Annurev Conmatphys 031720 032419
Annurev Conmatphys 031720 032419
Annurev Conmatphys 031720 032419
Étienne Fodor,1 Robert L. Jack,2,3
and Michael E. Cates2
Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg;
email: [email protected]
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, United Kingdom; email: [email protected], [email protected]
Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United
Active matter is a class of nonequilibrium systems whose components extract energy from the envi-
ronment to produce an autonomous motion (1–3). Examples are found in biological systems, such
as swarms of bacteria (4) and assemblies of cells (5); social systems, such as groups of animals (6)
and human crowds (7); and synthetic systems, such as vibrated polar particles (8) and catalytic
colloids (9). The combination of individual self-propulsion and interactions between individuals
can lead to collective effects without any equivalent in equilibrium. Examples include collective
directed motion, as observed in bird flocks (6), and the spontaneous formation of clusters made
of purely repulsive particles without even a depletion interaction, as reported for Janus colloids
in a fuel bath (9). To study these effects, minimal models have been proposed based on simple
dynamical rules. Some are formulated at particle level, for instance with automaton rules (10) or
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by extending Langevin dynamics (11). Others work at the coarse-grained level in terms of hydro-
dynamic fields (12, 13). The latter can be obtained systematically by coarse-graining the particle
dynamics or postulated phenomenologically. Both the microscopic and hydrodynamic approaches
have successfully reproduced experimental behavior, such as the emergence of a long-ranged polar
order, known as the flocking transition (14), and phase separation that occurs without any micro-
scopic attraction, known as motility-induced phase separation (MIPS) (15).
Although active systems evade the rules of equilibrium statistical mechanics, some works have
built a framework to predict their properties based on the partial applicability of thermodynamic
concepts beyond equilibrium. A first approach was to map some active systems onto equilibrium
ones with a similar steady state, allowing one to define effective free energies for active matter (16,
17). Other studies have extended the definitions of standard observables such as pressure (18–20),
surface tension (21, 22), and chemical potential (23, 24), hoping to establish equations of state
relating, for instance, pressure and density. Interestingly, one finds that the existence of such state
functions cannot generically be relied upon (e.g., the pressure on a wall can depend on the type
of wall) (20), highlighting the limitations of equilibrium analogies. In trying to build a thermody-
namic framework for active matter, an important challenge is then to identify regimes in which it
is possible to deploy equilibrium tools and to clearly distinguish these from genuine nonequilib-
rium regimes. In other words, how should we delineate where and when activity really matters in
the emerging phenomenology? And, most importantly, can we define a systematic, unambiguous
measure of the departure from equilibrium?
In passive systems, the steady state (Boltzmann) distribution involves the Hamiltonian that also
drives the microdynamics. This ensures thermodynamic consistency of the dynamics, which fur-
ther implies that the mechanical and thermodynamic definitions of pressure are equivalent, and
precludes (real space) steady-state currents. Although such currents offer a clear nonequilibrium
signature of activity, as observed, for instance, in collective motion (14), it is more challenging to
distinguish, say, MIPS from standard phase separation without tracking individual particle mo-
tion (15). In particular, it is not helpful to define departure from equilibrium via deviation from an
effective Boltzmann distribution in systems that are not thermodynamically consistent. Instead,
the cornerstone of modern statistical mechanics, which allows one to dissociate fundamentally
active and passive systems, is the reversibility of equilibrium dynamics (25). In a steady equilib-
rium state, forward and backward dynamics are indistinguishable, because all fluctuations exhibit
time-reversal symmetry (TRS). This constraint entails other important properties, such as the
fluctuation–dissipation theorem (FDT) (26), and the absence of dissipated heat at equilibrium.
For active systems, the irreversibility of the dynamics then stands out as the key differentiating
property that causes the violation of these and other equilibrium laws.
To quantify the breakdown of TRS, we use stochastic thermodynamics (27, 28). This frame-
work extends standard notions of thermodynamics, such as the first and second laws, to fluctuating
a b
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Time reversal
c d
Figure 1
TR for active particles (fish). Each has an orientation (head–tail axis) and moves (swims) as indicated by the
wake lines behind it. The TR operation may or may not reverse orientations. (a) Natural dynamics.
(b) Reversing orientation but not motion: fish swim tail first along their original directions. (c) Reversing
motion but not orientation: fish swim tail first, opposite to their original direction. (d) Reversing both
motion and orientation: fish swim headfirst, opposite to their original direction. The situations in panels b
and c occur with extremely low probability in the natural dynamics (requiring exceptional noise realizations).
