An Overview of The Porosity Classification in Carbonate Reservoirs and Their Challenges An Example of Macro Microporosity Classification From Offshore Miocene Carb

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An Overview of the Porosity Classification in Carbonate Reservoirs and Their

Challenges: An Example of Macro-Microporosity Classification from Offshore
Miocene Carbonate in Central...

Article · May 2019

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2702789


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3 authors:

Hammad Tariq Janjuhah Josep Sanjuan Girbau

American University of Beirut American University of Beirut


Mohamed K. Salah
American University of Beirut


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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering
Vol:13, No:5, 2019

An Overview of the Porosity Classification in

Carbonate Reservoirs and Their Challenges: An
Example of Macro-Microporosity Classification from
Offshore Miocene Carbonate in Central Luconia,
Hammad T. Janjuhah, Josep Sanjuan, Mohamed K. Salah
Open Science Index, Geological and Environmental Engineering Vol:13, No:5, 2019


Abstract—Biological and chemical activities in carbonates are HARACTERIZATION of carbonate reservoirs requires the
responsible for the complexity of the pore system. Primary porosity is
integration of quantitative physical parameters such as
generally of natural origin while secondary porosity is subject to
chemical reactivity through diagenetic processes. To understand the porosity and permeability. The heterogeneity of the carbonate
integrated part of hydrocarbon exploration, it is necessary to rocks is the main reason for their indecorous characterization,
understand the carbonate pore system. However, the current porosity and this has become all the more obvious as one attempts to
classification scheme is limited to adequately predict the characterize the petrophysical properties at different scales [1].
petrophysical properties of different reservoirs having various origins The great uncertainties about the petrophysical properties of
and depositional environments. Rock classification provides a carbonates are due to large variations in pore type, pore shape,
descriptive method for explaining the lithofacies but makes no
significant contribution to the application of porosity and and interconnectivity [2], [3]. Poor correlation between
permeability (poro-perm) correlation. The Central Luconia carbonate porosity and other physical properties, such as permeability
system (Malaysia) represents a good example of pore complexity (in and sonic velocity, is often encountered when using carbonate
terms of nature and origin) mainly related to diagenetic processes reservoirs [3], [4].
which have altered the original reservoir. For quantitative analysis, The province of Luconia in offshore Sarawak is a key
32 high-resolution images of each thin section were taken using
geological unit for understanding the distribution of
transmitted light microscopy. The quantification of grains, matrix,
cement, and macroporosity (pore types) was achieved using a hydrocarbon resources as it is an important hydrocarbon
petrographic analysis of thin sections and FESEM images. The point province in Malaysia. More than 200 accumulations of
counting technique was used to estimate the amount of macroporosity carbonate reefs were seismically mapped in Central Luconia,
from thin section, which was then subtracted from the total porosity of which about 65 have been tested by drilling. To date, it has
to derive the microporosity. The quantitative observation of thin been proven that 56 carbonate accumulations contain
sections revealed that the mouldic porosity (macroporosity) is the
commercial quantities of unassociated gas [5], [6]. According
dominant porosity type present, whereas the microporosity seems to
correspond to a sum of 40 to 50% of the total porosity. It has been to Janjuhah et al. [7] and Janjuhah et al. [8], these reservoirs
proven that these Miocene carbonates contain a significant amount of are usually associated with grain-rich facies types
microporosity, which significantly complicates the estimation and The purpose of this study is to provide a general review of
production of hydrocarbons. Neglecting its impact can increase classification schemes of porosity in carbonates with some
uncertainty about estimating hydrocarbon reserves. Due to the emphasis on the microporosity. The article will demonstrate
diversity of geological parameters, the application of existing
the limits of the application of the existing porosity
porosity classifications does not allow a better understanding of the
poro-perm relationship. However, the classification can be improved classification in carbonate rocks and provide an example from
by including the pore types and pore structures where they can be Miocene carbonate rocks of Central Luconia considering total
divided into macro- and microporosity. Such studies of microporosity porosity as macro and microporosity.
identification/classification represent now a major concern in
limestone reservoirs around the world. II. POROSITY CLASSIFICATION, PORE TYPES, AND THEIR
Keywords—Carbonate reservoirs, microporosity, overview of
porosity classification, reservoir characterization. Carbonate rocks have a wide range of pore sizes and often a
complex interconnection network. Concerning permeability
and velocity, porosity and other physical properties often
Hammad Tariq Janjuhah is with the Department of Geology, American
University of Beirut, Bliss Street., 1107-2020 Lebanon (corresponding author,
exhibit poor correlations. For carbonate reservoir assessment,
phone: +961-81970143; e-mail: [email protected]/ it is essential to understand the diagenetic processes that
[email protected]). modify porosity [9]-[12]. Pore structures are the main control
Josep Sanjuan and Mohamed Salah are also with the Department of
of permeability and elastic properties. Different rocks of the
Geology, American University of Beirut, Bliss Street., 1107-2020 Lebanon (e-
mail: [email protected], [email protected]). same depth with the same porosity may exhibit different

