Stress Relaxation
Stress Relaxation
Stress Relaxation
Keywords: The complex thermal histories in additive manufacturing (AM) of metals result in the presence of residual
Inconel 625 stresses in the fabricated components. The amount of residual stress accumulated during AM depends on the
Stress relaxation high temperature constitutive behavior of the material. The rapid solidification and repeated thermal cycles with
Neutron diffraction each laser pass result in material contraction, and subject the surrounding, constrained material to both elevated
Additive manufacturing
temperatures and internal stresses, providing driving forces for stress relaxation. In this study, the stress re-
laxation behavior and mechanisms of conventionally processed and additively manufactured Inconel 625 (CP-
IN625 and AM-IN625) at 600 °C and 700 °C were investigated via compression tests up to an engineering strain
of 9% with in situ neutron diffraction characterization. The stress decayed to a plateau stress equivalent to 18%
of the peak stress in CP-IN625 and 16% in AM-IN625 at 600 °C, and 39% in CP-IN625 and 44% in AM-IN625 at
700 °C. At the same temperature, the stress relaxation rate in AM-IN625 was twice as high as that in CP-IN625,
and the magnitude of the plateau stress in AM-IN625 was slightly lower than that in CP-IN625, as the textured
AM-IN625 had much larger grains than the texture-free CP-IN625. The stress relaxation in CP- and AM-IN625
was deduced to be controlled by dislocation glide and climb, where dislocations interact with grain boundaries,
solute atoms, and secondary phases. The stress relaxation constitutive behavior reported here is a necessary
input for the development of accurate thermomechanical models used to predict and minimize residual stresses
and distortion in AM, as well as to predict the stress relaxation behavior of Inconel 625 in high temperature
structural applications.
1. Introduction deposited layer, and powder feedstock is delivered to the melt pool. As
the laser advances to continue depositing the layer, the melt pool ra-
Nickel-base superalloys (e.g., Inconel 625 and Inconel 718) are pidly solidifies and fuses to the layer below [7–9].
widely used in aerospace, marine, and petrochemical applications due During deposition, as subsequent layers are added, the surrounding
to their high mechanical strength, creep resistance, and corrosion re- material is subjected to thermal cycling with each additional laser pass.
sistance at elevated temperatures [1–3]. However, fabricating complex The material in the component being fabricated acts as a constraint,
components from nickel-base superalloys using traditional subtractive resulting in the generation of internal stresses during deposition
machining can be expensive, as the hard nickel-base superalloys wear [10–12]. The extent to which these stresses are relieved during fabri-
out machine tools easily. In addition, given the high cost of nickel-base cation depends on the stress magnitude and temperature as a function
superalloys, it is of interest to use additive manufacturing (AM) to of time at each point within the component during fabrication, and the
fabricate near net-shape components with minimal waste of material corresponding stress relaxation behavior [13]. Thermomechanical
[4–6]. In powder-based directed energy deposition (DED) AM with a modeling can be used to predict residual stresses that develop during
laser heat source, a laser beam melts the substrate or previously AM, as well as to optimize build parameters to minimize distortion in
This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States Government retains and the
publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or
reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of
federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan (
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.M. Beese).
Received 11 July 2017; Received in revised form 26 October 2017; Accepted 13 December 2017
Available online 15 December 2017
0921-5093/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 714 (2018) 75–83
Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 714 (2018) 75–83
Table 1
Test parameters for stress relaxation tests.
about 18% of the stress was relieved at 600 °C and 39% was relieved at
700 °C by the time the stress plateaued. In AM-IN625, about 16% of the
stress was relieved at 600 °C and 44% was relieved at 700 °C when the
stress plateaued. At the same temperature and applied strain, AM-
IN625 had lower peak and plateau stresses than CP-IN625. In the same
material, the peak and plateau stresses decreased as the temperature
Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 714 (2018) 75–83
〈311〉 and 〈200〉 directions were the same, indicating no load or stress
transfer between these grains.