In dilute regimes (not shown) the case in panel d is equiprobable to that shown in panel a: Individual fish
swim headfirst in both cases. For the shoals shown here, however, the case in panel d is less probable than
that in panel a, because the natural dynamics has more fish at the front of the shoal: time-reversal symmetry
is broken at a collective level even if orientations are reversed. Abbreviation: TR, time reversal.
time reversal of the positions ri is unambiguous. Writing P in terms of the reduced action Ar in
Equation 7, the time-reversed counterpart ARr reads as
a quantification of the
For the field theories of Section 2.1, defining the time-reversed dynamics requires us to choose breakdown of
the time signature of each field. This choice depends on the physical system and the phases under time-reversal
scrutiny (Section 2.4). Scalar fields associated with a local density are clearly even (13, 39), whereas symmetry via the
difference between
scalar fields schematically representing polarization (55), or stream functions for fluid flow (56), forward and backward
should generally be odd. Similarly, the vector field p can be chosen even (57) or odd (47), de- path probabilities
pending on whether it is viewed as the local orientation of particles (mean heading vector; see
Figure 1) or directly as a local velocity (12). One also has to decide which fields to retain or ig-
nore when comparing forward and backward paths. This choice is the counterpart at field level
of retaining (A) or ignoring (Ar ) the propulsive forces in a system of AOUPs. For example, in a
system with φ and p variables, one can choose whether or not to keep separate track of the density
current J alongside φ and p.
In general, there are four different versions of time-reversed dynamics of Equations 4 and 5,
provided that each one of the fields φ and p can be either odd or even. Often, though, constraints
on the time signatures of the fields restrict these choices. To ensure that the dynamics is invariant
under time reversal in the passive limit, the free energy F must be the same in forward and time-
reversed dynamics. This ensures that odd fields can only appear as even powers in F. Hence, if p
appears linearly in F, which for liquid crystal models often includes a p · φ or anchoring term,
it must be chosen even. Further constraints arise if some of the possible noise terms are set to zero
(e.g., 12) so that certain fields are deterministically enslaved to others. For instance, if φ̇ = −∇ · p
(without noise), for consistency φ and p necessarily have different signatures.
2.2.2. Distance from equilibrium: breakdown of time-reversal symmetry. For a given dy-
namics, once its time-reversed counterpart has been chosen, we can define systematically an irre-
versibility measure S as (27, 28, 40)
1 P 1
S = lim ln R = lim AR − A . 10.
t→∞ t P t→∞ t
The average · is taken over noise realizations. The limit of long trajectories gets rid of any tran-
sient relaxations to focus on steady-state fluctuations. Equation 10 is a cornerstone of stochastic
thermodynamics (27, 28, 40). It was first established in thermodynamically consistent models (40),
where S can be shown to be the entropy production rate (EPR) governing the dissipated heat (27,
28). In models in which S has this meaning, thermodynamics constrains the choice of time rever-
sal. In Section 2.3, we return to the question of how far the thermodynamic interpretation extends
to active systems. Meanwhile, S already offers an unambiguous measure of TRS breakdown in ac-
tive matter, which we refer to as informatic entropy production rate (IEPR). Because S changes
where we have again used the fact that is even. The IEPR Sr vanishes in the absence of any poten-
tial, showing that the dynamics satisfies TRS for free active particles and also for an external har-
monic potential U ∼ ri2 (35, 52). When T = 0, it reduces to Sr = τ ( i ṙi · ∇i )3U /[2(μ f0 )2 ] (35).
When (by using the full action A) one follows the dynamics of both position and self-propulsion,
the two possible IEPRs found from Equations 6, 9, and 10 are
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1 μ
S+ = ṙi · fi , S− = ∇iU · fi . 12.
T i T i
We have used the fact that 1t 0 i ṙi · ∇iU dt = U (t )−U
vanishes at large t. Substituting the ex-
pression for ṙi from Equation 1 into Equation 12 yields S + +S − = N μ f02 /T , where N is the par-
ticle number, using that self-propulsion fi and thermal noise 2μT ξ i are uncorrelated. Therefore,
in the absence of any potential U, S − vanishes identically, whereas S + remains nonzero. Indeed,
S − compares trajectories whose velocity and self-propulsion both flip on time reversal, retaining
alignment (up to thermal noise) between the two: The forward and backward dynamics are indis-
tinguishable unless potential forces intervene. In contrast, S + quantifies how different trajectories
are when particles move either along with or opposite to their self-propulsion (Figure 1), yielding
the contribution N μ f02 /T even when U = 0.
