Composites: Part B: P. Nali, E. Carrera
Composites: Part B: P. Nali, E. Carrera
Composites: Part B: P. Nali, E. Carrera
Composites: Part B
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Article history: This paper is devoted to the most popular failure criteria which are employed in the design and analysis
Received 15 March 2011 of anisotropic materials/layered plates. In-plane stress (or strain) states are considered and both classical
Received in revised form 16 June 2011 and advanced criteria are illustrated and compared. The advantages and disadvantages of different
Accepted 21 June 2011
approaches are discussed through FEM numerical results, by referring to composite material data cur-
Available online 25 June 2011
rently employed. Layer-wise plate models are adopted to provide quasi three-dimensional stress field
and to limit the error of modeling. Failure envelopes emphasizing the in-plane shear influence in the case
of biaxial traction/compression are proposed. The maximum strain, maximum stress, Tsai–Wu, Tsai–Hill,
A. Layered structures
C. Damage mechanics
Hashin and LaRC03 failure criteria are described and compared for various benchmark problems.
C. Laminate mechanics Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction valid today: material properties are usually considered at the mac-
roscale level through material homogenization, while microscale
It is an established fact that further advances in the use of lam- investigations require modeling fibers/matrix interfaces, leading
inated composites are subordinate to a better understanding of to extremely heavy computations. It follows that the calculation
their failure mechanisms. On the other hand, the analysis and sim- of the failure initiation in laminated composite structures is a very
ulation of the failure of composite laminated structures are quite challenging task and it is far from being totally solved.
cumbersome tasks. As anticipated by Hoffman [1], who accounted Extensive use of experiments is made in most advanced com-
for differences in tensile and compressive strength, the failure posite constructions. Quite expensive test campaigns have been
mechanisms are very different from those of traditional metallic conducted for composite made parts of aircrafts such as the A350
structures. The combination of various interfaces (fibers, matrix, or B787. Due to intrinsic tailoring, anisotropy and lay-out, the
layers) at a macro scale level requires a local dedicated analysis number of necessary experiments has increased remarkably with
to establish the initiation of failure mechanisms of a fiber, a crack respect to traditional metallic structures. Uncertainties could play
in the matrix or a delamination between two different layers. a predominant role in both experiments and analyses. In fact, many
As written by Tsai and Hahn [2], the ‘‘analysis of properties of additional sources of uncertainties arise, such as angle of fiber ori-
composite laminates is in general performed at three different levels entation, ply thickness, and mechanical/thermal/electric properties
of sophistication. At the first level, which is commonly called the of the lamina (fiber and matrix). It is also confirmed that the full
micromechanics approach, lamina properties are predicted in terms utilization of composites in the transportation industry is limited
of constituent properties. At the intermediate level, the lamina proper- mostly by matrix and/or interface failure rather than by fiber fail-
ties are determined experimentally and then used to predict the ure [2].
laminate properties in conjunction with an appropriate macromechanics Due to the above mentioned complicating effects, various Reg-
analysis such as the laminated plate theory. The last level is reserved ulation Authorities have introduced strict safety rules and regula-
for direct characterization of experimentally-determined laminate tions for the design and use of composite materials. Although
properties. For most current structural applications, a combination thousands of contributions are already available in literature, it ap-
of the last two levels is employed; that is design starts at the interme- pears mandatory that years to come should be devoted to a better
diate level. . .’’. In engineering practice, the above concept is still understanding of the above mentioned topics.
In the works by Hashin and Rotem [3], for the first time the fail-
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Department of Aeronautics and Space Engi- ure of laminated composites has been attributed to different phys-
neering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino, Italy. ical phenomena: fiber-dominated and matrix-dominated failure
Tel.: +39 011 546 6869; fax: +39 011 564 6899. modes [3,4]. This approach has been further extended by Puck
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Nali). and Schuermann [5,6] by addressing matrix compression failure
1359-8368/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Nali, E. Carrera / Composites: Part B 43 (2012) 280–289 281
with a model based on the Mohr–Coulomb criterion. The World stresses (or strain) components. Maximum strain and maximum
Wide Failure Exercise (WWFE), conceived and conducted by Soden stress criteria [21] belong to this group. In the remaining criteria,
and co-workers [7–10] and Puck and Schuermann [5,6] provided the failure in one direction may be sensitive to loads along other
an exhaustive assessment of the theoretical methods for predicting directions (including shear). This last group can be divided into
material initial failure in Fiber Reinforced Polymer composites the following two subgroups.