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International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering
Vol:13, No:5, 2019

permeability and acoustic velocities [13]. Many researchers

have demonstrated the influence of pore structure on the
petrophysical properties of carbonate rocks [14]-[21]. Due to
the dispute between geologists and petrophysicists, most
researchers have suggested considering a double porosity
model for the classification of pore types [13], [22]-[26].
Archie [27] first focused on the relationship between rock
structure and petrophysical properties to emphasize the
importance of pore structure in the classification of pore types.
Archie [27] classification is based on the matrix texture (Fig.
1) and pore type visibility (Fig. 2).
Open Science Index, Geological and Environmental Engineering Vol:13, No:5, 2019

Fig. 3 Classification of limestone porosity, after Choquette and Pray

Fig. 1 Micrite texture classification of carbonate rocks by Archie [27]
Lucia [20], Lucia [31] used the Dunham [32] texture
classification and the Choquette and Pray [10] classification to
account for the important geological parameters that may
reduce the uncertainty of predicting petrophysical parameters
in carbonate geological models (Fig. 4). The classification of
Lucia (1983) is based on two main classes, namely:
interparticle and vuggy pores. Lucia [20] appreciated the work
of Archie [27] and stated that the classification is still valid for
the evaluation of the petrophysical properties in the case of a
simple geological model, but is limited in providing
Fig. 2 Visible pore size classification of carbonate rocks by Archie comprehensive information on depositional and diagenetic
[27] processes. Lucia [20] also stated that both the Dunham [32]
and the Choquette and Pray [10] classifications were widely
Choquette and Pray [10] provided a particular descriptive used but neither provide a direct link to the quantitative
scheme incorporating all essential types of carbonate pores characteristics of the reservoir that are representative of the
which was widely accepted and used in the industrial and borehole environment.
academic sectors (Fig. 3). The system is divided into two main Lucia [20] attempted to bridge the gap by proposing an
genetic classifications: primary and secondary pore systems. approach defining important mappable geological parameters
Primary porosity occurs in the form of intergranular pores, for the petrophysical quantification of geological reservoir
which is also common in the terrigenous sand (clastic models. The basis of Lucia [20] classification is that the pore
deposits) [10], [28]. This is the only similarity that the size distribution controls permeability and saturation and that
carbonate pore system shares with the terrigenous sand (clastic the pore size distribution is related to the rocky tissue. The
deposits), due to the great variety and nature of the carbonate rock fabric includes texture (Dunham), grain size, pore types,
grains and the texture of the sediments, as well as the high and distribution. The texture is reduced to three components
diagenetic potential. The preservation of primary pore systems which are grain-dominated, muddy grain-dominated, and
during the conversion of sediments to limestone depends on mud-dominated (Fig. 5). The classification of the pore system
the prevailing conditions [10]. However, the majority of pores is simplified by establishing the following pore size classes:
in carbonate rocks are secondary in nature [10], [29], [30]. intraparticle, separate vugs, and vugs in contact [20].
Lønøy [24] proposed a new pore space classification using
the descriptive terminology of Lucia [20] and Choquette and