The IEPR S + is lowest (and S − highest) when the propulsive force fi balances the interaction
force −i U so that particles are almost arrested. Hence, both IEPRs are sensitive to the formation
of particle clusters, which is associated with dynamical slowing-down for isotropic particles (15),
and to formation of a polarized state for aligning particles (14). Note that S + is proportional to
the contribution of self-propulsion to pressure, known as swim pressure (19, 20). Finally, in the
presence of alignment, any dynamical interaction torques appear explicitly in S (53). We defer
further discussion on how interactions shape irreversibility, for both particle-based dynamics and
field theories, to Section 2.4.
2.3. Energetics Far from Equilibrium: Extracted Work and Dissipated Heat
A major success of stochastic thermodynamics is to extend the definition of observables from
classical thermodynamics to cases in which fluctuations cannot be neglected (27, 28, 40). Although
first proposed for thermodynamically consistent models, this approach can be extended to some
(not all) types of active matter.
2.3.1. Particle-based approach: energy transfers in microscopic dynamics. For particle dy-
namics, assuming that the potential U depends on the set of control parameters α n , the work W
produced by varying α n during a time t is (27, 28)
W= α̇n dt . 13.
0 n
∂α n
Note that W is stochastic due to the thermal noise and the self-propulsion, even though the proto-
col α n (t) is deterministic. Equation 13 relies on the precept that some external operator perturbs
In passive systems, the nonconservative force fi represents some intervention by the external op-
erator (beyond changes in U), so that the term W̄ ≡ 0 i ṙi · fi dt can be absorbed into the work
W. Then, Equation 15 is the first law of thermodynamics (FLT) (27, 28). The only possible time
reversal for passive dynamics is to choose S + in Equation 12, so that S + = Q̇/T . In this context,
S + coincides with the thermodynamic EPR due to contact of the system with the thermostat,
which connects explicitly irreversibility, entropy production, and dissipation (28). In contrast, for
active dynamics, the contribution W̄ captures the energy cost to sustain the self-propulsion of
particles (58, 59), which is generally distinct from both W and Q. When the potential is static
(α̇n = 0), S + = Q̇/T still holds, yet S + should not be interpreted as a thermodynamic EPR in
Although these considerations offer one consistent approach to the question of energy trans-
fers for active particles, several other approaches are possible. Interestingly, one alternative def-
inition of heat relies on replacing ṙi in Equation 14 by ṙi − μfi . This amounts to regarding the
self-propulsion as being caused by a locally imposed flow, with particle displacements evaluated
in the flow frame (43, 48). It yields vanishing heat in the absence of interactions, for the same
reasons as led us to zero S − in Equation
12. Also, some works addressing
heat engines (60–62)
have redefined heat by replacing 2μT ξ i in Equation14 with 2μT ξ i + μfi , thus considering
the self-propulsion fi as a noise with similar status to 2μT ξ i . This yields vanishing heat when
the potential is static (α̇n = 0) by discarding all the energy dissipated by self-propulsion, allow-
ing one to reinstate the FLT, U (t ) − U (0) = W − Q. Finally, the angular diffusion of ABPs is
as thermal. This gives an angular contribution to Q, which is proportional
often itself regarded
to 0 i θ˙i (θ˙i − 2/τ ηi )dt , which vanishes for Equation 3 but is generally nonzero when align-
ing interactions are present (59). For AOUPs, interpreting the self-propulsion dynamics in terms
of thermal damping and noise is less straightforward, although some studies have taken such a
path (41, 42, 63).
Importantly, Equation 1 does not resolve how particles convert fuel into motion. Accordingly,
Equation 14 only captures the energy dissipated by the propulsion itself, ignoring contributions
from underlying, metabolic degrees of freedom. Various schematic models describe the underlying
chemical reactions in thermodynamically consistent terms, maintaining them out of equilibrium
by holding constant the chemical potential difference between products and reactants (43, 46, 64).
For some of these models (43, 46), the time evolution of ri can be mapped into Equation 1 when
a chemical noise parameter is small (58). In this case, the difference between the partial and total
heat, found by discarding or including reactions, is a constant that is independent of the potential
U. In a more refined model, the dynamics tracks the time evolution of chemical concentration,
minimal requirement, for emergence of the FLT along the lines of Equation 15, is that F in
Equation 16 is a genuine free energy, which stems from coarse-graining only the passive con-
tributions of the microscopic dynamics. When theories are based solely on phenomenological
arguments, this thermodynamic interpretation is absent.
