Community Project Report Format
Community Project Report Format
Community Project Report Format
o Bibliography
Identify (state briefly) highly relevant prior knowledge (subject-specific) and /or
Gathering and organizing relevant Managing and resolving conflict Speak to others effectively
information to develop an argument or Making fair and equitable decisions Effectively communicate your needs or
point of view. Listening actively
Listening actively to
to other people’s argument
Critically evaluate sources of information. perspectives and ideas Using different forms of
Interpreting data Negotiating effectively communication e.g. e-mail, phone,
Drawing conclusions Giving and receiving meaningful feedback interview
Revising our understanding based on new Working effectively with others
information and evidence we have found Read a variety of sources for
Considering ideas from other perspectives information
Finding solutions to problems Make inferences and draw conclusions
Identifying obstacles and challenges Take effective notes
Using brainstorming and visual diagrams These are examples of each skill that Organize information logically
to come up with new ideas you may consider writing about in your
Considering multiple alternatives or report. You DO NOT write about them
solutions all. Only the ones applicable to you and
Using our existing knowledge to generate
your project.
new ideas, products or processes
Creating original works and ideas or using
existing works and ideas in new ways.
Community Project Report Writing: Getting Started
Reflecting (Criteria D)