d orbitals, the populations are constant throughout
have the high-spin configuration with four unpaired such a series. For the d orbitals, the total population
electrons, and it does. increases steadily, but in the ligand field, there are two
different sets of d orbitals (or d-like orbitals) whose
Ligand Field Stabilization Energies separate populations do not increase uniformly. The
The fact that for most of the dn configurations the ea population goes from 0 to 4 and if the increase were
electrons do not occupy all five orbitals with equal uniform, there would be a change of 4/™ 2/s electron
probability, but instead tend to occupy three of them at each step. Similarly, a uniform increase in the
in preference to the other two in an octahedral field population of the U_, orbitals would mean an increase
(or two in preference to the other three in a tetrahedral of 6/io 3
j electron at each step. On this basis,
one) has both energetic and structural consequences. the figures for the “uniform” e„ and populations
Some of these are sufficiently straightforward that shown in Table 1 are obtained. Below them are the
they can probably be incorporated into an introductory actual populations, as indicated in Figure 11, for the
treatment. Others, however, such as Jahn-Teller high-spin states. It is clear that for the d°, d3, and
d10 cases the “uniform” and the actual populations are
It is possible that under exceptional circumstances, the d” the same, while for all others, the “uniform” populations
configuration might become less stable than, say, a d"-1® or give a greater fraction of the total electron density
dn_1p configuration, which might have a different number of un- in less stable ec orbitals and a smaller fraction in the
paired electrons. However, no certain instance of such behavior
is actually known and it is not necessary to bring this possibility
up in an introductory treatment of ligand field theory.
See, for example, Cotton and Wilkinson, p. 582 ff.
more stable Ap orbitals. Since there are differences in mental points for the d°, d&, and dL0 ions, that is, to
the occupation of the more and less stable orbitals, the values which would be interpolated for other ions,
there are differences in the energies of the “uniform” if those ions had “uniformly” filled d-like orbitals.
and the actual configurations. This is only a first approximation, however, since there
For the d1 case, to go from the uniform to the actual are other effects, such as the non-uniform variation of
configuration, 2/s electron is transferred from the e„ ionic radii, to be discussed shortly, which must be
to the hg orbitals. There is thus a stability increase considered; these effects are not believed to be large
(energy decrease) of 2/5Ao. Again, for the d1 case, (8).
4/s electron is transferred from e„ to i2j orbitals, caus- Similar results are obtained for lattice energies and
ing an increase of 4/5A0 in the stability. The stability for the energies of other processes where complexes
differences so obtained for all the dn ions are listed, are formed; see George and McClure for general
in units of A0 for each ion, in Table 2. background and reference (9) for some more recent
results. By reasoning analogous to that embodied
Table 2. Ligand Field Stabilization Energies in Octahedral in Table 1, the LFSE’s for tetrahedral complexes can
and Tetrahedral Ligand Fields be deduced. These are also given in Table 2.
No. of --LFSE--.
electrons Oct Tetra
0 0 0
1 2A A0 8A A,
2 Vs Ao Vs A*
3 6A Ao 4A Af
4 Vs Ao Ys A,
5 0 0
6 Vs Ao Vs Aj
7 Vs Ao ‘A
8 Vs Ao A Ai
9 Vs Ao 7s A,
10 0 0
A, is generally ^ l/* Ao for a given ion with common ligands.
-Visible Region
Wave -
Lengt h , A ng s troms
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 1200
Frequency, cm*
Figure 1 4. The visible absorption spectrum of [TitHaOlfl]3 +.
approximation, or as a half truth which further study (8) Hush, N. S., and Pryce, N. H. L., J. Chem. Phys., 28,
would not contradict, but merely qualify and enlarge 244(1958).
upon, I believe that most teachers at some time find it (9) Blake, A. B., and Cotton, F. A., Inorg. C'hem., 3, 5
necessary to use the general approach of beginning a