(FRP). The WWFE indicated the Puck failure criterion as one of
the most effective, the predicted failure envelopes being in good Criteria proposing one single inequality to define the failure
correlation with the test results [6]. In any case, it should be under- envelope.
lined that, even when analyzing simple laminates that have been Criteria proposing a combination of interactive and non-inter-
extensively studied and tested, the predictions of most theories active conditions.
differ significantly from the experimental observations [9]. After
WWFE, NASA Langley Research Center revisited existing failure The Hoffman [1], Tsai–Wu [22], Liu–Tsai [23] and Tsai–Hill
theories in order to identify the most accurate models and, when [24,25] are quadratic criteria and they belong to the first group,
possible, introduce some enhancements [11,12]. The result of this while the Hashin and Rotem [3], Hashin [4], Puck and Schuermann
activity is the criterion named LaRC03 [11] which can be employed [5,6] and LaRC03 [11] criteria pertain to the second. The latter are
in order to predict the initial failure of FRP laminated panels with considered phenomenological approaches since they aim to distin-
in-plane stress states. LaRC03 is inspired by Puck’s fundamental guish between different failure mechanisms. For example, accord-
assumption of a fragile fracture for the matrix failure in compres- ing to the Puck approach, the failure stress in the fiber direction is
sion and consequently implements the action plane concept [5,6], independent of loads along other directions, while shear and trans-
according to the Mohr–Coulomb theory. Concerning tensile matrix verse failure stresses take into account interactions [11].
cracking, LaRC03 is associated with Dvorak’s fracture mechanics For a fixed case-study, a Failure Index (FI) corresponds to each
approach [13], making use of the energy release rates associated failure criteria. An FI exceeding the unitary value means that fail-
with intralaminar crack propagation. Several assessments con- ure occurs, according to the applied criterion. In the following sec-
firmed the good agreement between the LaRC03 and Puck results tions, the analytical definition of the most popular two-
[11]. Subsequently, the LaRC04 criterion [14–18] was defined by dimensional failure criteria is proposed.
extending the approach to three-dimensional stress states. In pa-
per [19] the reader can find an exhaustive and detailed critical re- 2.1. Maximum stress and maximum strain criteria
view of the state of the art in composite failure theories, together
with a consistent number of references on this subject. Maximum stress criterion does not consider any interaction be-
Three-dimensional failure criteria are not included in the tween different stress components. The failure occurs when the
assessment proposed hereafter. This is due to the fact that, dealing stress in any direction exceeds the stress associated to the failure.
with layered composite panels, significant result enhancements If the cartesian material reference system is considered and fibers
are rarely obtained trough the inclusion of the three-dimensional are taken parallel to axis 1, the conditions for failure can be stated
stress state in the model. Moreover, for the sake of consistency, as:
the authors aim to propose assessments and comparisons among
failure criteria belonging to the same class. r11 P X T or r11 6 X C ; ð1Þ
In the next section, a brief overview of most popular two- r22 P Y T or r22 6 Y C ; ð2Þ
dimensional failure criteria for anisotropic materials, including
s12 P SL ; ð3Þ
the LaRC03, is given. The accuracy of various approaches is quanti-
fied by referring to experimental data. Additional comparisons are where r11, r22 and s12 are the two in-plane normal stresses and the
proposed in order to identify some load cases and stacking se- in-plane shear stress, in the same order. XT and XC are respectively
quences for which different failure criteria give rather distinct pre- the material strength in the fiber direction under tension and com-
dictions. The consequent scatter of results is commented on by pression (longitudinal tensile and compressive strengths). YT and YC
referring to the assumptions made in each criterion and suggesting are respectively the material strength normal to the fiber direction
the most reasonable approach. under tension and compression (transverse tensile and compressive
strengths). SL is the longitudinal shear strength.
