HPA - 4 - Nickel-Based Superalloys
HPA - 4 - Nickel-Based Superalloys
HPA - 4 - Nickel-Based Superalloys
characterization of
based alloys
Transfer rolls
Heat treating trays
Centrifugally cast tubes
Rails for walking beam furnaces
Die blocks
Nuts and bolts
Corrosion resistance tool bits
Single crystal turbine blades
Nickel-based superalloy TMS82 during the early
stages of primary creep showing andislocation ribbon
passing through both precipitates and matrix.
Mechanical Properties and
Over the last 50 years turbine entry temperatures
(TET`s) have risen from 800ºC to 1600ºC. Materials
developments in all turbine components, are critical
to achieving this, but engine designers are looking for
a TET of 1800ºC to increase engine efficiency and
reduce environmental impact.
We focus on understanding the fundamental
mechanisms determining the mechanical properties of
turbine materials and use this to produce tools and
strategies for materials development and life
Alloy development of fourth-generation
single-crystal alloys
per year.
Tests to estimate the effects of air versus inert
environments on creep resistance were also initiated.
The results of single tests in air at 1-atm pressure and
in helium at slightly above 1 atm at 820o and 920oC
are compared in the following graphs. Creep
progressed as fast or even faster in helium than in air
at 820o and 920oC.
The creep tests in air reasonably approximate
response in helium to low creep strain levels near 0.1
percent, but not at high strains. More tests are needed
for confirmation, but this suggests that there may be
no improvement in creep resistance due to the inert
environment .
Comparison of creep
response in air versus
helium. Top: 820oC.
Bottom: 920oC.
The new nickel-base
alloys represent a major
departure from previous
alloy design practices used
in industry for single-crystal
superalloys. Advances in
past superalloy development
for turbine blade
applications have been
accomplished with continued
increases in the refractory Measured densities of new
metal content, which
low-density superalloys
significantly increase alloy
density. High alloy densities compared with previously
have limited the use of the developed superalloys. The
advanced superalloys to most creep resistant, low-
specialized applications. density alloys are shown
here for comparison
INCOLOY® Alloys ,
MONEL® Alloys ,
NIMONIC® Alloys ,
Nickel/DURANICKEL® Alloys ,