In some cases, an active field theory ought to allow a thermodynamic interpretation, e.g., for the
formation of membraneless organelles (65), but not when the same theory describes social systems,
e.g., the demixing of animal groups. In the latter, not only active terms but F itself originate in
behavioral rules, which do not produce any mechanical work, so that there is no meaningful FLT.
In the former, to reinstate a thermodynamic framework, one can include chemical fields describing
the fuel consumption underlying activity (57). This relies on linear irreversible thermodynamics
(LIT) (66), as previously used to illuminate particle-based dynamics (64). LIT postulates linear
relations between thermodynamic fluxes and forces, whose product determines the heat Q. A class
of active gel models was indeed first formulated in this way (67, 68). In contrast, the field theories
in Equations 4 and 5 were not derived from LIT a priori, yet they can be embedded within it in a
consistent manner.
To illustrate this, consider a scalar field φ obeying Equation 4. The conservation law φ̇ = −∇ · J
relates this to the thermodynamic flux J, whose conjugate force is −∇(δF/δφ). Likewise, a ther-
modynamic flux ṅ describes some metabolic chemical process, with conjugate force a chemical
potential difference
μ. Out-of-equilibrium dynamics is maintained by holding either ṅ or
constant (47). Considering here the latter case, LIT requires that the active current Jφ be linear in
μ (although, like J, it can be nonlinear in φ), so that we identify Jφ /
μ C as an off-diagonal
Onsager coefficient (57), yielding
J, ṅ = L − ∇ ,
μ + noise terms, 17.
with an Onsager matrix obeying LJJ = λI (with I the d-dimensional identity); Lṅṅ = γ , a chemical
mobility (such that ṅ = γ
μ in the absence of φ dynamics); and LJṅ = LṅJ = C. This last result
encodes the famous Onsager symmetry, which stems from the underlying reversibility of LIT (25),
so that the form of the active current Jφ also controls the φ coupling in the equation for ṅ. For
Jφ =
μ[(φ)2 ] (13), then ṅ = γ
μ − ∇(δF/δφ) · ∇[(∇φ)2 ]. The covariance of the noise terms
in Equation 17 is set directly by L. The off-diagonal noise depends on φ through C and thus is
multiplicative. The noise terms accordingly include so-called spurious drift contributions, which
ensure that the LIT dynamics reaches Boltzmann equilibrium when neither ṅ nor
μ is held
constant (57).
A crucial assumption of Equation 17 is that φ and n are the only relevant hydrodynamic fields,
so that, on the time and length scales at which they evolve, all other degrees of freedom are ther-
mally equilibrated. Then, the heat Q is given in terms of the entropy production of these fields:
F (t ) − F (0) = W − Q + dr dt ṅ
μ. 19.
The energy balance in Equation 19 offers the hydrodynamic equivalent of the relation among
the particle-based work W, heat Q, and energy U in Equation 15. When neither ṅ nor
μ is
maintained constant, and
μ derives from a free energy (
μ = −δFch /δn), the system achieves
equilibrium, so that Equation 19 reduces to the FLT with respect to the total free energy F +
Fch . When the free-energy F does not change (α̇n = 0), the heat rate equals dr ṅ
μ, which
illustrates that all the activity ultimately stems from the work done by chemical processes. At fixed
μ (say), ṅ depends on φ, so that dr ṅ
μ contains information similar to, but distinct from,
Equation 10 (see discussion in Section 2.4).
2.4.1. Spatial and spectral decompositions of irreversibility. If thermal noise is omitted from
Equation 1, only one IEPR can be defined. This is Sr (see Equation 11), tracking positions only. For
AOUPs with pairwise interaction U = i < j V(ri − rj ), one finds a particle-based decomposition
Sr = i σi (69), where
τ 3
σi = (ṙi − ṙ j ) · ∇i V (ri − r j ) . 20.
4μ f02 j
This shows that particle i contributes most to Sr when its neighbors j have a large relative veloc-
ity ṙi − ṙ j . Thus, collisions between slow and fast particles are the main source of irreversibility.