The FI can be obtained as:
2. Brief overview of failure criteria
r11 r22 s12
FI ¼ MAX ; ; L
; ð4Þ
The homogeneous material strengths parameters are typically
established by test prediction in principal material directions. being X = XT or X = XC if r11 P 0 or r11 < 0, respectively and Y = YT
Plates and panels are easily subjected to in-plane multiaxial stress or Y = YC if r22 P 0 or r22 < 0, in the same order.
states during service and, depending on the stacking sequence, the The maximum strain criterion is obtained following the same
in-plane shear stress may play a significant role in the failure. A approach as for the maximum stress criterion, but considering cor-
number of failure criteria have been formulated in order to predict responding strains in the conditions for failure:
failure loads under arbitrary stress states. According to the classi-
fication proposed in Ref. [20], they can be grouped into two main 11 P T11 or 11 6 C11 ; ð5Þ
groups. 22 P T22 or 22 6 C22 ; ð6Þ
c12 P c 12 ; ð7Þ
Failure criteria neglecting interactions between different stress
components. where 11, 22 and c12 are the two in-plane normal strains and the
Failure criteria considering interactions between different in-plane shear strain, in the same order. T11 and C11 are respectively
stress components. the longitudinal tensile and compressive failure strain. T22 and C22
are respectively the transverse tensile and compressive failure
Criteria belonging to the first group are the simplest and they strain. cL12 is the in-plane shear failure strain.
usually propose one inequality for each one of the three in-plane In this case the FI is the following:
282 P. Nali, E. Carrera / Composites: Part B 43 (2012) 280–289
11 22 c12
FI ¼ MAX ; ; ; ð8Þ
11 22 cL12
LF ¼ jL; ð9Þ
where j = 1/FI.
Fig. 1 gives an example of failure envelope of maximum stress
and maximum strain criteria. Shear stress/strain interactions are
neglected in both approaches [21]. It can be noticed that the enve-
lope related to the maximum stress criterion can be obtained from
the plot related to the maximum strain criterion through the linear Fig. 2. Tsai–Hill envelopes.
transformation expressed by Hooke’s matrix. Nevertheless, since
failure stress and strain parameters are both obtained by testing,
this mathematical relation could not be rigorously satisfied in 2.3. Tsai–Wu criterion
The Tsai–Wu criterion was not derived from a physical basis,
but it was formulated in order to fit experimental results [22,23].
2.2. Tsai–Hill criterion It is an interactive approach considering in-plane shear stress ef-
fects. The failure condition is expressed by the following
The Tsai–Hill criterion was formulated by referring to distor- inequality:
tional energy [24,25] and is thus an interactive criterion that takes
into account the effect of the in-plane shear stress. A11 r211 þ 2A12 r11 r22 þ A22 r222 þ A66 s212 þ B1 r11 þ B2 r22 P 1; ð12Þ
The condition for failure is given by the following inequality:
r 2 r 2 2
11 r11 r22 22 s12 1
þ þ P 1; ð10Þ A11 ¼ ;
A12 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;
where the failure parameters X and Y depend on the considered 2 XT XC Y T Y C
quadrant of the coordinate plane, being X = XT or X = XC if r11 P 0 1
or r11 < 0, respectively and Y = YT or Y = YC if r22 P 0 or r22 < 0, in A22 ¼ T C ;
the same order. Tsai–Hill FI is given by the expression in Eq. (10). 1
The failure load corresponding to the Tsai–Hill criterion can be A66 ¼ L L ;
computed as:
1 1
B1 ¼ T C ;
LF ¼ jL; ð11Þ X X
1 1
pffiffiffiffi B2 ¼ T C :
where j ¼ 1= FI. Y Y
An example of corresponding failure envelopes with varying s12 The expression given for A12 can be found in the work of Reddy [21].
is given in Fig. 2, where it can be noticed that the semimajor and Nevertheless, the A12 coefficient is often obtained/corrected by
semiminor axes of the four ellipses composing the plots are re- biaxial tests of laminae [25,23]. The Tsai–Wu FI is given by the
duced by the in-plane shear stress. expression in Eq. (12).