In order to examine any load transfer between grains, the relative
difference between lattice stresses, χi, at a given time, ti, was computed
σhkl, ti − σh′k′l′, ti
χi =
(σhkl, ti + σh′k′l′, ti )/2 (2)
Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 714 (2018) 75–83
both CP- and AM-IN625 is controlled by dislocation glide and climb. minor axes parallel to the load direction. Therefore, if considering
Solute atoms, molybdenum and niobium, in the γ matrix in Inconel 625 compression along the length of the wall, the relevant grain dimension
introduce a frictional force that impedes gliding dislocations, and an along which dislocations may travel before encountering a grain
atmosphere that provides a dragging effect on climbing dislocations boundary is the minor axis. A histogram of the length of minor axes in
[41,42]. Secondary phases, including carbides, nitrides, and Laves AM-IN625 and grain diameter in CP-IN625 measured by EBSD are
phase, are also dispersed in the γ matrix in Inconel 625 [4,5,22–24], as given in Fig. 9. These show that the additively manufactured material
shown in Fig. 8. These features serve as obstacles to block dislocation had much larger grains with a larger grain size distribution than the CP-
glide and climb [42,43]. Therefore, secondary phases, solute atoms, as IN625. The average value for the minor axes in AM-IN625 was 53 µm
well as grain boundaries impede dislocation motion, which decreases with a maximum value of 187 µm, while the average grain diameter in
the rate of stress relaxation. CP-IN625 was 25 µm with a maximum value of 53 µm. Therefore, the
The higher rate of stress relaxation in AM-IN625 versus CP-IN625 number of grain boundaries that dislocations will eventually run into in
can be partially attributed to different grain size/morphology in these CP-IN625 is significantly higher than that in AM-IN625, meaning grain
differently processed materials. The AM-IN625 contained elongated size strengthening may contribute to the slower stress relaxation in CP-
grains oriented along the build direction, while CP-IN625 contained IN625 relative to AM-IN625.
smaller equiaxed grains [1]. By approximating the grains in AM-IN625 Additionally, the stress as a function of time was higher in CP-IN625
as elliptical, the grain morphology can be described by the aspect ratio, than AM-IN625 because the latter had a strong 〈100〉 texture along the
defined as the ratio of the major to minor axis of the grain, so that an loading axis. This texture, as indicated by electron backscatter diffrac-
equiaxed grain has an aspect ratio of 1 [44]. The major axes of the tion (EBSD; Oxford Nordlys Max2) measurements [1], led to texture
elliptical grains were roughly parallel to the build direction, with the softening in the additively manufactured material compared to the
Table 2
Parameters for the standard linear solid model of stress relaxation in conventionally processed and additively manufactured Inconel 625 at 600 °C and 700 °C.
Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 714 (2018) 75–83
Table 3
Lattice stress relaxation rates in grains with plane normals along the 〈311〉, 〈220〉, 〈200〉, and 〈111〉 directions in conventionally processed and additively manufactured Inconel 625 at
600 °C and 700 °C. The rates for lattice stresses in grains with plane normals along the 〈111〉 direction in additively manufactured Inconel 625 are not computed due to significant scatter.
texture-free conventionally processed counterpart [45]. relaxation rate increased, and the peak and plateau stresses de-
creased, for the same applied strain, in both conventionally pro-
5. Summary and conclusions cessed and additively manufactured Inconel 625.
• At the same temperature and applied strain, additively manu-
In this work, high temperature stress relaxation behavior of addi- factured Inconel 625 had a higher stress relaxation rate and lower
tively manufactured and conventionally processed Inconel 625 was peak and plateau stresses than conventionally processed Inconel
investigated at macro- and micro-scales by performing compression 625, due to different texture and grain sizes in these two materials.
tests with in situ neutron diffraction. The primary findings are as fol- • At 600 °C and 700 °C, the stress relaxation in additively manu-
lows: factured and conventionally processed Inconel 625 was found to not
result from load transfer between differently oriented grains in the γ
• The macroscopic stress and hkl-specific lattice stresses in con- phase. It is concluded that stress relaxation is primarily controlled
ventionally processed and additively manufactured Inconel 625 by dislocation glide and climb.
decreased exponentially and reached a steady state after 150 min at • With an applied compressive engineering strain of 9%, in additively
600 °C and 120 min at 700 °C. As temperature increased, the stress manufactured Inconel 625, 16% of the resulting stress was relieved
Fig. 6. Full width at half maximum (FWHM) of grains with plane normals along the (a) 〈311〉, (b) 〈220〉, and (c) 〈200〉 directions versus time in conventionally processed Inconel 625
during stress relaxation at 700 °C.
Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 714 (2018) 75–83
Fig. 7. Full width at half maximum (FWHM) of grains with plane normals along the (a) 〈311〉, (b) 〈220〉, and (c) 〈200〉 directions versus time in additively manufactured Inconel 625
during stress relaxation at 700 °C.
at 600 °C and 44% was relieved at 700 °C by the time the stress capture the stress relaxation behavior of Inconel 625. It can be used
plateaued. With the same applied strain in conventionally processed in future thermomechanical models to predict and mitigate residual
Inconel 625, 18% of the resulting stress was relieved at 600 °C and stresses and distortion in additively manufactured components. In
39% was relieved at 700 °C by the time the stress plateaued. addition, the model can be used to predict stress relaxation behavior
• The calibrated standard linear solid rheological model is able to of Inconel 625 in high temperature structural applications.
Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 714 (2018) 75–83
Z. Wang et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 714 (2018) 75–83
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