Interestingly, such collisions lie at the basis of the formation of particle clusters, which can poten-
tially lead to nonequilibrium (or motility-induced) phase separation (15). For a phase-separated
density profile, Equation 20 allows one to distinguish the relative contributions from particles in
different spatial zones. In the dilute phase, collisions are rare so that σ i stays small, whereas in
a dense enough phase, particles barely move so that σ i is again modest. At interfaces, collisions
a 1.4 b 30
1.2 25
1.0 20
0.8 15
0.6 10
0.4 5
0.2 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
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0.5 0.002
σϕ (x)
0 0
D = 0.001
–0.5 –0.002
D = 0.002
D = 0.02
–1.0 –0.004 D = 0.04
–5 5 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
σ(r) x
Figure 2
Spatial decomposition of the informatic entropy production rate. (a) Phase separation of repulsive active particles, with individual σ i
(color-coded via Equation 20) enhanced at the liquid–vapor interface. (b) Time-averaged profiles of particle density ρ and informatic
entropy production rate density σ show that σ is small in both bulks and peaked at the interface. (c) Similar behavior for a conserved
active scalar field φ. Panels a and b adapted from Reference 39; copyright 2017 American Physical Society. Panel c adapted with
permission from Reference 69; copyright 2021 American Physical Society.
between fast and slow particles, entering respectively from dilute and dense zones, lead to locally
high IEPR (see Figure 2).
In the presence of thermal noise, one can also study S ± (45). These IEPRs track the dy-
namics of both position and self-propulsion. The corresponding particle-based quantities, σi+ =
(1/T )ṙi · fi and σi− = (μ/T )∇iU · fi , which take fi to be even and odd, respectively, are minimal
and maximal for particles at rest. This happens when −i U is equal and opposite to fi . In practice,
σi+ is low in the dense phase and high at the interface (like σ i above), whereas σi− decreases grad-
ually from the bulk of the dense phase to the interface. Considering instead polar clusters, which
emerge when aligning interactions are present, σi− is now low in the dense and dilute phases, with a
higher value at the interface (53). Thus, for isotropic particles it is σi+ that exposes the character of
the irreversibility of self-propulsion at interfaces, whereas for aligning particles σi− does so. Each
separately elucidates the role of interfacial self-propulsion to promote and stabilize clustering.
Turning now to field theories, we consider first the simplest scalar model of Equation 4, with
φ a particle density that is even under time reversal. In the spirit of Landau–Ginzburg theory, the
nonequilibrium forcing term Jφ is generally taken as a local function of φ and its gradients and,
hence, is also even (13, 37). The relevant measure of irreversibility reads as S = σ (r)dr, where
σ = J · Jφ /D can be identified as a local IEPR density (39). To lowest order, Jφ contains three
gradients and two fields, giving leading order (in noise) contributions where φ is large, as applies
near the interface in a phase-separated profile (see Figure 2). This corroborates the particle-
based results for active phase separation given above. (Similar principles govern various local IEPR
fies regimes in which activity dominates, and this has been measured in living systems (70–72).
Interestingly, measuring the FDT violation offers a generic route to quantify irreversibility and
dissipation. In passive systems, the Harada–Sasa relation (73) explicitly connects the position au-
tocorrelation Ci , the response function Ri , and the thermodynamic EPR, S. For active particles, it
can be generalized as (35, 74)
dω ω
S+ = ωCi (ω) − 2T Ri (ω) , Sr = 4μω(ω)Ci (ω) − 2Ri (ω) . 21.
μT 2π i
μ 2π
2.4.2. Scaling of irreversibility with dynamical parameters. For generic active dynamics,
one can identify as dynamical parameters the coefficients of active terms of the dynamics. Ex-
amples include the strength of microscopic self-propulsion, fi , for particle-based formulations as
in Equation 1, and the coefficients of nonintegrable terms in field theories, such as the leading-
order contributions [(φ)2 ] and (φ)2 φ within Jφ in Equation 4. Estimating how the various
IEPRs depend on these activity parameters, and on temperature or density, allows one to delineate
equilibrium-like regimes in which TRS is restored either exactly or asymptotically. Thus, obtain-
ing precise scalings for IEPRs is an important step toward understanding how far active dynamics
deviates from equilibrium, e.g., with a view to building a thermodynamic framework, starting with
near-equilibrium cases.
Considering AOUPs in Equation 2, the persistence time is a natural parameter that controls
the distance from the equilibrium limit at τ = 0. This approach allows a systematic perturbative
expansion in τ (at fixed Ta ) for the steady state (35, 52, 69). Expanding the IEPR (here Sr ) shows
the irreversibility to vanish at linear order in τ , even as the statistics differ from the Boltzmann
their being, respectively, low and high in clustered regions, and this trend is unaffected by the
rescaling S ± → S ± τ (80).