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Vol:13, No:5, 2019

Pray [10]. Lønøy [24] introduced a class of 20 pore types (Fig. grain size, as Lucia [20]. The classification is useful for
6). Lønøy [24] classification provides proper access to understanding the pore types of a small data set, but is too
sedimentological and diagenetic aspects. Lønøy [24] pointed detailed and not worth using for large data sets.
out that his classification is based on the pore size instead of
Open Science Index, Geological and Environmental Engineering Vol:13, No:5, 2019

Fig. 4 Classification of interparticle carbonate pore spaces based on grain size and sorting of grains and crystals, after Lucia [20]

Fig. 5 Geological and petrophysical classification of vuggy pore spaces based on vugs interconnection, after Lucia [20].

In summary, Archie [27] has demonstrated that to Lønøy [24] generalized the concept of microporosity and
understand the pore types one had to consider the texture of presented it in the same manner as the macroporosity
the carbonate rock. To explain the origin and development of classification is presented. The microporosity classification
porosity Choquette and Pray [10] have developed a should cover the aspect of the morphology of micrite particles,
classification of effective porosity. To fill up the gap between crystallometry, and the size of micropores.
the relationships of different pore types to petrophysical
properties of rock (e.g., permeability) Lucia [33] proposed a III. APPLICATION OF MACRO AND MICROPOROSITY
new classification scheme. However, Lucia [33] neglected the CLASSIFICATION FROM CENTRAL LUCONIA CARBONATE
importance of microporosity in his classification, while RESERVOIR
microporosity can contribute positively to improve the poro- The studied cores represent the carbonate rocks from cycles
perm correlation [34]. Lønøy [24] took the initiative by IV and V of Central Luconia, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. A
introducing the pore size in his classification to improve the total of 192 well A plugs were collected from the core to
relationship between porosity and permeability. However, measure porosity, permeability and grain density. From these

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Vol:13, No:5, 2019

central plugs, 80 thin-sections were prepared and studied petrographic images for each thin section; they are connected
under transmitted light, both qualitatively and quantitatively. as a photo panel to quantify the amount of macroporosity to
For a quantitative analysis of thin-sections into grains, matrix, reduce the uncertainty associated with the variation of the pore
cement, and visible porosity, a point counting software (J. geometries. Macroporosity includes all different types of pores
Microvision) was used by 700 shots per blade. Weger et al. (e.g., greater than 10 μm). Total porosity is calculated by
[17] introduced the Digital Image Analysis (DIA) method injecting helium under a pressure of 1800 to 2000 psi, using a
using four images as a representative of the entire thin-section poro-perm instrument developed by Vinci Technologies. The
to quantify the amount of microporosity. However, due to the microporosity was obtained by subtracting the macroporosity
limited resolution of the images, the uncertainty remains high. acquired using thin-sections from the total porosity calculated
Contrary to what was mentioned in the current study, the from the measurements of the central plug.
entire thin layer is covered with 32 high-resolution
Open Science Index, Geological and Environmental Engineering Vol:13, No:5, 2019

Fig. 6 New porosity classification of carbonate rocks proposed by Lønøy [24]