The failure load corresponding to the Tsai–Wu criterion is:
LF ¼ jL; ð13Þ
0 1
B 2 C
j ¼ MINB
@ ffiC
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi A:
2 2
B1 r11 B2 r22 4A11 þ B1 r11 þ 2ð4A12 þ B1 B2 Þr11 r22 þ 4A22 þ B2 r22 þ 4A66 s12
2 2 2
2 2
r11 s12 Matrix cracking for tension ðr22 P 0Þ :
Fiber failure for tension ðr11 P 0Þ : þ P 1: ð16Þ
XT SL ! !2 !2
r22 r22 s12
ð1 gÞ þg þ P 1; ð20Þ
r11 Y Tis Y Tis SLis
Fiber failure for compression ðr11 < 0Þ : C
P 1: ð17Þ
T where g ¼ GGIIcIc ðLÞ is the toughness ratio, and (L) stands for the Longi-
S is the transverse shear strength which is very difficult to measure ðLÞ
tudinal direction. GIc and GIIc are the components of the fracture
experimentally. Work [11] suggests the following analytical
toughness G pertaining to the two modes of energy release during
the crack propagation. Although GIc and GIIc can be measured from
cosðaÞ standard fracture mechanics tests, a formulation for calculating
ST ¼ Y C cosðaÞ sinðaÞ þ ; ð18Þ
tanð2aÞ these coefficients was proposed by Dvorak and Laws [13]. A more
simple formula can be used for thin embedded plies [11]:
where a is the angle of the fracture plane introduced by Puck and
Schuermann [5,6] and subsequently adopted in the LaRC03 criterion
[11]. As written in work [11], ‘‘Puck determined that the matrix
failures dominated by in-plane shear occur in a plane that is normal
to the ply and parallel to the fibers (a = 0°). For increasing the amounts
of transverse compression, the angle of the fracture plane a changes to
about 40°, and increases with compression to 53° ± 2° for pure trans-
verse compression’’. The angle of the fracture plane a is illustrated
in Fig. 4. Hashin’s FI is given by the highest value among the expres-
sions in Eqs. (14)–(37).
The failure load corresponding to the Hashin’s criterion is given
LF ¼ jL; ð19Þ
The angle of the fracture plane a stays between 0° and 90°. smL
and smT
eff can be obtained through Mohr’s circle [11]:
smT m T
eff ¼ hr22 cosðaÞ½sinðaÞ g cosðaÞi; ð30Þ
seff ¼ cosðaÞ s12 þ g r22 cosðaÞ ;
mL L m
where t is the ply thickness. Failure for fiber compression (r22 < 0):
In the case of thick plates, the following formulae can be used: * +
pffiffiffi sm þ gL rm
12 22
Y Tis ¼ 1:12 2Y T ; ð24Þ P 1: ð38Þ
pffiffiffi SLis
SLis ¼ 2SL : ð25Þ
Failure for fiber compression (r22 P 0):
Matrix cracking for compression (r22 < 0 and r11 < Y ): ! !2 !2
!2 !2 rm22 rm22 sm12
s mT
s mT ð1 gÞ þg þ P 1: ð39Þ
P 1: ð26Þ Y Tis Y Tis SLis
S SLis
The LaRC03 FI is given by the highest value among the expressions
s mL
and smT
eff eff are the effective shear stresses for a generic angle of in Eqs. (20), (26), (34), (37)–(39).
fracture plane a, in the misalignment coordinate frame m. The coor- The failure load corresponding to the LaRC03 criterion can be
dinate frame m is obtained by rotating the material reference sys- obtained by following the procedure described in Section 2.4.
tem of the angle u. The latter describes the fiber kinking Two examples of LaRC03 failure envelopes with varying s12 are
phenomenon, that is the imperfections in fiber alignment under given in Figs. 7 and 8. Envelopes in Fig. 7 are all obtained with
load. The in-plane stresses in the misalignment coordinate frame a = 0° while a is set at 53° in Fig. 8.