Another parameter controlling nonequilibrium effects is the density ρ. In a homogeneous state,
because S − increases as the dynamics slows down, S − increases (decreases) with ρ for isotropic
(aligning) particles. In practice, some detailed scalings can be obtained for isotopic pairwise inter-
actions of the form U = i < j V(ri − rj ). For weak interactions, namely when the amplitude of V
is small compared to those of thermal noise and self-propulsion, S − becomes linear in ρ (80). In
general, it can be written in terms of density correlations, as follows:
T S−
=ρ (∇V )2 − T ∇ 2V g2 (r)dr + ρ 2 (∇V (r)) · (∇V (r ))g3 (r, r )drdr , 22.
where g2 = ij δ(r − ri + rj )/(Nρ) and g3 = ijk δ(r − ri + rj )δ(r − ri + rk )/(Nρ)2 are two-
point and three-point density correlators (81). The integrand in Equation 22 can be regarded as
an integral form of the Yvon–Born–Green relation, which constrains g2 and g3 for passive parti-
cles (82), so that the violation of this relation provides access to S − for active ones. A related form
of Equation 22 has been proposed in terms of g2 − g2,eq , where g2,eq is the two-point correlator for
passive particles with the same potential U (81, 83).
In field theories, IEPRs are generically either linear or quadratic in the activity parameters (for
small parameters) depending on whether they break symmetries of the passive theory (39). The
IEPR scalings with D are mechanistically revealing for both scalar (39) and polar (49) models.
As previously noted, the spatial dependence of IEPR density is informative: Independent scalings
can be seen in different bulk phases and at their interfaces. In general, one finds the following
leading order behavior. (a) σ ∼ D−1 : the deterministic part of the dynamics already breaks TRS,
and very unlikely noise realizations are needed to recreate, for the reversed paths, the opposite of a
deterministic forward motion. (b) σ ∼ D0 : TRS is unbroken deterministically but violated at lowest
order in fluctuations. This may require some spatial symmetry breaking at the deterministic level,
so that the background fields act as a ratchet or rectifier for the fluctuations. (c) TRS is broken
only at higher order, which gives σ ∼ D1 in all cases so far studied, although higher powers are
not ruled out.
For scalar fields exhibiting bulk phase separation, the deterministic dynamics gives a stationary
mean-field profile, so that there is no D−1 contribution. TRS is broken at leading order in fluctu-
ations because of the interface between phases (Figure 2). In uniform bulk phases, irreversibility
emerges only at next order, σ ∼ D1 , suggesting that it arises from interactions between fluctua-
tions. Note that active scalar models can also predict entirely new phases, whose σ scalings remain
subject to investigation (37). The behavior of the thermodynamic EPR, ṅ
μ(r)/D, found by em-
bedding the same model within LIT and including chemical processes, is quite different (57). This
Ps [X ] = p0 [X ] exp (−A[X ] − sB[X ]), 23.
Z (s, t )
where s is the biasing field and Z (s, t ) = e−sB for normalization. Comparing with the canonical
ensemble, one may identify B and s as an (extensive) physical observable and its conjugate (in-
tensive) field, respectively. The field s, according to its sign, biases the distribution toward higher
or lower B. Importantly, the bias has no prejudice about the dynamical mechanism by which B
changes: This allows the system to access fluctuation mechanisms for this quantity that might not
P con [X ]
DKL (P con ||Ps ) = P con [X ] log DX , 25.
Ps [X ]
where DX denotes a path integral. The OCS has limt→∞ t −1 DKL (P con ||Ps ) = 0, so its differences
from Ps are small. From Equations 23–25, one can deduce (34)
1 con
lim A [X ] − A[X ] − sB[X ] con ≤ ψ (s), 26.
t→∞ t
where the average ·con is computed for the controlled system. Equation 26 provides a lower
bound on ψ, which becomes an equality for the OCS. Among all the processes with any given
Bcon , the OCS minimizes A − Acon con . Hence, it provides a mechanism for achieving an atypical
value of B while remaining as close as possible to the original dynamics.
Knowing A, Acon , and B, it suffices to maximize the bound in Equation 26 over the controlled
system to obtain the OCS. The details of this computation depend on the unbiased dynamics of
interest, as discussed extensively in References 34, 99, 100, and 101. In practice, the OCS usually
differs from the original system in two ways: (a) The forces in the original model get modified
We now examine phase transitions in biased ensembles of active particles. Interestingly, they can
lead to the emergence of symmetry breaking without any equivalent in the unbiased dynamics.
Furthermore, biased ensembles also open the door to proposing innovative strategies for designing
active particles to achieve some target collective states.
