Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - R. Gillespie, P. Popelier (Oxford, 2001) WW PDF
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - R. Gillespie, P. Popelier (Oxford, 2001) WW PDF
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - R. Gillespie, P. Popelier (Oxford, 2001) WW PDF
541.224-dc21 00-025404
Cover Illustration: Representations of the SCl z molecule. Center: Surfaces of the function
L = - VZ p for L = 0 au (blue) and L = 0.60 au (orange). The L = 0.60 surface shows the
charge concentations corresponding to the lone pairs on the sulfur atom and torodial charge
concentrations on each chlorine atom (see also Figure 7.5). Top left: The Lewis Structure.
Top right: The VESPR model. Bottom left: Contour map of the electron density. Bottom
right: Contour map of L.