Microporosity = Total porosity (central plug) - Macroporosity porosity (Fig. 8). The presence of this microporosity is directly
(thin section) related to deposition and diagenesis. The higher the amount of
microporosity, the more the area is micritized and cemented.
They also pointed out that the well-observed pores types are On the other hand, the amount of microporosity decreases
isolated in nature. Central Luconia carbonates were heavily with more dissolution. Due to the limited resolution of
leached, resulting in the partial or complete destruction of the transmitted light microscopy, this phenomenon was also
primary rock framework, forming an enlarged isolated molded validated using FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron
porosity. Microscopy) images where the micropores were visible (Fig.
The facies scheme developed by Janjuhah et al. [35], 9). The porosity and permeability that control the performance
Janjuhah, et al. [36], which is based on eight cores covering and qualities of the reservoir are studied by considering the
roughly 70% of the Central Luconia region, is adopted for this impact of the microporosity and deducing it from the total
study. The facies scheme was established based on its porosity revealed by the fact that the microporosity has a
depositional texture and the wireline log response (Fig. 7). significant impact on the Miocene Luconian carbonates (Fig.
According to facies scheme of Janjuhah et al. [35], the Well A 10). The relationship between macroporosity and permeability
core is covered with 15% Facies 1 (coated grain packstone) represents a good fit with an increase of R² (coefficient of
followed by 40% Facies 2 (Coral (m) lime grainstone) and correlation) values compared to cross-plot of total porosity
45% Facies 4 (skeletal lime packstone) (Fig. 7). The Central verse permeability. The R² increased from 0. 45 (total porosity
Luconia core is dominated by mouldic porosity followed by vs. permeability) to 0.68.
intraparticle, interparticle, vuggy, and fracture porosity [37] It is also reported that the Miocene carbonates have
(Fig. 7). They also highlighted that the Well A observed pore experienced a long period of diagenetic modifications [38].
types are isolated in nature. Central Luconia carbonates were This long diagenetic history could lead to frequent facies
heavily leached, resulting in the partial or complete changes in the reservoir, as shown in Fig. 10. Taking into
destruction of the primary rock, forming an enlarged isolated account the pore types controlled by diagenesis can improve
molded porosity. the framework of porosity classification. The texture and
Quantification of the microporosity indicates that the lithotype of the rock can reveal the development history of
Miocene carbonates contain an appropriate amount of reservoir porosity.
microporosity, which can be the sum of 40–50% of the total

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Fig. 7 Sedimentological log showing qualitative and quantitative description of Well A including poro-perm data and different pore types in
offshore Sarawak, Central Luconia, Malaysia (after Janjuhah, et al. [35]

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Fig. 8 Relationship between microporosity and different diagenetic events observed in Well A

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Fig. 9 The observation of the various microtextures with microporsity is evident using FESEM at different depths of the reservoir interval at
Well A

IV. NEED OF NEW CLASSIFICATION SCHEME absent. Linking particle analysis with the petrophysical
Some case studies on limestone microtextures have characteristics of limestone seems to be essential for
certainly been made – mainly Clerke, et al. [39], Moshier [40], improving our current understanding of the carbonate pore
Domingo, et al. [41], Lambert, et al. [42], de Periere, et al. system. A previous step is necessary (terminologies proposed
[43] and Rahman, et al. [44] – but it is also true that study on by Choquette and Pray [10]), establishing a new classification
the integration of microporosity of limestone and microtexture scheme in which the parameters of the pore structure, as well
of micrite with their petrophysical properties are apparently as the microporosity, can be considered as an integral part of
the classification of the porosity.

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Hammad Tariq Janjuhah, PhD., Joined the Department of Geology at

American University of Beirut in August 2018 after obtaining a Ph.D. in
Petroleum Geosciences from University Technology PETRONAS, Malaysia,
in March 2018. He graduated with a Master's degree in Petroleum Geology
from University of Malaysia (Malaysia, February 2014). His thesis focused on
the problems that are missing in the guide to hydrocarbon reserves exploration
that the industry is facing today. His efforts focus on understanding carbonate
reservoirs in terms of sedimentology, microporosity, and their consequences
— relationship with petrophysical properties. During his doctoral studies,
Hammad was also involved in various industrial projects, including Sarawak
Shell Berhad and PETRONAS Berhad for four years. His research focuses on
the understanding of carbonate reservoirs by providing the appropriate facies
scheme to understand the deposition framework, the diagenetic history that
alters the quality of the reservoir by improving or destroying the pore spaces
for hydrocarbon accumulation and a cycle to identify the nature of the cycle
where the reservoir is present. The complete analysis of the microporosity in
these reservoirs provides a new quantitative method for evaluating
hydrocarbon reserves and predicting reservoir performance. In the geology
department of the American University of Beirut, Hammad is involved in
teaching and research in the field of petroleum geology. Email:
[email protected]; phone: 00961-81970143.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(5) 2019 316 ISNI:0000000091950263

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