3.2.1. Biased ensembles for active Brownian particles. To illustrate the behavior of biased
ensembles, we discuss a guiding example for a system of ABPs (94, 105). Section 3.2.2 below
presents biased ensembles of active systems in a wider context. Figure 3 displays the behavior of
biased ensembles for a two-dimensional system of ABPs. Trajectories are biased according to their
active work; that is, B = W̄ in Equation 23, with
W̄[X ] = W̄i [X ], W̄i [X ] = ṙi · fi dt , 27.
w0 0
where the normalization w 0 is chosen so that W̄i = t for noninteracting (or sufficiently dilute)
particles. Physically, W̄ measures how effectively the particles’ propulsive forces are converted into
motion: Freely swimming particles have (W̄i /t ) ≈ 1, whereas those in crowded environments are
impeded by their neighbors, resulting in (W̄i /t ) ≈ 0. Negative W̄i means that a particle’s motion
is opposite to its self-propulsive force, which occurs rarely. Because W̄ is closely related to the
IEPR (Section 2.2), it follows a fluctuation theorem (28): The dynamical free energy of the biased
ensemble obeys ψ(w 0 − s) = ψ(s).
Figure 3 shows how the biasing field modifies the behavior of this system. The following dis-
cussion applies for s < w0 /2; the behavior for larger s can then be obtained via the fluctuation
theorem. For s > 0, the system enters a state that is phase-separated and dynamically arrested (de-
noted PSA). Consistent with the arguments of Section 3.1, this happens because phase separation
is the most natural (or least unlikely) mechanism for particles to collectively reduce their active
work, via local crowding effects. Alternative mechanisms do exist for reduced active work; for ex-
ample, dilute ABPs would have W̄ ≈ 0 during rare fluctuations in which the noise term 2μT ξ i
in Equation 1 is opposite to the propulsion force fi . Collectively, though, these trajectories have
much larger action A than does the PSA state; and for a given value of W̄, the biased ensemble
is dominated by the trajectories of least action. Hence, one observes the PSA state in the biased
This behavior is closely related to that of biased ensembles for equilibrium systems, which can
be analyzed at field-theoretic (or fluctuating hydrodynamic) level using macroscopic fluctuation
theory (MFT) (110). The particle density is a locally conserved field, so large-scale density fluc-
tuations relax on a timescale proportional to L2 (where L is the system size). For large systems,
this slow timescale decouples from particles’ rapid microscopic motion, leading to a theory for the
c d
Figure 3
Behavior in biased ensembles of active Brownian particles, and comparison with controlled systems. The
central panel shows a snapshot of the unbiased dynamics (W̄ W̄). Panels a and b show similar snapshots
of collective motion and phase-separated arrested states (respectively, biased ensembles with s < 0 and s > 0)
associated with atypical W̄. Particles are colored according to their orientations. Panels c and d show how
biased ensembles can be mimicked by control forces (or torques). In panel c, an infinite-ranged interaction
favors orientational alignment; particles with similar colors are aligned with each other, as in panel a. In
panel d, control torques tend to align orientations along density gradients. Particles are colored according to
their control torque strength, which tends to be largest for boundary particles, facilitating phase separation.
Panels a, b, and d adapted with permission from Reference 94; copyright 2019 American Physical Society.
Panel c adapted from Reference 105; copyright 2021 American Physical Society.
density alone. Construction of this theory involves scaling the space–time coordinates, so that the
biasing field s enters via a scaling variable λ = sL2 . For equilibrium steady states, MFT predicts
dynamical phase transitions at finite λ, corresponding to a bias s of order L−2 (88). This argument
applies also in the active case: The result is that sufficiently large systems should phase separate
as soon as s is positive.