can be calculated as:
rm22 ¼ sin2 ðuÞr11 þ cos2 ðuÞr22 sinð2uÞs12 ; ð27Þ As suggested by Tsai and Hahn [2], judicious linear analysis
sm12 ¼ cosðuÞsinðuÞr11 þ cosðuÞsinðuÞr22 þ cosð2uÞs12 ; seems preferable to complicated nonlinear analysis when predict-
ing the initial failure of layered composite panels. In accordance
with this, linear static analyses are addressed in this work and this
js12 j þ ðG12 X C ÞuC allow us to deal with a minor number of varying parameters,
u¼ ; ð28Þ focusing our attention on the peculiarities of the failure criteria
G12 þ r11 r22
considered. Problems are solved in MUL2 academic code through
and where the total misalignment angle for the case of axial com- the Finite Element Method (FEM). The penalty technique is applied
pression loading uC is: in order to impose the boundary conditions to the FEM model.
0 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
L L 1
B1 1 4 XisC þ gL XisC C 3.1. Considerations about failure envelopes
uC ¼ tan1 B
@ L
A ð29Þ
2 XisC þ gL The failure envelopes presented in this paper are obtained by
seeking the combinations of in-plane stresses leading to unitary
gL is introduced below through Eq. (33). FI. For this purpose, a dedicated routine able to process the
P. Nali, E. Carrera / Composites: Part B 43 (2012) 280–289 285
Table 1
AS4/3502 material properties.
Table 2
AS4/3502 failure coefficients.
XT (MPa) 1730
XC (MPa) 1045
YT (MPa) 66.5
YC (MPa) 255
SL (MPa) 95.1
T11 (–) 0.0138
Fig. 7. LaRC03 envelopes with a = 0°. C11 (–) 0.01175
T22 (–) 0.00436
C22 (–) 0.002
cL12 (–) 0.002
Fig. 11. Comparison among failure envelopes and WWFE test data for unidirec-
3.2. Convergence study tional composite E-Glass/LY556.
Table 3
The remaining criteria are quite acceptable, even if some differ-
Convergence study: rxx (MPa) at the plate point x ¼ 0; y ¼ 2b ; z ¼ 0 – computations ences can be detected for small lamination angles and around
performed with different kinematic descriptions and with n n uniform meshes.
h = 65°.
FEs 44 88 12 12 16 16 Fig. 14b gives the same curves as Fig. 14a, with compressive
Q4-FSDT 0.88936 0.77756 0.77276 0.77416 loading along the y-direction (uniform pressure loading applied
Q4-LW1 0.88153 0.76775 0.76240 0.76238 only on edge 4 and clamp condition imposed only on edge 2).
Q4-LW2 0.88418 0.77027 0.77005 0.77654 Although the plate is slightly rectangular, it is certainly worth
Q4-LW3 0.88341 0.76901 0.76616 0.76930
Q4-LW4 0.88440 0.76860 0.76496 0.76818
pointing out the symmetrical trend of Fig. 14b and a.
Fig. 15a gives the failure results for the case of tensile loading
along the y-direction (uniform pressure loading applied only on
edge 4 and clamp condition imposed only on edge 2). Also in this
case, apart from the maximum strain criterion, a general accor-
dance is found among various failure criteria.
Fig. 15b provides the results in the case of tensile loading along
the x-direction (uniform pressure loading applied only on edge 3
and clamp condition imposed only on edge 1), confirming a strong
symmetry with Fig. 15a.
Fig. 14. Failure results for monoaxial compressive stress, width varying ply orientations.
288 P. Nali, E. Carrera / Composites: Part B 43 (2012) 280–289
Fig. 15. Failure results for monoaxial tensile stress, width varying ply orientations.
Fig. 16. Failure results for rxx = ryy, width varying ply orientations.
Fig. 17. Failure results for jrxxj = jryyj, width varying ply orientations.
Also in this case there is no strong agreement among the curves. In 4. Conclusions
particular, when h ranges from 20° to 50°, the plot of the maximum
strain criterion appears strongly anomalous compared with the A brief review of the most popular two-dimensional failure cri-
others. It can be noticed that the trend of Fig. 17a and b is rather teria for composite layered structures has been proposed in this
symmetrical. work. The envelopes of maximum stress, maximum strain, Tsai–Hill,
P. Nali, E. Carrera / Composites: Part B 43 (2012) 280–289 289
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