To understand this result physically, recall the connection of biased ensembles to optimal con-
trol theory (Equation 26). As well as biased systems, Figure 3 shows those to which control forces
have been applied. To mimic PSA states, a suitable control strategy is to create a macroscopic clus-
ter, whose boundary particles have their self-propulsion forces pointing inward (similar to MIPS
states). This can be achieved by applying torques to the ABP orientations, so that they point along
the local density gradient, stabilizing the phase-separated cluster and increasing its density toward
dynamical arrest (94). Such control forces (or torques) act mostly on the boundary particles, so
that the difference between the action terms in Equation 26 scales as L (i.e., subextensive in the
volume L2 of the system). This is consistent with the irreversibility measure (1/T )ṙi · fi being
high at the interface for a phase-separated profile in the unbiased dynamics (Section 2.4). Because
the subextensive control forces lead to an extensive change in W̄, one can confirm that a PSA state
hydrodynamic theory for the density alone, contrary to the PSA state. Also, the collective motion
phase is found for biasing fields beyond a threshold of s∗ −1/τ , rather than at infinitesimal s
as for PSA. These observations are related: In the PSA state, the response to the bias takes place
by a slow (hydrodynamic) field, for which the natural scale is s ∼ L−2 ; for the collective motion
state, the response occurs by a fast field, which requires s of order unity. In fact, responses to small
biasing fields s are generically dominated by slow hydrodynamic modes (34). If the quantity B
couples to these, it responds strongly at small s (87, 88). By contrast, for s of order unity, an accu-
rate description of the large-scale, bias-induced atypical dynamics may require analysis of fields
(like polarization in this example) that are negligible for hydrodynamic descriptions of typical
We now consider a coarse-grained (hydrodynamic) theory that captures the collective motion
in biased ensembles with low active work. This reinforces the correspondence between particle
models and field-theoretic descriptions. As noted above, describing the onset of collective motion
at s ∼ s∗ requires consideration of a polarization field p alongside the density φ, as in Equations 4
and 5:
J = v(φ)p − Dc (φ)∇φ + 2M(φ)φ , ṗ = F(φ, p) + 2D p , 28.
3.2.2. Generic features of biased ensembles in active systems. We now discuss the insights
from the previous example in a broader context. First, note that biasing the active work can create
mechanisms; so this behavior under bias should be generic. Indeed, the results of References 80,
81, 94, 104, 105, and 111 cover a range of different active systems, including lattice models as
well as AOUPs and ABPs. Dynamical arrest in biased ensembles also has a counterpart in passive
glassy systems (32, 34, 91), and can be explained by general principles that couple biasing fields to
metastable states (34).
All these results concern systems in which the observable B is defined as a sum over all particles.
Instead, B may refer to a tagged particle within a large system (113–115). Perhaps surprisingly,
results for equilibrium systems show that applying such bias to a single particle can generate a
macroscopic response (116). This is because of coupling of the biased quantity to the slow (hy-
drodynamic) density fluctuations, as described by MFT. In active systems, the results of Refer-
ences 113 and 115 indicate a rich behavior for large deviations of the single-particle active work,
which appears related to a coupling with collective (long-ranged) density fluctuations. However,
fluctuations of the single-particle current were explained in Reference 114 by a local argument
based on a density-dependent velocity.
The tools of stochastic thermodynamics, first introduced for thermodynamically consistent mod-
els (27, 28, 40), provide fruitful insights when analyzing the consequences of irreversibility in active
dynamics. The framework has to be carefully adapted, because various thermodynamic relations
do not carry over a priori. For instance, the usual connections among irreversibility, entropy pro-
duction, and dissipation of energy need to be revisited (Sections 2.2 and 2.3). The FLT no longer
holds in its standard form, which is a fact that strongly influences the behavior of engines using
an active working substance (62). However, the IEPR can be defined without reference to the first
law directly in terms of forward and backward path probabilities. This makes it a useful measure
of irreversibility in active systems. In contrast with equilibrium, care is now needed in choosing
which coarse-grained quantities change sign on time reversal: Different choices yield different
information on how TRS is broken.
Importantly, measuring irreversibility via IEPR can provide a systematic approach for evalu-
ating the distance of active dynamics from an equilibrium reference. This allows one to pinpoint
regimes (such as specific bulk phases, or interfaces between these) where activity plays a major role,
and rationalize the mechanisms whereby self-propulsion at the particle scale stabilizes collective
effects with no equilibrium equivalent (Section 2.4). As reviewed above, this approach has been
validated in several settings, involving either particle-based or field-level dynamics for scalar and
polar materials, but much remains to be explored beyond these examples. In particular, it would
be interesting to consider active nematics (14).
in active matter models could therefore help establish ground rules for their wider application in
systems that are far from equilibrium.
The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
The authors acknowledge insightful discussions with Øyvind L. Borthne, Fernando Caballero,
Timothy Ekeh, Yann-Edwin Keta, Yuting Irene Li, Tomer Markovich, Cesare Nardini, Takahiro
Nemoto, Patrick Pietzonka, Sriram Ramaswamy, Udo Seifert, Thomas Speck, Julien Tailleur,
Elsen Tjhung, Laura Tociu, Suriyanarayanan Vaikuntanathan, and Frédéric van Wijland. É.F. ac-
knowledges support from an ATTRACT Grant of the Luxembourg National Research Fund.
M.E.C. is funded by the Royal Society. This work was funded in part by the National Science
Foundation, Grant No. NSF PHY-1748958, and the European Research Council under the
Horizon 2020 Programme, Grant No. 740269.
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